Dorothe Veraguth - (original) (raw)
Papers by Dorothe Veraguth
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Ein vollständig intaktes Hörvermögen ist zentral für die Ausübung ver... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Ein vollständig intaktes Hörvermögen ist zentral für die Ausübung verschiedener Berufe wie Instrumentenbaumeister, Musiker, Tonmeister sowie für weitere Berufsgruppen ohne Bezug zu Musik wie beispielsweise Sonar-Techniker. Für Personen all dieser Berufsgruppen schlagen wir in Analogie zum „Professional Voice User“ den Begriff „Professional Ear User“ (PEU) vor. PEU haben spezielle Anforderungen an ihre Ohrgesundheit, da sie über eine überdurchschnittliche auditive Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit verfügen, von der sie beruflich abhängig sind. Fragestellung Die vorliegende narrative Übersichtsarbeit hat zum Ziel, die sich daraus ergebenden speziellen Aspekte der Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie von Ohrerkrankungen bei PEU zusammenzufassen. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Die Prävention von Hörstörungen und weiteren Ohrerkrankungen umfasst den Schutz vor zu hohen Schallpegeln, die Vermeidung von Ototoxinen oder Nikotin sowie die korrekte Durchführung einer Gehörgang...
Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit Kindern, die ein Cochlea-Implantat tragen und wie... more Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit Kindern, die ein Cochlea-Implantat tragen und wie Eltern oder Bezugspersonen den Spracherwerb des Kindes fördern können. Die Basis dieser Arbeit bildet eine Literaturrecherche. Ergänzt wird diese durch die qualitative Auswertung eines Fragebogens, den Eltern und Fachpersonen der Audiologie, Audiopädagogik und Logopädie ausgefüllt haben. In dieser Arbeit werden die Schwierigkeiten im Spracherwerb von Kindern mit einem CI dargelegt. Dazu werden entsprechende Fördermassnahmen gemäss der Theorie beschrieben sowie durch die Aussagen der Eltern und Fachpersonen bestätigt oder ergänzt. Aus den Erkenntnissen dieser Arbeit ist der Flyer "Ratgeber zur Sprachförderung bei Kindern mit einem Cochlea- Implantat" entstanden.
Die Autoren haben keine finzanzielle Unterstützung und keine anderen Interessenkonflikte im Zusam... more Die Autoren haben keine finzanzielle Unterstützung und keine anderen Interessenkonflikte im Zusammenhang mit diesem Beitrag deklariert.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
The reliable prediction of cochlear implant (CI) speech perception outcomes is highly relevant an... more The reliable prediction of cochlear implant (CI) speech perception outcomes is highly relevant and can facilitate the monitoring of postoperative hearing performance. To date, multiple audiometric, demographic, and surgical variables have shown some degree of correlation with CI speech perception outcomes. In the present study, postsurgical acoustic and electric hearing thresholds that are routinely assessed in clinical practice were compared to CI speech perception outcomes in order to reveal possible markers of postoperative cochlear health. A total of 237 CI recipients were included in this retrospective monocentric study. An analysis of the correlation of postoperative pure-tone averages (PTAs) and electric CI fitting thresholds (T-/C-levels) with speech perception scores for monosyllabic words in quiet was performed. Additionally, a correlation analysis was performed for postoperative acoustic thresholds in intracochlear electrocochleography (EcochG) and speech recognition scor...
Cochlear Implants International
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Swiss Medical Weekly
The following work is licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives ... more The following work is licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License.
Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum
Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
• Bereits ein milder Hörverlust kann die Sprachverständlichkeit und die Kommunikationsfähigkeit b... more • Bereits ein milder Hörverlust kann die Sprachverständlichkeit und die Kommunikationsfähigkeit beeinträchtigen, so dass er von den Betroffenen als Behinderung im Alltag empfunden wird. • Nichtversorgter Hörverlust hat mittel-und langfristig Auswirkungen-auf neuronaler Ebene (auditorische Deprivation), auf kognitiver Ebene und im psychosozialen Bereich. • Audiologisch abgeklärt werden sollten alle Patienten mit einem selbst oder von Dritten festgestellten Hörverlust. • Für die Indikationsstellung zur Versorgung von Hörverlusten mit Hörgeräten durch den ORL-Arzt ist-in Kombination mit der Erfassung der subjektiven Beeinträchtigung mit Hilfe von validierten Fragebögenjeweils ein Tonaudiogramm, ein Sprachaudiogramm in Ruhe und im Störschall zu erstellen. • Sprachaudiometrische Tests im Störschall erleichtern vor allem bei geringgradiger Schwerhörigkeit die Beurteilung der Sprachverständlichkeit. • Weisen beide Ohren einen Hörverlust auf, sollte eine binaurale Versorgung angestrebt werden. Eine monaurale Versorgung ist bei einseitiger Schwerhörigkeit angezeigt. • Die abschliessende Evaluation sollte sprachaudiometrische Tests in Ruhe und im Störschall mit Hörgerät(en) und zusätzlich die Erfassung der subjektiven Zufriedenheit mit Hilfe von Fragebögen beinhalten.
International Journal of Audiology
Audiology and Neurotology
Objectives: (1) To assess dynamic postural stability before and after cochlear implantation using... more Objectives: (1) To assess dynamic postural stability before and after cochlear implantation using a functional gait assessment (FGA). (2) To evaluate the correlation between loss of residual hearing and changes in dynamic postural stability after cochlear implantation. Methods: Candidates for first-sided cochlear implantation were prospectively included. The FGAs and pure-tone audiograms were performed before and 4–6 weeks after cochlear implantation. Results: Twenty-three subjects were included. Forty-eight percent (n = 11) showed FGA performance below the age-referenced norm before surgery. One subject had a clinically relevant decrease of the FGA score after cochlear implantation. No significant difference between the mean pre- and postoperative FGA scores was detectable (p = 0.4). Postoperative hearing loss showed no correlation with a change in FGA score after surgery (r = 0.3, p = 0.3, n = 16). Conclusion: Single-sided cochlear implantation does not adversely affect dynamic po...
Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018
We aimed to quantify peripheral-vestibular deficits that may contribute to imbalanced stance/gait... more We aimed to quantify peripheral-vestibular deficits that may contribute to imbalanced stance/gait in patients with inflammatory neuropathies. Twenty-one patients (58 ± 15 y [mean age ± 1SD]; chronic-inflammatory-demyelinating-polyneuropathy = 10, Guillain-Barré Syndrome = 5, Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy = 2, multifocal-motor-neuropathy = 4) were compared with 26 healthy controls. All subjects received video-head-impulse testing (vHIT), caloric irrigation and cervical/ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic-potentials (VEMPs). The Yardley vertigo-symptom-scale (VSS) was used to rate vertigo/dizziness. Postural stability was assessed using the functional gait-assessment (FGA). Pure-tone audiograms (n = 18), otoacoustic emissions (n = 12) and auditory brainstem responses were obtained (n = 12). Semicircular-canal hypofunction was noted in 9/21 (43%) patients (vHIT = 6; caloric irrigation = 5), whereas otolith function was impaired in 12/21 (57%) (oVEMPs = 8; cVEMPs = 5), resulting in vesti...
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2018
Full audiological monitoring is the best strategy to detect hearing loss early and to provide tim... more Full audiological monitoring is the best strategy to detect hearing loss early and to provide timely intervention in the absence of a clinical method of otoprotection. Full monitoring requires audiological evaluation before, and then during and after ototoxic cancer treatment. In a worldwide context of monitoring protocols that vary substantially, we analyzed the audiological monitoring of childhood cancer patients over the last decade across treatment centers in Switzerland. We retrospectively searched for audiological evaluations in all nine Swiss Pediatric Oncology Centers. We analyzed proportions of patients who had audiological monitoring and described type and timing of monitoring. We determined predictors of audiological monitoring using multivariable logistic regression and described time trends. We included 185 patients from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry diagnosed from 2005 to 2013 who had platinum chemotherapy and/or cranial radiation ≥30 Gray and who were alive at t...
