Basuki Rachmat - (original) (raw)

Papers by Basuki Rachmat


Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 2022

Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been... more Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been studied in Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine factors related to the quality of handwashing performed by workers in the formal and informal sectors in Indonesia. Methods: The research used secondary data from Indonesia Basic Health Research. The research design was cross-sectional, and a total sample included was 421,404 workers at the productive age of 15-64 years across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The data collected included age, gender, marital status, education, place of residence, occupation, and handwashing practice. The determinants were identified using binary logistic regression. Results and Discussion: Results showed that 1.9% of workers did not wash their hands, and 35.0% only washed their hands with water; most of them worked in the informal sector (77.5%). Regarding the characteristics of workers, age (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 1.14-1.21), gender (OR=1.23; 95% CI: 0.93-0.99), education (OR=2.07; 95% CI: 2.01-2.14), and formal workplace (OR=1.43; 95% CI: 1.40-1.46) were mostly related to the quality of handwashing. Conclusion: The government is expected to formulate a structured policy in educating the workers, especially for male, young (15-24 years), low educated, and informal workers, about good handwashing. This study recommends that the government should use the current research findings to target proper population for the policy implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 with Coconut Water Media: An Alternative Method to Involve Rural Communities in Malaria Control

Universal Journal of Public Health, 2023

Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and erad... more Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and eradication plans. This study aimed to examine a method or system of community involvement in developing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 with coconut media for malaria control in the Central Bangka District. Method: The quasi-experimental research design with qualitative observation method involving 30 participants. Selected participants received training on Bacillus thuringiensis culture in coconut and guidance in assessing the population density of Anopheles larvae in ponds containing mosquito larvae before and after administration of Bacillus thuringiensis. Results: The use of local coconuts as a breeding medium for Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 was able to mobilize the community members to participate voluntarily. Participants were able to easily practice Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 culture using local coconut media and determine the location of ponds with Anopheles larvae and assess the population density of larvae in ponds few days after sowing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14. Conclusion: The intervention proved successful in mobilizing participants in malaria prevention and control in malaria-endemic areas. The intervention consisted of local organizational structure, education, and utilization of local wisdom as well as encompassing problem identification, planning, and evaluation elements. This method can be applied in other archipelagic areas that are still endemic to malaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 with Coconut Water Media: An Alternative Method to Involve Rural Communities in Malaria Control

Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 11(2), pp. 242 - 250, 2023

Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and erad... more Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and eradication plans. This study aimed to examine a method or system of community involvement in developing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 with coconut media for malaria control in the Central Bangka District. Method: The quasi-experimental research design with qualitative observation method involving 30 participants. Selected participants received training on Bacillus thuringiensis culture in coconut and guidance in assessing the population density of Anopheles larvae in ponds containing mosquito larvae before and after administration of Bacillus thuringiensis. Results: The use of local coconuts as a breeding medium for Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 was able to mobilize the community members to participate voluntarily. Participants were able to easily practice Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 culture using local coconut media and determine the location of ponds with Anopheles larvae and assess the population density of larvae in ponds few days after sowing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14. Conclusion: The intervention proved successful in mobilizing participants in malaria prevention and control in malaria-endemic areas. The intervention consisted of local organizational structure, education, and utilization of local wisdom as well as encompassing problem identification, planning, and evaluation elements. This method can be applied in other archipelagic areas that are still endemic to malaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Characteristics and Severity of COVID-19 at COVID-19 Referral Hospital in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

Universal Journal of Public Health, 2023

Introduction: Although many studies were published during the COVID-19 pandemic's early stages, w... more Introduction: Although many studies were published during the COVID-19 pandemic's early stages, we still do not know much about the severity of COVID-19 in terms of clinical evidence about signs and symptoms and specific clinical characteristics. When exposed, even asymptomatic (OTG) patients have a terrible prognosis. This study aimed to examine the connection between clinical features and COVID-19 poverty during the 2020 pandemic at the Covid-19 referral hospital in Bogor City, Indonesia. Methods: The research is cross-sectional. Data extended from the National Institute of Health Research and Development's ongoing research into comorbidities and COVID-19 prevention behavior in Bogor (NIHRD). The respondents in the study were validated by PCR swabs based on reports from the COVID-19 task force in Bogor. Samples were gathered from 148 suitable respondents for analysis. COVID-19 severity, supportive examination results (blood tests, radiography, and ECG), signs and symptoms, and demographic factors were all assessed. In the statistical study, simple and multivariate logistic regressions were used. Results: We found that 50.0% of respondents experienced severe symptoms as a result of COVID-19 exposure; symptomatic respondents 78.4%, blood group O 56.10%, age group 8-59 years 71.0%; male 56.1%; impaired blood glucose profile 18.3%, impaired erythrocyte sedimentation rate profile 14.9%, impaired leukocyte profile 64.9%, impaired lymphocyte profile 54.8%, impaired platelet profile 16.4%, impaired AST (ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE) profile 16.2%, impaired creatinine profile 9.5%, 67.6% of X-ray with GGO/infiltrates. Several risk factors were associated with the severity of COVID-19, including symptom factors (OR 12.59, p-value 0.002, 95% CI=1.46-55.20). ECG examination factor (OR 8.31, p-value 0.002, 95% CI=3.51-107.88) was also associated with severity. Conclusion: Therefore, to avoid the severity of COVID-19, clinical characteristics must be assessed as soon as feasible.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Lead Levels as an Alternative Indicator to Measure Lead Level in Children Body

