Flavio K Fiuza-Moura | FEA USP (original) (raw)

Published Papers by Flavio K Fiuza-Moura

Research paper thumbnail of Discriminação salarial por gênero e cor no Brasil uma herança secular

This paper examines wage differentials and the effects of gender and color discrimination in the ... more This paper examines wage differentials and the effects of gender and color discrimination in the Brazilian labor market in 2002 and 2013. With the PNAD microdata, mincerian equations were estimated and applied in the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. The results indicate positive earnings returns for education, experience, urban regions, leadership occupations, mainly in the Southeast and South of the country, with advantages for white men. It was found that the wage differences by gender and color increased, since the discrimination presented a slight reduction in the period. However, it has hit hard nonwhite women.

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Research paper thumbnail of Análise das Receitas do ITBI nos Principais Municípios do Rio Grande do Sul

As receitas tributárias são necessárias para fazer frente às despesas com os serviços característ... more As receitas tributárias são necessárias para fazer frente às despesas com os serviços característicos de Estados que são demandados pela sociedade. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é aferir o comportamento das receitas per capita do Imposto sobre Transferências de Bens Imóveis (ITBI) entre o município de Porto Alegre e as cidades de Caxias do Sul, Pelotas, Canoas, Santa Maria, Gravataí, Viamão, Novo Hamburgo e São Leopoldo, no período de 1998 a 2011, sob os impactos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF). Para isso, utiliza-se o modelo econométrico de Ajuste de Poligonais para medir se houve quebra estrutural, em 2005 dos nove municípios avaliados, bem como identificar o comportamento das receitas do ITBI no segundo período a partir do município de Porto Alegre. Os resultados econométricos demostraram que os demais municípios avaliados alcançaram taxas de variações positivas na participação per capita do ITBI, no período de 2005-2011, comparados a Porto Alegre.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diferencial salarial segundo a condição de migração e gênero nos estados da região sul do Brasil

Este trabalho analisa a diferença salarial segundo a condição de migração e sexo da população dos... more Este trabalho analisa a diferença salarial segundo a condição de migração e sexo da população dos estados do Sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul), a partir dos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios – 2013. Para isso,
calculam-se as equações de rendimentos, o procedimento de Heckman e a decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder. Os resultados revelam que o estado do Paraná tem maior participação relativa de migrantes da Região Sul, seguido por Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. A Região apresenta um salário superior para migrantes, tanto para os homens como para as mulheres, compatível com a literatura sobre o tema. Os homens possuem um salário superior, tanto nos grupos de não migrantes como nos de migrantes, e a maior diferença salarial por sexo ocorre na população migrante. Há discriminação salarial por sexo entre
migrantes e não migrantes, sendo maior entre os migrantes. O efeito migratório sobre os salários das mulheres é de aproximadamente 15%, favorável às migrantes, e dos homens é de aproximadamente 38% favorável aos migrantes.

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ABSTRACT: This paper aims to analyze the wage gap caused by migration status and gender of the po... more ABSTRACT: This paper aims to analyze the wage gap caused by migration status and gender of the population residing in the state of Bahia. We estimated wage equations with the Heckman sample selection bias correction procedure and we deployed the Oaxaca-Blinder method for wage gap decomposition between workers according to gender and migration status. We used the microdata from PNAD-National Household Sample Survey-2013. The results show that migrant workers in the state of Bahia have higher wages for both men and women, consistent with the literature on the subject. We also found that men are more valued in the labor market regardless of their migration status, with the largest wage gap by gender occurs between migrants. The decomposition of the wage differential found that for men, a difference explained by the appropriations justifies the salary increase in migrants, but in the female case the migratory effect was positive and higher than the effect of differences in personal characteristics of workers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender and racial wage gaps and the discrimination impact

: This article aims to measure the pay gap and the impact of discrimination based on gender and c... more : This article aims to measure the pay gap and the impact of discrimination based on gender and
color in the Brazilian labor market, from the National Household Survey microdata, 2013. Therefore, the
estimated Mincer equations and applied in the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. The results show that the wage
gap is unfavorable to the working woman, being productive attributes and the occupations the most relevant
factors to reduce these differences. Overall, female discrimination is positively associated to productive
attributes and the type of civil union, and negatively to the area of residence and occupation exercised. Among
white workers, the wage gap and discrimination in women's wages are higher than in the group of individuals
(white and non-white). Among non-whites, gender discrimination was higher than among whites, however the
difference and the impact of wage discrimination was lower than among whites, and the occupation and the
urban area of residence influenced the reduction of this discrimination. The gender and color, together,
leverage wage differentials in Brazil. The traits of individuals explain one quarter of these differences and
gender discrimination and color the remaining three bedrooms. Based on the outstanding results it is concluded
that there is need for public policies to economic activities of women and nonwhites in Brazil. Given the
relevance of this contemporary theme, both for the country and for the world, this has recently been treated in
global economic conventions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology and employment in trade and services sector in Brazil between the years of 2000 and 2009

The objective of this paper is to analyze the technology effects on the variation of employment i... more The objective of this paper is to analyze the technology effects on the variation of employment
in trade and services in the years 2000-2009 for Brazil sectors. We use the methodology of
input-output through the structural decomposition of the variation in employment effects of
intensity, technology, demand, growth and total. The study measures the direct and indirect
effects of a high technical progress has on the creation of jobs in the sectors of commerce and
Brazilian services and carries out the structural breakdown of the change of sectoral employment
in 2000 and 2009. The main results showed that between the two periods studied, there
was an increase of 14.06 million jobs for the trade and service sector which alone accounted
for 79.54% of the national employment. The results showed that technology has created
jobs in services and destroyed in commerce.

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Research paper thumbnail of Empirical aspects about Heckman Procedure Application: Is there sample selection bias in the Brazilian Industry?

There are several labor market researches whose main goal is to analyze the probability of employ... more There are several labor market researches whose main goal is to analyze the probability of employment and the structure of wage determination and, for empirical purposes, most of these researches deploy Heckman sample selection bias hazard detection and correction procedure. However, few Brazilian studies are focused in this procedure applicability, especially concerning specific industries. This paper aims to approach these issues by testing the existence of sample selection bias in Brazilian manufacturing industry, and to analyze the impact of the bias correction procedure over the estimated coefficients of OLS Mincer equations. We found sample selection bias hazard only in manufacturing segments which average wages are lower than market average and only in groups of workers which average wage level is below the market average (women, especially blacks). The analysis and comparison of Mincer equations with and without Heckman's sample selection bias correction procedure brought up that the estimation's coefficients related to wage differential for male over female workers and the wage differential for urban over non-urban workers tends to be overestimated in cases which the sample selection bias isn't corrected.

