「send away」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)

send awayに関連する類語一覧

意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
仕事を終了する terminate the employment of can, fire, give the axe, sack, dismiss, terminate, displace, give the sack, give notice, force out, send away 詳しく見る
関係することをやめる stop associating with dismiss, send packing, send away, drop 詳しく見る


can, fire, give the axe, sack, dismiss, terminate, displace, give the sack, give notice, force out, send away

首にする、 職を免ずる、 免職、 馘首、 首切る、 首斬る、 罷免、 罷めさせる

この場合の「can, fire, give the axe, sack, dismiss, terminate, displace, give the sack, give notice, force out, send away」の意味

terminate the employment of


「仕事を終了する」の意味で使われる「can, fire, give the axe, sack, dismiss, terminate, displace, give the sack, give notice, force out, send away」の例文

The boss fired his secretary today


The company terminated 25% of its workers





retire, pension off, clean out, lay off, furlough, squeeze out, dismiss, send packing, send away, drop


dismiss, send packing, send away, drop

断る、 断わる、 下げる

この場合の「dismiss, send packing, send away, drop」の意味

stop associating with


「関係することをやめる」の意味で使われる「dismiss, send packing, send away, drop」の例文

They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock



can, fire, give the axe, sack, dismiss, terminate, displace, give the sack, give notice, force out, send away

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