Melkianus D. S . Randu (original) (raw)

Papers by Melkianus D. S . Randu

Research paper thumbnail of Konsumsi Nutrien Babi Grower Persilangan Landrace Yang Mengkonsumsi Pakan Cair Fermentasi Berbahan Biji Asam


A study aimed at studying the nutrient consumption of Landrace cross pigs consuming fermented liq... more A study aimed at studying the nutrient consumption of Landrace cross pigs consuming fermented liquid feed made from tamarind seeds with different percentages was carried out in August 2022. The study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications: R0 = fermented liquid feed (FLF) containing 0% tamarind seeds (TS), R10 = FLF 10% TS, R20 = FLF 20% TS, and R30 = FLF 30% TS. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Duncan's further test. The research variable are the consumption of dry matter, crude fiber, and crude fat. The results showed that increasing the percentage of tamarind seeds had a significant effect (P<0.05) on dry matter, crude fiber, and crude fat consumption and caused increased dry matter and crude fiber, but decreased crude fat consumption of grower pig. In conclusion, the percentage of using the best tamarind seeds is 30%.

Research paper thumbnail of Kandungan hidrogen cyanida (HCN), bahan kering, bahan organik umbi gadung (Dioscorea hispida dennst) menggunakan nira lontar dengan lama fermentasi yang berbeda

Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science)

Good pig productivity depends on the feed given. however, feed ingredients for pigs generally com... more Good pig productivity depends on the feed given. however, feed ingredients for pigs generally compete with human needs, so the use of alternative feeds for gadung tubers with fermentation technology needs to be done. The aim of the research to examine Hydrogen cyanida (HCN) levels, dry matter( DM), and organic matter (OM) of gadung tubers using lontar sap with different fermentation times has been carried out at the Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic from May - June 2022. The design used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatment and 5 repetitions; P0: gadung tuber (GU) + fermented palm sap (FPS) 0 days, P1: GU + FPS 3 days, P2: GU + FPS 6 days, P3: GU + FPS 9 days, and P4: GU + FPS 12 days. The results showed that the use of 10% PS with different fermentation times affected the HCN, DM, and OM content of gadung tubers. It was concluded that the HCN, DM, and OM content of gadung tubers were affected by fermentation using palm sap at different times and the bes...

Research paper thumbnail of Produktivitas Pastura Alam Pada Musim Hujan DI Kecamatan Nekamese Kabupaten Kupang


The present study aims to evaluate fresh and dry matter production, botanical composition, and ca... more The present study aims to evaluate fresh and dry matter production, botanical composition, and carrying capacity of natural pasture during the rainy season in Oemasi Village,

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Keberlanjutan Pengembangan Kambing Kacang di Kawasan Pantura Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara

Jurnal Peternakan

Kebijakan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara pada masa mendatang membutuhkan i... more Kebijakan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara pada masa mendatang membutuhkan informasi dasar, potensi sumberdaya serta fasilitas pendukung yang diaktualisasikan dalam dimensi dan atribut keberlanjutan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis indeks, status, dan atribut sensitif yang memengaruhi keberlanjutan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara berdasarkan tinjauan dimensi ekologi, ekonomi, sosial budaya, teknologi-infrastruktur dan hukum-kelembagaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) melalui pendekatan Rap-Kagot untuk mengetahui indeks dan status keberlanjutan, sedangkan atribut sensitif yang memengaruhi indeks dan status keberlanjutan serta pengaruh galat menggunakan analisis Leverage dan Monte Carlo. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Responden yang digunakan berjumlah 95 orang peternak kambing kacang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara secara multidimensi memiliki indeks 45,11 dan berada pada status kurang berkelanjutan. Upaya meningkatkan status keberlanjutan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara dapat ditempuh melalui penanganan faktor pakan, stabilitas harga komoditas, pengolahan limbah, pencegahan penyakit, maupun penataan kelembagaan koperasi ternak. Kata kunci : Indeks dan status keberlanjutan, insana utara, kambing kacang, multidimensi ABSTRACT. The future policy of developing kacang goats in the North Insana District requires basic information, resource potential, and supporting facilities that are actualized in the dimensions and attributes of sustainability. The research aims to analyze sensitive indices, statuses and attributes that affect the sustainability of kacang goat development in the North Insana Subdistrict based on a review of ecological, economic, socio-cultural, technological infrastructure, and legal-institutional dimensions. The research method used is Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) through the Rap-Kagot approach to determine the index and sustainability status. In contrast, sensitive attributes that affect the index and sustainability status and the influence of errors use Leverage and Monte Carlo analysis. The data used in the study includes primary data and secondary data. The respondents amounted to 95 kacang goat farmers. The results showed that the development of kacang goats in the North Insana Subdistrict multidimensionally has an index of 45.11 and is at a less sustainable status. Efforts to improve the sustainability status of kacang goat development in the North Insana District can be achieved through handling feed factors, commodity price stability, waste treatment, disease prevention, and institutional arrangement of livestock cooperatives.

Research paper thumbnail of Sumbangan Usaha Ternak Kambing Dan Usaha Tanaman Kakao Terhadap Pendapatan Petani DI Kabupaten Manggarai Timur

The Partner, Jul 1, 2009

The aim of this research was to know levels of farmers income contributed by goat management and ... more The aim of this research was to know levels of farmers income contributed by goat management and cacao crop production; and also factors effecting farmers income from goat management and cacao crop production. Survey method was applied in this research. The data were processed and analysed statistically and economically. The results indicate that 1) total income of a respondent in East Manggarai District through goat management and cacao crop in 2008 was Rp.3,915,796.-in which Rp. 992,753.-(25.35 %) contributed by the first and Rp. 2,923,043.-(74.65 %) by the latter; 2) factors effecting farmers income from goat management were number of livestock sold, and number of livestock slaughtered (R 2 = 0,885); 3) factors effecting farmers income from cacao crop production were area of cacao crop production, and number of production of cacao crop (R 2 = 0,953).

