André Filipe Oliveira da Silva | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (original) (raw)

Dissertation/Thesis by André Filipe Oliveira da Silva

Research paper thumbnail of A Peste Negra em Portugal. Os casos do Entre-Douro-e-Minho e do Entre-Tejo-e-Odiana

The Black Death had an unparalleled impact in the history of Europe, and of all Old World, genera... more The Black Death had an unparalleled impact in the history of Europe, and of all Old World, generally. Consensus around this interpretation and a vast and consolidated historiography – enriched by the contributions of physical and life sciences – has been allowing extraordinary new international achievements. However, the characteristics of the surviving Portuguese documentation requires an indirect approach, through the use of economic sources, mainly property management. This preference allows to reveal short-term tendencies, as the fall of property rents, instantaneous and very significant in the main institutions studied, but allows equally to discard the direct influence of the Black Death in processes such as monetarization or the preferential length of agrarian contracts. Without the possibility of present mortality rates, due to the lack of data, the demographic fall is perceptible; however, the volume of deaths – no matter its real value – was not able to interrupt the normal functioning of institutions for more than a few months. This does not mean that there were not perennial marks of the plague, surviving in the memory of those who survived and their descendants. It is clear, however, that only a succession of other negative events – earthquakes, droughts, new plagues and wars, among others – allowed that these acute consequences could last, with the maintenance of low rents which, in some way, reveal a smaller population, but not smaller enough to provoke a remarkable abandonment of fields and/or villages. It was not a prosperous kingdom the one the Black Death encountered, and even less the one which emerged after the plague. However, the infamous epidemic seems to have failed to produce remarkable structural changes, even if its impact and its consequences were important, immediate and clear to the eyes of those who experienced it.

Research paper thumbnail of Físicos e cirurgiões medievais portugueses : Contextos socioculturais, práticas e transmissão de conhecimentos: (1192-1340)

The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine... more The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine in medieval Portugal, analysing also the sociocultural environment that favoured their emergence, knowledge transmission and the noticeable aspects of their practice. As complement, it’s presented a list of physicians and surgeons, Portuguese or whith documented presence in Portugal, serving as a brief prosopographical catalogue of the studied individuals.

Books by André Filipe Oliveira da Silva

Research paper thumbnail of Físicos e Cirurgiões Medievais Portugueses. Contextos socioculturais, práticas e transmissão de conhecimentos (1192-1340)

The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine... more The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine in medieval Portugal, analysing also the sociocultural environment that favoured their emergence, knowledge transmission and the noticeable aspects of their practice. As complement, it’s presented a list of physicians and surgeons, Portuguese or who worked in Portugal, serving as a brief prosopographical catalogue of the studied individuals.

Papers by André Filipe Oliveira da Silva

Research paper thumbnail of Propriedade régia e instabilidade climática. Estratégias e soluções de gestão rural no Noroeste português nas vésperas da Peste Negra

Territórios & Fronteiras, 2023

The reign of King Afonso IV was a period of intense royal action, with a not... more The reign of King Afonso IV was a period of intense royal action, with a notable expansion of the royal officialdom, important jurisdictional conflicts and intervention at all levels of administration of the Portuguese res publica. Analysing the actions of royal officials at a time of profound climate change, however, reveals a remarkable flexibility and symbiosis between the interests of landowners and farmers, contributing to an apparent blurring of the consequences of adverse environmental conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Vias alternativas para o estudo dos arabistas e hebraístas portugueses - o exemplo da correspondência de Teófilo Braga

HAMSA, 2022

Despite numerous reviews, and the recent realization of important projects in the field of histor... more Despite numerous reviews, and the recent realization of important projects in the field of history and criticism of Orientalism in Portugal, most Portuguese Arabists and Hebraists remain little known or unknown. A broader diversity of sources used for this purpose might offer new data and unexpected clues. This article offers an example: the exploration of the correspondence of several Semitists with Teófilo Braga, a leading figure of Portuguese culture and politics in the late 19th and early 20th century, revealing unrealized teaching projects and experiences, networks of knowledge, contact and influence, and new protagonists.

Research paper thumbnail of Alveitares e Alveitaria no Portugal Medieval

Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia, 2022

The study of medieval alveitaria in Portugal focused mainly on the manuscripts containing treatis... more The study of medieval alveitaria in Portugal focused mainly on the manuscripts containing treatises on the topic, written in Galician Portuguese. That study deals especially with textual and philological aspects, relegating the socioeconomic dimension of the practice and the individuals to a secondary role. The challenges raised by the low number of practicians explicitly identified as alveitaresby the sources (explainable by an eventual pluriactivity) and the plasticity of the concepts are considerable, but the analysis of the profiles of a group of Portuguese practicians, from different religious backgrounds and active not only in Portugal, but also in the Portuguese territories of Northern Africa and India, allows us to draw, for the first time, a portrait of the Portuguese medieval alveitar and his practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Chronology, routes, and conditions for the spread of the plague in Portugal during the Black Death

Anais de História de Além-Mar, 2021

Although the last decades witnessed major advances on the study of historical epidemiology, parti... more Although the last decades witnessed major advances on the study of historical epidemiology, particularly the plague, the impact and consequences of the Black Death in Portugal remain largely unknown. This paper aims to propose a chronology of introduction and spread of the epidemic in Portuguese territory, offering a first attempt of reconstitution of infection routes and chronology. Although direct documentary references are scarce, they provide enough information to present a first
draft destined to be improved, corrected, or contradicted by future research.

