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Türkiye biyolojik mücadele dergisi, 2017
Bu calismanin amaci proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasiminin ortaokul 8. sinif ogrencilerinin cikarima ... more Bu calismanin amaci proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasiminin ortaokul 8. sinif ogrencilerinin cikarima yonelik istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyelerine etkisini belirlemektir. Bu amacla uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda ogrencilerin veri temsiline yonelik istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyelerini belirlemeye yonelik 10 acik uclu sorudan olusan bir veri toplama araci gelistirilmistir. Gelistirilen bu veri toplama araci 35’i deney grubu, 35’i kontrol grubu olmak uzere toplam 70 ortaokul 8. sinif ogrencisine uygulama oncesi ve uygulama sonrasi olmak uzere iki kez uygulanmistir. Tum ham puanlar Rasch analizi yapan Winsteps 3.72 modelleme programi ile lineer puanlara donusturulmustur ve lineer puanlar ile Ancova analizi yapilmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasiminin ogrencilerin cikarima yonelik istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyelerini etkilemedigi sonucuna varilmistir. Ogrencilerin uygulama oncesi ve uygulama sonrasi istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyeleri elde edilen kisi m...
is research aims to examine how gi ed studen ts exert their metacognition in each problem-solv... more is research aims to examine how gi ed studen ts exert their metacognition in each problem-solv ing step while solving a problem . In this sense, the researchers gave four students of the 8!" grade three mathematics problems. e data of the study was collected through clinical interviews . e voice recordings of the students during the problem solving process and the solutions they wrote on paper formed the data of the study. e # ndings show that gi ed students display metacognitive behaviours in problem solving process intensity. It was also observed that gi ed students display some metacognitive beh aviours which had not been determined by researchers before. ese behaviours are seen at the stage of looking back and they are revision of connections between t opics which were learnt in the past a er solving a problem and relaxation of brain in order to evaluate what has been done by thinking over alternative ways. e # ndings of the research are important in terms o...
Bu calisma ile matematik ve geometri derslerinde grafik tablet kullanimina yonelik ogrenci tutum ... more Bu calisma ile matematik ve geometri derslerinde grafik tablet kullanimina yonelik ogrenci tutum olcegi gelistirilmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda 6 faktor ve 24 maddeden olusan 5'li Likert tipi olcek gelistirilmistir. Olcek, 2010-2011 Egitim Ogretim yilinda Trabzon'da bir Anadolu Lisesinde 9, 10 ve 11. siniftan toplam 150 ogrenciye uygulanmistir. Calisma arastirmacinin matematik ve geometri derslerini bir yil boyunca grafik tablet kullanarak yuruttugu sekiz sinif uzerinde yapilmistir. Olcegin gecerlilik ve guvenilirlik calismalarina yonelik dogrulayici faktor analizi yapilmis ve elde edilen bulgular sonucunda gelistirilen olcegin ogrencilerin matematik ve geometri derslerinde grafik tablet kullanimi ile ilgili tutumlarini olcmede kullanilabilecegi sonucuna varilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Matematik egitimi, grafik tablet, tutum olcegi
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2019
Journal of Periodontal Research, 2016
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE The cytokine, interleukin (IL)-32, is a relatively new discovery. Howeve... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE The cytokine, interleukin (IL)-32, is a relatively new discovery. However, it is very powerful for stimulating tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) under inflammatory conditions. The objective of this research was to explore fluctuations in the levels of TNF-α, IL-32 and IL-10, in both saliva and gingival crevicular fluid. The focus was on measurements taken before and after clinical treatment of chronic periodontitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS For the purposes of the study, a total of 27 patients with chronic periodontitis and 27 controls (periodontally healthy) were recruited. Important clinical periodontal criteria were established before and 4 wk after the start of the research. The chronic periodontitis group was given an initial form of periodontal care. Samples of saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were collected exactly 4 wk preceding and 4 wk following the care. The levels of IL-10, IL-32 and TNF-α present in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were recorded via the use of an ELISA. RESULTS At baseline, the levels of TNF-α and IL-32 in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva were significantly higher among patients in the chronic periodontitis group than among patients in the control group (p < 0.05). On the other hand, at baseline the levels of IL-10 were significantly lower in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva of the chronic periodontitis group than the control group (p < 0.05). A significantly positive link was found between the TNF-α and IL-32 levels in the two study groups (p < 0.05). After treatment, the levels of TNF-α and IL-32 in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were significantly lower in the chronic periodontitis group when compared with the baseline readings. However, the levels of IL-10 were significantly higher (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION Ultimately, the level of IL-32 present in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid might be useful as an indicator of the condition and the expectations for its treatment and care. According to the results of the research, the proinflammatory impact of IL-32 could potentially be linked to the intensity and progression of periodontitis.
Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği arşivi : Türk Kardiyoloji Derneğinin yayın organıdır, 2011
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2015
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Asia Pacific Education Review, 2009
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 11, 2012
Bu calismada dokuzuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin gunluk yasam problemlerini cozebilme bec... more Bu calismada dokuzuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin gunluk yasam problemlerini cozebilme becerilerini incelemek ve bu iki sinif arasinda karsilastirma yaparak gercek yasam problemlerin cozumunde ogrencilerin gelisimlerini tespit etmek amaclanmistir. Calismanin orneklemini Trabzon ilinde iki lisede ogrenim goren 41’i dokuzuncu, 34’u onbirinci sinif ogrencisi olmak uzere toplam 75 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Ogrencilere uc gunluk yasam problemi verilmis ve ogrencilerin cozumleri analiz edilmistir. Dokuzuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme puanlari arasinda anlamli bir farkin olup olmadigini belirlemek icin bu verilere. 05 anlam duzeyinde bagimsiz t testi uygulanmistir. Calismanin sonucunda ogrencilerin cogunlugunun gunluk hayat problemlerini cozme becerilerinin yetersiz oldugu ortaya cikmistir. Ayrica ogrenci cozumlerinde basarisizliga goturen kirilma noktasinin matematiksel modeli kurma asamasi olarak tespit edilmistir. Buna karsin ogrencilerin gercek yasam durumunu matematiksel olarak ifade ettikten sonra ulastiklari esitligin veya esitsizligin cozum kumesini bulmada basarili olduklari gorulmustur.
İlköğretim online, Jun 26, 2013
There is a global movement toward increasing the number of early childhood education services for... more There is a global movement toward increasing the number of early childhood education services for young children. Through early education, children’s development will be supported. It can be asserted that mathematical experiences of the children in pre-school education not only change their attitudes related to mathematics but also develop their mathematics learning significantly. Therefore, it is claimed that the beliefs of pre-school teachers or pre-service pre-school teachers related to the mathematics, mathematics education and learning of mathematics have a direct effect on children’s mathematics experiences. In this study, a scale is developed in order to determine the beliefs of pre-school teachers or pre-service early childhood education teachers related to the mathematics, mathematics education and learning of mathematics. A factor analysis is done by implementing a belief scale consisting of 74 items on 456 pre-service teachers. A belief scale of 32 items is prepared with respect to the results.
Türkiye biyolojik mücadele dergisi, 2017
Bu calismanin amaci proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasiminin ortaokul 8. sinif ogrencilerinin cikarima ... more Bu calismanin amaci proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasiminin ortaokul 8. sinif ogrencilerinin cikarima yonelik istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyelerine etkisini belirlemektir. Bu amacla uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda ogrencilerin veri temsiline yonelik istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyelerini belirlemeye yonelik 10 acik uclu sorudan olusan bir veri toplama araci gelistirilmistir. Gelistirilen bu veri toplama araci 35’i deney grubu, 35’i kontrol grubu olmak uzere toplam 70 ortaokul 8. sinif ogrencisine uygulama oncesi ve uygulama sonrasi olmak uzere iki kez uygulanmistir. Tum ham puanlar Rasch analizi yapan Winsteps 3.72 modelleme programi ile lineer puanlara donusturulmustur ve lineer puanlar ile Ancova analizi yapilmistir. Elde edilen bulgulara gore proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasiminin ogrencilerin cikarima yonelik istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyelerini etkilemedigi sonucuna varilmistir. Ogrencilerin uygulama oncesi ve uygulama sonrasi istatistiksel okuryazarlik seviyeleri elde edilen kisi m...
is research aims to examine how gi ed studen ts exert their metacognition in each problem-solv... more is research aims to examine how gi ed studen ts exert their metacognition in each problem-solv ing step while solving a problem . In this sense, the researchers gave four students of the 8!" grade three mathematics problems. e data of the study was collected through clinical interviews . e voice recordings of the students during the problem solving process and the solutions they wrote on paper formed the data of the study. e # ndings show that gi ed students display metacognitive behaviours in problem solving process intensity. It was also observed that gi ed students display some metacognitive beh aviours which had not been determined by researchers before. ese behaviours are seen at the stage of looking back and they are revision of connections between t opics which were learnt in the past a er solving a problem and relaxation of brain in order to evaluate what has been done by thinking over alternative ways. e # ndings of the research are important in terms o...
Bu calisma ile matematik ve geometri derslerinde grafik tablet kullanimina yonelik ogrenci tutum ... more Bu calisma ile matematik ve geometri derslerinde grafik tablet kullanimina yonelik ogrenci tutum olcegi gelistirilmesi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla uzman gorusleri dogrultusunda 6 faktor ve 24 maddeden olusan 5'li Likert tipi olcek gelistirilmistir. Olcek, 2010-2011 Egitim Ogretim yilinda Trabzon'da bir Anadolu Lisesinde 9, 10 ve 11. siniftan toplam 150 ogrenciye uygulanmistir. Calisma arastirmacinin matematik ve geometri derslerini bir yil boyunca grafik tablet kullanarak yuruttugu sekiz sinif uzerinde yapilmistir. Olcegin gecerlilik ve guvenilirlik calismalarina yonelik dogrulayici faktor analizi yapilmis ve elde edilen bulgular sonucunda gelistirilen olcegin ogrencilerin matematik ve geometri derslerinde grafik tablet kullanimi ile ilgili tutumlarini olcmede kullanilabilecegi sonucuna varilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Matematik egitimi, grafik tablet, tutum olcegi
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 2019
Journal of Periodontal Research, 2016
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE The cytokine, interleukin (IL)-32, is a relatively new discovery. Howeve... more BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE The cytokine, interleukin (IL)-32, is a relatively new discovery. However, it is very powerful for stimulating tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) under inflammatory conditions. The objective of this research was to explore fluctuations in the levels of TNF-α, IL-32 and IL-10, in both saliva and gingival crevicular fluid. The focus was on measurements taken before and after clinical treatment of chronic periodontitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS For the purposes of the study, a total of 27 patients with chronic periodontitis and 27 controls (periodontally healthy) were recruited. Important clinical periodontal criteria were established before and 4 wk after the start of the research. The chronic periodontitis group was given an initial form of periodontal care. Samples of saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were collected exactly 4 wk preceding and 4 wk following the care. The levels of IL-10, IL-32 and TNF-α present in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were recorded via the use of an ELISA. RESULTS At baseline, the levels of TNF-α and IL-32 in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva were significantly higher among patients in the chronic periodontitis group than among patients in the control group (p < 0.05). On the other hand, at baseline the levels of IL-10 were significantly lower in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva of the chronic periodontitis group than the control group (p < 0.05). A significantly positive link was found between the TNF-α and IL-32 levels in the two study groups (p < 0.05). After treatment, the levels of TNF-α and IL-32 in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were significantly lower in the chronic periodontitis group when compared with the baseline readings. However, the levels of IL-10 were significantly higher (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION Ultimately, the level of IL-32 present in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid might be useful as an indicator of the condition and the expectations for its treatment and care. According to the results of the research, the proinflammatory impact of IL-32 could potentially be linked to the intensity and progression of periodontitis.
Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği arşivi : Türk Kardiyoloji Derneğinin yayın organıdır, 2011
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2015
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Asia Pacific Education Review, 2009
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 11, 2012
Bu calismada dokuzuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin gunluk yasam problemlerini cozebilme bec... more Bu calismada dokuzuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin gunluk yasam problemlerini cozebilme becerilerini incelemek ve bu iki sinif arasinda karsilastirma yaparak gercek yasam problemlerin cozumunde ogrencilerin gelisimlerini tespit etmek amaclanmistir. Calismanin orneklemini Trabzon ilinde iki lisede ogrenim goren 41’i dokuzuncu, 34’u onbirinci sinif ogrencisi olmak uzere toplam 75 ogrenci olusturmaktadir. Ogrencilere uc gunluk yasam problemi verilmis ve ogrencilerin cozumleri analiz edilmistir. Dokuzuncu ve onbirinci sinif ogrencilerinin problem cozme puanlari arasinda anlamli bir farkin olup olmadigini belirlemek icin bu verilere. 05 anlam duzeyinde bagimsiz t testi uygulanmistir. Calismanin sonucunda ogrencilerin cogunlugunun gunluk hayat problemlerini cozme becerilerinin yetersiz oldugu ortaya cikmistir. Ayrica ogrenci cozumlerinde basarisizliga goturen kirilma noktasinin matematiksel modeli kurma asamasi olarak tespit edilmistir. Buna karsin ogrencilerin gercek yasam durumunu matematiksel olarak ifade ettikten sonra ulastiklari esitligin veya esitsizligin cozum kumesini bulmada basarili olduklari gorulmustur.
İlköğretim online, Jun 26, 2013
There is a global movement toward increasing the number of early childhood education services for... more There is a global movement toward increasing the number of early childhood education services for young children. Through early education, children’s development will be supported. It can be asserted that mathematical experiences of the children in pre-school education not only change their attitudes related to mathematics but also develop their mathematics learning significantly. Therefore, it is claimed that the beliefs of pre-school teachers or pre-service pre-school teachers related to the mathematics, mathematics education and learning of mathematics have a direct effect on children’s mathematics experiences. In this study, a scale is developed in order to determine the beliefs of pre-school teachers or pre-service early childhood education teachers related to the mathematics, mathematics education and learning of mathematics. A factor analysis is done by implementing a belief scale consisting of 74 items on 456 pre-service teachers. A belief scale of 32 items is prepared with respect to the results.