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pembakaran Dengan Padang Penggembalaan Dan Aktivitas Pertanian Di Nusa Tenggara Timur

The Partner, Jan 5, 2010

Burning Connection With Pasturing Field And Agriculture Activity At East Nusa Tenggara. Land use ... more Burning Connection With Pasturing Field And Agriculture Activity At East Nusa Tenggara. Land use for agriculture in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is still using traditional pattern which was characterized by the very simple application of technology. To open new land, farmers are practising slash and burn system before sowing. Burning concept, involving the use of fire burning, is one concept among other concepts namely cultivation pattern, animal husbandry and others. These concepts are part of agriculture system for community in NTT. Community, with their own reasons and experiences besides physical and geographical environment, are using fire as an important component for their living agriculture. Controlled burning in the appropriate season is an effective way to improve pasture land. For example, burning at the end of the dry season can eradicate the old, dry and low nutritional value plants allowing young grass to grow at the beginning of the rainy season. From the socioeconomic point of view, burning or fire technology is a relatively simple technology used by unskilled poor farmers. An arising issue is how to inform the farmers with burning technology to use fire in an efficient and effective way.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Tanaman Herbal Untuk Mencegah Penyakit Ayam Broiler DI Kelompok Peternak Desa Noelbaki

Penanganan penyakit hewan menggunakan obat sintetik dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menimbulka... more Penanganan penyakit hewan menggunakan obat sintetik dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menimbulkan residu dan mempengaruhi kualitas produk. Pengabdian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok tani ternak "Veto Mone dan Kutulak" dalam melakukan pencegahan penyakit melalui penerapan sistem pemeliharaan ayam broiler yang ramah lingkungan dan pembuatan jamu yang bersumber dari tanaman herbal. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian meliputi penyuluhan, demonstrasi plot, dan pendampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian, antara lain: 1) panduan pemeliharaan ayam broiler ramah lingkungan sebanyak 8 eksemplar; dan 2) jamu herbal yang difermentasi sebanyak 5 liter. Kegiatan pengabdian telah memberikan manfaat positif bagi anggota kelompok tani ternak terutama dalam mengetahui teknik pembuatan dan aplikasi jamu herbal dalam pemeliharaan ayam broiler. Kata kunci: Broiler, Herbal, Jamu, Pencegahan, Penyakit ABSTRACT Handling of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Weight and Lenght of Digestive Organs of Super Native Chickens Fed of Amorphophallus companulatus Tuber Flour

Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, 2021

The purpose of this study was to examine the use of Amorphophallus companulatus (AC) tuber flour ... more The purpose of this study was to examine the use of Amorphophallus companulatus (AC) tuber flour in feed on the weight and length of the digestive organs of super-native chickens. This research was conducted for 8 weeks. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications (P0 = feed without AC tuber flour, P1 = feed containing 5% AC tuber flour, P2 = feed containing AC tuber flour 7.5%, and P3 = feed containing 10% AC tuber flour). The results showed that the use of AC tuber flour in the super free-range chicken feed had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on the weight and length of the small intestine and significantly (P<0.05) on pancreatic weight, but had no effect (P>0 .05) against gizzard. It was concluded that AC bulbs could be used up to 10% in super-free-range chicken feed. the use of AC tuber flour as much as 7.5% in super free-range chicken feed resulted in the highest intestinal weight, intestinal length, and...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Pakan Dan Limbah Ternak Untuk Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tani Desa Oebelo, Kabupaten Kupang

LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Desa Oebelo memiliki prospek untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong. Namun demikian, kontribus... more Desa Oebelo memiliki prospek untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong. Namun demikian, kontribusi pengelolaan limbah pertanian masih perlu ditingkatkan akibat kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pengolahan limbah batang dan daun jagung serta feses ternak sapi. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan dalam mengolah limbah pertanian sehingga dapat mendukung pengembangan sistem usaha tani terpadu di Desa Oebelo. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melibatkan kelompok tani ternak Syalom dan Elsadai. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian meliputi penyuluhan, demonstrasi plot pembuatan silase dan bokashi pupuk kandang, serta evaluasi dan pendampingan. Luaran yang dihasilkan meliputi produk silase lamtoro sebanyak 250 kg, silase jerami jagung sebanyak 450 kg, bokashi pupuk kandang sebanyak 1.200 kg, dan pendapatan mitra per proses produksi sebesar Rp.850.000,-. Kegiatan pengabdian memberikan manfaat dalam penguasaan teknologi pembuatan silase dan bokas...

Research paper thumbnail of Ukuran Linear Tubuh Dan Berat Badan Ternak Babi Menurut Jenis Kelamin Pada Kemitraan Proposional DI Kelompok Tani Syalom Tuatuka


Poliagro complete feed on linear body sizes (body length, chest circumference, height) and daily ... more Poliagro complete feed on linear body sizes (body length, chest circumference, height) and daily body weight gain between female and male pigs. Experimental farm method was used in the experiment in which 10 pigs are used (consist of 3 males and 7 females). Data was analysis using descriptive statistics and t-student test to compare variables of both groups by using IBM-SPSS software version 21. The results showed that after 5 months, the average linear sizes of male group (body length, chest circumference and height) were 29.

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Margin Pemasaran Ternak Sapi Potong DI Kabupaten Kupang


The research aim's to find the factors which influence the marketing margins of beef cattle in Ku... more The research aim's to find the factors which influence the marketing margins of beef cattle in Kupang Regency. The research was conducted using a survey method. The research involved 94 respondents as samples, consisted of 76 breeders, 12 intermediary traders, and 6 inter-island traders. Respondents of breeders were determined by simple random sampling, while intermediatery traders and inter-island traders were determined by snowballs sampling. The research data were collected through direct observation and interview that use questionnaires. The results showed that the equation model Y =-27,804 + 3,10X1 + 0,158X2. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.909 given overview of marketing margins which could be explained together on 90.9% by marketing costs and sales volume. The results of marketing testing cost and partial sales volume or as a whole showed a very significant effect (P <0.01) on marketing margins. In conclusion, the increase of marketing cost and sales volume had contribution toward the marketing margin of beef cattle in Kupang Regency.