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Research paper thumbnail of Female labour condition in Santa Catarina by education and technological intensity

The goal of this article is to understand the condition of female's labour market in the manufact... more The goal of this article is to understand the condition of female's labour market in the manufacturing industry at Santa Catarina by education and technological intensity levels in 2012, based on data from RAIS- MTE (Relação anual de Informações Sociais). The results showed: i) significant wage gain for more educated workers with an income gap between the technological levels for both men and women; ii) higher participation of female workers to the low-tech segment; iii) higher remuneration in more technologically advanced industries, where female participation is lower; and, iv) small percentage difference in employees' earnings with a college degree between segments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment structural decomposition in manufacturing industries between 2000-2009

The aim of this article is to analyze the employment variation in manufacturing industries betwee... more The aim of this article is to analyze the employment variation in manufacturing industries between years 2000-2009 in Brazil. It employs an input-output methodology, by means of employment structural decomposition into intensity, technology, demand, growth and total effects. The main results showed that in the period Brazilian manufacturing sectors added up 4.38 million jobs, which represented 25% of total jobs created in the country. Among the studied effects, growth and intensity shall be highlighted as the main responsible outcomes. Considering total impacts, the industries that showed greater relative increase in jobs where: food and beverage, clothes and construction. The results lead to the conclusion that, in the studied period, manufacturing in Brazil showed an increase in employment rates, with technology, despite not being the lone factor, having produced a positive impact in job creation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of women workers of Rio Grande do Sul in the manufacturing industry by segments of technological intensity

This article aims at analyzing the characteristics of the female labor market in the manufacturin... more This article aims at analyzing the characteristics of the female labor market in the manufacturing industry in the State Rio Grande do Sul and in the south of Brazil by levels of technological intensity, based on data from the annual report on social information, issued by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (RAIS-MTE), in the year 2012. The results showed: (a) a significant wage gain for the more educated workers, with an income gap between the different technological levels for both men and women; (b) greater relative participation of female workers in the low-tech segment; (c) higher remuneration in the more technologically advanced industries, in which female participation is lower; and (d) a small percentage difference across the different manufacturing industry segments in the earnings of the employees with a college degree.

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Research paper thumbnail of Population aging in the state of Parana and impact of pensions and retirements in income

This article discusses the aging process of the population of Paraná municipalities and its cons... more This article discusses the aging process of the population of Paraná municipalities and its consequences in participation of pensions in total income. Were used the Census database obtained from IPARDES 1980, 1991, 2000 and 2010, in 399 municipalities of Paraná. PNAD (National Research of Household Samples), from years 1988 to 2012, database were used to measure the evolution of rent share due by pensions and annuities, through the decomposition of the Gini index methodology. We concluded that within 30 years the share of elderly in the population increased over three times, on average, for the localities of the state, going from 3.81% in 1980 to 12.83% in 2010 and there is a higher concentration of elderly in the municipalities located further north of the state. Income from pensions and retirements expanded their shares over total income by 125%; in 1988 presented a share of 7.5% over total income, increasing to 15.9% in 2012.

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Research paper thumbnail of Female labour condition in manufacturing industry by technological intensity segments, Paraná - Brazil

O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a condição do trabalho feminino na indústria de transformaç... more O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a condição do trabalho feminino na indústria de transformação paranaense segundo níveis de intensidade tecnológica no ano de 2012, a partir dos dados da RAIS-Relação Anual de Informações Sociais do MTE. Os resultados permitem visualizar : i) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados com diferença de renda entre os níveis tecnológicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; ii) maior participação relativa do trabalhador do gênero feminino para o segmento de baixa tecnologia; iii) maior remuneração em indústrias mais avançadas tecnologicamente, em que a participação feminina é menor; e, iv) pequena diferença percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos.

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Conference Papers by Flavio K Fiuza-Moura


O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o mercado de trabalho brasileiro sob a luz do modelo de mercad... more O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o mercado de trabalho brasileiro sob a luz do modelo de mercados duais de Lewis. Para tal foram extraídos dados sobre a participação e composição da força de trabalho brasileira e sua remuneração das PNADs de 2002 e 2013. Foram então analisados os salários médios e composição dos trabalhadores qualificados e não qualificados segundo meio de residência, ocupação, setor de atividade e formalização. Após isto foram estimadas equações de determinação de salários para melhor compreender a estrutura salarial destes trabalhadores e foram empregadas decomposições de hiatos salariais para captar a diferença salarial entre trabalhadores qualificados e não qualificados e entre trabalhadores dos setores tradicionais e modernos da economia brasileira, nos anos estudados. Os resultados mostraram que houve redução dos hiatos salariais de qualificação e do hiato salarial de Lewis, indicando que a economia brasileira se aproximou do turning point no período.

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Research paper thumbnail of Empreendedorismo Feminino em Londrina (Female entrepreneurship in Londrina)

The aim of this study was to analyze women's entrepreneurship in Londrina, in order to check the ... more The aim of this study was to analyze women's entrepreneurship in Londrina, in order to check the profile of the woman entrepreneur, education, motivation to start a new business, favorable and limiting factors of this follow-up, among others. The methodology was divided into two stages. The first refers to the characterization of the Brazilian women's entrepreneurship through secondary data obtained from the GEM Research, available on the site IBQP. The second step refers to a field survey by sample Londrina companies led by women. The results showed that most companies started their business by chance and not by necessity, ie, even with alternative employment and income, chose to open a business that would allow him independence. Regarding education, most entrepreneurs have full degree and also encourages its employees to hone their studies, offering trainings within and outside companies. The most invested in their business with their own capital, granting greater control of the enterprise. They showed that employ mostly females. Also indicated that they do not consider government support as a limiting factor, as they receive aid from the Government.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural decomposition analysis of employment change: commerce and services industry in Brazil between 2000-2009

The objective of this paper is to analyze the employment change in trade and services industry be... more The objective of this paper is to analyze the employment change in trade and services industry between 2000-2009 in Brazil. We use the input-output methodology through the structural decomposition of employment change in effects of intensity, technology, demand, growth and total change. The main results showed that between the two studied years, there was an increase of 14.06 million Jobs for the trade and service sector which alone accounted for 79.54% of the national income. The results showed that technology has led to a greater number of jobs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural decomposition analysis of employment change in brazilian manufacturing industry between 2000-2009

The aim of this article is to analysis the employment variation in manufacturing economic sectors... more The aim of this article is to analysis the employment variation in manufacturing economic sectors between years 2000-2009 in Brazil. It utilizes input-output methodology, trough employment structural decomposition in intensity, technology, demand, growth and total effects. The main results showed that between the two studied periods there was a growth of 4,38 million jobs to the industrial sector, having a share of 25% of total jobs created in the country. Between the studied effects, growth and intensity shall be highlighted as main responsible for the results. Considering total effect, the sectors that showed greater relative increase in jobs where: food and beverage, clothes and construction. The results lead to the conclusion that happened an increase in employment at industrial sector in Brazil at the studied period, where technology, despite not being the lone factor, caused positive impact in job creation

