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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 流木路に関連した英語例文


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該当件数 : 6


此也是能倭尓四手者我戀**流木路尓有云名二負勢能山 巻1-35例文帳に追加

The original waka (in the "Manyoshu," volume 1-35) is written as follows: " 四手 **流 木**尓" (Koreya kono Yamato nishite ha waga kouru Kiji ni arito iu na ni ou Seinoyama). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a micro waterwheel generator for a small water channel having no inducting cause for flood damage by driftwoods, trashes and the like even when directly installed in a river, an agricultural irrigation canal or the like and having superior space efficiency and mechanical efficiency. - 特許庁


To provide a protective barrier of a fish way dam outlet capable of maintaining functions of driftwood/boulder stop for a long period and forming a hydrostatic section in an outlet section of a fish pass waterway. - 特許庁


To provide a sluiceway and a sluice pipe gate capable of completely and smoothly draining the internal water without providing a level difference in a waterway and eliminating a fear that floodwood or the like is caught in a gap between the door body and the opening edge. - 特許庁



To prevent the dust removing performance of a dust remover installed in an intake channel from being lowered by stopping the inflow of floating matters such as industrial waste and drift wood flowing from a main river into an intake port. - 特許庁



The wood chip obtained from driftwood or the like is mixed with soil having more than 30% of water content, and after at least the surface of the wood chip is in a swelling state, a consolidated agent containing polymer emulsion is mixed with the mixture, the mixture is leveled on a base course 1, and it is rolled to obtain the pavement 2. - 特許庁

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