Christian Díaz de León - (original) (raw)
Papers by Christian Díaz de León
Farmacia Hospitalaria, 2024
Introduction: Digital health or “e-health” is a set of applications based on information and comm... more Introduction: Digital health or “e-health” is a set of applications based on information and communication technologies (ICTs) that can be used to promote self-care and medication adherence in patients with chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to carry out a review of systematic reviews (meta-review) on efficacy studies of e-health interventions to promote adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in people living with
HIV/AIDS. Methodology: A reviewof systematic reviews (“meta-review”) was performed using theMedline-PubMed database on efficacy studies of e-health components to promote adherence to ART, in patientswith HIV/AIDS, proposing a structured search strategy (PICO question). A selection process for systematic reviewswas conducted based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subsequently, the corresponding data were extracted, and the analysis was accomplished in descriptive tables. Results: A total of 29 systematic reviewswere identified, fromwhich 11were selected. These reviews comprised 55 RCTswith different e-health interventions and enrolled a total of 15,311 HIV/AIDS patients. Studies included a total of 66 comparisons (experimental group vs. control group) in indirect adherence measurements based on differentmeasurement techniques (36 statistically significant); 21 comparisons of viral load (VL) measurements (10 statistically significant); and 8 comparisons of CD4+ cell count measurements (3 statistically significant). m-Health was the most studied component followed by the telephone call and e-learning. Conclusion: Evidence was found that supports that some e-health interventions are effective in promoting adherence to ART and improving health outcomes in patients with HIV/AIDS, although it is identified that more studies are needed for more robust evidence.
Revista de la ALAD, 2023
Antecedentes: La atención de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) requiere la participación activa d... more Antecedentes: La atención de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) requiere la participación activa del paciente en su autocuidado. Objetivo: Explorar las experiencias sobre el desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades y conductas de autocuidado en pacientes con DT2 integrantes de un Grupo de Ayuda Mutua (GAM) que reciben atención por un equipo interdisciplinario. Método: Entrevistas semi-estructuradas a un GAM integrado por 15 pacientes con DT2 adscritos a una Clínica de Medicina
Familiar del ISSSTE, en Morelia Michoacán, México. Resultados: Se identifican diversas barreras y facilitadores de carácter individual que se relacionan con la adopción de conductas de autocuidado de los pacientes. Asimismo, se identifica que la operación de programas especializados interdisciplinarios en la atención de pacientes con DT2 juega un papel crucial en este campo. La operación de un GAM otorga valiosos beneficios adicionales para los pacientes. Conclusiones: Es importante vigilar los factores individuales relacionados con el autocuidado de los pacientes con DT2, así como mantener y fortalecer los programas especializados en la atención de estos pacientes en servicios de salud públicos.
Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 2023
Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Spanish version... more Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASA scale) in adolescents. Materials and methods: A questionnaire was created with 24 items of the asa scale together with items that explored the sociodemographic variables as well as health-related behaviors and conditions. The questionnaire was given to 541 Mexican adolescents. Different analysis techniques were performed, including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), determination of internal consistency (coefficients α and ω), and other variables relationship based on group comparisons. The performance of the different factorial structures of the ASA scale was analyzed. Results: We obtained two proposals based on the ASA Scale that can be used in adolescents; one was based on a one-dimensional model (20 items) and the other was based on a three-factor model (14 items). These proposals performed well in the CFA as well as in internal consistency analysis techniques. Furthermore, these proposals presented validity evidence based on the relationship with health-related behaviors and conditions. Conclusion: We provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the two reduced versions of the asa scale that supports its use in adolescents.