Research paper thumbnail of Produksi Jerami Arbila (Phaseolus Lunatus L) Pascapanen Akibat Penambahan Level Bokashi Feses Sapi dan Chromolaena yang Berbeda

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis, 2020

ABSTRAKArbila merupakan legume pakan yang jeraminya merupakan pakan hijauan yang berkualitas bagi... more ABSTRAKArbila merupakan legume pakan yang jeraminya merupakan pakan hijauan yang berkualitas bagi ruminansia, dan produksi jeraminya ditentukan oleh kualitas tanah. Level bokashi yang ditambahkan mempengaruhi kualitas tanah, yang tentu berdampak pada produksi jerami arbila. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi jerami arbila pasca panen akibat pemberian level bokashi yang berbeda. Penelitian tersebut telah dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan di Desa Noelbaki. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, terdiri atas P0 = tanpa bokashi (kontrol), P10 = penambahan bokashi 10 ton/ha, P20 = bokashi 20 ton/ha, P30 = bokashi 30 ton/ha, P40 = bokashi 40 ton/ha. Variabel yang diamati adalah produksi bahan segar jerami (PBSJ) (ton/ha), produksi bahan kering jerami (PBKJ), produksi bahan organik jerami (PBOJ) arbila. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis varians dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bah...

Research paper thumbnail of Keberlanjutan Dimensi Ekonomi, Teknologi Infrastruktur, dan Hukum Kelembagaan untuk Evaluasi Pengembangan Kuda Sandelwood di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya

Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, Mar 28, 2020

Sandelwood horse is a genetic resource of Indonesia local horse developed and has strategic roles... more Sandelwood horse is a genetic resource of Indonesia local horse developed and has strategic roles in the Regency of SouthWest Sumba. Nowadays, the existing condition of the horse development shows problems deal with demand, use, and management on farmer's level. If the condition is not care urgently, it will influence the sustainability. Research objectives were to analyze: 1) index and sustainability status of sandalwood horse development in the Regency of SouthWest Sumba based on a review of economy, infrastructure-technology, and institution-law dimensions, and 2) sensitive attributes influenced the horse development in the research site. The research applied analysis method of Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) called Rap-horse and its result is stated in form of index and sustainability status. Analysis of Leverage and Monte Carlo were used to evaluate sensitive factors influencing the index and sustainability status including error influence in the Rap-horse analysis. The result showed that the index of economy dimension was 33.08%, infrastructure-technology was 39.40%, and institution-law was 36.28%, meaning the horse existed on unsustainability status. Based on 29 attributes analyzed, there were 13 sensitive attributes influencing the index and sustainability status with a low error level at 95% significant level. The development of sandalwood horse sustainability can be optimized by improving the dimensions comprehensively those four attributes of economy, three attributes of infrastructuretechnology, and six attributes of institution-law.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Pola Paronisasi melalui Pembuatan Pupuk Bokashi di Desa Oeletsala, Kabupaten Kupang

Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020

Oeletsala Village is an area in Kupang Regency that dominates the community who runs a business o... more Oeletsala Village is an area in Kupang Regency that dominates the community who runs a business of feedlot (paronization) of Bali cattle. Paronization activities were implemented hereditary, but less explored the utilization of livestock waste (feces) causing environmental pollution and supporting the population of flies as a mechanical vector of thelaziasis. This community service aims to improve the knowledge and skills of farmer group partner members related to making bokashi fertilizer. Community service activities are conducted in the Nij Baki Group, which has 24 members. Implementation of activities methods include extension, plot demonstration, assistance, and evaluation. The results of activities achieved were the production of 300 kg Bokashi fertilizer and the revenue from the sale of Bokashi fertilizer amounted to IDR 375.000. Community service activities have provided positive benefits in the form of increased knowledge about the benefits of Bokashi fertilizer (87.50%) an...

Research paper thumbnail of Keragaman dan Intensitas Infeksi Endoparasit Gastrointestinal pada Sapi Bali dengan Sistem Ekstensif di Kabupaten Kupang

Jurnal Sain Veteriner, 2019

Tanah Putih Village has the potential for the development of Bali cattle because it has extensive... more Tanah Putih Village has the potential for the development of Bali cattle because it has extensive grazing land and the majority of farmers raise Bali cattle. The aim of the study was to obtain data on the diversity and intensity of gastrointestinal endoparasitic infection in Balinese cattle with an extensive breeding system in Tanah Putih Village, Kupang Timur District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Gastrointestinal endoparasitic diversity was identify using sedimentation and flotation methods while the intensity of endoparasitic infection was carried out using McMaster method, while data on the diversity and rates of gastrointestinal endoparasitic infection were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study on the diversity of gastrointestinal endoparasites found there are five types of nematode worm eggs namely Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Strongyloides papillosus, Bunostomum phlebotomum, and Trichostrongylus axei. Factors that support the dive...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Model Kemitraan Proporsional Dalam Mendukung PKM Penggemukan Ternak Babi DI Kelompok Tani Syalom, Kabupaten Kupang

