Gülsüm Atay - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Gülsüm Atay

Research paper thumbnail of Developmental care in neonatal intensive care unit

Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Toplum kökenli pnömoniler içinde Mycoplasma pneumoniae sıklığı

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Children with Special Health Care Needs with Family Centered Approach

Istanbul University - DergiPark, Aug 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The Possible Role of Intrauterine Infections in Unexplained Second Trimester Abortions and Macerated Stillbirths: A Study from a Single Center

Journal of Perinatology, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A Guide for Monitoring Child Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Pediatrics, 2008

OBJECTIVE. In low- and middle-income countries, methods for clinicians to address difficulties in... more OBJECTIVE. In low- and middle-income countries, methods for clinicians to address difficulties in language, social-emotional, cognitive, behavioral, or neuromotor development during early childhood are lacking. To fill this gap, we designed, in Turkey, the Guide for Monitoring Child Development, which aims to aid clinicians in monitoring and supporting child development and the early detection and management of developmental difficulties. The Guide for Monitoring Child Development monitoring component is a practical, open-ended interview that catalyzes communication between clinicians and caregivers and obtains a portrayal of the child's development. We report on the development and psychometric properties of the Guide for Monitoring Child Development monitoring component for children aged 0 to 24 months. METHODS. We examined the ages of attainment of Guide for Monitoring Child Development milestones and internal consistency in a cross-sectional study of healthy children receivi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Two Models for the follow-up of Very Low Birth Weigth Infants: ?The Medical Home Model? and ?Follow-up in Primary Care? and the Effects on Health Indicators

Annals of Medical Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Medical Home Model on the Developmental Outcomes at 12-18 Months Corrected Age of Very Low Birth Weight Infants Born and Followed up in a Tertiary Hospital

Annals of Medical Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Mothers' knowledge of young child development in a developing country

Child: Care, Health and Development, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Airway haemangioma treated with interferon-alpha 2a

Acta Paediatrica, 2008

... Airway haemangioma treated with interferon-alpha 2a. Emine Suskan 1 ,; Deniz Tekin 1 ,; Gülsü... more ... Airway haemangioma treated with interferon-alpha 2a. Emine Suskan 1 ,; Deniz Tekin 1 ,; Gülsüm Atay 1 ,; Aydın Yağmurlu 2 ,; Handan Uğur 3 ,; Nurdan Taçyildiz 4. Article first published online: 28 FEB 2008. DOI: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00691.x. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Child Development at Sick-Child Visits: A Controlled Trial

Pediatrics, 2006

OBJECTIVE. In developing countries, the health care system often is the only existing infrastruct... more OBJECTIVE. In developing countries, the health care system often is the only existing infrastructure that can reach young children, and health care encounters may be the only opportunity for professionals to have a positive influence on child development. To address the discrepancy between Western and developing countries related to the information that is available for caregivers on how to support their child's development, the World Health Organization Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development and United Nations International Children's Education Fund have developed the Care for Development Intervention. The Care for Development Intervention aims during acute health visits to enhance caregivers' play and communication with their children. For facilitation of its delivery worldwide, the Care for Development Intervention was developed as an additional module of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness training course. The purpose of this study was t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklara Verilen Sağlik Hizmetinde Bütüncül İzlem Modeli

The “medical home model” has been introduced in high income countries as a health care model that... more The “medical home model” has been introduced in high income countries as a health care model that provides all preventive and curative care for children with special needs under one roof. This article informs about the “medical home model” and reviews its efficacy. Key words: Health Care Delivery; Medical Home; Children.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the perinatal problems on long term development of preterm infants

