Francesco Frizzera - (original) (raw)
Books by Francesco Frizzera
Furono 105.000 i civili evacuati con la forza dal Trentino allo scoppio della Prima guerra mondia... more Furono 105.000 i civili evacuati con la forza dal Trentino allo scoppio della Prima guerra mondiale. Di questi, 76.000 vennero sfollati dall’esercito asburgico e inviati nelle regioni interne dell’Impero. Altri 29.000 vennero allontanati dall’esercito italiano, che aveva occupato la porzione meridionale del Trentino, e ripartiti in tutte le provincie del Regno d’Italia.
L’esperienza degli sfollati in Austria apre il velo sugli articolati meccanismi di fedeltà che caratterizzano le popolazioni di confine dell’Impero. Questa complessità, ignorata dalle autorità militari, portò a trattamenti discriminatori nei confronti dei profughi. Lo Stato, dopo aver chiesto ai propri cittadini in guerra sacrifici estremi, si dimostrava diffidente e incapace di tutelarli. Le autorità asburgiche perdevano così, agli occhi dei profughi, la propria legittimità.
L’esercito italiano e i prefetti si trovavano ad amministrare nel frattempo i «fratelli redenti», che nella vulgata patriottica venivano descritti come anelanti al ricongiungimento con la madrepatria. Tuttavia, nel gestire i civili trentini, optarono per lo spostamento forzato di popolazione e misero l’accento sul controllo, anziché concentrarsi sull’assistenza. Si delineava così un primo incontro traumatico tra lo Stato italiano e quelli che sarebbero diventati i nuovi cittadini del Regno.
In entrambi i casi, si narra la vicenda di «cittadini dimezzati». I trentini, troppo austriaci agli occhi dell’esercito italiano, non vengono accolti come fratelli da salvare, ma come compatrioti sub iudice. Al contempo, in Austria perdono alcune libertà civili, in quanto percepiti come troppo italiani. In entrambi i casi le autorità militari decisero di allontanare con la forza i civili, inaugurando un modus operandi che diventerà ricorrente nel Novecento europeo.
Chapters in edited books (peer reviewed) by Francesco Frizzera
Giuseppe Albertoni - Marco Bellabarba Emanuele Curzel (a cura di), La storia va alla guerra. Storici dell’area trentino-tirolese tra polemiche nazionali e primo conflitto mondiale, 2018
Il saggio analizza le traiettorie biografiche di storici e intellettuali trentini durante la Prim... more Il saggio analizza le traiettorie biografiche di storici e intellettuali trentini durante la Prima guerra mondiale, partendo dall'analisi della pubblicistica storica regionale prima del conflitto e indagando quanti protagonisti di questa stagione rimangano poi attivi nella neonata Società di Studi trentini di scienze storiche.
Preparare la guerra. Logistica e militarizzazione del territorio in Alta Valsugana, 2018
The movement of goods to supply mass armies stationing in high mountains terrain shows particular... more The movement of goods to supply mass armies stationing in high mountains terrain shows particular features during the First World War. Both the Austro-Hungarian and the Italian army, in fact, decided to make massive use of the cableway, borrowing transport systems that until that time had been of almost exclusively mining or construction practices, to overcome huge distances and difference in height that characterized the area and rationalize the system of food and ammunition supply. The essay analyzes the development of cable transport systems on the Trentino border from the late nineteenth century to 1918.
Preparare la guerra. Logistica e militarizzazione del territorio in Alta Valsugana, 2018
Il saggio analizza l'evoluzione del sistema di trasporto militare nel Tirolo meridionale nel cinq... more Il saggio analizza l'evoluzione del sistema di trasporto militare nel Tirolo meridionale nel cinquantennio precedente il primo conflitto mondiale, con particolare attenzione al rapporto fra trasporto su strada, su rotaia e su fune. Il focus d'attenzione è progressivamente indirizzato all'area della Valsugana.
The management of the war refugee crisis in the Hapsburg Empire and in the successor states durin... more The management of the war refugee crisis in the Hapsburg Empire and in the successor states during and after WWI is a privileged field of analysis to understand long-term lines of continuity in the administrative practices of the Empire and of the nation-states that occupy the map of the Central-Eastern Europe after its dissolution.
The essay analyses the restrictive policies adopted by the military and civil authorities of the Habsburg Empire against war refugees from border areas and belonging to minority nationalities. These citizens of the empire were administered as subjects and not as citizens with full rights.
This evolution emerges clearly in the period between the armistice and the codification of the laws of citizenship of the new successor States. The migration policy of these states follows the same trend lines and adopts the same bureaucratic practices developed by the ministerial bureaucracy during the war.
Marco Bellabarba, Gustavo Corni (a cura di), Il Trentino e i trentini nella Grande guerra. Nuove prospettive di ricerca. Quaderni dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, 100, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017
The article compares the experience of the 105,000 refugees from Trentino during WWi with the exp... more The article compares the experience of the 105,000 refugees from Trentino during WWi with the experiences of other refugees in the European space during the war. The refugees from Trentino were evacuated in two different states: this allows the author to compare the treatment they received in the two realities and to analyze the state aid policies. The categories of "space", "consensus" and "control" will be discussed, with the aim of understand the common characteristics of the experiences of the two groups. Then, these experiences will be compared with those of other national cases.
During the First World War Trentino was subject to a double militarization. The northern part of ... more During the First World War Trentino was subject to a double militarization. The northern part of the region was administered by the Habsburg military authorities; the southern one by the Italian army. This caused the displacement of some 115,000 Italian-speaking civilians.
