Aigul Kurmanbayeva - (original) (raw)

Papers by Aigul Kurmanbayeva

Research paper thumbnail of Study of submicrocapsules structure stabilized by modified silica dioxide nanoparticles

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

In this research the structures of Miglyol 812 submicrocapsules, stabilized by silica dioxide nan... more In this research the structures of Miglyol 812 submicrocapsules, stabilized by silica dioxide nanoparticles, modified by oleic acid, were studied. It was found that the size distribution of silica particles modified with oleic acid depends on the amount of oleic acid. There is a limit to the ratio of oleic acid to silica at modification of silica particles with oleic acid. Experimental results have shown that the optimal ratio of oleic acid to silica is in the range from 110−2 to 5 10−1. The use of silica particles modified with oleic acid allows to obtain an emulsion with a 30 % of oil phase, with an average size from 80-300 nm. Thus, modification of hydrophilic silica particles with surfactants such as oleic acid in order to make them more hydrophilic and able to be adsorbed at the oil / water interface can be used to prepare a stable Pickering emulsion. As a result the stable Pickering emulsions which can be used for encapsulation of various substances were obtained, and the use ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Hydrophysical and Hydrochemical Features of Water Bodies: A Case Study of Lake Imantau, Kazakhstan


The lakes of “Kokshetau” State National Natural Park (SNNP) are scanty and have a mosaic, fragmen... more The lakes of “Kokshetau” State National Natural Park (SNNP) are scanty and have a mosaic, fragmented character due to the present ecological state. In current work, the chemistry and degree of pollution in this lake is studied. The present research aimed to analyse the hydrophysical and hydrochemical parameters of lake Imantau of “Kokshetau” SNNP. This assessment includes dynamics of the hydrochemical water composition and benthal deposits, heavy metals content, and morphometric indicators of the lake using Earth’s remote sensing technique. This technique is based on Earth’s retrospective multichannel satellite images Landsat. Ionic water composition, total mineralization, hydrogen index, gas regime, and nutrient content (nitrates, nitrites) are determined. To assess the geochemical state of benthal deposits, the parameters like concentration coefficient (Cc), maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of pollutants in the soil, and total pollution index (Zc) are calculated. The results ...

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the Effect of Fertilizer Obtained as a Result of Anaerobic Thermophilic Fermentation on Plant Growth Processes

Аннотация. В статье приведены результаты исследований по повышению продуктивности новых сортов яч... more Аннотация. В статье приведены результаты исследований по повышению продуктивности новых сортов ячменя за счет научно-обоснованного и своевременного применения удобрений по периодам органогенеза, с учетом фактической обеспеченности почвы элементами питания и планируемого уровня урожайности. Установлено, что внесение возрастающих норм минеральных удобрений по периодам органогенеза способствовало повышению содержания подвижных элементов питания в почве. При этом щелочно-гидролизуемый азот увеличился на 7-19 мг/кг почвы, подвижный фосфор на 8-14 и обменный калий на 70-120 мг/кг почвы. Улучшение питательного режима светло-каштановой почвы способствовало усилению накопления биомассы растениями и в целом повышению урожайности зерна ярового ячменя в благоприятном 2022 году на 12,9-39,2% , по сравнению с контролем-33,4 ц/га и озимого ячменя на 7,0-23,9 ц/га, при 26,9 ц/га на контроле. Окупаемость удобрений зерном ярового ячменя в засушливом 2021 году составила: у сорта Сымбат в пределах 3,3-3,8 кг/кг, у сорта Жан от 2,3 до 2,6; против нормативной окупаемости в 3,7 кг/кг. Ключевые слова. яровой и озимый ячмень, удобрение, питательные элементы (NPK), окупаемость, урожайность. Введение. Юго-восток Республики Казахстан представляет один из крупных ҚАЗАҚСТАННЫҢ ОҢТҮСТІК-ШЫҒЫСЫНДА ОРГАНОГЕНЕЗ КЕЗЕҢДЕРІ БОЙЫНША МИНЕРАЛДЫ ТЫҢАЙТҚЫШТАРДЫ ҚОЛДАНУ КЕЗЕҢДЕРІНІҢ АРПА ӨНІМДІЛІГІНЕ ӘСЕРІ Кененбаев С.Б., ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының докторы Рамазанова С.Б., биология ғылымдарының докторы Гусев В.Н., ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының кандидаты Жусупбеков Е.К., ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының кандидаты Райымбекова А.Т. ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының Phd докторы Қазақ егіншілік және өсімдік шаруашылығы ғылыми-зерттеу институты Алматы облысы, Қарасай ауданы, Алмалыбақ ауылы, Қазақстан Республикасы Аңдатпа. Мақалада топырақтың қоректік заттармен нақты қамтамасыз етілуін және жоспарланған өнімділік деңгейін ескере отырып, органогенез кезеңдері бойынша тыңайтқыштарды ғылыми негізделген және уақтылы қолдану арқылы арпаның жаңа сорттарының өнімділігін арттыру бойынша зерттеулердің нәтижелері келтірілген. Органогенез кезеңдері бойынша минералды тыңайтқыштардың өсіп келе жатқан нормаларын енгізу топырақтағы жылжымалы қоректік заттардың көбеюіне ықпал еткені анықталды. Бұл жағдайда топырақта сілтілі гидролизденетін азот 7-19 мг/кг, жылжымалы фосфор 8-14 мг/кг және алмаспалы калий 70-120 мг/кг-ға өсті. Ашық қарақоңыр топырағының қоректік режимін жақсарту өсімдіктердің биомасса жинақталуын арттыруға және қолайлы 2022 жылы көктемгі арпа дәнінің өнімділігін арттыруға ықпал етіп 12,9-39,2% , бақылаумен салыстырғанда-33,4 ц/га және күздік арпа 7,0-23,9 ц/га, бақылауда 26,9 ц/га. Құрғақ 2021 жылы жаздық арпа дәнімен тыңайтқыштардың өтелуі мыналарды көрсетті: Сымбат сортында 3,3-3,8 кг/кг, Жан сортында 2,3-тен 2,6-ға дейін; нормативтік өтелуіне қарсы 3,7 кг/кг. Тірек сөздер: жаздық және күздік арпа, тыңайтқыш, қоректік заттар (NPK), өзін-өзі ақтау, өнімділік.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Thermophilic Fermentation Method to Obtain Environmentally Friendly Organic Fertilizer

