Guilherme C Wiedenhöft | FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (original) (raw)
Conference Papers by Guilherme C Wiedenhöft
IT Governance must be part of e-governance initiatives as a way to promote long-term solutions an... more IT Governance must be part of e-governance initiatives as a way to promote long-term solutions and increment their effectiveness. We suggest a conceptual model to understand the demands in an integrated way focused on long–term solutions in order to add organicity and transparency throughout the process and to reduce the complexity. The higher the complexity, the higher the transaction costs, which may compromise future investments on new e-government initiatives.
Os processos de abertura e transparência das organizações públicas e as mudanças que tem ocorrido... more Os processos de abertura e transparência das organizações públicas e as mudanças que tem ocorrido no perfil de cidadão tem gerado novas e diferentes demandas por serviços rápidos e confiáveis que possam ser acessados de diferentes dispositivos, ou seja, demandas por dados, informações e serviços cuja operacionalização depende, envolve ou é melhorada com o uso de TI. Neste cenário, gerenciar a TI não é mais suficiente, faz-se necessário ir uma etapa adiante em um processo de governança. Governar a TI pode ajudar as organizações em tomadas de decisão de TI mais conscienciosas, aumentando ou mantendo o alinhamento entre a TI e as expectativas dos stakeholders. O objetivo é identificar os direitos decisórios de TI dentro da organização estudada, (a) elaborando um mapa decisório a partir da Política de Governança de TIC a fim de identificar os atores e suas relações, (b) identificando os tipos de decisões de TIC pela ótica dos membros do Comitê de TIC e (c) discutindo se os direitos decisórios são adequados aos seus fins. Governança de TI é o atributo organizacional para controlar a formulação e implementação e execução da estratégia de TI. A Governança contribui para as responsabilidades na tomada de decisão e atuando no controle. Nesta conjuntura, deve-se determinar quem decide sobre o que, sendo que o executivo de TI é responsável por gerir, mas não pela decisão sobre o que vai gerir. A análise das decisões de TI têm como objetivo trazer para a GTI um resultado eficaz, pois cada uma representa aspectos relevantes que devem ser observadas com criticidade e responsabilidade da TI. O estudo foi realizado por meio de um estudo de caso em uma organização pública que está definindo o seu modelo de GTI, e pretende responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: quais são os arquétipos decisórios da TI e como se comportam diante a estrutura da geral organização? A fim de atender aos objetivos propostos, utilizaram-se métodos qualitativos tais como pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e a realização de grupos focais. A análise de conteúdo categorial foi a principal técnica de análise de dados. Como resultado, elaborou-se um mapa de decisões de TI considerando os atores e as decisões chaves identificados nos grupos focais e com base nos princípios e objetivos advindos da Política de TIC. As seguintes decisões foram analisadas: Infraestrutura, Aplicação de Negócios, Investimentos e Contratos, e os arquétipos decisório forma identificados e analisados de acordo com o seu alinhamento à Política TIC. Foram identificadas também as estruturas, competências e relações da estrutura de TIC. Para os practictioners, o estudo pode contribuir para identificar as estruturas decisórias de tomada de decisão em TI que contribuem de forma mais efetiva para a criação de valor público para as organizações. A contribuição acadêmica está relacionada à compreensão de como ocorre o processo decisório relacionado a GTI e em como ele deveria ocorrer para atender mais amplamente as expectativas dos stakeholders. Em organizações públicas, a GTI é especialmente importante para que as iniciativas de governo eletrônico sejam de longa duração e mais efetivas.
Na busca por melhoras na privacidade da informação, as organizações têm se preocupado muito com a... more Na busca por melhoras na privacidade da informação, as organizações têm se preocupado muito com a adoção de Tecnologias da Informação (TI), com a intenção de gerenciar os seus dados e fornecer um melhor produto ou serviço ao seu cliente de forma segura. Assim como em outros ramos de atividade, no ambiente hospitalar também há uma grande preocupação com a privacidade das informações, e ainda com um agravante, já que as informações relacionadas aos seus clientes são de extrema particularidade, pois envolvem aspectos a respeito de sua saúde e precisam ser protegidas. Este trabalho delimita-se ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: Existem mecanismos registrados em Documentos Regulatórios e Normativos, que possam contribuir com a segurança e privacidade da informação em uma instituição de saúde? O objetivo ao responder essa questão é identificar os mecanismos propostos por documentos Regulatórios e Normativos que possam ser utilizados em instituições de saúde. Especificamente, pretende-se identificar documentos Regulatórios e Normativos que possam conter mecanismos de proteção e classificar os mecanismos encontrados. A pesquisa se caracteriza como uma pesquisa exploratória de corte transversal com abordagem descritiva, utilizando dados qualitativos. O levantamento bibliográfico foi utilizado como método para a revisão sistemática. Para atender os objetivos foram analisados 20 documentos, qualificando os mecanismos e posteriormente classificando-os por tipo e características. Ao término da análise dos artigos e posteriormente os 20 Documentos Regulatórios e Normativos, chegou-se a 37 mecanismos. Para melhor atender ao objetivo da pesquisa, os mecanismos foram agrupados em Mecanismos de Estrutura, Mecanismos de Processo e Mecanismos de Relacionamento. Após a classificação pelo tipo de mecanismos, foi realizada uma classificação conforme o seu eixo de ação, ou seja, vulnerabilidade, salvaguarda, detecção, punição e conscientização. O resultado principal é a descrição de mecanismos de privacidade da informação em ambientes hospitalares, assim como a descrição dos documentos regulatórios e normativos que contém esses mecanismos. O resultado da revisão sistemática pode fornecer uma base de documentos para administradores hospitalares e também pesquisadores que embasem práticas que protejam a informações dos pacientes.
