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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 予備的診断の意味・解説 > 予備的診断に関連した英語例文


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| 意味 | 例文 (4件) | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | |


該当件数 : 4


続いて追加な試験問題を使用してこの予備 診断の精度が高められる。例文帳に追加

In succession, the additional examination question is used and the accuracy of the preliminary diagnosis is enhanced. - 特許庁

暖機カウンタのカウント値が所定値を越えた後(エンジン暖機終了後)に、異常診断実行条件が成立すると、燃料系の異常の有無を予備 診断する一次診断を実行する(ステップ101〜108)。例文帳に追加

When the conditions to execute diagnosis are satisfied after the count value of an warming counter exceeds a specified value (after the finish of engine warming), primary diagnosis is carried out for preliminary diagnosing the presence and absence of abnormality in the fuel system (Steps 101 to 108). - 特許庁


A service processor 3 periodically performs the fault diagnosis of a standby processor 2 on the basis of a service program 20 stored in an external storage device 5, selects one of operation processors 1-1 to 1-n according to a prescribed order, and requests the changeover of the selected operation processor to an operating system 10. - 特許庁


多肢選択問題に対する誤答に示されている種々の誤認要素誤答パターンを通じてまたは拘束された自由解答項目に対してのユーザの解答の場合はコード付けされた解答分類を通じて所与の試験質問に対するユーザの解答を評価し、ユーザの知識および/または受験習熟度の欠陥の予備 診断を行う。例文帳に追加

In the case of the user's answers for the free answer items through or restrained by the various false recognition element distractor patterns indicated in the distractor errors for the multiple-choice questions, the user's answer to the prescribed examination question is evaluated through a coded answer classification and the preliminary diagnosis of the users knowledge and/or a deficiency in the degree of mastering in taking the examination is carried out. - 特許庁

| 意味 | 例文 (4件) | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | |

| 索引トップ用語の索引 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |


| | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | 特許庁 | Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved. |