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The European Central Bank is Europe's equivalent of the Federal Reserve - 日本語WordNet


Central Banks continue to stand ready to provide liquidity to banks as required. - 財務省

この制度では、連邦準備銀行や、 国の中央銀行が、 銀行が保有する準備金の割合を決めることが、 法的に許可されています。例文帳に追加

The way it works is that the federal reserve or the central bank in any country is legally allowed to determine the amount of bank must have on reserve. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Central Banks stand ready to provide liquidity to banks as required. - 財務省



For the intervention, commercial banks purchase foreign currencies from companies and the central banks acquires them from commercial banks to accumulate foreign exchange reserves. - 経済産業省



To enable the register of a reception order, order confirmation, call or the like in a bank and enable the change or the like of an order corresponding to movement or a matter or the like of a service claimant during the order waiting of the service claimant. - 特許庁


We, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met today to prepare for the Leaders' London Summit. - 財務省


So, Japanese military, according to the development of the war, used various kinds of military currency, as well as the bank notes issued by Federal Reserve Bank Of China and Central Reserve Bank Of China under the then puppet government. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Central Bank is a bank that deals mainly with other banks and the government and assumes broad responsibilities in the interests of the national economy apart from the earning of profits. - Tatoeba例文



Central Bank is a bank that deals mainly with other banks and the government and assumes broad responsibilities in the interests of the national economy apart from the earning of profits. - Tanaka Corpus



Standard setters, market participants, supervisors and central banks should not rely mechanistically on external credit ratings. - 財務省

また、財務大臣・中央銀行総裁代理に対し、AMRO の国際機関化に向けた準備を加速することを指示。例文帳に追加

We also instructed the Deputies to accelerate the preparation to institutionalize AMRO as an international organization. - 財務省

・ 中国人民銀行(中央銀行)の高官は、外貨準備を原油や他の戦略的資源に投資することで、運用先の多様化を図るべきとの考えを示した。例文帳に追加

- The ranking official of the People's Bank of China (central bank) expressed the idea that the target for foreign reserves should be diversified into oil and other strategic resources. - 経済産業省


In mid-September, the European Commission’s draft plan for a mechanism of unified banking supervision was announced.The European Stability Mechanism has just been launched on October 8.We welcome such positive developments. - 財務省


We welcome the ongoing work by the FSB on adherence to supervisory and regulatory information exchange and cooperation standards and look forward to a further public statement on progress under the initiative ahead of the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governorsmeeting in November 2012. - 財務省


An aluminum oxide membrane 2, a conductive polymer layer 3, and silver layers 4a, 4b are sequentially formed on one surface of an alminum film 1, meanwhile, solder layers 5a, 5b are formed at the parts corresponding to the silver layers 4a, 4b on a glass plate 10. - 特許庁

第十九条 日本国以外の国の中央銀行又はこれに準ずる金融当局(次項において「外国中央銀行等」という。)は、その有する財産に対する保全処分及び民事執行の手続については、第二条第一号から第三号までに該当しない場合においても、これを外国等とみなし、第四条並びに第十七条第一項及び第二項の規定を適用する。例文帳に追加

Article 19 (1) The central bank of a State other than Japan or the financial authorities equivalent thereto (referred to as a "Foreign Central Bank, etc." in the following paragraph) shall be deemed to be a Foreign State, etc. for purposes of an execution of a temporary restraining order or a civil execution procedures against property held by the Foreign Central Bank, etc., even in cases where it does not fall within the requirements of Article 2, item (i) through item (iii), and the provisions of Article 4 and Article 17, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall apply. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide an absorbent capable of eliminating the problems in an absorbent of minute impurities such as mercury, arsenic, and sulfur contained in hydrocarbons and efficiently, continuously, and stably removing them for a long time and a method for removing the same. - 特許庁


I understand that major countriescentral banks are said to be preparing coordinated actions to provide liquidity in case confusion should arise after the Greek election. Could you tell me about your opinion and facts concerning that? - 金融庁


We support the progress made by the IMF, working in close cooperation with the BIS, central banks and other relevant authorities, indeveloping a code of best practices for monetary and financial policy transparency, the completion by the IASC of its core set of internationally agreed standards and the progress the OECD has made on its principles of corporate governance. - 財務省


Governments, and central banks of major advanced countries were terminating or reducing their economic-stimulus measures implemented after the crisis, as the private sector demands such as personal spending and business investment were rising. - 経済産業省