Soluções de TI operacionalizam e viabilizam diversas iniciativas em organizações públicas. Entret... more Soluções de TI operacionalizam e viabilizam diversas iniciativas em organizações públicas. Entretanto torna-se necessário a adoção de Governança de TI (GTI) para maior controle dessas soluções, crescimento sustentável e melhor tomada de decisão, nesse contexto. Esse trabalho enfatiza expressão comportamental da GTI, visando analisar as principais dimensões do Comportamento de Cidadania Organizacional de indivíduos da TI, que contribuem para o aumento da percepção de efetividade da GTI, em organizações públicas. Para tanto, uma survey é realizada com equipes de TI de órgãos e setores da Administração Direta do Governo do Estado Rio Grande do Sul. Os achados mostraram a existência de uma relação positiva e significativa entre as variáveis Espírito de Iniciativa e Identificação com a Organização e a Efetividade Percebida da GTI. Além de que gestores devem considerar o impacto da mudança em processos de GTI no comportamento dos indivíduos da organização.
Papers by Guilherme C Wiedenhöft
The theoretical-empirical model demonstrates that the maturity of the IT Governance Mechanisms is... more The theoretical-empirical model demonstrates that the maturity of the IT Governance Mechanisms is positively influenced by the Organizational Citizenship Behavior construct variables. Considering that, the methodological procedures performed should test the following specific hypotheses: a) The Consciousness behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity b) The Spirit of Iniciative behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity c) The Interpersonal Harmony behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity; d) The Identification with the Organization behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity The following section presents the details of the methodological procedures used to evaluate the aforementioned hypoteses. A questionnaire was developed to verify the relations between IT Governance and individuals´ behavior, and was comprised of three parts, namely: a) evaluation of the ITG Mechanisms perceived maturity through 11 questions based on (Wiedenhöft et al. 2016); b) 15 questions from the Organizational Citizenship Behavior model validated by (Rego 1999, 2003); and c) nine socio-demographic questions. Printed questionnaires were distributed and 264 were filled out. The data purification procedures suggested by (Sarstedt et al. 2014) were applied, leaving 243 valid answers. The valid answers for the final analysis represent a heterogeneous extracto of the RS State direct administration. REFERENCES - Rego, A. (1999). Comportamentos de cidadania organizacional: Operacionalização de um construto. = Organizational citizenship behavior: A construct measure. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa Psicologia. - Rego, A. (2003). Comprometimento organizacional e ausência psicológica: afinal, quantas dimensões? Revista de Administração de Empresas. doi:10.1590/S0034-75902003000400003 - Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., Smith, D., Reams, R., & Hair, J. F. (2014). Partial least s [...]
Public organizations are expanding their use of the democratic potential of information and commu... more Public organizations are expanding their use of the democratic potential of information and communication technologies to promote the engagement of civil society in their organizational processes. Therefore, it is possible to perceive the transformation of initiatives from electronic government to digital governance based on social participation in government decision-making. This article aims to identify barriers for the adoption of strategic goals related to social participation in the Brazilian Public Administration present in the recently launched Brazilian Digital Governance Policy. To this end, a qualitative exploratory research was conducted through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with ICT managers from public organizations. A set of 25 different barriers for social participation was identified and then grouped into four categories, classified as structural or cultural barriers according to the literature. Posteriorly, these barriers were distributed in three dimensions (individual, organizational and strategic). The results made it possible to discuss the outcomes obtained by Meijer [20] and Melitski [22] in the Brazilian scenario. The lack of citizens' involvement in government issues and the lack of governmental initiatives are the most cited barriers.
Digital transformation is currently a hot topic. Despite the concept still lacks a clear definiti... more Digital transformation is currently a hot topic. Despite the concept still lacks a clear definition, it forms part of many initiatives in private and public organizations. Digital transformation in the private sector is shaping citizens' expectations of what a public service needs to deliver. However, the concept is new, and it is not yet evident which factors influence or drive digital transformation. Based on the literature, we identified that competencies for digital transformation, civil servant behavior, Information Technology (IT)-business alignment, and IT governance play a critical role in achieving public value as a result of digital transformation initiatives. This research aims to study the relationship among these variables. A descriptive-confirmative study was operationalized through a survey with 1202 Brazilian civil servants from 23 states (out of 27). A research instrument was developed and validated. The respondents are high-level managers involved with digital transformation-related initiatives. All hypotheses were confirmed through partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) data analysis. Results reveal digital transformation-enabled public value depends on the competencies related to digital transformation, being influenced by the behavior of civil servants (based on organizational citizenship behavior) and IT-business alignment. Additionally, IT governance influences these two variables. The results also show that some managerial and governance competencies are needed as a way digital transformation initiatives create public value. The same occurs with teams: they need to be focused on the best interest of the organizations, which is aligned with individual, group, and intra-organizational and inter-organizational competencies related to digital transformation. The main theoretical contribution is the development and validation of the theoretical model and the research instrument. The main contribution for organizations is the identification that some primary conditions needs to be fulfilled in the organization to start digital transformation initiatives.
This investigation proposes a set of variables for constructing a theoretical model of predictors... more This investigation proposes a set of variables for constructing a theoretical model of predictors to use open government data (OGD) for generating innovation in public services. Based on a systematic review of the literature, 98 articles were analyzed through a qualitative approach. The variables were selected using content analysis. Based on the literature, the relationship between the variables was established and a model was generated. The proposed model will be used in field studies to measure the effectiveness of open data in generating new ideas for public service innovation. The main variables are Strategic, Technical, Behavior and New Ideas for Innovation. The implications of the theory and propositions for future research were discussed.
