Dimitar Bojantchev - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Dimitar Bojantchev

Research paper thumbnail of Type studies and fourteen new North American species of Cortinarius section Anomali reveal high continental species diversity

Mycological Progress, Nov 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius sect. Riederi: taxonomy and phylogeny of the new section with European and North American distribution

Mycological Progress, Nov 8, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius sect. Riederi: taxonomy and phylogeny of the new section with European and North American distribution

Mycological Progress, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 367–490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 111–252—taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Two new species of Cortinarius, subgenus Telamonia, sections Colymbadini and Uracei, from Europe

Mycological Progress, 2014

ABSTRACT Two new Cortinarius species are described from European Quercus forests and one new comb... more ABSTRACT Two new Cortinarius species are described from European Quercus forests and one new combination is made based on molecular and morphological data. Cortinarius uraceomajalis is a vernal species currently only known from Hungary, Bulgaria and Italy, but likely is common throughout central and south-eastern Europe. Cortinarius uraceonemoralis is a widely distributed species in Europe. The new combination Cortinarius nolaneiformis is based on Hydrocybe nolaneiformis Velen. and is a widespread vernal species in Europe. Cortinarius uraceomajalis and C. nolaneiformis are preliminarily placed in sect. Colymbadini, characterized by having a positive (yellow) UV reaction, while C. uraceonemoralis with a UV negative reaction is placed in sect. Uracei. A neotype is selected for C. colymbadinus and C. uraceus to stabilize the nomenclature. Taxonomic novelties: Cortinarius uraceomajalis Dima, Liimat., Niskanen & Bojantchev, Cortinarius uraceonemoralis Niskanen, Liimat., Dima, Kytöv., Bojantchev & H. Lindstr., Cortinarius nolaneiformis (Velen.) Dima, Niskanen & Liimat.

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Research paper thumbnail of <em>Amanita augusta</em>, a new species from California and the Pacific Northwest

North American Fungi, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of <I>Cortinarius mikedavisii</I> sp. nov. from northern California

Mycotaxon, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius xanthodryophilus sp. nov. – a common Phlegmacium under oaks in California

Mycotaxon, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius subgenus Leprocybe, unexpected diversity and significant differences in species compositions between western and eastern North America

Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 2021

The focus of this paper is the North American species of Cortinarius in subg. Leprocybe. Eighteen... more The focus of this paper is the North American species of Cortinarius in subg. Leprocybe. Eighteen species, including twelve new ones, and two tentative (aff.) species, are delimited based on morphological and molecular data (DNA ITS-LSU sequences). Existing type specimens of species in subg. Leprocybe were also studied, and neo- or epitypes designated for C. cotoneus, C. melanotus, C. phrygianus and C. venetus to stabilize the nomenclature. In addition, to improve the infrasubgeneric classification of Leprocybe three new sections are proposed: sect. Fuscotomentosi, sect. Melanoti and sect. Squamiveneti. This study adds substantial information to the knowledge of subg. Leprocybe in North America against a background of European species. To date only two species, C. phrygianus and C. squamivenetus have been reported from both continents.

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Research paper thumbnail of <I>Amanita vernicoccora</I> sp. nov. —the vernal fruiting 'coccora' from California

Mycotaxon, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius callimorphus, a new species from northern California

Mycotaxon, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Prolog tracer by stepwise enhancement

A Prolog tracer is essentially a Prolog interpreter extended to provide features, such as retry, ... more A Prolog tracer is essentially a Prolog interpreter extended to provide features, such as retry, fail, leap, skip, and quasi-skip, to trace the computational ow of a program. This paper describes how a Prolog tracer may be built by stepwise enhancement. Using this method, rst a collection of partial-tracers are developed, each partial-tracer providing only a part of the tracer's functionality. The partial-tracers are then composed to yield a single tracer with the composite functionality of the partial-tracers. Stepwise enhancement provides an alternative to stepwise reenement and iterative enhancement in scenarios where the \natural" subproblems do not correspond to distinct subprograms. This typically happens, as in the case of a Prolog tracer, when diierent subprograms require the same program ow due to the contraint that their computations be performed simultaneously. Stepwise enhancement eases the development and extension of a tracer, and also makes it customizable. A...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius of California: eight new species in subg. Telamonia

Described are eight new species of Cortinarius subg. Telamonia from California and the Pacific No... more Described are eight new species of Cortinarius subg. Telamonia from California and the Pacific Northwest of North America. Four species fruit in the fall and the other four are vernal. Cortinarius cisqhale is a tanoak associate that fruits abundantly in the fall and winter. Cortinarius athabascus is an autumnal fruiting species and is broadly distributed throughout the region in conifer and mixed woods. Cortinarius tuolumnensis, C. miwok, C. gualalaensis, and C. ohlone belong to the /decipiens clade — the first two fruit vernally in boreal and montane habitat while the other two are autumnal at low elevations under coastal pine and live oak, respectively. Cortinarius eldoradoensis is a vernal fruiting species abundant in the higher elevations near melting snow. Cortinarius truckeensis is a rare, but locally abundant, species known only from its type location near Truckee, California.

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Research paper thumbnail of Type studies and fourteen new North American species of Cortinarius section Anomali reveal high continental species diversity

Mycological Progress

Section Anomali is a species-rich group in North America belonging to Cortinarius, the most diver... more Section Anomali is a species-rich group in North America belonging to Cortinarius, the most diverse genus in the Agaricales. This study is based on extensive morphological investigations and molecular methods using 191 nrDNA ITS sequence data and recovered 43 phylogenetic species from which 14 are described here as new to science. We sequenced ten type materials which belonged to eight species. The synonymy of C. caesiellus with C. albidipes and C. copakensis with C. albocyaneus is proposed here. The North American occurrence of four species (C. albocyaneus, C. anomalus, C. caninus, and C. tabularis), so far known only from Europe, was confirmed. Thirteen species were not formally described here due to lack of relevant information. An identification key to the known Anomali species in North America is provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius sect. Riederi: taxonomy and phylogeny of the new section with European and North American distribution

Mycological Progress

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Research paper thumbnail of Spring and early summer species of Cortinarius, subgenus Telamonia, section Colymbadini and /Flavobasilis, in the mountains of western North America


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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 367–490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

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Research paper thumbnail of Type studies and fourteen new North American species of Cortinarius section Anomali reveal high continental species diversity

Mycological Progress, Nov 1, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius sect. Riederi: taxonomy and phylogeny of the new section with European and North American distribution

Mycological Progress, Nov 8, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius sect. Riederi: taxonomy and phylogeny of the new section with European and North American distribution

Mycological Progress, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 367–490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 111–252—taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Two new species of Cortinarius, subgenus Telamonia, sections Colymbadini and Uracei, from Europe

Mycological Progress, 2014

ABSTRACT Two new Cortinarius species are described from European Quercus forests and one new comb... more ABSTRACT Two new Cortinarius species are described from European Quercus forests and one new combination is made based on molecular and morphological data. Cortinarius uraceomajalis is a vernal species currently only known from Hungary, Bulgaria and Italy, but likely is common throughout central and south-eastern Europe. Cortinarius uraceonemoralis is a widely distributed species in Europe. The new combination Cortinarius nolaneiformis is based on Hydrocybe nolaneiformis Velen. and is a widespread vernal species in Europe. Cortinarius uraceomajalis and C. nolaneiformis are preliminarily placed in sect. Colymbadini, characterized by having a positive (yellow) UV reaction, while C. uraceonemoralis with a UV negative reaction is placed in sect. Uracei. A neotype is selected for C. colymbadinus and C. uraceus to stabilize the nomenclature. Taxonomic novelties: Cortinarius uraceomajalis Dima, Liimat., Niskanen &amp;amp; Bojantchev, Cortinarius uraceonemoralis Niskanen, Liimat., Dima, Kytöv., Bojantchev &amp;amp; H. Lindstr., Cortinarius nolaneiformis (Velen.) Dima, Niskanen &amp;amp; Liimat.

