Ayi Sobarna - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Ayi Sobarna
Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools implemented distance learning to stop the spread of the cor... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools implemented distance learning to stop the spread of the corona virus in the school environment. So this study was used to examine more deeply the effect of blended learning on student learning outcomes in the thesis entitled 'The Effect of Blended Learning in the Pandemic Period on the Learning Outcomes of Class V PAI Subjects at SDN 1 Margalaksana Kab. West Bandung'. This study aims to (1) determine the implementation of blended learning in PAI class V subjects at SDN 1 Margalaksana during the pandemic. (2) Knowing the learning outcomes of the fifth grade PAI subjects at SDN 1 Margalaksana. (3) Analyzing the effect of the implementation of blended learning during the pandemic of PAI subjects on the learning outcomes of class V students at SDN 1 Margalaksana (4) Knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors faced in the implementation of blended learning of PAI subjects for class V at SDN 1 Margalaksana. This study uses a quantitative approach. This study was used to examine the effect of blended learning on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SDN 1 Margalaksana by taking the results of the student report cards after being given treatment. This research method uses the correlation method which aims to determine how much influence blended learning has on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students. The results of this study use analysis on the ttest on each dependent variable, namely (1.737>1721) on the Y1 variable, namely the affective learning outcomes of aspects of spiritual attitudes, (1.767>1.721) on Y2, namely the affective learning outcomes of social attitudes, (1,069<1.721) in Y3 is cognitive learning outcomes and (1.739>1.721) on Y4 psychomotor learning outcomes. Thus, this shows that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, which means that there is an effect of blended learning during the pandemic on the learning outcomes of fifth graders at SDN 1 Margalaksana.
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Guru Paud
Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education
Adolescence (the younger generation) is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, where... more Adolescence (the younger generation) is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, where in the world they are being plagued by a very high sense of ego that really needs direction and guidance. Like those in Dusun Cisitu there are still some young people who spend their time doing things that are less useful, such as starting to try drugs and alcohol, fighting with parents, and lack of concern for others. Thus, through the Karang Taruna organization, it is hoped that they will be able to change the religious character, especially for Karang Taruna Dusun Cisitu members so that they are able to serve the community, and can realize the ideals of the nation and state. This study aims to determine the planning, implementation, evaluation, supporting and inhibiting factors of religious character building in members of Karang Taruna Dusun Cisitu Desa Cisitu Kecamatan Cisitu Kabupaten Sumedang in 2022. The method used In this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection technique; interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis technique; data reduction, data presentation, and verification/drawing conclusions. The results showed that the Karang Taruna activities had run optimally and the results obtained were quite satisfactory. This is evidenced by the gradual changes in adolescents. Hoperfully with the existence of Karang Taruna activities, it can change the youth's personality for the better.
Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the use of digital application... more The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the use of digital applications to increase student motivation in Islamic education subjects at Elementary School. This study used an empirical quantitative by using a scientific approach or called a quantitative approach with an experimental method. Several data collection techniques used were pretest-posttest, interview, and study documentation. This quantitative research is presented in the form of descriptive statistics which clearly describe how the differences in the level of student learning motivation in Islamic Studies subjects before and after being given treatment. The results of this study can be seen changes in the level of students' learning motivation at Islamic education subjects, including: (a) the pretest result of experimental class shows that the level of student learning motivation is in the medium category with an average score (mean) of 83.00, then the posttest results showed a change in the level of student motivation to the high category with an average value (mean) of 111.50. (b) the pretest result of control class showed that the level of student learning motivation was in the medium category with an average score (mean) of 84.13, then the posttest results showed an increase in the average score (mean) of 88.63 but the level of student motivation was still in the medium category. (c) the implementation of Islamic education learning by using digital applications was carried out well, each digital application has a different function but related to each other such as WhatsApp as a communication liaison between educators and students and video conference as a distance learning media.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jan 26, 2018
The title of this study is "The educational values contained in the letter Al A'raf verses 26-27 ... more The title of this study is "The educational values contained in the letter Al A'raf verses 26-27 on the dress of piety (libasut takwa) as the identity of the msulimin". The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of the opinion of the mufassirin about the content of the content of Surat Al A'raf verses 26-27. To fulfill the purpose, the researcher uses descriptive method: book survey, literature study, theoretical basis used is the theory of clothing, it is concluded that the clothes of piety are the best clothes. Through data processing, it can be concluded that the piety clothes have the highest degree compared with other clothes, such as physical clothes and jewelry. This can be seen from the opinion of the mufassirin who generally have the same opinion. Based on the results of the analysis then there are some educational values obtained, namely: (1) A Muslim who believes the truth of the Qur'an will lead himself to salvation, happiness, because the Qur'an is a guide and life guide that will lead to salvation in the world and the Hereafter. (2). Grateful behavior towards all the decisions of Allah SWT is one of the characteristics of a believer. Among them are human beings should be grateful for Allah SWT has created clothes for humans, and the best clothes are the clothes of piety. (3). The faith of a man who claims to be a Muslim must be manifested in his enmity against the main enemy of man, namely shaitan.
Prosiding Pendidikan Guru PAUD, Aug 9, 2018
Based on the characteristics of development, children are in a period of rapid development. When ... more Based on the characteristics of development, children are in a period of rapid development. When born a child has a variety of intelligence called multiple intelligence. Most modern parents usually prioritize intellectual development rather than physical development. Physical activity is closely related to movement, while movement is one of the needs of early childhood. The link between body movements with multiple intelligences is quite relevant to kinesthetic intelligence. For this reason, early childhood is important to be given a stimulus to improve kinesthetic intelligence. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the development of kinesthetic intelligence early childhood through learning dance at TK Bianglala Bandung which includes multiple intelligences, basic concept of kinesthetic intelligence, and development of kinesthetic intelligence. The study was conducted using the quasi-experimental method, where there are two homogeneous groups. One experimental group or group B1 will be given extracurricular treatment. While the other one is the control group. Research samples are children at TK Bianglala aged 5-6 years totaling 20 people. The hypothesis tested in this study is H0 : there is no difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning and H1 : there is a difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning. Research results from kinesthetic intelligence abilities experimental group before learning dance shows the average test results of 50. Kinesthetic ability of the experimental group after learning dance shows results average test of 83.1. Significant calculation results between experimental groups after doing post-test shows results average test of 83.1 and control group after post-test shows results average test of 44.1. The initial hypothesis of research is H1 : there is a difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning. While the results of hypothesis testing are H1 : there is a difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning of ages 5-6 at TK Bianglala school year 2017/2018. Can be concluded development of early childhood kinesthetic intelligence through learning dance in preschool learned B can improve children's abilities.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 8, 2018
Student learning activity is one of the important things in the success of the learning process a... more Student learning activity is one of the important things in the success of the learning process and student learning outcomes. Lack of activity and student learning outcomes are caused by many things, one of which is the lack of proper use of learning methods. Therefore, the application of the learning method of group to exchange group (GGE) is expected to be able to answer the problem and increase the activeness and learning outcomes of students. This study aims to be able to find out how much activity and student learning outcomes increase in fiqh subjects using the group to group exchange (GGE) method. This research was conducted in class VII Mts Daarul Hikmah on fiqh subjects which were located in the area of West Bandung Regency using a quantitative approach and quasi-experimental methods. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, tests, and documentation studies. Data analysis using normality test, homogeneity test, and Wilcoxon test with the help of SPSS 22 application. The results showed that the experimental class using the group to exchange group (GGE) method was superior to the level of activity and learning outcomes of the control class which used conventional methods in fiqh subjects. This can be seen from the average value after the implementation of the group to exchange group method for the experimental class to get the average activity of 9.32 and 90.4 for the learning outcomes while the control class using the conventional method gets an average score of 8.36 for keaktifannya and 81.56 for learning outcomes. After analyzing the data through the Wilcoxon test with the help of SPSS version 22, there are significant differences in student learning activity between the experimental classes using the group to exchange (GGE) method with the control class that uses conventional methods and has an impact on improving student learning outcomes.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 9, 2019
Abstract. Developing the character of students through education is efforts to develop human and ... more Abstract. Developing the character of students through education is efforts to develop human and divine values in schools that are carried out continuously. Character education in schools requires collaboration with parents to jointly create a valuable and in line learning environment. That is, the values introduced and internalized in schools are the same as those introduced and internalized at home. One of the junior high schools that applies values to shape the character of children is in the Luqmanul Hakim Bandung school. But, the problem is how the implementation of the five values applied in student character education in SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim Bandung. The method used in this study is descriptive analytical method with a qualitative approach. How to obtain data is done using interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. Based on the research, the following conclusions are obtained, namely: 1) The concept of the five values in this school is based on Luqman's letter. From the start of education about the value of monotheism, the value of worship, the value of devotion to parents, the value of etiquette, the value of goals and life skills. 2) The five values applied at SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim are packaged with a variety of programs implemented until the values of character education are achieved for students. 3) Evaluation of the application of five values to the character of students in SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim is done through analysis of satisfaction with students and parents. 4) The supporting factors in the application include, support from the parents, support from HR and financial factors. While the inhibiting factor in the application of these five values is the time of program implementation. Keywords: Application, Value, Character Education Abstrak. Mengembangkan karakter siswa melalui pendidikan adalah upaya untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan ilahi di sekolah yang dilakukan secara terus menerus. Pendidikan karakter di sekolah memerlukan kerjasama dengan orang tua untuk bersama-sama menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang bernilai dan sejalan. Artinya, nilai-nilai yang diperkenalkan dan diinternalisasikan di sekolah sama dengan yang diperkenalkan dan diinternalisasikan di rumah. Sekolah SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim Bandung merupakan salah satu sekolah yang berupaya untuk menerapkan karakter pada peserta diri peserta didik melalui pengaplikasian lima nilai. Namun, masalahnya adalah bagaimana penerapan lima nilai yang diterapkan dalam pendidikan karakter siswa di SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Cara memperoleh data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan penelitian, berikut kesimpulan yang didapatkan, yaitu: 1) Konsep lima nilai yang ada di sekolah ini di dasari oleh surat Luqman. Dari mulai pendidikan mengenai nilai tauhid, nilai ibadah, nilai bakti orang tua, nilai adab, nilai tujuan dan keterampilan hidup. 2) Lima nilai yang diterapkan di SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim dikemas dengan berbagai program yang dilaksanakan hingga tercapai nilai pendidikan karakter pada peserta didik. 3) Evaluasi penerapan lima nilai terhadap karakter siswa di SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim ini dilakukan melalui analisis kepuasan terhadap peserta didik maupun kepada orang tua dan 4) Adapun faktor pendukung dalam penerapan diantaranya, dukungan dari pihak orang tua, dukungan dari SDM dan faktor keuangan. Sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam penerapan lima nilai ini adalah waktu pelaksanaan program. Kata Kunci: Penerapan, Nilai, Pendidikan Karakter
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 10, 2017
Islam is a perfect religion that encompasses all aspects of life. As a universal religion, Islam ... more Islam is a perfect religion that encompasses all aspects of life. As a universal religion, Islam contributes to the education of human beings as its central creature, because only humans have a tendency to be educated and able to educate. The good education is education that all its components help achieve the goal of education, which one of the deciding components is educators. The world of education is currently facing challenges related to the decline of the best teacher figure. Ibn Khaldun is one of the thinkers of Muslim sociology who helped carve his work in the field of education, through his thoughts he gave many opinions about humans and its relation to education. The purpose of this study is focused on drawing the implications of the concept on the formulation of educator characteristics in accordance with the ideals of Islam as one component of the success of education as well as the answer to the challenge of the phenomenon of the decline of a good educator figure. The method used in this research is descriptive analytic method by using book survey research technique. The results of this study can be concluded that the characteristics of educators who put forward by Ibn Khaldun are: 1. intelligent in scholarship; 2. Able to social; 3. noble character; 4. Enjoys a healthy life; And 5. Love his work. As for the implication is an educator should have paedagogical skills, social intelligence, noble character and enjoy healthy life behavior.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 14, 2015
Untuk mengatur/mengendalikan/memanajemeni aktivitas pengajaran berdasarkan konsepkonsep dan prins... more Untuk mengatur/mengendalikan/memanajemeni aktivitas pengajaran berdasarkan konsepkonsep dan prinsip-prinsip pengajaran untuk menyukseskan tujuan pengajaraan sehingga tercapai lebih efektif, efisien, dan produktif yang diawali dengan penentuan strategi, dan perencanaan, diakhiri dengan penilaian perlu adanya system pengelolaan pembelajaran yang baik. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: a) Perencanaan pembelajaran b) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran; c) Penilaian pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA PGII 1 Bandung pada tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif karna dapat diperoleh ketajaman dalam menafsirkan data untuk menganalisis data yang akan diteliti dengan sumber data didapat dari tiga sumber: peristiwa, informan, dan dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data; observasi berpartisipasi, wawancara mendalam, angket dan analisa dokumen. Hasil penelitian yaitu: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung yaitu dengan mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa Silabus dan RPP. Penyususnan rencana belajar yang lebih mengutamakan keaktifan siswa dalam proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik, mengalokasikan waktu belajar yang lebih lama dibandingkan kelas reguler, pemanfaatan multimedia teknologi informasi dan komunikasi serta sarana yang memadai untuk memaksimalkan layanan pembelajaran yang lebih unggul dari kelas reguler. Mengutamakan tujuan dari diselenggarakannya program kelas khusus yaitu tercapainya output pendidikan berupa siswa yang unggul melalui proses layanan unggul; 2) Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung menggunakan metode pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang lebih bervariasi dalam rangka menyampaikan materi dengan target mencetak lulusan yang bertaraf unggulan serta keaktifan siswa, dari mulai mengamati, bertanya, berkomentar, berargumen menjadi ciri dari hasil pembelajaran yang efektif; 3)Penilaian pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung yang dilakukan guru sepanjang proses KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) dari aspek sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru melakukannya sesuai dengan yang tercatum di RPP yang dilampirkan. Penilaian yang dilakukan pada kelas khusus dalam pembelajaran PAI, lebih dominan pada aspek kognitif, yaitu melalui pemahaman siswa mengenai materi melalui pretest maupun post test, jawaban argumen siswa ketika berargumen, dan presentasi siswa ketika mengomunikasikan hasil penugasan melalui tayangan berbasis Power Point yang lebih mudah dan praktis dibuat oleh siswa.Saran penelitian; a) Perencanaan Pembelajaran PAI Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung perlu ditingkatkan agar penyelenggaraan Kelas Khusus dapat mencapai tingkat efektif dan efisien; b) Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran PAI Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung dapat ditingkatkan menjadi sekolah bertaraf internasional khususnya program Kelas Khusus; c) Penilaian pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung perlu ditingkatkan lagi agar sesuai dengan tujuan dari Kelas Khusus itu sendiri, yaitu tercapainya output pendidikan berupa siswa yang unggul melalui proses layanan unggul. Prestasi siswa di kelas khusus harus memiliki penilaian yang lebih diunggulkan lagi dari prestasi siswa kelas reguler yang dibuktikan dengan standar kelulusan kelas khusus harus lebih dominan dari standar kelulusan kelas reguler.
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2021
. Allah relates that his upbringing, fatigue, and hardship occurred day and night during thes... more . Allah relates that his upbringing, fatigue, and hardship occurred day and night during these months. Then Allah swt ordered and commanded humans to be grateful for His favors and be grateful to their parents. This study aims to: (1) Classify the opinions of commentators regarding QS Luqman Verse 14, (2) Find the essence of QS Luqman Verse 14, (3) Know the opinions of education experts in shaping the character of gratitude for parents, (4) Knowing the educational implications from QS Luqman verse 14 about doing good to parents towards the formation of the character of gratitude. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with literature study research techniques, research activities are carried out by examining in depth some interpretations and literature books related to the focus of research problems. From this research, several conclusions are obtained, namely: (1) To serve parents is a noble obligation, (2) The real form of Islamic appreciation for the honor and high p...
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Guru Paud, 2022
Educating children through the parenting approach is aimed at the children's success in the futur... more Educating children through the parenting approach is aimed at the children's success in the future, though parents' status and education are influential in educating early childhood. Those determine the children's parenting pattern in independence education. Because children's independence is necessary for them, so they can do things without help. The aims of this study are (1) determining the students' independence level at Nabila Islamic early childhood education; and (2) understanding the relationship between parenting approaches in creating the students' independence early childhood at Nabila Islamic early childhood education. This research uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach. in addition, the researcher uses this method, for the researcher will discuss two interrelated variables to test the current hypothesis. The results of the study are (1) the lowest value of parents' parenting approach is at 8, and the highest value is at 15. The average value is 12.26 and, the standard deviation is 1.65; and (2) in addition, the Independence value shows 30.0% in the high category, 50% in the medium category, and 20.0% in the low category. Looking at the previous value, the researcher hopes this research is able to help parents in understanding the importance of parenting aspects inside of a family. in addition, parents should adjust the parenting applied in their family by adopting appropriate parenting patterns, in order to increase the independence of early childhood and instil noble values in forming children's independence and character.
Abstract. Muhadharah program at Al-basyariah Islamic Boarding School is carried out to fulfill th... more Abstract. Muhadharah program at Al-basyariah Islamic Boarding School is carried out to fulfill the needs of the santri in the form of a forum to develop the potential of the santri and to cultivate the character of Confidence. One school that gives special attention to the formation of a confidence character through a program is Al-Basyariah. Muhadharah program is the form of lectures or public speaking which are expressions of thoughts in the form of words addressed to the people. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. The research method used in this research is expost facto which is correlational, namely looking for relationships between two variables X and Y that use simple statistical methods namely descriptive statistics to find frequencies for the percentage of answers respondents using correlation analysis obtained results, that: There is a strong relationship between the activity of santri in participating in Muhadharah program towards the formation of ...
Isu terorisme dalam dua tahun ini telah menjadi arus utama dan membalikkan orientasi politik duni... more Isu terorisme dalam dua tahun ini telah menjadi arus utama dan membalikkan orientasi politik dunia dari low politics ke high politics. Baik Barat maupun Islam berupaya menghadapi terorisme. Masalahnya, pola penyelesaian yang mewarnai opini yang berkembang di tengah publik, memposisikan Barat dan Islam dalam relasi win-lose (menang-kalah). Padahal, kenyataannya, pola penyelesaian win-lose lebih sering menghasilkan lose-lose (tak ada pihak yang menjadi pemenang), yang berarti semua pihak menemui kehancuran. Adapun masalah yang dikaji, dirumuskan sebagai berikut : 1. Apa itu terorisme; 2. Teori apa yang dapat menjelaskan kemunculan terorisme; 3. Apa itu win-win solution; 4. Syarat apa yang harus dipenuhi untuk menempuhnya; 5. Bagaimana tantangan win-win solution dalam menghadapi isu terorisme; 6. Bagaimana peluang win-win solution dalam menghadapi isu terorisme internasional; 7. Pendekatan apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk menempuh win-win solution dalam menghadapi isu terorisme interna...
Abstrac. Learning dance for early childhood requires a strategy that is right on the target. Ther... more Abstrac. Learning dance for early childhood requires a strategy that is right on the target. Therefore, the principal and educators need maximum effort in determining the strategy as a way to achieve maximum results. To determine the strategy, firstly planning, namely determining the learning material, then implementing the learning process, then the educator evaluates all learning activities. This research is motivated by the concern of researchers that at this time children are very minimal to move freely, children sit more still, while the gross motor development of children aged 4-5 years requires them to be able to run, jump on one leg. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which school principals and PAUD educators in Bandung Wetan District work together in improving gross motor skills in children aged 4-5 years. The method used is interviews, the type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study were gross motor skills in dance act...
Paud Non Formal merupakan satuan pendidikan Pra Sekolah yang dapat berkonstribusi terhadap pening... more Paud Non Formal merupakan satuan pendidikan Pra Sekolah yang dapat berkonstribusi terhadap peningkatan tumbuh kembang anak. Keberhasilan PAUD Non Formal salah satunya di dukung dengan pengelolaan administrasi keuangan yang benar yang sementara ini masih banyak yang belum melakukannya.Untuk itu penting dilakukan peningkatan kemampuan guru atau tenaga administrasi PAUD Non Formal dengan menggunakan Aplikasi berbasis komputer. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk melihat kondisi awal guru PAUD Non Formal di Kecamatan Cimenyan dalam mengelola administrasi keuangan sekolah sebelum dilakukan pelatihan dan kondisi setelah dilakukan pelatihan dengan menggunakan program keuangan MS. Excel Modifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Pre-Experimental Design (nondesigns) . Sampel penelitian ini adalah tenaga administrasi atau guru PAUD yang merangkap tugas menjadi administrasi sekolah yang berjumlah 30 orang da...
Abstract. The background of this research is that there are still many children in group A in Bun... more Abstract. The background of this research is that there are still many children in group A in Bunga Bangsa Kindergarten who do not yet have the character of responsibility. The attitude of children who have not yet developed their character of responsibility is seen when when learning sticks, children do not want to share glue with their friends, there are also those who when they finish learning or playing, the child will leave the equipment so the teacher must clean it up. Besides responsibility for time, many are late coming to school and even late not following the line. When the time line arrives, most children choose to sit lazily rather than follow the line. There are also children who cannot take care of their own belongings because they think they can ask their parents for more items. The purpose of this study was to improve the character of children's responsibility through the traditional game of coconut shell stilts in group A children in TK Bunga Bangsa. The aspects...
Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of time line chart learning ... more Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of time line chart learning media on student learning outcomes in the subjects of fourth grade history of Islamic culture at Bojong Islamic Elementery School. The research method used pre-experimental design type one group pretest postest design. The sampling technique are using non-probability sampling type saturated sampling. It is the sampling technique by taking all members of the population as a sample because the population is relatively small, less than 30 people. This design involves one group by comparing the average value between two groups of samples that are related / paired, the value of pretest learning outcomes as a preliminary test and the posttest learning outcomes as a second test, the test taken after students treated using the time line chart learning media. The research instrument that was being used was a test of learning outcomes in the form of multiple choice. Research shows that (1) Stud...
Abstract. Character education is carried out to shape someone's personality so that they have... more Abstract. Character education is carried out to shape someone's personality so that they have good character, good character, good behavior. Character is the character, character, personality of a person that is formed from the process of a combination of conscience that has been carried since birth with values, morals, norms, which are used as a basis for acting and acting. The purpose of this research is to apply character education to early childhood in their learning activities. Character education that has been carried out in PAUD education institutions so far has mostly used lecture and story learning models. Role playing is one of the learning models that can be used as an implementation of character education. The method used is a classroom action research method that refers to the opinion of Suharsimi Arikunto. Character education is expected to be a priority in learning programs at Early Childhood Education institutions. Role playing is one of the models of learning to...
Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools implemented distance learning to stop the spread of the cor... more Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools implemented distance learning to stop the spread of the corona virus in the school environment. So this study was used to examine more deeply the effect of blended learning on student learning outcomes in the thesis entitled 'The Effect of Blended Learning in the Pandemic Period on the Learning Outcomes of Class V PAI Subjects at SDN 1 Margalaksana Kab. West Bandung'. This study aims to (1) determine the implementation of blended learning in PAI class V subjects at SDN 1 Margalaksana during the pandemic. (2) Knowing the learning outcomes of the fifth grade PAI subjects at SDN 1 Margalaksana. (3) Analyzing the effect of the implementation of blended learning during the pandemic of PAI subjects on the learning outcomes of class V students at SDN 1 Margalaksana (4) Knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors faced in the implementation of blended learning of PAI subjects for class V at SDN 1 Margalaksana. This study uses a quantitative approach. This study was used to examine the effect of blended learning on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SDN 1 Margalaksana by taking the results of the student report cards after being given treatment. This research method uses the correlation method which aims to determine how much influence blended learning has on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students. The results of this study use analysis on the ttest on each dependent variable, namely (1.737>1721) on the Y1 variable, namely the affective learning outcomes of aspects of spiritual attitudes, (1.767>1.721) on Y2, namely the affective learning outcomes of social attitudes, (1,069<1.721) in Y3 is cognitive learning outcomes and (1.739>1.721) on Y4 psychomotor learning outcomes. Thus, this shows that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, which means that there is an effect of blended learning during the pandemic on the learning outcomes of fifth graders at SDN 1 Margalaksana.
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Guru Paud
Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education
Adolescence (the younger generation) is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, where... more Adolescence (the younger generation) is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, where in the world they are being plagued by a very high sense of ego that really needs direction and guidance. Like those in Dusun Cisitu there are still some young people who spend their time doing things that are less useful, such as starting to try drugs and alcohol, fighting with parents, and lack of concern for others. Thus, through the Karang Taruna organization, it is hoped that they will be able to change the religious character, especially for Karang Taruna Dusun Cisitu members so that they are able to serve the community, and can realize the ideals of the nation and state. This study aims to determine the planning, implementation, evaluation, supporting and inhibiting factors of religious character building in members of Karang Taruna Dusun Cisitu Desa Cisitu Kecamatan Cisitu Kabupaten Sumedang in 2022. The method used In this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection technique; interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis technique; data reduction, data presentation, and verification/drawing conclusions. The results showed that the Karang Taruna activities had run optimally and the results obtained were quite satisfactory. This is evidenced by the gradual changes in adolescents. Hoperfully with the existence of Karang Taruna activities, it can change the youth's personality for the better.
Bandung Conference Series: Islamic Education
The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the use of digital application... more The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the use of digital applications to increase student motivation in Islamic education subjects at Elementary School. This study used an empirical quantitative by using a scientific approach or called a quantitative approach with an experimental method. Several data collection techniques used were pretest-posttest, interview, and study documentation. This quantitative research is presented in the form of descriptive statistics which clearly describe how the differences in the level of student learning motivation in Islamic Studies subjects before and after being given treatment. The results of this study can be seen changes in the level of students' learning motivation at Islamic education subjects, including: (a) the pretest result of experimental class shows that the level of student learning motivation is in the medium category with an average score (mean) of 83.00, then the posttest results showed a change in the level of student motivation to the high category with an average value (mean) of 111.50. (b) the pretest result of control class showed that the level of student learning motivation was in the medium category with an average score (mean) of 84.13, then the posttest results showed an increase in the average score (mean) of 88.63 but the level of student motivation was still in the medium category. (c) the implementation of Islamic education learning by using digital applications was carried out well, each digital application has a different function but related to each other such as WhatsApp as a communication liaison between educators and students and video conference as a distance learning media.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jan 26, 2018
The title of this study is "The educational values contained in the letter Al A'raf verses 26-27 ... more The title of this study is "The educational values contained in the letter Al A'raf verses 26-27 on the dress of piety (libasut takwa) as the identity of the msulimin". The purpose of this study is to obtain a description of the opinion of the mufassirin about the content of the content of Surat Al A'raf verses 26-27. To fulfill the purpose, the researcher uses descriptive method: book survey, literature study, theoretical basis used is the theory of clothing, it is concluded that the clothes of piety are the best clothes. Through data processing, it can be concluded that the piety clothes have the highest degree compared with other clothes, such as physical clothes and jewelry. This can be seen from the opinion of the mufassirin who generally have the same opinion. Based on the results of the analysis then there are some educational values obtained, namely: (1) A Muslim who believes the truth of the Qur'an will lead himself to salvation, happiness, because the Qur'an is a guide and life guide that will lead to salvation in the world and the Hereafter. (2). Grateful behavior towards all the decisions of Allah SWT is one of the characteristics of a believer. Among them are human beings should be grateful for Allah SWT has created clothes for humans, and the best clothes are the clothes of piety. (3). The faith of a man who claims to be a Muslim must be manifested in his enmity against the main enemy of man, namely shaitan.
Prosiding Pendidikan Guru PAUD, Aug 9, 2018
Based on the characteristics of development, children are in a period of rapid development. When ... more Based on the characteristics of development, children are in a period of rapid development. When born a child has a variety of intelligence called multiple intelligence. Most modern parents usually prioritize intellectual development rather than physical development. Physical activity is closely related to movement, while movement is one of the needs of early childhood. The link between body movements with multiple intelligences is quite relevant to kinesthetic intelligence. For this reason, early childhood is important to be given a stimulus to improve kinesthetic intelligence. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the development of kinesthetic intelligence early childhood through learning dance at TK Bianglala Bandung which includes multiple intelligences, basic concept of kinesthetic intelligence, and development of kinesthetic intelligence. The study was conducted using the quasi-experimental method, where there are two homogeneous groups. One experimental group or group B1 will be given extracurricular treatment. While the other one is the control group. Research samples are children at TK Bianglala aged 5-6 years totaling 20 people. The hypothesis tested in this study is H0 : there is no difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning and H1 : there is a difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning. Research results from kinesthetic intelligence abilities experimental group before learning dance shows the average test results of 50. Kinesthetic ability of the experimental group after learning dance shows results average test of 83.1. Significant calculation results between experimental groups after doing post-test shows results average test of 83.1 and control group after post-test shows results average test of 44.1. The initial hypothesis of research is H1 : there is a difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning. While the results of hypothesis testing are H1 : there is a difference in kinesthetic intelligence between children who are given dance learning and children who are not given dance learning of ages 5-6 at TK Bianglala school year 2017/2018. Can be concluded development of early childhood kinesthetic intelligence through learning dance in preschool learned B can improve children's abilities.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 8, 2018
Student learning activity is one of the important things in the success of the learning process a... more Student learning activity is one of the important things in the success of the learning process and student learning outcomes. Lack of activity and student learning outcomes are caused by many things, one of which is the lack of proper use of learning methods. Therefore, the application of the learning method of group to exchange group (GGE) is expected to be able to answer the problem and increase the activeness and learning outcomes of students. This study aims to be able to find out how much activity and student learning outcomes increase in fiqh subjects using the group to group exchange (GGE) method. This research was conducted in class VII Mts Daarul Hikmah on fiqh subjects which were located in the area of West Bandung Regency using a quantitative approach and quasi-experimental methods. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, tests, and documentation studies. Data analysis using normality test, homogeneity test, and Wilcoxon test with the help of SPSS 22 application. The results showed that the experimental class using the group to exchange group (GGE) method was superior to the level of activity and learning outcomes of the control class which used conventional methods in fiqh subjects. This can be seen from the average value after the implementation of the group to exchange group method for the experimental class to get the average activity of 9.32 and 90.4 for the learning outcomes while the control class using the conventional method gets an average score of 8.36 for keaktifannya and 81.56 for learning outcomes. After analyzing the data through the Wilcoxon test with the help of SPSS version 22, there are significant differences in student learning activity between the experimental classes using the group to exchange (GGE) method with the control class that uses conventional methods and has an impact on improving student learning outcomes.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 9, 2019
Abstract. Developing the character of students through education is efforts to develop human and ... more Abstract. Developing the character of students through education is efforts to develop human and divine values in schools that are carried out continuously. Character education in schools requires collaboration with parents to jointly create a valuable and in line learning environment. That is, the values introduced and internalized in schools are the same as those introduced and internalized at home. One of the junior high schools that applies values to shape the character of children is in the Luqmanul Hakim Bandung school. But, the problem is how the implementation of the five values applied in student character education in SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim Bandung. The method used in this study is descriptive analytical method with a qualitative approach. How to obtain data is done using interview techniques, observation and documentation studies. Based on the research, the following conclusions are obtained, namely: 1) The concept of the five values in this school is based on Luqman's letter. From the start of education about the value of monotheism, the value of worship, the value of devotion to parents, the value of etiquette, the value of goals and life skills. 2) The five values applied at SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim are packaged with a variety of programs implemented until the values of character education are achieved for students. 3) Evaluation of the application of five values to the character of students in SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim is done through analysis of satisfaction with students and parents. 4) The supporting factors in the application include, support from the parents, support from HR and financial factors. While the inhibiting factor in the application of these five values is the time of program implementation. Keywords: Application, Value, Character Education Abstrak. Mengembangkan karakter siswa melalui pendidikan adalah upaya untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan ilahi di sekolah yang dilakukan secara terus menerus. Pendidikan karakter di sekolah memerlukan kerjasama dengan orang tua untuk bersama-sama menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang bernilai dan sejalan. Artinya, nilai-nilai yang diperkenalkan dan diinternalisasikan di sekolah sama dengan yang diperkenalkan dan diinternalisasikan di rumah. Sekolah SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim Bandung merupakan salah satu sekolah yang berupaya untuk menerapkan karakter pada peserta diri peserta didik melalui pengaplikasian lima nilai. Namun, masalahnya adalah bagaimana penerapan lima nilai yang diterapkan dalam pendidikan karakter siswa di SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Cara memperoleh data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan penelitian, berikut kesimpulan yang didapatkan, yaitu: 1) Konsep lima nilai yang ada di sekolah ini di dasari oleh surat Luqman. Dari mulai pendidikan mengenai nilai tauhid, nilai ibadah, nilai bakti orang tua, nilai adab, nilai tujuan dan keterampilan hidup. 2) Lima nilai yang diterapkan di SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim dikemas dengan berbagai program yang dilaksanakan hingga tercapai nilai pendidikan karakter pada peserta didik. 3) Evaluasi penerapan lima nilai terhadap karakter siswa di SMPIT Luqmanul Hakim ini dilakukan melalui analisis kepuasan terhadap peserta didik maupun kepada orang tua dan 4) Adapun faktor pendukung dalam penerapan diantaranya, dukungan dari pihak orang tua, dukungan dari SDM dan faktor keuangan. Sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam penerapan lima nilai ini adalah waktu pelaksanaan program. Kata Kunci: Penerapan, Nilai, Pendidikan Karakter
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 10, 2017
Islam is a perfect religion that encompasses all aspects of life. As a universal religion, Islam ... more Islam is a perfect religion that encompasses all aspects of life. As a universal religion, Islam contributes to the education of human beings as its central creature, because only humans have a tendency to be educated and able to educate. The good education is education that all its components help achieve the goal of education, which one of the deciding components is educators. The world of education is currently facing challenges related to the decline of the best teacher figure. Ibn Khaldun is one of the thinkers of Muslim sociology who helped carve his work in the field of education, through his thoughts he gave many opinions about humans and its relation to education. The purpose of this study is focused on drawing the implications of the concept on the formulation of educator characteristics in accordance with the ideals of Islam as one component of the success of education as well as the answer to the challenge of the phenomenon of the decline of a good educator figure. The method used in this research is descriptive analytic method by using book survey research technique. The results of this study can be concluded that the characteristics of educators who put forward by Ibn Khaldun are: 1. intelligent in scholarship; 2. Able to social; 3. noble character; 4. Enjoys a healthy life; And 5. Love his work. As for the implication is an educator should have paedagogical skills, social intelligence, noble character and enjoy healthy life behavior.
Prosiding Pendidikan Agama Islam, Aug 14, 2015
Untuk mengatur/mengendalikan/memanajemeni aktivitas pengajaran berdasarkan konsepkonsep dan prins... more Untuk mengatur/mengendalikan/memanajemeni aktivitas pengajaran berdasarkan konsepkonsep dan prinsip-prinsip pengajaran untuk menyukseskan tujuan pengajaraan sehingga tercapai lebih efektif, efisien, dan produktif yang diawali dengan penentuan strategi, dan perencanaan, diakhiri dengan penilaian perlu adanya system pengelolaan pembelajaran yang baik. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: a) Perencanaan pembelajaran b) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran; c) Penilaian pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA PGII 1 Bandung pada tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif karna dapat diperoleh ketajaman dalam menafsirkan data untuk menganalisis data yang akan diteliti dengan sumber data didapat dari tiga sumber: peristiwa, informan, dan dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data; observasi berpartisipasi, wawancara mendalam, angket dan analisa dokumen. Hasil penelitian yaitu: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung yaitu dengan mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa Silabus dan RPP. Penyususnan rencana belajar yang lebih mengutamakan keaktifan siswa dalam proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik, mengalokasikan waktu belajar yang lebih lama dibandingkan kelas reguler, pemanfaatan multimedia teknologi informasi dan komunikasi serta sarana yang memadai untuk memaksimalkan layanan pembelajaran yang lebih unggul dari kelas reguler. Mengutamakan tujuan dari diselenggarakannya program kelas khusus yaitu tercapainya output pendidikan berupa siswa yang unggul melalui proses layanan unggul; 2) Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung menggunakan metode pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang lebih bervariasi dalam rangka menyampaikan materi dengan target mencetak lulusan yang bertaraf unggulan serta keaktifan siswa, dari mulai mengamati, bertanya, berkomentar, berargumen menjadi ciri dari hasil pembelajaran yang efektif; 3)Penilaian pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung yang dilakukan guru sepanjang proses KBM (Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar) dari aspek sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru melakukannya sesuai dengan yang tercatum di RPP yang dilampirkan. Penilaian yang dilakukan pada kelas khusus dalam pembelajaran PAI, lebih dominan pada aspek kognitif, yaitu melalui pemahaman siswa mengenai materi melalui pretest maupun post test, jawaban argumen siswa ketika berargumen, dan presentasi siswa ketika mengomunikasikan hasil penugasan melalui tayangan berbasis Power Point yang lebih mudah dan praktis dibuat oleh siswa.Saran penelitian; a) Perencanaan Pembelajaran PAI Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung perlu ditingkatkan agar penyelenggaraan Kelas Khusus dapat mencapai tingkat efektif dan efisien; b) Pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran PAI Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung dapat ditingkatkan menjadi sekolah bertaraf internasional khususnya program Kelas Khusus; c) Penilaian pembelajaran PAI pada Kelas Khusus di SMA PGII 1 Bandung perlu ditingkatkan lagi agar sesuai dengan tujuan dari Kelas Khusus itu sendiri, yaitu tercapainya output pendidikan berupa siswa yang unggul melalui proses layanan unggul. Prestasi siswa di kelas khusus harus memiliki penilaian yang lebih diunggulkan lagi dari prestasi siswa kelas reguler yang dibuktikan dengan standar kelulusan kelas khusus harus lebih dominan dari standar kelulusan kelas reguler.
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2021
. Allah relates that his upbringing, fatigue, and hardship occurred day and night during thes... more . Allah relates that his upbringing, fatigue, and hardship occurred day and night during these months. Then Allah swt ordered and commanded humans to be grateful for His favors and be grateful to their parents. This study aims to: (1) Classify the opinions of commentators regarding QS Luqman Verse 14, (2) Find the essence of QS Luqman Verse 14, (3) Know the opinions of education experts in shaping the character of gratitude for parents, (4) Knowing the educational implications from QS Luqman verse 14 about doing good to parents towards the formation of the character of gratitude. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with literature study research techniques, research activities are carried out by examining in depth some interpretations and literature books related to the focus of research problems. From this research, several conclusions are obtained, namely: (1) To serve parents is a noble obligation, (2) The real form of Islamic appreciation for the honor and high p...
Jurnal Riset Pendidikan Guru Paud, 2022
Educating children through the parenting approach is aimed at the children's success in the futur... more Educating children through the parenting approach is aimed at the children's success in the future, though parents' status and education are influential in educating early childhood. Those determine the children's parenting pattern in independence education. Because children's independence is necessary for them, so they can do things without help. The aims of this study are (1) determining the students' independence level at Nabila Islamic early childhood education; and (2) understanding the relationship between parenting approaches in creating the students' independence early childhood at Nabila Islamic early childhood education. This research uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach. in addition, the researcher uses this method, for the researcher will discuss two interrelated variables to test the current hypothesis. The results of the study are (1) the lowest value of parents' parenting approach is at 8, and the highest value is at 15. The average value is 12.26 and, the standard deviation is 1.65; and (2) in addition, the Independence value shows 30.0% in the high category, 50% in the medium category, and 20.0% in the low category. Looking at the previous value, the researcher hopes this research is able to help parents in understanding the importance of parenting aspects inside of a family. in addition, parents should adjust the parenting applied in their family by adopting appropriate parenting patterns, in order to increase the independence of early childhood and instil noble values in forming children's independence and character.
Abstract. Muhadharah program at Al-basyariah Islamic Boarding School is carried out to fulfill th... more Abstract. Muhadharah program at Al-basyariah Islamic Boarding School is carried out to fulfill the needs of the santri in the form of a forum to develop the potential of the santri and to cultivate the character of Confidence. One school that gives special attention to the formation of a confidence character through a program is Al-Basyariah. Muhadharah program is the form of lectures or public speaking which are expressions of thoughts in the form of words addressed to the people. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach. The research method used in this research is expost facto which is correlational, namely looking for relationships between two variables X and Y that use simple statistical methods namely descriptive statistics to find frequencies for the percentage of answers respondents using correlation analysis obtained results, that: There is a strong relationship between the activity of santri in participating in Muhadharah program towards the formation of ...
Isu terorisme dalam dua tahun ini telah menjadi arus utama dan membalikkan orientasi politik duni... more Isu terorisme dalam dua tahun ini telah menjadi arus utama dan membalikkan orientasi politik dunia dari low politics ke high politics. Baik Barat maupun Islam berupaya menghadapi terorisme. Masalahnya, pola penyelesaian yang mewarnai opini yang berkembang di tengah publik, memposisikan Barat dan Islam dalam relasi win-lose (menang-kalah). Padahal, kenyataannya, pola penyelesaian win-lose lebih sering menghasilkan lose-lose (tak ada pihak yang menjadi pemenang), yang berarti semua pihak menemui kehancuran. Adapun masalah yang dikaji, dirumuskan sebagai berikut : 1. Apa itu terorisme; 2. Teori apa yang dapat menjelaskan kemunculan terorisme; 3. Apa itu win-win solution; 4. Syarat apa yang harus dipenuhi untuk menempuhnya; 5. Bagaimana tantangan win-win solution dalam menghadapi isu terorisme; 6. Bagaimana peluang win-win solution dalam menghadapi isu terorisme internasional; 7. Pendekatan apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk menempuh win-win solution dalam menghadapi isu terorisme interna...
Abstrac. Learning dance for early childhood requires a strategy that is right on the target. Ther... more Abstrac. Learning dance for early childhood requires a strategy that is right on the target. Therefore, the principal and educators need maximum effort in determining the strategy as a way to achieve maximum results. To determine the strategy, firstly planning, namely determining the learning material, then implementing the learning process, then the educator evaluates all learning activities. This research is motivated by the concern of researchers that at this time children are very minimal to move freely, children sit more still, while the gross motor development of children aged 4-5 years requires them to be able to run, jump on one leg. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which school principals and PAUD educators in Bandung Wetan District work together in improving gross motor skills in children aged 4-5 years. The method used is interviews, the type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study were gross motor skills in dance act...
Paud Non Formal merupakan satuan pendidikan Pra Sekolah yang dapat berkonstribusi terhadap pening... more Paud Non Formal merupakan satuan pendidikan Pra Sekolah yang dapat berkonstribusi terhadap peningkatan tumbuh kembang anak. Keberhasilan PAUD Non Formal salah satunya di dukung dengan pengelolaan administrasi keuangan yang benar yang sementara ini masih banyak yang belum melakukannya.Untuk itu penting dilakukan peningkatan kemampuan guru atau tenaga administrasi PAUD Non Formal dengan menggunakan Aplikasi berbasis komputer. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk melihat kondisi awal guru PAUD Non Formal di Kecamatan Cimenyan dalam mengelola administrasi keuangan sekolah sebelum dilakukan pelatihan dan kondisi setelah dilakukan pelatihan dengan menggunakan program keuangan MS. Excel Modifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Pre-Experimental Design (nondesigns) . Sampel penelitian ini adalah tenaga administrasi atau guru PAUD yang merangkap tugas menjadi administrasi sekolah yang berjumlah 30 orang da...
Abstract. The background of this research is that there are still many children in group A in Bun... more Abstract. The background of this research is that there are still many children in group A in Bunga Bangsa Kindergarten who do not yet have the character of responsibility. The attitude of children who have not yet developed their character of responsibility is seen when when learning sticks, children do not want to share glue with their friends, there are also those who when they finish learning or playing, the child will leave the equipment so the teacher must clean it up. Besides responsibility for time, many are late coming to school and even late not following the line. When the time line arrives, most children choose to sit lazily rather than follow the line. There are also children who cannot take care of their own belongings because they think they can ask their parents for more items. The purpose of this study was to improve the character of children's responsibility through the traditional game of coconut shell stilts in group A children in TK Bunga Bangsa. The aspects...
Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of time line chart learning ... more Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of time line chart learning media on student learning outcomes in the subjects of fourth grade history of Islamic culture at Bojong Islamic Elementery School. The research method used pre-experimental design type one group pretest postest design. The sampling technique are using non-probability sampling type saturated sampling. It is the sampling technique by taking all members of the population as a sample because the population is relatively small, less than 30 people. This design involves one group by comparing the average value between two groups of samples that are related / paired, the value of pretest learning outcomes as a preliminary test and the posttest learning outcomes as a second test, the test taken after students treated using the time line chart learning media. The research instrument that was being used was a test of learning outcomes in the form of multiple choice. Research shows that (1) Stud...
Abstract. Character education is carried out to shape someone's personality so that they have... more Abstract. Character education is carried out to shape someone's personality so that they have good character, good character, good behavior. Character is the character, character, personality of a person that is formed from the process of a combination of conscience that has been carried since birth with values, morals, norms, which are used as a basis for acting and acting. The purpose of this research is to apply character education to early childhood in their learning activities. Character education that has been carried out in PAUD education institutions so far has mostly used lecture and story learning models. Role playing is one of the learning models that can be used as an implementation of character education. The method used is a classroom action research method that refers to the opinion of Suharsimi Arikunto. Character education is expected to be a priority in learning programs at Early Childhood Education institutions. Role playing is one of the models of learning to...