Frontiers in neuroscience, 2018
The aims of this study were: (1) To investigate the correlation between electrophysiological chan... more The aims of this study were: (1) To investigate the correlation between electrophysiological changes during cochlear implantation and postoperative hearing loss, and (2) to detect the time points that electrophysiological changes occur during cochlear implantation.Extra- and intracochlear electrocochleography (ECoG) were used to detect electrophysiological changes during cochlear implantation. Extracochlear ECoG recordings were conducted through a needle electrode placed on the promontory; for intracochlear ECoG recordings, the most apical contact of the cochlear implant (CI) electrode itself was used as the recording electrode. Tone bursts at 250, 500, 750, and 1000 Hz were used as low-frequency acoustic stimuli and clicks as high-frequency acoustic stimuli. Changes of extracochlear ECoG recordings after full insertion of the CI electrode were correlated with pure-tone audiometric findings 4 weeks after surgery.Changes in extracochlear ECoG recordings correlated with postoperative ...
Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology, 2018
To assess changes in electrocochleographic (ECoG) responses following short-term suprathreshold e... more To assess changes in electrocochleographic (ECoG) responses following short-term suprathreshold electrical stimulation during cochlear implant (CI) telemetry in CI recipients. Extracochlear ECoG recordings were conducted before and after intraoperative short-term suprathreshold electrical stimulation. Tone bursts at 500, 750, and 1000 Hz as well as clicks were used as acoustic stimuli. Changes of ECoG responses were correlated to calculated maximum electrical charge levels. Fourteen subjects were included. On average, no significant changes of ECoG responses occurred in the earliest postoperative phase; therefore, also following short-term suprathreshold electrical stimulation. However, one subject (S7) showed a decrease of ECoG responses. Neural as well as hair cell components of the ECoG signal were affected. On average, the maximum electrical charge level was 22 nC (range, 15-37 nC). In S7, the maximum electrical charge level was 17 nC. No correlations were found between maximum ...
Otology & Neurotology, 2015
To analyze speech discrimination scores and subjective benefit of a transcutaneous bone conductio... more To analyze speech discrimination scores and subjective benefit of a transcutaneous bone conduction device (tBCD) in adults with single-sided deafness (SSD). Prospective cohort study. Tertiary referral center. Nine adults with SSD for more than 1 year and normal hearing on the contralateral side (PTA <30 dB HL) were implanted with a tBCD. Transmastoidal implantation of a Bonebridge (BB, MED-EL) tBCD. Aided and unaided speech discrimination scores in three different spatial settings were measured using the Oldenburg sentence test (OLSA). Quality of life was assessed by two questionnaires, the Bern Benefit in Single Sided Deafness Questionnaire (BBSS) and the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing scale for benefit questionnaire (SSQ-B). Speech discrimination scores measured by OLSA showed a mean signal-to-noise ratio improvement of 1.7 dB SPL for the aided condition compared with the unaided condition in the setting where the sound signal is presented on the side of the implanted ear and the noise is coming from the front (p < 0.05). In the other two settings (signal and noise from front; signal from normal hearing ear and noise from front), the signal-to-noise ratio did not change significantly. This benefit became manifest after 6 months. Good satisfaction was indicated by positive results on the questionnaires. Speech discrimination in noise for patients implanted with the BB is comparable with patients with other bone conduction hearing aids. A learning curve is clearly detectable. The subjective benefit was rated positively by the patients. With the advantage of intact skin conditions after implantation, the BB is an adequate option for patients with SSD.