Universal Journal of Public Health, 2023

Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impac... more Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impact on health, particularly for children living near recycling areas. This study aimed to determine the correlation between blood lead levels (BLL), the gold standard to measure lead levels in human body, and hair head levels (PbH) as an alternative indicator. The study was conducted in 2014 as part of environmental pollution research. The research was focused on informal recycling of lead-acid batteries with cross-sectional design involving children (aged 7 to 13 years) who lived close to lead-acid battery recycling activities in Depok City, Indonesia. Blood lead level was measured using anodic stripping voltammetry method and hair lead level using atomic absorption spectrometry. The measurements resulted in an average BLL of 8.22 µg/dL and PbH of 8.23 µg/g. The correlation between blood level and hair level is strong with coefficient correlation of 0.543 (p<0.05). The linear equation displays a positive pattern (y=1,573x-4,705), suggesting that when BLL increases, PbH increases as well. Hair lead levels can be used as an alternative indicator to measure lead levels in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Lead Levels as an Alternative Indicator to Measure Lead Level in Children Body

Universal Journal of Public Health

Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impac... more Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impact on health, particularly for children living near recycling areas. This study aimed to determine the correlation between blood lead levels (BLL), the gold standard to measure lead levels in human body, and hair head levels (PbH) as an alternative indicator. The study was conducted in 2014 as part of environmental pollution research. The research was focused on informal recycling of lead-acid batteries with cross-sectional design involving children (aged 7 to 13 years) who lived close to lead-acid battery recycling activities in Depok City, Indonesia. Blood lead level was measured using anodic stripping voltammetry method and hair lead level using atomic absorption spectrometry. The measurements resulted in an average BLL of 8.22 µg/dL and PbH of 8.23 µg/g. The correlation between blood level and hair level is strong with coefficient correlation of 0.543 (p&lt;0.05). The linear equation displays a positive pattern (y=1,573x-4,705), suggesting that when BLL increases, PbH increases as well. Hair lead levels can be used as an alternative indicator to measure lead levels in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Difficulty Accessing Drinking Water during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global ... more The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global climate change. The conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic also have an impact on increasing domestic water use. This study aims to assess drinking water access in household during COVID-19 pandemic. This study using data of National Household of Drinking Water Quality Survey. The survey conducted in 2020 of 21,829 household in Indonesia. Many households have increased water consumption, households for hand washing (49.6% HH), personal hygiene (37.2% HH), clean house (29.2% HH), and washing (33.9% HH). There are only 1.6% of HH have difficulty accessing drinking water source, 1.3% in urban area and 2.0% in rural area. The cause is 76.1% because of decreased water flow and 42.1% because of economic problems. Drinking water sources used by household who has difficulty accessing drinking water are piped water (26.8%), refill water (16.8%), and bore hole (13.6%). Only few of household difficult...

Research paper thumbnail of Difficulty Accessing Drinking Water during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023

The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global ... more The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global climate change. The conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic also have an impact on increasing domestic water use. This study aims to assess drinking water access in household during COVID-19 pandemic. This study using data of National Household of Drinking Water Quality Survey. The survey conducted in 2020 of 21,829 household in Indonesia. Many households have increased water consumption, households for hand washing (49.6% HH), personal hygiene (37.2% HH), clean house (29.2% HH), and washing (33.9% HH). There are only 1.6% of HH have difficulty accessing drinking water source, 1.3% in urban area and 2.0% in rural area. The cause is 76.1% because of decreased water flow and 42.1% because of economic problems. Drinking water sources used by household who has difficulty accessing drinking water are piped water (26.8%), refill water (16.8%), and bore hole (13.6%). Only few of household difficult to access drinking water during COVID-19 pandemic, meanwhile there are increasingly of drinking water needs. It is suggested that the municipal government form a public-private partnership (PPP) to invest in immediate and long-term water infrastructure in order to strengthen the resilience of drinking water systems against future pandemics.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Lead Levels as an Alternative Indicator to Measure Lead Level in Children Body

Universal Journal of Public Health , 2023

Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impac... more Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impact on health, particularly for children living near recycling areas. This study aimed to determine the correlation between blood lead levels (BLL), the gold standard to measure lead levels in human body, and hair head levels (PbH) as an alternative indicator. The study was conducted in 2014 as part of environmental pollution research. The research was focused on informal recycling of lead-acid batteries with cross-sectional design involving children (aged 7 to 13 years) who lived close to lead-acid battery recycling activities in Depok City, Indonesia. Blood lead level was measured using anodic stripping voltammetry method and hair lead level using atomic absorption spectrometry. The measurements resulted in an average BLL of 8.22 µg/dL and PbH of 8.23 µg/g. The correlation between blood level and hair level is strong with coefficient correlation of 0.543 (p<0.05). The linear equation displays a positive pattern (y=1,573x-4,705), suggesting that when BLL increases, PbH increases as well. Hair lead levels can be used as an alternative indicator to measure lead levels in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors for Stunting among Children under Five Years in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia

[Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Handwashing in Informal Workers in Indonesia [Kualitas Cuci Tangan pada Pekerja Informal di Indonesia]](


Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been... more Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been studied in Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine factors related to the quality of handwashing performed by workers in the formal and informal sectors in Indonesia. Methods: The research used secondary data from Indonesia Basic Health Research. The research design was cross-sectional, and a total sample included was 421,404 workers at the productive age of 15-64 years across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The data collected included age, gender, marital status, education, place of residence, occupation, and handwashing practice. The determinants were identified using binary logistic regression. Results and Discussion: Results showed that 1.9% of workers did not wash their hands, and 35.0% only washed their hands with water; most of them worked in the informal sector (77.5%). Regarding the characteristics of workers, age (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 1.14–1.21), gender (OR=1.23; 95% CI: 0.93–...

[Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Facilities, Knowledge and Counseling on Handwashing of Elementary School Students in the District of North Bogor [Penilaian Fasilitas, Pengetahuan dan Penyuluhan tentang Cuci Tangan Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Bogor Utara ]](

Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Karakteristik Ibu, Intensitas Pemeriksaan Kehamilan, Dan Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Yang Diterima Dengan Kepatuhan Perencanaan Persalinan Dan Pencegahan Komplikasi DI Indonesia

[Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Handwashing in Informal Workers in Indonesiam [Kualitas Cuci Tangan pada Pekerja Informal di Indonesia]](

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN, 2022

Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been... more Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been studied in Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine factors related to the quality of handwashing performed by workers in the formal and informal sectors in Indonesia. Methods: The research used secondary data from Indonesia Basic Health Research. The research design was cross-sectional, and a total sample included was 421,404 workers at the productive age of 15-64 years across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The data collected included age, gender, marital status, education, place of residence, occupation, and handwashing practice. The determinants were identified using binary logistic regression. Results and Discussion: Results showed that 1.9% of workers did not wash their hands, and 35.0% only washed their hands with water; most of them worked in the informal sector (77.5%). Regarding the characteristics of workers, age (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 1.14–1.21), gender (OR=1.23; 95% CI: 0.93–0.99), education (OR=2.07; 95% CI: 2.01–2.14), and formal workplace (OR=1.43; 95% CI: 1.40-1.46) were mostly related to the quality of handwashing. Conclusion: The government is expected to formulate a structured policy in educating the workers, especially for male, young (15-24 years), low educated, and informal workers, about good handwashing. This study recommends that the government should use the current research findings to target proper population for the policy implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Blood Lead Levels and their Relationship with Lead in Ambien Air in Children in the Area of used Lead-Acid Battery in Depok City, Indonesia

Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 2020

[Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pola Konsumsi Serat Dengan Kontrol Glikemik Pada Diabetes Tipe 2 (T2D) DI Kecamatan Bogor Tengah [Relationship of Fiber Consumption Patterns to Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) in Central Bogor Sub-District]](

Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research), 2020

High fiber consumption is known to reduce the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption which can inc... more High fiber consumption is known to reduce the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption which can increased insulin sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship of fiber consumption with glycemic control among diabetic adults in Central Bogor District. Cross-sectional and Nested research methods in the PTM Risk Factor Cohort Study is used for this research. A sample of 89 people, with inclusion criteria population aged ≥ 25 years and have a history of T2D disease. Samples were grouped into two, T2D controlled (HbA1c <7%) and T2D uncontrolled (HbA1c ≥ 7%). Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire demographic characteristics and patterns of food consumption during the last 1week period. Chi square analysis to determine the relationship of fiber consumption with glycemic control. The results showed that daily consumption of vegetables and fruits of T2D respomden were controlled (152.9 g and 131.69 g) and uncontrolled (116.2 g and 102.40 g) were still...

[Research paper thumbnail of Anemia in Children Due to Airborne Lead Exposure of Used Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Area in Jabodetabek, Indonesia [Anemia pada Anak Akibat Paparan Timbal di Udara di Area Daur Ulang Aki Bekas di Jabodetabek, Indonesia]](

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019

[Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and Determinants of Fatigue among Private High School Students in Bogor Tengah Sub-District, Indonesia, 2016 [Prevalensi dan Determinan Kelelahan Siswa SMA Swasta di Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Indonesia, 2016]](

Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 2019

Background: Student performance determines learning achievement and how students absorb lessons i... more Background: Student performance determines learning achievement and how students absorb lessons in class. One of the factors that cause student performance to decline is physical fatigue, which arises because of the classroom’s physical environment that does not support the teaching and learning process. Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between classroom’s physical environmental conditions and fatigue among high school students. Methods: The study design used was cross-sectional. Data collection included measurements of physical environmental parameters (humidity, temperature, lighting, noise, air flow, ventilation, temperature control, room capacity, room area ratio per person, and school location) and measurements of fatigue among students using the Subjective Self Rating Test in the form of questionnaire. Total sample was 448 students in 10 private high schools, with inclusion criteria: the students are not sick in the last two weeks and 10th and 11...

[Research paper thumbnail of Literature Review: Health Impact of Coal Combustion Emissions in Power Plant on Adult Respiratory Systems [Tinjauan Pustaka: Dampak Kesehatan Emisi Pembakaran Batubara di Pembangkit Listrik pada Sistem Pernapasan Dewasa]](

Introduction: Coal-fired power plants contribute to air pollution emissions of nearly one-third o... more Introduction: Coal-fired power plants contribute to air pollution emissions of nearly one-third of global SO2 , 14 % of NOx , and 5 % of PM2.5. This condition could worsen adults’ respiratory health who live close to power plants; WHO estimates that COPD and LRTI cause around 18% of premature deaths related to outdoor air pollution. This literature review aims to conduct a systematic review of the health impacts of coal-fired power plant emissions on adults’ respiratory systems and explore what risk factors lead to decreased lung status. Also, to answer how risk factors influence decreased lung function in adults’ respiratory system from coal-fired power plants’ emissions. Discussion: This study used a literature study method using an online database to of various research data sources with the same topic. The searching of articles was performed based on the inclusion criteria. From an initial collection of 468 articles, after screening and considering its feasibility, four articles...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Lem Sepatu Dan Gangguan Kesehatan Pekerja Industri Sepatu DI Ciomas, Bogor


The use of glue in shoe manufactures may cause health impacts among workers due to hazardous chem... more The use of glue in shoe manufactures may cause health impacts among workers due to hazardous chemical exposure in glue such as benzene and toluene. The government has issued policies to prevent the workers from occupational illness by reducing the hazardous chemical exposure in the workplace. This study was conducted to find out health impacts due to benzenae and toluene exposure from the use of glue in the workplace of shoe manufactures in Ciomas, Bogor in 2017. Design of the study was cross sectional with variables of benzene and toluene content in indoor workspace, consentration of urinary S-PMA, and perceived health symptoms of workers. Samples of 34 respondents were obtained from 5 selected workshop. Analysis of the data was carried out descriptively. It was found that the content of benzene and toluene in glue are 0.1% and 55% respectively, indoor benzene vapor was below detection limit of the instrument (undetected), and concentration of urinary S-PMA was 0.24 µg/g creatinine...


Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 2022

Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been... more Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been studied in Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine factors related to the quality of handwashing performed by workers in the formal and informal sectors in Indonesia. Methods: The research used secondary data from Indonesia Basic Health Research. The research design was cross-sectional, and a total sample included was 421,404 workers at the productive age of 15-64 years across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The data collected included age, gender, marital status, education, place of residence, occupation, and handwashing practice. The determinants were identified using binary logistic regression. Results and Discussion: Results showed that 1.9% of workers did not wash their hands, and 35.0% only washed their hands with water; most of them worked in the informal sector (77.5%). Regarding the characteristics of workers, age (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 1.14-1.21), gender (OR=1.23; 95% CI: 0.93-0.99), education (OR=2.07; 95% CI: 2.01-2.14), and formal workplace (OR=1.43; 95% CI: 1.40-1.46) were mostly related to the quality of handwashing. Conclusion: The government is expected to formulate a structured policy in educating the workers, especially for male, young (15-24 years), low educated, and informal workers, about good handwashing. This study recommends that the government should use the current research findings to target proper population for the policy implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 with Coconut Water Media: An Alternative Method to Involve Rural Communities in Malaria Control

Universal Journal of Public Health, 2023

Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and erad... more Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and eradication plans. This study aimed to examine a method or system of community involvement in developing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 with coconut media for malaria control in the Central Bangka District. Method: The quasi-experimental research design with qualitative observation method involving 30 participants. Selected participants received training on Bacillus thuringiensis culture in coconut and guidance in assessing the population density of Anopheles larvae in ponds containing mosquito larvae before and after administration of Bacillus thuringiensis. Results: The use of local coconuts as a breeding medium for Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 was able to mobilize the community members to participate voluntarily. Participants were able to easily practice Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 culture using local coconut media and determine the location of ponds with Anopheles larvae and assess the population density of larvae in ponds few days after sowing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14. Conclusion: The intervention proved successful in mobilizing participants in malaria prevention and control in malaria-endemic areas. The intervention consisted of local organizational structure, education, and utilization of local wisdom as well as encompassing problem identification, planning, and evaluation elements. This method can be applied in other archipelagic areas that are still endemic to malaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Bacillus Thuringiensis H-14 with Coconut Water Media: An Alternative Method to Involve Rural Communities in Malaria Control

Universal Journal of Public Health Vol. 11(2), pp. 242 - 250, 2023

Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and erad... more Background: Increased community involvement has become a topic in global malaria control and eradication plans. This study aimed to examine a method or system of community involvement in developing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 with coconut media for malaria control in the Central Bangka District. Method: The quasi-experimental research design with qualitative observation method involving 30 participants. Selected participants received training on Bacillus thuringiensis culture in coconut and guidance in assessing the population density of Anopheles larvae in ponds containing mosquito larvae before and after administration of Bacillus thuringiensis. Results: The use of local coconuts as a breeding medium for Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 was able to mobilize the community members to participate voluntarily. Participants were able to easily practice Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 culture using local coconut media and determine the location of ponds with Anopheles larvae and assess the population density of larvae in ponds few days after sowing Bacillus thuringiensis H-14. Conclusion: The intervention proved successful in mobilizing participants in malaria prevention and control in malaria-endemic areas. The intervention consisted of local organizational structure, education, and utilization of local wisdom as well as encompassing problem identification, planning, and evaluation elements. This method can be applied in other archipelagic areas that are still endemic to malaria.

Research paper thumbnail of Clinical Characteristics and Severity of COVID-19 at COVID-19 Referral Hospital in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

Universal Journal of Public Health, 2023

Introduction: Although many studies were published during the COVID-19 pandemic's early stages, w... more Introduction: Although many studies were published during the COVID-19 pandemic's early stages, we still do not know much about the severity of COVID-19 in terms of clinical evidence about signs and symptoms and specific clinical characteristics. When exposed, even asymptomatic (OTG) patients have a terrible prognosis. This study aimed to examine the connection between clinical features and COVID-19 poverty during the 2020 pandemic at the Covid-19 referral hospital in Bogor City, Indonesia. Methods: The research is cross-sectional. Data extended from the National Institute of Health Research and Development's ongoing research into comorbidities and COVID-19 prevention behavior in Bogor (NIHRD). The respondents in the study were validated by PCR swabs based on reports from the COVID-19 task force in Bogor. Samples were gathered from 148 suitable respondents for analysis. COVID-19 severity, supportive examination results (blood tests, radiography, and ECG), signs and symptoms, and demographic factors were all assessed. In the statistical study, simple and multivariate logistic regressions were used. Results: We found that 50.0% of respondents experienced severe symptoms as a result of COVID-19 exposure; symptomatic respondents 78.4%, blood group O 56.10%, age group 8-59 years 71.0%; male 56.1%; impaired blood glucose profile 18.3%, impaired erythrocyte sedimentation rate profile 14.9%, impaired leukocyte profile 64.9%, impaired lymphocyte profile 54.8%, impaired platelet profile 16.4%, impaired AST (ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE) profile 16.2%, impaired creatinine profile 9.5%, 67.6% of X-ray with GGO/infiltrates. Several risk factors were associated with the severity of COVID-19, including symptom factors (OR 12.59, p-value 0.002, 95% CI=1.46-55.20). ECG examination factor (OR 8.31, p-value 0.002, 95% CI=3.51-107.88) was also associated with severity. Conclusion: Therefore, to avoid the severity of COVID-19, clinical characteristics must be assessed as soon as feasible.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Lead Levels as an Alternative Indicator to Measure Lead Level in Children Body

Universal Journal of Public Health, 2023

Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impac... more Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impact on health, particularly for children living near recycling areas. This study aimed to determine the correlation between blood lead levels (BLL), the gold standard to measure lead levels in human body, and hair head levels (PbH) as an alternative indicator. The study was conducted in 2014 as part of environmental pollution research. The research was focused on informal recycling of lead-acid batteries with cross-sectional design involving children (aged 7 to 13 years) who lived close to lead-acid battery recycling activities in Depok City, Indonesia. Blood lead level was measured using anodic stripping voltammetry method and hair lead level using atomic absorption spectrometry. The measurements resulted in an average BLL of 8.22 µg/dL and PbH of 8.23 µg/g. The correlation between blood level and hair level is strong with coefficient correlation of 0.543 (p<0.05). The linear equation displays a positive pattern (y=1,573x-4,705), suggesting that when BLL increases, PbH increases as well. Hair lead levels can be used as an alternative indicator to measure lead levels in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Lead Levels as an Alternative Indicator to Measure Lead Level in Children Body

Universal Journal of Public Health

Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impac... more Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impact on health, particularly for children living near recycling areas. This study aimed to determine the correlation between blood lead levels (BLL), the gold standard to measure lead levels in human body, and hair head levels (PbH) as an alternative indicator. The study was conducted in 2014 as part of environmental pollution research. The research was focused on informal recycling of lead-acid batteries with cross-sectional design involving children (aged 7 to 13 years) who lived close to lead-acid battery recycling activities in Depok City, Indonesia. Blood lead level was measured using anodic stripping voltammetry method and hair lead level using atomic absorption spectrometry. The measurements resulted in an average BLL of 8.22 µg/dL and PbH of 8.23 µg/g. The correlation between blood level and hair level is strong with coefficient correlation of 0.543 (p&lt;0.05). The linear equation displays a positive pattern (y=1,573x-4,705), suggesting that when BLL increases, PbH increases as well. Hair lead levels can be used as an alternative indicator to measure lead levels in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Difficulty Accessing Drinking Water during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global ... more The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global climate change. The conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic also have an impact on increasing domestic water use. This study aims to assess drinking water access in household during COVID-19 pandemic. This study using data of National Household of Drinking Water Quality Survey. The survey conducted in 2020 of 21,829 household in Indonesia. Many households have increased water consumption, households for hand washing (49.6% HH), personal hygiene (37.2% HH), clean house (29.2% HH), and washing (33.9% HH). There are only 1.6% of HH have difficulty accessing drinking water source, 1.3% in urban area and 2.0% in rural area. The cause is 76.1% because of decreased water flow and 42.1% because of economic problems. Drinking water sources used by household who has difficulty accessing drinking water are piped water (26.8%), refill water (16.8%), and bore hole (13.6%). Only few of household difficult...

Research paper thumbnail of Difficulty Accessing Drinking Water during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2023

The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global ... more The problem of the availability of clean and safe water in Indonesia has increased during global climate change. The conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic also have an impact on increasing domestic water use. This study aims to assess drinking water access in household during COVID-19 pandemic. This study using data of National Household of Drinking Water Quality Survey. The survey conducted in 2020 of 21,829 household in Indonesia. Many households have increased water consumption, households for hand washing (49.6% HH), personal hygiene (37.2% HH), clean house (29.2% HH), and washing (33.9% HH). There are only 1.6% of HH have difficulty accessing drinking water source, 1.3% in urban area and 2.0% in rural area. The cause is 76.1% because of decreased water flow and 42.1% because of economic problems. Drinking water sources used by household who has difficulty accessing drinking water are piped water (26.8%), refill water (16.8%), and bore hole (13.6%). Only few of household difficult to access drinking water during COVID-19 pandemic, meanwhile there are increasingly of drinking water needs. It is suggested that the municipal government form a public-private partnership (PPP) to invest in immediate and long-term water infrastructure in order to strengthen the resilience of drinking water systems against future pandemics.

Research paper thumbnail of Hair Lead Levels as an Alternative Indicator to Measure Lead Level in Children Body

Universal Journal of Public Health , 2023

Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impac... more Informal recycling of lead-acid batteries produces uncontrollable pollution with a negative impact on health, particularly for children living near recycling areas. This study aimed to determine the correlation between blood lead levels (BLL), the gold standard to measure lead levels in human body, and hair head levels (PbH) as an alternative indicator. The study was conducted in 2014 as part of environmental pollution research. The research was focused on informal recycling of lead-acid batteries with cross-sectional design involving children (aged 7 to 13 years) who lived close to lead-acid battery recycling activities in Depok City, Indonesia. Blood lead level was measured using anodic stripping voltammetry method and hair lead level using atomic absorption spectrometry. The measurements resulted in an average BLL of 8.22 µg/dL and PbH of 8.23 µg/g. The correlation between blood level and hair level is strong with coefficient correlation of 0.543 (p<0.05). The linear equation displays a positive pattern (y=1,573x-4,705), suggesting that when BLL increases, PbH increases as well. Hair lead levels can be used as an alternative indicator to measure lead levels in children.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors for Stunting among Children under Five Years in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia

[Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Handwashing in Informal Workers in Indonesia [Kualitas Cuci Tangan pada Pekerja Informal di Indonesia]](


Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been... more Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been studied in Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine factors related to the quality of handwashing performed by workers in the formal and informal sectors in Indonesia. Methods: The research used secondary data from Indonesia Basic Health Research. The research design was cross-sectional, and a total sample included was 421,404 workers at the productive age of 15-64 years across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The data collected included age, gender, marital status, education, place of residence, occupation, and handwashing practice. The determinants were identified using binary logistic regression. Results and Discussion: Results showed that 1.9% of workers did not wash their hands, and 35.0% only washed their hands with water; most of them worked in the informal sector (77.5%). Regarding the characteristics of workers, age (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 1.14–1.21), gender (OR=1.23; 95% CI: 0.93–...

[Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Facilities, Knowledge and Counseling on Handwashing of Elementary School Students in the District of North Bogor [Penilaian Fasilitas, Pengetahuan dan Penyuluhan tentang Cuci Tangan Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Bogor Utara ]](

Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Karakteristik Ibu, Intensitas Pemeriksaan Kehamilan, Dan Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Yang Diterima Dengan Kepatuhan Perencanaan Persalinan Dan Pencegahan Komplikasi DI Indonesia

[Research paper thumbnail of Quality of Handwashing in Informal Workers in Indonesiam [Kualitas Cuci Tangan pada Pekerja Informal di Indonesia]](

Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN, 2022

Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been... more Introduction: Worker behavior of handwashing with soap in the informal sector has rarely not been studied in Indonesia. This study was conducted to determine factors related to the quality of handwashing performed by workers in the formal and informal sectors in Indonesia. Methods: The research used secondary data from Indonesia Basic Health Research. The research design was cross-sectional, and a total sample included was 421,404 workers at the productive age of 15-64 years across 34 provinces in Indonesia. The data collected included age, gender, marital status, education, place of residence, occupation, and handwashing practice. The determinants were identified using binary logistic regression. Results and Discussion: Results showed that 1.9% of workers did not wash their hands, and 35.0% only washed their hands with water; most of them worked in the informal sector (77.5%). Regarding the characteristics of workers, age (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 1.14–1.21), gender (OR=1.23; 95% CI: 0.93–0.99), education (OR=2.07; 95% CI: 2.01–2.14), and formal workplace (OR=1.43; 95% CI: 1.40-1.46) were mostly related to the quality of handwashing. Conclusion: The government is expected to formulate a structured policy in educating the workers, especially for male, young (15-24 years), low educated, and informal workers, about good handwashing. This study recommends that the government should use the current research findings to target proper population for the policy implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Blood Lead Levels and their Relationship with Lead in Ambien Air in Children in the Area of used Lead-Acid Battery in Depok City, Indonesia

Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 2020

[Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pola Konsumsi Serat Dengan Kontrol Glikemik Pada Diabetes Tipe 2 (T2D) DI Kecamatan Bogor Tengah [Relationship of Fiber Consumption Patterns to Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) in Central Bogor Sub-District]](

