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該当件数 : 103

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An elastic section 1 having a base section attached subsidiary elasticity 3 formed inside of an angle fitting section 11 constituting the guard angle supporting metal fixture A in a fittable manner and slightly projecting an inside section to a punching outside is provided and, at the same time, the backward end of the elastic section 1 is bent and extended to form a setting section 4 with a specific length. - 特許庁

特に、地域毎に行われた調査を見てみると、農村部(図表10)と都市郊外(図表 11)の二類型の地域で問題が深刻化している場合が多い。ただし、その二つでは状況が若異なる。②農村部の状況まず、農村部では、過疎化がかなりの程度まで進展しているため、近隣型の商店報道等では「買い物難民」と呼ばれることが多いが、「難民」は「(政治的・宗教的事情から)ある土地を離れて避難する人々」を指すことが多いため、当報告書ではより広義に困難な状況にある人を意味する「弱者」を用いている。例文帳に追加

In particular, when we see the survey conducted concerning each region, there are many cases where the problem is already serious in the two types of local communities; that is, 17 Although the expression "shopping refugee" is frequently used in some news media, because the word "refugee" is often used to indicate "those who have left a land (from political or religious reasons) to take refuge, the expression "people with limited access to shopping facilities" is used in this report to denote, in a wide sense, those who are in some difficult situation. - 経済産業省



The wireless base station consists of a beam forming section, that simultaneously forms beams subjected to space division, antenna elements that emits the beams to the wireless terminals to transfer the signal to the wireless terminals, and a scheduling processing section that assigns a communication band to the wireless terminals respectively, so as to prevent the occurrence of interference among the signals transferred to frames corresponding to at least any of the beams by different frames. - 特許庁

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| 索引トップ用語の索引 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |


| | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 経済産業省 | Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved. |

| | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | 特許庁 | Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved. |