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, Aug 10, 2022
Purpose This study investigates the corruption practices from a behavioral perspective, and aims ... more Purpose This study investigates the corruption practices from a behavioral perspective, and aims to verify the impact of health Management Information System (MIS) institutionalization on corruption vulnerabilities and the intention to commit corruption. The studied vulnerabilities are related to management: lack of internal control, accountability, transparency and disburdened administration. This study was conducted in the Brazilian public health system. Design/methodology/approach A research model and instrument were created based on the literature. The model was later tested using the partial least squares technique. A survey of 355 valid responses followed a pilot test with 87 ones. The respondents were civil servants of the Brazilian public health system. Findings Seven of the eight hypotheses were confirmed, supporting the main hypothesis that MIS institutionalization impacts individuals’ behavior by reducing their intention to commit corruption. Institutionalized health MIS improves public management, enabling the prevention of favoritism when awarding service provision contracts, undue payments to corrupt employees and waste of medical and hospital supplies. Originality/value This research adds to the knowledge on corruption from an individual’s behavior perspective influenced by MIS institutionalization in a Latin American perspective. Corruption is a social and cultural-based phenomenon, which reinforces the importance of understanding the effect of Information Systems institutionalization on corruption vulnerabilities in this context. A research model and instrument were created and validated, confirming corruption vulnerabilities that influence behavior. The intention to commit corruption is reduced when mediated by institutionalized MIS. Consequently, the focus must be shifted from moral beliefs to creating and strengthening organizational capacity to systematically identify and reduce vulnerabilities and deter misbehavior and wrongdoings.
Frontiers in Sociology, Jun 12, 2023
Stating "how things are done here," organizations are defining their culture. Organizational Cult... more Stating "how things are done here," organizations are defining their culture. Organizational Culture (OC) is the set of values, norms, goals, and expectations shared by all members of an organization that aids in improving their commitment and performance. On the organizational level, it impacts behavior, productivity, and long-term survival by influencing organizational capability. Due to employee behavior being a competitive di erential, this study examines how specific OCs influence individual behavior. In particular, how the di erent cultures in the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) a ect employees' main dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). A descriptive-confirmative ex post facto research was conducted by surveying employees from over organizations worldwide. The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was used to validate our model. The general hypothesis was confirmed, showing that the predominant organizational culture type a ects the level and the kind of OCBs individuals demonstrate. It is possible to provide organizations with a breakdown of their employees' OCBs based on their OC type and which changes they can make to their organization's culture to increase the employees' OCB and, consequently, the e ciency of their organization.
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Apr 30, 2017
The purpose of this article is to identify and validate a list of mechanisms that can meet the ob... more The purpose of this article is to identify and validate a list of mechanisms that can meet the objectives and principles of IT Governance (ITG) in public organizations. These mechanisms can be useful to public organizations when implementing their ITG model. ITG mechanisms are a key part of an ITG model because high-level definitions (principles and objectives) are operationalized through them. This exploratory and descriptive cross-sectional research used qualitative and quantitative data. Data were collected in a literature review, structured interviews with ITG professionals and a survey with IT and Business Managers who belong to a network of managers, which is one of the main instances to discuss the ITG model. The results are a preliminary list of mechanisms identified through qualitative data and a final list of mechanisms validated through quantitative data. The focus is on public organizations because the necessity of an ITG model as a better means to govern the electronic services adoption in order to increase the public value to society.
Heliyon, Oct 1, 2021
Nearly forty years have passed since the term Organizational Citizenship Behavior appeared. Despi... more Nearly forty years have passed since the term Organizational Citizenship Behavior appeared. Despite a current consensus among scholars about the citizenship gestures as prosocial acts of employees that benefit the organization, it does not apply commonly to the exponential growth of all OCB-related concepts. The concept's expansion has confused the researchers and practitioners, mainly when choosing the most appropriate instruments (constructs) and dimensions to use in their area of interest and context. A systematic literature review was conducted and 420 articles were analyzed. Results point that the trends on OCB-like behaviors goes higher, with an average annual growth rate of new studies of 3.13%. United States (39%) and China (25%) lead but some "under-studied" contexts like Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Oceania start being studied towards OCB. New trends appear in the spectrum of the many different domains and disciplines related to OCB, while leadership and task performance remain the most studied domains and disciplines. In future studies, researchers must freely choose the OCB dimensions and constructs they want to use or adapt to meet their needs and research needs since there is no written rule about their use, only the care to be taken with the context and discipline studying.
While assessing the potential of a particular digital innovation initiative, especially when it h... more While assessing the potential of a particular digital innovation initiative, especially when it has implications for a range of societal stakeholders, it becomes pertinent to understand the possible bottlenecks in its acceptability as well. In this regard, the present study seeks to understand how the Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives in Brazil are being confronted with bottlenecks in terms of their execution and acceptability. This exploratory study adopts a qualitative cross‐sectional research approach wherein interviews are being conducted with 11 managers working in public organizations and are directly associated with the OGD initiatives. Findings from the interview responses delineate internal and external factors, resource availability, data maintenance, and lack of knowledge as the key determinants for the bottlenecks associated with the execution and acceptability of OGD initiatives by the societal stakeholders. The study's originality lies in its theoretical contr...
Whilst extant literature on Open Government Data (OGD) focuses upon value creation and innovation... more Whilst extant literature on Open Government Data (OGD) focuses upon value creation and innovation, there is scant emphasis upon the Value Co‐Creation (VCC) that might result with the engagement of the public sector agencies and the users at large. The present study seeks to appreciate the barriers towards OGD VCC by adopting a qualitative research methodology wherein interviews are being conducted with key personnel manning the OGD initiatives in Brazil. Impediments veering around VCC may be counted the internal, social and cultural and data factors. Findings from the present study lend credence to the fact that a systematic strategizing is important for the success of OGD VCC lest Value Co‐Destruction (VCD) happen. From a developing country's perspective, the present study acts as a sounding‐board for bearing in mind the caveats deduced vis‐a‐via the success of the VCC processes.