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Ein vollständig intaktes Hörvermögen ist zentral für die Ausübung ver... more Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Ein vollständig intaktes Hörvermögen ist zentral für die Ausübung verschiedener Berufe wie Instrumentenbaumeister, Musiker, Tonmeister sowie für weitere Berufsgruppen ohne Bezug zu Musik wie beispielsweise Sonar-Techniker. Für Personen all dieser Berufsgruppen schlagen wir in Analogie zum „Professional Voice User“ den Begriff „Professional Ear User“ (PEU) vor. PEU haben spezielle Anforderungen an ihre Ohrgesundheit, da sie über eine überdurchschnittliche auditive Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit verfügen, von der sie beruflich abhängig sind. Fragestellung Die vorliegende narrative Übersichtsarbeit hat zum Ziel, die sich daraus ergebenden speziellen Aspekte der Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie von Ohrerkrankungen bei PEU zusammenzufassen. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Die Prävention von Hörstörungen und weiteren Ohrerkrankungen umfasst den Schutz vor zu hohen Schallpegeln, die Vermeidung von Ototoxinen oder Nikotin sowie die korrekte Durchführung einer Gehörgang...
Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit Kindern, die ein Cochlea-Implantat tragen und wie... more Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit Kindern, die ein Cochlea-Implantat tragen und wie Eltern oder Bezugspersonen den Spracherwerb des Kindes fördern können. Die Basis dieser Arbeit bildet eine Literaturrecherche. Ergänzt wird diese durch die qualitative Auswertung eines Fragebogens, den Eltern und Fachpersonen der Audiologie, Audiopädagogik und Logopädie ausgefüllt haben. In dieser Arbeit werden die Schwierigkeiten im Spracherwerb von Kindern mit einem CI dargelegt. Dazu werden entsprechende Fördermassnahmen gemäss der Theorie beschrieben sowie durch die Aussagen der Eltern und Fachpersonen bestätigt oder ergänzt. Aus den Erkenntnissen dieser Arbeit ist der Flyer "Ratgeber zur Sprachförderung bei Kindern mit einem Cochlea- Implantat" entstanden.
Die Autoren haben keine finzanzielle Unterstützung und keine anderen Interessenkonflikte im Zusam... more Die Autoren haben keine finzanzielle Unterstützung und keine anderen Interessenkonflikte im Zusammenhang mit diesem Beitrag deklariert.
Journal of Clinical Medicine
The reliable prediction of cochlear implant (CI) speech perception outcomes is highly relevant an... more The reliable prediction of cochlear implant (CI) speech perception outcomes is highly relevant and can facilitate the monitoring of postoperative hearing performance. To date, multiple audiometric, demographic, and surgical variables have shown some degree of correlation with CI speech perception outcomes. In the present study, postsurgical acoustic and electric hearing thresholds that are routinely assessed in clinical practice were compared to CI speech perception outcomes in order to reveal possible markers of postoperative cochlear health. A total of 237 CI recipients were included in this retrospective monocentric study. An analysis of the correlation of postoperative pure-tone averages (PTAs) and electric CI fitting thresholds (T-/C-levels) with speech perception scores for monosyllabic words in quiet was performed. Additionally, a correlation analysis was performed for postoperative acoustic thresholds in intracochlear electrocochleography (EcochG) and speech recognition scor...
Cochlear Implants International
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Swiss Medical Weekly
The following work is licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives ... more The following work is licensed under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License.
