Ali Idrus - MTP - (original) (raw)
Papers by Ali Idrus - MTP
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora
Along with the development of information and communication technology, the implementation of com... more Along with the development of information and communication technology, the implementation of computer-based tests has become an important requirement in the learning process. Moodle LMS is a platform that provides a quiz feature that can be used as a computer-based test medium. This study aims to analyze the quality and feasibility of computer-based questions on conflict and social integration using the Moodle LMS. This research is adevelopment research with a 4-D model. The research subjects were 64 students of class XI IPS at SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayeoti. The instruments used were validation sheets for assessing the quality of the questions, the appropriateness of the media, student response questionnaires, and the quality of the items. Based on the results of the question feasibility test by material experts and media experts with an average score of 83% (Very Good). The results of the item analysis obtained valid questions of 80% with a reliability of 0.890. The dif...
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial (JMPIS), Dec 19, 2022
Pembatasan pertemuan tatap muka di SMPN 17 Tanjung Jabung Timur memberikan berbagai masalah terut... more Pembatasan pertemuan tatap muka di SMPN 17 Tanjung Jabung Timur memberikan berbagai masalah terutama kurangnya bahan ajar yang mendukung dan lemahnya literasi ICT siswa sehingga berefek kepada Pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan perangkat pembalajaran e-learning yang mendukung kegiatan pembalajaran blended dengan menggunakan media Edmodo. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan desain yang digunakan adalah ADDIE dimana terdapat lima tahap diantanya Analisis, Desain, Develop, Implementasi, Evaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Perangkat pembalajaran yang dikembangkan sesuai berdasarkan penilaian ahli, hal ini juga di dukung dengan uji coba kelompok kecil menunjukan setiap indikator berkategori Sangat Baik. Pada uji coba implementasi yang bertujuan Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi ICT Siswa Hasil menunjukan rata-rata ketercapian Literasi ICT Siswa di setiap indicator mencapai 80% dengan Kategori Sangat Baik. Dengan demikian Perangkat pembalajaran yang dikembangkan dapat di kategori kan sangat baik dari segi teori dan praktis sehingga dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran TIK khususnya pada materi Ms. Word.
Munaddhomah, Dec 23, 2022
The government, through the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, issue... more The government, through the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, issued Regulation Number 84 of 2013 concerning the appointment of permanent lecturers at private universities. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 84 article 11 at private universities in East Java in improving the quality of its human resources. The subjects in this study were the 7 best private universities in the ranking and clustering version by the Ministry of research, technology, and higher education 2020. The result was the compensation received by permanent lecturers with the lowest group, namely Expert Assistants, in the form of gross monthly salaries ranging from Rp. 3,000,000, 00-Rp 12,000,000.00. With this compensation, lecturers are also motivated to be more productive in their work (Tridharma of Higher Education) because it is proportional to their compensation. This also spurs increasing capabilities such as continuing the postdoctoral education level carried out by lecturers, so universities also provide special rewards. This proves that a lecturer's performance will increase in line with the high level of satisfaction that comes from fulfilling his needs, desires, and expectations. The satisfaction that lecturers get from what they receive from campus creates a commitment to the organizations they join.
Jurnal Ilmiah Bina Edukasi
The goal of this study is to describe how students at MTS Negeri 3 Muaro Jambi understand the con... more The goal of this study is to describe how students at MTS Negeri 3 Muaro Jambi understand the concept of a two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV) by using linktree as an online learning multimedia. This is a qualitative study with a case study approach, with data collected through observation techniques, documentation, and interviews. Researchers select informants in grades VIII A, B, C, and D, namely each class of two students, totalling eight informants for data collection. The process of systematically searching for and organizing observed observations, interviews, field records, and other materials understood by researchers is known as data analysis. The findings of the study, which were observed by researchers show that the analysis of the use of linktree as an online learning multimedia in understanding the concept of a two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV) has a positive impact and aids in problem solving.