Revista de Administração Contemporânea
Objective: this work emphasizes the information technology governance (ITG) behavioral expression... more Objective: this work emphasizes the information technology governance (ITG) behavioral expression and aims to identify whether individual behavior contributes to the increase of the perceived maturity of the ITG mechanisms. The organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) concept was the base to develop a model of relations between individual behavior and ITG maturity. Methods: we carried out a survey with 243 IT personnel of the executive branch of a Brazilian state government. We used partial least squares as data analysis technique. Results: the findings show the existence of a positive and significant relationship between the variable spirit of initiative and the perceived maturity of the ITG mechanisms. Conclusions: the impact of ITG changes in individuals’ behavior needs to be considered, which reinforces that ITG is a critical resource for implementing public policies and executing governmental strategies. In order to raise the IT governance maturity, managers should foster the ...
Education and Information Technologies, May 3, 2022
The increasing use of, and dependence on, Information Technology (IT) to support operational teac... more The increasing use of, and dependence on, Information Technology (IT) to support operational teaching, research, and management activities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI)-mainly due to their multi-unit organizational structurehave evidenced the need of encouraging managers to focus more on IT Governance (ITG) effectiveness, which has been an issue for many of these institutions. In this sense, we aim to develop a specific ITG model for Higher Education Institutions, by following the methodological principles of Design Science Research (DSR). The model was developed based on a robust theoretical basis that took into account different approaches substantiated by both the alignment of good practices and ITG focus areas as well as addressing the current ITG context of the Brazilian higher education institutions. The validation of the ITG model was based on its presentation to members of the IT Steering Committee of a Brazilian HEI, who confirmed its usefulness and applicability.
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, 2013). The motivations to the use of open government data have been attracting les attention th... more , 2013). The motivations to the use of open government data have been attracting les attention than those of providing them. This situation becomes more pronounced when approaching the use of OGD by the government and public organizations, even if the audience of OGD includes government employees (Smith & Sandberg, 2018; Davies, 2010). Studies have been demonstrated that the main interesting subjects in OGD are professionals and citizens (Heise & Naumann, 2012), focusing respectively on the development of innovation based on OGD and its transparency and accountability. However, the use of OGD by the public sector is not explicit in the literature. OGD is open to both the public and the private sectors (Jetzek, Avital e Bjorn-Andersen, 2014). Consequently, it makes sense that public organizations also use OGD (from other OGD public providers) in decision-making and innovation, as well as that the literature covers this topic. Studies by Vieira and Alvaro (2018), Zhu (2017), Léveillé and Timms (2015), and Parycek, Höcht, and Ginner (2014) investigate users of OGD with multiple stakeholders, including government. However, the literature about the specific use of OGD by the government is not common. The use of OGD by government needs more attention than just the data disclosure because the government has an essential response to create public value (Ruijer et al., 2017; Pereira et al., 2017). Governments can use OGD to improve public services, decisionmaking, and define and monitor public policies implementation (Gascó-Hernández et al., 2018; Susha, Grönlund & Janssen, 2015). Public organizations need to pay special attention to improve cooperation between government organizations and stakeholders involved in producing useful OGD (Yang, Lo & Shiang, 2015). Based on the aspects discussed, this paper aims to discuss the twofold role of government in the open government data ecosystem (provider or user). This article is organized in five sections. In this section, the motivations for the study are presented, and the research problem and objectives are defined. Section 2 discusses the theoretical elements guiding the study. Section 3 describes the operationalization of the study, and section 4 presents the data analysis. The concluding remarks are set forth in Section 5. 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Open Data (OD) is the one that is free for use, without copyright restrictions, available for anyone, and machine processable (Zhang, Hua & Yuan, 2018). Open Government Data (OGD) is the OD that comes from public sector (Saxena, 2017). Around the world, governments enable open data and create expectations to transform the data into social benefits, when data generate knowledge or ideas to create public value (Ruijer et al., 2017). OGD can improve open government (Yang & Wu, 2016) because data disclosure creates a set of public sector information useful for all stakeholders, including the government itself (Galiotou & Fragkou, 2013; Linders, 2013; O'Riain et al. 2012). The information obtained from OGD can produce knowledge or ideas to be used in initiatives aiming to increase public value, which can benefit all stakeholders (Lourenço, 2015). The effective use of OGD depends on how data are disclosed and also the objective of using them (Attard et al., 2015). Transparency itself is not the only objective of OGD, which is relative to the data usefulness and demands strategic decisions before its disclosure (Dawes,
IT Governance must be part of e-governance initiatives as a way to promote long-term solutions an... more IT Governance must be part of e-governance initiatives as a way to promote long-term solutions and increment their effectiveness. We suggest a conceptual model to understand the demands in an integrated way focused on long–term solutions in order to add organicity and transparency throughout the process and to reduce the complexity. The higher the complexity, the higher the transaction costs, which may compromise future investments on new e-government initiatives.