Penelitian Gizi dan Makanan (The Journal of Nutrition and Food Research), 2020

High fiber consumption is known to reduce the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption which can inc... more High fiber consumption is known to reduce the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption which can increased insulin sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship of fiber consumption with glycemic control among diabetic adults in Central Bogor District. Cross-sectional and Nested research methods in the PTM Risk Factor Cohort Study is used for this research. A sample of 89 people, with inclusion criteria population aged ≥ 25 years and have a history of T2D disease. Samples were grouped into two, T2D controlled (HbA1c <7%) and T2D uncontrolled (HbA1c ≥ 7%). Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire demographic characteristics and patterns of food consumption during the last 1week period. Chi square analysis to determine the relationship of fiber consumption with glycemic control. The results showed that daily consumption of vegetables and fruits of T2D respomden were controlled (152.9 g and 131.69 g) and uncontrolled (116.2 g and 102.40 g) were still...

[Research paper thumbnail of Anemia in Children Due to Airborne Lead Exposure of Used Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Area in Jabodetabek, Indonesia [Anemia pada Anak Akibat Paparan Timbal di Udara di Area Daur Ulang Aki Bekas di Jabodetabek, Indonesia]](

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2019

[Research paper thumbnail of Prevalence and Determinants of Fatigue among Private High School Students in Bogor Tengah Sub-District, Indonesia, 2016 [Prevalensi dan Determinan Kelelahan Siswa SMA Swasta di Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Indonesia, 2016]](

Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 2019

Background: Student performance determines learning achievement and how students absorb lessons i... more Background: Student performance determines learning achievement and how students absorb lessons in class. One of the factors that cause student performance to decline is physical fatigue, which arises because of the classroom’s physical environment that does not support the teaching and learning process. Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between classroom’s physical environmental conditions and fatigue among high school students. Methods: The study design used was cross-sectional. Data collection included measurements of physical environmental parameters (humidity, temperature, lighting, noise, air flow, ventilation, temperature control, room capacity, room area ratio per person, and school location) and measurements of fatigue among students using the Subjective Self Rating Test in the form of questionnaire. Total sample was 448 students in 10 private high schools, with inclusion criteria: the students are not sick in the last two weeks and 10th and 11...

[Research paper thumbnail of Literature Review: Health Impact of Coal Combustion Emissions in Power Plant on Adult Respiratory Systems [Tinjauan Pustaka: Dampak Kesehatan Emisi Pembakaran Batubara di Pembangkit Listrik pada Sistem Pernapasan Dewasa]](

Introduction: Coal-fired power plants contribute to air pollution emissions of nearly one-third o... more Introduction: Coal-fired power plants contribute to air pollution emissions of nearly one-third of global SO2 , 14 % of NOx , and 5 % of PM2.5. This condition could worsen adults’ respiratory health who live close to power plants; WHO estimates that COPD and LRTI cause around 18% of premature deaths related to outdoor air pollution. This literature review aims to conduct a systematic review of the health impacts of coal-fired power plant emissions on adults’ respiratory systems and explore what risk factors lead to decreased lung status. Also, to answer how risk factors influence decreased lung function in adults’ respiratory system from coal-fired power plants’ emissions. Discussion: This study used a literature study method using an online database to of various research data sources with the same topic. The searching of articles was performed based on the inclusion criteria. From an initial collection of 468 articles, after screening and considering its feasibility, four articles...

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Lem Sepatu Dan Gangguan Kesehatan Pekerja Industri Sepatu DI Ciomas, Bogor


The use of glue in shoe manufactures may cause health impacts among workers due to hazardous chem... more The use of glue in shoe manufactures may cause health impacts among workers due to hazardous chemical exposure in glue such as benzene and toluene. The government has issued policies to prevent the workers from occupational illness by reducing the hazardous chemical exposure in the workplace. This study was conducted to find out health impacts due to benzenae and toluene exposure from the use of glue in the workplace of shoe manufactures in Ciomas, Bogor in 2017. Design of the study was cross sectional with variables of benzene and toluene content in indoor workspace, consentration of urinary S-PMA, and perceived health symptoms of workers. Samples of 34 respondents were obtained from 5 selected workshop. Analysis of the data was carried out descriptively. It was found that the content of benzene and toluene in glue are 0.1% and 55% respectively, indoor benzene vapor was below detection limit of the instrument (undetected), and concentration of urinary S-PMA was 0.24 µg/g creatinine...