FITRI PERDANA - (original) (raw)
Galeri atau galeri seni adalah sebuah ruangan atau gedung atau bangunan yang digunakan untuk temp... more Galeri atau galeri seni adalah sebuah ruangan atau gedung atau bangunan yang digunakan untuk tempat menampilkan atau menjual karya-karya seni. Sedangkan Cambridge Dictionary mendefinisikan galeri seni sebagai “a building where works of art can be seen by the public” (sebuah gedung atau bangunan di mana karya-karya seni dipajang). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pengelolaan khususnya pada aspek perencanaan yang dilakukan oleh Galeri Rumah Seni Ropih. Lembaga galeri seni ini terletak di Braga, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan dengan salah satu staf sekaligus generasi penerus pemilik (cucu) Galeri Rumah Seni Ropih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses perencanaan Rumah Seni Ropih cukup efektif, sehingga membantu kelancaran dan keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Di mana dalam perencanaan ...
Dharmakarya, 2018
Woman, especially a mother, plays a very important role in family health. This happens because a ... more Woman, especially a mother, plays a very important role in family health. This happens because a mother tends to have greater attention to her family's health condition. Mother's concerns range from adopting a healthy lifestyle, providing healthy and fresh food, cooking nutritious food, washing clothes, cleaning the house and many other things that a mother always does. Especially with regard to family domestic work activities. With so many responsibilities and activities a mother to maintain family health, sometimes make him forget his own health. Though the health of a mother is very important in maintaining and improving the quality of family health. The…
Informatio, Feb 3, 2023
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembelajaran literasi jarak jauh di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Arafa... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembelajaran literasi jarak jauh di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Arafah Jakarta berdasarkan rencana pembelajaran; metode pembelajaran; kegiatan pembelajaran; dan kegiatan pasca pembelajaran dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan literasi informasi pada proses pembelajaran jarak jauh di TK Islam Arafah di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Peneliti melakukan pemilihan informan dengan metode purposive sample, adapun informan yang dipilih yaitu Kepala sekolah, guru dan orang tua murid TK Islam Arafah Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pembelajaran jarak jauh atau belajar online mulai muncul ketika pandemi Covid-19, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pun menyarankan untuk melakukan kegiatan belajar-mengajar secara jarak jauh atau online, tak terkecuali dalam hal belajar literasi pada anak. TK Islam Arafah Jakarta sendiri membuat sebuah kurikulum khusus untuk kegiatan belajar jarak jauh yang disusun berlandaskan aspek filosofis, sosiologis dan psiko-pedagogis. Pada TK Islam Arafah Jakarta, terdapat pembelajaran literasi baca-tulis dan literasi numerasi dasar yang diajarkan secara jarak jauh dengan menggunakan metode resource based learning dan pendekatan saintifik. Pihak sekolah berusaha untuk mengajarkan literasi kepada anak-anak dengan cara yang efektif dan efisien dengan melakukan inovasi kegiatan pembelajaran melalui lembar kerja anak; kegiatan home-visit; dan video learning. Pasca kegiatan belajar-mengajar, pihak sekolah memberikan penilaian melalui rapor mingguan. Dalam mengefektifkan kegiatan belajar jarak jauh, pihak sekolah melakukan kerja sama dengan orang tua atau wali dalam setiap kegiatan belajar jarak jauh.
Pustaka Karya : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2021
Introduction. One of the most valuable cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation's ancestors... more Introduction. One of the most valuable cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation's ancestors is the ancient manuscript. Ancient manuscripts can be found in every region in Indonesia, especially Indramayu. Most of the ancient manuscripts found in Indramayu have been kept at the Bandar Cimanuk Museum, Indramayu. Most of the ancient manuscripts in the Bandar Cimanuk Museum, Indramayu, are written by hand or in the original form before printing. Digitalization is the process of transferring document media from printed, audio, and video forms. Equipment used in digitizing activities includes software and hardware. In digitizing ancient manuscripts, there are 2 stages that must be followed, pre-digitization and organizing.Data Collection Methods. Using a qualitative methods and descriptive approach with a case study category. Data Analysis. The survey data were descriptively analysed by using 3 steps there are reduction, presentation and conclutsin . Result and Discussion.The result...