Os processos de abertura e transparência das organizações públicas e as mudanças que tem ocorrido... more Os processos de abertura e transparência das organizações públicas e as mudanças que tem ocorrido no perfil de cidadão tem gerado novas e diferentes demandas por serviços rápidos e confiáveis que possam ser acessados de diferentes dispositivos, ou seja, demandas por dados, informações e serviços cuja operacionalização depende, envolve ou é melhorada com o uso de TI. Neste cenário, gerenciar a TI não é mais suficiente, faz-se necessário ir uma etapa adiante em um processo de governança. Governar a TI pode ajudar as organizações em tomadas de decisão de TI mais conscienciosas, aumentando ou mantendo o alinhamento entre a TI e as expectativas dos stakeholders. O objetivo é identificar os direitos decisórios de TI dentro da organização estudada, (a) elaborando um mapa decisório a partir da Política de Governança de TIC a fim de identificar os atores e suas relações, (b) identificando os tipos de decisões de TIC pela ótica dos membros do Comitê de TIC e (c) discutindo se os direitos decisórios são adequados aos seus fins. Governança de TI é o atributo organizacional para controlar a formulação e implementação e execução da estratégia de TI. A Governança contribui para as responsabilidades na tomada de decisão e atuando no controle. Nesta conjuntura, deve-se determinar quem decide sobre o que, sendo que o executivo de TI é responsável por gerir, mas não pela decisão sobre o que vai gerir. A análise das decisões de TI têm como objetivo trazer para a GTI um resultado eficaz, pois cada uma representa aspectos relevantes que devem ser observadas com criticidade e responsabilidade da TI. O estudo foi realizado por meio de um estudo de caso em uma organização pública que está definindo o seu modelo de GTI, e pretende responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: quais são os arquétipos decisórios da TI e como se comportam diante a estrutura da geral organização? A fim de atender aos objetivos propostos, utilizaram-se métodos qualitativos tais como pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e a realização de grupos focais. A análise de conteúdo categorial foi a principal técnica de análise de dados. Como resultado, elaborou-se um mapa de decisões de TI considerando os atores e as decisões chaves identificados nos grupos focais e com base nos princípios e objetivos advindos da Política de TIC. As seguintes decisões foram analisadas: Infraestrutura, Aplicação de Negócios, Investimentos e Contratos, e os arquétipos decisório forma identificados e analisados de acordo com o seu alinhamento à Política TIC. Foram identificadas também as estruturas, competências e relações da estrutura de TIC. Para os practictioners, o estudo pode contribuir para identificar as estruturas decisórias de tomada de decisão em TI que contribuem de forma mais efetiva para a criação de valor público para as organizações. A contribuição acadêmica está relacionada à compreensão de como ocorre o processo decisório relacionado a GTI e em como ele deveria ocorrer para atender mais amplamente as expectativas dos stakeholders. Em organizações públicas, a GTI é especialmente importante para que as iniciativas de governo eletrônico sejam de longa duração e mais efetivas.
Na busca por melhoras na privacidade da informação, as organizações têm se preocupado muito com a... more Na busca por melhoras na privacidade da informação, as organizações têm se preocupado muito com a adoção de Tecnologias da Informação (TI), com a intenção de gerenciar os seus dados e fornecer um melhor produto ou serviço ao seu cliente de forma segura. Assim como em outros ramos de atividade, no ambiente hospitalar também há uma grande preocupação com a privacidade das informações, e ainda com um agravante, já que as informações relacionadas aos seus clientes são de extrema particularidade, pois envolvem aspectos a respeito de sua saúde e precisam ser protegidas. Este trabalho delimita-se ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: Existem mecanismos registrados em Documentos Regulatórios e Normativos, que possam contribuir com a segurança e privacidade da informação em uma instituição de saúde? O objetivo ao responder essa questão é identificar os mecanismos propostos por documentos Regulatórios e Normativos que possam ser utilizados em instituições de saúde. Especificamente, pretende-se identificar documentos Regulatórios e Normativos que possam conter mecanismos de proteção e classificar os mecanismos encontrados. A pesquisa se caracteriza como uma pesquisa exploratória de corte transversal com abordagem descritiva, utilizando dados qualitativos. O levantamento bibliográfico foi utilizado como método para a revisão sistemática. Para atender os objetivos foram analisados 20 documentos, qualificando os mecanismos e posteriormente classificando-os por tipo e características. Ao término da análise dos artigos e posteriormente os 20 Documentos Regulatórios e Normativos, chegou-se a 37 mecanismos. Para melhor atender ao objetivo da pesquisa, os mecanismos foram agrupados em Mecanismos de Estrutura, Mecanismos de Processo e Mecanismos de Relacionamento. Após a classificação pelo tipo de mecanismos, foi realizada uma classificação conforme o seu eixo de ação, ou seja, vulnerabilidade, salvaguarda, detecção, punição e conscientização. O resultado principal é a descrição de mecanismos de privacidade da informação em ambientes hospitalares, assim como a descrição dos documentos regulatórios e normativos que contém esses mecanismos. O resultado da revisão sistemática pode fornecer uma base de documentos para administradores hospitalares e também pesquisadores que embasem práticas que protejam a informações dos pacientes.
Soluções de TI operacionalizam e viabilizam diversas iniciativas em organizações públicas. Entret... more Soluções de TI operacionalizam e viabilizam diversas iniciativas em organizações públicas. Entretanto torna-se necessário a adoção de Governança de TI (GTI) para maior controle dessas soluções, crescimento sustentável e melhor tomada de decisão, nesse contexto. Esse trabalho enfatiza expressão comportamental da GTI, visando analisar as principais dimensões do Comportamento de Cidadania Organizacional de indivíduos da TI, que contribuem para o aumento da percepção de efetividade da GTI, em organizações públicas. Para tanto, uma survey é realizada com equipes de TI de órgãos e setores da Administração Direta do Governo do Estado Rio Grande do Sul. Os achados mostraram a existência de uma relação positiva e significativa entre as variáveis Espírito de Iniciativa e Identificação com a Organização e a Efetividade Percebida da GTI. Além de que gestores devem considerar o impacto da mudança em processos de GTI no comportamento dos indivíduos da organização.