TEM Journal
The purpose of this research is to analyze mapping results in the form of clusters formed using c... more The purpose of this research is to analyze mapping results in the form of clusters formed using clustering method measures. This is done to determine the connections that the existing clusters create. Some of the measurements used are mixed measurements, Bregman differences, and number measurements (Mixed Euclidean Distance, Generalized Divergence, Squared Euclidean Distance, Mahalanobis Distance, and Euclidean Distance). Distance measurement shall be applied on number with primary school facilities in Indonesia. The Davies Bouldin Index (DBI) is different from the cluster number test (k = 2-10) for each Distance Measure. The average DBI value in the type of measure (mixed measure) and numerical measurement (Mixed Euclidean Distance) is 0.54. The average DBI value in the type of measure (Bregman divergences) and numeric measurements (generalized IDivergence) is 0.66. The average DBI value is 0.77 for the measurement type (Bregman divergences) and numerical measurement (Squared Eucli...
Al Maal: Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking
This research focuses on the management and development of productive waqf through an interconnec... more This research focuses on the management and development of productive waqf through an interconnected pattern between Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) and Islamic Philanthropic Institutions at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and BSI Maslahat. This research is based on 3 questions, there are: (1) what is the interconnection pattern of Islamic Banks with Nadzir Institutions in the development of productive waqf?; (2) what is the significance of the management and development of productive waqf in Islamic Banks with the Nadzir Institution?; and (3) is it possible for waqf funds to become funding for strengthening Islamic Bank assets? There are 2 sources of data used in this study, namely: (1) data in the form of documents in the form of financial reports, company websites, and other supporting documents; and (2) interview data with respondents. The data that has been obtained, then analyzed using qualitative analysis using the Miles & Huberman interactive model. Referring to the research que...
ZISWAF : Jurnal Zakat dan Wakaf, 2019
This study wants to find out the role of digital-based services performed by Nadzir in carrying o... more This study wants to find out the role of digital-based services performed by Nadzir in carrying out waqf management activities. This research uses a case study at the Wakaf Bani Umar Foundation, a foundation that focuses on managing productive waqf. In analyzing data, researchers used a qualitative descriptive analysis. From this study three conclusions were obtained, including: 1). Management of waqf assets must be profit oriented, 2). Nadzir must provide the best service, 3). Nadzir must be consistent in using social media as a form of digital-based services.
Al-Khidmat, 2019
The Community Service Program (PKM) for internal lecturers tries to collaborate with The Bani Uma... more The Community Service Program (PKM) for internal lecturers tries to collaborate with The Bani Umar Waqf Institute, an institution that is concerned in collecting and developing waqf assets to be more productive. The method used is case studi, with direct involvement with the Bani Umar Waqf Institute for approximately 6 months. From the initial review of the author at The Bani Umar Waqf Institute, found two crucial problems that exist within the institution, namely regarding the lack of human resources and marketing channels. Then, the authors propose two concepts to answer these crucial problems, namely the concept of Human Resource Management based on volunteers, and create digital-based marketing channels.
Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Every educational institution has a leader who has different abilities and leadership styles in i... more Every educational institution has a leader who has different abilities and leadership styles in improving the performance of their employees. In addition to the leadership style, performance is also influenced by the capabilities of each employee. This study aims to determine whether the principal's leadership style (X1) and teacher capability (X2) on teacher performance (Y) either partially or simultaneously, and which independent variables (X1 and X2) have a more significant influence on teacher performance. This research is a quantitative study that aims to test hypotheses between variables. The data used are primary data obtained directly from the respondents, as many as 48 people through filling out a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression, which is processed using SPSS. At the same time, all instruments in this study have been tested for validity and reliability, where all instruments have been declared valid because of the value T count...
Material mathematics and mathematical reasoning are two things that can not be separated, the mat... more Material mathematics and mathematical reasoning are two things that can not be separated, the material is understood through reasoning and mathematical reasoning to understand and learn the material drilled through mathematics. Working Backward strategy is a strategy that is closely associated with logical reasoning ability and verification. Working Backward strategy, students are required to analyze each step by using reasoning. This study used a quasi-experimental methods. This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the effect of the use of the Working Backward strategy in solving math problems on mathematical reasoning abilities of students. The experiment was conducted in Jambi City Junior High School. The population are 375 students, while the studied sample totaled 68 students consisting of 34 students in grade experiments and 34 students the control class. Sampling was done by using simple random sampling technique in class VII. Instruments in this study was...