The paper analyzes the common aspects of managing a border population, whose citizens are evacuated by two belligerent states for different reasons. The analysis of government assistance systems and policies brings to light the loss of civic rights of evacuates in both contexts.
The outbreak of the First World War caused a substantial movement of Italian civilians, both nort... more The outbreak of the First World War caused a substantial movement of Italian civilians, both north and south of the Italian-Austrian front. About 600,000 "regnicoli" fled, were repatriated, evacuated or in some cases interned in the inner regions of the Kingdom of Italy during the conflict. Other 80,000 Italian-speaking Austrian citizens experienced beeing evacuated by Italian military authorities, thay had occupied the southern Trentino and Friuli. Finally, 120,000 Italian-speaking Austrian citizens were evacuated by the Austrian military authorities and resettled in the inner regions of the Empire. The aim of this paper is to analyze administrative policies, categories and exile experiences of fugitives and evacuates of Italian language on both sides of the Austro-Italian front.
Il saggio presenta in maniera sintetica le esperienze di guerra dei circa 55.000 coscritti trenti... more Il saggio presenta in maniera sintetica le esperienze di guerra dei circa 55.000 coscritti trentini che durante il primo conflitto mondiale combatterono con la divisa dell'esercito austro-ungarico. I paragrafi del testo descrivono per sommi capi le modalità di arruolamento, le unità di impiego ed i tassi di mortalità dei richiamati trentini. Una seconda sezione analizza i temi della discriminazione su base nazionale all'interno dell'esercito austriaco e il progressivo spostamento degli italofoni verso unità incaricate di controllare retrovie ed aree occupate. Un'ultima sezione prende in considerazione le esperienze di prigionia, di rimpatrio e le conseguenti ripercussioni sull'identità di gruppo.
Articles in peer reviewed journals by Francesco Frizzera
"Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione", 27 (2018) 1, Community of Images. Zugehörigkeiten schaffen / Costruire appartenenze, Hrsg. von / a cura di Hans Heiss, Margareth Lanzinger, pp. 21-49, 2018
In den letzten Jahren hat die historische Forschung zu lokalen Wahrnehmungen und Identitätsvorste... more In den letzten Jahren hat die historische Forschung zu lokalen Wahrnehmungen und Identitätsvorstellungen der im Habsburgerreich lebenden Menschen an Interesse gewonnen. Für einige Länder (wie Böhmen, Mähren und Galizien) liegen bereits zahlreiche Untersuchungen über Identitäts-, Zugehörigkeits- und Loyalitätsgefühle vor, für andere Regionen hingegen weniger. Mit Ausnahme einiger Beiträge blieben die kulturellen Besonderheiten der italienischen Bevölkerung im ehemaligen Tirol in der wissenschaftlichen Debatte bislang unterrepräsentiert. Die Analyse der Wahrnehmung von Menschen unterer Gesellschaftsschichten wird durch das Nicht-Vorhandensein von subjektiven Quellen in der Regel erschwert. Institutionelle Quellen bringen zumeist nur den Gesichtspunkt von Elitegruppen oder von Nationalisten zum Ausdruck. Die
Bevölkerungsschichten übergreifenden Erfahrungen des Ersten Weltkrieges
hingegen ermöglichen eine Überwindung dieses methodischen Problems. Der Krieg als außergewöhnliches Ereignis, das Menschen ihrem Alltag und ihrem Zuhause entriss, löste bei Vielen das Bedürfnis aus, in Tagebüchern über ihre eigenen (Kriegs-)Erfahrungen zu schreiben. In diesen subjektiven Schriften bringen die Autor*innen unbewusst auch Gedanken über die Beziehungen zu anderen Nationalitäten, über die Wahrnehmung des Raumes und über ihr Loyalitätsverhältnis zu den Behörden zum Ausdruck. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die Identitätswahrnehmungen eines Teiles der italienischsprachigen Bevölkerung des Trentino in Bezug auf die räumlichen Konstruktionen und im Rahmen von kulturellen und sprachlichen Beziehungen zu vertiefen. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Erfahrungen jener Bewohner und Bewohnnerinnen des Trentino, die den Krieg als Flüchtlinge erlebt haben.
