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保守的な社会における 離婚女性という社会的立場にもかかわらず例文帳に追加

Despite her social status as a divorce in an ultraconservative society - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

30歳をえた女性にも 恋愛結婚のチャンスがあるのは当然のことですから例文帳に追加

Thus, women over thirty plainly still have the chance for a loving marriage. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


In the early 1970's, fashion magazines aimed at women, such as anan and non-no were founded, and shops were introduced by such magazines and the ratio of female customers exceeded half; this trend has continued up to the present. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When a woman continues to work in a manner that befits each phase of her lifesuch as marriage and childbirthbeyond the dualism of regular and irregular employment, an issue arises of who assumes responsibility for the housework and childcare, which have been traditionally assumed by the woman. - 経済産業省



Over 2,000 people 7 years and older recommended their two favorite singers/groups for both the red (women's) and white (men's) teams. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


そのスティーブ・マデン 女性達の靴業界で 最もホットな方だ オーダーが許容限度を えてる例文帳に追加

That steve madden is the hottest person, in the women shoe industry, with orders going through the roof at every department store in north america, right now. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Chizuko MIFUNE (July 17, 1886 - January 19, 1911, died at the age of 24) was a woman introduced as a woman of supernatural power having toshi (clairvoyance or second sight power) (parapsychology) by Dr. Tomokichi FUKURAI. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As a result, Edo Ninbetsu Aratame in 1743 (population survey in the Edo period) shows that Edo was populated by 310,000 male and 215,000 female townspeople and samurai adding up to more than 1 million. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a novel hair growth and hair restoration material having excellent efficacy in hair growth and hair restoration for both men and women, even when the components thereof are at ultra-dilute concentrations. - 特許庁

次にテンポラリーワーカーやパートタイムワーカーなど非正規雇用の比率は、若年層(15歳~24 歳)において近年明らかに上昇してきまして、女性についてはもう 50%、男性でも40%をえる高さになっています。例文帳に追加

ext, the number of irregular employment positions, including temporary workers and part-time workers, has evidently increased in recent years among young people from 15 to 24 years old. Fifty percent of women and more than forty percent of men in the workforce are employed in irregular positions. - 厚生労働省


When an excessive amount of radiation above the dose limit was detected for female workers at the TEPCO's Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, the Fukushima Labour Bureau gave a verbal instruction to TEPCO to fully enforce the management of the workers' radiation dose limit. (April 27, 2011) - 厚生労働省


There is a slight difference in meaning between tennyo and the deification of females (goddesses) in folk beliefs; tennyo themselves are rarely portrayed as having supernatural powers, and because they visit the human world only to give messages and to take care of personal tasks (such as bathing), their existence itself is relatively mundane. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

厳しい競争環境の中で、人件費の見直しが行われ、正規雇用は減り、雇用調整が柔軟な非正規雇用の労働者が大幅に増加。 (2011年平均の非正規割合は35.2%(男性は19.9%、女性は54.7%)。2003年は30.4%(初めて非正規割合が3割をえた年)。)例文帳に追加

In a highly competitive environment, a review of labor costs is performed, regular employment is reduced and a significant increase in non-regular workers that is suitable for flexible employment adjustment. (The number of non-regular workers was 35.2 % (male 19.9%, female 54.7%) on average in 2011. 30.4% in 2003 (Non-regular workers exceeded 30% for the first time).) - 厚生労働省



Job training under this system includes: i) Fixed-term practical training: Practical training provided by companies to freeters and other people with little experience of working as a regular worker by employing them for three to six months. ii) System for fostering personnel with practical skills: Training provided by companies mainly to new graduates to develop core personnel by employing them for six months to two years. iii) The Japanese version of the dual system: training provided to freeters and women who have finished raising their children, usually for four months, by private education and training organizations commissioned by the government. These programs provide opportunities to develop vocational capabilities and promote a shift to stable employment. - 経済産業省