Research paper thumbnail of Pari passu: Historiografia e Ciência da Peste em Portugal (1832-2021)

RevistaMultidisciplinar, 2022

Historical research and historiographical production have always been strongly connected both wit... more Historical research and historiographical production have always been strongly connected both with the past they study and with the present they are produced in. Inside this universe, History of Science offers valuable examples of parallel evolution of science in its most diverse dimensions and of the interpretation of its past. Talking about the study of past epidemics, specifically, the relation between what is known about a disease in a certain moment and what is written about past occurrences of that disease is not just evident but cannot also be forgotten when the history of that historiography is written. The aim of this brief paper is to analyse the evolution of Portuguese historiography about medieval plague epidemics, especially Black Death, confronting it with the evolution of the scientific knowledge about that disease throughout the decades and determining how fast did Portuguese historians integrate that knowledge in their own historical analysis. From miasmatical theory until the definition of microbial theory of diseases, from the discovery of the plague bacillus (and little after, the vectorial transmission) to the confirmation of the identity of plague bacteria as the responsible for Black Death, all these discoveries influenced the way past plagues were studied and understood. Cultivating a symbiotic relationship since a long time ago, Natural and Life Sciences, at one side, and History, at the other, move forward together, establishing bridges that benefit both and allow the production of a scientific knowledge progressively more rigorous, transversal and useful.

Research paper thumbnail of O Ensino na Colegiada de Santa Maria de Guimarães durante a Idade Média

Revista de Guimarães, 2021

O estudo do ensino no Portugal Medieval tem conhecido avanços notáveis nas últimas décadas. Se a ... more O estudo do ensino no Portugal Medieval tem conhecido avanços notáveis nas últimas décadas. Se a Universidade tem sido a instituição que mais atenção tem recebido, as outras formas de ensino não foram esquecidas. Neste âmbito, é importante revisitar a escola de uma das mais importantes igrejas medievais portuguesas, a Colegiada de Santa Maria de Guimarães. Este breve artigo foca-se no funcionamento do ensino capitular ao longo dos derradeiros séculos medievais, destacando o aspeto que os escassos dados documentais permitem explorar com maior detalhe: o dos indivíduos, sobretudo mestres-escolas e mestres de gramática. Peça central da vida da urbe
vimaranense, a escola da colegiada foi o mais importante centro de ensino em Guimarães até ao advento da efémera universidade quinhentista instalada no Mosteiro de Santa Marinha da Costa. Esta breve síntese serve como ponto de partida para um novo estudo aprofundado desta valência da mais importante instituição do primeiro milénio vimaranense.

Research paper thumbnail of Sete séculos curtos: revisitar a Peste Negra no tempo da Covid 19

Atas do III Seminário Vulnerabilidades Sociais e Saúde (I Seminário Internacional) “Epidemias: uma análise interdisciplinar”, 2021

The dialogue between History, Social Sciences and Life Sciences is a multidisciplinary exercise o... more The dialogue between History, Social Sciences and Life Sciences is a multidisciplinary exercise of great usefulness. Events separated by centuries may offer comparisons surprisingly valuable during excepcional circumstances as the ones we are currently experiencing. To rescue the memory of great epidemics and pandemics of the past allows us to deconstruct part of the so called ‘alternative’ narratives that undermine the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in several ways: speaking against the application of prophylactic measures that are effective, refusing the consensus and paradigms of Science in favor of unfounded narratives, distrusting public health authorities (national and international), discrediting means of prevention with century-old proves as vaccination. We can trace parallels between almost all these present inorganic movements and past expressions, and this comparisons can make easier a) to prevent their appearance, b) to fight their narratives and c) to improve the fight against the true problem – the health emergency – if we know and understand better their past manifestations.

Research paper thumbnail of A Pestis secunda em Portugal (1362)

Revista Portuguesa de História, 2021

The aim of the paper is to systematize documental and chronological data about Pesti... more The aim of the paper is to systematize documental and chronological data about Pestis secunda, the first plague outbreak that hit Europe after the famous Black Death, looking for an approximate chronology of the event in Portugal. A little more than a decade after its predecessor, this epidemic proved that the disease would become recurrent, and some exceptional sources allow us to dispute that the silence of the majority of the surviving documents means a minor impact in the lives of those who survived it.

Research paper thumbnail of Os homens da cura na Guimarães Medieval

Revista Afonsina, 2021

Este breve artigo tem como objetivo principal dar a conhecer os diversos tipos de ofícios de cura... more Este breve artigo tem como objetivo principal dar a conhecer os diversos tipos de ofícios de cura que estão documentados em Guimarães no final da Idade Média, os seus praticantes e a sua realidade social. A revitalização da vida urbana, o papel regional relevante de Guimarães e as suas relações comerciais que ultrapassavam em muito as fronteiras do reino de Portugal, tornam o burgo vimaranense tardomedieval um estudo de caso central. A documentação abundante, proveniente sobretudo do cartório da Colegiada de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, mas também dos arquivos régios, entre outras proveniências, revela-nos nomes, percursos e interações destes homens, mas também mantém muitos silêncios que multiplicam as questões a colocar.

Research paper thumbnail of Master of the Arts of the Coughs – A 14th-century Portuguese Proto-Pulmonologist

Research paper thumbnail of A Peste Negra no Portugal de trezentos: Impacto e Consequências - Um Projeto de Doutoramento

Incipit, 2019

The Great Plague of 1347-53, commonly known as Black Death, is one of the most famous medieval ev... more The Great Plague of 1347-53, commonly known as Black Death, is one of the most famous medieval events, and one of those whose influence and importance is more recognized. The integrated study of Plague as a natural and historical phenomenon had extraordinary advances in the last few years. However, this is not the Portuguese reality, where it keeps being in an early stage of research and development. With this project, I propose to study exhaustively the Portuguese documentation from the 14th century produced in two specific regions – Entre-Douro-e-Minho and Entre-Tejo-e-Odiana, - to measure the impact of Black Death, and to integrate its consequences of that first occurrence of the second pandemic of bubonic plague within the events that marked the Portuguese 14th century. Using mainly indirect primary sources, I will try to understand the role of Black Death analyzing the changes in land use and exploration, working relations, monetarization of economy, the volume of documentary production and its production flows, etc. At the same time, I will try to complete the information collected in traditional sources with data from complementary sciences that, although in a similar early stage in Portugal, may already allow new historical readings, interpretations, new questions and answers about this theme.