Während des Ersten Weltkriegs wurden etwa 105 000 Zivilisten aus dem
Trentino vertrieben. Der größte Teil von ihnen wurde von den habsburgischen Behörden in das Hinterland des Reiches gebracht, rund 29 000 Zivilisten hingegen von der italienischen Armee in den inneren Regionen des Königreichs Italien verstreut angesiedelt. Die Evakuierten lebten drei Jahre lang in zwei verschiedene Staaten, wurden in etwa 3 500 kleinen Dörfern beziehungsweise in Flüchtlingslagern untergebracht und kamen so mit der lokalen tschechisch-,italienisch- oder deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung in Kontakt, dies in meist schwierigen, gar extremen Verhältnissen. Die durch den Krieg erzwungene Mobilität und der Kontakt mit anderen Menschen in einer Exilsituation veranlasste die Flüchtlinge, über ihren geographischen Bezugsraum und ihre Gruppenzugehörigkeit nachzudenken. Durch die Untersuchung von etwa 30 Tagebüchern wird in diesem Beitrag analysiert, wie sich die räumlichen Bezugsnahmen der Flüchtlinge aus dem Trentino im Laufe des Krieges veränderten. Für das Jahr 1914 konnten in den Tagebüchern vier verschiedene räumliche Bezugssphären ausgemacht werden: In den von den Flüchtlingen verfassten Texten finden sich Verweise auf ihr eigenes Dorf oder Tal, auf das geografische Gebiet Trentino, auf Tirol als Verwaltungsgebiet und oft auf den Habsburgischen Staat als Referenzgebiet. Diese räumlichen Bezugnahmen überlappen sich, stellen gleichzeitig auch multiple, bisweilen widersprüchlich scheinende Identifikationsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Menschen können je nach Situation als Roveretaner, Trentiner, Tiroler oder Österreicher bezeichnet werden. Die Erfahrung des Krieges, der Verbannung, der Desorganisation staatlicher Bürokratien veränderte die räumlichen Bezugnahmen der Flüchtlinge. Im Jahr 1918 verschwanden die Hinweise auf den Staat (sowohl Österreich-Ungarn, als auch Italien) aus den Tagebüchern, ebenso auf das geografische Gebiet Tirols. Die imagined community der Protagonisten beschränkte sich nun auf das Trentino. Die Vorstellung einer imagined community, die sich vor dem Kriegsbeginn multipel und flexibel gezeigt hatte, wurde in wenigen Jahren zu einem starren und exklusiven Gerüst. Dies lässt sich sowohl für die nach Österreich evakuierte Flüchtlinge als auch für die nach Italien Ausgesiedelten festhalten, wenngleich die Unterkunftssituation, die staatlichen Vorschriften und der Druck, Identität zu bekennen, in beiden Kontexten unterschiedlich waren.
The issue of governed food economy in Germany during World War I has insufficiently been dealt wi... more The issue of governed food economy in Germany during World War I has insufficiently been dealt with so far. During the first part of the article the numbers of the agricultural production from 1900 to 1918 will be analyzed and Germany’s dependence on agricultural imports will be pointed out. The second part deals with the highest prices’ policy and the accumulation of food that happened during 1914 and 1916 with no communication between the central and the peripheral authorities. In the third part the dynamics from 1916 to 1918 will be examined, which were a reaction to the incoherent politics between 1914 and 1916 and led to the introduction of a closed and centralized system of economy focused on the supply and distribution of food. At the same time the boundaries of the controlled economy will be looked at. One of them is the inability to fight back the prospering black market, just like the administration’s loss of authority during the enforcement of their enactments. However also the system’s advantages will be taken a look at, especially the renewed attention to the agriculture’s promotion. The last part deals with the debate about the controlled food economy which marked the time of truce up until June in 1920 when it was decided to give up the controlled economy bit by bit.
Since the Southern border area of Trentino became a battlefield in May 1915, about 110.000 Italian-speaking inhabitants of Trentino were displaced, part in Austro-Hungarian internal regions (75.000), part in Italian Kingdom (35.000).
This article analyses the historiography on this topic and outlines the predominant scientific approaches of the existing literature. Is possible to argue that the greatest part of these studies is based on local archivist sources and on diaries, letters and memoires, which provide us with a good description of the matter, although often restricted to single aspects of the general topic. Therefore, the article points out some potential research lines, based on other archivist sources and a transnational perspective.
One of these research issues regards the evacuation and the displacement policy carried out by the Austrian Army during May-June 1915, whose reasons are only touched on by the existing literature. The article argues that most of the expulsions ordered outside the garrison cities find their ultimate reason in the overrated fear of the «untrustworthy» civilian population speaking the same language of the enemy. It also underlines that this element of supposed disloyalty marks out the whole displacement policy.
"Studi Trentini. Storia", 2015
During the WWI about 77,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the inte... more During the WWI about 77,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the internal regions of the Hapsburg Empire. The issue has already been analysed in literature, but the existing studies only scratch the surface of the repatriation policies involving these people. This article aims at deeply investigating this long-standing process, which begins in 1916 and ends in 1919. On the one hand it analyses the different stages of the repatriation policy developed by the Austrian and Italian authorities, on the other it provides general evaluations regarding the experience of refugeedom in connection to the repatriation.
During WWI about 115,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the intern... more During WWI about 115,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the internal regions of the Habsburg Empire (79,000) and of the Kingdom of Italy (36,000). The majority of these refugees were women, who were given new roles of responsibility within the displaced families, because adult males had been called to the front. First, the paper introduces some statistical data on the composition of the refugee community, investigating the role of women. Then, it delves into the key words used by relief workers to represent the refugees. This allows us to understand how the assistance was organised in relation to
gender. A second part of the paper shows how the evacuation induced the refugees to develop new responsibilities and spatial mobility skills, although it was the result of choices made by others. Then, the text focuses on the relationship between refugees and state authorities,
stressing the importance of labour in changing traditional social roles. Finally, the article proposes some reflections regarding the duration and depth of these changes.
Encyclopaedic Entries by Francesco Frizzera
During World War I, about 630,000 people found refuge in the interior of the Kingdom of Italy. Th... more During World War I, about 630,000 people found refuge in the interior of the Kingdom of Italy. They left their homes for different reasons. Some of them were Italian citizens repatriated from Austria-Hungary, Germany and France. Others were Italian-speaking Austrian citizens evacuated from the areas occupied by the Italian army in Trentino and Friuli. The biggest group consisted of Italian citizens who had fled or been evacuated after the Strafexpedition or the Battle of Caporetto.