Journal of Ecological Engineering, Apr 1, 2023

In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation... more In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation of substrates of different compositions. Two types of effluent were studied in the experiment: food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure and liquid pig manure with litter cattle manure. To activate the process of obtaining fertilizer, the Agrarka biological preparation was added containing a complex of microorganisms and bacteria that accelerate the decomposition process. A detailed chemical analysis of the liquid and solid fractions of the raw materials and the obtained products was carried out for the content of total phosphorus (P), carbon (C), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), ammonium nitrogen (NH 4 +), organic matter, dry matter, cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), and arsenic (Ar). The indicators of acidity and ash content were determined and microbiological analysis was carried out. The obtained results showed that the thermophilic temperature regime of fermentation accelerated the decomposition process, positively affected the total content of the main nutrients in the studied substrates, and negatively affected the vital activity of microorganisms. In two types of effluents, there was a significant increase in the level of ammonium nitrogen by up to 60%, a decrease in the total carbon content by 15-30%, and dry and organic matter by 10-12% in both liquid and solid phases. However, in the effluent from food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure, the indicators increased by 13% in total carbon and by 8.2% in dry matter, and the ash content was 3 times lower than in the second effluent. Thus, thermophilic fermentation obtained two types of effluents with high-quality indicators corresponding to environmental and sanitary standards, since the content of microorganisms and heavy metals did not exceed the permissible limits.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Occupational Risk and Personal Protective Equipment on the Example of Ferroalloy Production

International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Nov 30, 2022

The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of t... more The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the occupational hazards in the ferroalloy production of a metallurgical plant. For the purpose of evaluating occupational hazards, we used data on the injury potential and occupational agents involved in working conditions, safety indicators for production facilities, occupational diseases, and the provision of workers with personal protective equipment. The assessment of occupational hazards demonstrated that for each of the occupations studied the occupational risk is equal to level 3, which means an average degree of risk. As a result of the research, the working conditions of the main occupational groups of the ferroalloy facility were evaluated as hazardous and injurious 3rd class of the 1st grade. After the intervention, it appeared that the workers were exposed to hazardous occupational noise. Acoustic equivalent levels at working places of the charge smelter, a crane operator, a senior melting operator, a furnace operator ranged from 85 to 87 dBA, which exceeds the maximum permissible level by 5-7 dB. Mathematical data processing showed that the distribution of noise in the working areas obeys a polynomial dependence. This paper provides recommendations on the implementation of a risk-oriented approach to the provision of personal protective equipment.

Research paper thumbnail of Thermophilic fermentation of household food waste

Ķaraġandy universitetìnìṇ habaršysy. Biologiâ, medicina, geografiâ seriâsy, Sep 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the Biochemical Parameters of Rat Blood under the Combined Effect of Chronic Intoxication with such Heavy Metals as Copper, Zinc, Arsenic

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2018

The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to... more The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to an increase in the volume of heavy metals entering the environment. The impact of heavy metals has been studied by many scientists, but there are still limited data on the complex effect of various heavy metals. Therefore, currently, there is an increasing interest in the effect of several heavy metals on living organisms. In this research, we modeled the chronic effects of three groups of heavy metals on the body of rats, as well as determined their biochemical parameters and changes in comparison with the control group. The results of our studies have shown that when combined with chronic intoxication with heavy metal salts, the biochemical indices of blood may vary, which is caused by a violation of the functions of the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle. Against the background of the toxic effects of heavy metals, we used "Ursodex" and "Schrot Rastoropshy" as helpful drugs for the organism, which contributed to a decrease in the toxicity of metals. The level of the negative effect of these elements on the biochemical indices of the blood of experimental animals decreased.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Thermophilic Fermentation Method to Obtain Environmentally Friendly Organic Fertilizer

