Abdul Ghofur - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Abdul Ghofur

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Menghadapi Pembiayaan Bermasalah Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic period is a disease outbreak that has brought the community's economy t... more The COVID-19 pandemic period is a disease outbreak that has brought the community's economy to a drastic decline because this outbreak resulted in the cessation of the community's business wheels and not only that, the banking sector, industry and so on were affected. So that people's income decreases and also results in the fulfillment of obligations, especially in payment of financing installments at Islamic financial institutions (LKS). This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research in which researchers conduct field studies to obtain accurate information by conducting interviews, from these results data analysis and data credibility are carried out in order to get good results. This results in LKS providing leeway and not everything depends on each financial institution which has its own policy, starting from reducing the amount of installment payments.

Research paper thumbnail of The Pandemic A Leap Of Faith - Covid-19 Vaccine Fatwa in Indonesia Religious Institutions Independence and Rival Politics

Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, ... more Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, and we celebrate plenty of things together with our loved one without worry. The 2019 is just two years ago, but in certainly feels like longer than that. Now, we are at the year of 2021. The pandemic has beeb with us for 17 months now. The countres all over the worlds loosen and tighten its boreder as the pandemics evolve into certainty when the vaccinations held. Indees, the catastrophic of the pandemics didn't just leave us behind, many of us losing out loved one and in grief. Yet we are still hopeful of the future especialyy when Science nurtured our thinking while God is with all of us at heart

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendidikan Entrepreneurship DI Pesantren Api Tegalrejo Magelang

Penamas, 2021

Pondok pesantren memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam pembangunan nasional terutama dalam bidang ... more Pondok pesantren memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam pembangunan nasional terutama dalam bidang pendidikan agama. Pondok pesantren di Indonesia selain mengajarkan agama, di beberapa pesantren juga membekali santrinya dengan pendidikan kewirausahaan. Salah satu pondok pesantren yang memberikan pendidikan kewirausahaan adalah di Pondok Pesantren API Tegalrejo Magelang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model pendidikan entrepreneurship di pesantren di pondok pesantren tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Analisis data penelitian dideskripsikan berdasarkan temuan data secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, di pondok pesantren API Tegalrejo Magelang sudah menerapkan pendidikan entrepreneurship. Pesantren entrepeneur (PARTNER) berdiri tahun 2010 dan sebagai direkturnya adalah KH. M Yusuf Chudori. Setiap tahun PARTNER meluluskan kurang lebih 250 santri entrepreneur. Dalam bidang pendidikan, pesantren ini m...


Objective-Sociologically, the existence of Law No.21/2008 on Islamic

Research paper thumbnail of Maslaha as the Philosophical, Political, and Legal Basis on the Islamic Banking Legislation in Indonesia

Global Journal Al Thaqafah, 2017

Legislation on the Islamic Banking Acts in Indonesia is inseparable from the condition of nationa... more Legislation on the Islamic Banking Acts in Indonesia is inseparable from the condition of national politics and global economics that continues to develop. In this paper, the main issue to be discussed is whether the formation of the Islamic Banking Act in Indonesia is based on political interests, or if there is also a legal value associated with economic development of this act. The findings suggest that the legislation on the Islamic Banking Act in Indonesia has relevance to the political and legal foundation that developed at that time; and the legislation on the Islamic Banking Act is based not only on the political but also the philosophical aspects of law that emphasize principles of the common good or maṣlaha and/ an alignment with national goals.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Terhadap Manajemen Dana Mudharabah Dalam Perbankan Syari’Ah

At-Taqaddum, 2017

This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the ... more This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the perspective of normative and philosophical. Mudharabah is interesting to examine, because the beginning of a substitute interest (riba) is the contract of profit sharing, one of which is based on mudharabah. Mudharabah is also rated as the contract representing equity in the transaction. However, in reality, the application of this mudharabah is not so simple, there are some problems inside it. The research found some results, among other things: First, the contract of mudharabah is one of contracts that is used by the Islamic bank to manage the funding and financing in order to avoid the practice of interest (riba). Second, ideally, mudharabah becone the mainstay products of Islamic banking, both in terms of funding or financing. Because, with the principle of partnership, the two parties are equally benefited. Thirdly, in fact, the bank and the customer will not want for various los...

Research paper thumbnail of Maqashid As-Ayariʻah sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam

International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din, 2018

In contrast to the secular economy of capitalism and socialism, Islamic Economy is the one built ... more In contrast to the secular economy of capitalism and socialism, Islamic Economy is the one built on syariʻah bases, norms and divine transcendent values in the divine revelation, the al-Qurʻan and the ḥadiṡ. In order to understand the essence of syariʻah, it is necessary to conduct shifting paradigm from a literalist approach merely focusing on textual and legal meaning to a substantialist approach seeking to capture the moral ideas and the original meaning of the syariʻah beyond the text, which are trans-historical or transcendental being and universal (general principle). This paradigm shifting occurs as the text is limited while the reality is infinite. Among the substantialist approaches offered is the use of maqashid syariʻah and mashlaḥah. Maqashid syariʻah refers to the essence of God's intention (Law Giver), which is the most essential formulated into five elements, they are: حفظ الدين (the religion keeping), حفظ النفس (the soul keeping), حفظ العقل (the i...

Research paper thumbnail of Pergulatan Hukum Dan Politik Dalam Legislasi Uu No. 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syari’Ah

Al-Ahkam, 2013

This study intends to analyze the historical background of the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2008 co... more This study intends to analyze the historical background of the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking in the perspective of relationship between law and political power. This study are considered attractive in the context of Indonesia as a state law that the majority of the population is Muslim, which is ethically Islamic law becomes an important part in the law development. Politically, the Indonesian government also has a historical background of the harmonious relationship with the Islamic forces. Determination of law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia banking is not free from the constellation and political configurations that occured at that time. However, despite decorated by strict political configuration, the determination of this statue has a accountability of its juridical basis, sociological, and philosophical. Determination This law proves that Islamic law has become one of the sources of national law and has the opportunity to contribute to the develop...

Research paper thumbnail of Eklektisisme dalam Taqnîn Hukum Keluarga di Dunia Islam

ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2015

The Qur’ân was revealed with justice and equality for human beings regardless of their sex, race,... more The Qur’ân was revealed with justice and equality for human beings regardless of their sex, race, social class and ethnicity, as cardinal principles and intrinsic values in Islamic sharî‘a. If this is the case, modern Muslim society with Islamic law is necessarily of equality and justice. However, their family laws which are grounded on assumptions of past centuries and have little bearing on contemporary realities have not reflected gender relations. Inequality that occurs within the context of Muslim family laws is one of the subtle but most pervasive areas of discrimination against women. It has resulted in a different set of dynamics that help create new demands in favor of change of laws. This study explores the reform strategy through legal mobilization in the Muslim family laws around the world. The findings of the study reveal that the substantive and pluralistic legal mobilization is important to Muslims, and the reinterpretation and renewal of laws have been mobilizing deb...

Research paper thumbnail of Perempuan dan Narasi Kekerasan: Studi Kritis Peran Gender dalam Deradikalisasi

Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2016

Radicalism is a process initiated from the ideas and teachings that stem from individual stages. ... more Radicalism is a process initiated from the ideas and teachings that stem from individual stages. Hence, the early detection effort in deradicalization by involving women can run effectively, regarding the fact that women play a vital role in the family, particularly in shaping the character of children. Unfortunately, the role of women in preventing, or actually in promoting and participating, terrorism and political violence seems to be neglected. This qualitative study attempts to examine the role of women in preventing radicalization and at the same time promoting and participat-ing to alleviate terrorism and political violence. The findings of the study reveal that the role of women in the deradicali-zation can be done in a number of strategies, although not restricted, such as reduction of gender inequality and disparity, giving women a greater role to participate in a multi-field of social realm, strengthening the well-being to prevent radicalization, making women as leaders w...

Research paper thumbnail of PEMIKIRAN EKONOMI ISLAM MUHAMMAD SYAFI’I ANTONIO (ANALISIS TERHADAP PERBANKAN SYARIAH DI INDONESIA) Muhammad Syafi’i Antonio’s Islamic Economic Thought (An Analysis Towards Sharia Banking In Indonesia)

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi)

Volume 03 Nomor 02 Desember 2017 Jurnal SMaRT diterbitkan oleh Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan ... more Volume 03 Nomor 02 Desember 2017 Jurnal SMaRT diterbitkan oleh Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang dengan tujuan sebagai media penyebarluasan dan pertukaran informasi dan data hasil penelitian dan pengembangan (kelitbangan) bidang sosial keagamaan dari para peneliti dan akademisi. Tema tulisan berkaitan dengan permasalahan bimbingan masyarakat agama dan layanan keagamaan, pendidikan agama & keagamaan, serta lektur & khazanah keagamaan. Jurnal SMaRT terbit dua kali setahun, pada bulan Juni dan Desember. i PENGANTAR REDAKSI Syukur Alhamdulillah, senantiasa redaksi SMaRT panjatkan rasa syukur kepada Allah, Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa atas nikmat-nikmat-Nya. Salah satu nikmat tersebut adalah diberinya kesempatan pada kami untuk kembali menerbitkan Jurnal SMaRT di penghujung tahun 2017 ini. Jurnal SMaRT Volume 03 No. 2 Tahun 2017 kembali kami haturkan di hadapan sidang para pembaca dengan beberapa artikel menarik tentang fenomena keagamaan di masyarakat. Masyarakat memiliki sisi-sisi fenomena keagamaan yang dinamis. Membaca fenomena-fenoma tersebut akan membuat kita semakin memahami masyarakat, baik itu fenomena yang telah lampau maupun yang tengah aktual terjadi. Jurnal SMaRT edisi ini menampilkan sepuluh artikel yang merupakan hasil penelitian bidang sosiologi keagamaan, pendidikan agama dan keagamaan, maupun lektur dan khazanah keagamaan. Tulisan pertama ditulis oleh Syamsurijal tentang pelayanan perkawinan oleh KUA pasca diterbitkannya Peraturan Pemerintah dan Peraturan Menteri Agama mengenai biaya nikah. Peraturan baru yang mendorong perkawinan dilaksanakan di KUA ini berbenturan dengan tradisi perkawinan yang telah ada di masyarakat. KUA di Kabupaten Majene Sulawesi Barat telah berupaya menjalankan peraturanperaturan tersebut namun tetap bisa menghormati tradisi yang berlaku di masyarakat. Artikel kedua ditulis oleh Agus Riyadi mengungkap tentang Tradisi Nyadran di Desa Kayen Boyolali Jawa Tengah yang ternyata mampu mengakomodasi hubungan lintas agama. Tradisi Nyadran secara nyata menunjukkan praktek gotong royong, solidaritas, dan kebersamaan masyarakat Kajen walaupun berbeda agama dan keyakinan. Oleh karena itu Tradisi Nyadran bisa menjadi media akomodasi dan media untuk mengembangkan keharmonisan antar manusia khususnya dalam masyarakat majemuk dan multikultural. Tidak mudah untuk membangun sikap kebersamaan yang damai dan rukun dalam masyarakat yang multikultur. Apalagi dalam masyarakat yang memiliki pengalaman konflik yang panjang. Membangun sikap damai ini di antaranya melalui jalur pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah. Tulisan selanjutnya yang ketiga ditulis oleh Nugroho Eko Atmanto mencoba menggambarkan upaya-upaya membangun budaya damai melalui pendidikan agama di sekolah-sekolah yang berada di wilayah yang pernah terjadi konflik. Kabupaten Bengkayang Kalimantan Barat pernah terjadi konflik antarsuku, Suku Dayak dan Suku Madura dan hal ini mempengaruhi pola pikir masyarakatnya, termasuk guru sekolah. Pendidikan agama yang diselenggarakan di sekolah dalam muatannya sudah memberikan materi-materi yang penting dalam membangun budaya damai. Namun hambatan pendidikan budaya damai ini karena masyarakat sendiri masih memproduksi narasi-narasi konflik tersebut dalam pandangan-pandangan stereotipe terhadap kelompok yang menjadi lawan konfliknya. Pendidikan termasuk pendidikan Islam mestinya menjawab tantangan jaman. Banyak tokoh pendidikan muslim yang menyusun konsep pendidikan yang mampu mentransformasikan nilainilai keislaman dalam konteks kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah pemikiran Moeslim Abdurrahman. Artikel keempat yang ditulis oleh Muhammad Ali dan Ma'arif Jamuin mengangkat Pendidikan Islam Transformatif hasil pemikiran Moeslim Abdurrahman. Dalam pemikiran Moeslim Abdurrahman, pendidikan Islam transformatif ini untuk melahirkan peserta didik kritis, dialogis, dan terlibat dalam proses transformasi sosial sebagai tugas kekhalifahan. Artikel kelima juga berbicara tentang pemikiran tokoh muslim, tetapi di bidang ekonomi Islam. Artikel kelima yang ditulis oleh Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha dan Abdul Ghofur mengelaborasi pemikiran Syafi'i Antonio, salah seorang tokoh ekonom muslim, mengenai perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Pemikiran Syafi'i Antonio mengenai perbankan syariah di Indonesia berpijak dari pemikirannya bahwa bunga bank akan menyengsarakan dan menghancurkan masyarakat karena ada unsur dzulmun, selain v

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Lembaga Keuangan Syariah Menghadapi Pembiayaan Bermasalah Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic period is a disease outbreak that has brought the community's economy t... more The COVID-19 pandemic period is a disease outbreak that has brought the community's economy to a drastic decline because this outbreak resulted in the cessation of the community's business wheels and not only that, the banking sector, industry and so on were affected. So that people's income decreases and also results in the fulfillment of obligations, especially in payment of financing installments at Islamic financial institutions (LKS). This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research in which researchers conduct field studies to obtain accurate information by conducting interviews, from these results data analysis and data credibility are carried out in order to get good results. This results in LKS providing leeway and not everything depends on each financial institution which has its own policy, starting from reducing the amount of installment payments.

Research paper thumbnail of The Pandemic A Leap Of Faith - Covid-19 Vaccine Fatwa in Indonesia Religious Institutions Independence and Rival Politics

Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, ... more Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, and we celebrate plenty of things together with our loved one without worry. The 2019 is just two years ago, but in certainly feels like longer than that. Now, we are at the year of 2021. The pandemic has beeb with us for 17 months now. The countres all over the worlds loosen and tighten its boreder as the pandemics evolve into certainty when the vaccinations held. Indees, the catastrophic of the pandemics didn't just leave us behind, many of us losing out loved one and in grief. Yet we are still hopeful of the future especialyy when Science nurtured our thinking while God is with all of us at heart

Research paper thumbnail of Model Pendidikan Entrepreneurship DI Pesantren Api Tegalrejo Magelang

Penamas, 2021

Pondok pesantren memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam pembangunan nasional terutama dalam bidang ... more Pondok pesantren memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam pembangunan nasional terutama dalam bidang pendidikan agama. Pondok pesantren di Indonesia selain mengajarkan agama, di beberapa pesantren juga membekali santrinya dengan pendidikan kewirausahaan. Salah satu pondok pesantren yang memberikan pendidikan kewirausahaan adalah di Pondok Pesantren API Tegalrejo Magelang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model pendidikan entrepreneurship di pesantren di pondok pesantren tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Analisis data penelitian dideskripsikan berdasarkan temuan data secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, di pondok pesantren API Tegalrejo Magelang sudah menerapkan pendidikan entrepreneurship. Pesantren entrepeneur (PARTNER) berdiri tahun 2010 dan sebagai direkturnya adalah KH. M Yusuf Chudori. Setiap tahun PARTNER meluluskan kurang lebih 250 santri entrepreneur. Dalam bidang pendidikan, pesantren ini m...


Objective-Sociologically, the existence of Law No.21/2008 on Islamic

Research paper thumbnail of Maslaha as the Philosophical, Political, and Legal Basis on the Islamic Banking Legislation in Indonesia

Global Journal Al Thaqafah, 2017

Legislation on the Islamic Banking Acts in Indonesia is inseparable from the condition of nationa... more Legislation on the Islamic Banking Acts in Indonesia is inseparable from the condition of national politics and global economics that continues to develop. In this paper, the main issue to be discussed is whether the formation of the Islamic Banking Act in Indonesia is based on political interests, or if there is also a legal value associated with economic development of this act. The findings suggest that the legislation on the Islamic Banking Act in Indonesia has relevance to the political and legal foundation that developed at that time; and the legislation on the Islamic Banking Act is based not only on the political but also the philosophical aspects of law that emphasize principles of the common good or maṣlaha and/ an alignment with national goals.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Terhadap Manajemen Dana Mudharabah Dalam Perbankan Syari’Ah

At-Taqaddum, 2017

This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the ... more This study tried to the analyze practices mudharabah fund management in Islamic banking from the perspective of normative and philosophical. Mudharabah is interesting to examine, because the beginning of a substitute interest (riba) is the contract of profit sharing, one of which is based on mudharabah. Mudharabah is also rated as the contract representing equity in the transaction. However, in reality, the application of this mudharabah is not so simple, there are some problems inside it. The research found some results, among other things: First, the contract of mudharabah is one of contracts that is used by the Islamic bank to manage the funding and financing in order to avoid the practice of interest (riba). Second, ideally, mudharabah becone the mainstay products of Islamic banking, both in terms of funding or financing. Because, with the principle of partnership, the two parties are equally benefited. Thirdly, in fact, the bank and the customer will not want for various los...

Research paper thumbnail of Maqashid As-Ayariʻah sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam

International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din, 2018

In contrast to the secular economy of capitalism and socialism, Islamic Economy is the one built ... more In contrast to the secular economy of capitalism and socialism, Islamic Economy is the one built on syariʻah bases, norms and divine transcendent values in the divine revelation, the al-Qurʻan and the ḥadiṡ. In order to understand the essence of syariʻah, it is necessary to conduct shifting paradigm from a literalist approach merely focusing on textual and legal meaning to a substantialist approach seeking to capture the moral ideas and the original meaning of the syariʻah beyond the text, which are trans-historical or transcendental being and universal (general principle). This paradigm shifting occurs as the text is limited while the reality is infinite. Among the substantialist approaches offered is the use of maqashid syariʻah and mashlaḥah. Maqashid syariʻah refers to the essence of God's intention (Law Giver), which is the most essential formulated into five elements, they are: حفظ الدين (the religion keeping), حفظ النفس (the soul keeping), حفظ العقل (the i...

Research paper thumbnail of Pergulatan Hukum Dan Politik Dalam Legislasi Uu No. 21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syari’Ah

Al-Ahkam, 2013

This study intends to analyze the historical background of the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2008 co... more This study intends to analyze the historical background of the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Islamic Banking in the perspective of relationship between law and political power. This study are considered attractive in the context of Indonesia as a state law that the majority of the population is Muslim, which is ethically Islamic law becomes an important part in the law development. Politically, the Indonesian government also has a historical background of the harmonious relationship with the Islamic forces. Determination of law No. 21 of 2008 concerning Sharia banking is not free from the constellation and political configurations that occured at that time. However, despite decorated by strict political configuration, the determination of this statue has a accountability of its juridical basis, sociological, and philosophical. Determination This law proves that Islamic law has become one of the sources of national law and has the opportunity to contribute to the develop...

Research paper thumbnail of Eklektisisme dalam Taqnîn Hukum Keluarga di Dunia Islam

ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2015

The Qur’ân was revealed with justice and equality for human beings regardless of their sex, race,... more The Qur’ân was revealed with justice and equality for human beings regardless of their sex, race, social class and ethnicity, as cardinal principles and intrinsic values in Islamic sharî‘a. If this is the case, modern Muslim society with Islamic law is necessarily of equality and justice. However, their family laws which are grounded on assumptions of past centuries and have little bearing on contemporary realities have not reflected gender relations. Inequality that occurs within the context of Muslim family laws is one of the subtle but most pervasive areas of discrimination against women. It has resulted in a different set of dynamics that help create new demands in favor of change of laws. This study explores the reform strategy through legal mobilization in the Muslim family laws around the world. The findings of the study reveal that the substantive and pluralistic legal mobilization is important to Muslims, and the reinterpretation and renewal of laws have been mobilizing deb...

Research paper thumbnail of Perempuan dan Narasi Kekerasan: Studi Kritis Peran Gender dalam Deradikalisasi

Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam, 2016

Radicalism is a process initiated from the ideas and teachings that stem from individual stages. ... more Radicalism is a process initiated from the ideas and teachings that stem from individual stages. Hence, the early detection effort in deradicalization by involving women can run effectively, regarding the fact that women play a vital role in the family, particularly in shaping the character of children. Unfortunately, the role of women in preventing, or actually in promoting and participating, terrorism and political violence seems to be neglected. This qualitative study attempts to examine the role of women in preventing radicalization and at the same time promoting and participat-ing to alleviate terrorism and political violence. The findings of the study reveal that the role of women in the deradicali-zation can be done in a number of strategies, although not restricted, such as reduction of gender inequality and disparity, giving women a greater role to participate in a multi-field of social realm, strengthening the well-being to prevent radicalization, making women as leaders w...

Research paper thumbnail of PEMIKIRAN EKONOMI ISLAM MUHAMMAD SYAFI’I ANTONIO (ANALISIS TERHADAP PERBANKAN SYARIAH DI INDONESIA) Muhammad Syafi’i Antonio’s Islamic Economic Thought (An Analysis Towards Sharia Banking In Indonesia)

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi)

