weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)



該当件数 : 5


In "the family record of the Kazanin family," it is written that the shrine was enshrined by FUJIWARA no Mototsune, an adopted child of Yoshifusa, as an guardian god, but in "Doyuki" above, the following story was recorded as a continued story by Moronari; when Shosenko (posthumous name as Daijo Daijin), Mototsune, was in a low position, he saw a fox being beaten by several people so he asked them to give the fox to him and he released it, and the fox appeared in his dream and pledged to remove disasters such as fire if he gave it a place to live, so he gave the fox the present place of enshrinement and made it as a kenzoku (messenger of the gods) of the Munakata deity. 例文帳に追加

『花山院家記』には良房の猶子藤原基経が守護神として祀ったものと記すが、上掲『土右記』には師成の話の続きとして、「昭宣公(基経)の身分がまだ低かった時分、数人の童に捕まり杖で打たれている狐を見かけたので、それを乞い受けて解放すると、夢中にその狐が現れて、住む場所を賜れば火難などの災害を除く力になると誓ったので、現鎮座地をあてがって宗像神の眷属とした」と載せている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