Journal of Ecological Engineering

In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation... more In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation of substrates of different compositions. Two types of effluent were studied in the experiment: food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure and liquid pig manure with litter cattle manure. To activate the process of obtaining fertilizer, the Agrarka biological preparation was added containing a complex of microorganisms and bacteria that accelerate the decomposition process. A detailed chemical analysis of the liquid and solid fractions of the raw materials and the obtained products was carried out for the content of total phosphorus (P), carbon (C), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), ammonium nitrogen (NH 4 +), organic matter, dry matter, cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), and arsenic (Ar). The indicators of acidity and ash content were determined and microbiological analysis was carried out. The obtained results showed that the thermophilic temperature regime of fermentation accelerated the decomposition process, positively affected the total content of the main nutrients in the studied substrates, and negatively affected the vital activity of microorganisms. In two types of effluents, there was a significant increase in the level of ammonium nitrogen by up to 60%, a decrease in the total carbon content by 15-30%, and dry and organic matter by 10-12% in both liquid and solid phases. However, in the effluent from food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure, the indicators increased by 13% in total carbon and by 8.2% in dry matter, and the ash content was 3 times lower than in the second effluent. Thus, thermophilic fermentation obtained two types of effluents with high-quality indicators corresponding to environmental and sanitary standards, since the content of microorganisms and heavy metals did not exceed the permissible limits.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Occupational Risk and Personal Protective Equipment on the Example of Ferroalloy Production

International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering

The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of t... more The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the occupational hazards in the ferroalloy production of a metallurgical plant. For the purpose of evaluating occupational hazards, we used data on the injury potential and occupational agents involved in working conditions, safety indicators for production facilities, occupational diseases, and the provision of workers with personal protective equipment. The assessment of occupational hazards demonstrated that for each of the occupations studied the occupational risk is equal to level 3, which means an average degree of risk. As a result of the research, the working conditions of the main occupational groups of the ferroalloy facility were evaluated as hazardous and injurious 3rd class of the 1st grade. After the intervention, it appeared that the workers were exposed to hazardous occupational noise. Acoustic equivalent levels at working places of the charge smelter, a crane operator, a senior melting operator, a furnace operator ranged from 85 to 87 dBA, which exceeds the maximum permissible level by 5-7 dB. Mathematical data processing showed that the distribution of noise in the working areas obeys a polynomial dependence. This paper provides recommendations on the implementation of a risk-oriented approach to the provision of personal protective equipment.

Research paper thumbnail of Relevance of Environmental Surveys on the Design of a New Municipal Waste Management System on the City of Kokshetau (Kazakhstan)


The increasing amount of municipal solid waste is one of the most urgent problems for many countr... more The increasing amount of municipal solid waste is one of the most urgent problems for many countries in the world, including Kazakhstan. In 2021, a new environmental code was adopted in the country. In accordance with this code, some types of garbage (such as plastic, paper, cardboard or glass) are not accepted at sanitary landfills. Besides this, a separate collection system of municipal solid waste in Kokshetau is practically absent, and only a few points for the collection of secondary raw materials are currently available. The state bodies are faced with the task of introducing dual waste collection technology. This work shows the results obtained by a sociological online survey performed among the residents of the city in order to identify their attitudes with respect to the separation and classification of waste. This survey allowed us to study the level of environmental awareness and interest in solving waste-related issues in the population of Kokshetau. The results show tha...

Research paper thumbnail of Thermophilic fermentation of household food waste

Bulletin of the Karaganda University. “Biology, medicine, geography Series”

In mesophilic conditions, anaerobic digestion is the most common in the world. However, thermophi... more In mesophilic conditions, anaerobic digestion is the most common in the world. However, thermophilic fermentation has several advantages due to the growth rate of microorganisms and the reactions they produce, as well as the degradation of deep organic matter due to an increase in the solubility of organic compounds. Increasing the temperature of the process makes it possible to neutralize the remnants of pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, helminth eggs), which are necessary for the further use of fermented biomass as a biofertilizer. An effective inoculum is selected for the process of anaerobic co-fermentation of food waste and excess activated sludge. The optimal ratio of inoculate and substrate is determined to start the process of anaerobic digestion. Experiments with flasks and laboratory biogas reactors demonstrate that fermentation of OSV with food waste can significantly increase the rate and consumption of biogas. The optimal ratio of OSV and food waste in a mixture ...

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Influence of Fly Attractant on Food Waste Recovery through Fly Larvae Production


The food industry is one of the sectors that produces considerable amounts of solid waste on a da... more The food industry is one of the sectors that produces considerable amounts of solid waste on a daily basis. Handling such waste has been a significant issue of worldwide concern. As a result, research into developing low-cost and effective technology for the recovery of food waste is critical in order to keep pace with the rapidly developing world. This research investigated the potential of maggot production on the recovery of food waste. Four different food waste materials (banana, starch, pineapples, and oranges) were taken into consideration. Additionally, the effect of the fly attractant on the production system’s overall performance was assessed; the fly attractant was a mixture of cattle blood and meat waste. With a correlation index of 0.96 (without fly attractant) and 0.87 (with fly attractant), the number of days before harvesting and the average maggot weight had a very high (positive) correlation. Moreover, it was observed that using a fly attractant increased maggot yie...

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos psicológicos y pedagógicos de la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales

Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores, 2019

La educación se está modernizando y renovando. Los objetivos, las prioridades, el contenido y los... more La educación se está modernizando y renovando. Los objetivos, las prioridades, el contenido y los valores de la educación general primaria están cambiando en la formación de conocimientos, y el desarrollo de la personalidad y habilidades de los niños. Estos cambios afectan la educación en ciencias naturales en la escuela primaria. Al enseñar ciencias naturales en la escuela primaria, la tarea de desarrollar la personalidad de los niños, la formación de los fundamentos de su pensamiento científico en el campo de la naturaleza y la sociedad, y aprender a comprender el mundo que lo rodea, aparece en primer plano. Es posible formar estas cualidades teniendo en cuenta los aspectos psicológicos y pedagógicos de la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales a los niños de primaria.