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Research paper thumbnail of Human capital and labour market segmentation: an analysis of manufacturing industry by technological intensity, Paraná - Brazil

The objective of this paper is to understand the labor market of Paraná and the southern region, ... more The objective of this paper is to understand the labor market of Paraná and the southern region, in view of the manufacturing industry according to levels of technological intensity in the year 2012, in order to infer whether there are differences between men and women in relation to average income, schooling and proportion compared different technological intensity industries. For this we used the descriptive statistical analysis of the data from the RAIS, separating the manufacturing industry according to their technological intensity. The results allowed to realize the possibility of segmentation and sex discrimination in the labor market, by level of technological intensity of the manufacturing industry, because: i) it was found significant wage gains for workers with more schooling income gap between the technological levels for both men and women; ii) higher compensation and predominance in the relative share of male workers for all segments of technological intensity, except the low-tech; iii) higher pay in more technologically advanced industries, especially for the low percentage difference in earnings between workers with college degree segments.

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: O artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento da população dos municípios do Paraná... more : O artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento da população dos municípios do Paraná a partir de dados censitários no período 1980 a 2010 bem como a evolução da renda obtida através das aposentadorias e pensões no período de 1988 a 2012. Utilizam-se dados do Ipardes para traçar a proporção da população acima de 60 para todos os municípios do Paraná, para os anos selecionados. A base de dados utilizada para aferir a evolução da participação da renda advinda das aposentadorias e pensões na renda total é a PNAD (Pesquisa Nacional de Amostras de Domicílios) através da metodologia de Decomposição do Índice de Gini. A análise dos resultados obtidos permite concluir que no intervalo de 30 anos a participação percentual de idosos na população mais que triplicou, em média, para os municípios do Paraná, e a renda provinda das aposentadorias e pensões expandiu em 125% na participação da renda total.

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Master Thesis by Flavio K Fiuza-Moura

Research paper thumbnail of Gender, racial and technological wage differentials in brazilian industries

This work aims to measure the wage differential by gender, color and technological intensity in B... more This work aims to measure the wage differential by gender, color and technological intensity in Brazilian manufacturing industry, 2012, in each technological segment and measure the "technology effect" on wages. The database used is PIA 2011, PINTEC 2011, and PNAD 2012. Applied Heckman procedure for sample selection bias correction, Mincer equations for wage determination and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to estimate the wage differentials. The results indicate the domestic industry effort to adapt to the international R&D investment structure, but still had low technological expertise and low investment in technical progress. Positive wage returns were found to education, experience, urban regions and leadership jobs, increasing with the investment firm's technology. There was positive feedback for white skin and male, although decreasing in more tech-intensive segments. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition showed a high degree of wage discrimination, especially in relation to non-white women. Such discrimination had lesser magnitude as observed more tech-intensive segments. The "technology effects on wages" also was positive and growing along the sectors with the highest concentration of investment in R&D

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Papers by Flavio K Fiuza-Moura

Research paper thumbnail of Características das trabalhadoras gaúchas, por segmentos de intensidade tecnológica, na indústria de transformação

Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar as caracteristicas do trabalho feminino na industria de tr... more Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar as caracteristicas do trabalho feminino na industria de transformacao gaucha e da Regiao Sul segundo niveis de intensidade tecnologica, a partir dos dados da Relacao Anual de Informacoes Sociais do Ministerio do Trabalho e Emprego (RAIS-MTE), no ano de 2012. Os resultados permitem visualizar: (a) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados, com diferenca de renda entre os niveis tecnologicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; (b) maior participacao relativa do trabalhador do genero feminino no segmento de baixa tecnologia; (c) maior remuneracao em industrias mais avancadas tecnologicamente, em que a participacao feminina e menor; e (d) pequena diferenca percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos da industria. Palavras-chave: industria; intensidade tecnologica; trabalho feminino. TITULO EM INGLES Characteristics of women workers of Rio Grande do Sul in the manufacturing ind...

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Research paper thumbnail of Discriminação salarial por gênero e cor no Brasil uma herança secular

This paper examines wage differentials and the effects of gender and color discrimination in the ... more This paper examines wage differentials and the effects of gender and color discrimination in the Brazilian labor market in 2002 and 2013. With the PNAD microdata, mincerian equations were estimated and applied in the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. The results indicate positive earnings returns for education, experience, urban regions, leadership occupations, mainly in the Southeast and South of the country, with advantages for white men. It was found that the wage differences by gender and color increased, since the discrimination presented a slight reduction in the period. However, it has hit hard nonwhite women.

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Research paper thumbnail of Análise das Receitas do ITBI nos Principais Municípios do Rio Grande do Sul

As receitas tributárias são necessárias para fazer frente às despesas com os serviços característ... more As receitas tributárias são necessárias para fazer frente às despesas com os serviços característicos de Estados que são demandados pela sociedade. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é aferir o comportamento das receitas per capita do Imposto sobre Transferências de Bens Imóveis (ITBI) entre o município de Porto Alegre e as cidades de Caxias do Sul, Pelotas, Canoas, Santa Maria, Gravataí, Viamão, Novo Hamburgo e São Leopoldo, no período de 1998 a 2011, sob os impactos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF). Para isso, utiliza-se o modelo econométrico de Ajuste de Poligonais para medir se houve quebra estrutural, em 2005 dos nove municípios avaliados, bem como identificar o comportamento das receitas do ITBI no segundo período a partir do município de Porto Alegre. Os resultados econométricos demostraram que os demais municípios avaliados alcançaram taxas de variações positivas na participação per capita do ITBI, no período de 2005-2011, comparados a Porto Alegre.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diferencial salarial segundo a condição de migração e gênero nos estados da região sul do Brasil

Este trabalho analisa a diferença salarial segundo a condição de migração e sexo da população dos... more Este trabalho analisa a diferença salarial segundo a condição de migração e sexo da população dos estados do Sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul), a partir dos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios – 2013. Para isso,
calculam-se as equações de rendimentos, o procedimento de Heckman e a decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder. Os resultados revelam que o estado do Paraná tem maior participação relativa de migrantes da Região Sul, seguido por Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. A Região apresenta um salário superior para migrantes, tanto para os homens como para as mulheres, compatível com a literatura sobre o tema. Os homens possuem um salário superior, tanto nos grupos de não migrantes como nos de migrantes, e a maior diferença salarial por sexo ocorre na população migrante. Há discriminação salarial por sexo entre
migrantes e não migrantes, sendo maior entre os migrantes. O efeito migratório sobre os salários das mulheres é de aproximadamente 15%, favorável às migrantes, e dos homens é de aproximadamente 38% favorável aos migrantes.

