Boris Kashnikov - (original) (raw)
Journal Special Issues by Boris Kashnikov
by Nikos Psarros, Jovan Babić, Purissima Emelda Egbekpalu, anthony U D O K A ezebuiro, Innocent Anthony Uke, Boris Kashnikov, Florian Ladurner, Ioanna K. Lekea, George K. Lekeas, Davit Mosinyan, Jan Narveson, Ashley Roden-Bow, Armen Sargsyan, Dragan Stanar, Mirjana Stefanovski, David Whetham, and Conatus Philosophy
Conatus - Journal of Philosophy, 2023
Papers by Boris Kashnikov
Brill | Nijhoff eBooks, Apr 8, 2022
The article traces the evolution and key characteristics of the German Sonderweg-Germany's specia... more The article traces the evolution and key characteristics of the German Sonderweg-Germany's special path starting from the end of the 19 th-the middle of the 20 th century. The article considers geopolitical, ideological, and historical reasons for its emergence, transformation, and the specificity of its normative constitution, designed to morally justify the use of military force as an indispensable lever for Germany to achieve its goal of creating a "German Europe." We develop a hypothesis of a possible remake at the beginning of the 21 st century of a new German Sonderweg, focused on creation of the "European Germany," stemming from liberalism and just war theory. It is demonstrated that Zeitenwende, announced in 2022, facilitated the possible resort to arms and made militant solution of political dilemmas a reality again. The discourse analysis of the German political speeches makes it possible to claim that the political elites in Germany are preconcerted with normative justification of the possible war. The article considers two major lines of transformation of the contemporary just war theory and their possible implication in the German military and defense policy. One of these is the emergence of human rights paradigm of the just war doctrine, another-the growing tendency of the theory to stick to national cultural tradition instead of moral universalism. The combination of the two tendencies may trigger an array of very special and unpredictable normative developments of the military policy in Germany. The further movement alongside the idea of jus ad bellum may provoke specific national perceptions of the justice of the war, which may merge the idea of just war with traditional German realism if not militarism. This tendency may lure Germany into a trap of, what we term, "human rights militarism." To what extent the trap is viable depends on the normative constitution of the key elements of Sonderweg.
T.M.C. Asser Press eBooks, 2022
Общественные науки и современность, 2003
id = 593, shortTitle = ONA, editionType = 2, dateBegin = 1976-08-01 00:00:00.0, officeEncoding = Cp1251, officeStatus = 1, loadType = 1, langId = Russian, Apr 30, 2003
В статье анализируется книга Д. Роулза “Теория справедливости”. Утилитарные концепции справедливо... more В статье анализируется книга Д. Роулза “Теория справедливости”. Утилитарные концепции справедливости рассматриваются в соотношении с теорией Роулза. Автор считает концепцию Роулза разновидностью утилитарной теории удовлетворения рационального желания. Он доказывает, что современная либеральная теория тяготеет к аморализму, связанному с тенденцией подмены морали рациональным поведением. Вывод автора: современный западный либерализм тесно связан с утилитаризмом и не способен гарантировать нерушимых прав индивиду, когда это противоречит чьей-то очевидной пользе.
Общественные науки и современность, 1996
Статья посвящена проблемам демократии и ее перспективам в России. Автор ставит вопросы: может ли ... more Статья посвящена проблемам демократии и ее перспективам в России. Автор ставит вопросы: может ли демократия стать судьбой России, и если может, то не будет ли цена чрезмерной? Нужна ли демократия России? Отвечая на них, автор считает демократию инструментальной ценностью, наилучшей государственной формой для воплощения ценностей свободы и равенства. Она предполагает наличие таких необходимых институтов, как разделение властей, выборность должностных лиц, гарантированные права и свободы человека. Автор полагает, что в России есть условия для становления демократии, но для этого необходимо преодолеть немало трудностей.
The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed... more The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed humanitarian goals and self-inflicted constraints. This type of terrorism justifies itself by lofty aspirations and claims that its actions are targeted killings of guilty individuals only. This terrorism is the product of the Enlightenment, it emerged by the end of the 18th century and passed three stages in its development. The first stage is the classical terror of the Jacobins 1793–1794. The second one is Russian revolutionary terror of the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The third stage is the contemporary American warfare waged by the unmanned aerial vehicles, called drones. From the perspective of the contemporary just war theory, this terrorism is not only morally superior to the ordinary primitive terrorism of straightforward attacks on civilians (this terrorism may be no less fair in terms of self-imposed goals, but is doubtful in terms of means), but even contemporary war. Terrorists of this type kill the few but teach a lesson to many. But it must be clearly born in mind that humanitarian terrorism is not only the summit of just war but also the summit of absolute war. It is founded in personal and individual enmity, which makes the core of absolute enmity. Absolute enmity may at times be inevitable and even justified, but it blocks the road to peace. Revengeful spite, stemming from absolute enmity, is capable of creating its own phantoms of justice, propelling the war. The author concludes that the vicious circle is thus completed. The logic of just war drags in the direction humanitarian terrorism, humanitarian terrorism drags in the mire of absolute enmity. Absolute enmity proclaims just war.
Unprecedented in its scope pandemic of coronavirus, which started in 2019 in China and is lasting... more Unprecedented in its scope pandemic of coronavirus, which started in 2019 in China and is lasting up to this day has set before the researchers an array of very serious problems. These problems are triggered by what makes pandemics a catastrophe, but a catastrophe of a special kind. The four horsemen of Apocalypse symbolize these catastrophes, representing irresponsible governing, pandemics, famine and death, following, as history indicates, one after another, although the order may be different. The specificity of the pandemic catastrophe is that it, being promulgated by natural reasons, creates problems, immediately stemming from the specific circumstances of life under the conditions of quarantine and threat to life and health. These circumstances change the live word of the human being and the order of his institutions. At the same time many of the problems, caused by it, are stemming immediately from the characteristic of the pandemics as a crisis of value. The comprehension of...
Ethics in Counter-Terrorism
Military Ethics and Leadership
Notes on Contributors both fundamental and applied (military) ethics. Since 2009 she also holds a... more Notes on Contributors both fundamental and applied (military) ethics. Since 2009 she also holds a chair at the Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management (cicam) of the Radboud University Nijmegen where she focuses on normative and policy dilemmas of multilateral military operations.
Voprosy Filosofii, 2021
The subject matter of this article is the principle of Self-Determination of Peoples of the cont... more The subject matter of this article is the principle of Self-Determination of Peoples of the contemporary international law. The principle is scrutinized both historically through its inner historical transformation and logically, through the analysis of its inner normative logic. The problem related to this principle is that it belongs simultaneously to three realms, those of politics, law and morals, containing different meanings. These meanings often do contradict each other and it happens differently on different stages of the historical transformation. The three major stages of the development of the principle (from the First World War up to the end of the Second; from the end of the Second World war up to the demise of the Soviet Union; and from the demise of the Soviet Union up to now) were continuously the stages of predominantly political, legal and moral. Each of the stages was reflecting the characteristic illusion of its time and was founded on the unique combination of...
Voprosy Filosofii, 2020
Происходящая трансформация войны, о которой много пишут в современной литературе и которая происх... more Происходящая трансформация войны, о которой много пишут в современной литературе и которая происходит на наших глазах, отличается от прежних трансформаций не только своими масштабами, но и своим характероми своей глубиной. Эта трансформация сопоставима лишь с той глубинной трансформацией, которая имела место в начале эпохи модерна и привела к возникновению суверенных государств. В основе современной трансформации лежит процесс формирования глобальной суверенной власти. Главное изменение, которое с этим связано, заключается в том, что меняется моральная составляющая войны. Автор настоящей статьи предпринимает попытку не только определить эту моральную составляющую, но и дать ей этическую оценку. Война, как и всякое моральное действие, может быть оценена посредством таких характеристик, как мотивы, средства, смысл и цели. Взвешенная оценка этих основных параметров современной войны позволяет сделать вывод о ее моральной деградации. Деградация выражается не только в неразумности мотивов, бесчестности средств, отсутствии значительных смыслов, но и в невозможности победы в новой войне, а главное в том, что сама война приобретает абсолютный характер и становится перманентной. Необходимы новые концептуальные формы осмысления моральной составляющей войны, поскольку современная западная теория справедливой войны не может решить эту задачу.
Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2020
The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed... more The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed humanitarian goals and self-inflicted constraints. This type of terrorism justifies itself by lofty aspirations and claims that its actions are targeted killings of guilty individuals only. This terrorism is the product of the Enlightenment, it emerged by the end of the 18th century and passed three stages in its development. The first stage is the classical terror of the Jacobins 1793–1794. The second one is Russian revolutionary terror of the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The third stage is the contemporary American warfare waged by the unmanned aerial vehicles, called drones. From the perspective of the contemporary just war theory, this terrorism is not only morally superior to the ordinary primitive terrorism of straightforward attacks on civilians (this terrorism may be no less fair in terms of self-imposed goals, but is doubtful in terms of means), but even contemporary...
Srpska politička misao, 2016
Brill | Nijhoff eBooks, Apr 8, 2022
The article traces the evolution and key characteristics of the German Sonderweg-Germany's specia... more The article traces the evolution and key characteristics of the German Sonderweg-Germany's special path starting from the end of the 19 th-the middle of the 20 th century. The article considers geopolitical, ideological, and historical reasons for its emergence, transformation, and the specificity of its normative constitution, designed to morally justify the use of military force as an indispensable lever for Germany to achieve its goal of creating a "German Europe." We develop a hypothesis of a possible remake at the beginning of the 21 st century of a new German Sonderweg, focused on creation of the "European Germany," stemming from liberalism and just war theory. It is demonstrated that Zeitenwende, announced in 2022, facilitated the possible resort to arms and made militant solution of political dilemmas a reality again. The discourse analysis of the German political speeches makes it possible to claim that the political elites in Germany are preconcerted with normative justification of the possible war. The article considers two major lines of transformation of the contemporary just war theory and their possible implication in the German military and defense policy. One of these is the emergence of human rights paradigm of the just war doctrine, another-the growing tendency of the theory to stick to national cultural tradition instead of moral universalism. The combination of the two tendencies may trigger an array of very special and unpredictable normative developments of the military policy in Germany. The further movement alongside the idea of jus ad bellum may provoke specific national perceptions of the justice of the war, which may merge the idea of just war with traditional German realism if not militarism. This tendency may lure Germany into a trap of, what we term, "human rights militarism." To what extent the trap is viable depends on the normative constitution of the key elements of Sonderweg.
T.M.C. Asser Press eBooks, 2022
Общественные науки и современность, 2003
id = 593, shortTitle = ONA, editionType = 2, dateBegin = 1976-08-01 00:00:00.0, officeEncoding = Cp1251, officeStatus = 1, loadType = 1, langId = Russian, Apr 30, 2003
В статье анализируется книга Д. Роулза “Теория справедливости”. Утилитарные концепции справедливо... more В статье анализируется книга Д. Роулза “Теория справедливости”. Утилитарные концепции справедливости рассматриваются в соотношении с теорией Роулза. Автор считает концепцию Роулза разновидностью утилитарной теории удовлетворения рационального желания. Он доказывает, что современная либеральная теория тяготеет к аморализму, связанному с тенденцией подмены морали рациональным поведением. Вывод автора: современный западный либерализм тесно связан с утилитаризмом и не способен гарантировать нерушимых прав индивиду, когда это противоречит чьей-то очевидной пользе.
Общественные науки и современность, 1996
Статья посвящена проблемам демократии и ее перспективам в России. Автор ставит вопросы: может ли ... more Статья посвящена проблемам демократии и ее перспективам в России. Автор ставит вопросы: может ли демократия стать судьбой России, и если может, то не будет ли цена чрезмерной? Нужна ли демократия России? Отвечая на них, автор считает демократию инструментальной ценностью, наилучшей государственной формой для воплощения ценностей свободы и равенства. Она предполагает наличие таких необходимых институтов, как разделение властей, выборность должностных лиц, гарантированные права и свободы человека. Автор полагает, что в России есть условия для становления демократии, но для этого необходимо преодолеть немало трудностей.
The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed... more The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed humanitarian goals and self-inflicted constraints. This type of terrorism justifies itself by lofty aspirations and claims that its actions are targeted killings of guilty individuals only. This terrorism is the product of the Enlightenment, it emerged by the end of the 18th century and passed three stages in its development. The first stage is the classical terror of the Jacobins 1793–1794. The second one is Russian revolutionary terror of the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The third stage is the contemporary American warfare waged by the unmanned aerial vehicles, called drones. From the perspective of the contemporary just war theory, this terrorism is not only morally superior to the ordinary primitive terrorism of straightforward attacks on civilians (this terrorism may be no less fair in terms of self-imposed goals, but is doubtful in terms of means), but even contemporary war. Terrorists of this type kill the few but teach a lesson to many. But it must be clearly born in mind that humanitarian terrorism is not only the summit of just war but also the summit of absolute war. It is founded in personal and individual enmity, which makes the core of absolute enmity. Absolute enmity may at times be inevitable and even justified, but it blocks the road to peace. Revengeful spite, stemming from absolute enmity, is capable of creating its own phantoms of justice, propelling the war. The author concludes that the vicious circle is thus completed. The logic of just war drags in the direction humanitarian terrorism, humanitarian terrorism drags in the mire of absolute enmity. Absolute enmity proclaims just war.
Unprecedented in its scope pandemic of coronavirus, which started in 2019 in China and is lasting... more Unprecedented in its scope pandemic of coronavirus, which started in 2019 in China and is lasting up to this day has set before the researchers an array of very serious problems. These problems are triggered by what makes pandemics a catastrophe, but a catastrophe of a special kind. The four horsemen of Apocalypse symbolize these catastrophes, representing irresponsible governing, pandemics, famine and death, following, as history indicates, one after another, although the order may be different. The specificity of the pandemic catastrophe is that it, being promulgated by natural reasons, creates problems, immediately stemming from the specific circumstances of life under the conditions of quarantine and threat to life and health. These circumstances change the live word of the human being and the order of his institutions. At the same time many of the problems, caused by it, are stemming immediately from the characteristic of the pandemics as a crisis of value. The comprehension of...
Ethics in Counter-Terrorism
Military Ethics and Leadership
Notes on Contributors both fundamental and applied (military) ethics. Since 2009 she also holds a... more Notes on Contributors both fundamental and applied (military) ethics. Since 2009 she also holds a chair at the Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management (cicam) of the Radboud University Nijmegen where she focuses on normative and policy dilemmas of multilateral military operations.
Voprosy Filosofii, 2021
The subject matter of this article is the principle of Self-Determination of Peoples of the cont... more The subject matter of this article is the principle of Self-Determination of Peoples of the contemporary international law. The principle is scrutinized both historically through its inner historical transformation and logically, through the analysis of its inner normative logic. The problem related to this principle is that it belongs simultaneously to three realms, those of politics, law and morals, containing different meanings. These meanings often do contradict each other and it happens differently on different stages of the historical transformation. The three major stages of the development of the principle (from the First World War up to the end of the Second; from the end of the Second World war up to the demise of the Soviet Union; and from the demise of the Soviet Union up to now) were continuously the stages of predominantly political, legal and moral. Each of the stages was reflecting the characteristic illusion of its time and was founded on the unique combination of...
Voprosy Filosofii, 2020
Происходящая трансформация войны, о которой много пишут в современной литературе и которая происх... more Происходящая трансформация войны, о которой много пишут в современной литературе и которая происходит на наших глазах, отличается от прежних трансформаций не только своими масштабами, но и своим характероми своей глубиной. Эта трансформация сопоставима лишь с той глубинной трансформацией, которая имела место в начале эпохи модерна и привела к возникновению суверенных государств. В основе современной трансформации лежит процесс формирования глобальной суверенной власти. Главное изменение, которое с этим связано, заключается в том, что меняется моральная составляющая войны. Автор настоящей статьи предпринимает попытку не только определить эту моральную составляющую, но и дать ей этическую оценку. Война, как и всякое моральное действие, может быть оценена посредством таких характеристик, как мотивы, средства, смысл и цели. Взвешенная оценка этих основных параметров современной войны позволяет сделать вывод о ее моральной деградации. Деградация выражается не только в неразумности мотивов, бесчестности средств, отсутствии значительных смыслов, но и в невозможности победы в новой войне, а главное в том, что сама война приобретает абсолютный характер и становится перманентной. Необходимы новые концептуальные формы осмысления моральной составляющей войны, поскольку современная западная теория справедливой войны не может решить эту задачу.
Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2020
The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed... more The articles reviews the problem of humanitarian terrorism that is a terrorism of self-proclaimed humanitarian goals and self-inflicted constraints. This type of terrorism justifies itself by lofty aspirations and claims that its actions are targeted killings of guilty individuals only. This terrorism is the product of the Enlightenment, it emerged by the end of the 18th century and passed three stages in its development. The first stage is the classical terror of the Jacobins 1793–1794. The second one is Russian revolutionary terror of the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The third stage is the contemporary American warfare waged by the unmanned aerial vehicles, called drones. From the perspective of the contemporary just war theory, this terrorism is not only morally superior to the ordinary primitive terrorism of straightforward attacks on civilians (this terrorism may be no less fair in terms of self-imposed goals, but is doubtful in terms of means), but even contemporary...
Srpska politička misao, 2016
Ethical Thought, 2019
Статья содержит исследование и критику основных положений современной теории справедливой войны. ... more Статья содержит исследование и критику основных положений современной теории справедливой войны. Эти положения имеют культурно специфический характер и не обладают необходимыми признаками универсальности этической теории. Основные тезисы статьи заключаются в следующем: Современная война не может быть войной справедливой, но может быть войной относительно оправданной. Современная теория справедливой войны основана на имплицитном концепте общей справедливости, который по определению предполагает агрессию и вмешательство в дела суверенных государств. Теория справедливой войны представляет собой не самостоятельную нормативную концепцию, но эклектический гибрид пацифизма и милитаризма, со всеми признаками «излишней сущности». Единственное возможное оправдание современной войны может быть связано с необходимой самообороной. Хотя и такая война несправедлива. Ключевые слова: война, теория справедливой войны, Уолцер, справедливость, милитаризм, пацифизм Возрождение теории справедливой войны в конце 60-х годов XX в. в США было связано со стремлением найти объективные моральные критерии оценки правильности и неправильности применения вооруженной силы. Непосредственной побудительной причиной тому были, очевидно, многие несправедливые войны США. Один из основателей теории, Майкл Уолцер 1 , внес заметный 1