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Peternakan, 2018

Kegiatan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota mitra kelompok tani te... more Kegiatan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota mitra kelompok tani tentang model kemitraan proporsional dan manajemen penggemukan ternak babi. Kelompok tani Syalom ditetapkan sebagai mitra dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa usaha penggemukan ternak babi merupakan rutinitas yang dijalankan anggota kelompok tani, namun selama ini menemui masalah akibat penggunaan bibit dalam jumlah dan kualitas yang rendah, dominasi pakan yang menggunakan limbah rumah tangga, modal yang terbatas, serta jadwal pemasaran yang tidak menentu. Kondisi tersebut pada akhirnya mempengaruhi keberlanjutan usaha ternak babi dan kurang memberikan kontribusi terhadap pendapatan anggota mitra. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan melalui penyuluhan, diskusi, demonstrasi plot, pendampingan, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Implementasi kegiatan dilakukan melalui diseminasi informasi model kemitraan proporsional, tata laksana penggemukan, dan sistem pemasaran ternak babi. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan adalah peningkatan pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan keterampilan anggota mitra dalam menerapkan model kemitraan proporsional serta manajemen penggemukan ternak babi. Luaran yang dihasilkan, antara lain: bibit babi penggemukan sebanyak 8 ekor, dokumen Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) kemitraan selama 3 tahun pelaksanaan, dan ternak babi penggemukan layak jual pada masa pemeliharaan 5 bulan serta bobot akhir 85-100 kg/ekor. Kemitraan proporsional yang diterapkan memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan aktivitas usaha penggemukan ternak babi dan pendapatan anggota mitra kelompok tani Syalom.

Research paper thumbnail of Kapasitas Tampung Hijauan Pakan Dalam Areal Perkebunan Kopi Dan Padang Rumput Alam DI Kabupaten Flores Timur Nusa Tenggara Timur

ZOOTEC, 2015

CARRYING CAPACITY OF FORAGE IN COFFEE FARM AND NATIVE PASTURE AREA AT DISTRICT OF FLORES TIMUR, E... more CARRYING CAPACITY OF FORAGE IN COFFEE FARM AND NATIVE PASTURE AREA AT DISTRICT OF FLORES TIMUR, EAST NUSA TENGGARA. Research was conducted at coffee farm and native pasture area with the objective to measure the production and quality of forage. The research method used was survey method. Primary data were collected at Sub-district of Wulanggitang - District of Flores Timur, particularly in the coffee farm and the native pasture areas. Primary data consisted of production and quality of the native grasses including land fertility -both physical and chemical - in the coffee farm area. On the other hand, secondary data were taken from related institutions cover climate condition and topography. The result showed that potency of forage resources in the Sub-District of Wulanggitang reach 7,664 ton fresh matter/ha for the coffee farm and 6.98 ton fresh matter/ha for the native grasses, respectively. The total production may figure carrying capacity of the coffee farm area is 0.42 UT/ha a...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi wilayah unggulan pengembangan kuda Sandelwood di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Livestock and Animal Research, 2021

Objective: The Sandalwood Horse has economic, social, and cultural advantages to the local commun... more Objective: The Sandalwood Horse has economic, social, and cultural advantages to the local community in Southwest Sumba Regency. However, sandalwood horse development is experiencing obstacles due to the absence of base area mapping data. This research aims to identify the potential area for the development of the Sandalwood horse in Southwest Sumba Regency.Methods: Descriptive quantitative method was used in this research. Time series data (2013-2018) was collected from related stakeholders in Southwest Sumba Regency. The Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) and a combination of both LQ and DLQ analysis were applied to identify the potential area for the development of the Sandalwood horse. If the value of LQ and DLQ is more than 1, it means that the area/district could be recommended as a potential area for the development of the Sandalwood horse.Results: The result shows that of the 11 (eleven) districts in Southwest Sumba Regency, only 5 (five) districts (Wewe...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Daerah Asal dan Kualitas Nutrisi Dedak Padi sebagai Bahan Pakan yang  Dipasarkan di Kota Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Buletin Peternakan Tropis, 2022

Kupang City is a potential market to sell rice bran because it is widely used as feed for pigs an... more Kupang City is a potential market to sell rice bran because it is widely used as feed for pigs and poultry. However, information about the nutritional quality of rice bran circulating in Kupang City is not widely available. The research aims to identify the origin and nutritional quality of rice bran sold in traditional markets in Kupang City. The research's respondents numbered seven people and were determined on the total side. The methods used in the research are quantitative descriptive and literature studies. Research variables include the region of origin and nutritional quality of rice bran. The research data was analyzed through tabulation, displayed in the form of a table, and analyzed descriptively, while rice bran samples from various traditional markets for nutritional quality testing used proximate analysis. The results showed that the rice bran marketed in Kupang City came from the Provinces of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The nutritional quality of rice bran in the form of water content and crude fat is by SNI requirements in quality I, II, and III, ash content is by SNI requirements in quality III, while the content of crude protein and crude fibre is not following the specification standards of SNI requirements, both quality I, II, and III. It was concluded that the low quality of rice bran in the traditional market of Kupang City requires additional fermentation treatment by farmers to increase protein content and digestibility and is optimal for use for the growth of poultry and monogastric livestock.


Partner, 2009

Study the marketing efficiency of beef cattle trade was conducted in Kupang Regency.This study wa... more Study the marketing efficiency of beef cattle trade was conducted in Kupang Regency.This study was carried out by survey method in four villages of two districts. Sixty farmer's were sampled using simple random sampling method. Six cattle middle traders and four inter-island cattle traders were sampled with a snowball sampling method. Marketing efficiency was analyzed based on data through a market structure, conduct, and performance approach. Result showed that the market structure of beef cattle in Kupang Regency was an imperfect competition in which the price change was higher at the inter island cattle traders level than at the cattlemen level. The price share and the market margin received by the farmer's were 60.37% and 39.62% of the price paid by the inter island traders, respectively. Therefore, the profit distribution for the middlemen and for the inter island traders were calculated to be 81.07% and 29.01%, respectively. Therefore, it is recommended that the cattlemen should be informed about the importance of forming or supporting a village cooperation unit enterprise such and the importance of forming a cattlemen group in the beef cattle marketing system as efforts to improve the farmer's bargaining position.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsumsi Nutrien Babi Grower Persilangan Landrace Yang Mengkonsumsi Pakan Cair Fermentasi Berbahan Biji Asam


