Andriyono Kilat Adhi - (original) (raw)
Papers by Andriyono Kilat Adhi
Forum Agribisnis
The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to... more The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots, (2) to analyze the intention of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots, (3) to analyze the factors that influence the decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots. The research adopts the theory of planned behavior and the ERG motivation theory. The research was conducted in Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province. This study uses primary data, which was collected through structured interviews. The research respondents were 60 farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency. The analysis used the descriptive method and partial least square (PLS) method. The results of the analysis showed that most of the farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency decided not to plant shallots in the next season. The intention of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots is in the high category. The decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant sha...
Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi ... more Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi PDB nasional serta produksi usaha skala UMK juga terus mengalami pertumbuhan. Sementara industri makanan merupakan bagian dari industri pengolahan yang memiliki kontribusi pendapatan nasional paling besar dibanding industri lainnya. Disisi lain UMK yang termasuk ke dalam industri pengolahan juga mencapai lebih dari 90 persen. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur tingkat produktivitas usaha dan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis stochastic frontier. Responden yang digunakan sebanyak 2550 usaha. Hasil yang didapatkan sebagian besar usaha memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi secara teknis. Usaha dengan skala kecil memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding usaha pada skala mikro. Untuk faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha diataranya adalah tingkat pendidikan, jumlah hari kerja dan jumlah jam kerja, sumber modal dan alokasi pemasaran.
Asian Journal of Marketing, 2015
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2019
EnglishJajar Legowo planting system is one of the most recent technological innovation breakthrou... more EnglishJajar Legowo planting system is one of the most recent technological innovation breakthroughs promoted by the Indonesian Government to increase rice farming productivity. Lamongan Regency, as a rice producing center in East Java Province, is one of the government's targets in developing jajar legowo planting system. However, this technology is still not yet widely implemented by farmers. The existence of new technology is thought to affect the level of technical efficiency of farmers because it can affect the managerial aspects of farmers. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of technical efficiency of rice farming in the jajar legowo planting system and to find out what factors influence the level of technical efficiency of rice farming in Lamongan Regency. The study was conducted using the stochastic frontier method. The results showed that the jajar legowo rice farming system had a higher average value of technical efficiency compared to conventional ri...
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, 2020
Abstrak Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk menyediakan gula kristal putih dengan harga terjangkau ... more Abstrak Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk menyediakan gula kristal putih dengan harga terjangkau di tingkat konsumen adalah dengan menetapkan harga acuan penjualan (HAP). Meskipun demikian, harga gula kristal putih di tingkat konsumen terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi pembentukan harga eceran gula kristal putih secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini menggunakan model ekonometrika (dibangun berdasarkan data time series bulanan dari tahun 2012 hingga tahun 2017, terdiri dari 13 persamaan dan diestimasi menggunakan metode 2 SLS) dan simulasi kebijakan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh secara signifikan pada harga eceran gula kristal putih adalah konsumsi gula kristal putih, impor gula kebutuhan industri, harga gula dunia, harga beras di tingkat konsumen dan harga eceran gula kristal putih periode sebelumnya. Harga beras di tingkat konsumen merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pembentuk...
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia, 2021
Coconut plantation is one of the strategic commodities in the national economy and community welf... more Coconut plantation is one of the strategic commodities in the national economy and community welfare. The problems related to smallholding coconut farmers, namely the reduction in area and coconut production every year. Research needs to be conducted to determine the sustainability status of smallholings’ coconut farmer plantations through the MDS method bin Indragiri Hilir Regency. Data were collected from 45 respondents in each sub-district, namely Indragiri Hilir Regency, namely Enok, Keritang, Mandah, and Pulau Burung Districts, and analyzed with the Multidimensional Scalling (MDS) method covering economic, environmental and socio-cultural dimensions. Primary data were obtained from direct interviews with farmer respondents and several experts who concentrated on the coconut which were selected purposively, secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, Agriculture and Plantation Service, and other kinds of literature that support this research. The results of the o...
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan
Pemerintah telah menargetkan swasembada bawang putih di tahun 2021 guna memenuhi permintaan bawan... more Pemerintah telah menargetkan swasembada bawang putih di tahun 2021 guna memenuhi permintaan bawang putih nasional. Namun demikian, sebagian besar kebutuhan bawang putih Indonesia masih dipenuhi dengan mengimpor bawang putih dari negara produsen bawang putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh kebijakan dan faktor penentu impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Cina sebagai negara eksportir bawang putih terbesar di Indonesia dan dunia. Penelitian ini menganalisis data time series tahunan dari tahun 1996 sampai 2019 menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan penghapusan tarif memengaruhi volume impor bawang putih dari Cina secara signifikan. Harga bawang putih impor, populasi Indonesia, dan harga bawang merah domestik juga memengaruhi volume impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Cina secara signifikan. Sedangkan kebijakan RIPH dan nilai tukar riil tidak memengaruhi impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Ci...
Jurnal Manajemen dan Agribisnis, 2021
The rise of e-commerce provides consumers more opportunities to purchase agricultural and food pr... more The rise of e-commerce provides consumers more opportunities to purchase agricultural and food products including frozen food. This study aims is to examine the effects of different factors on consumers' intention and decision on purchasing frozen food through e-commerce based on theory of planned behavior (TPB) and technology acceptance model (TAM). This study used the primary data from online survey of 200 respondents in Greater Jakarta who purchased frozen food through e-commerce. Data were analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use e-commerce have a positive influence on attitudes. Then attitudes, subjective norms, and behavior control had a significant positive effect on purchase intention. The results also confirmed that consumers' purchasing decisions on frozen food affecting by their purchase intention.
Indonesia and Malaysia are the major exporters of palm oil in South East Asia. South East Asia Re... more Indonesia and Malaysia are the major exporters of palm oil in South East Asia. South East Asia Regional Trade Agreement can affect worldwide trade flow of palm oil. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the Regional Trade Agreement on the trade flows of Indonesian and Malaysian palm oil. The effect is analyzed with gravity model. The result shows positive dynamic effect of Free Trade Agreement to palm oil trade flow. Regional Trade Agreement has higher impact to Malaysia than Indonesia due to dissimilar government policies.
There has been a significant development in food and other agricultural commodity prices over the... more There has been a significant development in food and other agricultural commodity prices over the past few years. Price movement seems to follow a typical pattern (Bobenrieth et al., 2012; Brummer et al., 2013; Huchet-bourdon, 2011; Prakash, 2011) such that the price increases with accelerating pace in one year followed by a sharp drop in the following year. Although in the recent decades, volatility has generally been lower but the variability has been high, with the important exception of rice (Gilbert and Morgan, 2010). This implies higher risks for both consumers and producers. To a commodity that holds strategic value such as rice in Indonesia, unpredictable shocks in price is highly undesirable. Indonesia has more than 32 million people who were still living on less than US$2 per day. This study aims to understand the volatility trend of rice price in Indonesia, by exploring some possible drivers and test the significant impact of those drivers to overall volatility measuremen...
Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, 2016
Masuknya buah apel impor ke pasar dalam negeri membuat konsumen buah apel memiliki beberapa perti... more Masuknya buah apel impor ke pasar dalam negeri membuat konsumen buah apel memiliki beberapa pertimbangan sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli buah apel. Peningkatan kebutuhan konsumen akan buah apel dan penerapan kebijakan baru tentang ketentuan impor dan pengembangan produk hortikultura mengakibatkan pentingnya penelitian terhadap perilaku konsumen terhadap buah apel. Daerah lokasi dalam penelitian ini ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) yaitu di Kota Surabaya dan Kota Malang. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, model fishbein, dan analisis konjoin dengan responden berjumlah 200 yang berasal dari dua kota terpilih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap konsumen terhadap buah apel lokal dibandingkan apel impor, apel lokal mempunya keunggulan pada atribut tekstur daging buah. Sementara itu, bila dibandingkan dengan buah apel lokal, sikap konsumen terhadap buah apel impor lebih positif pada atribut harga, rasa, ukuran, warna, kondisi kulit dan promosi. Preferensi konsumen mengarah pada rasa asam, ukuran sedang, warna hijau kekuningan, tekstur daging renyah, kulit bersih tanpa bercak, dan berada di selang harga Rp26.001,0-Rp34.000,0/kg. Responden memilih harga sebagai atribut yang paling diutamakan ketika melakukan pembelian buah. Kata kunci: analisis konjoin, buah apel, model fishbein, sikap konsumen, preferensi konsumen
Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
Food industry contributes a high good of labor absorption dominates in the manufacturing sector o... more Food industry contributes a high good of labor absorption dominates in the manufacturing sector or the contribution to the total national GDP. The industry is in fact in domination by the perpetrators of Micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The objectives of this research is to know the impact of partnerships and other variables against the profit of micro and small enterprises of the food industry. Multiple regression method is used to see what variables affect the profit of micro and small enterprises of the food industry entrepreneur. The results showed that dummy variables such as length of business, partnerships, education level, number of labor, the cost, the number of working hours per day, the age of the entrepreneur and the dummy sectors of the food industry influence on the profit of micro and small enterprises in the food industry. The amount of the issued capital property does not affect the profit the venture. The actors who do venture partnership is still very slightly so that the policy to encourage and develop business partnerships between the various patterns of cooperatives, small medium enterprises and large scale effort undertaken is just right and should be noted in order to sustainable.
Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi ... more Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi PDB nasional serta produksi usaha skala UMK juga terus mengalami pertumbuhan. Sementara industri makanan merupakan bagian dari industri pengolahan yang memiliki kontribusi pendapatan nasional paling besar dibanding industri lainnya. Disisi lain UMK yang termasuk ke dalam industri pengolahan juga mencapai lebih dari 90 persen. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur tingkat produktivitas usaha dan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis stochastic frontier. Responden yang digunakan sebanyak 2550 usaha. Hasil yang didapatkan sebagian besar usaha memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi secara teknis. Usaha dengan skala kecil memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding usaha pada skala mikro. Untuk faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha diataranya adalah tingkat pendidikan, jumlah hari kerja dan jumlah jam kerja, sumber modal dan alokasi pemasaran.
Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan
The direction of government policy is to increase plantation white sugar production. The governme... more The direction of government policy is to increase plantation white sugar production. The government through the Ministry of Agriculture has launched fertilizer subsidies to support increased plantation white sugar production. Nevertheless, Indonesia's plantation white sugar production tends to experience a decline from year to year. This condition is not in line with the objectives. This study aims to evaluate the fertilizer subsidy policy in order to achieve the national plantation white sugar self-sufficiency target. The study uses multiple linear regression methods with time series data. The results of the analysis show that the application of the subsidized fertilizer policy does not significantly affect the production of plantation white sugar from sugar cane farmers. The area of sugarcane plantation is a factor that significantly influences the production of Indonesian plantation white sugar.
KnE Life Sciences, Nov 26, 2017
The Indonesian beef price movement increasing erratically and tends to be volatile in recent year... more The Indonesian beef price movement increasing erratically and tends to be volatile in recent years. Based on the price monitoring in several production centers, there are beef price fluctuations in the consumer level across time and between provinces. This study tries to present the relationship between the beef price volatility and Indonesia's efforts to ensure food security through self-sufficiency in beef. We consider a series of consumer daily beef price from January 2006 to December 2013, with total T = 2086 observations to understand beef price volatility in Indonesia, and to analyze the impact of beef self-sufficiency program to the beef price volatility in Indonesia. Data was obtained from Ministry of Trade, Government of Indonesia and it was collected through market survey from three different markets in 33 capital provinces in Indonesia. The methodology follows GARCH model to measure the beef price volatility. The GARCH (1.1) model gives information that beef price movements are influenced by the volatility from the previous period and yesterday's variance. The volatility of beef price was driven more by its own variance rather than external shocks. GARCH (1.1) model shows that the beef price volatility will tend to be smaller and persistence in the future. Parameter of the third dummy variable in the variance equation to capture the change policy is statistically significant. It indicates that the beef self-sufficiency program may lower the beef price volatility.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia, Dec 1, 2018
This study was aimed to analyze the comparison of added value in the supply chain of forest honey... more This study was aimed to analyze the comparison of added value in the supply chain of forest honey at Jaringan Madu Hutan Sumbawa (JMHS) organization. The respondents in this study are 30 honey hunter, 2 group leader, 2 JMHS cooperative and 1 marketing outlet Rumah Madu. The JMHS supply chain mechanism was identified using qualitative methods. This research was carried out using the Hayami method approach (1987). The results from this study were Madu Hutan Lestari cooperatives have the highest added value than other chain actors. While the value added distribution of marketing outlets Rumah Madu has been the highest percentage of added value compared to other chain actors.
Forum Agribisnis, Aug 7, 2019
This study was aimed to analyze the supply chain distribution patterns of forest honey in the Wes... more This study was aimed to analyze the supply chain distribution patterns of forest honey in the West Sumbawa through Sumbawa Forest Honey Network or Jaringan Madu Hutan Sumbawa (JMHS) using descriptive qualitative data. This study uses a supply chain distribution pattern approach based on the product, financial and information flow. In the product flow, honey is harvested by honey hunters in the forest and assembled to a group leader. Then, honey is handed over to JMHS and marketed at Rumah Madu" (Honey House). The forest honey harvest season in Sumbawa is between August-December. Honey hunters can harvest 15-20 liters of honey per hunter in one hunting day. In financial flow, we observed that the pricing of honey is decided by JMHS according to the market price and the harvest season. Honey price from the hunter is ranging from 60,000-75,000 IDR per 660 ml bottle. The purchasing price of honey by JMHS is 65,000-85.000 IDR per 660 ml bottle and after the packaging by JMHS, honey is marketed to the last consumers with a selling price of 110,000 IDR per 500 ml. The information flows in both directions. The group of honey hunters inform to JMHS about the locations of honey as well as the amount of harvested. In the JMHS side, they distribute information of the classification and quality of honey, provide the good harvest training and information on honey price to hunters.
Forum Agribisnis
National rice production Enhancement Programme (P2BN) is one of Indonesia government effort to fu... more National rice production Enhancement Programme (P2BN) is one of Indonesia government effort to fulfill the need of national rice due to high consumption level of rice ( 102 kg. per capita per year ). On 2008 the program was implemented in a field school for integrated plant management (SLPTT). SLPTT was designed to increase farming productivity and its income usahatani and improve the farmers’ welfare. The study aimed to describe the implementation of integrated plant management technology (PTT Technology) and analyzing its effect to the paddy farming productivity and income of 40 paddy farmers (20 PTT farmers and 20 non-PTT farmers that was purposively choosen) in Sukaratu, Gekbrong, Cianjur. The result showed that the PTT technology implementation level in Sukaratu is still low, more than 50% of the farmers were applied only 4 out of 6 components of basic PTT technology and 2 out of 7 components of PTT technology. However, it was proved that the PTT technology improved the product...
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia
This study aimed to analyze the impact of Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SLPTT) on t... more This study aimed to analyze the impact of Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SLPTT) on technical efficiency soybean participants and non-participants farmers. SLPTT is one of the government programs in an effort to enhancement production and productivity of soybean through the process of learning the application of technology to the management of the use of farm inputs and integrated climate. The method used was the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) with a model of the Cobb-Douglas production function. Location research in Jember Regency, East Java. The results show the factors that influence significantly to the enhancement in soybean production among others, land, seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides liquid. Production factors most responsive to the enhancement in soybean production is the amount of seed used. The average level of technical efficiency of soybean farming both farmers SLPTT or non SLPTT in Jember Regency have technically efficient. However, farmers SLPTT has an average value of technical efficiency is higher than their non SLPTT, respectively worth 0.83 and 0.75. The sources that affect farmers' socioeconomic enhancement of technical efficiency of soybean farming significantly among others, age, planting techniques, the use of VUB, mechanical control, and the number of counseling or SLPTT 2013.
Forum Agribisnis
The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to... more The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots, (2) to analyze the intention of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots, (3) to analyze the factors that influence the decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots. The research adopts the theory of planned behavior and the ERG motivation theory. The research was conducted in Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province. This study uses primary data, which was collected through structured interviews. The research respondents were 60 farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency. The analysis used the descriptive method and partial least square (PLS) method. The results of the analysis showed that most of the farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency decided not to plant shallots in the next season. The intention of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant shallots is in the high category. The decision of farmers in Pesisir Selatan Regency to plant sha...
Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi ... more Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi PDB nasional serta produksi usaha skala UMK juga terus mengalami pertumbuhan. Sementara industri makanan merupakan bagian dari industri pengolahan yang memiliki kontribusi pendapatan nasional paling besar dibanding industri lainnya. Disisi lain UMK yang termasuk ke dalam industri pengolahan juga mencapai lebih dari 90 persen. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur tingkat produktivitas usaha dan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis stochastic frontier. Responden yang digunakan sebanyak 2550 usaha. Hasil yang didapatkan sebagian besar usaha memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi secara teknis. Usaha dengan skala kecil memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding usaha pada skala mikro. Untuk faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha diataranya adalah tingkat pendidikan, jumlah hari kerja dan jumlah jam kerja, sumber modal dan alokasi pemasaran.
Asian Journal of Marketing, 2015
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi, 2019
EnglishJajar Legowo planting system is one of the most recent technological innovation breakthrou... more EnglishJajar Legowo planting system is one of the most recent technological innovation breakthroughs promoted by the Indonesian Government to increase rice farming productivity. Lamongan Regency, as a rice producing center in East Java Province, is one of the government's targets in developing jajar legowo planting system. However, this technology is still not yet widely implemented by farmers. The existence of new technology is thought to affect the level of technical efficiency of farmers because it can affect the managerial aspects of farmers. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of technical efficiency of rice farming in the jajar legowo planting system and to find out what factors influence the level of technical efficiency of rice farming in Lamongan Regency. The study was conducted using the stochastic frontier method. The results showed that the jajar legowo rice farming system had a higher average value of technical efficiency compared to conventional ri...
Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, 2020
Abstrak Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk menyediakan gula kristal putih dengan harga terjangkau ... more Abstrak Salah satu upaya pemerintah untuk menyediakan gula kristal putih dengan harga terjangkau di tingkat konsumen adalah dengan menetapkan harga acuan penjualan (HAP). Meskipun demikian, harga gula kristal putih di tingkat konsumen terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi pembentukan harga eceran gula kristal putih secara komprehensif. Penelitian ini menggunakan model ekonometrika (dibangun berdasarkan data time series bulanan dari tahun 2012 hingga tahun 2017, terdiri dari 13 persamaan dan diestimasi menggunakan metode 2 SLS) dan simulasi kebijakan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh secara signifikan pada harga eceran gula kristal putih adalah konsumsi gula kristal putih, impor gula kebutuhan industri, harga gula dunia, harga beras di tingkat konsumen dan harga eceran gula kristal putih periode sebelumnya. Harga beras di tingkat konsumen merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pembentuk...
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia, 2021
Coconut plantation is one of the strategic commodities in the national economy and community welf... more Coconut plantation is one of the strategic commodities in the national economy and community welfare. The problems related to smallholding coconut farmers, namely the reduction in area and coconut production every year. Research needs to be conducted to determine the sustainability status of smallholings’ coconut farmer plantations through the MDS method bin Indragiri Hilir Regency. Data were collected from 45 respondents in each sub-district, namely Indragiri Hilir Regency, namely Enok, Keritang, Mandah, and Pulau Burung Districts, and analyzed with the Multidimensional Scalling (MDS) method covering economic, environmental and socio-cultural dimensions. Primary data were obtained from direct interviews with farmer respondents and several experts who concentrated on the coconut which were selected purposively, secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, Agriculture and Plantation Service, and other kinds of literature that support this research. The results of the o...
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan
Pemerintah telah menargetkan swasembada bawang putih di tahun 2021 guna memenuhi permintaan bawan... more Pemerintah telah menargetkan swasembada bawang putih di tahun 2021 guna memenuhi permintaan bawang putih nasional. Namun demikian, sebagian besar kebutuhan bawang putih Indonesia masih dipenuhi dengan mengimpor bawang putih dari negara produsen bawang putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh kebijakan dan faktor penentu impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Cina sebagai negara eksportir bawang putih terbesar di Indonesia dan dunia. Penelitian ini menganalisis data time series tahunan dari tahun 1996 sampai 2019 menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan penghapusan tarif memengaruhi volume impor bawang putih dari Cina secara signifikan. Harga bawang putih impor, populasi Indonesia, dan harga bawang merah domestik juga memengaruhi volume impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Cina secara signifikan. Sedangkan kebijakan RIPH dan nilai tukar riil tidak memengaruhi impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Ci...
Jurnal Manajemen dan Agribisnis, 2021
The rise of e-commerce provides consumers more opportunities to purchase agricultural and food pr... more The rise of e-commerce provides consumers more opportunities to purchase agricultural and food products including frozen food. This study aims is to examine the effects of different factors on consumers' intention and decision on purchasing frozen food through e-commerce based on theory of planned behavior (TPB) and technology acceptance model (TAM). This study used the primary data from online survey of 200 respondents in Greater Jakarta who purchased frozen food through e-commerce. Data were analyzed using partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use e-commerce have a positive influence on attitudes. Then attitudes, subjective norms, and behavior control had a significant positive effect on purchase intention. The results also confirmed that consumers' purchasing decisions on frozen food affecting by their purchase intention.
Indonesia and Malaysia are the major exporters of palm oil in South East Asia. South East Asia Re... more Indonesia and Malaysia are the major exporters of palm oil in South East Asia. South East Asia Regional Trade Agreement can affect worldwide trade flow of palm oil. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of the Regional Trade Agreement on the trade flows of Indonesian and Malaysian palm oil. The effect is analyzed with gravity model. The result shows positive dynamic effect of Free Trade Agreement to palm oil trade flow. Regional Trade Agreement has higher impact to Malaysia than Indonesia due to dissimilar government policies.
There has been a significant development in food and other agricultural commodity prices over the... more There has been a significant development in food and other agricultural commodity prices over the past few years. Price movement seems to follow a typical pattern (Bobenrieth et al., 2012; Brummer et al., 2013; Huchet-bourdon, 2011; Prakash, 2011) such that the price increases with accelerating pace in one year followed by a sharp drop in the following year. Although in the recent decades, volatility has generally been lower but the variability has been high, with the important exception of rice (Gilbert and Morgan, 2010). This implies higher risks for both consumers and producers. To a commodity that holds strategic value such as rice in Indonesia, unpredictable shocks in price is highly undesirable. Indonesia has more than 32 million people who were still living on less than US$2 per day. This study aims to understand the volatility trend of rice price in Indonesia, by exploring some possible drivers and test the significant impact of those drivers to overall volatility measuremen...
Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga dan Konsumen, 2016
Masuknya buah apel impor ke pasar dalam negeri membuat konsumen buah apel memiliki beberapa perti... more Masuknya buah apel impor ke pasar dalam negeri membuat konsumen buah apel memiliki beberapa pertimbangan sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli buah apel. Peningkatan kebutuhan konsumen akan buah apel dan penerapan kebijakan baru tentang ketentuan impor dan pengembangan produk hortikultura mengakibatkan pentingnya penelitian terhadap perilaku konsumen terhadap buah apel. Daerah lokasi dalam penelitian ini ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive) yaitu di Kota Surabaya dan Kota Malang. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, model fishbein, dan analisis konjoin dengan responden berjumlah 200 yang berasal dari dua kota terpilih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap konsumen terhadap buah apel lokal dibandingkan apel impor, apel lokal mempunya keunggulan pada atribut tekstur daging buah. Sementara itu, bila dibandingkan dengan buah apel lokal, sikap konsumen terhadap buah apel impor lebih positif pada atribut harga, rasa, ukuran, warna, kondisi kulit dan promosi. Preferensi konsumen mengarah pada rasa asam, ukuran sedang, warna hijau kekuningan, tekstur daging renyah, kulit bersih tanpa bercak, dan berada di selang harga Rp26.001,0-Rp34.000,0/kg. Responden memilih harga sebagai atribut yang paling diutamakan ketika melakukan pembelian buah. Kata kunci: analisis konjoin, buah apel, model fishbein, sikap konsumen, preferensi konsumen
Jurnal AGRISEP: Kajian Masalah Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis
Food industry contributes a high good of labor absorption dominates in the manufacturing sector o... more Food industry contributes a high good of labor absorption dominates in the manufacturing sector or the contribution to the total national GDP. The industry is in fact in domination by the perpetrators of Micro small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The objectives of this research is to know the impact of partnerships and other variables against the profit of micro and small enterprises of the food industry. Multiple regression method is used to see what variables affect the profit of micro and small enterprises of the food industry entrepreneur. The results showed that dummy variables such as length of business, partnerships, education level, number of labor, the cost, the number of working hours per day, the age of the entrepreneur and the dummy sectors of the food industry influence on the profit of micro and small enterprises in the food industry. The amount of the issued capital property does not affect the profit the venture. The actors who do venture partnership is still very slightly so that the policy to encourage and develop business partnerships between the various patterns of cooperatives, small medium enterprises and large scale effort undertaken is just right and should be noted in order to sustainable.
Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi ... more Kontribusi tenaga kerja pada UMK mencapai 93 persen dari total tenaga kerja yang ada. Kontribusi PDB nasional serta produksi usaha skala UMK juga terus mengalami pertumbuhan. Sementara industri makanan merupakan bagian dari industri pengolahan yang memiliki kontribusi pendapatan nasional paling besar dibanding industri lainnya. Disisi lain UMK yang termasuk ke dalam industri pengolahan juga mencapai lebih dari 90 persen. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur tingkat produktivitas usaha dan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha tersebut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis stochastic frontier. Responden yang digunakan sebanyak 2550 usaha. Hasil yang didapatkan sebagian besar usaha memiliki efisiensi yang tinggi secara teknis. Usaha dengan skala kecil memiliki tingkat efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dibanding usaha pada skala mikro. Untuk faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi efisiensi usaha diataranya adalah tingkat pendidikan, jumlah hari kerja dan jumlah jam kerja, sumber modal dan alokasi pemasaran.
Jurnal Agro Industri Perkebunan
The direction of government policy is to increase plantation white sugar production. The governme... more The direction of government policy is to increase plantation white sugar production. The government through the Ministry of Agriculture has launched fertilizer subsidies to support increased plantation white sugar production. Nevertheless, Indonesia's plantation white sugar production tends to experience a decline from year to year. This condition is not in line with the objectives. This study aims to evaluate the fertilizer subsidy policy in order to achieve the national plantation white sugar self-sufficiency target. The study uses multiple linear regression methods with time series data. The results of the analysis show that the application of the subsidized fertilizer policy does not significantly affect the production of plantation white sugar from sugar cane farmers. The area of sugarcane plantation is a factor that significantly influences the production of Indonesian plantation white sugar.
KnE Life Sciences, Nov 26, 2017
The Indonesian beef price movement increasing erratically and tends to be volatile in recent year... more The Indonesian beef price movement increasing erratically and tends to be volatile in recent years. Based on the price monitoring in several production centers, there are beef price fluctuations in the consumer level across time and between provinces. This study tries to present the relationship between the beef price volatility and Indonesia's efforts to ensure food security through self-sufficiency in beef. We consider a series of consumer daily beef price from January 2006 to December 2013, with total T = 2086 observations to understand beef price volatility in Indonesia, and to analyze the impact of beef self-sufficiency program to the beef price volatility in Indonesia. Data was obtained from Ministry of Trade, Government of Indonesia and it was collected through market survey from three different markets in 33 capital provinces in Indonesia. The methodology follows GARCH model to measure the beef price volatility. The GARCH (1.1) model gives information that beef price movements are influenced by the volatility from the previous period and yesterday's variance. The volatility of beef price was driven more by its own variance rather than external shocks. GARCH (1.1) model shows that the beef price volatility will tend to be smaller and persistence in the future. Parameter of the third dummy variable in the variance equation to capture the change policy is statistically significant. It indicates that the beef self-sufficiency program may lower the beef price volatility.
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia, Dec 1, 2018
This study was aimed to analyze the comparison of added value in the supply chain of forest honey... more This study was aimed to analyze the comparison of added value in the supply chain of forest honey at Jaringan Madu Hutan Sumbawa (JMHS) organization. The respondents in this study are 30 honey hunter, 2 group leader, 2 JMHS cooperative and 1 marketing outlet Rumah Madu. The JMHS supply chain mechanism was identified using qualitative methods. This research was carried out using the Hayami method approach (1987). The results from this study were Madu Hutan Lestari cooperatives have the highest added value than other chain actors. While the value added distribution of marketing outlets Rumah Madu has been the highest percentage of added value compared to other chain actors.
Forum Agribisnis, Aug 7, 2019
This study was aimed to analyze the supply chain distribution patterns of forest honey in the Wes... more This study was aimed to analyze the supply chain distribution patterns of forest honey in the West Sumbawa through Sumbawa Forest Honey Network or Jaringan Madu Hutan Sumbawa (JMHS) using descriptive qualitative data. This study uses a supply chain distribution pattern approach based on the product, financial and information flow. In the product flow, honey is harvested by honey hunters in the forest and assembled to a group leader. Then, honey is handed over to JMHS and marketed at Rumah Madu" (Honey House). The forest honey harvest season in Sumbawa is between August-December. Honey hunters can harvest 15-20 liters of honey per hunter in one hunting day. In financial flow, we observed that the pricing of honey is decided by JMHS according to the market price and the harvest season. Honey price from the hunter is ranging from 60,000-75,000 IDR per 660 ml bottle. The purchasing price of honey by JMHS is 65,000-85.000 IDR per 660 ml bottle and after the packaging by JMHS, honey is marketed to the last consumers with a selling price of 110,000 IDR per 500 ml. The information flows in both directions. The group of honey hunters inform to JMHS about the locations of honey as well as the amount of harvested. In the JMHS side, they distribute information of the classification and quality of honey, provide the good harvest training and information on honey price to hunters.
Forum Agribisnis
National rice production Enhancement Programme (P2BN) is one of Indonesia government effort to fu... more National rice production Enhancement Programme (P2BN) is one of Indonesia government effort to fulfill the need of national rice due to high consumption level of rice ( 102 kg. per capita per year ). On 2008 the program was implemented in a field school for integrated plant management (SLPTT). SLPTT was designed to increase farming productivity and its income usahatani and improve the farmers’ welfare. The study aimed to describe the implementation of integrated plant management technology (PTT Technology) and analyzing its effect to the paddy farming productivity and income of 40 paddy farmers (20 PTT farmers and 20 non-PTT farmers that was purposively choosen) in Sukaratu, Gekbrong, Cianjur. The result showed that the PTT technology implementation level in Sukaratu is still low, more than 50% of the farmers were applied only 4 out of 6 components of basic PTT technology and 2 out of 7 components of PTT technology. However, it was proved that the PTT technology improved the product...
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia
This study aimed to analyze the impact of Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SLPTT) on t... more This study aimed to analyze the impact of Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (SLPTT) on technical efficiency soybean participants and non-participants farmers. SLPTT is one of the government programs in an effort to enhancement production and productivity of soybean through the process of learning the application of technology to the management of the use of farm inputs and integrated climate. The method used was the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) with a model of the Cobb-Douglas production function. Location research in Jember Regency, East Java. The results show the factors that influence significantly to the enhancement in soybean production among others, land, seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides liquid. Production factors most responsive to the enhancement in soybean production is the amount of seed used. The average level of technical efficiency of soybean farming both farmers SLPTT or non SLPTT in Jember Regency have technically efficient. However, farmers SLPTT has an average value of technical efficiency is higher than their non SLPTT, respectively worth 0.83 and 0.75. The sources that affect farmers' socioeconomic enhancement of technical efficiency of soybean farming significantly among others, age, planting techniques, the use of VUB, mechanical control, and the number of counseling or SLPTT 2013.