Individual and social terms are often used to imply that individualistic habituation and social d... more Individual and social terms are often used to imply that individualistic habituation and social development reflect two distinct and opposite patterns of growth. Conversely, growth in one field will encourage other fields, for example building a sense of self-worth. This is a series of progress towards social values that are recognized for participating in desired social activities. Not only does the individuals learn to gain satisfaction, but also while increases the ability to manage their own affair. Thus, the more consistent the pattern of regard behavior to the own welfare and towards others, then this is what will ultimately shape the character. If we examine the social development of children from birth, we will know that they will actually position themselves as individual among other individuals as well as they can oppose and can also work together, they can also obey or not. In dealing with family, friends, loyalty to the group, and their contribution to the cultural patte...
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul DSP bagi guru Bahasa Indonesia berbasis web. Modul... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul DSP bagi guru Bahasa Indonesia berbasis web. Modul berorientasi pada pendekatan sistem. Materi dan latihan dirancang dengan pendekatan konstruktivistik yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan pengalaman guru. Model pengembangan menggunakan model Dick dan Carey (2009). Langkah model pengembangan diawali dengan menentukan tujuan umum, menganalisis pembelajaran, mengidentifikasi kemampuan bawahan, menuliskan tujuan khusus, pengembangan penilaian acuan patokan, pengembangan strategi pembelajaran, memilih dan mengembangkan materi pembelajaran, merancang dan pengembangan evaluasi formatif, melakukan revisi, serta merancang dan mengembangkan evaluasi sumatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan, validasi Ahli TP 93,3% dan Ahli Materi 90,91%, menyatakan modul layak untuk digunakan. Hasil uji coba perorangan 84,07%, ujicoba kelompok kecil 84,84%, dan ujicoba kelompok besar 82,67% menyatakan, bahwa modul berbasis web dapat digunakan dengan baik. Disimp...
Erudio: Journal of Educational Innovation
Entrepreneurship education in vocational schools is vital because vocational schools have a uniqu... more Entrepreneurship education in vocational schools is vital because vocational schools have a unique and complex education system. Vocational education has the opportunity to generate students with practical abilities, knowledge, and skills for work. Such skills and knowledge are crucial to welcome the 4.0 industrial revolution era requiring human resource quality improvement. Therefore, this study reviews the importance of entrepreneurship education in vocational schools, especially in facing the challenges of the 4.0 era. We used a literature study method to analyze the related literature and discuss these issues. We conclude that entrepreneurship education is essential to shape the character of vocational students because such schools accommodate students with competencies for work. Hence, graduates are expected to create job vacancies and set up their businesses. Therefore, we need characterbuilding to support students' entrepreneurial spirit, and thus, it needs help from the community and the government. The community needs to trust vocational schools to produce graduates prepared for work and create job vacancies. The government also needs to trust the graduates by providing space to work well.
Agricultural development policies are implemented to improve food security, develop agribusiness,... more Agricultural development policies are implemented to improve food security, develop agribusiness, and improve farmers' welfare so that the agricultural products produced must meet the requirements for quantity, quality, and sustainability, as well as being competitive and easy to obtain at affordable prices. The potential that exists in the form of food agricultural products, horticultural plantations, livestock, and agro-tourism development needs to be managed properly through the existence of BUMDes and village cooperatives. Therefore, mentoring activities, in the form of training and counseling on the procedures for establishing BUMDes and cooperatives for the sustainability of agricultural product management, both pre- and post-harvest. This service will provide training and counseling to farmer groups in Pesisir Bukit Village, Kerinci Regency, so that they can establish BUMDes and cooperatives to increase agricultural commodity yields and develop village potential. The end ...
Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah, 2021
One of the solutions proposed by Badan Amil Zakat Nasional is to form Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonom... more One of the solutions proposed by Badan Amil Zakat Nasional is to form Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik which has the task of improving the quality of life of mustahik through its programs. So, the purpose of this study is to find out how the role of Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik Badan Amil Zakat Nasional in improving the economic welfare of mustahik. This study uses qualitative research methods that produce descriptive data. Where this research is based on observations made by the author and then explained according to what the author observed in the field. The data collection that the researchers did was using the method of observation, documentary interviews, and other data. When the data has been collected, the researcher conducts an analysis and then draws conclusions from the analysis. The results of this study are Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik BAZNAS plays a role in the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and focuses on potential cre...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (isclo-15), 2016
The purposes of this research were to verify the personality traits consisting of conscientiousne... more The purposes of this research were to verify the personality traits consisting of conscientiousness and agreeableness as personal factors along with job satisfaction and organizational climate as the environmental factors affect organizational commitment and to compare the organizational commitment of lecturers at one public university in Jambi. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect the data from 140 lecturers. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and path analysis to analyze the effects of conscientiousness, agreeableness, job satisfaction and organizational climate on organizational commitment. The results of the study indicated that conscientiousness, agreeableness, and job satisfaction had direct effects on the organizational commitment, while organizational climate had indirect effects. Additionally, the organizational climate had direct effects on job satisfaction. These findings indicated that personal and environmental factors affect organizational commitment in an organization.
The purpose of this quantitative research was toexamine whether there were statistically signific... more The purpose of this quantitative research was toexamine whether there were statistically significantdifferences in Islamic elementary public schoolteachers’ curriculum orientation and teachingconception across demographic variables of gender,age, and teaching experience. Data were collectedthrough questionnaires from 65 Islamic elementarypublic school teachers. Data were analysed throughRasch analysis and tests of inferential statistics. Theresults of the data analysis show that, over all: 1) theteachers’ curriculum orientation tended to be“technological” and “academic” rather than “socialreconstructionistic”; and 2) the teachers tended toconceptualize teaching as “apprenticeshipdevelopmental”and “knowledge transmission” ratherthan “nurturing” or “social reform”. Tests ofinferential statistics revealed a significant differencebetween male and female teachers’ conception ofteaching. A significant difference was also found in theteachers’ curriculum orientation across thedemographic v...
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora
Along with the development of information and communication technology, the implementation of com... more Along with the development of information and communication technology, the implementation of computer-based tests has become an important requirement in the learning process. Moodle LMS is a platform that provides a quiz feature that can be used as a computer-based test medium. This study aims to analyze the quality and feasibility of computer-based questions on conflict and social integration using the Moodle LMS. This research is adevelopment research with a 4-D model. The research subjects were 64 students of class XI IPS at SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayeoti. The instruments used were validation sheets for assessing the quality of the questions, the appropriateness of the media, student response questionnaires, and the quality of the items. Based on the results of the question feasibility test by material experts and media experts with an average score of 83% (Very Good). The results of the item analysis obtained valid questions of 80% with a reliability of 0.890. The dif...
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial (JMPIS), Dec 19, 2022
Pembatasan pertemuan tatap muka di SMPN 17 Tanjung Jabung Timur memberikan berbagai masalah terut... more Pembatasan pertemuan tatap muka di SMPN 17 Tanjung Jabung Timur memberikan berbagai masalah terutama kurangnya bahan ajar yang mendukung dan lemahnya literasi ICT siswa sehingga berefek kepada Pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan perangkat pembalajaran e-learning yang mendukung kegiatan pembalajaran blended dengan menggunakan media Edmodo. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan desain yang digunakan adalah ADDIE dimana terdapat lima tahap diantanya Analisis, Desain, Develop, Implementasi, Evaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Perangkat pembalajaran yang dikembangkan sesuai berdasarkan penilaian ahli, hal ini juga di dukung dengan uji coba kelompok kecil menunjukan setiap indikator berkategori Sangat Baik. Pada uji coba implementasi yang bertujuan Meningkatkan Keterampilan Literasi ICT Siswa Hasil menunjukan rata-rata ketercapian Literasi ICT Siswa di setiap indicator mencapai 80% dengan Kategori Sangat Baik. Dengan demikian Perangkat pembalajaran yang dikembangkan dapat di kategori kan sangat baik dari segi teori dan praktis sehingga dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran TIK khususnya pada materi Ms. Word.