However, in 1706 the grade of Chogin was further lowered, and the Tsushima Domain tried to negotiate with the Korean side by paying additional payment according to the grade of the silver content; however, along with the low grade of the coin, the amount of ginseng harvested fell because of the bad weather, and so the negotiation fell apart and the Tsushima Domain received a termination notice of the trade from the Korean side again. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was hoped that the ABF1 would facilitate the channeling of some of the abundant foreign exchange reserves held by the Asian economies back into the bond markets in the region and contribute to risk dispersion of the foreign-currency assets held by the central banks of Asia and their improved profitability. - 経済産業省


We ask the FSB to report to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their February meeting on progress made in this area by standard setters and jurisdictions against these principles. - 財務省


In addition to the ASEAN+3 processes, the ExecutivesMeeting of East Asia and Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP) process has launched the “Asian Bond Fund 2”, which aims at investing a part of foreign reserves in sovereign and quasi-sovereign local currency-dominated bonds. - 財務省


To provide a method for producing a silver ingot using silver powder by which dissolution of oxygen into molten silver is suppressed inexpensively by a simple means thereby the silver ingot excellent in a surface state and workability, and at the same time if necessary, having low content of impurity elements is produced. - 特許庁


Namibia has taken steps towards improving its AML/CFT regime, including by improving supervision of financial institutions for AML/CFT compliance and issuing a Central Bank Determination which allows for penalties. - 財務省

・ ロシア中央銀行のウリュカエフ第1 副総裁は29 日、外貨準備における米国債比率を引き下げる計画はないとした上で、将来的にはカナダドルや豪ドルなどを加える可能性があることを明らかにした。例文帳に追加

- Central Bank of Russia First Deputy Chairman Ulyukaev made clear on the 29th that there was no plan to reduce the ratio of U.S. treasuries held in foreign reserves in addition to the possibility that the Canadian dollar or Australian dollar could be added in the future. - 経済産業省


We call upon the FSB and the FATF to report to the next G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' meeting on adoption and implementation by countries. - 財務省

フランス、ドイツ連邦共和国(西ドイツ)、日本、英国及び米国の大蔵大臣及び中央銀行総裁は、本日、1985 年9月 22 日、相互のサーベイランスを行う合意との関連で、また、韓国のソウルでの来たるべき会合におけるより広範な国際的討議の準備の一部として会合を持った。例文帳に追加

Ministers of Finance and Central Bank Governors of France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States met today, September 22, 1985, in the context of their agreement to conduct mutual surveillance and as part of their preparations for wider international discussions at the forthcoming meetings in Seoul, Korea. - 財務省


We, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met with a sense of urgency to fully address the economic challenges facing us today in preparation for the Seoul Summit. - 財務省


To enhance credibility, we encourage countries to articulate publicly their adoption of standards, announce their plans of action and participate in IMF-led assessment programs. In this regard, we welcome the commitments by the G-20 Ministers and Governors and by the Western Hemisphere Finance Ministers. - 財務省


As the economy entered the high-growth period, large enterprises began mass hiring of first junior high school graduates, and then senior high school and university graduates, as permanent employees, and the wage level of younger workers rose. SMEs raised their wages in response, but found it difficult to acquire sufficient young labor, and so increasingly turned to hiring workers mid-career, including middle-aged and older workers. - 経済産業省


We reaffirm our commitment to reduce authorities' and financial institutions' reliance on external credit ratings, and call on standard setters, market participants, supervisors and central banks to implement the agreed FSB principles and end practices that rely mechanistically on these ratings. - 財務省


A large amount of investment to the United States from these various Asian countries was in the form of dollar-based reserves of central banks and government organizations that were invested in government bonds and bonds from organizations. - 経済産業省


A base layer, a silver-base metallic layer and a silicon oxide layer are successively disposed on a rugged layer formed on a polymer film by coating the film with fine particles and a binder in such a way that the weight of the film is adjusted to a specified weight range. - 特許庁


An underlayer, a silver-base metal layer and a silicon dioxide layer are formed successively on a rugged layer formed on a polymer film by applying fine particles and a binder, in such a way that the weight is adjusted to be in a specified weight range. - 特許庁


Welcome the actions by Euro Area member states to put public finances on a sustainable path by them and some other European Union states to respond to membersneeds through financial support and a new European Stabilization Mechanism;Welcome the commitment of the Euro Area member states to involve the International Monetary Fund in financial support under the European Stabilization Mechanism;Support the measures taken by the European Central Bank; andUnderscore the important role of coordination among G7 central banks which have committed to redeploy the bilateral swap arrangements between the Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, and the Swiss National Bank. - 財務省


