Dr Rozan Yunos | Harvard Kennedy School (original) (raw)
Peer Reviewed Papers by Dr Rozan Yunos
CSPS Strategy and Policy Journal, 2016
This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an 'in... more This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an 'insider's view' – including participating in the formulation of the first strategic plan for the Brunei Prime Minister's Office and nearly three decades of experience with planning in Brunei. First, the history of planning both globally and in the context of Brunei is summarised. Second, the paper then proceeds to outline the benefits and challenges of strategic planning processes and outcomes as well as to define and simplify what strategic planning is and could potentially be. Third, the 5D model of strategic planning, which is aimed specifically at Brunei's civil service, is described, so that it can be used by civil servants to prepare their strategic plans. Fourth, the paper concludes with some crucial lessons learned whilst engaging in the process of strategic planning. These lessons are intended to further enhance the benefits and positive outcomes obtained from strategic planning in Brunei in the future.
Conference Papers by Dr Rozan Yunos
Beriga terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Brunei, 2018
Budaya merupakan ciri-ciri dan pengetahuan terkumpul sesuatu kumpulan masyrakat, yang terdiri dar... more Budaya merupakan ciri-ciri dan pengetahuan terkumpul sesuatu kumpulan masyrakat, yang terdiri daripada beberapa aspek seperti bahasa, agama, masakan, tabiat, muzik dan seni. Budaya merupakan identiti sesuatu kumpulan yang telah diasuh atau ditekankan oleh sesuatu corak ataupun tabiat yang unik kepada kumpulan tersebut. Rekabentuk pula adalah merupakan satu seni daripada luahan sesuatu penyataan ataupun ungkapan ataupun ekspresi bagi sesuatu budaya. Rekabentuk adalah merupakan bukti keujudan sesuatu budaya. Rekabentuk boleh dimanifestasikan di pelbagai media. Dalam kertas kerja ini, rekabentuk-rekabentuk yang akan diteliti adalah rekabentuk di matawang Brunei yang telah digunakan di pasaran atau dalam ekonomi Brunei dimana ianya akan diteliti untuk melihat sejauh mana ianya membayangkan atau menggambarkan ataupun menjadi manifestasi kepada budaya bangsa Melayu Brunei semenjak abad ke-16 sehingga sekarang. Kertas kerja ini mengenalkan penggunaan matawang secara menyeluruh dengan meneliti sejarah perkembangannya termasuk juga meneliti teknologi bagi pembuatan matawang syiling dan kertas; sebelum mendalami kepada matawang-matawang yang digunakan di Negara Brunei Darussalam dari Abad ke-16 dengan membahagikannya kepada beberapa periode masa dan seterusnya melihat bagaimana rekabentuk matawang-matawang tersebut menggambarkan atau mempamerkan budaya Brunei yang ada pada zaman matawang tersebut digunakan.
Apabila Daerah Limbang dirampas oleh Rajah Brooke pada tahun 1890, Brunei menghadapi berbagai tek... more Apabila Daerah Limbang dirampas oleh Rajah Brooke pada tahun 1890, Brunei menghadapi berbagai tekanan. Limbang merupakan daerah yang terdekat yang banyak menyumbang kepada ekonomi Brunei. Kehilangan Limbang memberi tekanan kepada Sultan Hashim dari segi ekonomi dan politik. Kerajaan British yang sepatutnya melindungi Brunei di bawah Perjanjian 1888 tidak berbuat demikian dan rayuan-rayuan sehingga kepada Ratu Victoria dan Raja Edward tidak diberikan sebarang perhatian. Ini telah mendesak Baginda untuk merayu kepada pihak ketiga iaitu Sultan Abdul Hamid II, Kesultanan Uthmaniyyah di Istanbul. Walau bagaimanapun warkah perutusan Baginda tidak sampai ke tangan Sultan Abdul Hamid. Kertas kerja ini melihat daripada beberapa sudut dan memberikan andaian apa yang akan terjadi jika warkah perutusan tersebut sampai ke tangan Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
One of the first issues to confront the new Medina Polity was the formation of a new nation state... more One of the first issues to confront the new Medina Polity was the formation of a new nation state with its own administration and governance. The new nation state had to innovate with regard to the form and nature of their role - how to govern. Over the years too, jurists have developed and defined the higher order objectives of the Shariah known as the Maqasid Al-Syariah. This paper attempts to review the evolution of the fulfillment of the maqasids by the governments of the dawlah islamiah - firstly by looking at the first document on governance, the al-sahifah or the Constitution of Medina where the ummah is to act collectively to enforce the social order and security; before delving into the governance evolving during the times of the khalifah al-rashiduun; the islamic kingdoms; and the rest of the Islamic world. The second part of this paper will review the evolution of Islamic Governance as was practised in Brunei from the 14th century; during the British era; and during post-independence of 1984.