A study aimed at studying the nutrient consumption of Landrace cross pigs consuming fermented liq... more A study aimed at studying the nutrient consumption of Landrace cross pigs consuming fermented liquid feed made from tamarind seeds with different percentages was carried out in August 2022. The study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications: R0 = fermented liquid feed (FLF) containing 0% tamarind seeds (TS), R10 = FLF 10% TS, R20 = FLF 20% TS, and R30 = FLF 30% TS. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Duncan's further test. The research variable are the consumption of dry matter, crude fiber, and crude fat. The results showed that increasing the percentage of tamarind seeds had a significant effect (P<0.05) on dry matter, crude fiber, and crude fat consumption and caused increased dry matter and crude fiber, but decreased crude fat consumption of grower pig. In conclusion, the percentage of using the best tamarind seeds is 30%.

Research paper thumbnail of Kandungan hidrogen cyanida (HCN), bahan kering, bahan organik umbi gadung (Dioscorea hispida dennst) menggunakan nira lontar dengan lama fermentasi yang berbeda

Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science)

Good pig productivity depends on the feed given. however, feed ingredients for pigs generally com... more Good pig productivity depends on the feed given. however, feed ingredients for pigs generally compete with human needs, so the use of alternative feeds for gadung tubers with fermentation technology needs to be done. The aim of the research to examine Hydrogen cyanida (HCN) levels, dry matter( DM), and organic matter (OM) of gadung tubers using lontar sap with different fermentation times has been carried out at the Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic from May - June 2022. The design used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatment and 5 repetitions; P0: gadung tuber (GU) + fermented palm sap (FPS) 0 days, P1: GU + FPS 3 days, P2: GU + FPS 6 days, P3: GU + FPS 9 days, and P4: GU + FPS 12 days. The results showed that the use of 10% PS with different fermentation times affected the HCN, DM, and OM content of gadung tubers. It was concluded that the HCN, DM, and OM content of gadung tubers were affected by fermentation using palm sap at different times and the bes...

Research paper thumbnail of Produktivitas Pastura Alam Pada Musim Hujan DI Kecamatan Nekamese Kabupaten Kupang


The present study aims to evaluate fresh and dry matter production, botanical composition, and ca... more The present study aims to evaluate fresh and dry matter production, botanical composition, and carrying capacity of natural pasture during the rainy season in Oemasi Village,

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Keberlanjutan Pengembangan Kambing Kacang di Kawasan Pantura Kecamatan Insana Utara Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara

Jurnal Peternakan

Kebijakan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara pada masa mendatang membutuhkan i... more Kebijakan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara pada masa mendatang membutuhkan informasi dasar, potensi sumberdaya serta fasilitas pendukung yang diaktualisasikan dalam dimensi dan atribut keberlanjutan. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis indeks, status, dan atribut sensitif yang memengaruhi keberlanjutan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara berdasarkan tinjauan dimensi ekologi, ekonomi, sosial budaya, teknologi-infrastruktur dan hukum-kelembagaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) melalui pendekatan Rap-Kagot untuk mengetahui indeks dan status keberlanjutan, sedangkan atribut sensitif yang memengaruhi indeks dan status keberlanjutan serta pengaruh galat menggunakan analisis Leverage dan Monte Carlo. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Responden yang digunakan berjumlah 95 orang peternak kambing kacang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara secara multidimensi memiliki indeks 45,11 dan berada pada status kurang berkelanjutan. Upaya meningkatkan status keberlanjutan pengembangan kambing kacang di Kecamatan Insana Utara dapat ditempuh melalui penanganan faktor pakan, stabilitas harga komoditas, pengolahan limbah, pencegahan penyakit, maupun penataan kelembagaan koperasi ternak. Kata kunci : Indeks dan status keberlanjutan, insana utara, kambing kacang, multidimensi ABSTRACT. The future policy of developing kacang goats in the North Insana District requires basic information, resource potential, and supporting facilities that are actualized in the dimensions and attributes of sustainability. The research aims to analyze sensitive indices, statuses and attributes that affect the sustainability of kacang goat development in the North Insana Subdistrict based on a review of ecological, economic, socio-cultural, technological infrastructure, and legal-institutional dimensions. The research method used is Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) through the Rap-Kagot approach to determine the index and sustainability status. In contrast, sensitive attributes that affect the index and sustainability status and the influence of errors use Leverage and Monte Carlo analysis. The data used in the study includes primary data and secondary data. The respondents amounted to 95 kacang goat farmers. The results showed that the development of kacang goats in the North Insana Subdistrict multidimensionally has an index of 45.11 and is at a less sustainable status. Efforts to improve the sustainability status of kacang goat development in the North Insana District can be achieved through handling feed factors, commodity price stability, waste treatment, disease prevention, and institutional arrangement of livestock cooperatives.

Research paper thumbnail of Sumbangan Usaha Ternak Kambing Dan Usaha Tanaman Kakao Terhadap Pendapatan Petani DI Kabupaten Manggarai Timur

The Partner, Jul 1, 2009

The aim of this research was to know levels of farmers income contributed by goat management and ... more The aim of this research was to know levels of farmers income contributed by goat management and cacao crop production; and also factors effecting farmers income from goat management and cacao crop production. Survey method was applied in this research. The data were processed and analysed statistically and economically. The results indicate that 1) total income of a respondent in East Manggarai District through goat management and cacao crop in 2008 was Rp.3,915,796.-in which Rp. 992,753.-(25.35 %) contributed by the first and Rp. 2,923,043.-(74.65 %) by the latter; 2) factors effecting farmers income from goat management were number of livestock sold, and number of livestock slaughtered (R 2 = 0,885); 3) factors effecting farmers income from cacao crop production were area of cacao crop production, and number of production of cacao crop (R 2 = 0,953).

