Feng-Yan Bai | Chinese Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Papers by Feng-Yan Bai

Research paper thumbnail of Saccharomyces arboricolus sp. nov., a yeast species from tree bark

Three ascomycetous yeast strains, H-6 T, ZX-15 and ZX-20, isolated from the bark of two tree spec... more Three ascomycetous yeast strains, H-6 T, ZX-15 and ZX-20, isolated from the bark of two tree species of the family Fagaceae collected from different regions of China, formed unconjugated and persistent asci containing two to four globose ascospores. 26S rDNA D1/D2 domain and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (including 5.8S rDNA) sequence analysis showed that they were closely related to the currently accepted Saccharomyces species with strong support. Comparisons of the rDNA sequences, electrophoretic karyotypes and physiological characters indicated that the three strains represent a novel species in the genus Saccharomyces. The name Saccharomyces arboricolus sp. nov. was proposed for the novel species, with H-6 T (5AS 2.3317 T 5CBS 10644 T) isolated from the bark of Quercus fabri as the type strain. Seven species are currently included in the genus Saccharomyces Meyen ex Reess as redefined recently by Kurtzman (2003), based on multigene sequence analysis (Kurtzman & Robnet...

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Research paper thumbnail of Maltotriose consumption by hybrid Saccharomyces pastorianus is heterotic and results from regulatory cross-talk between parental sub-genomes

S. pastorianus strains are hybrids of S. cerevisiae and S. eubayanus that have been domesticated ... more S. pastorianus strains are hybrids of S. cerevisiae and S. eubayanus that have been domesticated for several centuries in lager-beer brewing environments. As sequences and structures of S. pastorianus genomes are being resolved, molecular mechanisms and evolutionary origin of several industrially relevant phenotypes remain unknown. This study investigates how maltotriose metabolism, a key feature in brewing, may have arisen in early S. eubayanus x S. cerevisiae hybrids. To address this question, we generated a near-complete genome assembly of Himalayan S. eubayanus strains of the Holarctic subclade. This group of strains have been proposed to be the origin of the S. eubayanus subgenome of current S. pastorianus strains. The Himalayan S. eubayanus genomes harbored several copies of a SeAGT1 alpha-oligoglucoside transporter gene with high sequence identity to genes encountered in S. pastorianus. Although Himalayan S. eubayanus strains are unable to grown on maltose and maltotriose, th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Heitmania gen. nov., a new yeast genus in Microbotryomycetes, and description of three novel species: Heitmania litseae sp. nov., Heitmania castanopsis sp. nov. and Heitmania elacocarpi sp. nov

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

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Research paper thumbnail of Hybridization and adaptive evolution of diverse Saccharomyces species for cellulosic biofuel production

Biotechnology for biofuels, 2017

Lignocellulosic biomass is a common resource across the globe, and its fermentation offers a prom... more Lignocellulosic biomass is a common resource across the globe, and its fermentation offers a promising option for generating renewable liquid transportation fuels. The deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass releases sugars that can be fermented by microbes, but these processes also produce fermentation inhibitors, such as aromatic acids and aldehydes. Several research projects have investigated lignocellulosic biomass fermentation by the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Most projects have taken synthetic biological approaches or have explored naturally occurring diversity in S. cerevisiae to enhance stress tolerance, xylose consumption, or ethanol production. Despite these efforts, improved strains with new properties are needed. In other industrial processes, such as wine and beer fermentation, interspecies hybrids have combined important traits from multiple species, suggesting that interspecies hybridization may also offer potential for biofuel research. To investig...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ballistosporomyces changbaiensis sp. nov. and Ballistosporomyces bomiensis sp. nov., two novel species isolated from shrub plant leaves

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2016

Four strains, CB 266(T), CB 272, XZ 44D1(T) and XZ 49D2, isolated from shrub plant leaves in Chin... more Four strains, CB 266(T), CB 272, XZ 44D1(T) and XZ 49D2, isolated from shrub plant leaves in China were identified as two novel species of the genus Ballistosporomyces by the sequence analysis of the small subunit of ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA), the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit of rRNA (LSU rRNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) + 5.8S rRNA region, and physiological comparisons. Ballistosporomyces changbaiensis sp. nov. (type strain CB 266(T) = CGMCC 2.02298(T) = CBS 10124(T), Mycobank number MB 815700) and Ballistosporomyces bomiensis sp. nov. (type strain XZ 44D1(T) = CGMCC 2.02661(T) = CBS 12512(T), Mycobank number MB 815701) are proposed to accommodate these two new species.