Research paper thumbnail of Ensinar e Aprender na Évora Medieval

Preservados pelos seus refúgios eclesiásticos, a cultura erudita, a escrita e o ensino expandem-s... more Preservados pelos seus refúgios eclesiásticos, a cultura erudita, a escrita e o ensino expandem-se na Baixa Idade Média, multiplicando-se a oferta de acordo com os destinatários e as suas motivações. A mobilidade social que uma boa educação poderia trazer, as necessidades de uma hierarquia eclesiástica cada vez mais exigente, a especialização dentro das administrações central e local, a especificidade das minorias étnico-religiosas ou o prestígio associado ao saber, sagrado ou profano, são alguns dos fatores responsáveis pelo surgimento de diversos estabelecimentos de ensino. Évora, sede de concelho, cidade episcopal e destino frequente da Corte Régia, revela-se como um excelente caso de estudo desta expansão tardo-medieval, intimamente ligada com a dinâmica de uma cidade em crescimento.

Preserved by their ecclesiastical sanctuaries, the erudite culture, the writing and reading and school education expand during the Late Middle Ages, with an augmenting supply adapted to its recipients and their motivations. The social mobility that a good education could bring, the needs of an increasingly demanding ecclesiastical hierarchy, the specialization within the central and local administrations, the specificities of the religious minorities, as well as the prestige associated with high culture, are some of the factors responsible for the creation of these new schools. Évora, municipality, episcopal city and frequent stop of the Royal Court, reveals itself as an excellent case study of this late medieval expansion, intimately connected to the dynamics of a growing city.

Research paper thumbnail of Físicos e cirurgiões medievais portugueses: Contextos socioculturais, práticas e transmissão de conhecimentos (1192-1338)

A renovação sociocultural que marcou o século XII proporcionou à medicina a possibilidade de se t... more A renovação sociocultural que marcou o século XII proporcionou à medicina a possibilidade de se transformar num domínio científico plenamente reconhecido e, simultaneamente, numa profissão de prestígio. Portugal, cuja independência se consolidava neste período, acabou por receber os seus primeiros físicos ainda durante o reinado de D. Sancho I. Este projeto tem como objetivo estudar os primeiros indivíduos que exerceram medicina em Portugal, durante a Idade Média, procurando obter uma visão transversal do meio cultural do qual emergiram, da realidade social em que se inseriram e do papel que a prática médica desempenhou nos seus percursos; tudo isto numa fase incipiente do ofício no território português, onde a consolidação levou várias gerações a estar completa.

Research paper thumbnail of O ensino da História Medieval na Universidade do Porto (1963-1978)

História. Revista da FLUP, 2014

Book Chapters by André Filipe Oliveira da Silva

Research paper thumbnail of Algumas questões sobre a lepra no Portugal Medieval a partir do caso de Loulé

Atas do V Encontro de História de Loulé, 2024

An important element of the medieval imaginary, leprosy has been an increasingly frequent object ... more An important element of the medieval imaginary, leprosy has been an increasingly frequent object of study among historians of the Middle Ages. The challenge of deconstructing the old historiographical myths surrounding the disease is considerable, but the results have been abundant and surprising. In Portugal, the disease seems to have been distributed very unevenly across the territory, with an ancient, vast and well-documented presence in the north, and an almost total absence in the south, particularly in the Algarve. The Loulé municipality's vast collection of historical documents provides an opportunity to explore this subject further, even though information is scarce - or, rather, precisely because information is scarce. In a period of renewal in the history of the disease, it is imperative to ask new questions and revisit the documents that have already given us so much, looking for new answers between the lines and in the silences, going from a local case to a global dimension.

Research paper thumbnail of Rei, Lei e Peste. Retoma e Recomposição em Portugal após a Peste Negra (1349–1352)

Sociabilidades, Quotidianos e Saúde (Séculos XIV a XX), 2024

This brief chapter focuses on the actions of the authorities, what, with some anachronism but rec... more This brief chapter focuses on the actions of the authorities, what, with some anachronism but recalling the classic work of Henrique da Gama Barros, we would call ‘public administration’. The interdependent relationship between the monarchy and local power is explored. Rather than analysing the role of the institutions under study, the aim is to understand their reaction, as well as their plasticity and ability to adapt to an event of extremely high mortality (although impossible to calculate, in the Portuguese case), determining the speed at which they were able to resume functioning, restore their capacity for intervention and the relative success of that intervention.

Research paper thumbnail of A vulgarização do léxico da peste após a Peste Negra como testemunho de  memória: o caso do Entre- Douro-e-Minho (Portugal)

Pestes e Epidemias - Estudos interdisciplinares em humanidades, 2022

The Black Death of 1347-53 is a unique event in human history for several reasons. Among them, it... more The Black Death of 1347-53 is a unique event in human history for several reasons. Among them, it is usual to highlight the high mortality rate, the speed of the spreading and the profound impact on the memory of the survivors and their descendants.
That memory can be felt in several ways, and an intensive research in coeval Northern Portuguese daily documentation reveals the introduction of words and expressions deeply connected with that traumatic phenomenon. This chapter aims to confirm the correlation between the Great Plague and the vulgarization of the use of the plague lexicon, especially the word “pestilência” (pestilence), among common Portuguese
people in the second half of the 14th century.