Informatio: Journal of Library and Information Science, 2021
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai aktivitas literasi Travelling and Teaching (TNT) #18 yang dilaku... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai aktivitas literasi Travelling and Teaching (TNT) #18 yang dilakukan oleh sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana aktivitas literasi yang dilak ukan oleh sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi partisipatif, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses komunikasi instruksional yang dilakukan oleh sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung pada saat kegiatan TNT #18 dimulai dari : 1) Spesifikasi isi dan tujuan komunikasi instruksional mengenai materi dan aktivitas pembelajaran yang terdapat atau tertera di dalam booklet TNT #18; 2) Penaksiran Perilaku Mula yakni di dalam kegiatan technical meeting untuk menginformasikan mengenai kemampuan siswa (sasaran); 3) Penetapan Strategi Instruksional yang dibagi menjadi 2, yakni : Pertama, Strategi ekspositori (pencarian materi atau bahan ajar melalui buku pelajaran dan internet) dan strategi inkuiri (pemilihan metode fun teaching dan media komunikasi instruksional); 4) Organisasi satuan-satuan Instruksional (pembagian materi, teknis penggunaan media instruksional dan alur pemaparan materi dan simulasi); 5) Umpan balik : review pembelajaran dan 6) Evaluasi. Hambatan yang terjadi pada saat kegiatan TNT #18 tidak ada karena dari awal tujuan pembelajarannya sudah direncanakan secara matang sehingga pada proses pembelajarannya hambatanhambatan tersebut dapat diantisipasi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini ialah bahwa komponen atau proses tambahan pada proses komunikasi instruksional di akhir sesudah melakukan review ialah evaluasi mengenai proses komunikasi instruksional secara keseluruhan dan juga hambatan. Tetapi hambatan ini bisa dieliminir atau bisa dihindari karena proses komunikasi instruksional ini sudah direncanakan sedemikian rupa sebelumnya. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih mendalam mengenai sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung. Diharapkan dapat terciptanya inovasi dalam berbagai kegiatan sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung demi mewujudkan sistem pembelajaran yang lebih baik lagi.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Administrative Science, Policy and Governance Studies (ICAS-PGS 2017) and the International Conference on Business Administration and Policy (ICBAP 2017), 2017
Local wisdom emerges as a form of human adaptation to the environment. Local wisdom considered as... more Local wisdom emerges as a form of human adaptation to the environment. Local wisdom considered as a good environmental preservation instrument. Local wisdom among Sundanese people is always associated with nature, which is to maintain a harmony between humankind and nature. As a part of nature, human beings should not be excessive in exploiting the natural resources. Anthony Sutrisno, a man of Javanese descent, who is attracted by the values of Sundanese local wisdom, preserves those values through the work of accessories he produces. Using name of Bumi Putih Spiritual Jewelry, Anthony communicates his work through various media. This study aims to determine the efforts that Anthony made in communicating the values of Sundanese local wisdom in preserving nature through natural seeds accessories by using the media. This research uses a qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews, supported by observation and literature study. The results show that the seeds-based accessories is a form of Anthony's appreciation to Sundanese culture in preserving natural environment. The values of Sundanese local wisdom is applied in the process of making these accessories in a way that does not destroy nature and seed entities. Anthony's accessories have philosophical and economic values in it. To communicate his works, Anthony chose social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Line). He also made himself as a mobile communication media to promote the works he produced. This study reached to the conclusion that human and nature must respect each other, in order to made life in balance. Utilization of natural potentials tailored to the needs, not to over-exploited. Mankind must be able to control themselves, so as not to harm themselves and natural environment.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 2018
Human communications is so important that without it, the human life itself will not be meaningfu... more Human communications is so important that without it, the human life itself will not be meaningful, or even human beings itself will not survive. (Wright (1985:14). Likewise in an organization, communication becomes the most important part in connecting and generating performance between sections within the organization. With no exception, the process of communication in the organization of Islamic Unity (PERSIS), will have to involve its members to exchange messages in accordance with targets and organizational goals. To achieve organizational goals, it is inseparable with how the formation of Organizational Culture that runs in it. Robbins, in Sopiah (2008: 128) says that Organizational Culture refers to a system of shared meanings were embraced by its members. Based on this case, this study seeks to see how far communication and organizational culture run by members of Bandung Islamic Union in the development of organization. Qualitative method is used as a method, with case stud...
The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education, 2017
School is the right institution for leading the differences among primary students into unity. St... more School is the right institution for leading the differences among primary students into unity. Students are guided and directed to appreciate the differences among them to create a harmonious life, away from conflict. The principle of togetherness and equality among students, embedded in an entrepreneurship-based school in Garut, SD Bestari Utami. This school provides equal opportunity to every child in Garut to get quality education without considering their social and cultural background. This study aims to describe the pattern of education at SD Bestari Utami, which educates students to get quality education with the principle of respect for differences and create togetherness based on local wisdom of Sundanese culture. This research uses qualitative-phenomenology method to reveal the experience the school managers in educating their students to be individuals with good characters such as intelligent, active, moral, and respect differences. In-depth interview, observation and literature study used to collecting data. The results showed that interactive teaching method used to build equality and togetherness among students at SD Bestari Utami. Teachers always encourage their students to involve actively in the learning process. In the classroom, teachers creatively provide teaching materials to encourage children to interact with each other. Togetherness is accustomed in every opportunity during study and during rest. Periodically, teachers provide learning programs to work within groups. The curriculum of Sundanese art is also applied as a binder of togetherness. Through art performances, all students participated without exception. The conclusion of this study is that schools have an important role in embedding togetherness and equality to their students. The right curriculum and methods, as well as creative and big hearted teachers, are a supportive force in building togetherness and equality to enhance quality in character education for students from different social and cultural backgrounds.