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Research paper thumbnail of Selected Schizosaccharomyces pombe Strains Have Characteristics That Are Beneficial for Winemaking

PLOS ONE, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Starmerella orientalis f.a., sp. nov., a novel ascomycetous yeast species isolated from flowers in Iran and China

International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, Jan 15, 2016

Four strains of a novel ascomycetous yeast species were isolated from flowers in Iran and China. ... more Four strains of a novel ascomycetous yeast species were isolated from flowers in Iran and China. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS region (including 5.8S rDNA) and the LSU rRNA gene D1/D2 domains sequences indicated that these strains belong to the Starmerella clade and show divergence from previously described species in this clade. Growth reactions on carbon and nitrogen sources were similar to those observed in the related species of the Starmerella clade. Sexual reproduction was not observed after mating tests on different sporulation media. Based on physiological characteristics and phylogeny of rDNA sequences, the new species is most closely related to Candida (iter. nom. Starmerella) powellii and Candida (iter. nom. Starmerella) floricola. It is therefore assigned to the genus Starmerella and described as Starmerella orientalis f.a., sp. nov. (Type strain, SAM09T = IBRC-M 30204T = CBS 14142T). The MycoBank accession number of this new species is MB 814379.

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Research paper thumbnail of Genomics and the making of yeast biodiversity

Current opinion in genetics & development, 2015

Yeasts are unicellular fungi that do not form fruiting bodies. Although the yeast lifestyle has e... more Yeasts are unicellular fungi that do not form fruiting bodies. Although the yeast lifestyle has evolved multiple times, most known species belong to the subphylum Saccharomycotina (syn. Hemiascomycota, hereafter yeasts). This diverse group includes the premier eukaryotic model system, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; the common human commensal and opportunistic pathogen, Candida albicans; and over 1000 other known species (with more continuing to be discovered). Yeasts are found in every biome and continent and are more genetically diverse than angiosperms or chordates. Ease of culture, simple life cycles, and small genomes (∼10-20Mbp) have made yeasts exceptional models for molecular genetics, biotechnology, and evolutionary genomics. Here we discuss recent developments in understanding the genomic underpinnings of the making of yeast biodiversity, comparing and contrasting natural and human-associated evolutionary processes. Only a tiny fraction of yeast biodiversity and metabolic capabi...

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Research paper thumbnail of IMA-2-105

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Research paper thumbnail of Bullera anomala sp. nov. and Bullera pseudovariabilis sp. nov., two new ballistoconidium-forming yeast species from Yunnan, China

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2003

Two ballistoconidium-forming yeast strains, CH 2.504 and CH 2.509, were isolated from the wilting... more Two ballistoconidium-forming yeast strains, CH 2.504 and CH 2.509, were isolated from the wilting leaves of Parthenocissus sp. collected in Yunnan, China in 1996. These two strains were assigned to the genus Bullera Derx by the characteristics of forming rotationally symmetric ballistoconidia, containing xylose in the cell hydrolysates and having Q-10 as the major ubiquinone. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences revealed that CH 2.504 is closely related to B. variabilis Nakase & Suzuki, while CH 2.509 is located in a clearly separate clade among the described Bullera species and related taxa. The results indicated that CH 2.509 represents a new species, for which Bullera anomala sp. nov. is the proposed name (type strain AS 2.2094T). Further DNA-DNA reassociation data showed that CH 2.504 also represents a distinct species, for which the name Bullera pseudovariabilis sp. nov. is gi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for a Far East Asian origin of lager beer yeast

Current Biology, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Bensingtonia Ingold emend. Nakase & Boekhout (1986)

The Yeasts, 2011

ABSTRACT This chapter studies the genus Bensingtonia. In the determination of the asexual reprodu... more ABSTRACT This chapter studies the genus Bensingtonia. In the determination of the asexual reproduction it is seen that colonies are whitish, cream, pale pink, brownish-yellow (ochre), brownish, or grayish-red. True hyphae and/or pseudohyphae may be present. Hyphal septa attenuate toward a central pore. Yeast cells are ellipsoidal, ovoid, or elongate. Budding is usually polar, with buds sessile or on short denticles, enteroblastic, and with per-current or sympodial proliferation. Ballistoconidia are bilaterally symmetrical, straight or curved, apiculate, ellipsoidal, ovoid, amygdaliform, falcate, allantoid, or reniform. In the sexual reproduction basidiocarps are absent. Species may be heterothallic. Conjugation of compatible mating types of Bensingtonia intermedia results in the formation of a teleomorphic stage, which is classified in the genus Mastigobasidium. The chapter also discusses physiology/biochemistry and phylogenetic placement of the genus. The type species taken is Bensingtonia ciliata. The key characters of species assigned to the genus Bensingtonia are presented. In the systematic discussion of the species, growth in yeast extract–malt extract (YM) broth, growth on yeast extract–malt extract (YM) agar, Dalmau plate culture on corn meal agar, formation of ballistoconidia, gene sequence accession numbers, type strain, origin of the strains studied, systematics, and ecology are determined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bullera

The Yeasts, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Lindnera wuzhiensis sp. nov., a novel ascomycetous yeast species

The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Cryptococcus foliicola sp. nov. and Cryptococcus taibaiensis sp. nov., novel basidiomycetous yeast species from plant leaves

The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of ITS sequence and electrophoretic karyotype comparisons of Candida ethanolica with Pichia deserticola and Candida odintsovae with Pichia rabaulensis

The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Separation of Candida fermentati comb. nov. from Candida guilliermondii by DNA base composition and electrophoretic karyotyping

Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 1996


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Research paper thumbnail of Genotype distribution of Candida albicans strains associated with different conditions of vulvovaginal candidiasis, as revealed by microsatellite typing

Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Antifungal susceptibility and genotypes of Candida albicans strains from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis

Mycoses, 2009

Studies of the genetic diversity of Candida albicans strains and the correlation between the anti... more Studies of the genetic diversity of Candida albicans strains and the correlation between the antifungal susceptibility and gene diversity of C. albicans were carried out and the results were found to be inconsistent. To investigate antifungal susceptibility and genotypes of C. albicans strains from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), the genotypes of C. albicans in patients with VVC were studied using a recently developed polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) of CAI microsatellite method and antifungal susceptibility was tested using E-test methods. Twenty-six genotypes were identified from 89 strains of C. albicans isolated from patients with VVC. Candida albicans isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B, flucytosine, ketoconazole and fluconazole. The dominant genotypes (A, B, C, D) account for 69.7% (62/89) of C. albicans. The resistant rate of C. albicans genotype B to itraconazole (ITR) and that of C. albicans non-genotype B strains were 66.7% (14/21) and 4.4% (3/68) respectively at P < 0.05. We concluded that C. albicans genotype B from patients with VVC was more resistant to ITR.

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Research paper thumbnail of Association of genotypes with infection types and antifungal susceptibilities in Candida albicans as revealed by recent molecular typing strategies

Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Saccharomyces arboricolus sp. nov., a yeast species from tree bark

Three ascomycetous yeast strains, H-6 T, ZX-15 and ZX-20, isolated from the bark of two tree spec... more Three ascomycetous yeast strains, H-6 T, ZX-15 and ZX-20, isolated from the bark of two tree species of the family Fagaceae collected from different regions of China, formed unconjugated and persistent asci containing two to four globose ascospores. 26S rDNA D1/D2 domain and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region (including 5.8S rDNA) sequence analysis showed that they were closely related to the currently accepted Saccharomyces species with strong support. Comparisons of the rDNA sequences, electrophoretic karyotypes and physiological characters indicated that the three strains represent a novel species in the genus Saccharomyces. The name Saccharomyces arboricolus sp. nov. was proposed for the novel species, with H-6 T (5AS 2.3317 T 5CBS 10644 T) isolated from the bark of Quercus fabri as the type strain. Seven species are currently included in the genus Saccharomyces Meyen ex Reess as redefined recently by Kurtzman (2003), based on multigene sequence analysis (Kurtzman & Robnet...

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Research paper thumbnail of Maltotriose consumption by hybrid Saccharomyces pastorianus is heterotic and results from regulatory cross-talk between parental sub-genomes

S. pastorianus strains are hybrids of S. cerevisiae and S. eubayanus that have been domesticated ... more S. pastorianus strains are hybrids of S. cerevisiae and S. eubayanus that have been domesticated for several centuries in lager-beer brewing environments. As sequences and structures of S. pastorianus genomes are being resolved, molecular mechanisms and evolutionary origin of several industrially relevant phenotypes remain unknown. This study investigates how maltotriose metabolism, a key feature in brewing, may have arisen in early S. eubayanus x S. cerevisiae hybrids. To address this question, we generated a near-complete genome assembly of Himalayan S. eubayanus strains of the Holarctic subclade. This group of strains have been proposed to be the origin of the S. eubayanus subgenome of current S. pastorianus strains. The Himalayan S. eubayanus genomes harbored several copies of a SeAGT1 alpha-oligoglucoside transporter gene with high sequence identity to genes encountered in S. pastorianus. Although Himalayan S. eubayanus strains are unable to grown on maltose and maltotriose, th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Heitmania gen. nov., a new yeast genus in Microbotryomycetes, and description of three novel species: Heitmania litseae sp. nov., Heitmania castanopsis sp. nov. and Heitmania elacocarpi sp. nov

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

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Research paper thumbnail of Hybridization and adaptive evolution of diverse Saccharomyces species for cellulosic biofuel production

Biotechnology for biofuels, 2017

Lignocellulosic biomass is a common resource across the globe, and its fermentation offers a prom... more Lignocellulosic biomass is a common resource across the globe, and its fermentation offers a promising option for generating renewable liquid transportation fuels. The deconstruction of lignocellulosic biomass releases sugars that can be fermented by microbes, but these processes also produce fermentation inhibitors, such as aromatic acids and aldehydes. Several research projects have investigated lignocellulosic biomass fermentation by the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Most projects have taken synthetic biological approaches or have explored naturally occurring diversity in S. cerevisiae to enhance stress tolerance, xylose consumption, or ethanol production. Despite these efforts, improved strains with new properties are needed. In other industrial processes, such as wine and beer fermentation, interspecies hybrids have combined important traits from multiple species, suggesting that interspecies hybridization may also offer potential for biofuel research. To investig...

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Research paper thumbnail of Ballistosporomyces changbaiensis sp. nov. and Ballistosporomyces bomiensis sp. nov., two novel species isolated from shrub plant leaves

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2016

Four strains, CB 266(T), CB 272, XZ 44D1(T) and XZ 49D2, isolated from shrub plant leaves in Chin... more Four strains, CB 266(T), CB 272, XZ 44D1(T) and XZ 49D2, isolated from shrub plant leaves in China were identified as two novel species of the genus Ballistosporomyces by the sequence analysis of the small subunit of ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA), the D1/D2 domains of the large subunit of rRNA (LSU rRNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) + 5.8S rRNA region, and physiological comparisons. Ballistosporomyces changbaiensis sp. nov. (type strain CB 266(T) = CGMCC 2.02298(T) = CBS 10124(T), Mycobank number MB 815700) and Ballistosporomyces bomiensis sp. nov. (type strain XZ 44D1(T) = CGMCC 2.02661(T) = CBS 12512(T), Mycobank number MB 815701) are proposed to accommodate these two new species.

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Research paper thumbnail of Selected Schizosaccharomyces pombe Strains Have Characteristics That Are Beneficial for Winemaking

PLOS ONE, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Starmerella orientalis f.a., sp. nov., a novel ascomycetous yeast species isolated from flowers in Iran and China

International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology, Jan 15, 2016

Four strains of a novel ascomycetous yeast species were isolated from flowers in Iran and China. ... more Four strains of a novel ascomycetous yeast species were isolated from flowers in Iran and China. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS region (including 5.8S rDNA) and the LSU rRNA gene D1/D2 domains sequences indicated that these strains belong to the Starmerella clade and show divergence from previously described species in this clade. Growth reactions on carbon and nitrogen sources were similar to those observed in the related species of the Starmerella clade. Sexual reproduction was not observed after mating tests on different sporulation media. Based on physiological characteristics and phylogeny of rDNA sequences, the new species is most closely related to Candida (iter. nom. Starmerella) powellii and Candida (iter. nom. Starmerella) floricola. It is therefore assigned to the genus Starmerella and described as Starmerella orientalis f.a., sp. nov. (Type strain, SAM09T = IBRC-M 30204T = CBS 14142T). The MycoBank accession number of this new species is MB 814379.

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Research paper thumbnail of Genomics and the making of yeast biodiversity

Current opinion in genetics & development, 2015

Yeasts are unicellular fungi that do not form fruiting bodies. Although the yeast lifestyle has e... more Yeasts are unicellular fungi that do not form fruiting bodies. Although the yeast lifestyle has evolved multiple times, most known species belong to the subphylum Saccharomycotina (syn. Hemiascomycota, hereafter yeasts). This diverse group includes the premier eukaryotic model system, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; the common human commensal and opportunistic pathogen, Candida albicans; and over 1000 other known species (with more continuing to be discovered). Yeasts are found in every biome and continent and are more genetically diverse than angiosperms or chordates. Ease of culture, simple life cycles, and small genomes (∼10-20Mbp) have made yeasts exceptional models for molecular genetics, biotechnology, and evolutionary genomics. Here we discuss recent developments in understanding the genomic underpinnings of the making of yeast biodiversity, comparing and contrasting natural and human-associated evolutionary processes. Only a tiny fraction of yeast biodiversity and metabolic capabi...

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Research paper thumbnail of IMA-2-105

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Research paper thumbnail of Bullera anomala sp. nov. and Bullera pseudovariabilis sp. nov., two new ballistoconidium-forming yeast species from Yunnan, China

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2003

Two ballistoconidium-forming yeast strains, CH 2.504 and CH 2.509, were isolated from the wilting... more Two ballistoconidium-forming yeast strains, CH 2.504 and CH 2.509, were isolated from the wilting leaves of Parthenocissus sp. collected in Yunnan, China in 1996. These two strains were assigned to the genus Bullera Derx by the characteristics of forming rotationally symmetric ballistoconidia, containing xylose in the cell hydrolysates and having Q-10 as the major ubiquinone. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences revealed that CH 2.504 is closely related to B. variabilis Nakase & Suzuki, while CH 2.509 is located in a clearly separate clade among the described Bullera species and related taxa. The results indicated that CH 2.509 represents a new species, for which Bullera anomala sp. nov. is the proposed name (type strain AS 2.2094T). Further DNA-DNA reassociation data showed that CH 2.504 also represents a distinct species, for which the name Bullera pseudovariabilis sp. nov. is gi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for a Far East Asian origin of lager beer yeast

Current Biology, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Bensingtonia Ingold emend. Nakase & Boekhout (1986)

The Yeasts, 2011

ABSTRACT This chapter studies the genus Bensingtonia. In the determination of the asexual reprodu... more ABSTRACT This chapter studies the genus Bensingtonia. In the determination of the asexual reproduction it is seen that colonies are whitish, cream, pale pink, brownish-yellow (ochre), brownish, or grayish-red. True hyphae and/or pseudohyphae may be present. Hyphal septa attenuate toward a central pore. Yeast cells are ellipsoidal, ovoid, or elongate. Budding is usually polar, with buds sessile or on short denticles, enteroblastic, and with per-current or sympodial proliferation. Ballistoconidia are bilaterally symmetrical, straight or curved, apiculate, ellipsoidal, ovoid, amygdaliform, falcate, allantoid, or reniform. In the sexual reproduction basidiocarps are absent. Species may be heterothallic. Conjugation of compatible mating types of Bensingtonia intermedia results in the formation of a teleomorphic stage, which is classified in the genus Mastigobasidium. The chapter also discusses physiology/biochemistry and phylogenetic placement of the genus. The type species taken is Bensingtonia ciliata. The key characters of species assigned to the genus Bensingtonia are presented. In the systematic discussion of the species, growth in yeast extract–malt extract (YM) broth, growth on yeast extract–malt extract (YM) agar, Dalmau plate culture on corn meal agar, formation of ballistoconidia, gene sequence accession numbers, type strain, origin of the strains studied, systematics, and ecology are determined.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bullera

The Yeasts, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Lindnera wuzhiensis sp. nov., a novel ascomycetous yeast species

The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Cryptococcus foliicola sp. nov. and Cryptococcus taibaiensis sp. nov., novel basidiomycetous yeast species from plant leaves

The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of ITS sequence and electrophoretic karyotype comparisons of Candida ethanolica with Pichia deserticola and Candida odintsovae with Pichia rabaulensis

The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Separation of Candida fermentati comb. nov. from Candida guilliermondii by DNA base composition and electrophoretic karyotyping

Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 1996


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Research paper thumbnail of Genotype distribution of Candida albicans strains associated with different conditions of vulvovaginal candidiasis, as revealed by microsatellite typing

Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Antifungal susceptibility and genotypes of Candida albicans strains from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis

Mycoses, 2009

Studies of the genetic diversity of Candida albicans strains and the correlation between the anti... more Studies of the genetic diversity of Candida albicans strains and the correlation between the antifungal susceptibility and gene diversity of C. albicans were carried out and the results were found to be inconsistent. To investigate antifungal susceptibility and genotypes of C. albicans strains from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), the genotypes of C. albicans in patients with VVC were studied using a recently developed polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) of CAI microsatellite method and antifungal susceptibility was tested using E-test methods. Twenty-six genotypes were identified from 89 strains of C. albicans isolated from patients with VVC. Candida albicans isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B, flucytosine, ketoconazole and fluconazole. The dominant genotypes (A, B, C, D) account for 69.7% (62/89) of C. albicans. The resistant rate of C. albicans genotype B to itraconazole (ITR) and that of C. albicans non-genotype B strains were 66.7% (14/21) and 4.4% (3/68) respectively at P < 0.05. We concluded that C. albicans genotype B from patients with VVC was more resistant to ITR.

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Research paper thumbnail of Association of genotypes with infection types and antifungal susceptibilities in Candida albicans as revealed by recent molecular typing strategies

Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology, 2014

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