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ABSTRACT: This paper aims to analyze the wage gap caused by migration status and gender of the po... more ABSTRACT: This paper aims to analyze the wage gap caused by migration status and gender of the population residing in the state of Bahia. We estimated wage equations with the Heckman sample selection bias correction procedure and we deployed the Oaxaca-Blinder method for wage gap decomposition between workers according to gender and migration status. We used the microdata from PNAD-National Household Sample Survey-2013. The results show that migrant workers in the state of Bahia have higher wages for both men and women, consistent with the literature on the subject. We also found that men are more valued in the labor market regardless of their migration status, with the largest wage gap by gender occurs between migrants. The decomposition of the wage differential found that for men, a difference explained by the appropriations justifies the salary increase in migrants, but in the female case the migratory effect was positive and higher than the effect of differences in personal characteristics of workers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender and racial wage gaps and the discrimination impact

: This article aims to measure the pay gap and the impact of discrimination based on gender and c... more : This article aims to measure the pay gap and the impact of discrimination based on gender and
color in the Brazilian labor market, from the National Household Survey microdata, 2013. Therefore, the
estimated Mincer equations and applied in the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. The results show that the wage
gap is unfavorable to the working woman, being productive attributes and the occupations the most relevant
factors to reduce these differences. Overall, female discrimination is positively associated to productive
attributes and the type of civil union, and negatively to the area of residence and occupation exercised. Among
white workers, the wage gap and discrimination in women's wages are higher than in the group of individuals
(white and non-white). Among non-whites, gender discrimination was higher than among whites, however the
difference and the impact of wage discrimination was lower than among whites, and the occupation and the
urban area of residence influenced the reduction of this discrimination. The gender and color, together,
leverage wage differentials in Brazil. The traits of individuals explain one quarter of these differences and
gender discrimination and color the remaining three bedrooms. Based on the outstanding results it is concluded
that there is need for public policies to economic activities of women and nonwhites in Brazil. Given the
relevance of this contemporary theme, both for the country and for the world, this has recently been treated in
global economic conventions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology and employment in trade and services sector in Brazil between the years of 2000 and 2009

The objective of this paper is to analyze the technology effects on the variation of employment i... more The objective of this paper is to analyze the technology effects on the variation of employment
in trade and services in the years 2000-2009 for Brazil sectors. We use the methodology of
input-output through the structural decomposition of the variation in employment effects of
intensity, technology, demand, growth and total. The study measures the direct and indirect
effects of a high technical progress has on the creation of jobs in the sectors of commerce and
Brazilian services and carries out the structural breakdown of the change of sectoral employment
in 2000 and 2009. The main results showed that between the two periods studied, there
was an increase of 14.06 million jobs for the trade and service sector which alone accounted
for 79.54% of the national employment. The results showed that technology has created
jobs in services and destroyed in commerce.

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Research paper thumbnail of Empirical aspects about Heckman Procedure Application: Is there sample selection bias in the Brazilian Industry?

There are several labor market researches whose main goal is to analyze the probability of employ... more There are several labor market researches whose main goal is to analyze the probability of employment and the structure of wage determination and, for empirical purposes, most of these researches deploy Heckman sample selection bias hazard detection and correction procedure. However, few Brazilian studies are focused in this procedure applicability, especially concerning specific industries. This paper aims to approach these issues by testing the existence of sample selection bias in Brazilian manufacturing industry, and to analyze the impact of the bias correction procedure over the estimated coefficients of OLS Mincer equations. We found sample selection bias hazard only in manufacturing segments which average wages are lower than market average and only in groups of workers which average wage level is below the market average (women, especially blacks). The analysis and comparison of Mincer equations with and without Heckman's sample selection bias correction procedure brought up that the estimation's coefficients related to wage differential for male over female workers and the wage differential for urban over non-urban workers tends to be overestimated in cases which the sample selection bias isn't corrected.

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Research paper thumbnail of Female labour condition in Santa Catarina by education and technological intensity

The goal of this article is to understand the condition of female's labour market in the manufact... more The goal of this article is to understand the condition of female's labour market in the manufacturing industry at Santa Catarina by education and technological intensity levels in 2012, based on data from RAIS- MTE (Relação anual de Informações Sociais). The results showed: i) significant wage gain for more educated workers with an income gap between the technological levels for both men and women; ii) higher participation of female workers to the low-tech segment; iii) higher remuneration in more technologically advanced industries, where female participation is lower; and, iv) small percentage difference in employees' earnings with a college degree between segments.

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment structural decomposition in manufacturing industries between 2000-2009

The aim of this article is to analyze the employment variation in manufacturing industries betwee... more The aim of this article is to analyze the employment variation in manufacturing industries between years 2000-2009 in Brazil. It employs an input-output methodology, by means of employment structural decomposition into intensity, technology, demand, growth and total effects. The main results showed that in the period Brazilian manufacturing sectors added up 4.38 million jobs, which represented 25% of total jobs created in the country. Among the studied effects, growth and intensity shall be highlighted as the main responsible outcomes. Considering total impacts, the industries that showed greater relative increase in jobs where: food and beverage, clothes and construction. The results lead to the conclusion that, in the studied period, manufacturing in Brazil showed an increase in employment rates, with technology, despite not being the lone factor, having produced a positive impact in job creation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of women workers of Rio Grande do Sul in the manufacturing industry by segments of technological intensity

This article aims at analyzing the characteristics of the female labor market in the manufacturin... more This article aims at analyzing the characteristics of the female labor market in the manufacturing industry in the State Rio Grande do Sul and in the south of Brazil by levels of technological intensity, based on data from the annual report on social information, issued by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (RAIS-MTE), in the year 2012. The results showed: (a) a significant wage gain for the more educated workers, with an income gap between the different technological levels for both men and women; (b) greater relative participation of female workers in the low-tech segment; (c) higher remuneration in the more technologically advanced industries, in which female participation is lower; and (d) a small percentage difference across the different manufacturing industry segments in the earnings of the employees with a college degree.

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Research paper thumbnail of Population aging in the state of Parana and impact of pensions and retirements in income

This article discusses the aging process of the population of Paraná municipalities and its cons... more This article discusses the aging process of the population of Paraná municipalities and its consequences in participation of pensions in total income. Were used the Census database obtained from IPARDES 1980, 1991, 2000 and 2010, in 399 municipalities of Paraná. PNAD (National Research of Household Samples), from years 1988 to 2012, database were used to measure the evolution of rent share due by pensions and annuities, through the decomposition of the Gini index methodology. We concluded that within 30 years the share of elderly in the population increased over three times, on average, for the localities of the state, going from 3.81% in 1980 to 12.83% in 2010 and there is a higher concentration of elderly in the municipalities located further north of the state. Income from pensions and retirements expanded their shares over total income by 125%; in 1988 presented a share of 7.5% over total income, increasing to 15.9% in 2012.