Art is an expression of human aesthetic sense. Positive messages inside can be transferred to the... more Art is an expression of human aesthetic sense. Positive messages inside can be transferred to the audience. The sustainability of an art depends on the successors. Regeneration process is very important in maintaining the sustainability of an art, including traditional Sundanese dance art. Nowadays, the regeneration process is not easy. The outside culture that came through communication technology, making young generation like other countries culture more than local art. Therefore, to introduce traditional arts to them, it needs communication strategies that they can accept well and easily understood. This study aims to determine the communication strategy used by Indawati Lukman, owner of Studio Tari Indra (STI), in introducing traditional dance to the young generation. Through qualitative descriptive method, this research found that STI used two communication strategies, that is internal communication and external communication. Internal communication is done to reinforce the mes...
Garut is one of the area in West Java that has potential natural resources for the economy and to... more Garut is one of the area in West Java that has potential natural resources for the economy and tourism. Akarwangi/vetiver is a local commodity that can be processed into various forms of craft that have economic value. Through skillful hands, vetiver which was originally only fragrant aroma roots, became a Garut souvenir that much people loved. Franz Limiart, a creative economic Chinese practitioner who loves his hometown of Garut optimizes the use of vetiver into a local commodity that can support the tourism of Garut as well as support many people around him. This study aims to determine the utilization of vetiver as Garut’s local natural resources into goods of economic value as well as the steps undertaken in empowering the creative economy to support tourism in Garut. The method used for this research is qualitative descriptive, with data collection technique through in-depth interview, observation and literature study. The results show, creative economic empowerment through th...
PPM yang berjudul “Workshop Pembuatan Jaringan Informasi Dan Penggunaan Media Sosial Dalam Menduk... more PPM yang berjudul “Workshop Pembuatan Jaringan Informasi Dan Penggunaan Media Sosial Dalam Mendukung Kegiatan Pengusaha Alat-Alat Pertanian”. Adapun salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian kami dalam upaya mengembangkan usaha alat-alat pertanian adalah dengan mengembangkan jaringan informas antar para pengrajin dan kelompok pengrajin serta memanfaatkan beberapa media alternatif dalam memasarkan produk-produk alat pertanian tersebut. Tim kami memberikan pelatihan kepada 13 orang peserta terkait bagaimana pembuatan jaringan informasi dan penggunaan media sosial. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan malasah tersebut adalah melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan bagaimana pembuatan jaringan informasi dan penggunaan media sosial. Hasil dari PPM tersebut adalah terbangunnya website para kelompok pengrajian dalam upaya pemasaran alat-alat pertanian melalui laman serta membuat akun media sosial seperti facebook dengan laman
MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 2019
This research aims to reveal the construction of meaning of Tasikmalaya handicraft entrepreneurs ... more This research aims to reveal the construction of meaning of Tasikmalaya handicraft entrepreneurs in maintaining their existence in the midst of global competition today. The business of kelom geulis (beautiful wooden sandals) is the object of this study because it has functional value and there are many demands from buyers. Using qualitative with a phenomenological approach, research data is collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews with kelom geulis and bordir (embroidery) entrepreneurs, as well as documentation studies to complete the data gathered from the location. The result shows that the business of embroidery and kelom geulis is an effort to preserve local cultural heritage and identity of Tasikmalaya unique handicraft from extinction. This research concludes that Tasikmalaya City handicraft entrepreneurs interpreted the embroidery and kelom geulis business as an effort to fulfill life necessities and preserve the ancestor's heritage to maintain the ident...
Research and Innovation in Language Learning, 2018
Globalization synonymous with changes in all sociocultural aspects of human life, including langu... more Globalization synonymous with changes in all sociocultural aspects of human life, including languages. The use of local languages as a medium of communication shifted by the national language and English that became dominant. The local language seems to be a rare item, as it is not easy to find families who teach local languages to their children. Attempts to maintain the local language never stop. One of them is through writing. A number of writers in Bandung still write in Sundanese, although quantitatively, the readers are few. This study aims to reveal the motives of 8 writers produce writing in Sundanese and how their efforts to keep generating ideas for their writing. Based on the qualitative-phenomenology method used, this study reveals, the motives of the writers to produce works in Sundanese is the idealism as individuals born and raised in the Sundanese society. They feel they have a responsibility to maintain the existence of Sundanese in the community of native speakers....
