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該当件数 : 48


ANNEXES (http://www.seoulsummit.kr/outcomes/) 例文帳に追加

附属書 - 財務省



The Patent Office shall send to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Military Production, the Ministry of Interior or the Ministry of Health, as required, copies of patent applications, with their annexes, that relate to defense, military production, security matters or that have a military, security or health significance, within 10 days from the examination of the application, notifying the applicant thereof within 7 days. 例文帳に追加

特許庁は、国防又は軍需生産又は安全関連又は国防又は安全又は保健的意義を持つ特許出願の謄本と付録を、出願人に出願の審査日から7 日以内に通知して、出願の審査日から10 日以内に、要請に従って国防省、軍需生産省、内務省又は保健省に送らなければならない。 - 特許庁

Additionally, although the details of samurai residences are still not clear to this day, a typical residence consisted of the following up until the Muromachi period: In one building or a building with annexes, various rooms, such as a tosaburai (tosamurai), where samurai gathered, a shinden and taimen-jo (meeting place), where the samurai spent their days, Dei (Idei) as a guest room, Kumonjo (Office of Administration) and a living room, were placed with strong walls and moats surrounding the buildings, and the garden are was also smaller in comparison with Shinden-zukuri style, matching the smaller-sized buildings, and a front garden with a Chumon gate and entranceway was placed instead of the large garden typical of Shinden-zukuri style, and inside courtyard was divided into smaller sections mainly for viewing. 例文帳に追加

そのほか、武家住宅の実態は今日でも十分解明されているとはいい難いが、およそは一棟あるいは棟続きの家屋の中に武士の詰所である遠侍や表座敷としての寝殿、対面所、客間として出居、公文所、居間などの諸室を配して周囲には堅固な塀や堀をめぐらすほか、小規模な家屋に対座して庭空間も寝殿造に比して小面積で、中門や車寄せの前庭が寝殿造の広庭にとってかわり、内庭が分化して鑑賞本位になっているとみられ、この基本構成は室町まで踏襲されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Article 235 (1) Any certification, licensing or other action, and qualification certificates and other documents thereof, made or issued by a foreign state, which are regarded, in accordance with the provisions under Article 131 of the Act, as an aircraft registration certificate under Article 6 of the Act, competence certification under Article 22 of the Act, competence certificate under Article 23 of the Act, aviation medical certification under Article 31 paragraph (1) of the Act, aviation medical certificate under paragraph (2) of the same Article, aviation English proficiency certification under Article 33 paragraph (1), or instrument flight certification under Article 34 paragraph (1) of the Act, shall be those made or issued by the foreign state (in case where an agreement under Article 83-2 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation exists between any foreign state of which the aircraft concerned has nationality and any other foreign state in which the user of the aircraft concerned has its address, limited to the foreign state designated to issue certification for the aircraft concerned, license and take any other action) which is a Contracting State adopting the standards, practices and procedures provided for in the annexes of the Convention on International Civil Aviation or those recognized as appropriate by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. 例文帳に追加

第二百三十五条 法第百三十一条の規定により、法第六条の航空機登録証明書、法第二十二条の規定による技能証明、法第二十三条の技能証明書、法第三十一条第一項の規定による航空身体検査証明、同条第二項の航空身体検査証明書、法第三十三条第一項の規定による航空英語能力証明又は法第三十四条第一項の規定による計器飛行証明とみなされる外国が行つた証明、免許その他の行為及びこれらに係る資格証書その他の文書は、国際民間航空条約の附属書として採択された標準、方式及び手続を採用する締約国たる外国(当該航空機が国籍を有する外国と当該航空機の使用者が住所を有する外国との間に国際民間航空条約第八十三条の二の協定がある場合にあつては、当該協定により当該航空機に係る証明、免許その他の行為を行うこととされた外国に限る。)の行つたもの及び国土交通大臣が適当と認めるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) In accordance with the provisions under Article 131 of the Act, any certification, other actions and certificate concerned and other documents thereof (hereinafter "certification, etc." in this paragraph) of airworthiness, noise and engine emission of an aircraft, made or issued by a foreign state, which are regarded as airworthiness certification under Article 10 paragraph (1) of the Act or an airworthiness certificate under paragraph (7) of the same Article, shall be certification, etc. (in case of certification, etc. for noise level of the aircraft which has installed with turbo-jet engine or turbo-fan engine and its maximum takeoff weight is more than 34,000kgs, to be limited to certification, etc. in compliance with the standards and procedures specified by annex 16 volume I chapter III and Chapter IV to the Convention on International Aviation) made or issued by the foreign state (in case where an agreement under Article 83-2 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation exists between any foreign state of which the aircraft concerned has nationality and any other foreign state in which the user of the aircraft concerned has its address, limited to the foreign state designated to issue certification for the aircraft concerned, license and take any other action) which is a Contracting State adopting the standards, practices and procedures provided for in the annexes of the Convention on International Civil Aviation or those recognized as appropriate by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. 例文帳に追加