Volume 03 Nomor 02 Desember 2017 Jurnal SMaRT diterbitkan oleh Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan ... more Volume 03 Nomor 02 Desember 2017 Jurnal SMaRT diterbitkan oleh Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang dengan tujuan sebagai media penyebarluasan dan pertukaran informasi dan data hasil penelitian dan pengembangan (kelitbangan) bidang sosial keagamaan dari para peneliti dan akademisi. Tema tulisan berkaitan dengan permasalahan bimbingan masyarakat agama dan layanan keagamaan, pendidikan agama & keagamaan, serta lektur & khazanah keagamaan. Jurnal SMaRT terbit dua kali setahun, pada bulan Juni dan Desember. i PENGANTAR REDAKSI Syukur Alhamdulillah, senantiasa redaksi SMaRT panjatkan rasa syukur kepada Allah, Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa atas nikmat-nikmat-Nya. Salah satu nikmat tersebut adalah diberinya kesempatan pada kami untuk kembali menerbitkan Jurnal SMaRT di penghujung tahun 2017 ini. Jurnal SMaRT Volume 03 No. 2 Tahun 2017 kembali kami haturkan di hadapan sidang para pembaca dengan beberapa artikel menarik tentang fenomena keagamaan di masyarakat. Masyarakat memiliki sisi-sisi fenomena keagamaan yang dinamis. Membaca fenomena-fenoma tersebut akan membuat kita semakin memahami masyarakat, baik itu fenomena yang telah lampau maupun yang tengah aktual terjadi. Jurnal SMaRT edisi ini menampilkan sepuluh artikel yang merupakan hasil penelitian bidang sosiologi keagamaan, pendidikan agama dan keagamaan, maupun lektur dan khazanah keagamaan. Tulisan pertama ditulis oleh Syamsurijal tentang pelayanan perkawinan oleh KUA pasca diterbitkannya Peraturan Pemerintah dan Peraturan Menteri Agama mengenai biaya nikah. Peraturan baru yang mendorong perkawinan dilaksanakan di KUA ini berbenturan dengan tradisi perkawinan yang telah ada di masyarakat. KUA di Kabupaten Majene Sulawesi Barat telah berupaya menjalankan peraturanperaturan tersebut namun tetap bisa menghormati tradisi yang berlaku di masyarakat. Artikel kedua ditulis oleh Agus Riyadi mengungkap tentang Tradisi Nyadran di Desa Kayen Boyolali Jawa Tengah yang ternyata mampu mengakomodasi hubungan lintas agama. Tradisi Nyadran secara nyata menunjukkan praktek gotong royong, solidaritas, dan kebersamaan masyarakat Kajen walaupun berbeda agama dan keyakinan. Oleh karena itu Tradisi Nyadran bisa menjadi media akomodasi dan media untuk mengembangkan keharmonisan antar manusia khususnya dalam masyarakat majemuk dan multikultural. Tidak mudah untuk membangun sikap kebersamaan yang damai dan rukun dalam masyarakat yang multikultur. Apalagi dalam masyarakat yang memiliki pengalaman konflik yang panjang. Membangun sikap damai ini di antaranya melalui jalur pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah. Tulisan selanjutnya yang ketiga ditulis oleh Nugroho Eko Atmanto mencoba menggambarkan upaya-upaya membangun budaya damai melalui pendidikan agama di sekolah-sekolah yang berada di wilayah yang pernah terjadi konflik. Kabupaten Bengkayang Kalimantan Barat pernah terjadi konflik antarsuku, Suku Dayak dan Suku Madura dan hal ini mempengaruhi pola pikir masyarakatnya, termasuk guru sekolah. Pendidikan agama yang diselenggarakan di sekolah dalam muatannya sudah memberikan materi-materi yang penting dalam membangun budaya damai. Namun hambatan pendidikan budaya damai ini karena masyarakat sendiri masih memproduksi narasi-narasi konflik tersebut dalam pandangan-pandangan stereotipe terhadap kelompok yang menjadi lawan konfliknya. Pendidikan termasuk pendidikan Islam mestinya menjawab tantangan jaman. Banyak tokoh pendidikan muslim yang menyusun konsep pendidikan yang mampu mentransformasikan nilainilai keislaman dalam konteks kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah pemikiran Moeslim Abdurrahman. Artikel keempat yang ditulis oleh Muhammad Ali dan Ma'arif Jamuin mengangkat Pendidikan Islam Transformatif hasil pemikiran Moeslim Abdurrahman. Dalam pemikiran Moeslim Abdurrahman, pendidikan Islam transformatif ini untuk melahirkan peserta didik kritis, dialogis, dan terlibat dalam proses transformasi sosial sebagai tugas kekhalifahan. Artikel kelima juga berbicara tentang pemikiran tokoh muslim, tetapi di bidang ekonomi Islam. Artikel kelima yang ditulis oleh Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha dan Abdul Ghofur mengelaborasi pemikiran Syafi'i Antonio, salah seorang tokoh ekonom muslim, mengenai perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Pemikiran Syafi'i Antonio mengenai perbankan syariah di Indonesia berpijak dari pemikirannya bahwa bunga bank akan menyengsarakan dan menghancurkan masyarakat karena ada unsur dzulmun, selain v