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Research paper thumbnail of Female labour condition in manufacturing industry by technological intensity segments, Paraná - Brazil

O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a condição do trabalho feminino na indústria de transformaç... more O objetivo deste artigo é compreender a condição do trabalho feminino na indústria de transformação paranaense segundo níveis de intensidade tecnológica no ano de 2012, a partir dos dados da RAIS-Relação Anual de Informações Sociais do MTE. Os resultados permitem visualizar : i) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados com diferença de renda entre os níveis tecnológicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; ii) maior participação relativa do trabalhador do gênero feminino para o segmento de baixa tecnologia; iii) maior remuneração em indústrias mais avançadas tecnologicamente, em que a participação feminina é menor; e, iv) pequena diferença percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos.

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O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o mercado de trabalho brasileiro sob a luz do modelo de mercad... more O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o mercado de trabalho brasileiro sob a luz do modelo de mercados duais de Lewis. Para tal foram extraídos dados sobre a participação e composição da força de trabalho brasileira e sua remuneração das PNADs de 2002 e 2013. Foram então analisados os salários médios e composição dos trabalhadores qualificados e não qualificados segundo meio de residência, ocupação, setor de atividade e formalização. Após isto foram estimadas equações de determinação de salários para melhor compreender a estrutura salarial destes trabalhadores e foram empregadas decomposições de hiatos salariais para captar a diferença salarial entre trabalhadores qualificados e não qualificados e entre trabalhadores dos setores tradicionais e modernos da economia brasileira, nos anos estudados. Os resultados mostraram que houve redução dos hiatos salariais de qualificação e do hiato salarial de Lewis, indicando que a economia brasileira se aproximou do turning point no período.

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Research paper thumbnail of Empreendedorismo Feminino em Londrina (Female entrepreneurship in Londrina)

The aim of this study was to analyze women's entrepreneurship in Londrina, in order to check the ... more The aim of this study was to analyze women's entrepreneurship in Londrina, in order to check the profile of the woman entrepreneur, education, motivation to start a new business, favorable and limiting factors of this follow-up, among others. The methodology was divided into two stages. The first refers to the characterization of the Brazilian women's entrepreneurship through secondary data obtained from the GEM Research, available on the site IBQP. The second step refers to a field survey by sample Londrina companies led by women. The results showed that most companies started their business by chance and not by necessity, ie, even with alternative employment and income, chose to open a business that would allow him independence. Regarding education, most entrepreneurs have full degree and also encourages its employees to hone their studies, offering trainings within and outside companies. The most invested in their business with their own capital, granting greater control of the enterprise. They showed that employ mostly females. Also indicated that they do not consider government support as a limiting factor, as they receive aid from the Government.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural decomposition analysis of employment change: commerce and services industry in Brazil between 2000-2009

The objective of this paper is to analyze the employment change in trade and services industry be... more The objective of this paper is to analyze the employment change in trade and services industry between 2000-2009 in Brazil. We use the input-output methodology through the structural decomposition of employment change in effects of intensity, technology, demand, growth and total change. The main results showed that between the two studied years, there was an increase of 14.06 million Jobs for the trade and service sector which alone accounted for 79.54% of the national income. The results showed that technology has led to a greater number of jobs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural decomposition analysis of employment change in brazilian manufacturing industry between 2000-2009

The aim of this article is to analysis the employment variation in manufacturing economic sectors... more The aim of this article is to analysis the employment variation in manufacturing economic sectors between years 2000-2009 in Brazil. It utilizes input-output methodology, trough employment structural decomposition in intensity, technology, demand, growth and total effects. The main results showed that between the two studied periods there was a growth of 4,38 million jobs to the industrial sector, having a share of 25% of total jobs created in the country. Between the studied effects, growth and intensity shall be highlighted as main responsible for the results. Considering total effect, the sectors that showed greater relative increase in jobs where: food and beverage, clothes and construction. The results lead to the conclusion that happened an increase in employment at industrial sector in Brazil at the studied period, where technology, despite not being the lone factor, caused positive impact in job creation

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Research paper thumbnail of Human capital and labour market segmentation: an analysis of manufacturing industry by technological intensity, Paraná - Brazil

The objective of this paper is to understand the labor market of Paraná and the southern region, ... more The objective of this paper is to understand the labor market of Paraná and the southern region, in view of the manufacturing industry according to levels of technological intensity in the year 2012, in order to infer whether there are differences between men and women in relation to average income, schooling and proportion compared different technological intensity industries. For this we used the descriptive statistical analysis of the data from the RAIS, separating the manufacturing industry according to their technological intensity. The results allowed to realize the possibility of segmentation and sex discrimination in the labor market, by level of technological intensity of the manufacturing industry, because: i) it was found significant wage gains for workers with more schooling income gap between the technological levels for both men and women; ii) higher compensation and predominance in the relative share of male workers for all segments of technological intensity, except the low-tech; iii) higher pay in more technologically advanced industries, especially for the low percentage difference in earnings between workers with college degree segments.

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: O artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento da população dos municípios do Paraná... more : O artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento da população dos municípios do Paraná a partir de dados censitários no período 1980 a 2010 bem como a evolução da renda obtida através das aposentadorias e pensões no período de 1988 a 2012. Utilizam-se dados do Ipardes para traçar a proporção da população acima de 60 para todos os municípios do Paraná, para os anos selecionados. A base de dados utilizada para aferir a evolução da participação da renda advinda das aposentadorias e pensões na renda total é a PNAD (Pesquisa Nacional de Amostras de Domicílios) através da metodologia de Decomposição do Índice de Gini. A análise dos resultados obtidos permite concluir que no intervalo de 30 anos a participação percentual de idosos na população mais que triplicou, em média, para os municípios do Paraná, e a renda provinda das aposentadorias e pensões expandiu em 125% na participação da renda total.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender, racial and technological wage differentials in brazilian industries

This work aims to measure the wage differential by gender, color and technological intensity in B... more This work aims to measure the wage differential by gender, color and technological intensity in Brazilian manufacturing industry, 2012, in each technological segment and measure the "technology effect" on wages. The database used is PIA 2011, PINTEC 2011, and PNAD 2012. Applied Heckman procedure for sample selection bias correction, Mincer equations for wage determination and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to estimate the wage differentials. The results indicate the domestic industry effort to adapt to the international R&D investment structure, but still had low technological expertise and low investment in technical progress. Positive wage returns were found to education, experience, urban regions and leadership jobs, increasing with the investment firm's technology. There was positive feedback for white skin and male, although decreasing in more tech-intensive segments. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition showed a high degree of wage discrimination, especially in relation to non-white women. Such discrimination had lesser magnitude as observed more tech-intensive segments. The "technology effects on wages" also was positive and growing along the sectors with the highest concentration of investment in R&D