Horizonte Sanitario, 2023
El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo realizar una adaptación de la Escala de Motivación Académic... more El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo realizar una adaptación de la Escala de Motivación Académica (EMA) para su uso en la educación profesional en enfermería (EMA-Enf) y evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una adaptación a una versión en español de la EMA para su uso en el contexto de la educación profesional en enfermería. Se desarrolló un cuestionario estructurado y se aplicó a 447
Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, 2021
Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo contribuir en el estudio de la validez de la “Escala de valoración... more Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo contribuir en el estudio de la validez de la “Escala de valoración de la capacidad de autocuidado” (escala ASA) en adultos mayores y analizar su asociación con conductas y condiciones relacionadas con la salud. Se construyó un cuestionario y se aplicó a 165 adultos mayores residentes de Michoacán (México). Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio del modelo unidimensional de la escala, así como un análisis de consistencia interna, así como un análisis de relación con otras variables basado en comparaciones de grupos, explorando el efecto de la eliminación de ítems inversos. La escala reducida tuvo mejor desempeño en general, aunque el modelo unidimensional mantuvo un ajuste limitado en el análisis factorial confirmatorio. La consistencia interna fue satisfactoria en ambas escalas (α= 0,806 y 0,826,
respectivamente), además se identificaron algunas comparaciones de grupo importantes con mediciones antropométricas. En conclusión, se encontraron pruebas que apoyan la validez de la escala ASA en adultos mayores, aunque continúa pendiente generar más evidencia en cuanto a su validez de constructo y criterio.
Biology, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revista de Psicología de la UAEM, 2022
The present work aimed to contribute to the study of the psychometric properties of the Appraisal... more The present work aimed to contribute to the study of the psychometric properties of the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASA Scale) in different demographic groups. A total of 1,156 participants were included in the sample. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed for the one-dimensional model based on the original ASA scale (24 items) and for a modified scale based on the elimination of inverse items (21 items), in addition, an internal consistency analysis (Coefficient ) and a measurement invariance (MI) analysis by sex and age groups for both scales. In the CFA, it was observed that both scales have a good fit for the total number of participants, but not for the particular demographic groups. MI analysis was partially satisfactory by sex, but not by age group. It is concluded that a more detailed analysis of the internal structure of the ASA Scale is necessary so that it robustly meets the criteria in different demographic groups.
Behavioral Psychology, 2021
The objective of this work was to contribute to the study of the validity of the "Appraisal of Se... more The objective of this work was to contribute to the study of the validity of the "Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale" (ASA scale) in older adults and to analyze its association with health-related behaviors and conditions. A questionnaire was constructed and applied to 165 elderly residents of Michoacán, Mexico. A confirmatory factor analysis of the scale's one-dimensional model was carried out, and also an analysis of internal consistency, as well as an analysis of the relationship with other variables based on group comparisons, exploring the effect of the elimination of inverse items. Overall, the reduced scale performed better although the one-dimensional model maintained a limited fit in the confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was satisfactory in both scales (α coefficient= .806 and .826, respectively). In addition, some important group comparisons were identified with anthropometric measurements. In conclusion, tests were found supporting the validity of the ASA scale in older adults, although more evidence is still needed regarding its construct and criterion validity.
Health Communication, 2020
Región y sociedad, 2020
El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de explorar el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la informac... more El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de explorar el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (componentes de eSalud) en servicios de salud públicos de México, así como indagar sobre los facilitadores y barreras para su implementación. Se realizó un estudio de caso en el Instituto de Servicios de Salud del Estado de Aguascalientes utilizando un abordaje mixto de tipo concurrente y de predominancia cualitativa que incluyó observación no participante, entrevistas semiestructuradas y un cuestionario dirigido al personal médico. A través del estudio, se identifican diversas oportunidades de mejora en cuanto al acceso y desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación; también se identifican diversas barreras para su implementación factibles de superarse. En cuanto a las limitaciones del estudio, se reconoce la exploración de perspectivas sólo desde la oferta de servicios. En lo que respecta a la originalidad, destaca la investigación integral de diferentes componentes de eSalud. Se concluye que es necesario fortalecer las políticas de las tecnologías de información y comunicación dirigidas al sector salud con el fin de optimizar su desarrollo e implementación. Palabras clave: tecnologías de la información y comunicación; eSalud; salud digital; sistema de salud; ciencia de la implementación; Aguascalientes.