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
During World War I, about 1.1 million refugees sought refuge in the interior of Austria-Hungary. ... more During World War I, about 1.1 million refugees sought refuge in the interior of Austria-Hungary. The coexistence between the host communities and refugees in the interior was difficult, due to national and religious prejudices as well as economic difficulties. This resulted in the breakdown of civil coexistence and forced repatriations.
The Battle of Vittorio Veneto was fought between 24 October and 4 November 1918 by the Italian 4t... more The Battle of Vittorio Veneto was fought between 24 October and 4 November 1918 by the Italian 4th, 8th, 10th and 12th Armies against the Austro-Hungarian 6th Army, the Armeegruppe Belluno and the Isonzoarmee. It resulted in the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian front and in an armistice between Austria-Hungary and Italy.
The Battle of Gorizia, known as the Sixth Isonzo’s Battle, was fought by the Italian Third Army a... more The Battle of Gorizia, known as the Sixth Isonzo’s Battle, was fought by the Italian Third Army against the Austro-Hungarian Fifth Army between 6 and 16 August 1916. It resulted in the Italian occupation of Gorizia. This was overemphasized by the Italian press, although it did not lead to strategic changes on the frontline.
Talks by Francesco Frizzera
Furono 105.000 i civili evacuati con la forza dal Trentino allo scoppio della Prima guerra mondia... more Furono 105.000 i civili evacuati con la forza dal Trentino allo scoppio della Prima guerra mondiale. Di questi, 76.000 vennero sfollati dall’esercito asburgico e inviati nelle regioni interne dell’Impero. Altri 29.000 vennero allontanati dall’esercito italiano, che aveva occupato la porzione meridionale del Trentino, e ripartiti in tutte le provincie del Regno d’Italia.
L’esperienza degli sfollati in Austria apre il velo sugli articolati meccanismi di fedeltà che caratterizzano le popolazioni di confine dell’Impero. Questa complessità, ignorata dalle autorità militari, portò a trattamenti discriminatori nei confronti dei profughi. Lo Stato, dopo aver chiesto ai propri cittadini in guerra sacrifici estremi, si dimostrava diffidente e incapace di tutelarli. Le autorità asburgiche perdevano così, agli occhi dei profughi, la propria legittimità.
L’esercito italiano e i prefetti si trovavano ad amministrare nel frattempo i «fratelli redenti», che nella vulgata patriottica venivano descritti come anelanti al ricongiungimento con la madrepatria. Tuttavia, nel gestire i civili trentini, optarono per lo spostamento forzato di popolazione e misero l’accento sul controllo, anziché concentrarsi sull’assistenza. Si delineava così un primo incontro traumatico tra lo Stato italiano e quelli che sarebbero diventati i nuovi cittadini del Regno.
In entrambi i casi, si narra la vicenda di «cittadini dimezzati». I trentini, troppo austriaci agli occhi dell’esercito italiano, non vengono accolti come fratelli da salvare, ma come compatrioti sub iudice. Al contempo, in Austria perdono alcune libertà civili, in quanto percepiti come troppo italiani. In entrambi i casi le autorità militari decisero di allontanare con la forza i civili, inaugurando un modus operandi che diventerà ricorrente nel Novecento europeo.
Giuseppe Albertoni - Marco Bellabarba Emanuele Curzel (a cura di), La storia va alla guerra. Storici dell’area trentino-tirolese tra polemiche nazionali e primo conflitto mondiale, 2018
Il saggio analizza le traiettorie biografiche di storici e intellettuali trentini durante la Prim... more Il saggio analizza le traiettorie biografiche di storici e intellettuali trentini durante la Prima guerra mondiale, partendo dall'analisi della pubblicistica storica regionale prima del conflitto e indagando quanti protagonisti di questa stagione rimangano poi attivi nella neonata Società di Studi trentini di scienze storiche.
Preparare la guerra. Logistica e militarizzazione del territorio in Alta Valsugana, 2018
The movement of goods to supply mass armies stationing in high mountains terrain shows particular... more The movement of goods to supply mass armies stationing in high mountains terrain shows particular features during the First World War. Both the Austro-Hungarian and the Italian army, in fact, decided to make massive use of the cableway, borrowing transport systems that until that time had been of almost exclusively mining or construction practices, to overcome huge distances and difference in height that characterized the area and rationalize the system of food and ammunition supply. The essay analyzes the development of cable transport systems on the Trentino border from the late nineteenth century to 1918.
Preparare la guerra. Logistica e militarizzazione del territorio in Alta Valsugana, 2018
Il saggio analizza l'evoluzione del sistema di trasporto militare nel Tirolo meridionale nel cinq... more Il saggio analizza l'evoluzione del sistema di trasporto militare nel Tirolo meridionale nel cinquantennio precedente il primo conflitto mondiale, con particolare attenzione al rapporto fra trasporto su strada, su rotaia e su fune. Il focus d'attenzione è progressivamente indirizzato all'area della Valsugana.
The management of the war refugee crisis in the Hapsburg Empire and in the successor states durin... more The management of the war refugee crisis in the Hapsburg Empire and in the successor states during and after WWI is a privileged field of analysis to understand long-term lines of continuity in the administrative practices of the Empire and of the nation-states that occupy the map of the Central-Eastern Europe after its dissolution.
The essay analyses the restrictive policies adopted by the military and civil authorities of the Habsburg Empire against war refugees from border areas and belonging to minority nationalities. These citizens of the empire were administered as subjects and not as citizens with full rights.
This evolution emerges clearly in the period between the armistice and the codification of the laws of citizenship of the new successor States. The migration policy of these states follows the same trend lines and adopts the same bureaucratic practices developed by the ministerial bureaucracy during the war.
Marco Bellabarba, Gustavo Corni (a cura di), Il Trentino e i trentini nella Grande guerra. Nuove prospettive di ricerca. Quaderni dell’Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, 100, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017
The article compares the experience of the 105,000 refugees from Trentino during WWi with the exp... more The article compares the experience of the 105,000 refugees from Trentino during WWi with the experiences of other refugees in the European space during the war. The refugees from Trentino were evacuated in two different states: this allows the author to compare the treatment they received in the two realities and to analyze the state aid policies. The categories of "space", "consensus" and "control" will be discussed, with the aim of understand the common characteristics of the experiences of the two groups. Then, these experiences will be compared with those of other national cases.
During the First World War Trentino was subject to a double militarization. The northern part of ... more During the First World War Trentino was subject to a double militarization. The northern part of the region was administered by the Habsburg military authorities; the southern one by the Italian army. This caused the displacement of some 115,000 Italian-speaking civilians.
The paper analyzes the common aspects of managing a border population, whose citizens are evacuated by two belligerent states for different reasons. The analysis of government assistance systems and policies brings to light the loss of civic rights of evacuates in both contexts.
The outbreak of the First World War caused a substantial movement of Italian civilians, both nort... more The outbreak of the First World War caused a substantial movement of Italian civilians, both north and south of the Italian-Austrian front. About 600,000 "regnicoli" fled, were repatriated, evacuated or in some cases interned in the inner regions of the Kingdom of Italy during the conflict. Other 80,000 Italian-speaking Austrian citizens experienced beeing evacuated by Italian military authorities, thay had occupied the southern Trentino and Friuli. Finally, 120,000 Italian-speaking Austrian citizens were evacuated by the Austrian military authorities and resettled in the inner regions of the Empire. The aim of this paper is to analyze administrative policies, categories and exile experiences of fugitives and evacuates of Italian language on both sides of the Austro-Italian front.
Il saggio presenta in maniera sintetica le esperienze di guerra dei circa 55.000 coscritti trenti... more Il saggio presenta in maniera sintetica le esperienze di guerra dei circa 55.000 coscritti trentini che durante il primo conflitto mondiale combatterono con la divisa dell'esercito austro-ungarico. I paragrafi del testo descrivono per sommi capi le modalità di arruolamento, le unità di impiego ed i tassi di mortalità dei richiamati trentini. Una seconda sezione analizza i temi della discriminazione su base nazionale all'interno dell'esercito austriaco e il progressivo spostamento degli italofoni verso unità incaricate di controllare retrovie ed aree occupate. Un'ultima sezione prende in considerazione le esperienze di prigionia, di rimpatrio e le conseguenti ripercussioni sull'identità di gruppo.
"Geschichte und Region/Storia e regione", 27 (2018) 1, Community of Images. Zugehörigkeiten schaffen / Costruire appartenenze, Hrsg. von / a cura di Hans Heiss, Margareth Lanzinger, pp. 21-49, 2018
In den letzten Jahren hat die historische Forschung zu lokalen Wahrnehmungen und Identitätsvorste... more In den letzten Jahren hat die historische Forschung zu lokalen Wahrnehmungen und Identitätsvorstellungen der im Habsburgerreich lebenden Menschen an Interesse gewonnen. Für einige Länder (wie Böhmen, Mähren und Galizien) liegen bereits zahlreiche Untersuchungen über Identitäts-, Zugehörigkeits- und Loyalitätsgefühle vor, für andere Regionen hingegen weniger. Mit Ausnahme einiger Beiträge blieben die kulturellen Besonderheiten der italienischen Bevölkerung im ehemaligen Tirol in der wissenschaftlichen Debatte bislang unterrepräsentiert. Die Analyse der Wahrnehmung von Menschen unterer Gesellschaftsschichten wird durch das Nicht-Vorhandensein von subjektiven Quellen in der Regel erschwert. Institutionelle Quellen bringen zumeist nur den Gesichtspunkt von Elitegruppen oder von Nationalisten zum Ausdruck. Die
Bevölkerungsschichten übergreifenden Erfahrungen des Ersten Weltkrieges
hingegen ermöglichen eine Überwindung dieses methodischen Problems. Der Krieg als außergewöhnliches Ereignis, das Menschen ihrem Alltag und ihrem Zuhause entriss, löste bei Vielen das Bedürfnis aus, in Tagebüchern über ihre eigenen (Kriegs-)Erfahrungen zu schreiben. In diesen subjektiven Schriften bringen die Autor*innen unbewusst auch Gedanken über die Beziehungen zu anderen Nationalitäten, über die Wahrnehmung des Raumes und über ihr Loyalitätsverhältnis zu den Behörden zum Ausdruck. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die Identitätswahrnehmungen eines Teiles der italienischsprachigen Bevölkerung des Trentino in Bezug auf die räumlichen Konstruktionen und im Rahmen von kulturellen und sprachlichen Beziehungen zu vertiefen. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Erfahrungen jener Bewohner und Bewohnnerinnen des Trentino, die den Krieg als Flüchtlinge erlebt haben.
Während des Ersten Weltkriegs wurden etwa 105 000 Zivilisten aus dem
Trentino vertrieben. Der größte Teil von ihnen wurde von den habsburgischen Behörden in das Hinterland des Reiches gebracht, rund 29 000 Zivilisten hingegen von der italienischen Armee in den inneren Regionen des Königreichs Italien verstreut angesiedelt. Die Evakuierten lebten drei Jahre lang in zwei verschiedene Staaten, wurden in etwa 3 500 kleinen Dörfern beziehungsweise in Flüchtlingslagern untergebracht und kamen so mit der lokalen tschechisch-,italienisch- oder deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung in Kontakt, dies in meist schwierigen, gar extremen Verhältnissen. Die durch den Krieg erzwungene Mobilität und der Kontakt mit anderen Menschen in einer Exilsituation veranlasste die Flüchtlinge, über ihren geographischen Bezugsraum und ihre Gruppenzugehörigkeit nachzudenken. Durch die Untersuchung von etwa 30 Tagebüchern wird in diesem Beitrag analysiert, wie sich die räumlichen Bezugsnahmen der Flüchtlinge aus dem Trentino im Laufe des Krieges veränderten. Für das Jahr 1914 konnten in den Tagebüchern vier verschiedene räumliche Bezugssphären ausgemacht werden: In den von den Flüchtlingen verfassten Texten finden sich Verweise auf ihr eigenes Dorf oder Tal, auf das geografische Gebiet Trentino, auf Tirol als Verwaltungsgebiet und oft auf den Habsburgischen Staat als Referenzgebiet. Diese räumlichen Bezugnahmen überlappen sich, stellen gleichzeitig auch multiple, bisweilen widersprüchlich scheinende Identifikationsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung: Menschen können je nach Situation als Roveretaner, Trentiner, Tiroler oder Österreicher bezeichnet werden. Die Erfahrung des Krieges, der Verbannung, der Desorganisation staatlicher Bürokratien veränderte die räumlichen Bezugnahmen der Flüchtlinge. Im Jahr 1918 verschwanden die Hinweise auf den Staat (sowohl Österreich-Ungarn, als auch Italien) aus den Tagebüchern, ebenso auf das geografische Gebiet Tirols. Die imagined community der Protagonisten beschränkte sich nun auf das Trentino. Die Vorstellung einer imagined community, die sich vor dem Kriegsbeginn multipel und flexibel gezeigt hatte, wurde in wenigen Jahren zu einem starren und exklusiven Gerüst. Dies lässt sich sowohl für die nach Österreich evakuierte Flüchtlinge als auch für die nach Italien Ausgesiedelten festhalten, wenngleich die Unterkunftssituation, die staatlichen Vorschriften und der Druck, Identität zu bekennen, in beiden Kontexten unterschiedlich waren.
The issue of governed food economy in Germany during World War I has insufficiently been dealt wi... more The issue of governed food economy in Germany during World War I has insufficiently been dealt with so far. During the first part of the article the numbers of the agricultural production from 1900 to 1918 will be analyzed and Germany’s dependence on agricultural imports will be pointed out. The second part deals with the highest prices’ policy and the accumulation of food that happened during 1914 and 1916 with no communication between the central and the peripheral authorities. In the third part the dynamics from 1916 to 1918 will be examined, which were a reaction to the incoherent politics between 1914 and 1916 and led to the introduction of a closed and centralized system of economy focused on the supply and distribution of food. At the same time the boundaries of the controlled economy will be looked at. One of them is the inability to fight back the prospering black market, just like the administration’s loss of authority during the enforcement of their enactments. However also the system’s advantages will be taken a look at, especially the renewed attention to the agriculture’s promotion. The last part deals with the debate about the controlled food economy which marked the time of truce up until June in 1920 when it was decided to give up the controlled economy bit by bit.
Since the Southern border area of Trentino became a battlefield in May 1915, about 110.000 Italian-speaking inhabitants of Trentino were displaced, part in Austro-Hungarian internal regions (75.000), part in Italian Kingdom (35.000).
This article analyses the historiography on this topic and outlines the predominant scientific approaches of the existing literature. Is possible to argue that the greatest part of these studies is based on local archivist sources and on diaries, letters and memoires, which provide us with a good description of the matter, although often restricted to single aspects of the general topic. Therefore, the article points out some potential research lines, based on other archivist sources and a transnational perspective.
One of these research issues regards the evacuation and the displacement policy carried out by the Austrian Army during May-June 1915, whose reasons are only touched on by the existing literature. The article argues that most of the expulsions ordered outside the garrison cities find their ultimate reason in the overrated fear of the «untrustworthy» civilian population speaking the same language of the enemy. It also underlines that this element of supposed disloyalty marks out the whole displacement policy.
"Studi Trentini. Storia", 2015
During the WWI about 77,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the inte... more During the WWI about 77,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the internal regions of the Hapsburg Empire. The issue has already been analysed in literature, but the existing studies only scratch the surface of the repatriation policies involving these people. This article aims at deeply investigating this long-standing process, which begins in 1916 and ends in 1919. On the one hand it analyses the different stages of the repatriation policy developed by the Austrian and Italian authorities, on the other it provides general evaluations regarding the experience of refugeedom in connection to the repatriation.
During WWI about 115,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the intern... more During WWI about 115,000 civilians living in Trentino were evacuated and resettled in the internal regions of the Habsburg Empire (79,000) and of the Kingdom of Italy (36,000). The majority of these refugees were women, who were given new roles of responsibility within the displaced families, because adult males had been called to the front. First, the paper introduces some statistical data on the composition of the refugee community, investigating the role of women. Then, it delves into the key words used by relief workers to represent the refugees. This allows us to understand how the assistance was organised in relation to
gender. A second part of the paper shows how the evacuation induced the refugees to develop new responsibilities and spatial mobility skills, although it was the result of choices made by others. Then, the text focuses on the relationship between refugees and state authorities,
stressing the importance of labour in changing traditional social roles. Finally, the article proposes some reflections regarding the duration and depth of these changes.
During World War I, about 630,000 people found refuge in the interior of the Kingdom of Italy. Th... more During World War I, about 630,000 people found refuge in the interior of the Kingdom of Italy. They left their homes for different reasons. Some of them were Italian citizens repatriated from Austria-Hungary, Germany and France. Others were Italian-speaking Austrian citizens evacuated from the areas occupied by the Italian army in Trentino and Friuli. The biggest group consisted of Italian citizens who had fled or been evacuated after the Strafexpedition or the Battle of Caporetto.
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
During World War I, about 1.1 million refugees sought refuge in the interior of Austria-Hungary. ... more During World War I, about 1.1 million refugees sought refuge in the interior of Austria-Hungary. The coexistence between the host communities and refugees in the interior was difficult, due to national and religious prejudices as well as economic difficulties. This resulted in the breakdown of civil coexistence and forced repatriations.
The Battle of Vittorio Veneto was fought between 24 October and 4 November 1918 by the Italian 4t... more The Battle of Vittorio Veneto was fought between 24 October and 4 November 1918 by the Italian 4th, 8th, 10th and 12th Armies against the Austro-Hungarian 6th Army, the Armeegruppe Belluno and the Isonzoarmee. It resulted in the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian front and in an armistice between Austria-Hungary and Italy.
The Battle of Gorizia, known as the Sixth Isonzo’s Battle, was fought by the Italian Third Army a... more The Battle of Gorizia, known as the Sixth Isonzo’s Battle, was fought by the Italian Third Army against the Austro-Hungarian Fifth Army between 6 and 16 August 1916. It resulted in the Italian occupation of Gorizia. This was overemphasized by the Italian press, although it did not lead to strategic changes on the frontline.
This article analyses the policies developed by both the Austrian Army and Government to manage t... more This article analyses the policies developed by both the Austrian Army and Government to manage the refugees’ crisis during the First World War in the Hapsburgic Empire. Moving from the reasons of the displacement, it shows how the negative evaluations of the military regarding the political trustworthiness of the populations living near the border leaded to unexpected evacuations. In addition, economic and sanitary reasons played a role in these decisions, and I argue that the reception policy in the internal regions reflect the rationale of the evacuations. The key element of the refugees’ experience is linked with the perception to be kept under control, to be exploited as cheap work force and managed as citizens without rights. In this context, the punishment task embodied by the concentration camp system appears clear. Therefore, this experience played a significant role in the process of disintegration of the Hapsburgic Empire.
ARO - "Annali.Recensioni.Online" - FBK-ISIG, III (2020), I, 2020
Titolo: Cento anni di Grande guerra. Cerimonie, monumenti, memorie e contromemorie Luogo: Roma Ed... more Titolo: Cento anni di Grande guerra. Cerimonie, monumenti, memorie e contromemorie Luogo: Roma Editore: Donzelli Anno: 2018 ISBN: 9788868437282 URL: link all'opera RECENSORE Francesco Frizzera Come citare F. Frizzera, recensione a Quinto Antonelli, Cento anni di Grande guerra. Cerimonie, monumenti, memorie e contromemorie, Roma, Donzelli, 2018, in: ARO, III, 2020, 1, URL Il volume di Quinto Antonelli è suddiviso in sei sezioni, cronologicamente e tematicamente distinte. Descrive la lunga durata-e la tenace persistenza, nonostante lo scorrere del tempo-della memoria e del mito del primo conflitto mondiale, secondo scaglioni temporali ben identificati, ma non alternativi l'uno all'altro. La prima sezione del libro è dedicata all'immediato dopoguerra ed è intitolata "Memorie in conflitto. Socialisti, reduci e fascisti nel primo dopoguerra". La seconda sezione dedica un medaglione specifico e approfondito alle vicende delle "terre redente" nel primo dopoguerra ed è intitolata "Memorie «redente». Trento, Bolzano, Trieste e il culto degli «eroi martiri»". La terza sezione fornisce uno spaccato non banale di come questa memoria abbia acquisito una fisionomia dai tratti decisi, ma non necessariamente appiattita sui dettami imposti dal regime, nel periodo fascista; essa ha come titolo: "Memorie eroiche. Chiesa, scuola e regime nell'educazione nazionale degli italiani". La quarta sezione è dedicata al secondo dopoguerra e, in continuità con la chiave di lettura politico-partitica della prima sezione, analizza le "Memorie nazionali. Il patriottismo competitivo di cattolici e comunisti nell'epoca della guerra fredda", testimoniando la profondità di attecchimento dei discorsi patriottico-nazionali. La quinta sezione si avvicina ad un saggio di storia della storiografia e non sorprendentemente è intitolata "Memoria del dissenso. Pacifismo e nuova storiografia negli anni Sessanta". Segue una sezione conclusiva, che giunge a riflettere sul presente e sulle tendenze più marcate che hanno caratterizzato la ricerca storica a partire dalla fine degli anni Settanta del secolo scorso, senza che questo sforzo ermeneutico sia riuscito con costanza a imporsi come paradigma interpretativo diffuso e comunemente accettato; tale sezione è stata intitolata "Memorie soggettive. Tradizioni estenuate e ricerche dal basso". La sola scansione delle sezioni in cui è diviso il libro, ulteriormente ripartito in 22 densi capitoli, fornisce il metro della complessità dell'opera, della sua ricchezza, della vastità di letture dell'autore e, non da ultimo, dell'ambizione non certo celata del volume di divenire
Studi Trentini. Storia, 2017
Review of the book La difesa dell’italianità. L’Ufficio per le zone di confine a Bolzano, Trento ... more Review of the book La difesa dell’italianità. L’Ufficio per le zone di confine a Bolzano, Trento e Trieste (1945-1954), a cura di Diego D’Amelio, Andrea Di Michele, Giorgio Mezzalira, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015
Ricerche di Storia Politica, 2017
Review of the book Jörg Friedrich, 14/18. Der Weg nach Versailles, Berlin, Propyläen Verlag, 2014
Da più di vent'anni la storiografia internazionale sulla Grande Guerra ha cominciato a mostrare i... more Da più di vent'anni la storiografia internazionale sulla Grande Guerra ha cominciato a mostrare interesse per nuovi attori, soggetti ed esperienze legati al fenomeno bellico, sulla scia delle innovazioni promosse dalla prospettiva d'analisi culturalista avanzata dalla scuola di Peronne. Ciò ha portato a focalizzare l'attenzione verso le forme della memoria e del vissuto quotidiano dei protagonisti, permettendo di indagare in maniera innovativa anche gli effetti della guerra sulla popolazione civile, nonché di analizzare le sovrastrutture concettuali che permeavano le azioni delle alte cariche militari e dei soldati al fronte. Queste innovazioni, inizialmente più evidenti nelle storiografie inglese, francese e tedesca, si sono fatte strada anche nelle storiografie limitrofe, concorrendo a svecchiare le chiavi di lettura prevalenti del conflitto, che si limitavano alle indagini politico-militari o economico-sociali, spesso limitate al territorio nazionale di riferimento.
The expulsion of Trentino’s civilian population during the First World War. Protected by the Stat... more The expulsion of Trentino’s civilian population during the First World War. Protected by the State or considered disloyal citizens? Since the Southern border area of Trentino became a battlefield in May 1915, about 110.000 Italian- speaking inhabitants of Trentino were displaced, part in Austro-Hungarian internal regions (75.000), part in Italian Kingdom (35.000). This article analyses the historiography on this topic and outlines the predominant scientific approaches of the existing literature. Is possible to argue that the greatest part of these studies is based on local archivist sources and on diaries, letters and memoires, which provide us with a good description of the matter, although often restricted to single aspects of the general topic. Therefore, the article points out some potential research lines, based on other archivist sources and a transnational perspective. One of these research issues regards the evacuation and the displacement policy carried out by the Austrian ...
Historische Zeitschrift, 2016
During World War I, about 630,000 people found refuge in the interior of the Kingdom of Italy. Th... more During World War I, about 630,000 people found refuge in the interior of the Kingdom of Italy. They left their homes for different reasons. Some of them were Italian citizens repatriated from Austria-Hungary, Germany and France. Others were Italian-speaking Austrian citizens evacuated from the areas occupied by the Italian army in Trentino and Friuli. The biggest group consisted of Italian citizens who had fled or been evacuated after the Strafexpedition or the Battle of Caporetto.
La tesi ricostruisce l'esperienza bellica di circa 115.000 civili trentini che furono evacuat... more La tesi ricostruisce l'esperienza bellica di circa 115.000 civili trentini che furono evacuati o fuggirono dalla regione trentino tirolese durante il primo conflitto mondiale. 77.000 trentini vennero evacuati nelle regioni interne dell'Impero asburgico. Altri 35.800 fuggirono o vennero evacuati nelle regioni interne del Regno d'Italia, essendosi venuti a trovare a sud della linea del fronte. L'obbiettivo della tesi e quello di valutare come questa esperienza incida sulla percezione identitaria di gruppo di questa massa di sfollati, prevalentemente donne, anziani e bambini, che entrano in contatto per la prima volta con popolazioni di lingua e cultura diversa e, in molti casi, con le maglie della burocrazia statale (sia essa del proprio Stato o dello Stato in cui entreranno a far parte dopo il conflitto). Il secondo obbiettivo della tesi e quello di indagare le politiche di assistenza e controllo messe in atto dai due Stati nei confronti di popolazioni di confine dall...
This led to 360,000 Jews fleeing from the eastern regions (1914, 1915 and 1916), followed by the ... more This led to 360,000 Jews fleeing from the eastern regions (1914, 1915 and 1916), followed by the evacuation of 130,000 Poles from Galicia (1914-1915), of 300,000 Ruthenians from Galicia and Bukovina (1914 and 1916), 145,000 Italians from Littoral and South-Tyrol (1915), at least 70,000 Slovenians and 7000 Croatians from the Littoral (1915) and 90,000 Bosnians (1914). It is estimated that by mid-1915 1.1 million people had sought refuge in the central regions of the Empire. The great majority of the evacuees had been amassed in the five central regions of the Austrian half of the Table of
Agrarpolitik im 20. Jahrhundert
Austrian History Yearbook