Research paper thumbnail of The climate of Kazakhstan: an examination of current conditions and future needs

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution of Radionuclides in Natural Waters of Northern Kazakhstan and Assessment of Waterborne Doses Irradiation of Population

Periódico Tchê Química, 2020

The population of the Earth is exposed to external and internal radiation every day. Radiation do... more The population of the Earth is exposed to external and internal radiation every day. Radiation doses differ over a wide range of cosmic radiation levels and the content of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Ionizing radiation and radionuclides of natural and artificial origin inevitably causes exposure, increasing the probability of adverse health effects. Suppose the dose of radiation is low and is exposed for a long period of time (low power). In that case, the risk is significantly reduced, since the likelihood of repair of damaged tissues increases. However, there is a risk of long-term consequences, such as cancer, which can manifest in years or even decades. The paper aims to research the natural factors in the formation of radioactivity in the natural waters of Northern Kazakhstan and assess waterrelated doses to the population. The leading research methods for this issue are radiometric and radiochemical methods...

Research paper thumbnail of Recovery of Food Wastes for a Potential Maggot Production as Animal Feed and Solid Waste Management

Waste recovery is an important aspect towards human and environmental health protection. Unfortun... more Waste recovery is an important aspect towards human and environmental health protection. Unfortunately, proper food waste management is among the serious challenges in the field of solid waste management worldwide. Therefore, it is of great importance to conduct studies towards achieving efficient and cost-effective approaches for food waste management. This study investigated the potential of recovering food waste through maggots’ production as animal feed. The influence of fly attractant application on maggot production was also investigated. The study also investigated the potential of maggot production for waste recovery and reduction. Four different types of food waste (starch food leftovers, rotten bananas and peels, rotten pineapple and peels, and rotten oranges) were used in the investigation process. From the results, it was observed that the application of fly attractants had a significant effect on the production of maggots as determined by the weights after harvesting. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the Biochemical Parameters of Rat Blood under the Combined Effect of Chronic Intoxication with such Heavy Metals as Copper, Zinc, Arsenic

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2018

The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to... more The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to an increase in the volume of heavy metals entering the environment. The impact of heavy metals has been studied by many scientists, but there are still limited data on the complex effect of various heavy metals. Therefore, currently, there is an increasing interest in the effect of several heavy metals on living organisms. In this research, we modeled the chronic effects of three groups of heavy metals on the body of rats, as well as determined their biochemical parameters and changes in comparison with the control group. The results of our studies have shown that when combined with chronic intoxication with heavy metal salts, the biochemical indices of blood may vary, which is caused by a violation of the functions of the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle. Against the background of the toxic effects of heavy metals, we used "Ursodex" and "Schrot Rastoropshy" as helpful drugs for the organism, which contributed to a decrease in the toxicity of metals. The level of the negative effect of these elements on the biochemical indices of the blood of experimental animals decreased.

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative online technologies as a tool of qualified specialists training in the field of waste management

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental assessment of the Akmola region territories relative to the exposure to diseases of the population by the sigmal deviation method

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

This paper presents the statistical indicators of the population’ sickness in various districts o... more This paper presents the statistical indicators of the population’ sickness in various districts of Akmola region. The object of the work is to conduct an environmental assessment of Akmola region’s districts on the relative risk of morbidity. The following morbidity indicators were studied: blood, blood-forming organs and individual disorders involving the immune mechanism; respiratory organs; oncopathology; digestive organs and general morbidity. The sigmal deviation method was used to find out environmental assessment and ranking of territories. The conclusion is made about the importance of risk assessment for environmentally related diseases for ranking territories, identifying crisis zones and ensuring the well-being of the population. It was revealed that the territory of Akmola region has an uneven anthropogenic impact. It is shown that in areas with a high level of atmospheric pollution and adverse water supply conditions, the medical and environmental situation is extreme o...

Research paper thumbnail of A Spatial Survey of Environmental Indicators for Kazakhstan: An Examination of Current Conditions and Future Needs

International Journal of Environmental Research, 2018

The Republic of Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia, has experienced many years of environmental ... more The Republic of Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia, has experienced many years of environmental degradation, largely as a result of the poor management of its significant natural resources. In this survey, data relating to different environmental factors are critically analysed in order to understand the state of the environment. It was found that: warming trends are seen in sensitive areas (e.g. the steppe and near glaciers); drying trends are seen where there is already water stress (e.g. the Aral Sea); air quality has been declining recently (following improvements on the decadal timescale) in major urban centres, particularly Almaty; water quality appears to be improving in some areas (e.g. important lakes in the Aktobe and Zhambyl regions); and levels of exposure to radioactivity are below internationally recommended levels (where data have been found). More generally, there is an issue with data availability and quality, which requires attention if Kazakhstan is going to make the best use of its increasing investment in environmental actions. Current policies are reviewed and recommendations are made for future interventions. Keywords Central Asia Á Climate change Á Air pollution Á Water quality Á Environmental policy Á DPSIR Environmental Issues in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is a developing nation whose population and gross domestic product (GDP) have been growing steadily

Research paper thumbnail of Study of submicrocapsules structure stabilized by modified silica dioxide nanoparticles