Forum Médical Suisse ‒ Swiss Medical Forum
Swiss Medical Forum ‒ Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum
• Bereits ein milder Hörverlust kann die Sprachverständlichkeit und die Kommunikationsfähigkeit b... more • Bereits ein milder Hörverlust kann die Sprachverständlichkeit und die Kommunikationsfähigkeit beeinträchtigen, so dass er von den Betroffenen als Behinderung im Alltag empfunden wird. • Nichtversorgter Hörverlust hat mittel-und langfristig Auswirkungen-auf neuronaler Ebene (auditorische Deprivation), auf kognitiver Ebene und im psychosozialen Bereich. • Audiologisch abgeklärt werden sollten alle Patienten mit einem selbst oder von Dritten festgestellten Hörverlust. • Für die Indikationsstellung zur Versorgung von Hörverlusten mit Hörgeräten durch den ORL-Arzt ist-in Kombination mit der Erfassung der subjektiven Beeinträchtigung mit Hilfe von validierten Fragebögenjeweils ein Tonaudiogramm, ein Sprachaudiogramm in Ruhe und im Störschall zu erstellen. • Sprachaudiometrische Tests im Störschall erleichtern vor allem bei geringgradiger Schwerhörigkeit die Beurteilung der Sprachverständlichkeit. • Weisen beide Ohren einen Hörverlust auf, sollte eine binaurale Versorgung angestrebt werden. Eine monaurale Versorgung ist bei einseitiger Schwerhörigkeit angezeigt. • Die abschliessende Evaluation sollte sprachaudiometrische Tests in Ruhe und im Störschall mit Hörgerät(en) und zusätzlich die Erfassung der subjektiven Zufriedenheit mit Hilfe von Fragebögen beinhalten.
International Journal of Audiology
Audiology and Neurotology
Objectives: (1) To assess dynamic postural stability before and after cochlear implantation using... more Objectives: (1) To assess dynamic postural stability before and after cochlear implantation using a functional gait assessment (FGA). (2) To evaluate the correlation between loss of residual hearing and changes in dynamic postural stability after cochlear implantation. Methods: Candidates for first-sided cochlear implantation were prospectively included. The FGAs and pure-tone audiograms were performed before and 4–6 weeks after cochlear implantation. Results: Twenty-three subjects were included. Forty-eight percent (n = 11) showed FGA performance below the age-referenced norm before surgery. One subject had a clinically relevant decrease of the FGA score after cochlear implantation. No significant difference between the mean pre- and postoperative FGA scores was detectable (p = 0.4). Postoperative hearing loss showed no correlation with a change in FGA score after surgery (r = 0.3, p = 0.3, n = 16). Conclusion: Single-sided cochlear implantation does not adversely affect dynamic po...
Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2018
We aimed to quantify peripheral-vestibular deficits that may contribute to imbalanced stance/gait... more We aimed to quantify peripheral-vestibular deficits that may contribute to imbalanced stance/gait in patients with inflammatory neuropathies. Twenty-one patients (58 ± 15 y [mean age ± 1SD]; chronic-inflammatory-demyelinating-polyneuropathy = 10, Guillain-Barré Syndrome = 5, Anti-MAG peripheral neuropathy = 2, multifocal-motor-neuropathy = 4) were compared with 26 healthy controls. All subjects received video-head-impulse testing (vHIT), caloric irrigation and cervical/ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic-potentials (VEMPs). The Yardley vertigo-symptom-scale (VSS) was used to rate vertigo/dizziness. Postural stability was assessed using the functional gait-assessment (FGA). Pure-tone audiograms (n = 18), otoacoustic emissions (n = 12) and auditory brainstem responses were obtained (n = 12). Semicircular-canal hypofunction was noted in 9/21 (43%) patients (vHIT = 6; caloric irrigation = 5), whereas otolith function was impaired in 12/21 (57%) (oVEMPs = 8; cVEMPs = 5), resulting in vesti...
Pediatric blood & cancer, 2018
Full audiological monitoring is the best strategy to detect hearing loss early and to provide tim... more Full audiological monitoring is the best strategy to detect hearing loss early and to provide timely intervention in the absence of a clinical method of otoprotection. Full monitoring requires audiological evaluation before, and then during and after ototoxic cancer treatment. In a worldwide context of monitoring protocols that vary substantially, we analyzed the audiological monitoring of childhood cancer patients over the last decade across treatment centers in Switzerland. We retrospectively searched for audiological evaluations in all nine Swiss Pediatric Oncology Centers. We analyzed proportions of patients who had audiological monitoring and described type and timing of monitoring. We determined predictors of audiological monitoring using multivariable logistic regression and described time trends. We included 185 patients from the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry diagnosed from 2005 to 2013 who had platinum chemotherapy and/or cranial radiation ≥30 Gray and who were alive at t...