One way to understand cultural values is through language because the language itself functions a... more One way to understand cultural values is through language because the language itself functions as a storage to cultural values in various forms such as vocabulary, verses, folk tales, myths, legends, and expression. In the context of Brunei Darussalam, Malay is the national language that expresses the concept of MIB (Malay Islamic Monarchy), idealism, philosophy, culture, civilization, customs, religion and so forth. This has been emphasized by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam in several proclamations.
Wahana sastera Melayu telah melalui tiga fasa iaitu daripada bentuk lisan kepada bentuk bercetak ... more Wahana sastera Melayu telah melalui tiga fasa iaitu daripada bentuk lisan kepada bentuk bercetak dan sekarang kepada sastera siber dengan adanya media baru. Evolusi penulisan dan pemberigaan sastera dijangka akan berterusan kerana media baru juga sentiasa berada dalam peringkat evolusi iaitu sentiasa berubah dan berkembang menurut kemudahan dan keupayaan teknologi. Karya siber boleh dipersembahkan di dalam berbagai bentuk seperti multi-media, gabungan 3-D termasuk teks, grafik dan audio. Ini memberikan keupayaan dan potensi kepada penulis-penulis untuk memperkayakan sastera masing-masing. Selain dari memperkayakan penulisan sastera, teknologi juga memberikan potensi bagi kemudahan percetakan (on-line publishing) atau penyiaran melalui laman-laman web tanpa menggunakan percetakan tradisional. Percetakan digital juga menimbulkan isu-isu cetak rompak dan pengawalan kepengarangan. Media baru memberikan nafas baru dan potensi dan peluang baru kepada penulis-penulis dan akan menyumbang kepada perkembangan sastera Melayu tetapi penulis-penulis perlu mengetahui bagaimana untuk mengimbangi risiko dan masalah-masalah di dalam pengawalan penulisan dan kepengarangan.
Kertas kerja ini membincangkan bagaimana pengamalan konsep Melayu Islam Beraja telah membawa kepa... more Kertas kerja ini membincangkan bagaimana pengamalan konsep Melayu Islam Beraja telah membawa kepada penyediaan infrastruktur dan perumahan awam yang berkelas dunia dan cabaran-cabaran yang sedang dihadapi oleh Negara Brunei Darussalam didalam memenuhi keperluan-keperluan kehidupan yang dihasratkan oleh konsep Melayu Islam Beraja, khususnya didalam menyediakan infrastruktur dan pembinaan perumahan awam di zaman yang serba mencuba ini dan dimana di dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran ini akan memberikan kesan dan perubahan kepada cara hidup masyarakat Brunei.
Negara Brunei Darussalam mempunyai sejarah lama yang menjangkau sehingga 1,400 tahun yang lalu. S... more Negara Brunei Darussalam mempunyai sejarah lama yang menjangkau sehingga 1,400 tahun yang lalu. Sejarah yang lama ini telah melahirkan falsafah Melayu Islam Beraja dan satu budaya yang unik kepada Brunei dimana mode-mode penyampaiannya termasuklah melalui sastera hikayat dan sastera epik seperti Syair Awang Semaun, puisi dan prosa termasuk cerita-cerita diangdangan dan lagenda yang lain. Budaya ini juga mulai menghilang di zaman ini dengan adanya arus kemodenan. Walau bagaimanapun kesemua ini boleh dijadikan bahan untuk penulisan dan mode-mode penyampaian seperti Syair dan Puisi boleh dikembangmajukan lagi. Ini dengan sendirinya akan dapat diwariskan kepada generasi muda sebagai kesinambungan budaya bangsa disamping akan dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan kepada penulis-penulis dan seterusnya mencapai hasrat Kerajaan bagi mempelbagaikan ekonomi dan menjana bangsa yang berilmu sebagaimana jua Wawasan 2035.