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

In this research the structures of Miglyol 812 submicrocapsules, stabilized by silica dioxide nan... more In this research the structures of Miglyol 812 submicrocapsules, stabilized by silica dioxide nanoparticles, modified by oleic acid, were studied. It was found that the size distribution of silica particles modified with oleic acid depends on the amount of oleic acid. There is a limit to the ratio of oleic acid to silica at modification of silica particles with oleic acid. Experimental results have shown that the optimal ratio of oleic acid to silica is in the range from 110−2 to 5 10−1. The use of silica particles modified with oleic acid allows to obtain an emulsion with a 30 % of oil phase, with an average size from 80-300 nm. Thus, modification of hydrophilic silica particles with surfactants such as oleic acid in order to make them more hydrophilic and able to be adsorbed at the oil / water interface can be used to prepare a stable Pickering emulsion. As a result the stable Pickering emulsions which can be used for encapsulation of various substances were obtained, and the use ...

Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Hydrophysical and Hydrochemical Features of Water Bodies: A Case Study of Lake Imantau, Kazakhstan


The lakes of “Kokshetau” State National Natural Park (SNNP) are scanty and have a mosaic, fragmen... more The lakes of “Kokshetau” State National Natural Park (SNNP) are scanty and have a mosaic, fragmented character due to the present ecological state. In current work, the chemistry and degree of pollution in this lake is studied. The present research aimed to analyse the hydrophysical and hydrochemical parameters of lake Imantau of “Kokshetau” SNNP. This assessment includes dynamics of the hydrochemical water composition and benthal deposits, heavy metals content, and morphometric indicators of the lake using Earth’s remote sensing technique. This technique is based on Earth’s retrospective multichannel satellite images Landsat. Ionic water composition, total mineralization, hydrogen index, gas regime, and nutrient content (nitrates, nitrites) are determined. To assess the geochemical state of benthal deposits, the parameters like concentration coefficient (Cc), maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of pollutants in the soil, and total pollution index (Zc) are calculated. The results ...

Research paper thumbnail of Study of the Effect of Fertilizer Obtained as a Result of Anaerobic Thermophilic Fermentation on Plant Growth Processes

Аннотация. В статье приведены результаты исследований по повышению продуктивности новых сортов яч... more Аннотация. В статье приведены результаты исследований по повышению продуктивности новых сортов ячменя за счет научно-обоснованного и своевременного применения удобрений по периодам органогенеза, с учетом фактической обеспеченности почвы элементами питания и планируемого уровня урожайности. Установлено, что внесение возрастающих норм минеральных удобрений по периодам органогенеза способствовало повышению содержания подвижных элементов питания в почве. При этом щелочно-гидролизуемый азот увеличился на 7-19 мг/кг почвы, подвижный фосфор на 8-14 и обменный калий на 70-120 мг/кг почвы. Улучшение питательного режима светло-каштановой почвы способствовало усилению накопления биомассы растениями и в целом повышению урожайности зерна ярового ячменя в благоприятном 2022 году на 12,9-39,2% , по сравнению с контролем-33,4 ц/га и озимого ячменя на 7,0-23,9 ц/га, при 26,9 ц/га на контроле. Окупаемость удобрений зерном ярового ячменя в засушливом 2021 году составила: у сорта Сымбат в пределах 3,3-3,8 кг/кг, у сорта Жан от 2,3 до 2,6; против нормативной окупаемости в 3,7 кг/кг. Ключевые слова. яровой и озимый ячмень, удобрение, питательные элементы (NPK), окупаемость, урожайность. Введение. Юго-восток Республики Казахстан представляет один из крупных ҚАЗАҚСТАННЫҢ ОҢТҮСТІК-ШЫҒЫСЫНДА ОРГАНОГЕНЕЗ КЕЗЕҢДЕРІ БОЙЫНША МИНЕРАЛДЫ ТЫҢАЙТҚЫШТАРДЫ ҚОЛДАНУ КЕЗЕҢДЕРІНІҢ АРПА ӨНІМДІЛІГІНЕ ӘСЕРІ Кененбаев С.Б., ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының докторы Рамазанова С.Б., биология ғылымдарының докторы Гусев В.Н., ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының кандидаты Жусупбеков Е.К., ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының кандидаты Райымбекова А.Т. ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдарының Phd докторы Қазақ егіншілік және өсімдік шаруашылығы ғылыми-зерттеу институты Алматы облысы, Қарасай ауданы, Алмалыбақ ауылы, Қазақстан Республикасы Аңдатпа. Мақалада топырақтың қоректік заттармен нақты қамтамасыз етілуін және жоспарланған өнімділік деңгейін ескере отырып, органогенез кезеңдері бойынша тыңайтқыштарды ғылыми негізделген және уақтылы қолдану арқылы арпаның жаңа сорттарының өнімділігін арттыру бойынша зерттеулердің нәтижелері келтірілген. Органогенез кезеңдері бойынша минералды тыңайтқыштардың өсіп келе жатқан нормаларын енгізу топырақтағы жылжымалы қоректік заттардың көбеюіне ықпал еткені анықталды. Бұл жағдайда топырақта сілтілі гидролизденетін азот 7-19 мг/кг, жылжымалы фосфор 8-14 мг/кг және алмаспалы калий 70-120 мг/кг-ға өсті. Ашық қарақоңыр топырағының қоректік режимін жақсарту өсімдіктердің биомасса жинақталуын арттыруға және қолайлы 2022 жылы көктемгі арпа дәнінің өнімділігін арттыруға ықпал етіп 12,9-39,2% , бақылаумен салыстырғанда-33,4 ц/га және күздік арпа 7,0-23,9 ц/га, бақылауда 26,9 ц/га. Құрғақ 2021 жылы жаздық арпа дәнімен тыңайтқыштардың өтелуі мыналарды көрсетті: Сымбат сортында 3,3-3,8 кг/кг, Жан сортында 2,3-тен 2,6-ға дейін; нормативтік өтелуіне қарсы 3,7 кг/кг. Тірек сөздер: жаздық және күздік арпа, тыңайтқыш, қоректік заттар (NPK), өзін-өзі ақтау, өнімділік.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Thermophilic Fermentation Method to Obtain Environmentally Friendly Organic Fertilizer

