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Later, after the service had finished without incident, Enryaku-ji temple's legal department issued a statement to reporters, saying that "we want to refuse services for gangs in the future." - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The publicity and transactions management medium is enforced with a client and transactions of the client as a center while being positioned as "a total development system" of the transactions management medium of a medium enterprise for transactions and aresearch/development cost appropriation type fixed form in business. - 特許庁



Even though Shiga Prefectural Police requested a stop to the services, Enryaku-ji Temple refused the request, saying that "this is just a religious service," after which a "Special Eitai Eko" was held in Enryaku-ji temple's Amida-do Hall, a grand ceremony attended by nearly 100 gang members, including top executives. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス