Agnieszka Dombrowska-Pali - (original) (raw)
Papers by Agnieszka Dombrowska-Pali
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Introduction and Objective. Scientific studies report that the risk of symptoms of postpartum dep... more Introduction and Objective. Scientific studies report that the risk of symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) can significantly reduce breastfeeding time. It has not yet been shown whether there is a difference in cortisol levels in breast milk and serum cortisol levels in women at risk of PPD but without symptoms. The aim of the study was assessment of the levels of cortisol in breast milk and levels of serum cortisol in women at risk of PPD four weeks after birth. Materials and method. The study included 75 women who were recruited at a University Hospital and via social media. The proper study was conducted in the fourth week after delivery. The research tool used was The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Assessment of cortisol levels in breast milk was performed with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay CORTISOL saliva ELISA DiaMetra. Blood analysis was conducted in an ALAB Laboratory, one of a nationwide network of specialis laboratories. Results. The prevalence of the risk of PPD symptoms in the study sample was estimated at 28% in EPDS. The risk of PPD symptoms does not differentiate between cortisol levels in breast milk and serum cortisol levels (p>0.05). A correlation was shown between the level of cortisol in breast milk and in the blood serum of the study sample (p<0.03). Conclusions. The study indicates that the risk of PPD symptoms does not differentiate between serum cortisol levels and cortisol levels in breast milk. The level of cortisol in breast milk reflects the level of cortisol in the blood serum of the subjects.
Polish Annals of Medicine
Introduction: No studies on paternal postnatal depression (PPND) have been performed in Poland. A... more Introduction: No studies on paternal postnatal depression (PPND) have been performed in Poland. Aim: The aim of the study was to estimate the symptoms of depression in women and men and identify the determinants of mental health of fathers after the birth of their child. Material and methods: Parents (142) participated in the study during the period 1 to 12 months after the birth. Results and discussion: The analyses reveal that 13% of fathers and 18% of mothers after the birth of their child had Edinburgh postnatal depression scale (EPDS) scores of 10 or higher, which indicates possible depression. At score 12 and more, the proportion detected by EPDS decreased to 7% of fathers and 13% of mothers, which is an indicator of major depressive disorder. At EPDS score 12 and more, a probable depressive disorder was indicated in 10% of fathers in the period of 1–3 months, 7% of fathers at 4–7 months and 4% of fathers at 8–12 months. The symptoms of maternal depression at a score of 12 and...
Cel: Celem badania byla analiza parametrow kardiotokograficznych plodu podczas stymulacji muzyką ... more Cel: Celem badania byla analiza parametrow kardiotokograficznych plodu podczas stymulacji muzyką zespolu ABBA oraz muzyką klasyczną Johanna Straussa. Material i metody: Do badania zaproszono 60 kobiet w III trymestrze ciązy, średnio w 35 tygodniu. Wykonano 90 zapisow kardiotokograficznych przed i podczas stymulacji muzycznej. Wyniki: Podczas stymulacji utworami muzyki klasycznej Johanna Straussa zaobserwowano istotne obnizenie podstawowej czestości serca plodow. Podczas narazenia na utwory zespolu ABBA zaobserwowano znaczące obnizenie wartości dotyczących akceleracji >10 uderzen na minute (>10 BPM), obnizenie epizodow wysokiej zmienności. W grupie stymulowanej muzyką klasyczną stwierdzono istotnie wiekszą liczbe akceleracji > 10 uderzen na minute, akceleracji >15 uderzen na minute oraz epizodow niskiej zmienności niz w grupie stymulowanej utworami muzycznymi zespolu ABBA. W grupie stymulowanej muzyką zespolu ABBA zaobserwowano istotnie wiekszą liczbe skurczow macicy niz ...
Background Breastfeeding with mother’s milk is the best form of nutrition not only for newborn ba... more Background Breastfeeding with mother’s milk is the best form of nutrition not only for newborn babies, but especially for premature babies, due to the health benefits of taking human food. Objectives The aim of the study was to examine the basic composition, cortisol concentration and antioxidant status of breast milk samples from women giving birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy and comparing it with milk samples from women giving birth after 37 weeks of pregnancy. Methods The material for the study was milk taken from women giving birth before and after 37 weeks of pregnancy. The basic composition of breast milk was determined using a MIRIS analyzer, cortisol concentration in samples by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test and their total antioxidant status was assessed by DPPH and FRAP methods. Results It has been shown that the concentration of cortisol in samples of human milk in the group of women giving birth before 37 weeks was 13.95 ng / ml [4,71–86,84], while in the group of ...
Polski Przegląd Nauk o Zdrowiu
STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Ważnym aspektem w neutralizacji napięcia emocjonalnego jest umiejętne radzeni... more STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Ważnym aspektem w neutralizacji napięcia emocjonalnego jest umiejętne radzenie sobie ze stresem. Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 174 osoby personelu pielęgniarskiego po uzyskaniu zgody Komisji Bioetycznej (KB 196/2017). Oceny radzenia sobie ze stresem dokonano według Mini-COPE. Wyniki. Najczęstszą strategią radzenia sobie ze stresem wśród personelu pielęgniarskiego była strategia "aktywne radzenie sobie". Nie wykazano różnicy istotnej statystycznie między stylami radzenia sobie w grupie pielęgniarek i położnych (p > 0,05). Pracownicy medyczni w wieku powyżej 50 lat istotnie częściej stosowali strategię "obwinianie siebie" (p = 0,0383). Staż pracy (16-20 lat) istotnie częściej warunkował wybór strategii "poszukiwanie wsparcia emocjonalnego" (p < 0,05) i "obwinianie siebie" (p < 0,01). Satysfakcja z pracy zawodowej istotnie częściej dotyczyła wyboru strategii "pozytywne przewartościowanie" i "poszukiwanie wsparcia instrumentalnego" (p < 0,05). Brak współpracy w zespole terapeutycznym istotnie częściej warunkował wybór strategii "zajmowanie się czymś innym" (p < 0,01). Personel pielęgniarski z Brodnicy istotnie częściej stosował strategię "pozytywne przewartościowanie" (p < 0,01). Pracownicy ochrony zdrowia z Rypina istotnie częściej wybierali strategię "poczucie humoru" (p < 0,05). Pielęgniarki i położne z Bydgoszczy istotnie częściej skłaniali się do wyboru strategii "poszukiwanie wsparcia emocjonalnego" (p < 0,05). Wnioski. Wykonywanie zawodu pielęgniarki i położnej w istotny sposób generuje ryzyko wysokiej ekspozycji na występowanie stresu. Pomimo licznych czynników, które wywołują wzmożone napięcie emocjonalne wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia, badana próba stosowała aktywne strategie neutralizacji stresu, co w znaczny sposób przyczynia się do zachowania zdrowia psychosomatycznego.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the severity of depressive symptoms, to analyze risk ... more Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the severity of depressive symptoms, to analyze risk factors for perinatal mental disorders and to assess dispositional optimism. A total of 106 women from Poland were included in the study at 37-week pregnant and 6 weeks after giving birth. It was demonstrated that the main predictors of perinatal mental disorders were the variables: mental health disorders before pregnancy, subjectively reported decreased mood in pregnancy, the lack of social (instrumental) support and the tendency to pessimism. The results of the study suggest how important it is to introduce clinical practice in Poland to screen for early detection of the risk of depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression.
Health Care for Women International
ABSTRACT Episiotomy belongs to the most frequent procedures carried out during delivery. Performi... more ABSTRACT Episiotomy belongs to the most frequent procedures carried out during delivery. Performing episiotomy should be reduced as there is scientific evidence indicating that it can cause pain, sexual problems, and serious, long-term health consequences. The aim of the researchers is to identify factors associated with episiotomy and the perineal tear. Analyses were performed using a model of a logistic regression. The study involved 4493 women. The episiotomy risk was related to: a birth weight exceeding 3500 grams, an instrumental delivery by means of forceps or vacuum extraction. The decrease of episiotomy rate increased the rate of perineal tear of first and second degree. The study has shown that episiotomy protects women from third- and fourth-degree perineal tear.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Introduction and objective. The sense of coherence plays an important role in the acceptance of i... more Introduction and objective. The sense of coherence plays an important role in the acceptance of illness. The aim of the study was to assess the level of the sense of coherence and its relationship with the acceptance of illness, and to determine whether there are factors which differentiate the sense of coherence and its individual components. Materials and method. 120 women treated for breast cancer were included in the study. The research project was conducted by means of questionnaires, Life Orientation Questionnaire (SOC-29) and Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). The study was approved by the Director of the Professor F. Łukaszczyk Oncology Centre and the Bioethics Committee (KB 320/2017). The research project was conducted from May 2017-April 2018. Results. The global level of the sense of coherence in the study sample was at an average level. The average value of the acceptance of illness rate was 26.84 and implied average adaptation to the limitations imposed by an illness. A relationship was found between the level of the sense of coherence and its components, and the degree of the acceptance of illness (p <0.00001). The methods of treating breast cancer did not determine the level of the sense of coherence and the level of the acceptance of illness (p> 0.05). The experienced mastectomy did not determine the level of coherence and its components (p> 0.05). A higher level of the acceptance of illness was found in women who had not undergone mastectomy (p = 0.00007). Conclusions: The study sample presented an average level of the sense of coherence and the acceptance of illness. The sense of coherence significantly correlated with the degree of the acceptance of illness. Women who had not undergone mastectomy presented a significantly higher level of the acceptance of illness.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
The influence of socioeconomic variables on the occurrence of anxiety and depression disorders in... more The influence of socioeconomic variables on the occurrence of anxiety and depression disorders in women with the female genital tract tumours.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Introduction and objective. Postpartum depression affects between 7%-20% of women worldwide. Risk... more Introduction and objective. Postpartum depression affects between 7%-20% of women worldwide. Risk assessment of depressive symptoms plays a key role in ensuring the mental health and proper functioning of women after childbirth. The aim of the study is to assess the severity of postpartum depression and conduct multivariate analysis of risk factors. Materials and method. 80 women in the third trimester of pregnancy were invited to participate in the study and asked for contact after childbirth. Recruitment for the study took place while the pregnant women were staying at the Pregnancy Pathology Ward and the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Diabetology Clinic and Obstetrics Emergency Room. The research project was carried out from February-May 2019. Ultimately, 70 women took part in the project on average in week 4 of puerperium. The research tools were a questionnaire of own design and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Results. The risk of depressive symptoms was found in 18.6% of women after childbirth. Multi-dimensional logistic regression showed that age (p = 0.014), anxiety due to motherhood (p = 0.019) and the occurrence of difficulties in looking after a child (p = 0.005) were the factors significantly associated with the symptoms of postpartum depression. Conclusions. The incidence of postpartum depression in the study sample did not differ significantly from the incidence reported in the literature. Worldwide. The risk of postpartum depression symptoms increased with age. Anxiety due to motherhood and difficulties in looking after a child proved to be crucial determinants of depressive symptoms. Fertility at the level of three or more deliveries and individual personality types of women did not influence the occurrence of postpartum depression.
Introduction: Prenatal musical stimulation seems to be very safe, accessible to all women and the... more Introduction: Prenatal musical stimulation seems to be very safe, accessible to all women and the least invasive so it should be recommended in the obstetrical care. The purpose of this study was to analyze fetal cardiotocographic parameters during exposure to music. Material and methods: 51 women in the third trimester of pregnancy at the mean gestational age of 37 weeks were involved in the study. The first Non Stress Test (NST) was conducted without music stimulation. Next two cardiotocography tests were conducted with a music stimulation. After 10 and 20 minutes of recording, a cardiotocographic analysis was printed. Results: During the exposure to classical music, a significant increase in the number fetal movements (p < 0.0001), accelerations > 10 BPM (p < 0.0003), accelerations > 15 BPM (p < 0.0006), short-term variability (p < 0.0001) and long-term variability (p < 0.0001) was observed. Only 20 minutes of exposure to music resulted in a considerable incr...
Wstep. Zespol HELLP w przebiegu ciązy jest jednym z najpowazniejszych powiklan. Szczyt zachorowal... more Wstep. Zespol HELLP w przebiegu ciązy jest jednym z najpowazniejszych powiklan. Szczyt zachorowalności na zespol HELLP przypada na ostatni trymestr ciązy. Cześciej chorują wielorodki, rasy bialej powyzej 25 roku zycia. Dokladna etiologia i patogeneza choroby nie jest jeszcze poznana. Akronim Zespolu HELLP pochodzi od trzech glownych objawow: H – hemoliza, EL – podwyzszony poziom enzymow wątrobowych, LP –maloplytkowośc. Objawami klinicznymi są: zle samopoczucie, bol w prawym nadbrzuszu, bialkomocz, nadciśnienie tetniczce krwi, nudności, wymioty, bol glowy i zaburzenia widzenia. Najczestszymi powiklaniami w przebiegu zespolu HELLP są: zespol rozsianego wewnątrznaczyniowego wykrzepiania, przedwczesne oddzielenie lozyska, niewydolnośc nerek, obrzek pluc i krwiak podtorebkowy wątroby. Cel. Celem niniejszej pracy bylo przedstawienie planu opieki nad kobietą w drugiej ciązy, w 32 tygodniu ciązy z rozpoznanym pelnoobjawowym zespolem HELLP. Wnioski. Opieka nad pacjentką w ciązy w ramach proc...
Pediatria Polska
Based on numerous pieces of clinical evidence, music has been used more and more frequently in ob... more Based on numerous pieces of clinical evidence, music has been used more and more frequently in obstetrics. During the prenatal development it is received both by the mother and by the developing foetus. The baby reacts to the voice of its parents, responding by intensified activity, which corresponds to the increase in the number of its movements. It reacts similarly to everyday sounds and music. Listening to music improves the health of women, who are exposed to stress during pregnancy. Therefore, implementing minor changes in those units may significantly change the lives of babies and women. Music therapy is also recommended to women during and after giving birth. Music significantly affects the natural feeding, ensuring the health of mother and baby. It influences the baby's intelligence, developing its mathematical, analytical, and linguistic capacities. Stimulation by music may significantly enhance the quality of care of newborns and pregnant women.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Introduction and Objective. Scientific studies report that the risk of symptoms of postpartum dep... more Introduction and Objective. Scientific studies report that the risk of symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) can significantly reduce breastfeeding time. It has not yet been shown whether there is a difference in cortisol levels in breast milk and serum cortisol levels in women at risk of PPD but without symptoms. The aim of the study was assessment of the levels of cortisol in breast milk and levels of serum cortisol in women at risk of PPD four weeks after birth. Materials and method. The study included 75 women who were recruited at a University Hospital and via social media. The proper study was conducted in the fourth week after delivery. The research tool used was The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Assessment of cortisol levels in breast milk was performed with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay CORTISOL saliva ELISA DiaMetra. Blood analysis was conducted in an ALAB Laboratory, one of a nationwide network of specialis laboratories. Results. The prevalence of the risk of PPD symptoms in the study sample was estimated at 28% in EPDS. The risk of PPD symptoms does not differentiate between cortisol levels in breast milk and serum cortisol levels (p>0.05). A correlation was shown between the level of cortisol in breast milk and in the blood serum of the study sample (p<0.03). Conclusions. The study indicates that the risk of PPD symptoms does not differentiate between serum cortisol levels and cortisol levels in breast milk. The level of cortisol in breast milk reflects the level of cortisol in the blood serum of the subjects.
Polish Annals of Medicine
Introduction: No studies on paternal postnatal depression (PPND) have been performed in Poland. A... more Introduction: No studies on paternal postnatal depression (PPND) have been performed in Poland. Aim: The aim of the study was to estimate the symptoms of depression in women and men and identify the determinants of mental health of fathers after the birth of their child. Material and methods: Parents (142) participated in the study during the period 1 to 12 months after the birth. Results and discussion: The analyses reveal that 13% of fathers and 18% of mothers after the birth of their child had Edinburgh postnatal depression scale (EPDS) scores of 10 or higher, which indicates possible depression. At score 12 and more, the proportion detected by EPDS decreased to 7% of fathers and 13% of mothers, which is an indicator of major depressive disorder. At EPDS score 12 and more, a probable depressive disorder was indicated in 10% of fathers in the period of 1–3 months, 7% of fathers at 4–7 months and 4% of fathers at 8–12 months. The symptoms of maternal depression at a score of 12 and...
Cel: Celem badania byla analiza parametrow kardiotokograficznych plodu podczas stymulacji muzyką ... more Cel: Celem badania byla analiza parametrow kardiotokograficznych plodu podczas stymulacji muzyką zespolu ABBA oraz muzyką klasyczną Johanna Straussa. Material i metody: Do badania zaproszono 60 kobiet w III trymestrze ciązy, średnio w 35 tygodniu. Wykonano 90 zapisow kardiotokograficznych przed i podczas stymulacji muzycznej. Wyniki: Podczas stymulacji utworami muzyki klasycznej Johanna Straussa zaobserwowano istotne obnizenie podstawowej czestości serca plodow. Podczas narazenia na utwory zespolu ABBA zaobserwowano znaczące obnizenie wartości dotyczących akceleracji >10 uderzen na minute (>10 BPM), obnizenie epizodow wysokiej zmienności. W grupie stymulowanej muzyką klasyczną stwierdzono istotnie wiekszą liczbe akceleracji > 10 uderzen na minute, akceleracji >15 uderzen na minute oraz epizodow niskiej zmienności niz w grupie stymulowanej utworami muzycznymi zespolu ABBA. W grupie stymulowanej muzyką zespolu ABBA zaobserwowano istotnie wiekszą liczbe skurczow macicy niz ...
Background Breastfeeding with mother’s milk is the best form of nutrition not only for newborn ba... more Background Breastfeeding with mother’s milk is the best form of nutrition not only for newborn babies, but especially for premature babies, due to the health benefits of taking human food. Objectives The aim of the study was to examine the basic composition, cortisol concentration and antioxidant status of breast milk samples from women giving birth before 37 weeks of pregnancy and comparing it with milk samples from women giving birth after 37 weeks of pregnancy. Methods The material for the study was milk taken from women giving birth before and after 37 weeks of pregnancy. The basic composition of breast milk was determined using a MIRIS analyzer, cortisol concentration in samples by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent test and their total antioxidant status was assessed by DPPH and FRAP methods. Results It has been shown that the concentration of cortisol in samples of human milk in the group of women giving birth before 37 weeks was 13.95 ng / ml [4,71–86,84], while in the group of ...
Polski Przegląd Nauk o Zdrowiu
STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Ważnym aspektem w neutralizacji napięcia emocjonalnego jest umiejętne radzeni... more STRESZCZENIE Wstęp. Ważnym aspektem w neutralizacji napięcia emocjonalnego jest umiejętne radzenie sobie ze stresem. Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 174 osoby personelu pielęgniarskiego po uzyskaniu zgody Komisji Bioetycznej (KB 196/2017). Oceny radzenia sobie ze stresem dokonano według Mini-COPE. Wyniki. Najczęstszą strategią radzenia sobie ze stresem wśród personelu pielęgniarskiego była strategia "aktywne radzenie sobie". Nie wykazano różnicy istotnej statystycznie między stylami radzenia sobie w grupie pielęgniarek i położnych (p > 0,05). Pracownicy medyczni w wieku powyżej 50 lat istotnie częściej stosowali strategię "obwinianie siebie" (p = 0,0383). Staż pracy (16-20 lat) istotnie częściej warunkował wybór strategii "poszukiwanie wsparcia emocjonalnego" (p < 0,05) i "obwinianie siebie" (p < 0,01). Satysfakcja z pracy zawodowej istotnie częściej dotyczyła wyboru strategii "pozytywne przewartościowanie" i "poszukiwanie wsparcia instrumentalnego" (p < 0,05). Brak współpracy w zespole terapeutycznym istotnie częściej warunkował wybór strategii "zajmowanie się czymś innym" (p < 0,01). Personel pielęgniarski z Brodnicy istotnie częściej stosował strategię "pozytywne przewartościowanie" (p < 0,01). Pracownicy ochrony zdrowia z Rypina istotnie częściej wybierali strategię "poczucie humoru" (p < 0,05). Pielęgniarki i położne z Bydgoszczy istotnie częściej skłaniali się do wyboru strategii "poszukiwanie wsparcia emocjonalnego" (p < 0,05). Wnioski. Wykonywanie zawodu pielęgniarki i położnej w istotny sposób generuje ryzyko wysokiej ekspozycji na występowanie stresu. Pomimo licznych czynników, które wywołują wzmożone napięcie emocjonalne wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia, badana próba stosowała aktywne strategie neutralizacji stresu, co w znaczny sposób przyczynia się do zachowania zdrowia psychosomatycznego.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the severity of depressive symptoms, to analyze risk ... more Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the severity of depressive symptoms, to analyze risk factors for perinatal mental disorders and to assess dispositional optimism. A total of 106 women from Poland were included in the study at 37-week pregnant and 6 weeks after giving birth. It was demonstrated that the main predictors of perinatal mental disorders were the variables: mental health disorders before pregnancy, subjectively reported decreased mood in pregnancy, the lack of social (instrumental) support and the tendency to pessimism. The results of the study suggest how important it is to introduce clinical practice in Poland to screen for early detection of the risk of depression during pregnancy and postpartum depression.