2 法第百三十一条の規定により、法第十条第一項の規定による耐空証明又は同条第七項の耐空証明書とみなされる航空機の耐空性、騒音及び発動機の排出物について外国が行つた証明その他の行為及びこれに係る証書その他の文書(以下この項において「証明等」という。)は、国際民間航空条約の附属書として採択された標準、方式及び手続を採用する締約国たる外国(当該航空機が国籍を有する外国と当該航空機の使用者が住所を有する外国との間に国際民間航空条約第八十三条の二の協定がある場合にあつては、当該協定により当該航空機に係る証明、免許その他の行為を行うこととされた外国に限る。)の行つた証明等(ターボジェット発動機又はターボファン発動機を装備する最大離陸重量が三万四千キログラムを超える航空機の騒音についての証明等にあつては、国際民間航空条約の附属書十六第一巻第三章及び第四章の基準に適合することについての証明等に限る。)及び国土交通大臣が適当と認めるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(1) A person shall be deemed to apply a trademark, mark or trade description to goods or service, as the case may be, who- (a) applies it to the goods themselves or services themselves, as the case may be; or (b) applies it to any package in or with which the goods or services, as the case may be, are sold, or exposed for sale, or had possession for sale or for any purpose of trade or manufacture; or (c) places, encloses or annexes any goods or services, as the case may be, which are sold, or are exposed for sale, or had in possession for sale or for any purpose of trademark on manufacture, in or with any package or other things to which a trademarks or mark or trade description has been applied; or (d) applies a trademark or mark trade description any manner reasonable likely to lead to the belief that the goods or services, as the case may be, in connection with which it is used are designated or described by that trademark or mark or trade description; or (e) in relation to the goods or services, as the case may be, uses a trademark or trade description in any sign, advertisement, invoice, catalogue, business letter, business paper, price list, or other commercial document, and goods or services, as the case may be, are delivered to a person in pursuance of a request or order made by reference of the trademark or trade description as so used. 例文帳に追加

(1)次に掲げる者は、商品又は役務(場合に応じ)に係る商標、標章又は商品表示を付するとみなされる。(a)商品自体又は役務自体(場合に応じ)にそれを付する者(b)販売され、販売用に展示され、又は販売目的で、その他の取引目的で、若しくは製造目的で所有される商品又は役務(場合に応じ)の中の包装、又はこれに付帯する包装に対して付する者(c)商標又は標章若しくは商品表示が利用された包装等の中に、又はこれに付帯して、販売され、販売用に展示され、又は販売目的で、若しくは製造における商標としての目的で所有される商品又は役務(場合に応じ)を設ける、取り込む又は付加する者(d)商標又は標章若しくは商品表示が使用される商品又は役務(場合に応じ)が、その商標又は標章若しくは商品表示により指定される又は表示されると信じさせる合理的なおそれがある態様で商標又は標章若しくは商品表示を付する者(e)商品又は役務(場合に応じ)に関連して、標章、広告、請求書、カタログ、商用文、価格表又はその他の商業文書に商標又は商品表示を使用する者であって、かつ、そのように使われる商標又は商品表示を参照して行われる請求又は注文に従って商品又は役務(場合に応じ)が人に提供される場合。 - 特許庁

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| | | | ----------------------------------------------------- | | Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved. |

| | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved. |

| | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Copyright © Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, All Right reserved. |

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