Depending on the improvements in antenatal and neonatal care of premature and low birth weight in... more Depending on the improvements in antenatal and neonatal care of premature and low birth weight infants, survival rates were increased but disability rates were not decreased. It has been accepted all over the world that developmental results were the most important criterion for the success of neonatal intensive care units. The developmental outcomes of these infants are the results of a complex relationship between the genetic, perinatal and social-environmental factors. Perinatal problems such as sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, intracranial hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (chronic lung disease), hearing loss, retinopathy of prematurity and growth retardation are risk factors that negatively affect the development. Prevention or early diagnosis and treatment of these problems are important for the normal physical health and development of these high-risk children.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Perceived Competence of Pediatric Residents About Infant and Toddler Development Çocuk Sağliği Ve Hastaliklari Uzmanlik Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n -Bebekli̇k Ve Erken Çocukluk Dönemi̇nde Geli̇şi̇m Konusu'Nda Kendi̇ni̇ Değerlendi̇rmesi̇

In our study about “The perceived competence of pediatric residents about infant and toddler deve... more In our study about “The perceived competence of pediatric residents about infant and toddler development” we found that pediatric residents in our hospital had lack of knowledge about the promotion of early childhood development and prevention, early identification and management of developmental problems and also we have presented a poster about this topic in the 1st National DevelopmentalBehavioral Pediatrics Congress.

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Research paper thumbnail of Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanlık Öğrencilerinin-Bebeklik ve Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Gelişim Konusu’nda Kendini Değerlendirmesi

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Research paper thumbnail of Özel Gereksi̇ni̇mi̇ Olan Çocuklarin Ai̇le Merkezli̇ Yaklaşim İle Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ Assessment of Children with Special Health Care Needs with Family Centered Approach

Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or ... more Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or have high risks for this stiuations. The concept of developmental assessment of infants and toddlers had changed by the years and nowadays family centered assessment methods are in progress. Pediatricians do need to know these new approaches for referring their patients to a clinic or a clinician who are family centered. Family-centered care is a partnership approach to health care decision-making between the family and health care provider. The aim of this review is to share the knowledge about children with special health care needs and their up to date assessment and follow up approaches.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developmental care in neonatal intensive care unit

The incidence of preterm births have increased worldwide and in our country in recent years. Rela... more The incidence of preterm births have increased worldwide and in our country in recent years. Related to advances in neonatal intensive care, the mortality of the preterm births decreases but the morbidity increases. Developmental problems comprise the main portion of the morbidity. Strategies and new approaches are needed to decrease the morbidity. This review is about the approaches of developmental care used in neonatal intensive care units to support the development of preterm babies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Özel Gereksinimi Olan Çocukların Aile Merkezli Yaklaşım İle Değerlendirilmesi

Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or ... more Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or have high risks for this stiuations. The concept of developmental assessment of infants and toddlers had changed by the years and nowadays family centered assessment methods are in progress. Pediatricians do need to know these new approaches for referring their patients to a clinic or a clinician who are family centered. Family-centered care is a partnership approach to health care decision-making between the family and health care provider. The aim of this review is to share the knowledge about children with special health care needs and their up to date assessment and follow up approaches.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ergenlik döneminde DEHB bozukluğu tanısı konan bir grubun özellikleri ve altı-on yaş grubunda tanı konan çocuklarla karşılaştırılması

Amac: Dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yasam boyu etkileri surebilen norogelisimse... more Amac: Dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yasam boyu etkileri surebilen norogelisimsel bir bozuk-luktur. Cocukluk doneminde DEHB ozellikleri cok iyi bilinse de, ergen ve eriskin yas grubunda DEHB tani olcutleri hala tartisilmaktadir. Bu calismada 12-18 yas araligindayken DEHB tanisi konulan ergenlerin sosyodemografik ozellikleri, dogum ve gelisim basamaklari, basvuru yakinmalari, WISC-R puanlari, es tani ve farmakoterapi uygulamalari acisindan incelenmesi, bu ozelliklerin ergenlik oncesinde DEHB tanisi konan cocuklarla karsilas-tirilmasi ve gec taniyi yordayan etkenlerin arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Yontem: Bu geriye donuk (retrospektif) calisma Baskent Universitesi Cocuk Ruh Sagligi ve Hastaliklari bolumunde yapilmistir. DSM-IV tani olcutlerine gore DEHB tanisi konularak takip ve tedaviye alinan ergenlerden ilk kez tani konan, Wechsler Cocuklar icin Zeka Olcegi (WISC-R) puanlari 80 ve ustunde olan olgular calismaya alinmistir. Bu veriler alti-on yaslari arasindayken ilk...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mortality and morbidity of premature infants

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Research paper thumbnail of Üçüncü Basamak Sağlık Hizmeti Veren Bir Hastanede Taburculuk Sonrasında Bütüncül İzlem Modeli İle İzlenen Çok Düşük Doğum Ağırlıklı Bebeklerin Düzeltilmiş 12-18 Ayda Gelişimsel Değerlendirmesi

The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the medical home model (MHM) on the development... more The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the medical home model (MHM) on the developmental status of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants at 12- 18 months corrected age in a tertiary health center in Turkey. Material- Method: A total of 199 infants who were born with birth weight l 1500 grams and/or gestational week l 32 weeks at Zekai Tahir Burak (ZTB) Maternity Teaching Hospital Ankara and received medical and developmental follow-up at ZTB hospital within the medical home model were enrolled. Their developmental status was evaluated at corrected 12- 18 months with Bayley II. Results: Of the study group, 49% was female and 51% was male. Mean birth weight was 1238 p 319 grams and 25,1% (n=50) was l 1000 grams. Mean gestational age was 29, 2p2,2 weeks and 38,2% was l 28 weeks. About 50% was multiplets. Bayley Mental Development Index scores (MDI) and Psychomotor Development Index scores (PDI) were l 70 in 7% and 19,6% of the total group, respectively and 7% was diagnosed as...

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Research paper thumbnail of Developmental care in neonatal intensive care unit

Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Toplum kökenli pnömoniler içinde Mycoplasma pneumoniae sıklığı

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Children with Special Health Care Needs with Family Centered Approach

Istanbul University - DergiPark, Aug 1, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The Possible Role of Intrauterine Infections in Unexplained Second Trimester Abortions and Macerated Stillbirths: A Study from a Single Center

Journal of Perinatology, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of A Guide for Monitoring Child Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Pediatrics, 2008

OBJECTIVE. In low- and middle-income countries, methods for clinicians to address difficulties in... more OBJECTIVE. In low- and middle-income countries, methods for clinicians to address difficulties in language, social-emotional, cognitive, behavioral, or neuromotor development during early childhood are lacking. To fill this gap, we designed, in Turkey, the Guide for Monitoring Child Development, which aims to aid clinicians in monitoring and supporting child development and the early detection and management of developmental difficulties. The Guide for Monitoring Child Development monitoring component is a practical, open-ended interview that catalyzes communication between clinicians and caregivers and obtains a portrayal of the child's development. We report on the development and psychometric properties of the Guide for Monitoring Child Development monitoring component for children aged 0 to 24 months. METHODS. We examined the ages of attainment of Guide for Monitoring Child Development milestones and internal consistency in a cross-sectional study of healthy children receivi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparison of Two Models for the follow-up of Very Low Birth Weigth Infants: ?The Medical Home Model? and ?Follow-up in Primary Care? and the Effects on Health Indicators

Annals of Medical Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of The Effect of Medical Home Model on the Developmental Outcomes at 12-18 Months Corrected Age of Very Low Birth Weight Infants Born and Followed up in a Tertiary Hospital

Annals of Medical Research, 2011

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Research paper thumbnail of Mothers' knowledge of young child development in a developing country

Child: Care, Health and Development, 2007

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Research paper thumbnail of Airway haemangioma treated with interferon-alpha 2a

Acta Paediatrica, 2008

... Airway haemangioma treated with interferon-alpha 2a. Emine Suskan 1 ,; Deniz Tekin 1 ,; Gülsü... more ... Airway haemangioma treated with interferon-alpha 2a. Emine Suskan 1 ,; Deniz Tekin 1 ,; Gülsüm Atay 1 ,; Aydın Yağmurlu 2 ,; Handan Uğur 3 ,; Nurdan Taçyildiz 4. Article first published online: 28 FEB 2008. DOI: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00691.x. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Child Development at Sick-Child Visits: A Controlled Trial

Pediatrics, 2006

OBJECTIVE. In developing countries, the health care system often is the only existing infrastruct... more OBJECTIVE. In developing countries, the health care system often is the only existing infrastructure that can reach young children, and health care encounters may be the only opportunity for professionals to have a positive influence on child development. To address the discrepancy between Western and developing countries related to the information that is available for caregivers on how to support their child's development, the World Health Organization Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development and United Nations International Children's Education Fund have developed the Care for Development Intervention. The Care for Development Intervention aims during acute health visits to enhance caregivers' play and communication with their children. For facilitation of its delivery worldwide, the Care for Development Intervention was developed as an additional module of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness training course. The purpose of this study was t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Çocuklara Verilen Sağlik Hizmetinde Bütüncül İzlem Modeli

The “medical home model” has been introduced in high income countries as a health care model that... more The “medical home model” has been introduced in high income countries as a health care model that provides all preventive and curative care for children with special needs under one roof. This article informs about the “medical home model” and reviews its efficacy. Key words: Health Care Delivery; Medical Home; Children.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effects of the perinatal problems on long term development of preterm infants

Depending on the improvements in antenatal and neonatal care of premature and low birth weight in... more Depending on the improvements in antenatal and neonatal care of premature and low birth weight infants, survival rates were increased but disability rates were not decreased. It has been accepted all over the world that developmental results were the most important criterion for the success of neonatal intensive care units. The developmental outcomes of these infants are the results of a complex relationship between the genetic, perinatal and social-environmental factors. Perinatal problems such as sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, intracranial hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (chronic lung disease), hearing loss, retinopathy of prematurity and growth retardation are risk factors that negatively affect the development. Prevention or early diagnosis and treatment of these problems are important for the normal physical health and development of these high-risk children.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Perceived Competence of Pediatric Residents About Infant and Toddler Development Çocuk Sağliği Ve Hastaliklari Uzmanlik Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n -Bebekli̇k Ve Erken Çocukluk Dönemi̇nde Geli̇şi̇m Konusu'Nda Kendi̇ni̇ Değerlendi̇rmesi̇

In our study about “The perceived competence of pediatric residents about infant and toddler deve... more In our study about “The perceived competence of pediatric residents about infant and toddler development” we found that pediatric residents in our hospital had lack of knowledge about the promotion of early childhood development and prevention, early identification and management of developmental problems and also we have presented a poster about this topic in the 1st National DevelopmentalBehavioral Pediatrics Congress.

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Research paper thumbnail of Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanlık Öğrencilerinin-Bebeklik ve Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Gelişim Konusu’nda Kendini Değerlendirmesi

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Research paper thumbnail of Özel Gereksi̇ni̇mi̇ Olan Çocuklarin Ai̇le Merkezli̇ Yaklaşim İle Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇ Assessment of Children with Special Health Care Needs with Family Centered Approach

Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or ... more Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or have high risks for this stiuations. The concept of developmental assessment of infants and toddlers had changed by the years and nowadays family centered assessment methods are in progress. Pediatricians do need to know these new approaches for referring their patients to a clinic or a clinician who are family centered. Family-centered care is a partnership approach to health care decision-making between the family and health care provider. The aim of this review is to share the knowledge about children with special health care needs and their up to date assessment and follow up approaches.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developmental care in neonatal intensive care unit

The incidence of preterm births have increased worldwide and in our country in recent years. Rela... more The incidence of preterm births have increased worldwide and in our country in recent years. Related to advances in neonatal intensive care, the mortality of the preterm births decreases but the morbidity increases. Developmental problems comprise the main portion of the morbidity. Strategies and new approaches are needed to decrease the morbidity. This review is about the approaches of developmental care used in neonatal intensive care units to support the development of preterm babies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Özel Gereksinimi Olan Çocukların Aile Merkezli Yaklaşım İle Değerlendirilmesi

Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or ... more Children with special health care needs have physical, developmental or emotional retardation or have high risks for this stiuations. The concept of developmental assessment of infants and toddlers had changed by the years and nowadays family centered assessment methods are in progress. Pediatricians do need to know these new approaches for referring their patients to a clinic or a clinician who are family centered. Family-centered care is a partnership approach to health care decision-making between the family and health care provider. The aim of this review is to share the knowledge about children with special health care needs and their up to date assessment and follow up approaches.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ergenlik döneminde DEHB bozukluğu tanısı konan bir grubun özellikleri ve altı-on yaş grubunda tanı konan çocuklarla karşılaştırılması

Amac: Dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yasam boyu etkileri surebilen norogelisimse... more Amac: Dikkat eksikligi hiperaktivite bozuklugu (DEHB) yasam boyu etkileri surebilen norogelisimsel bir bozuk-luktur. Cocukluk doneminde DEHB ozellikleri cok iyi bilinse de, ergen ve eriskin yas grubunda DEHB tani olcutleri hala tartisilmaktadir. Bu calismada 12-18 yas araligindayken DEHB tanisi konulan ergenlerin sosyodemografik ozellikleri, dogum ve gelisim basamaklari, basvuru yakinmalari, WISC-R puanlari, es tani ve farmakoterapi uygulamalari acisindan incelenmesi, bu ozelliklerin ergenlik oncesinde DEHB tanisi konan cocuklarla karsilas-tirilmasi ve gec taniyi yordayan etkenlerin arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Yontem: Bu geriye donuk (retrospektif) calisma Baskent Universitesi Cocuk Ruh Sagligi ve Hastaliklari bolumunde yapilmistir. DSM-IV tani olcutlerine gore DEHB tanisi konularak takip ve tedaviye alinan ergenlerden ilk kez tani konan, Wechsler Cocuklar icin Zeka Olcegi (WISC-R) puanlari 80 ve ustunde olan olgular calismaya alinmistir. Bu veriler alti-on yaslari arasindayken ilk...

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Research paper thumbnail of Mortality and morbidity of premature infants

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Research paper thumbnail of Üçüncü Basamak Sağlık Hizmeti Veren Bir Hastanede Taburculuk Sonrasında Bütüncül İzlem Modeli İle İzlenen Çok Düşük Doğum Ağırlıklı Bebeklerin Düzeltilmiş 12-18 Ayda Gelişimsel Değerlendirmesi

The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the medical home model (MHM) on the development... more The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the medical home model (MHM) on the developmental status of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants at 12- 18 months corrected age in a tertiary health center in Turkey. Material- Method: A total of 199 infants who were born with birth weight l 1500 grams and/or gestational week l 32 weeks at Zekai Tahir Burak (ZTB) Maternity Teaching Hospital Ankara and received medical and developmental follow-up at ZTB hospital within the medical home model were enrolled. Their developmental status was evaluated at corrected 12- 18 months with Bayley II. Results: Of the study group, 49% was female and 51% was male. Mean birth weight was 1238 p 319 grams and 25,1% (n=50) was l 1000 grams. Mean gestational age was 29, 2p2,2 weeks and 38,2% was l 28 weeks. About 50% was multiplets. Bayley Mental Development Index scores (MDI) and Psychomotor Development Index scores (PDI) were l 70 in 7% and 19,6% of the total group, respectively and 7% was diagnosed as...

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