Acta Universitaria, 2020
ICT in the public sector of the Health System of Mexico: Advances and opportunities
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2020
The objective of this study was to explore a strategy for evaluating an Electronic Medical Record... more The objective of this study was to explore a strategy for evaluating an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system implemented in the public health services of Aguascalientes, Mexico. A questionnaire based on DeLone and McLean's Model of Information Systems Success (MISS) was adapted to Spanish and applied with 62 primary care physicians working in health centers of the Instituto de Servicios de Salud del Estado de Aguascalientes (ISSEA or the State of Aguascalientes Institute for Health Services). Opportunities for improving EMR systems were also explored from the informants' perspectives. Additionally, the relationships between MISS components were analyzed using Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Some MISS components and particular items (service quality and overall satisfaction) presented low averages, reflecting opportunities for improving the development and implementation of EMR, such as the need to continuously update information pertaining to diagnostic and medicine catalogs and develop systems that are interoperable between the second and third levels of care. In conclusion, the present study contributes generating evidence on the use of the MISS to evaluating EMR systems in public health services of Mexico. More evidence should be generated in this field in order to promote the continuous improvement of these information systems.
Plos One, 2020
In this work, we present a diagnostic analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat... more In this work, we present a diagnostic analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the current state of Bioinformatics in Mexico. We conducted semi-struc-tured interviews among researchers and academics with key expertise in this field, identified by bibliometric analyses and qualitative sampling techniques. Additionally, an online survey was conducted reaching a higher number of respondents. Among the relevant findings of our study, the lack of specialized human resources and technological infrastructure stood out, along with deficiencies in the number and quality of academic programs, scarce public investment and a weak relationship between public and private institutions. However, there are great opportunities for developing a national Bioinformatics to support different economic sectors. In our opinion, this work could be useful to favor a comprehensive network among Mexican researchers, in order to lay the foundations of a national strategy towards a well designed public policy.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2019
aims to promote the provision of clinical pharmacy services in private and public hospitals. Howe... more aims to promote the provision of clinical pharmacy services in private and public hospitals. However, there is little scientific documentation about the quality of these services. Objectives: To explore healthcare professionals' perceptions related to the quality of clinical pharmacy services provision. Methods: A case-study based on a qualitative approach was performed at the pharmaceutical services unit at a public hospital located in Mexico City, which operates under the administrative control of the Ministry of Health. Donabedian's conceptual model was adapted to explore health care professionals' perceptions of the quality of clinical pharmacy services provision. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with pharmacists, physicians and nurses and then transcribed and analyzed via discourse analysis and codification techniques, using the software package Atlas. ti. Results: Limitations in pharmaceutical human resources were identified as the main factor affecting coverage and quality in clinical pharmacy services provision. However, the development in pharmacy staff of technical competences and skills for clinical pharmacy service provision were recognized. Significant improvements in the rational use of medicines were associated with clinical pharmacy services provision. Conclusions: The perception analysis performed in this study suggested that it is necessary to increase pharmacy staff in order to improve interprofessional relationships and the quality of clinical pharmacy services provision.
Gaceta Médica de México, 2019
(ICT) to systems for health surveillance, prevention, promotion and care. e-Health components mai... more (ICT) to systems for health surveillance, prevention, promotion and care. e-Health components mainly include supply and resource management systems (appointment schedules, clinical laboratory or pharmacy), electronic medical records, electronic prescription, clinical decision support systems, use of mobile devices, imaging systems, remote care systems, as well as teaching through digital media. Other components that can be regarded as part of e-Health are the massive data storage and analysis systems, artificial learning, as well as "internet of things" systems. In this work, a conceptual framework is proposed in order to analyze the implementation in e-Health components and their effects on the quality of health services provision.
Gaceta Médica de México, 2019
Resumen La salud electrónica (e-Salud) es un concepto amplio que implica la aplicación de las tec... more Resumen La salud electrónica (e-Salud) es un concepto amplio que implica la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y la co-municación en los sistemas de vigilancia, prevención, promoción y atención a la salud. Como componentes de la e-Salud se incluyen principalmente los sistemas de administración de insumos o recursos (agenda de citas, laboratorio clínico o farmacia), el expediente clínico electrónico, la prescripción electrónica, los sistemas de apoyo a la decisión clínica, el uso de dispositivos móviles, los sistemas de imagenología, los sistemas de atención a distancia, así como la enseñanza a través de medios di-gitales. Otros componentes que pueden considerarse parte de la e-Salud son los sistemas de almacenamiento y análisis masivo de datos, el aprendizaje artificial y los sistemas de "internet de las cosas". En este trabajo se propone un marco conceptual para analizar la implementación de componentes de e-Salud y sus efectos en la calidad de la provisión de servi-cios de salud. PALABRAS CLAVE: Ciencia de la Información. Gestión de la calidad. Prestación de atención de salud. Recursos humanos en salud. Abstract Electronic health (e-Health) is a broad concept that involves the application of information and communication technologies to systems for surveillance, prevention, promotion and health care. e-Health components mainly include supply and resource management systems (appointment schedules, clinical laboratory or pharmacy), electronic medical records, electronic prescription , clinical decision support systems, use of mobile devices, imaging systems, remote care systems, as well as teaching through digital media. Other components that can be regarded as part of e-Health are the massive data storage and analysis systems, artificial learning, as well as "internet of things" systems. In this work, a conceptual framework is proposed in order to analyze the implementation of e-Health components and their effects on the quality of health services provision.
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc, 2018
Entreciencias: diálogos en la sociedad del Conocimiento, 2018
Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, 2018
Health Communication, 2020
The Internet has the potential to be a valuable resource for the dissemination of health promotio... more The Internet has the potential to be a valuable resource for the dissemination of health promotion information to the general population, mainly in conditions with well-developed health and digital literacy. Few studies have been undertaken on the adoption of the Internet by the Mexican population and its use to seek health information. The aim of this paper was to identify the factors that determine Internet adoption and its use by the heads of Mexican households for obtaining health information. This study used data taken from a probabilistic and cross-sectional national survey (National Survey on the Availability and Use of Information Technologies in Households, or ENDUTIH), applying an economic approach based on utility maximization theory. We estimated a univariate probit model for Internet adoption and a consecutive bivariate probit model with sample selection for the use of the Internet to seek health information. The software package was used to adjust and estimate the proposed models. The first model (Internet adoption) identified several factors related to digital divides in the country, while the second (Internet use to seek health information) identified various factors influencing online searches for health information, such as the following: being a woman; being an adult; having a higher level of education; having a higher income; having superior digital skills; and, living in an urban area. This study highlights the need to strengthen digital policy in order to improve access to and the adoption and efficient use of the Internet, particularly in terms of improving an individual’s engagement with their own health.
Farmacia Hospitalaria, 2024
Introduction: Digital health or “e-health” is a set of applications based on information and comm... more Introduction: Digital health or “e-health” is a set of applications based on information and communication technologies (ICTs) that can be used to promote self-care and medication adherence in patients with chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to carry out a review of systematic reviews (meta-review) on efficacy studies of e-health interventions to promote adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in people living with
HIV/AIDS. Methodology: A reviewof systematic reviews (“meta-review”) was performed using theMedline-PubMed database on efficacy studies of e-health components to promote adherence to ART, in patientswith HIV/AIDS, proposing a structured search strategy (PICO question). A selection process for systematic reviewswas conducted based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subsequently, the corresponding data were extracted, and the analysis was accomplished in descriptive tables. Results: A total of 29 systematic reviewswere identified, fromwhich 11were selected. These reviews comprised 55 RCTswith different e-health interventions and enrolled a total of 15,311 HIV/AIDS patients. Studies included a total of 66 comparisons (experimental group vs. control group) in indirect adherence measurements based on differentmeasurement techniques (36 statistically significant); 21 comparisons of viral load (VL) measurements (10 statistically significant); and 8 comparisons of CD4+ cell count measurements (3 statistically significant). m-Health was the most studied component followed by the telephone call and e-learning. Conclusion: Evidence was found that supports that some e-health interventions are effective in promoting adherence to ART and improving health outcomes in patients with HIV/AIDS, although it is identified that more studies are needed for more robust evidence.
Revista de la ALAD, 2023
Antecedentes: La atención de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) requiere la participación activa d... more Antecedentes: La atención de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DT2) requiere la participación activa del paciente en su autocuidado. Objetivo: Explorar las experiencias sobre el desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades y conductas de autocuidado en pacientes con DT2 integrantes de un Grupo de Ayuda Mutua (GAM) que reciben atención por un equipo interdisciplinario. Método: Entrevistas semi-estructuradas a un GAM integrado por 15 pacientes con DT2 adscritos a una Clínica de Medicina
Familiar del ISSSTE, en Morelia Michoacán, México. Resultados: Se identifican diversas barreras y facilitadores de carácter individual que se relacionan con la adopción de conductas de autocuidado de los pacientes. Asimismo, se identifica que la operación de programas especializados interdisciplinarios en la atención de pacientes con DT2 juega un papel crucial en este campo. La operación de un GAM otorga valiosos beneficios adicionales para los pacientes. Conclusiones: Es importante vigilar los factores individuales relacionados con el autocuidado de los pacientes con DT2, así como mantener y fortalecer los programas especializados en la atención de estos pacientes en servicios de salud públicos.
Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 2023
Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Spanish version... more Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASA scale) in adolescents. Materials and methods: A questionnaire was created with 24 items of the asa scale together with items that explored the sociodemographic variables as well as health-related behaviors and conditions. The questionnaire was given to 541 Mexican adolescents. Different analysis techniques were performed, including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), determination of internal consistency (coefficients α and ω), and other variables relationship based on group comparisons. The performance of the different factorial structures of the ASA scale was analyzed. Results: We obtained two proposals based on the ASA Scale that can be used in adolescents; one was based on a one-dimensional model (20 items) and the other was based on a three-factor model (14 items). These proposals performed well in the CFA as well as in internal consistency analysis techniques. Furthermore, these proposals presented validity evidence based on the relationship with health-related behaviors and conditions. Conclusion: We provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the two reduced versions of the asa scale that supports its use in adolescents.
Horizonte Sanitario, 2023
El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo realizar una adaptación de la Escala de Motivación Académic... more El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo realizar una adaptación de la Escala de Motivación Académica (EMA) para su uso en la educación profesional en enfermería (EMA-Enf) y evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una adaptación a una versión en español de la EMA para su uso en el contexto de la educación profesional en enfermería. Se desarrolló un cuestionario estructurado y se aplicó a 447
Behavioral Psychology / Psicología Conductual, 2021
Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo contribuir en el estudio de la validez de la “Escala de valoración... more Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo contribuir en el estudio de la validez de la “Escala de valoración de la capacidad de autocuidado” (escala ASA) en adultos mayores y analizar su asociación con conductas y condiciones relacionadas con la salud. Se construyó un cuestionario y se aplicó a 165 adultos mayores residentes de Michoacán (México). Se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio del modelo unidimensional de la escala, así como un análisis de consistencia interna, así como un análisis de relación con otras variables basado en comparaciones de grupos, explorando el efecto de la eliminación de ítems inversos. La escala reducida tuvo mejor desempeño en general, aunque el modelo unidimensional mantuvo un ajuste limitado en el análisis factorial confirmatorio. La consistencia interna fue satisfactoria en ambas escalas (α= 0,806 y 0,826,
respectivamente), además se identificaron algunas comparaciones de grupo importantes con mediciones antropométricas. En conclusión, se encontraron pruebas que apoyan la validez de la escala ASA en adultos mayores, aunque continúa pendiente generar más evidencia en cuanto a su validez de constructo y criterio.
Biology, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revista de Psicología de la UAEM, 2022
The present work aimed to contribute to the study of the psychometric properties of the Appraisal... more The present work aimed to contribute to the study of the psychometric properties of the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASA Scale) in different demographic groups. A total of 1,156 participants were included in the sample. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed for the one-dimensional model based on the original ASA scale (24 items) and for a modified scale based on the elimination of inverse items (21 items), in addition, an internal consistency analysis (Coefficient ) and a measurement invariance (MI) analysis by sex and age groups for both scales. In the CFA, it was observed that both scales have a good fit for the total number of participants, but not for the particular demographic groups. MI analysis was partially satisfactory by sex, but not by age group. It is concluded that a more detailed analysis of the internal structure of the ASA Scale is necessary so that it robustly meets the criteria in different demographic groups.