Health Care for Women International
ABSTRACT Episiotomy belongs to the most frequent procedures carried out during delivery. Performi... more ABSTRACT Episiotomy belongs to the most frequent procedures carried out during delivery. Performing episiotomy should be reduced as there is scientific evidence indicating that it can cause pain, sexual problems, and serious, long-term health consequences. The aim of the researchers is to identify factors associated with episiotomy and the perineal tear. Analyses were performed using a model of a logistic regression. The study involved 4493 women. The episiotomy risk was related to: a birth weight exceeding 3500 grams, an instrumental delivery by means of forceps or vacuum extraction. The decrease of episiotomy rate increased the rate of perineal tear of first and second degree. The study has shown that episiotomy protects women from third- and fourth-degree perineal tear.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Introduction and objective. The sense of coherence plays an important role in the acceptance of i... more Introduction and objective. The sense of coherence plays an important role in the acceptance of illness. The aim of the study was to assess the level of the sense of coherence and its relationship with the acceptance of illness, and to determine whether there are factors which differentiate the sense of coherence and its individual components. Materials and method. 120 women treated for breast cancer were included in the study. The research project was conducted by means of questionnaires, Life Orientation Questionnaire (SOC-29) and Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). The study was approved by the Director of the Professor F. Łukaszczyk Oncology Centre and the Bioethics Committee (KB 320/2017). The research project was conducted from May 2017-April 2018. Results. The global level of the sense of coherence in the study sample was at an average level. The average value of the acceptance of illness rate was 26.84 and implied average adaptation to the limitations imposed by an illness. A relationship was found between the level of the sense of coherence and its components, and the degree of the acceptance of illness (p <0.00001). The methods of treating breast cancer did not determine the level of the sense of coherence and the level of the acceptance of illness (p> 0.05). The experienced mastectomy did not determine the level of coherence and its components (p> 0.05). A higher level of the acceptance of illness was found in women who had not undergone mastectomy (p = 0.00007). Conclusions: The study sample presented an average level of the sense of coherence and the acceptance of illness. The sense of coherence significantly correlated with the degree of the acceptance of illness. Women who had not undergone mastectomy presented a significantly higher level of the acceptance of illness.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
The influence of socioeconomic variables on the occurrence of anxiety and depression disorders in... more The influence of socioeconomic variables on the occurrence of anxiety and depression disorders in women with the female genital tract tumours.
Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu
Introduction and objective. Postpartum depression affects between 7%-20% of women worldwide. Risk... more Introduction and objective. Postpartum depression affects between 7%-20% of women worldwide. Risk assessment of depressive symptoms plays a key role in ensuring the mental health and proper functioning of women after childbirth. The aim of the study is to assess the severity of postpartum depression and conduct multivariate analysis of risk factors. Materials and method. 80 women in the third trimester of pregnancy were invited to participate in the study and asked for contact after childbirth. Recruitment for the study took place while the pregnant women were staying at the Pregnancy Pathology Ward and the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Diabetology Clinic and Obstetrics Emergency Room. The research project was carried out from February-May 2019. Ultimately, 70 women took part in the project on average in week 4 of puerperium. The research tools were a questionnaire of own design and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Results. The risk of depressive symptoms was found in 18.6% of women after childbirth. Multi-dimensional logistic regression showed that age (p = 0.014), anxiety due to motherhood (p = 0.019) and the occurrence of difficulties in looking after a child (p = 0.005) were the factors significantly associated with the symptoms of postpartum depression. Conclusions. The incidence of postpartum depression in the study sample did not differ significantly from the incidence reported in the literature. Worldwide. The risk of postpartum depression symptoms increased with age. Anxiety due to motherhood and difficulties in looking after a child proved to be crucial determinants of depressive symptoms. Fertility at the level of three or more deliveries and individual personality types of women did not influence the occurrence of postpartum depression.
Introduction: Prenatal musical stimulation seems to be very safe, accessible to all women and the... more Introduction: Prenatal musical stimulation seems to be very safe, accessible to all women and the least invasive so it should be recommended in the obstetrical care. The purpose of this study was to analyze fetal cardiotocographic parameters during exposure to music. Material and methods: 51 women in the third trimester of pregnancy at the mean gestational age of 37 weeks were involved in the study. The first Non Stress Test (NST) was conducted without music stimulation. Next two cardiotocography tests were conducted with a music stimulation. After 10 and 20 minutes of recording, a cardiotocographic analysis was printed. Results: During the exposure to classical music, a significant increase in the number fetal movements (p < 0.0001), accelerations > 10 BPM (p < 0.0003), accelerations > 15 BPM (p < 0.0006), short-term variability (p < 0.0001) and long-term variability (p < 0.0001) was observed. Only 20 minutes of exposure to music resulted in a considerable incr...
Wstep. Zespol HELLP w przebiegu ciązy jest jednym z najpowazniejszych powiklan. Szczyt zachorowal... more Wstep. Zespol HELLP w przebiegu ciązy jest jednym z najpowazniejszych powiklan. Szczyt zachorowalności na zespol HELLP przypada na ostatni trymestr ciązy. Cześciej chorują wielorodki, rasy bialej powyzej 25 roku zycia. Dokladna etiologia i patogeneza choroby nie jest jeszcze poznana. Akronim Zespolu HELLP pochodzi od trzech glownych objawow: H – hemoliza, EL – podwyzszony poziom enzymow wątrobowych, LP –maloplytkowośc. Objawami klinicznymi są: zle samopoczucie, bol w prawym nadbrzuszu, bialkomocz, nadciśnienie tetniczce krwi, nudności, wymioty, bol glowy i zaburzenia widzenia. Najczestszymi powiklaniami w przebiegu zespolu HELLP są: zespol rozsianego wewnątrznaczyniowego wykrzepiania, przedwczesne oddzielenie lozyska, niewydolnośc nerek, obrzek pluc i krwiak podtorebkowy wątroby. Cel. Celem niniejszej pracy bylo przedstawienie planu opieki nad kobietą w drugiej ciązy, w 32 tygodniu ciązy z rozpoznanym pelnoobjawowym zespolem HELLP. Wnioski. Opieka nad pacjentką w ciązy w ramach proc...
Pediatria Polska
Based on numerous pieces of clinical evidence, music has been used more and more frequently in ob... more Based on numerous pieces of clinical evidence, music has been used more and more frequently in obstetrics. During the prenatal development it is received both by the mother and by the developing foetus. The baby reacts to the voice of its parents, responding by intensified activity, which corresponds to the increase in the number of its movements. It reacts similarly to everyday sounds and music. Listening to music improves the health of women, who are exposed to stress during pregnancy. Therefore, implementing minor changes in those units may significantly change the lives of babies and women. Music therapy is also recommended to women during and after giving birth. Music significantly affects the natural feeding, ensuring the health of mother and baby. It influences the baby's intelligence, developing its mathematical, analytical, and linguistic capacities. Stimulation by music may significantly enhance the quality of care of newborns and pregnant women.