Research paper thumbnail of A Peste Negra em Portugal. Os casos do Entre-Douro-e-Minho e do Entre-Tejo-e-Odiana

The Black Death had an unparalleled impact in the history of Europe, and of all Old World, genera... more The Black Death had an unparalleled impact in the history of Europe, and of all Old World, generally. Consensus around this interpretation and a vast and consolidated historiography – enriched by the contributions of physical and life sciences – has been allowing extraordinary new international achievements. However, the characteristics of the surviving Portuguese documentation requires an indirect approach, through the use of economic sources, mainly property management. This preference allows to reveal short-term tendencies, as the fall of property rents, instantaneous and very significant in the main institutions studied, but allows equally to discard the direct influence of the Black Death in processes such as monetarization or the preferential length of agrarian contracts. Without the possibility of present mortality rates, due to the lack of data, the demographic fall is perceptible; however, the volume of deaths – no matter its real value – was not able to interrupt the normal functioning of institutions for more than a few months. This does not mean that there were not perennial marks of the plague, surviving in the memory of those who survived and their descendants. It is clear, however, that only a succession of other negative events – earthquakes, droughts, new plagues and wars, among others – allowed that these acute consequences could last, with the maintenance of low rents which, in some way, reveal a smaller population, but not smaller enough to provoke a remarkable abandonment of fields and/or villages. It was not a prosperous kingdom the one the Black Death encountered, and even less the one which emerged after the plague. However, the infamous epidemic seems to have failed to produce remarkable structural changes, even if its impact and its consequences were important, immediate and clear to the eyes of those who experienced it.

Research paper thumbnail of Físicos e cirurgiões medievais portugueses : Contextos socioculturais, práticas e transmissão de conhecimentos: (1192-1340)

The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine... more The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine in medieval Portugal, analysing also the sociocultural environment that favoured their emergence, knowledge transmission and the noticeable aspects of their practice. As complement, it’s presented a list of physicians and surgeons, Portuguese or whith documented presence in Portugal, serving as a brief prosopographical catalogue of the studied individuals.

Research paper thumbnail of Físicos e Cirurgiões Medievais Portugueses. Contextos socioculturais, práticas e transmissão de conhecimentos (1192-1340)

The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine... more The presented work has, as main objective, the study of the first individuals practising medicine in medieval Portugal, analysing also the sociocultural environment that favoured their emergence, knowledge transmission and the noticeable aspects of their practice. As complement, it’s presented a list of physicians and surgeons, Portuguese or who worked in Portugal, serving as a brief prosopographical catalogue of the studied individuals.

Research paper thumbnail of Propriedade régia e instabilidade climática. Estratégias e soluções de gestão rural no Noroeste português nas vésperas da Peste Negra

Territórios & Fronteiras, 2023

The reign of King Afonso IV was a period of intense royal action, with a not... more The reign of King Afonso IV was a period of intense royal action, with a notable expansion of the royal officialdom, important jurisdictional conflicts and intervention at all levels of administration of the Portuguese res publica. Analysing the actions of royal officials at a time of profound climate change, however, reveals a remarkable flexibility and symbiosis between the interests of landowners and farmers, contributing to an apparent blurring of the consequences of adverse environmental conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Vias alternativas para o estudo dos arabistas e hebraístas portugueses - o exemplo da correspondência de Teófilo Braga

HAMSA, 2022

Despite numerous reviews, and the recent realization of important projects in the field of histor... more Despite numerous reviews, and the recent realization of important projects in the field of history and criticism of Orientalism in Portugal, most Portuguese Arabists and Hebraists remain little known or unknown. A broader diversity of sources used for this purpose might offer new data and unexpected clues. This article offers an example: the exploration of the correspondence of several Semitists with Teófilo Braga, a leading figure of Portuguese culture and politics in the late 19th and early 20th century, revealing unrealized teaching projects and experiences, networks of knowledge, contact and influence, and new protagonists.

Research paper thumbnail of Alveitares e Alveitaria no Portugal Medieval

Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia, 2022

The study of medieval alveitaria in Portugal focused mainly on the manuscripts containing treatis... more The study of medieval alveitaria in Portugal focused mainly on the manuscripts containing treatises on the topic, written in Galician Portuguese. That study deals especially with textual and philological aspects, relegating the socioeconomic dimension of the practice and the individuals to a secondary role. The challenges raised by the low number of practicians explicitly identified as alveitaresby the sources (explainable by an eventual pluriactivity) and the plasticity of the concepts are considerable, but the analysis of the profiles of a group of Portuguese practicians, from different religious backgrounds and active not only in Portugal, but also in the Portuguese territories of Northern Africa and India, allows us to draw, for the first time, a portrait of the Portuguese medieval alveitar and his practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Chronology, routes, and conditions for the spread of the plague in Portugal during the Black Death

Anais de História de Além-Mar, 2021

Although the last decades witnessed major advances on the study of historical epidemiology, parti... more Although the last decades witnessed major advances on the study of historical epidemiology, particularly the plague, the impact and consequences of the Black Death in Portugal remain largely unknown. This paper aims to propose a chronology of introduction and spread of the epidemic in Portuguese territory, offering a first attempt of reconstitution of infection routes and chronology. Although direct documentary references are scarce, they provide enough information to present a first
draft destined to be improved, corrected, or contradicted by future research.

Research paper thumbnail of Pari passu: Historiografia e Ciência da Peste em Portugal (1832-2021)

RevistaMultidisciplinar, 2022

Historical research and historiographical production have always been strongly connected both wit... more Historical research and historiographical production have always been strongly connected both with the past they study and with the present they are produced in. Inside this universe, History of Science offers valuable examples of parallel evolution of science in its most diverse dimensions and of the interpretation of its past. Talking about the study of past epidemics, specifically, the relation between what is known about a disease in a certain moment and what is written about past occurrences of that disease is not just evident but cannot also be forgotten when the history of that historiography is written. The aim of this brief paper is to analyse the evolution of Portuguese historiography about medieval plague epidemics, especially Black Death, confronting it with the evolution of the scientific knowledge about that disease throughout the decades and determining how fast did Portuguese historians integrate that knowledge in their own historical analysis. From miasmatical theory until the definition of microbial theory of diseases, from the discovery of the plague bacillus (and little after, the vectorial transmission) to the confirmation of the identity of plague bacteria as the responsible for Black Death, all these discoveries influenced the way past plagues were studied and understood. Cultivating a symbiotic relationship since a long time ago, Natural and Life Sciences, at one side, and History, at the other, move forward together, establishing bridges that benefit both and allow the production of a scientific knowledge progressively more rigorous, transversal and useful.

