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| 意味 | 例文 (8件) | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | |


該当件数 : 8



When he used a toothpick to stroke a tooth of a man who did not believe the magic described above, the man's tooth dangled as if it would fall out. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The holder for toothbrushes includes both a twig-like supporting rod 14 fixed to a mounting base and raised; a holder part 16 provided for the upper end side of the twig-like supporting rod for hooking toothbrushes, and a freely bending part 20 is provided at an intermediate position of the twig-like supporting rod. - 特許庁


Since bleeding from the gum is caused by accident in the case of using the toothpick or since the conventional thread toothpick is made of thread, germs increase in summer, so it is not good in view of oral hygiene. - 特許庁


The valve support 20B assumes comb teeth in which four branches 23a, 23b, 23c, 23d extend from the base part 22 in such a way as to mate with four holes 8 forming a discharge hole of a cylinder, where the tips of the branches are located over the respective holes 8. - 特許庁



The common upper layer electrode 36 and common lower layer electrode 37 each are formed of comb-shaped electrodes consisting of base electrodes 42, 44 and a plurality of branch electrodes 43, 45 extending from the base electrodes to each piezoelectric layer 31. - 特許庁



The buried photodiode BPD as seen from above has a comb form, wherein one part 20 is branched into an array of a plurality of branch parts 22, and the electrodes 16 of the MOS diodes 18 as seen from above are arranged to interdigitate with the plurality of branch parts 22 of the buried photodiode BPD. - 特許庁


The electrodes 164 have an interdigital shape wherein one-end sides of the plurality of branch portions 164y are connected to one another, intervals of the electrodes 164 of pixels adjacent in the direction of the slits are 5 to 15 μm in plan view. - 特許庁



The holder part has both a holder body connected to the upper end side of the twig-like supporting rod 14 and one or a plurality of holding rods connected to the holder body for receiving at least shaft parts of toothbrushes in such a way as to be freely inserted and removed and elastically hold them from both sides when inserted. - 特許庁

| 意味 | 例文 (8件) | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | |

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