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pembakaran Dengan Padang Penggembalaan Dan Aktivitas Pertanian Di Nusa Tenggara Timur

The Partner, Jan 5, 2010

Burning Connection With Pasturing Field And Agriculture Activity At East Nusa Tenggara. Land use ... more Burning Connection With Pasturing Field And Agriculture Activity At East Nusa Tenggara. Land use for agriculture in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is still using traditional pattern which was characterized by the very simple application of technology. To open new land, farmers are practising slash and burn system before sowing. Burning concept, involving the use of fire burning, is one concept among other concepts namely cultivation pattern, animal husbandry and others. These concepts are part of agriculture system for community in NTT. Community, with their own reasons and experiences besides physical and geographical environment, are using fire as an important component for their living agriculture. Controlled burning in the appropriate season is an effective way to improve pasture land. For example, burning at the end of the dry season can eradicate the old, dry and low nutritional value plants allowing young grass to grow at the beginning of the rainy season. From the socioeconomic point of view, burning or fire technology is a relatively simple technology used by unskilled poor farmers. An arising issue is how to inform the farmers with burning technology to use fire in an efficient and effective way.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Tanaman Herbal Untuk Mencegah Penyakit Ayam Broiler DI Kelompok Peternak Desa Noelbaki

Penanganan penyakit hewan menggunakan obat sintetik dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menimbulka... more Penanganan penyakit hewan menggunakan obat sintetik dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menimbulkan residu dan mempengaruhi kualitas produk. Pengabdian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok tani ternak "Veto Mone dan Kutulak" dalam melakukan pencegahan penyakit melalui penerapan sistem pemeliharaan ayam broiler yang ramah lingkungan dan pembuatan jamu yang bersumber dari tanaman herbal. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian meliputi penyuluhan, demonstrasi plot, dan pendampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian, antara lain: 1) panduan pemeliharaan ayam broiler ramah lingkungan sebanyak 8 eksemplar; dan 2) jamu herbal yang difermentasi sebanyak 5 liter. Kegiatan pengabdian telah memberikan manfaat positif bagi anggota kelompok tani ternak terutama dalam mengetahui teknik pembuatan dan aplikasi jamu herbal dalam pemeliharaan ayam broiler. Kata kunci: Broiler, Herbal, Jamu, Pencegahan, Penyakit ABSTRACT Handling of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Weight and Lenght of Digestive Organs of Super Native Chickens Fed of Amorphophallus companulatus Tuber Flour

Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, 2021

The purpose of this study was to examine the use of Amorphophallus companulatus (AC) tuber flour ... more The purpose of this study was to examine the use of Amorphophallus companulatus (AC) tuber flour in feed on the weight and length of the digestive organs of super-native chickens. This research was conducted for 8 weeks. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications (P0 = feed without AC tuber flour, P1 = feed containing 5% AC tuber flour, P2 = feed containing AC tuber flour 7.5%, and P3 = feed containing 10% AC tuber flour). The results showed that the use of AC tuber flour in the super free-range chicken feed had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on the weight and length of the small intestine and significantly (P<0.05) on pancreatic weight, but had no effect (P>0 .05) against gizzard. It was concluded that AC bulbs could be used up to 10% in super-free-range chicken feed. the use of AC tuber flour as much as 7.5% in super free-range chicken feed resulted in the highest intestinal weight, intestinal length, and...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Teknologi Pakan Dan Limbah Ternak Untuk Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tani Desa Oebelo, Kabupaten Kupang

LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Desa Oebelo memiliki prospek untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong. Namun demikian, kontribus... more Desa Oebelo memiliki prospek untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong. Namun demikian, kontribusi pengelolaan limbah pertanian masih perlu ditingkatkan akibat kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pengolahan limbah batang dan daun jagung serta feses ternak sapi. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan dalam mengolah limbah pertanian sehingga dapat mendukung pengembangan sistem usaha tani terpadu di Desa Oebelo. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melibatkan kelompok tani ternak Syalom dan Elsadai. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian meliputi penyuluhan, demonstrasi plot pembuatan silase dan bokashi pupuk kandang, serta evaluasi dan pendampingan. Luaran yang dihasilkan meliputi produk silase lamtoro sebanyak 250 kg, silase jerami jagung sebanyak 450 kg, bokashi pupuk kandang sebanyak 1.200 kg, dan pendapatan mitra per proses produksi sebesar Rp.850.000,-. Kegiatan pengabdian memberikan manfaat dalam penguasaan teknologi pembuatan silase dan bokas...

Research paper thumbnail of Ukuran Linear Tubuh Dan Berat Badan Ternak Babi Menurut Jenis Kelamin Pada Kemitraan Proposional DI Kelompok Tani Syalom Tuatuka


Poliagro complete feed on linear body sizes (body length, chest circumference, height) and daily ... more Poliagro complete feed on linear body sizes (body length, chest circumference, height) and daily body weight gain between female and male pigs. Experimental farm method was used in the experiment in which 10 pigs are used (consist of 3 males and 7 females). Data was analysis using descriptive statistics and t-student test to compare variables of both groups by using IBM-SPSS software version 21. The results showed that after 5 months, the average linear sizes of male group (body length, chest circumference and height) were 29.

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Margin Pemasaran Ternak Sapi Potong DI Kabupaten Kupang


The research aim's to find the factors which influence the marketing margins of beef cattle in Ku... more The research aim's to find the factors which influence the marketing margins of beef cattle in Kupang Regency. The research was conducted using a survey method. The research involved 94 respondents as samples, consisted of 76 breeders, 12 intermediary traders, and 6 inter-island traders. Respondents of breeders were determined by simple random sampling, while intermediatery traders and inter-island traders were determined by snowballs sampling. The research data were collected through direct observation and interview that use questionnaires. The results showed that the equation model Y =-27,804 + 3,10X1 + 0,158X2. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.909 given overview of marketing margins which could be explained together on 90.9% by marketing costs and sales volume. The results of marketing testing cost and partial sales volume or as a whole showed a very significant effect (P <0.01) on marketing margins. In conclusion, the increase of marketing cost and sales volume had contribution toward the marketing margin of beef cattle in Kupang Regency.