Research paper thumbnail of O Ensino na Colegiada de Santa Maria de Guimarães durante a Idade Média

Revista de Guimarães, 2021

O estudo do ensino no Portugal Medieval tem conhecido avanços notáveis nas últimas décadas. Se a ... more O estudo do ensino no Portugal Medieval tem conhecido avanços notáveis nas últimas décadas. Se a Universidade tem sido a instituição que mais atenção tem recebido, as outras formas de ensino não foram esquecidas. Neste âmbito, é importante revisitar a escola de uma das mais importantes igrejas medievais portuguesas, a Colegiada de Santa Maria de Guimarães. Este breve artigo foca-se no funcionamento do ensino capitular ao longo dos derradeiros séculos medievais, destacando o aspeto que os escassos dados documentais permitem explorar com maior detalhe: o dos indivíduos, sobretudo mestres-escolas e mestres de gramática. Peça central da vida da urbe
vimaranense, a escola da colegiada foi o mais importante centro de ensino em Guimarães até ao advento da efémera universidade quinhentista instalada no Mosteiro de Santa Marinha da Costa. Esta breve síntese serve como ponto de partida para um novo estudo aprofundado desta valência da mais importante instituição do primeiro milénio vimaranense.

Research paper thumbnail of Sete séculos curtos: revisitar a Peste Negra no tempo da Covid 19

Atas do III Seminário Vulnerabilidades Sociais e Saúde (I Seminário Internacional) “Epidemias: uma análise interdisciplinar”, 2021

The dialogue between History, Social Sciences and Life Sciences is a multidisciplinary exercise o... more The dialogue between History, Social Sciences and Life Sciences is a multidisciplinary exercise of great usefulness. Events separated by centuries may offer comparisons surprisingly valuable during excepcional circumstances as the ones we are currently experiencing. To rescue the memory of great epidemics and pandemics of the past allows us to deconstruct part of the so called ‘alternative’ narratives that undermine the fight against COVID-19 pandemic in several ways: speaking against the application of prophylactic measures that are effective, refusing the consensus and paradigms of Science in favor of unfounded narratives, distrusting public health authorities (national and international), discrediting means of prevention with century-old proves as vaccination. We can trace parallels between almost all these present inorganic movements and past expressions, and this comparisons can make easier a) to prevent their appearance, b) to fight their narratives and c) to improve the fight against the true problem – the health emergency – if we know and understand better their past manifestations.

Research paper thumbnail of A Pestis secunda em Portugal (1362)

Revista Portuguesa de História, 2021

The aim of the paper is to systematize documental and chronological data about Pesti... more The aim of the paper is to systematize documental and chronological data about Pestis secunda, the first plague outbreak that hit Europe after the famous Black Death, looking for an approximate chronology of the event in Portugal. A little more than a decade after its predecessor, this epidemic proved that the disease would become recurrent, and some exceptional sources allow us to dispute that the silence of the majority of the surviving documents means a minor impact in the lives of those who survived it.

Research paper thumbnail of Os homens da cura na Guimarães Medieval

Revista Afonsina, 2021

Este breve artigo tem como objetivo principal dar a conhecer os diversos tipos de ofícios de cura... more Este breve artigo tem como objetivo principal dar a conhecer os diversos tipos de ofícios de cura que estão documentados em Guimarães no final da Idade Média, os seus praticantes e a sua realidade social. A revitalização da vida urbana, o papel regional relevante de Guimarães e as suas relações comerciais que ultrapassavam em muito as fronteiras do reino de Portugal, tornam o burgo vimaranense tardomedieval um estudo de caso central. A documentação abundante, proveniente sobretudo do cartório da Colegiada de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira, mas também dos arquivos régios, entre outras proveniências, revela-nos nomes, percursos e interações destes homens, mas também mantém muitos silêncios que multiplicam as questões a colocar.

Research paper thumbnail of Master of the Arts of the Coughs – A 14th-century Portuguese Proto-Pulmonologist

Research paper thumbnail of A Peste Negra no Portugal de trezentos: Impacto e Consequências - Um Projeto de Doutoramento

Incipit, 2019

The Great Plague of 1347-53, commonly known as Black Death, is one of the most famous medieval ev... more The Great Plague of 1347-53, commonly known as Black Death, is one of the most famous medieval events, and one of those whose influence and importance is more recognized. The integrated study of Plague as a natural and historical phenomenon had extraordinary advances in the last few years. However, this is not the Portuguese reality, where it keeps being in an early stage of research and development. With this project, I propose to study exhaustively the Portuguese documentation from the 14th century produced in two specific regions – Entre-Douro-e-Minho and Entre-Tejo-e-Odiana, - to measure the impact of Black Death, and to integrate its consequences of that first occurrence of the second pandemic of bubonic plague within the events that marked the Portuguese 14th century. Using mainly indirect primary sources, I will try to understand the role of Black Death analyzing the changes in land use and exploration, working relations, monetarization of economy, the volume of documentary production and its production flows, etc. At the same time, I will try to complete the information collected in traditional sources with data from complementary sciences that, although in a similar early stage in Portugal, may already allow new historical readings, interpretations, new questions and answers about this theme.