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Research paper thumbnail of Características das trabalhadoras gaúchas, por segmentos de intensidade tecnológica, na indústria de transformação

Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar as caracteristicas do trabalho feminino na industria de tr... more Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar as caracteristicas do trabalho feminino na industria de transformacao gaucha e da Regiao Sul segundo niveis de intensidade tecnologica, a partir dos dados da Relacao Anual de Informacoes Sociais do Ministerio do Trabalho e Emprego (RAIS-MTE), no ano de 2012. Os resultados permitem visualizar: (a) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados, com diferenca de renda entre os niveis tecnologicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; (b) maior participacao relativa do trabalhador do genero feminino no segmento de baixa tecnologia; (c) maior remuneracao em industrias mais avancadas tecnologicamente, em que a participacao feminina e menor; e (d) pequena diferenca percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos da industria. Palavras-chave: industria; intensidade tecnologica; trabalho feminino. TITULO EM INGLES Characteristics of women workers of Rio Grande do Sul in the manufacturing ind...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyses of ITBI Revenue in Main Cities of Rio Grande do Sul

Economia & Região, 2016

The collection of tax revenues is necessary to pay the expenses of State services that are demand... more The collection of tax revenues is necessary to pay the expenses of State services that are demanded by society. Thus, the aim this study is to assess the behavior of per capita income of the Property Tax Asset Transfers (PTAT or Imposto sobre Transferências de Bens Imóveis - ITBI) between the City of Porto Alegre and the cities of Caxias do Sul, Pelotas, Canoas, Santa Maria, Gravataí, Viamão, Novo Hamburgo and São Leopoldo, from 1998 to 2011, under the impact of the Fiscal Responsibility Law (FRL). For this, we use the econometric model Polygonal Adjustment to measure whether there was a structural break in 2005 of the nine municipalities assessed and identify the behavior of PTAT revenues in the second period from the Municipality of Porto Alegre. The econometric results show that other evaluated municipalities achieved positive rate variations in per capita shave of PTAT in the period 2005-2011, compared to Porto Alegre.

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Research paper thumbnail of Discriminação salarial por gênero e cor no Brasil: uma herança secular

This paper examines wage differentials and the effects of gender and color discrimination in the ... more This paper examines wage differentials and the effects of gender and color discrimination in the Brazilian labor market in 2002 and 2013. With the PNAD microdata, mincerian equations were estimated and applied in the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition. The results indicate positive earnings returns for education, experience, urban regions, leadership occupations, mainly in the Southeast and South of the country, with advantages for white men. It was found that the wage differences by gender and color increased, since the discrimination presented a slight reduction in the period. However, it has hit hard nonwhite women.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diferenças Salariais Por Gênero e Cor e O Impacto Da Discriminação Econômica

Este artigo objetiva mensurar as diferencas salariais e o impacto da discriminacao por genero e c... more Este artigo objetiva mensurar as diferencas salariais e o impacto da discriminacao por genero e cor no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, a partir dos microdados da PNAD de 2013. Para isso, foram estimadas as equacoes mincerianas e aplicadas na decomposicao de Oaxaca-Blinder. Os resultados mostram que o hiato de salarios e desfavoravel a mulher trabalhadora, sendo os atributos produtivos e as ocupacoes os fatores mais relevantes para a reducao dessas diferencas. No geral, a discriminacao feminina esta associada positivamente aos atributos produtivos e ao tipo de uniao civil, e, negativamente, a area de residencia e a ocupacao exercida. Entre os trabalhadores brancos, a diferenca salarial e a discriminacao nos salarios das mulheres sao maiores do que no conjunto dos individuos (brancos e nao-brancos). Entre os individuos nao-brancos, a discriminacao por genero foi maior do que entre os brancos, entretanto a diferenca e o impacto salariais da discriminacao foram menores do que entre os i...

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Research paper thumbnail of Condição Do Trabalho Feminino Em Santa Catarina Por Escolaridade e Intensidade Tecnológica

O objetivo deste artigo e compreender a condicao do trabalho feminino na industria de transformac... more O objetivo deste artigo e compreender a condicao do trabalho feminino na industria de transformacao catarinense segundo escolaridade e niveis de intensidade tecnologica no ano de 2012, a partir dos dados da RAIS-Relacao Anual de Informacoes Sociais do MTE. Os resultados permitem visualizar: i) expressivo ganho salarial para os trabalhadores mais escolarizados com diferenca de renda entre os niveis tecnologicos, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres; ii) maior participacao relativa do trabalhador do genero feminino para o segmento de baixa tecnologia; iii) maior remuneracao em industrias mais avancadas tecnologicamente, em que a participacao feminina e menor; e, iv) pequena diferenca percentual nos ganhos dos trabalhadores com curso superior completo entre os segmentos.

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Research paper thumbnail of Projeções do envelhecimento da população do nordeste de 2000 a 2030 e suas implicações na renda

Nexos Econômicos, 2016

O presente artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento populacional da Região Nordest... more O presente artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento populacional da Região Nordeste com destaque para o estado da Bahia, a partir de dados censitários para os anos entre 2000 e 2030, bem como a evolução da distribuição de renda e o comportamento da parcela de renda das aposentadorias e pensões no período de 2000 a 2012. A base de dados utilizada para aferir os resultados é a PNAD e IBGE, através da metodologia de Decomposição do Índice de Gini. Conclui-se que no intervalo de 30 anos a participação percentual de idosos na população mais que dobrará para o Estado da Bahia, segundo projeções para 2030. A parcela de renda de aposentadorias e pensões aumentou sua participação em 6%. A renda provinda das aposentadorias e pensões mostrou-se regressiva na distribuição de renda.