Frontiers in neuroscience, 2018
The aims of this study were: (1) To investigate the correlation between electrophysiological chan... more The aims of this study were: (1) To investigate the correlation between electrophysiological changes during cochlear implantation and postoperative hearing loss, and (2) to detect the time points that electrophysiological changes occur during cochlear implantation.Extra- and intracochlear electrocochleography (ECoG) were used to detect electrophysiological changes during cochlear implantation. Extracochlear ECoG recordings were conducted through a needle electrode placed on the promontory; for intracochlear ECoG recordings, the most apical contact of the cochlear implant (CI) electrode itself was used as the recording electrode. Tone bursts at 250, 500, 750, and 1000 Hz were used as low-frequency acoustic stimuli and clicks as high-frequency acoustic stimuli. Changes of extracochlear ECoG recordings after full insertion of the CI electrode were correlated with pure-tone audiometric findings 4 weeks after surgery.Changes in extracochlear ECoG recordings correlated with postoperative ...
Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology, 2018
To assess changes in electrocochleographic (ECoG) responses following short-term suprathreshold e... more To assess changes in electrocochleographic (ECoG) responses following short-term suprathreshold electrical stimulation during cochlear implant (CI) telemetry in CI recipients. Extracochlear ECoG recordings were conducted before and after intraoperative short-term suprathreshold electrical stimulation. Tone bursts at 500, 750, and 1000 Hz as well as clicks were used as acoustic stimuli. Changes of ECoG responses were correlated to calculated maximum electrical charge levels. Fourteen subjects were included. On average, no significant changes of ECoG responses occurred in the earliest postoperative phase; therefore, also following short-term suprathreshold electrical stimulation. However, one subject (S7) showed a decrease of ECoG responses. Neural as well as hair cell components of the ECoG signal were affected. On average, the maximum electrical charge level was 22 nC (range, 15-37 nC). In S7, the maximum electrical charge level was 17 nC. No correlations were found between maximum ...
Otology & Neurotology, 2015
To analyze speech discrimination scores and subjective benefit of a transcutaneous bone conductio... more To analyze speech discrimination scores and subjective benefit of a transcutaneous bone conduction device (tBCD) in adults with single-sided deafness (SSD). Prospective cohort study. Tertiary referral center. Nine adults with SSD for more than 1 year and normal hearing on the contralateral side (PTA <30 dB HL) were implanted with a tBCD. Transmastoidal implantation of a Bonebridge (BB, MED-EL) tBCD. Aided and unaided speech discrimination scores in three different spatial settings were measured using the Oldenburg sentence test (OLSA). Quality of life was assessed by two questionnaires, the Bern Benefit in Single Sided Deafness Questionnaire (BBSS) and the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing scale for benefit questionnaire (SSQ-B). Speech discrimination scores measured by OLSA showed a mean signal-to-noise ratio improvement of 1.7 dB SPL for the aided condition compared with the unaided condition in the setting where the sound signal is presented on the side of the implanted ear and the noise is coming from the front (p < 0.05). In the other two settings (signal and noise from front; signal from normal hearing ear and noise from front), the signal-to-noise ratio did not change significantly. This benefit became manifest after 6 months. Good satisfaction was indicated by positive results on the questionnaires. Speech discrimination in noise for patients implanted with the BB is comparable with patients with other bone conduction hearing aids. A learning curve is clearly detectable. The subjective benefit was rated positively by the patients. With the advantage of intact skin conditions after implantation, the BB is an adequate option for patients with SSD.