Research paper thumbnail of Ensinar e Aprender na Évora Medieval

Preservados pelos seus refúgios eclesiásticos, a cultura erudita, a escrita e o ensino expandem-s... more Preservados pelos seus refúgios eclesiásticos, a cultura erudita, a escrita e o ensino expandem-se na Baixa Idade Média, multiplicando-se a oferta de acordo com os destinatários e as suas motivações. A mobilidade social que uma boa educação poderia trazer, as necessidades de uma hierarquia eclesiástica cada vez mais exigente, a especialização dentro das administrações central e local, a especificidade das minorias étnico-religiosas ou o prestígio associado ao saber, sagrado ou profano, são alguns dos fatores responsáveis pelo surgimento de diversos estabelecimentos de ensino. Évora, sede de concelho, cidade episcopal e destino frequente da Corte Régia, revela-se como um excelente caso de estudo desta expansão tardo-medieval, intimamente ligada com a dinâmica de uma cidade em crescimento.

Preserved by their ecclesiastical sanctuaries, the erudite culture, the writing and reading and school education expand during the Late Middle Ages, with an augmenting supply adapted to its recipients and their motivations. The social mobility that a good education could bring, the needs of an increasingly demanding ecclesiastical hierarchy, the specialization within the central and local administrations, the specificities of the religious minorities, as well as the prestige associated with high culture, are some of the factors responsible for the creation of these new schools. Évora, municipality, episcopal city and frequent stop of the Royal Court, reveals itself as an excellent case study of this late medieval expansion, intimately connected to the dynamics of a growing city.

Research paper thumbnail of Físicos e cirurgiões medievais portugueses: Contextos socioculturais, práticas e transmissão de conhecimentos (1192-1338)

A renovação sociocultural que marcou o século XII proporcionou à medicina a possibilidade de se t... more A renovação sociocultural que marcou o século XII proporcionou à medicina a possibilidade de se transformar num domínio científico plenamente reconhecido e, simultaneamente, numa profissão de prestígio. Portugal, cuja independência se consolidava neste período, acabou por receber os seus primeiros físicos ainda durante o reinado de D. Sancho I. Este projeto tem como objetivo estudar os primeiros indivíduos que exerceram medicina em Portugal, durante a Idade Média, procurando obter uma visão transversal do meio cultural do qual emergiram, da realidade social em que se inseriram e do papel que a prática médica desempenhou nos seus percursos; tudo isto numa fase incipiente do ofício no território português, onde a consolidação levou várias gerações a estar completa.

Research paper thumbnail of O ensino da História Medieval na Universidade do Porto (1963-1978)

História. Revista da FLUP, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Algumas questões sobre a lepra no Portugal Medieval a partir do caso de Loulé

Atas do V Encontro de História de Loulé, 2024

An important element of the medieval imaginary, leprosy has been an increasingly frequent object ... more An important element of the medieval imaginary, leprosy has been an increasingly frequent object of study among historians of the Middle Ages. The challenge of deconstructing the old historiographical myths surrounding the disease is considerable, but the results have been abundant and surprising. In Portugal, the disease seems to have been distributed very unevenly across the territory, with an ancient, vast and well-documented presence in the north, and an almost total absence in the south, particularly in the Algarve. The Loulé municipality's vast collection of historical documents provides an opportunity to explore this subject further, even though information is scarce - or, rather, precisely because information is scarce. In a period of renewal in the history of the disease, it is imperative to ask new questions and revisit the documents that have already given us so much, looking for new answers between the lines and in the silences, going from a local case to a global dimension.

Research paper thumbnail of Rei, Lei e Peste. Retoma e Recomposição em Portugal após a Peste Negra (1349–1352)

Sociabilidades, Quotidianos e Saúde (Séculos XIV a XX), 2024

This brief chapter focuses on the actions of the authorities, what, with some anachronism but rec... more This brief chapter focuses on the actions of the authorities, what, with some anachronism but recalling the classic work of Henrique da Gama Barros, we would call ‘public administration’. The interdependent relationship between the monarchy and local power is explored. Rather than analysing the role of the institutions under study, the aim is to understand their reaction, as well as their plasticity and ability to adapt to an event of extremely high mortality (although impossible to calculate, in the Portuguese case), determining the speed at which they were able to resume functioning, restore their capacity for intervention and the relative success of that intervention.

Research paper thumbnail of A vulgarização do léxico da peste após a Peste Negra como testemunho de  memória: o caso do Entre- Douro-e-Minho (Portugal)

Pestes e Epidemias - Estudos interdisciplinares em humanidades, 2022

The Black Death of 1347-53 is a unique event in human history for several reasons. Among them, it... more The Black Death of 1347-53 is a unique event in human history for several reasons. Among them, it is usual to highlight the high mortality rate, the speed of the spreading and the profound impact on the memory of the survivors and their descendants.
That memory can be felt in several ways, and an intensive research in coeval Northern Portuguese daily documentation reveals the introduction of words and expressions deeply connected with that traumatic phenomenon. This chapter aims to confirm the correlation between the Great Plague and the vulgarization of the use of the plague lexicon, especially the word “pestilência” (pestilence), among common Portuguese
people in the second half of the 14th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Cronologia dos surtos portugueses da segunda pandemia de peste (séc. XIV–XVII): importância e problemas

Olhares cruzados sobre a história da saúde da Idade Média à contemporaneidade, 2022