This paper was presented at the Seminar for the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical N... more This paper was presented at the Seminar for the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Southeast Asia Division entitled Place Names Preserving Cultural Heritage, 13 - 14 May 2013
Papers by Dr Rozan Yunos
This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an ‘in... more This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an ‘insider’s view’ – including participating in the formulation of the first strategic plan for the Brunei Prime Minister’s Office and nearly three decades of experience with planning in Brunei. First, the history of planning both globally and in the context of Brunei is summarised. Second, the paper then proceeds to outline the benefits and challenges of strategic planning processes and outcomes as well as to define and simplify what strategic planning is and could potentially be. Third, the 5D model of strategic planning, which is aimed specifically at Brunei’s civil service, is described, so that it can be used by civil servants to prepare their strategic plans. Fourth, the paper concludes with some crucial lessons learned whilst engaging in the process of strategic planning. These lessons are intended to further enhance the benefits and positive outcomes obtained from strategic planning i...
This paper looked at two main documents - the Robert Nicholl’s compilation and the Boxer Codex – ... more This paper looked at two main documents - the Robert Nicholl’s compilation and the Boxer Codex – which told a story of the history of Brunei from the Spaniards’ and Europeans’ perspectives. The depiction of Brunei as a force during that time was described in detail by the various accounts. Brunei was clearly a Muslim country and was responsible for proselyting Islam around the Southeast Asian region especially in the southern Philippines area. The Boxer Codex created anomalies in the written history of Brunei especially its list of the early Sultans of Brunei. YB Pehin Jamil has been able to synchronize the list of the Sultans of Brunei listed in the Boxer Codex and the list of the Sultans of Brunei written in the Brunei Silsilah. The chapter about Brunei in the Boxer Codex also proved that YB Pehin Jamil’s hypothesis that Islam was accepted as the nation’s religion much earlier than the date that was proposed by the Western historians.
Negara Brunei Darussalam telah menjadi ahli kepada dua konvensyen antarabangsa UNESCO mengenai de... more Negara Brunei Darussalam telah menjadi ahli kepada dua konvensyen antarabangsa UNESCO mengenai dengan pemeliharaan warisan budaya ketara dan tidak ketara pada tahun 2011. Kedua-dua konvensyen ini adalah diharapkan akan dapat membantu Negara Brunei Darussalam melindungi warisan budaya dan disamping itu akan dapat memberikan kebaikan kepada Negara khususnya di bidang pelancungan jika warisan budaya Negara akan dapat diiktiraf sebagai warisan dunia di bawah kedua-dua konvensyen berkenaan. Kertas ini meneliti secara ringkas samada konvensyen-konvensyen berkenaan mampu membantu Negara Brunei Darussalam di dalam usahanya untuk memelihara warisan budaya dan meningkatkan pelancungan dengan meneliti sejarah perlaksanaannya dan keadaan di Negara-negara lain.
Kegemilangan Pemerintahan, 2018
Sistem kewangan negara yang stabil adalah merupakan salah satu daripada keperluan asas utama bagi... more Sistem kewangan negara yang stabil adalah merupakan salah satu daripada keperluan asas utama bagi ekonomi sesebuah negara. Sistem Kewangan adalah satu sistem yang mempastikan peredaran matawang yang mencukupi, dan mengadakan dan memberikan perhubungan yang berjalan lancar, efisyen dan mempunyai kos perbelanjaan yang efektif bagi menghubungkan penyimpan wang dan pelabur-pelabur. Artikel ini meneliti perkembangan sistem kewangan, perbankan dan pengedaran matawang Negara Brunei Darussalam dari tahun 1967, apabila Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah menaiki takhta, dengan penubuhan Lembaga Matawang Brunei (Brunei Currency Board) sehingga penubuhan Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD). Kestabilan sistem kewangan di bawah pemerintahan Baginda telah membolehkan perjalanan ekonomi yang lancar disamping memenuhi kewajipan Maqasid Al-Syariah dimana selaku seorang Ketua Negara Islam, Baginda telah berjaya menegakkan kebajikan masyarakat, dan umat, dan memelihara maslahat dan kepentingan rakyat di dalam sebuah negara Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB). Kertaskerja ini diterbitkan dalam buku bertajuk "Kegemilangan Pemerintahan: Kumpulan Artikel Sempena Jubli Emas Pemerintahan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam (1967-2017)" ISBN: 978-99917-63-44-6 diterbitkan pada tahun 2018 oleh Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah dan dikelolakan oleh Persatuan Sejarah Brunei.
Conference Presentations by Dr Rozan Yunos
This unpublished internal Ministerial report was made public when it was incorporated fully into ... more This unpublished internal Ministerial report was made public when it was incorporated fully into the speech of YB Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hazair bin Haji Abdullah, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Brunei Darussalam at the International Forum on Women and Sustainable Development organized by the All China Women’s Federation (ACWF), delivered on 10 November 2011, Beijing, China.
Newspaper Articles by Dr Rozan Yunos
The Brunei Times, 2008
This newspaper article published in The Brunei Times on 2 March 2008 outlined the summary of the ... more This newspaper article published in The Brunei Times on 2 March 2008 outlined the summary of the Royal Brunei Police Force from its origin in 1921
The Brunei Times, 2009
This newspaper article was published in The Brunei Times on 5 July 2009 under the title “Trading ... more This newspaper article was published in The Brunei Times on 5 July 2009 under the title “Trading Tributes with China”
The Brunei Times, 2010
This newspaper article described how the early Brunei kingdom expanded itself by conquering the a... more This newspaper article described how the early Brunei kingdom expanded itself by conquering the areas next to it. This newspaper article was published in the author's column The Golden Legacy in The Brunei Times on 9 August 2010.
The Brunei Times, 2013
This newspaper article is about the first Dutch visit to Brunei in 1600. It was published in The ... more This newspaper article is about the first Dutch visit to Brunei in 1600. It was published in The Brunei Times on 23 December 2013.
This newspaper article looks at all the Brunei landmarks which had been designated as 'Pokestops'... more This newspaper article looks at all the Brunei landmarks which had been designated as 'Pokestops' by the game 'Pokémon Go', an enhanced virtual reality game which stormed the world in July 2016
The Brunei Times, 2008
This news paper article briefly described the history and development of planning in Brunei Darus... more This news paper article briefly described the history and development of planning in Brunei Darussalam.
CSPS Strategy and Policy Journal, 2016
This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an 'in... more This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an 'insider's view' – including participating in the formulation of the first strategic plan for the Brunei Prime Minister's Office and nearly three decades of experience with planning in Brunei. First, the history of planning both globally and in the context of Brunei is summarised. Second, the paper then proceeds to outline the benefits and challenges of strategic planning processes and outcomes as well as to define and simplify what strategic planning is and could potentially be. Third, the 5D model of strategic planning, which is aimed specifically at Brunei's civil service, is described, so that it can be used by civil servants to prepare their strategic plans. Fourth, the paper concludes with some crucial lessons learned whilst engaging in the process of strategic planning. These lessons are intended to further enhance the benefits and positive outcomes obtained from strategic planning in Brunei in the future.
Beriga terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Brunei, 2018
Budaya merupakan ciri-ciri dan pengetahuan terkumpul sesuatu kumpulan masyrakat, yang terdiri dar... more Budaya merupakan ciri-ciri dan pengetahuan terkumpul sesuatu kumpulan masyrakat, yang terdiri daripada beberapa aspek seperti bahasa, agama, masakan, tabiat, muzik dan seni. Budaya merupakan identiti sesuatu kumpulan yang telah diasuh atau ditekankan oleh sesuatu corak ataupun tabiat yang unik kepada kumpulan tersebut. Rekabentuk pula adalah merupakan satu seni daripada luahan sesuatu penyataan ataupun ungkapan ataupun ekspresi bagi sesuatu budaya. Rekabentuk adalah merupakan bukti keujudan sesuatu budaya. Rekabentuk boleh dimanifestasikan di pelbagai media. Dalam kertas kerja ini, rekabentuk-rekabentuk yang akan diteliti adalah rekabentuk di matawang Brunei yang telah digunakan di pasaran atau dalam ekonomi Brunei dimana ianya akan diteliti untuk melihat sejauh mana ianya membayangkan atau menggambarkan ataupun menjadi manifestasi kepada budaya bangsa Melayu Brunei semenjak abad ke-16 sehingga sekarang. Kertas kerja ini mengenalkan penggunaan matawang secara menyeluruh dengan meneliti sejarah perkembangannya termasuk juga meneliti teknologi bagi pembuatan matawang syiling dan kertas; sebelum mendalami kepada matawang-matawang yang digunakan di Negara Brunei Darussalam dari Abad ke-16 dengan membahagikannya kepada beberapa periode masa dan seterusnya melihat bagaimana rekabentuk matawang-matawang tersebut menggambarkan atau mempamerkan budaya Brunei yang ada pada zaman matawang tersebut digunakan.
Apabila Daerah Limbang dirampas oleh Rajah Brooke pada tahun 1890, Brunei menghadapi berbagai tek... more Apabila Daerah Limbang dirampas oleh Rajah Brooke pada tahun 1890, Brunei menghadapi berbagai tekanan. Limbang merupakan daerah yang terdekat yang banyak menyumbang kepada ekonomi Brunei. Kehilangan Limbang memberi tekanan kepada Sultan Hashim dari segi ekonomi dan politik. Kerajaan British yang sepatutnya melindungi Brunei di bawah Perjanjian 1888 tidak berbuat demikian dan rayuan-rayuan sehingga kepada Ratu Victoria dan Raja Edward tidak diberikan sebarang perhatian. Ini telah mendesak Baginda untuk merayu kepada pihak ketiga iaitu Sultan Abdul Hamid II, Kesultanan Uthmaniyyah di Istanbul. Walau bagaimanapun warkah perutusan Baginda tidak sampai ke tangan Sultan Abdul Hamid. Kertas kerja ini melihat daripada beberapa sudut dan memberikan andaian apa yang akan terjadi jika warkah perutusan tersebut sampai ke tangan Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
One of the first issues to confront the new Medina Polity was the formation of a new nation state... more One of the first issues to confront the new Medina Polity was the formation of a new nation state with its own administration and governance. The new nation state had to innovate with regard to the form and nature of their role - how to govern. Over the years too, jurists have developed and defined the higher order objectives of the Shariah known as the Maqasid Al-Syariah. This paper attempts to review the evolution of the fulfillment of the maqasids by the governments of the dawlah islamiah - firstly by looking at the first document on governance, the al-sahifah or the Constitution of Medina where the ummah is to act collectively to enforce the social order and security; before delving into the governance evolving during the times of the khalifah al-rashiduun; the islamic kingdoms; and the rest of the Islamic world. The second part of this paper will review the evolution of Islamic Governance as was practised in Brunei from the 14th century; during the British era; and during post-independence of 1984.
One way to understand cultural values is through language because the language itself functions a... more One way to understand cultural values is through language because the language itself functions as a storage to cultural values in various forms such as vocabulary, verses, folk tales, myths, legends, and expression. In the context of Brunei Darussalam, Malay is the national language that expresses the concept of MIB (Malay Islamic Monarchy), idealism, philosophy, culture, civilization, customs, religion and so forth. This has been emphasized by His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam in several proclamations.
Wahana sastera Melayu telah melalui tiga fasa iaitu daripada bentuk lisan kepada bentuk bercetak ... more Wahana sastera Melayu telah melalui tiga fasa iaitu daripada bentuk lisan kepada bentuk bercetak dan sekarang kepada sastera siber dengan adanya media baru. Evolusi penulisan dan pemberigaan sastera dijangka akan berterusan kerana media baru juga sentiasa berada dalam peringkat evolusi iaitu sentiasa berubah dan berkembang menurut kemudahan dan keupayaan teknologi. Karya siber boleh dipersembahkan di dalam berbagai bentuk seperti multi-media, gabungan 3-D termasuk teks, grafik dan audio. Ini memberikan keupayaan dan potensi kepada penulis-penulis untuk memperkayakan sastera masing-masing. Selain dari memperkayakan penulisan sastera, teknologi juga memberikan potensi bagi kemudahan percetakan (on-line publishing) atau penyiaran melalui laman-laman web tanpa menggunakan percetakan tradisional. Percetakan digital juga menimbulkan isu-isu cetak rompak dan pengawalan kepengarangan. Media baru memberikan nafas baru dan potensi dan peluang baru kepada penulis-penulis dan akan menyumbang kepada perkembangan sastera Melayu tetapi penulis-penulis perlu mengetahui bagaimana untuk mengimbangi risiko dan masalah-masalah di dalam pengawalan penulisan dan kepengarangan.
Kertas kerja ini membincangkan bagaimana pengamalan konsep Melayu Islam Beraja telah membawa kepa... more Kertas kerja ini membincangkan bagaimana pengamalan konsep Melayu Islam Beraja telah membawa kepada penyediaan infrastruktur dan perumahan awam yang berkelas dunia dan cabaran-cabaran yang sedang dihadapi oleh Negara Brunei Darussalam didalam memenuhi keperluan-keperluan kehidupan yang dihasratkan oleh konsep Melayu Islam Beraja, khususnya didalam menyediakan infrastruktur dan pembinaan perumahan awam di zaman yang serba mencuba ini dan dimana di dalam menghadapi cabaran-cabaran ini akan memberikan kesan dan perubahan kepada cara hidup masyarakat Brunei.
Negara Brunei Darussalam mempunyai sejarah lama yang menjangkau sehingga 1,400 tahun yang lalu. S... more Negara Brunei Darussalam mempunyai sejarah lama yang menjangkau sehingga 1,400 tahun yang lalu. Sejarah yang lama ini telah melahirkan falsafah Melayu Islam Beraja dan satu budaya yang unik kepada Brunei dimana mode-mode penyampaiannya termasuklah melalui sastera hikayat dan sastera epik seperti Syair Awang Semaun, puisi dan prosa termasuk cerita-cerita diangdangan dan lagenda yang lain. Budaya ini juga mulai menghilang di zaman ini dengan adanya arus kemodenan. Walau bagaimanapun kesemua ini boleh dijadikan bahan untuk penulisan dan mode-mode penyampaian seperti Syair dan Puisi boleh dikembangmajukan lagi. Ini dengan sendirinya akan dapat diwariskan kepada generasi muda sebagai kesinambungan budaya bangsa disamping akan dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan kepada penulis-penulis dan seterusnya mencapai hasrat Kerajaan bagi mempelbagaikan ekonomi dan menjana bangsa yang berilmu sebagaimana jua Wawasan 2035.
This paper was presented at the Seminar for the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical N... more This paper was presented at the Seminar for the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Southeast Asia Division entitled Place Names Preserving Cultural Heritage, 13 - 14 May 2013
This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an ‘in... more This paper provides an overview of strategic planning in Brunei Darussalam. It is based on an ‘insider’s view’ – including participating in the formulation of the first strategic plan for the Brunei Prime Minister’s Office and nearly three decades of experience with planning in Brunei. First, the history of planning both globally and in the context of Brunei is summarised. Second, the paper then proceeds to outline the benefits and challenges of strategic planning processes and outcomes as well as to define and simplify what strategic planning is and could potentially be. Third, the 5D model of strategic planning, which is aimed specifically at Brunei’s civil service, is described, so that it can be used by civil servants to prepare their strategic plans. Fourth, the paper concludes with some crucial lessons learned whilst engaging in the process of strategic planning. These lessons are intended to further enhance the benefits and positive outcomes obtained from strategic planning i...
This paper looked at two main documents - the Robert Nicholl’s compilation and the Boxer Codex – ... more This paper looked at two main documents - the Robert Nicholl’s compilation and the Boxer Codex – which told a story of the history of Brunei from the Spaniards’ and Europeans’ perspectives. The depiction of Brunei as a force during that time was described in detail by the various accounts. Brunei was clearly a Muslim country and was responsible for proselyting Islam around the Southeast Asian region especially in the southern Philippines area. The Boxer Codex created anomalies in the written history of Brunei especially its list of the early Sultans of Brunei. YB Pehin Jamil has been able to synchronize the list of the Sultans of Brunei listed in the Boxer Codex and the list of the Sultans of Brunei written in the Brunei Silsilah. The chapter about Brunei in the Boxer Codex also proved that YB Pehin Jamil’s hypothesis that Islam was accepted as the nation’s religion much earlier than the date that was proposed by the Western historians.
Negara Brunei Darussalam telah menjadi ahli kepada dua konvensyen antarabangsa UNESCO mengenai de... more Negara Brunei Darussalam telah menjadi ahli kepada dua konvensyen antarabangsa UNESCO mengenai dengan pemeliharaan warisan budaya ketara dan tidak ketara pada tahun 2011. Kedua-dua konvensyen ini adalah diharapkan akan dapat membantu Negara Brunei Darussalam melindungi warisan budaya dan disamping itu akan dapat memberikan kebaikan kepada Negara khususnya di bidang pelancungan jika warisan budaya Negara akan dapat diiktiraf sebagai warisan dunia di bawah kedua-dua konvensyen berkenaan. Kertas ini meneliti secara ringkas samada konvensyen-konvensyen berkenaan mampu membantu Negara Brunei Darussalam di dalam usahanya untuk memelihara warisan budaya dan meningkatkan pelancungan dengan meneliti sejarah perlaksanaannya dan keadaan di Negara-negara lain.
Kegemilangan Pemerintahan, 2018
Sistem kewangan negara yang stabil adalah merupakan salah satu daripada keperluan asas utama bagi... more Sistem kewangan negara yang stabil adalah merupakan salah satu daripada keperluan asas utama bagi ekonomi sesebuah negara. Sistem Kewangan adalah satu sistem yang mempastikan peredaran matawang yang mencukupi, dan mengadakan dan memberikan perhubungan yang berjalan lancar, efisyen dan mempunyai kos perbelanjaan yang efektif bagi menghubungkan penyimpan wang dan pelabur-pelabur. Artikel ini meneliti perkembangan sistem kewangan, perbankan dan pengedaran matawang Negara Brunei Darussalam dari tahun 1967, apabila Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah menaiki takhta, dengan penubuhan Lembaga Matawang Brunei (Brunei Currency Board) sehingga penubuhan Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD). Kestabilan sistem kewangan di bawah pemerintahan Baginda telah membolehkan perjalanan ekonomi yang lancar disamping memenuhi kewajipan Maqasid Al-Syariah dimana selaku seorang Ketua Negara Islam, Baginda telah berjaya menegakkan kebajikan masyarakat, dan umat, dan memelihara maslahat dan kepentingan rakyat di dalam sebuah negara Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB). Kertaskerja ini diterbitkan dalam buku bertajuk "Kegemilangan Pemerintahan: Kumpulan Artikel Sempena Jubli Emas Pemerintahan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam (1967-2017)" ISBN: 978-99917-63-44-6 diterbitkan pada tahun 2018 oleh Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah dan dikelolakan oleh Persatuan Sejarah Brunei.
This unpublished internal Ministerial report was made public when it was incorporated fully into ... more This unpublished internal Ministerial report was made public when it was incorporated fully into the speech of YB Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hazair bin Haji Abdullah, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Brunei Darussalam at the International Forum on Women and Sustainable Development organized by the All China Women’s Federation (ACWF), delivered on 10 November 2011, Beijing, China.
The Brunei Times, 2008
This newspaper article published in The Brunei Times on 2 March 2008 outlined the summary of the ... more This newspaper article published in The Brunei Times on 2 March 2008 outlined the summary of the Royal Brunei Police Force from its origin in 1921
The Brunei Times, 2009
This newspaper article was published in The Brunei Times on 5 July 2009 under the title “Trading ... more This newspaper article was published in The Brunei Times on 5 July 2009 under the title “Trading Tributes with China”
The Brunei Times, 2010
This newspaper article described how the early Brunei kingdom expanded itself by conquering the a... more This newspaper article described how the early Brunei kingdom expanded itself by conquering the areas next to it. This newspaper article was published in the author's column The Golden Legacy in The Brunei Times on 9 August 2010.
The Brunei Times, 2013
This newspaper article is about the first Dutch visit to Brunei in 1600. It was published in The ... more This newspaper article is about the first Dutch visit to Brunei in 1600. It was published in The Brunei Times on 23 December 2013.
This newspaper article looks at all the Brunei landmarks which had been designated as 'Pokestops'... more This newspaper article looks at all the Brunei landmarks which had been designated as 'Pokestops' by the game 'Pokémon Go', an enhanced virtual reality game which stormed the world in July 2016
The Brunei Times, 2008
This news paper article briefly described the history and development of planning in Brunei Darus... more This news paper article briefly described the history and development of planning in Brunei Darussalam.
The Brunei Times, 2008
This newspaper article briefly described the history of the public housing programs in Brunei fro... more This newspaper article briefly described the history of the public housing programs in Brunei from the 1950s to relatively now.
This newspaper article discusses events in Brunei especially in 1888 as reported by the Illustrat... more This newspaper article discusses events in Brunei especially in 1888 as reported by the Illustrated London News.
This newspaper article highlights the British Royal Family visits to Brunei before Brunei's Indep... more This newspaper article highlights the British Royal Family visits to Brunei before Brunei's Independence in 1984. There were several visits during the reigns of Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien and Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.