Research paper thumbnail of Produksi Jerami Arbila (Phaseolus Lunatus L) Pascapanen Akibat Penambahan Level Bokashi Feses Sapi dan Chromolaena yang Berbeda

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis, 2020

ABSTRAKArbila merupakan legume pakan yang jeraminya merupakan pakan hijauan yang berkualitas bagi... more ABSTRAKArbila merupakan legume pakan yang jeraminya merupakan pakan hijauan yang berkualitas bagi ruminansia, dan produksi jeraminya ditentukan oleh kualitas tanah. Level bokashi yang ditambahkan mempengaruhi kualitas tanah, yang tentu berdampak pada produksi jerami arbila. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi jerami arbila pasca panen akibat pemberian level bokashi yang berbeda. Penelitian tersebut telah dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan di Desa Noelbaki. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, terdiri atas P0 = tanpa bokashi (kontrol), P10 = penambahan bokashi 10 ton/ha, P20 = bokashi 20 ton/ha, P30 = bokashi 30 ton/ha, P40 = bokashi 40 ton/ha. Variabel yang diamati adalah produksi bahan segar jerami (PBSJ) (ton/ha), produksi bahan kering jerami (PBKJ), produksi bahan organik jerami (PBOJ) arbila. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis varians dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bah...

Research paper thumbnail of Keberlanjutan Dimensi Ekonomi, Teknologi Infrastruktur, dan Hukum Kelembagaan untuk Evaluasi Pengembangan Kuda Sandelwood di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya

Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia, Mar 28, 2020

Sandelwood horse is a genetic resource of Indonesia local horse developed and has strategic roles... more Sandelwood horse is a genetic resource of Indonesia local horse developed and has strategic roles in the Regency of SouthWest Sumba. Nowadays, the existing condition of the horse development shows problems deal with demand, use, and management on farmer's level. If the condition is not care urgently, it will influence the sustainability. Research objectives were to analyze: 1) index and sustainability status of sandalwood horse development in the Regency of SouthWest Sumba based on a review of economy, infrastructure-technology, and institution-law dimensions, and 2) sensitive attributes influenced the horse development in the research site. The research applied analysis method of Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) called Rap-horse and its result is stated in form of index and sustainability status. Analysis of Leverage and Monte Carlo were used to evaluate sensitive factors influencing the index and sustainability status including error influence in the Rap-horse analysis. The result showed that the index of economy dimension was 33.08%, infrastructure-technology was 39.40%, and institution-law was 36.28%, meaning the horse existed on unsustainability status. Based on 29 attributes analyzed, there were 13 sensitive attributes influencing the index and sustainability status with a low error level at 95% significant level. The development of sandalwood horse sustainability can be optimized by improving the dimensions comprehensively those four attributes of economy, three attributes of infrastructuretechnology, and six attributes of institution-law.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemberdayaan Peternak Sapi Pola Paronisasi melalui Pembuatan Pupuk Bokashi di Desa Oeletsala, Kabupaten Kupang

Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020

Oeletsala Village is an area in Kupang Regency that dominates the community who runs a business o... more Oeletsala Village is an area in Kupang Regency that dominates the community who runs a business of feedlot (paronization) of Bali cattle. Paronization activities were implemented hereditary, but less explored the utilization of livestock waste (feces) causing environmental pollution and supporting the population of flies as a mechanical vector of thelaziasis. This community service aims to improve the knowledge and skills of farmer group partner members related to making bokashi fertilizer. Community service activities are conducted in the Nij Baki Group, which has 24 members. Implementation of activities methods include extension, plot demonstration, assistance, and evaluation. The results of activities achieved were the production of 300 kg Bokashi fertilizer and the revenue from the sale of Bokashi fertilizer amounted to IDR 375.000. Community service activities have provided positive benefits in the form of increased knowledge about the benefits of Bokashi fertilizer (87.50%) an...

Research paper thumbnail of Keragaman dan Intensitas Infeksi Endoparasit Gastrointestinal pada Sapi Bali dengan Sistem Ekstensif di Kabupaten Kupang

Jurnal Sain Veteriner, 2019

Tanah Putih Village has the potential for the development of Bali cattle because it has extensive... more Tanah Putih Village has the potential for the development of Bali cattle because it has extensive grazing land and the majority of farmers raise Bali cattle. The aim of the study was to obtain data on the diversity and intensity of gastrointestinal endoparasitic infection in Balinese cattle with an extensive breeding system in Tanah Putih Village, Kupang Timur District, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Gastrointestinal endoparasitic diversity was identify using sedimentation and flotation methods while the intensity of endoparasitic infection was carried out using McMaster method, while data on the diversity and rates of gastrointestinal endoparasitic infection were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study on the diversity of gastrointestinal endoparasites found there are five types of nematode worm eggs namely Haemonchus contortus, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Strongyloides papillosus, Bunostomum phlebotomum, and Trichostrongylus axei. Factors that support the dive...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Model Kemitraan Proporsional Dalam Mendukung PKM Penggemukan Ternak Babi DI Kelompok Tani Syalom, Kabupaten Kupang