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Research paper thumbnail of Criação e Destruição de Empregos no Setor Primário no Brasil entre 2000 e 2009

Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 2017

Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a variação de emprego no setor primário nos anos... more Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a variação de emprego no setor primário nos anos 2000-2009 para o Brasil. Utiliza-se a metodologia de insumo-produto por meio da decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego em efeitos intensidade, tecnologia, estrutura da demanda final, volume da demanda final e efeito total. Os principais resultados mostraram que, no período de análise, houve decréscimo de 773 mil vagas para o setor primário. Conclui-se que os subsetores de agricultura, silvicultura e exploração florestal, e pecuária e pesca foram os principais responsáveis pela queda do emprego por meio do efeito de intensidade. No efeito total, conclui-se que houve aumento significativo de vagas de trabalho nos subsetores de petróleo e gás natural (170%) e minério de ferro (96%); porém, não suficiente para resultar em variação positiva no saldo total, dado que a participação destes setores é pouco expressiva no total de vagas de emprego do setor primário.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tecnologia e emprego nos setores comércio e de serviços no Brasil entre 2000 e 2009

Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 2016

O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar os efeitos da tecnologia na variação de emprego nos seto... more O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar os efeitos da tecnologia na variação de emprego nos setores comércio e de serviços, entre 2000 e 2009, para o Brasil. Utiliza-se a metodologia de insumo-produto, por meio da decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego em efeitos de intensidade, tecnologia, demanda, crescimento e total. O estudo mensura os impactos diretos e indiretos que uma elevação do progresso técnico tem sobre a geração de empregos nos setores comércio e de serviços brasileiros e realiza a decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego setorial em 2000 e 2009. Os principais resultados mostram que, no período estudado, houve acréscimo de 14,06 milhões de vagas no comércio e serviços, que respondem por 79,54% do emprego nacional. Os resultados indicam que o efeito tecnológico criou empregos no setor de serviços e eliminou postos de trabalho no comércio.

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Research paper thumbnail of Diferencial salarial segundo a condição de migração e gênero nos estados da região sul do Brasil

Economia & Região, 2016

Este trabalho analisa a diferença salarial segundo a condição de migração e sexo da população dos... more Este trabalho analisa a diferença salarial segundo a condição de migração e sexo da população dos estados do Sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul), a partir dos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios – 2013. Para isso, calculam-se as equações de rendimentos, o procedimento de Heckman e a decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder. Os resultados revelam que o estado do Paraná tem maior participação relativa de migrantes da Região Sul, seguido por Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul. A Região apresenta um salário superior para migrantes, tanto para os homens como para as mulheres, compatível com a literatura sobre o tema. Os homens possuem um salário superior, tanto nos grupos de não migrantes como nos de migrantes, e a maior diferença salarial por sexo ocorre na população migrante. Há discriminação salarial por sexo entre migrantes e não migrantes, sendo maior entre os migrantes. O efeito migratório sobre os salários das mulheres é de aproximadamente 15%, f...

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Research paper thumbnail of Análise das Receitas do ITBI nos Principais Municípios do Rio Grande do Sul

Economia & Região, 2016

As arrecadações das receitas tributárias fazem-se necessária para fazer frente às despesas com se... more As arrecadações das receitas tributárias fazem-se necessária para fazer frente às despesas com serviços característicos de Estados que são demandados pela sociedade. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é aferir o comportamento das receitas per capita do Imposto sobre Transferências de Bens Imóveis (ITBI) entre o Município de Porto Alegre e as cidades de Caxias do Sul, Pelotas, Canoas, Santa Maria, Gravataí, Viamão, Novo Hamburgo e São Leopoldo, no período de 1998 a 2011, sob os impactos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF). Para isso, utiliza-se o modelo econométrico de Ajuste de Poligonais para medir se houve quebra estrutural, em 2004 dos nove municípios avaliados e identificar o comportamento das receitas do ITBI no segundo período a partir do Município de Porto Alegre. Os resultados econométricos demostraram que os demais municípios avaliados alcançaram taxas de variações positivas na participação per capita do ITBI, no período de 2005-2011, comparados a Porto Alegre.

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Research paper thumbnail of Considerações empíricas acerca da aplicação do procedimento de Heckman: Há viés de seleção amostral na indústria brasileira?

Economia & Região, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Envelhecimento da população do Paraná e impacto das aposentadorias e pensões na renda

Economia & Região, 2015

O presente artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento da população dos municípios do... more O presente artigo discute a evolução do processo de envelhecimento da população dos municípios do Paraná e suas consequências na participação das aposentadorias e pensões no total da renda. Utilizou-se a base de dados censitários do IPARDES - 1980, 1991, 2000 e 2010, para os 399 municípios do Paraná. A base de dados utilizada para aferir a evolução da participação do rendimento das aposentadorias e pensões foram as PNADs (Pesquisa Nacional de Amostras de Domicílios) entre 1988 e 2012, através da metodologia de Decomposição do Índice de Gini. Conclui-se que no intervalo de 30 anos a participação percentual de idosos na população mais que triplicou, em média, para os municípios do Paraná, de 3,81% em 1980 e para 12,83%, em 2010 e que há uma maior concentração de idosos nos municípios localizados mais ao norte do estado. A renda provinda das aposentadorias e pensões expandiu em 125% na participação da renda total; em 1988, a participação era de 7,5% na renda total, tendo aumentado para...

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Research paper thumbnail of Gender, racial and technological wage differentials in brazilian industries

This Master Thesis aims to measure the wage gap by gender, color and technological intensity in B... more This Master Thesis aims to measure the wage gap by gender, color and technological intensity in Brazilian industry, in 2012, in each technological segment and measure the "technology effect" on wages. The database used is PIA 2011, PINTEC 2011, and PNAD 2012. Applied Heckman procedure for sample selection bias correction, Mincer equations for wage determination and Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to calculate the wage differentials. The results indicate the domestic industry effort to adapt to the international R&D investment structure, but still had low technological expertise and low investment in technical progress. Positive wage returns were found to education, experience, urban regions and leadership jobs, increasing with the investment firm's technology. There was positive feedback for white skin and male, although decreasing in more tech-intensive segments. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition showed a high degree of wage discrimination, especially in relation to non-w...

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Research paper thumbnail of As Receitas Do Itbi, Nas Principais Cidades Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Com a Efetiva Implantação Da Lei De Responsabilidade Fiscal: Um Olhar a Partir Do Município De Porto Alegre

As arrecadações das receitas tributárias fazem-se necessária para fazer frente às despesas com se... more As arrecadações das receitas tributárias fazem-se necessária para fazer frente às despesas com serviços característicos de Estados que são demandados pela sociedade. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo é aferir o comportamento das receitas per capita do Imposto sobre Transferências de Bens Imóveis (ITBI) entre o Município de Porto Alegre e as cidades de Caxias do Sul, Pelotas, Canoas, Santa Maria, Gravataí, Viamão, Novo Hamburgo e São Leopoldo, no período de 1998 a 2011, sob os impactos da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF). Para isso, utiliza-se o modelo econométrico de Ajuste de Poligonais para medir se houve quebra estrutural, em 2004 dos nove municípios avaliados e identificar o comportamento das receitas do ITBI no segundo período a partir do Município de Porto Alegre. Os resultados econométricos demostraram que os demais municípios avaliados alcançaram taxas variações positivas na participação per capita do ITBI, no período de 2005-2011, comparados a Porto Alegre.