Munaddhomah, Dec 23, 2022
The government, through the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, issue... more The government, through the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, issued Regulation Number 84 of 2013 concerning the appointment of permanent lecturers at private universities. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 84 article 11 at private universities in East Java in improving the quality of its human resources. The subjects in this study were the 7 best private universities in the ranking and clustering version by the Ministry of research, technology, and higher education 2020. The result was the compensation received by permanent lecturers with the lowest group, namely Expert Assistants, in the form of gross monthly salaries ranging from Rp. 3,000,000, 00-Rp 12,000,000.00. With this compensation, lecturers are also motivated to be more productive in their work (Tridharma of Higher Education) because it is proportional to their compensation. This also spurs increasing capabilities such as continuing the postdoctoral education level carried out by lecturers, so universities also provide special rewards. This proves that a lecturer's performance will increase in line with the high level of satisfaction that comes from fulfilling his needs, desires, and expectations. The satisfaction that lecturers get from what they receive from campus creates a commitment to the organizations they join.
Jurnal Ilmiah Bina Edukasi
The goal of this study is to describe how students at MTS Negeri 3 Muaro Jambi understand the con... more The goal of this study is to describe how students at MTS Negeri 3 Muaro Jambi understand the concept of a two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV) by using linktree as an online learning multimedia. This is a qualitative study with a case study approach, with data collected through observation techniques, documentation, and interviews. Researchers select informants in grades VIII A, B, C, and D, namely each class of two students, totalling eight informants for data collection. The process of systematically searching for and organizing observed observations, interviews, field records, and other materials understood by researchers is known as data analysis. The findings of the study, which were observed by researchers show that the analysis of the use of linktree as an online learning multimedia in understanding the concept of a two-variable linear equation system (SPLDV) has a positive impact and aids in problem solving.
TEM Journal
The purpose of this research is to analyze mapping results in the form of clusters formed using c... more The purpose of this research is to analyze mapping results in the form of clusters formed using clustering method measures. This is done to determine the connections that the existing clusters create. Some of the measurements used are mixed measurements, Bregman differences, and number measurements (Mixed Euclidean Distance, Generalized Divergence, Squared Euclidean Distance, Mahalanobis Distance, and Euclidean Distance). Distance measurement shall be applied on number with primary school facilities in Indonesia. The Davies Bouldin Index (DBI) is different from the cluster number test (k = 2-10) for each Distance Measure. The average DBI value in the type of measure (mixed measure) and numerical measurement (Mixed Euclidean Distance) is 0.54. The average DBI value in the type of measure (Bregman divergences) and numeric measurements (generalized IDivergence) is 0.66. The average DBI value is 0.77 for the measurement type (Bregman divergences) and numerical measurement (Squared Eucli...
Al Maal: Journal of Islamic Economics and Banking
This research focuses on the management and development of productive waqf through an interconnec... more This research focuses on the management and development of productive waqf through an interconnected pattern between Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) and Islamic Philanthropic Institutions at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) and BSI Maslahat. This research is based on 3 questions, there are: (1) what is the interconnection pattern of Islamic Banks with Nadzir Institutions in the development of productive waqf?; (2) what is the significance of the management and development of productive waqf in Islamic Banks with the Nadzir Institution?; and (3) is it possible for waqf funds to become funding for strengthening Islamic Bank assets? There are 2 sources of data used in this study, namely: (1) data in the form of documents in the form of financial reports, company websites, and other supporting documents; and (2) interview data with respondents. The data that has been obtained, then analyzed using qualitative analysis using the Miles & Huberman interactive model. Referring to the research que...
ZISWAF : Jurnal Zakat dan Wakaf, 2019
This study wants to find out the role of digital-based services performed by Nadzir in carrying o... more This study wants to find out the role of digital-based services performed by Nadzir in carrying out waqf management activities. This research uses a case study at the Wakaf Bani Umar Foundation, a foundation that focuses on managing productive waqf. In analyzing data, researchers used a qualitative descriptive analysis. From this study three conclusions were obtained, including: 1). Management of waqf assets must be profit oriented, 2). Nadzir must provide the best service, 3). Nadzir must be consistent in using social media as a form of digital-based services.
Al-Khidmat, 2019
The Community Service Program (PKM) for internal lecturers tries to collaborate with The Bani Uma... more The Community Service Program (PKM) for internal lecturers tries to collaborate with The Bani Umar Waqf Institute, an institution that is concerned in collecting and developing waqf assets to be more productive. The method used is case studi, with direct involvement with the Bani Umar Waqf Institute for approximately 6 months. From the initial review of the author at The Bani Umar Waqf Institute, found two crucial problems that exist within the institution, namely regarding the lack of human resources and marketing channels. Then, the authors propose two concepts to answer these crucial problems, namely the concept of Human Resource Management based on volunteers, and create digital-based marketing channels.
Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Every educational institution has a leader who has different abilities and leadership styles in i... more Every educational institution has a leader who has different abilities and leadership styles in improving the performance of their employees. In addition to the leadership style, performance is also influenced by the capabilities of each employee. This study aims to determine whether the principal's leadership style (X1) and teacher capability (X2) on teacher performance (Y) either partially or simultaneously, and which independent variables (X1 and X2) have a more significant influence on teacher performance. This research is a quantitative study that aims to test hypotheses between variables. The data used are primary data obtained directly from the respondents, as many as 48 people through filling out a questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression, which is processed using SPSS. At the same time, all instruments in this study have been tested for validity and reliability, where all instruments have been declared valid because of the value T count...
Material mathematics and mathematical reasoning are two things that can not be separated, the mat... more Material mathematics and mathematical reasoning are two things that can not be separated, the material is understood through reasoning and mathematical reasoning to understand and learn the material drilled through mathematics. Working Backward strategy is a strategy that is closely associated with logical reasoning ability and verification. Working Backward strategy, students are required to analyze each step by using reasoning. This study used a quasi-experimental methods. This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the effect of the use of the Working Backward strategy in solving math problems on mathematical reasoning abilities of students. The experiment was conducted in Jambi City Junior High School. The population are 375 students, while the studied sample totaled 68 students consisting of 34 students in grade experiments and 34 students the control class. Sampling was done by using simple random sampling technique in class VII. Instruments in this study was...
Individual and social terms are often used to imply that individualistic habituation and social d... more Individual and social terms are often used to imply that individualistic habituation and social development reflect two distinct and opposite patterns of growth. Conversely, growth in one field will encourage other fields, for example building a sense of self-worth. This is a series of progress towards social values that are recognized for participating in desired social activities. Not only does the individuals learn to gain satisfaction, but also while increases the ability to manage their own affair. Thus, the more consistent the pattern of regard behavior to the own welfare and towards others, then this is what will ultimately shape the character. If we examine the social development of children from birth, we will know that they will actually position themselves as individual among other individuals as well as they can oppose and can also work together, they can also obey or not. In dealing with family, friends, loyalty to the group, and their contribution to the cultural patte...
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul DSP bagi guru Bahasa Indonesia berbasis web. Modul... more Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul DSP bagi guru Bahasa Indonesia berbasis web. Modul berorientasi pada pendekatan sistem. Materi dan latihan dirancang dengan pendekatan konstruktivistik yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan pengalaman guru. Model pengembangan menggunakan model Dick dan Carey (2009). Langkah model pengembangan diawali dengan menentukan tujuan umum, menganalisis pembelajaran, mengidentifikasi kemampuan bawahan, menuliskan tujuan khusus, pengembangan penilaian acuan patokan, pengembangan strategi pembelajaran, memilih dan mengembangkan materi pembelajaran, merancang dan pengembangan evaluasi formatif, melakukan revisi, serta merancang dan mengembangkan evaluasi sumatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan, validasi Ahli TP 93,3% dan Ahli Materi 90,91%, menyatakan modul layak untuk digunakan. Hasil uji coba perorangan 84,07%, ujicoba kelompok kecil 84,84%, dan ujicoba kelompok besar 82,67% menyatakan, bahwa modul berbasis web dapat digunakan dengan baik. Disimp...
Erudio: Journal of Educational Innovation
Entrepreneurship education in vocational schools is vital because vocational schools have a uniqu... more Entrepreneurship education in vocational schools is vital because vocational schools have a unique and complex education system. Vocational education has the opportunity to generate students with practical abilities, knowledge, and skills for work. Such skills and knowledge are crucial to welcome the 4.0 industrial revolution era requiring human resource quality improvement. Therefore, this study reviews the importance of entrepreneurship education in vocational schools, especially in facing the challenges of the 4.0 era. We used a literature study method to analyze the related literature and discuss these issues. We conclude that entrepreneurship education is essential to shape the character of vocational students because such schools accommodate students with competencies for work. Hence, graduates are expected to create job vacancies and set up their businesses. Therefore, we need characterbuilding to support students' entrepreneurial spirit, and thus, it needs help from the community and the government. The community needs to trust vocational schools to produce graduates prepared for work and create job vacancies. The government also needs to trust the graduates by providing space to work well.
Agricultural development policies are implemented to improve food security, develop agribusiness,... more Agricultural development policies are implemented to improve food security, develop agribusiness, and improve farmers' welfare so that the agricultural products produced must meet the requirements for quantity, quality, and sustainability, as well as being competitive and easy to obtain at affordable prices. The potential that exists in the form of food agricultural products, horticultural plantations, livestock, and agro-tourism development needs to be managed properly through the existence of BUMDes and village cooperatives. Therefore, mentoring activities, in the form of training and counseling on the procedures for establishing BUMDes and cooperatives for the sustainability of agricultural product management, both pre- and post-harvest. This service will provide training and counseling to farmer groups in Pesisir Bukit Village, Kerinci Regency, so that they can establish BUMDes and cooperatives to increase agricultural commodity yields and develop village potential. The end ...
Al-Kharaj : Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan & Bisnis Syariah, 2021
One of the solutions proposed by Badan Amil Zakat Nasional is to form Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonom... more One of the solutions proposed by Badan Amil Zakat Nasional is to form Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik which has the task of improving the quality of life of mustahik through its programs. So, the purpose of this study is to find out how the role of Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik Badan Amil Zakat Nasional in improving the economic welfare of mustahik. This study uses qualitative research methods that produce descriptive data. Where this research is based on observations made by the author and then explained according to what the author observed in the field. The data collection that the researchers did was using the method of observation, documentary interviews, and other data. When the data has been collected, the researcher conducts an analysis and then draws conclusions from the analysis. The results of this study are Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik BAZNAS plays a role in the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and focuses on potential cre...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (isclo-15), 2016
The purposes of this research were to verify the personality traits consisting of conscientiousne... more The purposes of this research were to verify the personality traits consisting of conscientiousness and agreeableness as personal factors along with job satisfaction and organizational climate as the environmental factors affect organizational commitment and to compare the organizational commitment of lecturers at one public university in Jambi. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect the data from 140 lecturers. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and path analysis to analyze the effects of conscientiousness, agreeableness, job satisfaction and organizational climate on organizational commitment. The results of the study indicated that conscientiousness, agreeableness, and job satisfaction had direct effects on the organizational commitment, while organizational climate had indirect effects. Additionally, the organizational climate had direct effects on job satisfaction. These findings indicated that personal and environmental factors affect organizational commitment in an organization.
The purpose of this quantitative research was toexamine whether there were statistically signific... more The purpose of this quantitative research was toexamine whether there were statistically significantdifferences in Islamic elementary public schoolteachers’ curriculum orientation and teachingconception across demographic variables of gender,age, and teaching experience. Data were collectedthrough questionnaires from 65 Islamic elementarypublic school teachers. Data were analysed throughRasch analysis and tests of inferential statistics. Theresults of the data analysis show that, over all: 1) theteachers’ curriculum orientation tended to be“technological” and “academic” rather than “socialreconstructionistic”; and 2) the teachers tended toconceptualize teaching as “apprenticeshipdevelopmental”and “knowledge transmission” ratherthan “nurturing” or “social reform”. Tests ofinferential statistics revealed a significant differencebetween male and female teachers’ conception ofteaching. A significant difference was also found in theteachers’ curriculum orientation across thedemographic v...