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan, 2016
The purpose of this study was to determine the communications community participation in the pres... more The purpose of this study was to determine the communications community participation in the preservation of local barking plant in the district of Tasikmalaya regency Manonjaya. The focus of the study include mental engagement and sense of community in an effort to preserve local plant Manonjaya bark; people's willingness to make a move replanting barking in their respective communities; responsibilities of members of the public in maintaining and sustaining the plant bark and participatory communication activities were made public in building awareness of the importance of conserving plant bark. The method used in this research using mixed methods (mixed method). The combined method is essentially a strategy that uses quantitative and qualitative research in a single study. The results of this research note that 1). Mental and feeling of community involvement Salak farmers in the district and subdistrict Manonjaya Cineam seen from the fear of loss of crops barking in the area that has become the hallmark of their area. 2). Regarding the willingness of society, especially farmers replant barking to start barking. 3). As a form of community responsibility in maintaining the plant bark is to keep and maintain their plants. As for other measures that do well is to find the seeds of the plant bark with trying to combine local salak with pondoh. 4). Then the communication process of public participation in the preservation of local bark visible with the more active farmers in the bark and community leaders to discuss and determine the ideas for solving the problem of the scarcity of plants barking in the District and Sub-district Manonjaya Cineam.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan, 2017
Elementary School Library Kudang Manonjaya Tasikmalaya as one of the rescue efforts of library ma... more Elementary School Library Kudang Manonjaya Tasikmalaya as one of the rescue efforts of library materials from further damage by appropriate methods commonly referred to preservation activities. Preservation in question is the preservation of library materials that aim to maintain and preserve library materials from further destruction and extinction. After a disaster occurs with a bad impact on the condition of the library needed a plan to restore the library to its original normal conditions, when the recovery process can not be done quickly it is feared physical facilities both buildings, collections, inventory, document, and archive will undergo further damage and can not be saved anymore. This study used a qualitative approach, with greater emphasis in the way of description reveal phenomena experienced by study subjects. The subject of research that SDN library Kudang Manonjaya District of Tasikmalaya regency. The object studied is the preservation process before, during and after the incident occurrence earthquake. Results from this study indicate that preservation before disaster events has not been properly implemented among others is the establishment of natural disaster prevention planning team. At the time of the incident, Tasikmalaya earthquake of 2009 occurred at 14:55:21 pm, at which time the teaching and learning activities in SDN Kudang been completed, so that no one who was on the scene. Under these conditions of preservation at the time of earthquake occurrence is only carried out on goods that are at risk of more severe damaged. Preservation after earthquake occurrence has been able to be implemented properly. Rescue efforts of library materials held in SDN Kudang post events Tasikmalaya earthquake of 2009 is to evacuate the library materials, identify the types of library materials are damaged, then the restoration, cleaning, tightening the cover, patch, connect, and re binding.
Penguasaan terhadap bahasa asing adalah salah satu kunci untuk menguasaiberbagai hal yang ada di ... more Penguasaan terhadap bahasa asing adalah salah satu kunci untuk menguasaiberbagai hal yang ada di dunia. Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu dari bahasa internasional yang dapat menjadi sarana komunikasi yang melampaui batas negara. Mempelajari bahasa Timur Tengah memiliki kesulitan tersendiri, sebab tertulis dalam kaligrafi aksara yang tidak dapat dibaca dengan cepat oleh pemula. Kesulitan lain berupa penguasaan kosa kata baik lisan maupun mendengar. Literasi informasi dan pemanfaatan teknologi digital yang terkoneksi dengan internet menjadi hal yang perlu dilakukan ketika menerapkan praktek belajar bahasa Arab. Dengan demikiantahapan menguasai al-istima (mendengar), al-kalam (berbicara), al-qiro’ah (membaca) dan al-kitabah (menulis) dapat dilalui dengan lebih mudah dan lebih menyenangkan.
This Community Service (PPM) is entitled "Social Media Training in Developing Market Share a... more This Community Service (PPM) is entitled "Social Media Training in Developing Market Share and Increasing Revenue of Embroidery and Kelom geulis Entrepreneurs". This activity is motivated by development of social media usage from communication media to a marketing media for products produced and sold by net citizens. This includes embroidery and kelom geulis entrepreneurs in Tasikmalaya city. However, not every entrepreneur uses social media as a marketing media for their products, especially middle-aged business owners. Even if using it, the management is not optimal, because of the limited human resources and the time they need to manage it. This PPM activity aims to foster enthusiasm for embroidery and kelom geulis entrepreneurs to optimize the use of social media as a marketing medium in order to expand the market and increase the revenue earned. Through the implementation of PPM, it is expected that embroidery and kelom geulis entrepreneurs can further optimize the us...