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Research paper thumbnail of Empreendedorismo Feminino Em Londrina

The aim of this study was to analyze women's entrepreneurship in Londrina, in order to check ... more The aim of this study was to analyze women's entrepreneurship in Londrina, in order to check the profile of the woman entrepreneur, education, motivation to start a new business, favorable and limiting factors of this follow-up, among others. The methodology was divided into two stages. The first refers to the characterization of the Brazilian women's entrepreneurship through secondary data obtained from the GEM Research, available on the site IBQP. The second step refers to a field survey by sample Londrina companies led by women. The results showed that most companies started their business by chance and not by necessity, ie, even with alternative employment and income, chose to open a business that would allow him independence. Regarding education, most entrepreneurs have full degree and also encourages its employees to hone their studies, offering trainings within and outside companies. The most invested in their business with their own capital, granting greater control ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento da indústria nacional por segmentos de intensidade tecnológica em 2011: uma proposta metodológica de análise

O objetivo do artigo e classificar a industria nacional por niveis de intensidade tecnologica. A... more O objetivo do artigo e classificar a industria nacional por niveis de intensidade tecnologica. A partir de dados da Pesquisa de Inovacao Tecnologica 2011 (PINTEC 2011) e Pesquisa Industrial Anual 2011 (PIA 2011) utilizou-se a metodologia da OCDE para calculo do indicador de intensidade em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Os resultados indicaram esforco da industria nacional em se adequar aos padroes tecnologicos internacionais, porem ainda com certa defasagem com relacao a magnitude de intensidade de investimento em tecnologia. Verifica-se significativa melhora dos indicadores de Intensidade em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (IP&D) e de Intensidade em Praticas de Inovacao (IPIN), mas em relacao ao valor de transformacao industrial, identifica-se grande concentracao dos setores industriais brasileiros em niveis baixos de tecnologia, com pequeno esforco em apropriacao de tecnologia externa e criacao de tecnologia propria, sendo este um fator restritivo ao desenvolvimento da economi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Criação e Destruição de Empregos no Setor Primário no Brasil entre 2000 e 2009

RESR, 2017

Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a variação de emprego no setor primário nos anos... more Resumo: O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar a variação de emprego no setor primário nos anos 2000-2009 para o Brasil. Utiliza-se a metodologia de insumo-produto por meio da decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego em efeitos intensidade, tecnologia, estrutura da demanda final, volume da demanda final e efeito total. Os principais resultados mostraram que, no período de análise, houve decréscimo de 773 mil vagas para o setor primário. Conclui-se que os subsetores de agricultura, silvicultura e exploração florestal, e pecuária e pesca foram os principais responsáveis pela queda do emprego por meio do efeito de intensidade. No efeito total, conclui-se que houve aumento significativo de vagas de trabalho nos subsetores de petróleo e gás natural (170%) e minério de ferro (96%); porém, não suficiente para resultar em variação positiva no saldo total, dado que a participação destes setores é pouco expressiva no total de vagas de emprego do setor primário. Abstract: The objective of this paper is to analyze the employment variation in primary sector between the years 2000-2009 in Brazil. We used the methodology of input-output through the structural decomposition of the employment variation divided into effects of employment intensity, technology, demand structure, demand growth and total net variation. The main results showed that between the periods studied, there was a decrease of 773 thousand jobs in the sector of Agriculture and Extraction. We also find that the Agriculture, Forestry and Lumbering, and Livestock and Fishing sectors were the responsible for the employment decrease through the intensity effect. Looking at the

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Research paper thumbnail of Comportamento da indústria nacional por segmentos de intensidade tecnológica em 2011: uma proposta metodológica de análise

The purpose of this paper is to classify the Brazilian manufacturing sector by levels of technolo... more The purpose of this paper is to classify the Brazilian manufacturing sector by levels of technological intensity. Using data from the Technological Innovation Survey 2011 (PINTEC 2011) and the Annual Industrial Survey 2011(PIA 2011) we applied the OECD methodology to calculate the research and development indicator. The results indicated effort from the Brazilian manufacturing sector to meet international technological standards, but still lagged with respect to the magnitude of intensity of investment in technology. We observe significant improvement in the R&D Intensity (IP&D) and Innovative Pratices Intensity (IPIN), but in relation to the value of industrial transformation, although, there is still high concentration of Brazilian manufacturing sectors at low levels of technology, with little effort on both the transfer of foreign technologies and the internal creation of new technologies. These results show restrictive factors to the development of national economy.

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RESUMO: Este artigo objetiva mensurar as diferenças salariais e o impacto da discriminação por gê... more RESUMO: Este artigo objetiva mensurar as diferenças salariais e o impacto da discriminação por gênero e cor no mercado de trabalho brasileiro, a partir dos microdados da PNAD de 2013. Para isso, foram estimadas as equações mincerianas e aplicadas na decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder. Os resultados mostram que o hiato de salários é desfavorável à mulher trabalhadora, sendo os atributos produtivos e as ocupações os fatores mais relevantes para a redução dessas diferenças. No geral, a discriminação feminina está associada positivamente aos atributos produtivos e ao tipo de união civil, e, negativamente, à área de residência e à ocupação exercida. Entre os trabalhadores brancos, a diferença salarial e a discriminação nos salários das mulheres são maiores do que no conjunto dos indivíduos (brancos e não-brancos). Entre os indivíduos não-brancos, a discriminação por gênero foi maior do que entre os brancos, entretanto a diferença e o impacto salariais da discriminação foram menores do que entre os indivíduos brancos, sendo que a ocupação e a área de residência urbana influenciaram na redução dessa discriminação. O gênero e a cor, em conjunto, potencializam as diferenças salariais no Brasil. As características estudadas dos indivíduos explicam um quarto dessas diferenças e a discriminação de gênero e cor os três quartos restantes. Com base nos resultados destacados, conclui-se que há necessidade de políticas públicas voltadas às atividades econômicas das mulheres e dos não-brancos no Brasil. Dada a relevância deste tema contemporâneo, tanto para o país como para o mundo, ele vem sendo tratado recentemente nas convenções econômicas mundiais.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technology and employment in trade and services sector in Brazil between the years of 2000 and 2009

. Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar os efeitos da tecnologia na variação de emprego... more . Resumo O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar os efeitos da tecnologia na variação de emprego nos setores comércio e de serviços, entre 2000 e 2009, para o Brasil. Utiliza-se a metodologia de insumo-produto, por meio da decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego em efeitos de intensidade, tecnologia, demanda, crescimento e total. O estudo mensura os impactos diretos e indiretos que uma elevação do progresso técnico tem sobre a geração de empregos nos setores comércio e de serviços brasileiros e realiza a decomposição estrutural da variação do emprego setorial em 2000 e 2009. Os principais resultados mostram que, no período estudado, houve acréscimo de 14,06 milhões de vagas no comércio e serviços, que respondem por 79,54% do emprego nacional. Os resultados indicam que o efeito tecnológico criou empregos no setor de serviços e eliminou postos de trabalho no comércio.

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