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Peternakan, 2018

Kegiatan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota mitra kelompok tani te... more Kegiatan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota mitra kelompok tani tentang model kemitraan proporsional dan manajemen penggemukan ternak babi. Kelompok tani Syalom ditetapkan sebagai mitra dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa usaha penggemukan ternak babi merupakan rutinitas yang dijalankan anggota kelompok tani, namun selama ini menemui masalah akibat penggunaan bibit dalam jumlah dan kualitas yang rendah, dominasi pakan yang menggunakan limbah rumah tangga, modal yang terbatas, serta jadwal pemasaran yang tidak menentu. Kondisi tersebut pada akhirnya mempengaruhi keberlanjutan usaha ternak babi dan kurang memberikan kontribusi terhadap pendapatan anggota mitra. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan melalui penyuluhan, diskusi, demonstrasi plot, pendampingan, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Implementasi kegiatan dilakukan melalui diseminasi informasi model kemitraan proporsional, tata laksana penggemukan, dan sistem pemasaran ternak babi. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan adalah peningkatan pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan keterampilan anggota mitra dalam menerapkan model kemitraan proporsional serta manajemen penggemukan ternak babi. Luaran yang dihasilkan, antara lain: bibit babi penggemukan sebanyak 8 ekor, dokumen Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) kemitraan selama 3 tahun pelaksanaan, dan ternak babi penggemukan layak jual pada masa pemeliharaan 5 bulan serta bobot akhir 85-100 kg/ekor. Kemitraan proporsional yang diterapkan memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan aktivitas usaha penggemukan ternak babi dan pendapatan anggota mitra kelompok tani Syalom.

Research paper thumbnail of Kapasitas Tampung Hijauan Pakan Dalam Areal Perkebunan Kopi Dan Padang Rumput Alam DI Kabupaten Flores Timur Nusa Tenggara Timur

ZOOTEC, 2015

CARRYING CAPACITY OF FORAGE IN COFFEE FARM AND NATIVE PASTURE AREA AT DISTRICT OF FLORES TIMUR, E... more CARRYING CAPACITY OF FORAGE IN COFFEE FARM AND NATIVE PASTURE AREA AT DISTRICT OF FLORES TIMUR, EAST NUSA TENGGARA. Research was conducted at coffee farm and native pasture area with the objective to measure the production and quality of forage. The research method used was survey method. Primary data were collected at Sub-district of Wulanggitang - District of Flores Timur, particularly in the coffee farm and the native pasture areas. Primary data consisted of production and quality of the native grasses including land fertility -both physical and chemical - in the coffee farm area. On the other hand, secondary data were taken from related institutions cover climate condition and topography. The result showed that potency of forage resources in the Sub-District of Wulanggitang reach 7,664 ton fresh matter/ha for the coffee farm and 6.98 ton fresh matter/ha for the native grasses, respectively. The total production may figure carrying capacity of the coffee farm area is 0.42 UT/ha a...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi wilayah unggulan pengembangan kuda Sandelwood di Kabupaten Sumba Barat Daya Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Livestock and Animal Research, 2021

Objective: The Sandalwood Horse has economic, social, and cultural advantages to the local commun... more Objective: The Sandalwood Horse has economic, social, and cultural advantages to the local community in Southwest Sumba Regency. However, sandalwood horse development is experiencing obstacles due to the absence of base area mapping data. This research aims to identify the potential area for the development of the Sandalwood horse in Southwest Sumba Regency.Methods: Descriptive quantitative method was used in this research. Time series data (2013-2018) was collected from related stakeholders in Southwest Sumba Regency. The Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ) and a combination of both LQ and DLQ analysis were applied to identify the potential area for the development of the Sandalwood horse. If the value of LQ and DLQ is more than 1, it means that the area/district could be recommended as a potential area for the development of the Sandalwood horse.Results: The result shows that of the 11 (eleven) districts in Southwest Sumba Regency, only 5 (five) districts (Wewe...

Research paper thumbnail of Identifikasi Daerah Asal dan Kualitas Nutrisi Dedak Padi sebagai Bahan Pakan yang  Dipasarkan di Kota Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Buletin Peternakan Tropis, 2022

Kupang City is a potential market to sell rice bran because it is widely used as feed for pigs an... more Kupang City is a potential market to sell rice bran because it is widely used as feed for pigs and poultry. However, information about the nutritional quality of rice bran circulating in Kupang City is not widely available. The research aims to identify the origin and nutritional quality of rice bran sold in traditional markets in Kupang City. The research's respondents numbered seven people and were determined on the total side. The methods used in the research are quantitative descriptive and literature studies. Research variables include the region of origin and nutritional quality of rice bran. The research data was analyzed through tabulation, displayed in the form of a table, and analyzed descriptively, while rice bran samples from various traditional markets for nutritional quality testing used proximate analysis. The results showed that the rice bran marketed in Kupang City came from the Provinces of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The nutritional quality of rice bran in the form of water content and crude fat is by SNI requirements in quality I, II, and III, ash content is by SNI requirements in quality III, while the content of crude protein and crude fibre is not following the specification standards of SNI requirements, both quality I, II, and III. It was concluded that the low quality of rice bran in the traditional market of Kupang City requires additional fermentation treatment by farmers to increase protein content and digestibility and is optimal for use for the growth of poultry and monogastric livestock.


Partner, 2009

Study the marketing efficiency of beef cattle trade was conducted in Kupang Regency.This study wa... more Study the marketing efficiency of beef cattle trade was conducted in Kupang Regency.This study was carried out by survey method in four villages of two districts. Sixty farmer's were sampled using simple random sampling method. Six cattle middle traders and four inter-island cattle traders were sampled with a snowball sampling method. Marketing efficiency was analyzed based on data through a market structure, conduct, and performance approach. Result showed that the market structure of beef cattle in Kupang Regency was an imperfect competition in which the price change was higher at the inter island cattle traders level than at the cattlemen level. The price share and the market margin received by the farmer's were 60.37% and 39.62% of the price paid by the inter island traders, respectively. Therefore, the profit distribution for the middlemen and for the inter island traders were calculated to be 81.07% and 29.01%, respectively. Therefore, it is recommended that the cattlemen should be informed about the importance of forming or supporting a village cooperation unit enterprise such and the importance of forming a cattlemen group in the beef cattle marketing system as efforts to improve the farmer's bargaining position.