Estudar epidemias e surtos de peste em Portugal faz-se sobretudo em forma de monografia, com um l... more Estudar epidemias e surtos de peste em Portugal faz-se sobretudo em forma de monografia, com um local e uma data, ou com foco na comunicação política entre autoridades, mormente Coroa e poderes municipais. Contudo, compreender um fenómeno como uma doença epidémica recorrente, com uma etiologia complexa e cujo ciclo de enzoótico-epizoótico-epidémico depende de uma intrincada rede de fatores ambientais e humanos, exige muito mais. A Segunda Pandemia de Peste, designação aplicada ao ciclo de infeções que se prolonga no Velho Mundo entre a Peste Negra de meados do século XIV e o início do século XIX, é a mais impactante das três convencionalmente definidas. Porém, a cronologia segura e documentada dos seus surtos em Portugal está por fazer. Tarefa aparentemente simples, o estabelecimento de uma cronologia rigorosa de surtos é fundamental por vários motivos: uma análise documental com amostra alargada e transversal a todo o território nacional permitirá reconstituir uma geografia dinâmica da doença, sobretudo nos surtos com impacto em todo o reino; consequentemente, esta geografia dinâmica permitirá construir uma cartografia igualmente dinâmica, representando rotas de propagação, padrões de difusão, de sazonalidade e de clima que raramente são claro nas análises tradicionais a um surto estudado numa única cidade. O sucesso desta empreitada permitirá ainda colocar questões inéditas, como a possível focalização da peste em território português, com a manutenção de depósitos de bactérias em meio enzoótico, criando condições para pequenos surtos independentes de qualquer introdução por via marítima ou pela fronteira castelhana. Os desafios metodológicos são múltiplos: desigualdade de informação ao longo dos séculos, verosimilhança da identificação da doença, fragmentação de testemunhos, entre outros. Mas a consciência das limitações deverá conduzir à adoção de ferramentas que, por um lado, matizem essas limitações, e, por outro, nunca as omitam ou ignorem, permitindo assim um conhecimento mais profundo e completo de um fenómeno histórico tão impactante.

Research paper thumbnail of Project Évora 3d: research, methodology, reconstruction and visualization

Cities in the Medieval Ages: Exploring Past, Present and Future, 2019

We present here some of the results of the ongoing project Évora 3d, a project in collaboration b... more We present here some of the results of the ongoing project Évora 3d, a project in collaboration between Évora’s Municipality and the research centres CHAIA and the CHIDEUS of the University of Évora - Portugal.
This specific phase seeks to create a 3D model, via the study of ancient medieval documents that will describe the plan of the city during the XIV-XV sec. AD.
The initial textual database of building structures has been created and will serve as a base for the reconstruction of each architectonic element of the ancient town. The same database will also be used for the translation of the historical information facts to a more engaging format for the final audience.
After the creation of the database, a first reconstruction attempt of architectonic elements and housing proposals will be pursued, allowing the creation of a first hybrid and dynamic 3d model. A new methodology for the public interpretation will be explored during the visualization stage, and while the Islamic Town has been presented with a fixed rendered output to the audience, this time around the final model will be visualized in real-time.
The initial hybrid 3d model will be inserted into a new 3d online platform (currently in development) enabling the editing of the initial 3d model, as well as the presentation of the facts, such as the socio-economic aspects of the town during this period. This will be presented to the public with a possible new exhibition throughout 3d digital storytelling techniques. The attempt will be to allow a full immersive experience, not only in terms of the unique approach to the reconstruction phase, but also when considering the models scale and the new instruments available for their presentation.

Research paper thumbnail of Elvira Mendes - História de um silêncio

Reinas e infantas en los reinos medievales ibéricos Contribuciones para su estudio, 2018

Proceeding from the most powerful family of the peninsular west, Queen Elvira Mendes, wife of Alf... more Proceeding from the most powerful family of the peninsular west, Queen
Elvira Mendes, wife of Alfonso V of León, seems to represent a last charge of the Portuguese counts to guarantee the permanency of their political hegemony in the Kingdom of León. With a brief life and a course barely remembered by documentation, it remains the possibility of study and interpretation of those documental silences, trying to reveal a little bit of the queen’s biography and the importance she had –or not– in the complex political chess of the first third part of the peninsular 11th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Mumadona Dias. In Biografias Vimaranenses, coord. António Amaro das Neves, Guimarães, Fundação Cidade Guimarães e A Oficina, 2013, pp. 86-141

Research paper thumbnail of Green and Silva, "Shifting Paradigms in Black Death Chronologies" (2023)

Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations, 2023

The linked blogpost summarizes findings presented at a talk at Erfurt University on 16 May 2023, ... more The linked blogpost summarizes findings presented at a talk at Erfurt University on 16 May 2023, in the series KFG “Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formation,” Global Exchange: Trade, Knowledge, and Religion. Focusing on just one part of the presentation, in this blogpost we present our key argument that rigorous correlation between archaeological, genomic, and documentary evidence demonstrates that plague arrived in Europe at least 2-3 decades before the Black Death of the 1340s. This alters the Black Death narrative profoundly. Further exploration of the implications of this realization will be the work of researchers in a range of disciplines.

The full citation and link are: Monica H. Green and André Filipe Oliveira da Silva, “Shifting Paradigms in Black Death Chronologies,” Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations, 22 May 2023,, DOI: A translation into Portuguese is available on Facebook:

The file here gathers all the sources cited via hyperlinks in the essay.

Research paper thumbnail of Pensar, aprender e ensinar. Visão História 67 (outubro-novembro 2021), p. 70-71.

Research paper thumbnail of A Peste Negra em Portugal. Visão História 58 (abril-maio de 2020), p. 51-52.

Visão História, 2020

"A epidemia terá chegado no verão de 1348 e abalou o País até fevereiro do ano seguinte. O Norte ... more "A epidemia terá chegado no verão de 1348 e abalou o País até fevereiro do ano seguinte. O Norte e o Centro foram as zonas mais afetadas."

Research paper thumbnail of SILVA, André Filipe Oliveira da; COELHO, André Madruga; SIMÕES, José; SOUSA, Silvana R. Vieira de (dir.) - JUVENES - THE MIDDLE AGES SEEN BY YOUNG RESEARCHERS Vol. II - Space(s).

Publicações do CIDEHUS, 2022 This volume publishes some of the texts presented ... more

This volume publishes some of the texts presented at the 2nd edition of the International Congress for Young Researchers in Middle Ages, under the theme “Space(s)”, held at the University of Évora between the 13th and 15th November 2019. As in the previous volume, the texts are authored by young researchers in medieval history, coming from various academic and geographical origins and combining various scientific disciplines.