Journal of Ecological Engineering, Apr 1, 2023

In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation... more In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation of substrates of different compositions. Two types of effluent were studied in the experiment: food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure and liquid pig manure with litter cattle manure. To activate the process of obtaining fertilizer, the Agrarka biological preparation was added containing a complex of microorganisms and bacteria that accelerate the decomposition process. A detailed chemical analysis of the liquid and solid fractions of the raw materials and the obtained products was carried out for the content of total phosphorus (P), carbon (C), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), ammonium nitrogen (NH 4 +), organic matter, dry matter, cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), and arsenic (Ar). The indicators of acidity and ash content were determined and microbiological analysis was carried out. The obtained results showed that the thermophilic temperature regime of fermentation accelerated the decomposition process, positively affected the total content of the main nutrients in the studied substrates, and negatively affected the vital activity of microorganisms. In two types of effluents, there was a significant increase in the level of ammonium nitrogen by up to 60%, a decrease in the total carbon content by 15-30%, and dry and organic matter by 10-12% in both liquid and solid phases. However, in the effluent from food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure, the indicators increased by 13% in total carbon and by 8.2% in dry matter, and the ash content was 3 times lower than in the second effluent. Thus, thermophilic fermentation obtained two types of effluents with high-quality indicators corresponding to environmental and sanitary standards, since the content of microorganisms and heavy metals did not exceed the permissible limits.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Occupational Risk and Personal Protective Equipment on the Example of Ferroalloy Production

International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, Nov 30, 2022

The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of t... more The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the occupational hazards in the ferroalloy production of a metallurgical plant. For the purpose of evaluating occupational hazards, we used data on the injury potential and occupational agents involved in working conditions, safety indicators for production facilities, occupational diseases, and the provision of workers with personal protective equipment. The assessment of occupational hazards demonstrated that for each of the occupations studied the occupational risk is equal to level 3, which means an average degree of risk. As a result of the research, the working conditions of the main occupational groups of the ferroalloy facility were evaluated as hazardous and injurious 3rd class of the 1st grade. After the intervention, it appeared that the workers were exposed to hazardous occupational noise. Acoustic equivalent levels at working places of the charge smelter, a crane operator, a senior melting operator, a furnace operator ranged from 85 to 87 dBA, which exceeds the maximum permissible level by 5-7 dB. Mathematical data processing showed that the distribution of noise in the working areas obeys a polynomial dependence. This paper provides recommendations on the implementation of a risk-oriented approach to the provision of personal protective equipment.

Research paper thumbnail of Thermophilic fermentation of household food waste

Ķaraġandy universitetìnìṇ habaršysy. Biologiâ, medicina, geografiâ seriâsy, Sep 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the Biochemical Parameters of Rat Blood under the Combined Effect of Chronic Intoxication with such Heavy Metals as Copper, Zinc, Arsenic

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2018

The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to... more The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to an increase in the volume of heavy metals entering the environment. The impact of heavy metals has been studied by many scientists, but there are still limited data on the complex effect of various heavy metals. Therefore, currently, there is an increasing interest in the effect of several heavy metals on living organisms. In this research, we modeled the chronic effects of three groups of heavy metals on the body of rats, as well as determined their biochemical parameters and changes in comparison with the control group. The results of our studies have shown that when combined with chronic intoxication with heavy metal salts, the biochemical indices of blood may vary, which is caused by a violation of the functions of the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle. Against the background of the toxic effects of heavy metals, we used "Ursodex" and "Schrot Rastoropshy" as helpful drugs for the organism, which contributed to a decrease in the toxicity of metals. The level of the negative effect of these elements on the biochemical indices of the blood of experimental animals decreased.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Thermophilic Fermentation Method to Obtain Environmentally Friendly Organic Fertilizer

Journal of Ecological Engineering

In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation... more In this study, the authors obtained samples of biological fertilizer by thermophilic fermentation of substrates of different compositions. Two types of effluent were studied in the experiment: food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure and liquid pig manure with litter cattle manure. To activate the process of obtaining fertilizer, the Agrarka biological preparation was added containing a complex of microorganisms and bacteria that accelerate the decomposition process. A detailed chemical analysis of the liquid and solid fractions of the raw materials and the obtained products was carried out for the content of total phosphorus (P), carbon (C), potassium (K), nitrogen (N), ammonium nitrogen (NH 4 +), organic matter, dry matter, cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), zinc (Zn), and arsenic (Ar). The indicators of acidity and ash content were determined and microbiological analysis was carried out. The obtained results showed that the thermophilic temperature regime of fermentation accelerated the decomposition process, positively affected the total content of the main nutrients in the studied substrates, and negatively affected the vital activity of microorganisms. In two types of effluents, there was a significant increase in the level of ammonium nitrogen by up to 60%, a decrease in the total carbon content by 15-30%, and dry and organic matter by 10-12% in both liquid and solid phases. However, in the effluent from food plant waste with the addition of cattle manure, the indicators increased by 13% in total carbon and by 8.2% in dry matter, and the ash content was 3 times lower than in the second effluent. Thus, thermophilic fermentation obtained two types of effluents with high-quality indicators corresponding to environmental and sanitary standards, since the content of microorganisms and heavy metals did not exceed the permissible limits.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Occupational Risk and Personal Protective Equipment on the Example of Ferroalloy Production