The theoretical-empirical model demonstrates that the maturity of the IT Governance Mechanisms is... more The theoretical-empirical model demonstrates that the maturity of the IT Governance Mechanisms is positively influenced by the Organizational Citizenship Behavior construct variables. Considering that, the methodological procedures performed should test the following specific hypotheses: a) The Consciousness behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity b) The Spirit of Iniciative behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity c) The Interpersonal Harmony behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity; d) The Identification with the Organization behavior positively influences the perception of IT Governance Mechanisms Maturity The following section presents the details of the methodological procedures used to evaluate the aforementioned hypoteses. A questionnaire was developed to verify the relations between IT Governance and individuals´ behavior, and was comprised of three parts, namely: a) evaluation of the ITG Mechanisms perceived maturity through 11 questions based on (Wiedenhöft et al. 2016); b) 15 questions from the Organizational Citizenship Behavior model validated by (Rego 1999, 2003); and c) nine socio-demographic questions. Printed questionnaires were distributed and 264 were filled out. The data purification procedures suggested by (Sarstedt et al. 2014) were applied, leaving 243 valid answers. The valid answers for the final analysis represent a heterogeneous extracto of the RS State direct administration. REFERENCES - Rego, A. (1999). Comportamentos de cidadania organizacional: Operacionalização de um construto. = Organizational citizenship behavior: A construct measure. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa Psicologia. - Rego, A. (2003). Comprometimento organizacional e ausência psicológica: afinal, quantas dimensões? Revista de Administração de Empresas. doi:10.1590/S0034-75902003000400003 - Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., Smith, D., Reams, R., & Hair, J. F. (2014). Partial least s [...]
Public organizations are expanding their use of the democratic potential of information and commu... more Public organizations are expanding their use of the democratic potential of information and communication technologies to promote the engagement of civil society in their organizational processes. Therefore, it is possible to perceive the transformation of initiatives from electronic government to digital governance based on social participation in government decision-making. This article aims to identify barriers for the adoption of strategic goals related to social participation in the Brazilian Public Administration present in the recently launched Brazilian Digital Governance Policy. To this end, a qualitative exploratory research was conducted through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with ICT managers from public organizations. A set of 25 different barriers for social participation was identified and then grouped into four categories, classified as structural or cultural barriers according to the literature. Posteriorly, these barriers were distributed in three dimensions (individual, organizational and strategic). The results made it possible to discuss the outcomes obtained by Meijer [20] and Melitski [22] in the Brazilian scenario. The lack of citizens' involvement in government issues and the lack of governmental initiatives are the most cited barriers.
Digital transformation is currently a hot topic. Despite the concept still lacks a clear definiti... more Digital transformation is currently a hot topic. Despite the concept still lacks a clear definition, it forms part of many initiatives in private and public organizations. Digital transformation in the private sector is shaping citizens' expectations of what a public service needs to deliver. However, the concept is new, and it is not yet evident which factors influence or drive digital transformation. Based on the literature, we identified that competencies for digital transformation, civil servant behavior, Information Technology (IT)-business alignment, and IT governance play a critical role in achieving public value as a result of digital transformation initiatives. This research aims to study the relationship among these variables. A descriptive-confirmative study was operationalized through a survey with 1202 Brazilian civil servants from 23 states (out of 27). A research instrument was developed and validated. The respondents are high-level managers involved with digital transformation-related initiatives. All hypotheses were confirmed through partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) data analysis. Results reveal digital transformation-enabled public value depends on the competencies related to digital transformation, being influenced by the behavior of civil servants (based on organizational citizenship behavior) and IT-business alignment. Additionally, IT governance influences these two variables. The results also show that some managerial and governance competencies are needed as a way digital transformation initiatives create public value. The same occurs with teams: they need to be focused on the best interest of the organizations, which is aligned with individual, group, and intra-organizational and inter-organizational competencies related to digital transformation. The main theoretical contribution is the development and validation of the theoretical model and the research instrument. The main contribution for organizations is the identification that some primary conditions needs to be fulfilled in the organization to start digital transformation initiatives.
This investigation proposes a set of variables for constructing a theoretical model of predictors... more This investigation proposes a set of variables for constructing a theoretical model of predictors to use open government data (OGD) for generating innovation in public services. Based on a systematic review of the literature, 98 articles were analyzed through a qualitative approach. The variables were selected using content analysis. Based on the literature, the relationship between the variables was established and a model was generated. The proposed model will be used in field studies to measure the effectiveness of open data in generating new ideas for public service innovation. The main variables are Strategic, Technical, Behavior and New Ideas for Innovation. The implications of the theory and propositions for future research were discussed.
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, Aug 10, 2022
Purpose This study investigates the corruption practices from a behavioral perspective, and aims ... more Purpose This study investigates the corruption practices from a behavioral perspective, and aims to verify the impact of health Management Information System (MIS) institutionalization on corruption vulnerabilities and the intention to commit corruption. The studied vulnerabilities are related to management: lack of internal control, accountability, transparency and disburdened administration. This study was conducted in the Brazilian public health system. Design/methodology/approach A research model and instrument were created based on the literature. The model was later tested using the partial least squares technique. A survey of 355 valid responses followed a pilot test with 87 ones. The respondents were civil servants of the Brazilian public health system. Findings Seven of the eight hypotheses were confirmed, supporting the main hypothesis that MIS institutionalization impacts individuals’ behavior by reducing their intention to commit corruption. Institutionalized health MIS improves public management, enabling the prevention of favoritism when awarding service provision contracts, undue payments to corrupt employees and waste of medical and hospital supplies. Originality/value This research adds to the knowledge on corruption from an individual’s behavior perspective influenced by MIS institutionalization in a Latin American perspective. Corruption is a social and cultural-based phenomenon, which reinforces the importance of understanding the effect of Information Systems institutionalization on corruption vulnerabilities in this context. A research model and instrument were created and validated, confirming corruption vulnerabilities that influence behavior. The intention to commit corruption is reduced when mediated by institutionalized MIS. Consequently, the focus must be shifted from moral beliefs to creating and strengthening organizational capacity to systematically identify and reduce vulnerabilities and deter misbehavior and wrongdoings.