Behavioral Psychology, 2021
The objective of this work was to contribute to the study of the validity of the "Appraisal of Se... more The objective of this work was to contribute to the study of the validity of the "Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale" (ASA scale) in older adults and to analyze its association with health-related behaviors and conditions. A questionnaire was constructed and applied to 165 elderly residents of Michoacán, Mexico. A confirmatory factor analysis of the scale's one-dimensional model was carried out, and also an analysis of internal consistency, as well as an analysis of the relationship with other variables based on group comparisons, exploring the effect of the elimination of inverse items. Overall, the reduced scale performed better although the one-dimensional model maintained a limited fit in the confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency was satisfactory in both scales (α coefficient= .806 and .826, respectively). In addition, some important group comparisons were identified with anthropometric measurements. In conclusion, tests were found supporting the validity of the ASA scale in older adults, although more evidence is still needed regarding its construct and criterion validity.
Health Communication, 2020
Región y sociedad, 2020
El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de explorar el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la informac... more El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de explorar el desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (componentes de eSalud) en servicios de salud públicos de México, así como indagar sobre los facilitadores y barreras para su implementación. Se realizó un estudio de caso en el Instituto de Servicios de Salud del Estado de Aguascalientes utilizando un abordaje mixto de tipo concurrente y de predominancia cualitativa que incluyó observación no participante, entrevistas semiestructuradas y un cuestionario dirigido al personal médico. A través del estudio, se identifican diversas oportunidades de mejora en cuanto al acceso y desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación; también se identifican diversas barreras para su implementación factibles de superarse. En cuanto a las limitaciones del estudio, se reconoce la exploración de perspectivas sólo desde la oferta de servicios. En lo que respecta a la originalidad, destaca la investigación integral de diferentes componentes de eSalud. Se concluye que es necesario fortalecer las políticas de las tecnologías de información y comunicación dirigidas al sector salud con el fin de optimizar su desarrollo e implementación. Palabras clave: tecnologías de la información y comunicación; eSalud; salud digital; sistema de salud; ciencia de la implementación; Aguascalientes.
Acta Universitaria, 2020
ICT in the public sector of the Health System of Mexico: Advances and opportunities
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2020
The objective of this study was to explore a strategy for evaluating an Electronic Medical Record... more The objective of this study was to explore a strategy for evaluating an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system implemented in the public health services of Aguascalientes, Mexico. A questionnaire based on DeLone and McLean's Model of Information Systems Success (MISS) was adapted to Spanish and applied with 62 primary care physicians working in health centers of the Instituto de Servicios de Salud del Estado de Aguascalientes (ISSEA or the State of Aguascalientes Institute for Health Services). Opportunities for improving EMR systems were also explored from the informants' perspectives. Additionally, the relationships between MISS components were analyzed using Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Some MISS components and particular items (service quality and overall satisfaction) presented low averages, reflecting opportunities for improving the development and implementation of EMR, such as the need to continuously update information pertaining to diagnostic and medicine catalogs and develop systems that are interoperable between the second and third levels of care. In conclusion, the present study contributes generating evidence on the use of the MISS to evaluating EMR systems in public health services of Mexico. More evidence should be generated in this field in order to promote the continuous improvement of these information systems.
Plos One, 2020
In this work, we present a diagnostic analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat... more In this work, we present a diagnostic analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of the current state of Bioinformatics in Mexico. We conducted semi-struc-tured interviews among researchers and academics with key expertise in this field, identified by bibliometric analyses and qualitative sampling techniques. Additionally, an online survey was conducted reaching a higher number of respondents. Among the relevant findings of our study, the lack of specialized human resources and technological infrastructure stood out, along with deficiencies in the number and quality of academic programs, scarce public investment and a weak relationship between public and private institutions. However, there are great opportunities for developing a national Bioinformatics to support different economic sectors. In our opinion, this work could be useful to favor a comprehensive network among Mexican researchers, in order to lay the foundations of a national strategy towards a well designed public policy.
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2019
aims to promote the provision of clinical pharmacy services in private and public hospitals. Howe... more aims to promote the provision of clinical pharmacy services in private and public hospitals. However, there is little scientific documentation about the quality of these services. Objectives: To explore healthcare professionals' perceptions related to the quality of clinical pharmacy services provision. Methods: A case-study based on a qualitative approach was performed at the pharmaceutical services unit at a public hospital located in Mexico City, which operates under the administrative control of the Ministry of Health. Donabedian's conceptual model was adapted to explore health care professionals' perceptions of the quality of clinical pharmacy services provision. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with pharmacists, physicians and nurses and then transcribed and analyzed via discourse analysis and codification techniques, using the software package Atlas. ti. Results: Limitations in pharmaceutical human resources were identified as the main factor affecting coverage and quality in clinical pharmacy services provision. However, the development in pharmacy staff of technical competences and skills for clinical pharmacy service provision were recognized. Significant improvements in the rational use of medicines were associated with clinical pharmacy services provision. Conclusions: The perception analysis performed in this study suggested that it is necessary to increase pharmacy staff in order to improve interprofessional relationships and the quality of clinical pharmacy services provision.