We welcome the forthcoming GPFI conference on standard setting bodies and financial inclusion as a means of helping to create an enabling regulatory environment, and we call on the GPFI to report progress to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in November. - 財務省

1. 我々、G20財務大臣・中央銀行総裁は、世界経済の回復及び強固で持続可能かつ均衡ある成長への移行を確実なものとし、金融規制改革と国際金融機関に関する我々の課題が順調に進んでいることを確かめるため、ワシントンDCにて会合した。例文帳に追加

1. We, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, met in Washington D.C. to ensure the global economic recovery and the transition to a strong, sustainable and balanced growth as well as our agendas for the financial regulatory reform and international financial institutions remain on track. - 財務省


In these countries, government agencies such as the central bank are mainly investing in the United States (United States treasury bonds and bonds from organizations) with the purpose of moving into dollar-based exchange reserves. - 経済産業省


To provide a method which is applicable to industrial mass production and separates and purifies mimosine from Leucaena leucocephala, a plant of the family Leguminosae, widely distributed in a subtropical area in a high purity at a low cost, a method for detecting an optical purity, which is useful for quality control of purified mimosine and a method for producing a mimosine derivative, which is useful for producing a mimosine-introduced peptide. - 特許庁


An adhesive-self-adhesive layer containing a dye in such an amount as not to deprive transparency is formed on a reflecting member obtained by successively disposing an underlayer, a silver layer, a silver-base alloy layer and a silicon oxide layer on a rugged layer formed on a polymer film by applying fine particles and a binder in such a way that the weight is adjusted to a specified range. - 特許庁


I understand that this is a timely, extremely important question. On September 12, a meeting was held in Basel, Switzerland to examine global minimum capital standards and its phased implementation. From Japan, the FSA Commissioner attended the meeting. - 金融庁


The lubricant composition with excellent rust preventing property and reduced sludge formation, suitable for industrial lubricant such as hydraulic working fluid, etc., is formed by adding aspartic acid derivative and epoxylated ester compound as additives to a base oil composed of highly purified base oil or synthetic oil containing300 ppm of sulfur content. - 特許庁

金融機関がお互いにどの程度の信用リスクを有するのかといった疑念が生じ、欧米の短期金融市場の機能が著しく低下する中、8 月 9 日以降、欧米の中央銀行による短期金融市場に対する大量の資金供給や、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB、Federal Reserve Board)等による短期金利の引下げや資金供給手段の拡充などが行われている。例文帳に追加

The functions of U.S. and European short-term money markets weakened considerably, with mutual suspicion arising among financial institutions about the extent to which each was exposed to credit risk. Under these circumstances, U.S. and European central banks have been providing large amounts of liquidity to short-term money markets, and the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) and some others have been taking such measures as lowering short-term interest rates and expanding the means of providing funding since August 9. - 金融庁


The meeting of the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervisors held in July clearly stated in its announcement that the requirement standards and phased-in arrangements will be examined again at a meeting to be held this month. - 金融庁


The nitride layer 3 is formed sequentially with a conductive polymer layer 4 consisting of polypyrrole to cover around the nitride layer 3; and a cathode 5, with a first conductive layer 5a containing carbon grains, and a second conductive layer 5b containing silver grains to cover around the first conductive layer 5a. - 特許庁

この関連で、AMRO に対し、具体的な日程を含めたワーク・プランの準備を求めるとともに、 シンガポールに対し、AMRO と協力して、条約の第一次ドラフトの作成を求める、財務大臣・中央銀行総裁代理の決定を承認。例文帳に追加

In this regard, we endorsed the Deputies' decisions to urge AMRO to prepare a work plan, including a concrete timeline, and Singapore to work with AMRO to come up with the first draft of the treaty. We also affirmed the importance of concluding the Host Country Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between AMRO and Singapore to clearly define the responsibility of the Host Country. - 財務省



From this standpoint, I welcome the decisions of the IMF and the World Bank in March 2004 to endorse the revised FATF 40 and the eight special recommendations as the new international standard for preparing Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSCs), to make Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) assessments a regular part of their work in the context of FSAPs and Offshore Financial Center (OFC)assessments, and to become fully accountable for AML/CFT assessments. - 財務省

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