International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering

The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of t... more The objective of this work was to present the results of a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the occupational hazards in the ferroalloy production of a metallurgical plant. For the purpose of evaluating occupational hazards, we used data on the injury potential and occupational agents involved in working conditions, safety indicators for production facilities, occupational diseases, and the provision of workers with personal protective equipment. The assessment of occupational hazards demonstrated that for each of the occupations studied the occupational risk is equal to level 3, which means an average degree of risk. As a result of the research, the working conditions of the main occupational groups of the ferroalloy facility were evaluated as hazardous and injurious 3rd class of the 1st grade. After the intervention, it appeared that the workers were exposed to hazardous occupational noise. Acoustic equivalent levels at working places of the charge smelter, a crane operator, a senior melting operator, a furnace operator ranged from 85 to 87 dBA, which exceeds the maximum permissible level by 5-7 dB. Mathematical data processing showed that the distribution of noise in the working areas obeys a polynomial dependence. This paper provides recommendations on the implementation of a risk-oriented approach to the provision of personal protective equipment.

Research paper thumbnail of Relevance of Environmental Surveys on the Design of a New Municipal Waste Management System on the City of Kokshetau (Kazakhstan)


The increasing amount of municipal solid waste is one of the most urgent problems for many countr... more The increasing amount of municipal solid waste is one of the most urgent problems for many countries in the world, including Kazakhstan. In 2021, a new environmental code was adopted in the country. In accordance with this code, some types of garbage (such as plastic, paper, cardboard or glass) are not accepted at sanitary landfills. Besides this, a separate collection system of municipal solid waste in Kokshetau is practically absent, and only a few points for the collection of secondary raw materials are currently available. The state bodies are faced with the task of introducing dual waste collection technology. This work shows the results obtained by a sociological online survey performed among the residents of the city in order to identify their attitudes with respect to the separation and classification of waste. This survey allowed us to study the level of environmental awareness and interest in solving waste-related issues in the population of Kokshetau. The results show tha...

Research paper thumbnail of Thermophilic fermentation of household food waste

Bulletin of the Karaganda University. “Biology, medicine, geography Series”

In mesophilic conditions, anaerobic digestion is the most common in the world. However, thermophi... more In mesophilic conditions, anaerobic digestion is the most common in the world. However, thermophilic fermentation has several advantages due to the growth rate of microorganisms and the reactions they produce, as well as the degradation of deep organic matter due to an increase in the solubility of organic compounds. Increasing the temperature of the process makes it possible to neutralize the remnants of pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, helminth eggs), which are necessary for the further use of fermented biomass as a biofertilizer. An effective inoculum is selected for the process of anaerobic co-fermentation of food waste and excess activated sludge. The optimal ratio of inoculate and substrate is determined to start the process of anaerobic digestion. Experiments with flasks and laboratory biogas reactors demonstrate that fermentation of OSV with food waste can significantly increase the rate and consumption of biogas. The optimal ratio of OSV and food waste in a mixture ...

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Influence of Fly Attractant on Food Waste Recovery through Fly Larvae Production


The food industry is one of the sectors that produces considerable amounts of solid waste on a da... more The food industry is one of the sectors that produces considerable amounts of solid waste on a daily basis. Handling such waste has been a significant issue of worldwide concern. As a result, research into developing low-cost and effective technology for the recovery of food waste is critical in order to keep pace with the rapidly developing world. This research investigated the potential of maggot production on the recovery of food waste. Four different food waste materials (banana, starch, pineapples, and oranges) were taken into consideration. Additionally, the effect of the fly attractant on the production system’s overall performance was assessed; the fly attractant was a mixture of cattle blood and meat waste. With a correlation index of 0.96 (without fly attractant) and 0.87 (with fly attractant), the number of days before harvesting and the average maggot weight had a very high (positive) correlation. Moreover, it was observed that using a fly attractant increased maggot yie...

Research paper thumbnail of Aspectos psicológicos y pedagógicos de la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales

Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores, 2019

La educación se está modernizando y renovando. Los objetivos, las prioridades, el contenido y los... more La educación se está modernizando y renovando. Los objetivos, las prioridades, el contenido y los valores de la educación general primaria están cambiando en la formación de conocimientos, y el desarrollo de la personalidad y habilidades de los niños. Estos cambios afectan la educación en ciencias naturales en la escuela primaria. Al enseñar ciencias naturales en la escuela primaria, la tarea de desarrollar la personalidad de los niños, la formación de los fundamentos de su pensamiento científico en el campo de la naturaleza y la sociedad, y aprender a comprender el mundo que lo rodea, aparece en primer plano. Es posible formar estas cualidades teniendo en cuenta los aspectos psicológicos y pedagógicos de la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales a los niños de primaria.