Frontiers in Sociology, Jun 12, 2023
Stating "how things are done here," organizations are defining their culture. Organizational Cult... more Stating "how things are done here," organizations are defining their culture. Organizational Culture (OC) is the set of values, norms, goals, and expectations shared by all members of an organization that aids in improving their commitment and performance. On the organizational level, it impacts behavior, productivity, and long-term survival by influencing organizational capability. Due to employee behavior being a competitive di erential, this study examines how specific OCs influence individual behavior. In particular, how the di erent cultures in the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) a ect employees' main dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). A descriptive-confirmative ex post facto research was conducted by surveying employees from over organizations worldwide. The Kruskal-Wallis H-test was used to validate our model. The general hypothesis was confirmed, showing that the predominant organizational culture type a ects the level and the kind of OCBs individuals demonstrate. It is possible to provide organizations with a breakdown of their employees' OCBs based on their OC type and which changes they can make to their organization's culture to increase the employees' OCB and, consequently, the e ciency of their organization.
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Apr 30, 2017
The purpose of this article is to identify and validate a list of mechanisms that can meet the ob... more The purpose of this article is to identify and validate a list of mechanisms that can meet the objectives and principles of IT Governance (ITG) in public organizations. These mechanisms can be useful to public organizations when implementing their ITG model. ITG mechanisms are a key part of an ITG model because high-level definitions (principles and objectives) are operationalized through them. This exploratory and descriptive cross-sectional research used qualitative and quantitative data. Data were collected in a literature review, structured interviews with ITG professionals and a survey with IT and Business Managers who belong to a network of managers, which is one of the main instances to discuss the ITG model. The results are a preliminary list of mechanisms identified through qualitative data and a final list of mechanisms validated through quantitative data. The focus is on public organizations because the necessity of an ITG model as a better means to govern the electronic services adoption in order to increase the public value to society.
Heliyon, Oct 1, 2021
Nearly forty years have passed since the term Organizational Citizenship Behavior appeared. Despi... more Nearly forty years have passed since the term Organizational Citizenship Behavior appeared. Despite a current consensus among scholars about the citizenship gestures as prosocial acts of employees that benefit the organization, it does not apply commonly to the exponential growth of all OCB-related concepts. The concept's expansion has confused the researchers and practitioners, mainly when choosing the most appropriate instruments (constructs) and dimensions to use in their area of interest and context. A systematic literature review was conducted and 420 articles were analyzed. Results point that the trends on OCB-like behaviors goes higher, with an average annual growth rate of new studies of 3.13%. United States (39%) and China (25%) lead but some "under-studied" contexts like Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Oceania start being studied towards OCB. New trends appear in the spectrum of the many different domains and disciplines related to OCB, while leadership and task performance remain the most studied domains and disciplines. In future studies, researchers must freely choose the OCB dimensions and constructs they want to use or adapt to meet their needs and research needs since there is no written rule about their use, only the care to be taken with the context and discipline studying.
While assessing the potential of a particular digital innovation initiative, especially when it h... more While assessing the potential of a particular digital innovation initiative, especially when it has implications for a range of societal stakeholders, it becomes pertinent to understand the possible bottlenecks in its acceptability as well. In this regard, the present study seeks to understand how the Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives in Brazil are being confronted with bottlenecks in terms of their execution and acceptability. This exploratory study adopts a qualitative cross‐sectional research approach wherein interviews are being conducted with 11 managers working in public organizations and are directly associated with the OGD initiatives. Findings from the interview responses delineate internal and external factors, resource availability, data maintenance, and lack of knowledge as the key determinants for the bottlenecks associated with the execution and acceptability of OGD initiatives by the societal stakeholders. The study's originality lies in its theoretical contr...
Whilst extant literature on Open Government Data (OGD) focuses upon value creation and innovation... more Whilst extant literature on Open Government Data (OGD) focuses upon value creation and innovation, there is scant emphasis upon the Value Co‐Creation (VCC) that might result with the engagement of the public sector agencies and the users at large. The present study seeks to appreciate the barriers towards OGD VCC by adopting a qualitative research methodology wherein interviews are being conducted with key personnel manning the OGD initiatives in Brazil. Impediments veering around VCC may be counted the internal, social and cultural and data factors. Findings from the present study lend credence to the fact that a systematic strategizing is important for the success of OGD VCC lest Value Co‐Destruction (VCD) happen. From a developing country's perspective, the present study acts as a sounding‐board for bearing in mind the caveats deduced vis‐a‐via the success of the VCC processes.
Revista de Administração Contemporânea
Objective: this work emphasizes the information technology governance (ITG) behavioral expression... more Objective: this work emphasizes the information technology governance (ITG) behavioral expression and aims to identify whether individual behavior contributes to the increase of the perceived maturity of the ITG mechanisms. The organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) concept was the base to develop a model of relations between individual behavior and ITG maturity. Methods: we carried out a survey with 243 IT personnel of the executive branch of a Brazilian state government. We used partial least squares as data analysis technique. Results: the findings show the existence of a positive and significant relationship between the variable spirit of initiative and the perceived maturity of the ITG mechanisms. Conclusions: the impact of ITG changes in individuals’ behavior needs to be considered, which reinforces that ITG is a critical resource for implementing public policies and executing governmental strategies. In order to raise the IT governance maturity, managers should foster the ...