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Research paper thumbnail of <em>Amanita augusta</em>, a new species from California and the Pacific Northwest

North American Fungi, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of <I>Cortinarius mikedavisii</I> sp. nov. from northern California

Mycotaxon, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius xanthodryophilus sp. nov. – a common Phlegmacium under oaks in California

Mycotaxon, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius subgenus Leprocybe, unexpected diversity and significant differences in species compositions between western and eastern North America

Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 2021

The focus of this paper is the North American species of Cortinarius in subg. Leprocybe. Eighteen... more The focus of this paper is the North American species of Cortinarius in subg. Leprocybe. Eighteen species, including twelve new ones, and two tentative (aff.) species, are delimited based on morphological and molecular data (DNA ITS-LSU sequences). Existing type specimens of species in subg. Leprocybe were also studied, and neo- or epitypes designated for C. cotoneus, C. melanotus, C. phrygianus and C. venetus to stabilize the nomenclature. In addition, to improve the infrasubgeneric classification of Leprocybe three new sections are proposed: sect. Fuscotomentosi, sect. Melanoti and sect. Squamiveneti. This study adds substantial information to the knowledge of subg. Leprocybe in North America against a background of European species. To date only two species, C. phrygianus and C. squamivenetus have been reported from both continents.

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Research paper thumbnail of <I>Amanita vernicoccora</I> sp. nov. —the vernal fruiting 'coccora' from California

Mycotaxon, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius callimorphus, a new species from northern California

Mycotaxon, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of a Prolog tracer by stepwise enhancement

A Prolog tracer is essentially a Prolog interpreter extended to provide features, such as retry, ... more A Prolog tracer is essentially a Prolog interpreter extended to provide features, such as retry, fail, leap, skip, and quasi-skip, to trace the computational ow of a program. This paper describes how a Prolog tracer may be built by stepwise enhancement. Using this method, rst a collection of partial-tracers are developed, each partial-tracer providing only a part of the tracer's functionality. The partial-tracers are then composed to yield a single tracer with the composite functionality of the partial-tracers. Stepwise enhancement provides an alternative to stepwise reenement and iterative enhancement in scenarios where the \natural" subproblems do not correspond to distinct subprograms. This typically happens, as in the case of a Prolog tracer, when diierent subprograms require the same program ow due to the contraint that their computations be performed simultaneously. Stepwise enhancement eases the development and extension of a tracer, and also makes it customizable. A...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius of California: eight new species in subg. Telamonia

Described are eight new species of Cortinarius subg. Telamonia from California and the Pacific No... more Described are eight new species of Cortinarius subg. Telamonia from California and the Pacific Northwest of North America. Four species fruit in the fall and the other four are vernal. Cortinarius cisqhale is a tanoak associate that fruits abundantly in the fall and winter. Cortinarius athabascus is an autumnal fruiting species and is broadly distributed throughout the region in conifer and mixed woods. Cortinarius tuolumnensis, C. miwok, C. gualalaensis, and C. ohlone belong to the /decipiens clade — the first two fruit vernally in boreal and montane habitat while the other two are autumnal at low elevations under coastal pine and live oak, respectively. Cortinarius eldoradoensis is a vernal fruiting species abundant in the higher elevations near melting snow. Cortinarius truckeensis is a rare, but locally abundant, species known only from its type location near Truckee, California.

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Research paper thumbnail of Type studies and fourteen new North American species of Cortinarius section Anomali reveal high continental species diversity

Mycological Progress

Section Anomali is a species-rich group in North America belonging to Cortinarius, the most diver... more Section Anomali is a species-rich group in North America belonging to Cortinarius, the most diverse genus in the Agaricales. This study is based on extensive morphological investigations and molecular methods using 191 nrDNA ITS sequence data and recovered 43 phylogenetic species from which 14 are described here as new to science. We sequenced ten type materials which belonged to eight species. The synonymy of C. caesiellus with C. albidipes and C. copakensis with C. albocyaneus is proposed here. The North American occurrence of four species (C. albocyaneus, C. anomalus, C. caninus, and C. tabularis), so far known only from Europe, was confirmed. Thirteen species were not formally described here due to lack of relevant information. An identification key to the known Anomali species in North America is provided.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 253–366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

Fungal Diversity, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Cortinarius sect. Riederi: taxonomy and phylogeny of the new section with European and North American distribution

Mycological Progress

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Research paper thumbnail of Spring and early summer species of Cortinarius, subgenus Telamonia, section Colymbadini and /Flavobasilis, in the mountains of western North America


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Research paper thumbnail of Fungal diversity notes 367–490: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa

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