Galeri atau galeri seni adalah sebuah ruangan atau gedung atau bangunan yang digunakan untuk temp... more Galeri atau galeri seni adalah sebuah ruangan atau gedung atau bangunan yang digunakan untuk tempat menampilkan atau menjual karya-karya seni. Sedangkan Cambridge Dictionary mendefinisikan galeri seni sebagai “a building where works of art can be seen by the public” (sebuah gedung atau bangunan di mana karya-karya seni dipajang). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pengelolaan khususnya pada aspek perencanaan yang dilakukan oleh Galeri Rumah Seni Ropih. Lembaga galeri seni ini terletak di Braga, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara yang dilakukan dengan salah satu staf sekaligus generasi penerus pemilik (cucu) Galeri Rumah Seni Ropih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses perencanaan Rumah Seni Ropih cukup efektif, sehingga membantu kelancaran dan keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Di mana dalam perencanaan ...
Dharmakarya, 2018
Woman, especially a mother, plays a very important role in family health. This happens because a ... more Woman, especially a mother, plays a very important role in family health. This happens because a mother tends to have greater attention to her family's health condition. Mother's concerns range from adopting a healthy lifestyle, providing healthy and fresh food, cooking nutritious food, washing clothes, cleaning the house and many other things that a mother always does. Especially with regard to family domestic work activities. With so many responsibilities and activities a mother to maintain family health, sometimes make him forget his own health. Though the health of a mother is very important in maintaining and improving the quality of family health. The…
Informatio, Feb 3, 2023
Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembelajaran literasi jarak jauh di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Arafa... more Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembelajaran literasi jarak jauh di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Arafah Jakarta berdasarkan rencana pembelajaran; metode pembelajaran; kegiatan pembelajaran; dan kegiatan pasca pembelajaran dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan literasi informasi pada proses pembelajaran jarak jauh di TK Islam Arafah di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Peneliti melakukan pemilihan informan dengan metode purposive sample, adapun informan yang dipilih yaitu Kepala sekolah, guru dan orang tua murid TK Islam Arafah Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pembelajaran jarak jauh atau belajar online mulai muncul ketika pandemi Covid-19, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pun menyarankan untuk melakukan kegiatan belajar-mengajar secara jarak jauh atau online, tak terkecuali dalam hal belajar literasi pada anak. TK Islam Arafah Jakarta sendiri membuat sebuah kurikulum khusus untuk kegiatan belajar jarak jauh yang disusun berlandaskan aspek filosofis, sosiologis dan psiko-pedagogis. Pada TK Islam Arafah Jakarta, terdapat pembelajaran literasi baca-tulis dan literasi numerasi dasar yang diajarkan secara jarak jauh dengan menggunakan metode resource based learning dan pendekatan saintifik. Pihak sekolah berusaha untuk mengajarkan literasi kepada anak-anak dengan cara yang efektif dan efisien dengan melakukan inovasi kegiatan pembelajaran melalui lembar kerja anak; kegiatan home-visit; dan video learning. Pasca kegiatan belajar-mengajar, pihak sekolah memberikan penilaian melalui rapor mingguan. Dalam mengefektifkan kegiatan belajar jarak jauh, pihak sekolah melakukan kerja sama dengan orang tua atau wali dalam setiap kegiatan belajar jarak jauh.
Pustaka Karya : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2021
Introduction. One of the most valuable cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation's ancestors... more Introduction. One of the most valuable cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation's ancestors is the ancient manuscript. Ancient manuscripts can be found in every region in Indonesia, especially Indramayu. Most of the ancient manuscripts found in Indramayu have been kept at the Bandar Cimanuk Museum, Indramayu. Most of the ancient manuscripts in the Bandar Cimanuk Museum, Indramayu, are written by hand or in the original form before printing. Digitalization is the process of transferring document media from printed, audio, and video forms. Equipment used in digitizing activities includes software and hardware. In digitizing ancient manuscripts, there are 2 stages that must be followed, pre-digitization and organizing.Data Collection Methods. Using a qualitative methods and descriptive approach with a case study category. Data Analysis. The survey data were descriptively analysed by using 3 steps there are reduction, presentation and conclutsin . Result and Discussion.The result...