Research paper thumbnail of The climate of Kazakhstan: an examination of current conditions and future needs

Research paper thumbnail of Distribution of Radionuclides in Natural Waters of Northern Kazakhstan and Assessment of Waterborne Doses Irradiation of Population

Periódico Tchê Química, 2020

The population of the Earth is exposed to external and internal radiation every day. Radiation do... more The population of the Earth is exposed to external and internal radiation every day. Radiation doses differ over a wide range of cosmic radiation levels and the content of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Ionizing radiation and radionuclides of natural and artificial origin inevitably causes exposure, increasing the probability of adverse health effects. Suppose the dose of radiation is low and is exposed for a long period of time (low power). In that case, the risk is significantly reduced, since the likelihood of repair of damaged tissues increases. However, there is a risk of long-term consequences, such as cancer, which can manifest in years or even decades. The paper aims to research the natural factors in the formation of radioactivity in the natural waters of Northern Kazakhstan and assess waterrelated doses to the population. The leading research methods for this issue are radiometric and radiochemical methods...

Research paper thumbnail of Recovery of Food Wastes for a Potential Maggot Production as Animal Feed and Solid Waste Management

Waste recovery is an important aspect towards human and environmental health protection. Unfortun... more Waste recovery is an important aspect towards human and environmental health protection. Unfortunately, proper food waste management is among the serious challenges in the field of solid waste management worldwide. Therefore, it is of great importance to conduct studies towards achieving efficient and cost-effective approaches for food waste management. This study investigated the potential of recovering food waste through maggots’ production as animal feed. The influence of fly attractant application on maggot production was also investigated. The study also investigated the potential of maggot production for waste recovery and reduction. Four different types of food waste (starch food leftovers, rotten bananas and peels, rotten pineapple and peels, and rotten oranges) were used in the investigation process. From the results, it was observed that the application of fly attractants had a significant effect on the production of maggots as determined by the weights after harvesting. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in the Biochemical Parameters of Rat Blood under the Combined Effect of Chronic Intoxication with such Heavy Metals as Copper, Zinc, Arsenic

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2018

The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to... more The accelerated growth rates of cities, industrial development and mineral extraction have led to an increase in the volume of heavy metals entering the environment. The impact of heavy metals has been studied by many scientists, but there are still limited data on the complex effect of various heavy metals. Therefore, currently, there is an increasing interest in the effect of several heavy metals on living organisms. In this research, we modeled the chronic effects of three groups of heavy metals on the body of rats, as well as determined their biochemical parameters and changes in comparison with the control group. The results of our studies have shown that when combined with chronic intoxication with heavy metal salts, the biochemical indices of blood may vary, which is caused by a violation of the functions of the liver, kidneys, and heart muscle. Against the background of the toxic effects of heavy metals, we used "Ursodex" and "Schrot Rastoropshy" as helpful drugs for the organism, which contributed to a decrease in the toxicity of metals. The level of the negative effect of these elements on the biochemical indices of the blood of experimental animals decreased.

Research paper thumbnail of Innovative online technologies as a tool of qualified specialists training in the field of waste management

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental assessment of the Akmola region territories relative to the exposure to diseases of the population by the sigmal deviation method

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020

This paper presents the statistical indicators of the population’ sickness in various districts o... more This paper presents the statistical indicators of the population’ sickness in various districts of Akmola region. The object of the work is to conduct an environmental assessment of Akmola region’s districts on the relative risk of morbidity. The following morbidity indicators were studied: blood, blood-forming organs and individual disorders involving the immune mechanism; respiratory organs; oncopathology; digestive organs and general morbidity. The sigmal deviation method was used to find out environmental assessment and ranking of territories. The conclusion is made about the importance of risk assessment for environmentally related diseases for ranking territories, identifying crisis zones and ensuring the well-being of the population. It was revealed that the territory of Akmola region has an uneven anthropogenic impact. It is shown that in areas with a high level of atmospheric pollution and adverse water supply conditions, the medical and environmental situation is extreme o...

Research paper thumbnail of A Spatial Survey of Environmental Indicators for Kazakhstan: An Examination of Current Conditions and Future Needs

International Journal of Environmental Research, 2018

The Republic of Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia, has experienced many years of environmental ... more The Republic of Kazakhstan, located in Central Asia, has experienced many years of environmental degradation, largely as a result of the poor management of its significant natural resources. In this survey, data relating to different environmental factors are critically analysed in order to understand the state of the environment. It was found that: warming trends are seen in sensitive areas (e.g. the steppe and near glaciers); drying trends are seen where there is already water stress (e.g. the Aral Sea); air quality has been declining recently (following improvements on the decadal timescale) in major urban centres, particularly Almaty; water quality appears to be improving in some areas (e.g. important lakes in the Aktobe and Zhambyl regions); and levels of exposure to radioactivity are below internationally recommended levels (where data have been found). More generally, there is an issue with data availability and quality, which requires attention if Kazakhstan is going to make the best use of its increasing investment in environmental actions. Current policies are reviewed and recommendations are made for future interventions. Keywords Central Asia Á Climate change Á Air pollution Á Water quality Á Environmental policy Á DPSIR Environmental Issues in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is a developing nation whose population and gross domestic product (GDP) have been growing steadily