發 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)

See also: , , and

Stroke order
12 strokes

(Kangxi radical 105, +7, 12 strokes, cangjie input 弓人弓竹水 (NONHE), four-corner 12247, composition𭚧)

simp. *
alternative forms 𤼲𤼵𤼲𤼵 (stirred with water)

| | Old Chinese | | | -------------------------------- | --------------- | | | *pad | | | *pʰaːd, *baːd |

Phono-semantic compound (形聲形声, OC *pad) : semantic (“bow”) + phonetic (OC *pʰaːd, *baːd).

STEDT compares (OC *pad) to Proto-Sino-Tibetan *m-p(r)ats (“to vomit”), whence Proto-Lolo-Burmese *C-pat (“to vomit”) (> Burmese ပစ် (pac, “to shoot, to throw, to eject”)) and Jingpho ǹ-phàt (“to vomit”).

According to Schuessler (2007), this is an area word; compare Proto-Vietic *ɓah (“to vomit”), Mon ပန် (“to shoot”).

A derivation is probably (OC *pads, “to cast aside”).





BaxterSagart system 1.1 (2014)
Reading # 1/1
MiddleChinese pjot
OldChinese /*Cə.pat/
English fly forth, send forth
Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system: * Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence; * Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p; * Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix; * Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary; * Period "." indicates syllable boundary.
Zhengzhang system (2003)
Reading # 1/1
No. 164
Rimesubdivision 1
CorrespondingMC rime
OldChinese /*pad/

  1. to shoot; to launch
    shè ― to shoot; (of space vehicle) to launch
  2. to issue
    ― to release
    號施令号施令hàoshīlìng ― to give orders
    1. to distribute
      xíng ― to distribute; to circulate; to issue (securities)
      傳單传单 chuándān ― to distribute leaflets
      工資工资 gōngzī ― to pay out wages
    2. to ship; to send for delivery
      huò ― to ship goods
    3. to post; to send message
      diàn ― to send a telegram
      微博微博 Wēibó ― to post an update to Weibo
      推特推特 Tuītè ― to post an update to Twitter; to tweet
      cuò qún ― to post to the wrong group
      電子郵件电子邮件 diànzǐyóujiàn ― to send an e-mail
    4. to publish
      kān ― to publish (in press media)
      論文论文biǎo lùnwén ― to publish a research work
    5. to emit
      guāng ― to emit light
      yīn ― to pronounce; to vocalise
      huàn ― (figuratively) to radiate
    6. to escape
      sàn ― to diverge
      zhēng ― to evaporate
      huīxìng ― volatility
    7. (chiefly of plants or plant parts) to grow out; (of flowers) to blossom
      ― to germinate
    8. (Hokkien) to grow out (teeth, etc.)
      喙齒出來。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
      喙齿出来。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
      Chhùi-khí hoat chhut-lâi ah. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
      The teeth have grown out.
  3. to depart; to leave
    shǐzhàn ― station of departure
    北京列車北京列车 wǎng Běijīng de lièchē ― train leaving for Beijing
  4. to dispatch
    bīng ― to dispatch troops
    zhēng ― to requisition
  5. to expand; to extend; to spread
    yáng ― to promote
    zhǎn ― to develop; to enhance
    tiáocoiled spring; clockwork (literally, “expanding strip)”)
    1. to rise; to emerge
      ― to rise to prominence
    2. (colloquial) to gain wealth; to become rich; to make a fortune
      。/。 ― le. ― He has made a fortune.
      這氣。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
      这气。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
      I chit-khùi leh hoat. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
      He's making a fortune at this time.
    3. (of food) to rise, expand, or become porous, especially as a result of leavening
      gāofa gao (a porous rice dessert)
      還沒。/还没。 ― Miàn háiméi hǎo. ― The dough has not yet fully risen.
      1. (Mainland China Hokkien) to become fluffy and large or bloom like a flower due to leavening
        粿。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
        粿。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
        Chit sn̂g hoat-ké ū hoat. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
        This basket of fa gao has bloomed like a flower.
  6. to initiate; to give start to
    dòng ― to start (an engine)
    spontaneous; voluntary (literally, “self-initiated”)
    制人制人hòuzhìrén ― to overpower the opponent by reacting to their (ill-advised) initiative; to win by not striking the first
    ― to stimulate
  7. to generate; to produce
    diàn ― to generate electric power
  8. to become; to get into a certain state
    shāo ― to have a fever
    kuáng ― to go mad
    dāi ― to be in a daze
    qíng ― to be in oestrus
    jué ― to become aware
  9. ⁜ to open; to remove what seals, blocks, or shuts
    jué ― to excavate; to unearth; (figurative) to develop
    rèn ― to start (literally, “to unblock the wheels”)
    xiàn ― to discover; discovery
  10. to make manifest; to express; to act out
    shì ― to swear an oath
    ― to act out one's anger; to hit out
    jiē ― to expose (wrongdoing, scandal, etc.)
    意見意见biǎo yìjiàn ― to express one's opinions
    chóu ― to be anxious
  11. (figurative, of the mind) to make clear; to enlighten; to open up; to stimulate
    míng ― to explain clearly; to invent
    ― to inspire; to enlighten
  1. Classifier for ammunition.
    炮彈炮弹 pàodàn ― one shell
  2. (slang) Classifier for ejaculation.
  3. (Hokkien) to show effect; to break out
    。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
    。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
    Io̍h sèng bē hoat. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
    The effect of the medicine hasn't shown yet.
  4. (Mainland China Hokkien) to go bad; to deteriorate; to become rotten
    。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
    。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
    Bí khǹg kah hoat khì. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
    The rice was stored until it went bad.
  5. (Xiamen and Zhangzhou Hokkien) to have quicklime react by mixing with water
    。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
    。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
    Hoe hoat kah chin thàu. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
    The lime reacted with water pretty thoroughly.
  6. (Zhangzhou Hokkien) stirred with water and squeezed repeatedly becoming dense and flexible (of flour, earth, etc.)


  1. bent; crooked
  2. † Used in 發發发发 (bōbō, “numerous; sound of strong wind or fish jumping”).

  1. (Cantonese) Alternative form of 𢪎 (“to whip; to whisk”)

For pronunciation and definitions of – see (“to sprout”).
(This character is a variant form of ).

(Hyōgai kanji, kyūjitai kanji, shinjitai form )

  1. Kyūjitai form of
Kanji in this term
For pronunciation and definitions of 發 – see the following entry.
】3 [kanji] third grade kanji[kanji] set off, depart [kanji] start from [kanji] emit [kanji] discharge [kanji] disclose [kanji] occur
(This term, , is the kyūjitai of the above term.)
Kanji in this term
For pronunciation and definitions of 發 – see the following entry.
𤼵】H [kanji] hyōgai kanji
(This term, , is the kyūjitai of the above term.)

From Middle Chinese (MC pjot).

Historical Readings
Dongguk Jeongun Reading
Dongguk Jeongun, 1448 버ᇙ〮 (Yale: pélq)
Middle Korean
Text Eumhun
Gloss (hun) Reading
Sinjeung Yuhap, 1576 베플 (Yale: peyphul) (Yale: pal)


(eumhun (pil bal))

  1. hanja form? of (“to shoot; to emit; to discharge”) [affix]
  2. hanja form? of (“departing from; originating from”) [suffix]


發: Hán Nôm readings: phát, phắt, phết

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