Research paper thumbnail of Incipit 7. Workshop de Estudos Medievais da Universidade do Porto 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Incipit 6. Workshop de Estudos Medievais da Universidade do Porto 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Incipit 5. Workshop de Estudos Medievais da Universidade do Porto 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Incipit 4. Workshop de Estudos Medievais da Universidade do Porto 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Recensão: CLÉMENT, François (dir.) – Épidémies, épizooties. Des représentations anciennes aux approches actuelles. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017 (264 pp.)

Medievalista, 2020

O livro sobre o qual se redige esta recensão resulta dos trabalhos de duas jornadas de investigaç... more O livro sobre o qual se redige esta recensão resulta dos trabalhos de duas jornadas de investigação, relacionadas com dois projetos realizados em unidades de investigação das Universidades de Nantes e de Poitiers. Tratando-se de uma obra coletiva -são 17 os autores que colaboram neste volume de 12 capítulos, aos quais se acrescentam uma nota introdutória e um posfácio do diretor do volume −, Recensão / Book review • André Filipe Oliveira da Silva Medievalista N.º 28 | Julho -Dezembro 2020 383 de partida ou reflexões de percurso, uma verdadeira troca multidisciplinar e mais um contributo coletivo para uma área entusiasmante que tem sido decisiva para o avanço do conhecimento histórico global, integrado e transversal a todas as cronologias. COMO CITAR ESTE ARTIGO | HOW TO QUOTE THIS ARTICLE: SILVA, André Filipe Oliveira -"CLÉMENT, François (dir.) -Épidémies, épizooties. Des représentations anciennes aux approches actuelles. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2017 (264 pp.)". Medievalista 28 (Julho -Dezembro 2020), pp. 379-383. Disponível em .

Research paper thumbnail of V International Congress for Young Reserchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) | 10, 11 e 12 de Novembro de 2022, Colégio do Espírito Santo, Universidade de Évora.

Research paper thumbnail of 48th Economic and Business History Society Conference Porto, Portugal, May 25-27, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of IV International Congress for Young Reserchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) | 11, 12 e 13 de Novembro de 2021, Colégio do Espírito Santo, Universidade de Évora.

Research paper thumbnail of Silva, A. F. O. da, Coelho, A. M., Caetano, F., Simões, J., Ribeiro, L., & Sousa, S. R. V. de. (2021). III Congresso Internacional de Jovens Investigadores em Idade Média – Um olhar sobre o evento. Medievalista, (30), 439-443.

Silva, A. F. O. da, Coelho, A. M., Caetano, F., Simões, J., Ribeiro, L., & Sousa, S. R. V. de. (2021). III Congresso Internacional de Jovens Investigadores em Idade Média – Um olhar sobre o evento. Medievalista, (30), 439-443.

Medievalista, 2021

Média (…) • André Filipe Oliveira da Silva & et. al.

Research paper thumbnail of III International Congress of Young Researchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) | 12, 13 e 14 de Novembro de 2020, Colégio do Espírito Santo, Universidade de Évora.

Theme of the 3rd edition: “DEATH”. MORE INFO: more Theme of the 3rd edition: “DEATH”.

Research paper thumbnail of DISPUTATIO - A Idade Média em Debate: "Quão medieval é um edifício medieval? A DGEMN e a nova legibilidade da arquitetura românica." | 9 de Outubro de 2019, Colégio do Espírito Santo.

* Uma disputatio era um debate público convocado para discutir teses escolásticas e, colectivamen... more * Uma disputatio era um debate público convocado para discutir teses escolásticas e, colectivamente, alcançar e estabelecer a verdade nas Artes Liberais, no Direito e, sobretudo, na Teologia.
Neste sentido, esta iniciativa procura criar um espaço de discussão sobre a Idade Média a partir de várias perspectivas, organizando um ciclo de seminários cujo objectivo é o debate da própria Idade Média - das suas representações, do seu significado, da sua importância, dos seus conceitos.
Desconstruir para colocar em perspectiva e ver mais claramente. Contestar preconceitos e estereótipos, para servir o propósito de fazer História séria, rigorosa, mas também acessível. *
A 1ª sessão deste ciclo de conferências terá como área principal de discussão a História da Arte e contará com a participação da Profª Doutora Maria Leonor Botelho (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto), subordinada ao tema:

"Quão medieval é um edifício medieval? A DGEMN e a nova legibilidade da arquitetura românica."

ENTRADA LIVRE - Sala 131 do Colégio do Espírito Santo
Hermínia Vilar (Universidade de Évora)
André Madruga Coelho (Universidade de Évora)
André Silva (Universidade do Porto/ Universidade de Évora)
José Simões (Universidade de Évora)
Silvana Sousa (Universidade de Évora)

Universidade de Évora
CIDEHUS - Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora
CHAIA - Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística da Universidade de Évora


Research paper thumbnail of International Seminar "Dress and Textiles of Multicultural Medieval Iberia"

Research paper thumbnail of I International Congress of Young Researchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) |  8, 9 e 10 de Novembro de 2018, Colégio do Espírito Santo, Universidade de Évora.

On 08, 09 and 10 November 2018, the 1st International Congress of Young Researchers in Middle Age... more On 08, 09 and 10 November 2018, the 1st International Congress of Young Researchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) will take place at the University of Évora. ICYRMA is destinated to students at master, doctoral and postdoctoral level and/or to those who have obtained their academic degrees in the last five years. It aims to be an interdisciplinary space for dissemination, discussion and contact among young researchers who study the Middle Ages from various perspectives: history, archeology, art history, literature, philosophy, philology, anthropology, methodology, among other areas.

Research paper thumbnail of II Internacional Congress for Young Researchers in Middle Ages (ICYRMA) | 13, 14 e 15 de Novembro de 2019, Colégio do Espírito Santo, Universidade de Évora.

Theme of the 2nd edition: "Space(s)". More info:

Research paper thumbnail of A natureza das aves de rapina na Idade Média

Jornal de Notícias -- História, 2023