Gaceta Médica de México, 2019
(ICT) to systems for health surveillance, prevention, promotion and care. e-Health components mai... more (ICT) to systems for health surveillance, prevention, promotion and care. e-Health components mainly include supply and resource management systems (appointment schedules, clinical laboratory or pharmacy), electronic medical records, electronic prescription, clinical decision support systems, use of mobile devices, imaging systems, remote care systems, as well as teaching through digital media. Other components that can be regarded as part of e-Health are the massive data storage and analysis systems, artificial learning, as well as "internet of things" systems. In this work, a conceptual framework is proposed in order to analyze the implementation in e-Health components and their effects on the quality of health services provision.
Gaceta Médica de México, 2019
Resumen La salud electrónica (e-Salud) es un concepto amplio que implica la aplicación de las tec... more Resumen La salud electrónica (e-Salud) es un concepto amplio que implica la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y la co-municación en los sistemas de vigilancia, prevención, promoción y atención a la salud. Como componentes de la e-Salud se incluyen principalmente los sistemas de administración de insumos o recursos (agenda de citas, laboratorio clínico o farmacia), el expediente clínico electrónico, la prescripción electrónica, los sistemas de apoyo a la decisión clínica, el uso de dispositivos móviles, los sistemas de imagenología, los sistemas de atención a distancia, así como la enseñanza a través de medios di-gitales. Otros componentes que pueden considerarse parte de la e-Salud son los sistemas de almacenamiento y análisis masivo de datos, el aprendizaje artificial y los sistemas de "internet de las cosas". En este trabajo se propone un marco conceptual para analizar la implementación de componentes de e-Salud y sus efectos en la calidad de la provisión de servi-cios de salud. PALABRAS CLAVE: Ciencia de la Información. Gestión de la calidad. Prestación de atención de salud. Recursos humanos en salud. Abstract Electronic health (e-Health) is a broad concept that involves the application of information and communication technologies to systems for surveillance, prevention, promotion and health care. e-Health components mainly include supply and resource management systems (appointment schedules, clinical laboratory or pharmacy), electronic medical records, electronic prescription , clinical decision support systems, use of mobile devices, imaging systems, remote care systems, as well as teaching through digital media. Other components that can be regarded as part of e-Health are the massive data storage and analysis systems, artificial learning, as well as "internet of things" systems. In this work, a conceptual framework is proposed in order to analyze the implementation of e-Health components and their effects on the quality of health services provision.
Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc, 2018
Entreciencias: diálogos en la sociedad del Conocimiento, 2018
Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, 2018
Health Communication, 2020
The Internet has the potential to be a valuable resource for the dissemination of health promotio... more The Internet has the potential to be a valuable resource for the dissemination of health promotion information to the general population, mainly in conditions with well-developed health and digital literacy. Few studies have been undertaken on the adoption of the Internet by the Mexican population and its use to seek health information. The aim of this paper was to identify the factors that determine Internet adoption and its use by the heads of Mexican households for obtaining health information. This study used data taken from a probabilistic and cross-sectional national survey (National Survey on the Availability and Use of Information Technologies in Households, or ENDUTIH), applying an economic approach based on utility maximization theory. We estimated a univariate probit model for Internet adoption and a consecutive bivariate probit model with sample selection for the use of the Internet to seek health information. The software package was used to adjust and estimate the proposed models. The first model (Internet adoption) identified several factors related to digital divides in the country, while the second (Internet use to seek health information) identified various factors influencing online searches for health information, such as the following: being a woman; being an adult; having a higher level of education; having a higher income; having superior digital skills; and, living in an urban area. This study highlights the need to strengthen digital policy in order to improve access to and the adoption and efficient use of the Internet, particularly in terms of improving an individual’s engagement with their own health.