Informatio: Journal of Library and Information Science, 2021
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai aktivitas literasi Travelling and Teaching (TNT) #18 yang dilaku... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai aktivitas literasi Travelling and Teaching (TNT) #18 yang dilakukan oleh sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana aktivitas literasi yang dilak ukan oleh sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi partisipatif, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses komunikasi instruksional yang dilakukan oleh sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung pada saat kegiatan TNT #18 dimulai dari : 1) Spesifikasi isi dan tujuan komunikasi instruksional mengenai materi dan aktivitas pembelajaran yang terdapat atau tertera di dalam booklet TNT #18; 2) Penaksiran Perilaku Mula yakni di dalam kegiatan technical meeting untuk menginformasikan mengenai kemampuan siswa (sasaran); 3) Penetapan Strategi Instruksional yang dibagi menjadi 2, yakni : Pertama, Strategi ekspositori (pencarian materi atau bahan ajar melalui buku pelajaran dan internet) dan strategi inkuiri (pemilihan metode fun teaching dan media komunikasi instruksional); 4) Organisasi satuan-satuan Instruksional (pembagian materi, teknis penggunaan media instruksional dan alur pemaparan materi dan simulasi); 5) Umpan balik : review pembelajaran dan 6) Evaluasi. Hambatan yang terjadi pada saat kegiatan TNT #18 tidak ada karena dari awal tujuan pembelajarannya sudah direncanakan secara matang sehingga pada proses pembelajarannya hambatanhambatan tersebut dapat diantisipasi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini ialah bahwa komponen atau proses tambahan pada proses komunikasi instruksional di akhir sesudah melakukan review ialah evaluasi mengenai proses komunikasi instruksional secara keseluruhan dan juga hambatan. Tetapi hambatan ini bisa dieliminir atau bisa dihindari karena proses komunikasi instruksional ini sudah direncanakan sedemikian rupa sebelumnya. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian lebih mendalam mengenai sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung. Diharapkan dapat terciptanya inovasi dalam berbagai kegiatan sukarelawan pengajar Komunitas 1000 Guru Bandung demi mewujudkan sistem pembelajaran yang lebih baik lagi.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Administrative Science, Policy and Governance Studies (ICAS-PGS 2017) and the International Conference on Business Administration and Policy (ICBAP 2017), 2017
Local wisdom emerges as a form of human adaptation to the environment. Local wisdom considered as... more Local wisdom emerges as a form of human adaptation to the environment. Local wisdom considered as a good environmental preservation instrument. Local wisdom among Sundanese people is always associated with nature, which is to maintain a harmony between humankind and nature. As a part of nature, human beings should not be excessive in exploiting the natural resources. Anthony Sutrisno, a man of Javanese descent, who is attracted by the values of Sundanese local wisdom, preserves those values through the work of accessories he produces. Using name of Bumi Putih Spiritual Jewelry, Anthony communicates his work through various media. This study aims to determine the efforts that Anthony made in communicating the values of Sundanese local wisdom in preserving nature through natural seeds accessories by using the media. This research uses a qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews, supported by observation and literature study. The results show that the seeds-based accessories is a form of Anthony's appreciation to Sundanese culture in preserving natural environment. The values of Sundanese local wisdom is applied in the process of making these accessories in a way that does not destroy nature and seed entities. Anthony's accessories have philosophical and economic values in it. To communicate his works, Anthony chose social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Line). He also made himself as a mobile communication media to promote the works he produced. This study reached to the conclusion that human and nature must respect each other, in order to made life in balance. Utilization of natural potentials tailored to the needs, not to over-exploited. Mankind must be able to control themselves, so as not to harm themselves and natural environment.
Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, 2018
Human communications is so important that without it, the human life itself will not be meaningfu... more Human communications is so important that without it, the human life itself will not be meaningful, or even human beings itself will not survive. (Wright (1985:14). Likewise in an organization, communication becomes the most important part in connecting and generating performance between sections within the organization. With no exception, the process of communication in the organization of Islamic Unity (PERSIS), will have to involve its members to exchange messages in accordance with targets and organizational goals. To achieve organizational goals, it is inseparable with how the formation of Organizational Culture that runs in it. Robbins, in Sopiah (2008: 128) says that Organizational Culture refers to a system of shared meanings were embraced by its members. Based on this case, this study seeks to see how far communication and organizational culture run by members of Bandung Islamic Union in the development of organization. Qualitative method is used as a method, with case stud...
The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education, 2017
School is the right institution for leading the differences among primary students into unity. St... more School is the right institution for leading the differences among primary students into unity. Students are guided and directed to appreciate the differences among them to create a harmonious life, away from conflict. The principle of togetherness and equality among students, embedded in an entrepreneurship-based school in Garut, SD Bestari Utami. This school provides equal opportunity to every child in Garut to get quality education without considering their social and cultural background. This study aims to describe the pattern of education at SD Bestari Utami, which educates students to get quality education with the principle of respect for differences and create togetherness based on local wisdom of Sundanese culture. This research uses qualitative-phenomenology method to reveal the experience the school managers in educating their students to be individuals with good characters such as intelligent, active, moral, and respect differences. In-depth interview, observation and literature study used to collecting data. The results showed that interactive teaching method used to build equality and togetherness among students at SD Bestari Utami. Teachers always encourage their students to involve actively in the learning process. In the classroom, teachers creatively provide teaching materials to encourage children to interact with each other. Togetherness is accustomed in every opportunity during study and during rest. Periodically, teachers provide learning programs to work within groups. The curriculum of Sundanese art is also applied as a binder of togetherness. Through art performances, all students participated without exception. The conclusion of this study is that schools have an important role in embedding togetherness and equality to their students. The right curriculum and methods, as well as creative and big hearted teachers, are a supportive force in building togetherness and equality to enhance quality in character education for students from different social and cultural backgrounds.
Art is an expression of human aesthetic sense. Positive messages inside can be transferred to the... more Art is an expression of human aesthetic sense. Positive messages inside can be transferred to the audience. The sustainability of an art depends on the successors. Regeneration process is very important in maintaining the sustainability of an art, including traditional Sundanese dance art. Nowadays, the regeneration process is not easy. The outside culture that came through communication technology, making young generation like other countries culture more than local art. Therefore, to introduce traditional arts to them, it needs communication strategies that they can accept well and easily understood. This study aims to determine the communication strategy used by Indawati Lukman, owner of Studio Tari Indra (STI), in introducing traditional dance to the young generation. Through qualitative descriptive method, this research found that STI used two communication strategies, that is internal communication and external communication. Internal communication is done to reinforce the mes...
Garut is one of the area in West Java that has potential natural resources for the economy and to... more Garut is one of the area in West Java that has potential natural resources for the economy and tourism. Akarwangi/vetiver is a local commodity that can be processed into various forms of craft that have economic value. Through skillful hands, vetiver which was originally only fragrant aroma roots, became a Garut souvenir that much people loved. Franz Limiart, a creative economic Chinese practitioner who loves his hometown of Garut optimizes the use of vetiver into a local commodity that can support the tourism of Garut as well as support many people around him. This study aims to determine the utilization of vetiver as Garut’s local natural resources into goods of economic value as well as the steps undertaken in empowering the creative economy to support tourism in Garut. The method used for this research is qualitative descriptive, with data collection technique through in-depth interview, observation and literature study. The results show, creative economic empowerment through th...
PPM yang berjudul “Workshop Pembuatan Jaringan Informasi Dan Penggunaan Media Sosial Dalam Menduk... more PPM yang berjudul “Workshop Pembuatan Jaringan Informasi Dan Penggunaan Media Sosial Dalam Mendukung Kegiatan Pengusaha Alat-Alat Pertanian”. Adapun salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian kami dalam upaya mengembangkan usaha alat-alat pertanian adalah dengan mengembangkan jaringan informas antar para pengrajin dan kelompok pengrajin serta memanfaatkan beberapa media alternatif dalam memasarkan produk-produk alat pertanian tersebut. Tim kami memberikan pelatihan kepada 13 orang peserta terkait bagaimana pembuatan jaringan informasi dan penggunaan media sosial. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan malasah tersebut adalah melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan bagaimana pembuatan jaringan informasi dan penggunaan media sosial. Hasil dari PPM tersebut adalah terbangunnya website para kelompok pengrajian dalam upaya pemasaran alat-alat pertanian melalui laman serta membuat akun media sosial seperti facebook dengan laman
MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, 2019
This research aims to reveal the construction of meaning of Tasikmalaya handicraft entrepreneurs ... more This research aims to reveal the construction of meaning of Tasikmalaya handicraft entrepreneurs in maintaining their existence in the midst of global competition today. The business of kelom geulis (beautiful wooden sandals) is the object of this study because it has functional value and there are many demands from buyers. Using qualitative with a phenomenological approach, research data is collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews with kelom geulis and bordir (embroidery) entrepreneurs, as well as documentation studies to complete the data gathered from the location. The result shows that the business of embroidery and kelom geulis is an effort to preserve local cultural heritage and identity of Tasikmalaya unique handicraft from extinction. This research concludes that Tasikmalaya City handicraft entrepreneurs interpreted the embroidery and kelom geulis business as an effort to fulfill life necessities and preserve the ancestor's heritage to maintain the ident...
Research and Innovation in Language Learning, 2018
Globalization synonymous with changes in all sociocultural aspects of human life, including langu... more Globalization synonymous with changes in all sociocultural aspects of human life, including languages. The use of local languages as a medium of communication shifted by the national language and English that became dominant. The local language seems to be a rare item, as it is not easy to find families who teach local languages to their children. Attempts to maintain the local language never stop. One of them is through writing. A number of writers in Bandung still write in Sundanese, although quantitatively, the readers are few. This study aims to reveal the motives of 8 writers produce writing in Sundanese and how their efforts to keep generating ideas for their writing. Based on the qualitative-phenomenology method used, this study reveals, the motives of the writers to produce works in Sundanese is the idealism as individuals born and raised in the Sundanese society. They feel they have a responsibility to maintain the existence of Sundanese in the community of native speakers....
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan, 2016
The purpose of this study was to determine the communications community participation in the pres... more The purpose of this study was to determine the communications community participation in the preservation of local barking plant in the district of Tasikmalaya regency Manonjaya. The focus of the study include mental engagement and sense of community in an effort to preserve local plant Manonjaya bark; people's willingness to make a move replanting barking in their respective communities; responsibilities of members of the public in maintaining and sustaining the plant bark and participatory communication activities were made public in building awareness of the importance of conserving plant bark. The method used in this research using mixed methods (mixed method). The combined method is essentially a strategy that uses quantitative and qualitative research in a single study. The results of this research note that 1). Mental and feeling of community involvement Salak farmers in the district and subdistrict Manonjaya Cineam seen from the fear of loss of crops barking in the area that has become the hallmark of their area. 2). Regarding the willingness of society, especially farmers replant barking to start barking. 3). As a form of community responsibility in maintaining the plant bark is to keep and maintain their plants. As for other measures that do well is to find the seeds of the plant bark with trying to combine local salak with pondoh. 4). Then the communication process of public participation in the preservation of local bark visible with the more active farmers in the bark and community leaders to discuss and determine the ideas for solving the problem of the scarcity of plants barking in the District and Sub-district Manonjaya Cineam.
Jurnal Kajian Informasi dan Perpustakaan, 2017
Elementary School Library Kudang Manonjaya Tasikmalaya as one of the rescue efforts of library ma... more Elementary School Library Kudang Manonjaya Tasikmalaya as one of the rescue efforts of library materials from further damage by appropriate methods commonly referred to preservation activities. Preservation in question is the preservation of library materials that aim to maintain and preserve library materials from further destruction and extinction. After a disaster occurs with a bad impact on the condition of the library needed a plan to restore the library to its original normal conditions, when the recovery process can not be done quickly it is feared physical facilities both buildings, collections, inventory, document, and archive will undergo further damage and can not be saved anymore. This study used a qualitative approach, with greater emphasis in the way of description reveal phenomena experienced by study subjects. The subject of research that SDN library Kudang Manonjaya District of Tasikmalaya regency. The object studied is the preservation process before, during and after the incident occurrence earthquake. Results from this study indicate that preservation before disaster events has not been properly implemented among others is the establishment of natural disaster prevention planning team. At the time of the incident, Tasikmalaya earthquake of 2009 occurred at 14:55:21 pm, at which time the teaching and learning activities in SDN Kudang been completed, so that no one who was on the scene. Under these conditions of preservation at the time of earthquake occurrence is only carried out on goods that are at risk of more severe damaged. Preservation after earthquake occurrence has been able to be implemented properly. Rescue efforts of library materials held in SDN Kudang post events Tasikmalaya earthquake of 2009 is to evacuate the library materials, identify the types of library materials are damaged, then the restoration, cleaning, tightening the cover, patch, connect, and re binding.
Penguasaan terhadap bahasa asing adalah salah satu kunci untuk menguasaiberbagai hal yang ada di ... more Penguasaan terhadap bahasa asing adalah salah satu kunci untuk menguasaiberbagai hal yang ada di dunia. Bahasa Arab merupakan salah satu dari bahasa internasional yang dapat menjadi sarana komunikasi yang melampaui batas negara. Mempelajari bahasa Timur Tengah memiliki kesulitan tersendiri, sebab tertulis dalam kaligrafi aksara yang tidak dapat dibaca dengan cepat oleh pemula. Kesulitan lain berupa penguasaan kosa kata baik lisan maupun mendengar. Literasi informasi dan pemanfaatan teknologi digital yang terkoneksi dengan internet menjadi hal yang perlu dilakukan ketika menerapkan praktek belajar bahasa Arab. Dengan demikiantahapan menguasai al-istima (mendengar), al-kalam (berbicara), al-qiro’ah (membaca) dan al-kitabah (menulis) dapat dilalui dengan lebih mudah dan lebih menyenangkan.
This Community Service (PPM) is entitled "Social Media Training in Developing Market Share a... more This Community Service (PPM) is entitled "Social Media Training in Developing Market Share and Increasing Revenue of Embroidery and Kelom geulis Entrepreneurs". This activity is motivated by development of social media usage from communication media to a marketing media for products produced and sold by net citizens. This includes embroidery and kelom geulis entrepreneurs in Tasikmalaya city. However, not every entrepreneur uses social media as a marketing media for their products, especially middle-aged business owners. Even if using it, the management is not optimal, because of the limited human resources and the time they need to manage it. This PPM activity aims to foster enthusiasm for embroidery and kelom geulis entrepreneurs to optimize the use of social media as a marketing medium in order to expand the market and increase the revenue earned. Through the implementation of PPM, it is expected that embroidery and kelom geulis entrepreneurs can further optimize the us...