Education and Information Technologies, May 3, 2022
The increasing use of, and dependence on, Information Technology (IT) to support operational teac... more The increasing use of, and dependence on, Information Technology (IT) to support operational teaching, research, and management activities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI)-mainly due to their multi-unit organizational structurehave evidenced the need of encouraging managers to focus more on IT Governance (ITG) effectiveness, which has been an issue for many of these institutions. In this sense, we aim to develop a specific ITG model for Higher Education Institutions, by following the methodological principles of Design Science Research (DSR). The model was developed based on a robust theoretical basis that took into account different approaches substantiated by both the alignment of good practices and ITG focus areas as well as addressing the current ITG context of the Brazilian higher education institutions. The validation of the ITG model was based on its presentation to members of the IT Steering Committee of a Brazilian HEI, who confirmed its usefulness and applicability.
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, 2013). The motivations to the use of open government data have been attracting les attention th... more , 2013). The motivations to the use of open government data have been attracting les attention than those of providing them. This situation becomes more pronounced when approaching the use of OGD by the government and public organizations, even if the audience of OGD includes government employees (Smith & Sandberg, 2018; Davies, 2010). Studies have been demonstrated that the main interesting subjects in OGD are professionals and citizens (Heise & Naumann, 2012), focusing respectively on the development of innovation based on OGD and its transparency and accountability. However, the use of OGD by the public sector is not explicit in the literature. OGD is open to both the public and the private sectors (Jetzek, Avital e Bjorn-Andersen, 2014). Consequently, it makes sense that public organizations also use OGD (from other OGD public providers) in decision-making and innovation, as well as that the literature covers this topic. Studies by Vieira and Alvaro (2018), Zhu (2017), Léveillé and Timms (2015), and Parycek, Höcht, and Ginner (2014) investigate users of OGD with multiple stakeholders, including government. However, the literature about the specific use of OGD by the government is not common. The use of OGD by government needs more attention than just the data disclosure because the government has an essential response to create public value (Ruijer et al., 2017; Pereira et al., 2017). Governments can use OGD to improve public services, decisionmaking, and define and monitor public policies implementation (Gascó-Hernández et al., 2018; Susha, Grönlund & Janssen, 2015). Public organizations need to pay special attention to improve cooperation between government organizations and stakeholders involved in producing useful OGD (Yang, Lo & Shiang, 2015). Based on the aspects discussed, this paper aims to discuss the twofold role of government in the open government data ecosystem (provider or user). This article is organized in five sections. In this section, the motivations for the study are presented, and the research problem and objectives are defined. Section 2 discusses the theoretical elements guiding the study. Section 3 describes the operationalization of the study, and section 4 presents the data analysis. The concluding remarks are set forth in Section 5. 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Open Data (OD) is the one that is free for use, without copyright restrictions, available for anyone, and machine processable (Zhang, Hua & Yuan, 2018). Open Government Data (OGD) is the OD that comes from public sector (Saxena, 2017). Around the world, governments enable open data and create expectations to transform the data into social benefits, when data generate knowledge or ideas to create public value (Ruijer et al., 2017). OGD can improve open government (Yang & Wu, 2016) because data disclosure creates a set of public sector information useful for all stakeholders, including the government itself (Galiotou & Fragkou, 2013; Linders, 2013; O'Riain et al. 2012). The information obtained from OGD can produce knowledge or ideas to be used in initiatives aiming to increase public value, which can benefit all stakeholders (Lourenço, 2015). The effective use of OGD depends on how data are disclosed and also the objective of using them (Attard et al., 2015). Transparency itself is not the only objective of OGD, which is relative to the data usefulness and demands strategic decisions before its disclosure (Dawes,
2020 Seventh International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG), 2020
The recent popularization of distributed ledger technologies, which is better known in the financ... more The recent popularization of distributed ledger technologies, which is better known in the financial sector due to digital currencies, has led to the appearance of numerous applications developed for the blockchain environment. The goal of this research is to investigate how a blockchain can contribute to the reduction of the vulnerabilities to corruption in the Brazilian context. Two stages of a literature review have been performed. The first identified the vulnerabilities to corruption in the Brazilian context and the second one identified the effective uses of blockchain characteristics. Subsequently, a deductive analysis was performed, aiming to verify which of the Blockchain initiatives presented could be potentially applied in the fight against corruption. This study points out ways to mitigate fraud and other causes of corruption to help regain society s tr st in state institutions in Brazil, which has been suffering over the years from corruption scandals. Additionally, a research agenda leading to anti-corruption studies has been discussed.
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 2019
This study aims to identify the contribution of governmental open data disclosure and debureaucra... more This study aims to identify the contribution of governmental open data disclosure and debureaucratization in reducing a country's level of corruption. For this purpose, a theoretical model has been created, and three global country-based indicators-namely the Corruption Perception Index, Global Open Data Index, and The Ease of Doing Business Ranking-were analyzed.. The study is exploratory and employs a combined quantitative analysis of secondary data, which were analyzed through PLS. The reduction of bureaucracy has shown a more significant effect that the opening of data related to corruption perception in the 164 countries analyzed. Results show that government open data disclosure and the level of reduction in bureaucracy contribute to making a country less vulnerable to corruption; nonetheless, debureaucratization presented a superior and more significant effect. The results show that debureaucratization might be a starting point for initiatives against corruption, especially in countries with limited financial resources, and that it can support governmental decision-making in this regard.
Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 2021
Information technology (IT) is increasingly important to organizations and has become essential t... more Information technology (IT) is increasingly important to organizations and has become essential to the development of sustainable business growth. It is therefore necessary to adopt IT governance (ITG) mechanisms to ensure better solutions, sustainable growth, and better decision-making. As employee behavior is a competitive differential, this work focuses on the behavioral expression of ITG. It aims at analyzing ITG institutionalization's effect on the main dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in Portugal. OCB describes individuals' voluntary commitment to an organization, including attitudes outside of their contractual functions. A descriptive-confirmative ex post facto research was conducted through survey research to 112 employees of IT-related departments and divisions from companies of all sizes in Portugal. The partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method was used to test the overall model. The general hypothesis was confirmed...