This newspaper article discusses the various World War II wrecks in Brunei waters and the Japanes... more This newspaper article discusses the various World War II wrecks in Brunei waters and the Japanese War vessels that operated in the Brunei Bay and Brunei waters during that time
This newspaper article raised the possibility whether Brunei could be the first Southeast Asian M... more This newspaper article raised the possibility whether Brunei could be the first Southeast Asian Muslim Kingdom based on the study of a tombstone belonging to an unnamed Maharaja Brunei (Brunei Emperor)
The Brunei Times, 2016
This newspaper article discusses how Brunei and Minangkabau are connected and related to each other
The Brunei Times, 2016
This newspaper article discusses what Brunei used to export more than 500 years ago
The Brunei Times, 2016
This newspaper article discusses the similarities between two Sultans who were considered as Grea... more This newspaper article discusses the similarities between two Sultans who were considered as Great Sultan during their reigns in the 16th and 17th centuries - Sultan Hasan of Brunei and Sultan Iskandar Muda of Acheh
The Brunei Times, 2016
This newspaper article described the life in Brunei which was found in this relatively obscure bo... more This newspaper article described the life in Brunei which was found in this relatively obscure book written in 1848 entitled "Five Years in Chna from 1842 to 1847"
The Brunei Times, 2016
This newspaper article discussed the leader of the Padas Damit Battle - the fight between the Bru... more This newspaper article discussed the leader of the Padas Damit Battle - the fight between the Brunei people living in Padas versus the soldiers of the British North Borneo Company in 1888 and the link to the name of the palace in Kuala Belait, Istana Manggalela.
The Brunei Times, 2010
This newspaper article discussed about how the Brunei Administrative Service (BAS) first came int... more This newspaper article discussed about how the Brunei Administrative Service (BAS) first came into being.
The Brunei Times, 2016
This newspaper article described the events between the meeting of these two monarchs 500 years a... more This newspaper article described the events between the meeting of these two monarchs 500 years ago and the background of both kings
The Brunei Times, 2016
This newspaper article described the murder of EB Maundrell, Brunei's Acting British Resident in ... more This newspaper article described the murder of EB Maundrell, Brunei's Acting British Resident in 1915 and the subsequent court trials of his murderer, a British Sikh policeman.
The Brunei Times, 2016
This news paper article described the events of the destruction of what would have been possibly ... more This news paper article described the events of the destruction of what would have been possibly a new sultanate in Marudu in the middle of the 19th century
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran Brunei
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran Brunei
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran Brunei
PB4360 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran Brunei
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB4306 UBD - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB4306 UBD - Minggu 1 - Institusi-Institusi Pentadbiran
PB1502 UBD - Introduction to Brunei Darussalam
AD4310 UBD World Regional Geography - Guest Lecture
AD/AW 1201 Spatial Patterns of Development - Guest Lecture
Teaching material for Centre for Strategy and Policy Studies (CSPS)
Teaching material for Centre for Strategy and Policy Studies (CSPS)
Teaching material for Centre for Strategy and Policy Studies (CSPS)
The Implementation of Government Policies Based on Islamic Governance, Maqasid Shariah and Whole of Nation Approach, 2022
A Compilation of Articles written by Participants of the 32nd Executive Development Program for M... more A Compilation of Articles written by Participants of the 32nd Executive Development Program for Middle Management Officers at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali in Malay and English Languages in partial fulfillment of their program with additional materials from the editors on the implementation of government policies based on Islamic Governance, Maqasid Shariah and Whole of Nation approach
Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah is an essential science of the Sharīʿah and generally based on benefits to th... more Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah is an essential science of the Sharīʿah and generally based on benefits to the individual and society. The Sharīʿah laws are intended firstly to safeguard these benefits and, secondly, to facilitate the improvement and perfection of the conditions of human life on earth.
This book aims to highlight the achievements of His Majesty The Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and His Majesty’s government under each and every single one of those five Maqāṣids – the preservation of the religion, life, intellect, wealth and progeny - written by participants of the 28th Executive Development Program for Middle Management Officers (28th EDPMMO) as part of their program requirements.
The efforts of the participants of the 28th EDPMMO to articulate the application of the Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah in public policy and management is a further step towards bridging academia and practitioners; bringing life to a crucial applicative tool vulnerable to be lost in the endless cycle of academic debates; and in particular, to be commended for their sincere effort to support His Majesty’s vision to implement the Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah towards creating a prosperous and peaceful Negara Brunei Darussalam and towards achieving the objectives of the nation’s aspirations to be a Negara Zikir in line with its philosophy of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB).