Hervé Guyomard - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Hervé Guyomard

Research paper thumbnail of Public Policy in Vertically Related Markets: A Cournot Oligopoly-Oligopsony Model

We use a partial equilibrium two-country model, with two vertically related markets, with perfect... more We use a partial equilibrium two-country model, with two vertically related markets, with perfect competition in the primary good sector and with a fixed number of processing firms in each country, characterized by a Cournot behavior upstream and downstream. In the first stage of the game, the government of the exporting country chooses the level of price instruments on both goods. The targeting principle is used to characterize optimal intervention in presence of a minimum revenue constraint towards primary producers. Keywords: vertically related markets, imperfect

Research paper thumbnail of The March 1999 and June 2003 CAP reforms: Main provisions

The CAP reforms of March 1999 (2000 Agenda reform) and June 2003 (Luxemburg compromise) are part ... more The CAP reforms of March 1999 (2000 Agenda reform) and June 2003 (Luxemburg compromise) are part of a process started a few years earlier with the 1992 Mac Sharry reform. Although it did not come close to suppressing intervention and wholly liberalizing markets, the 1992 reform did represent a turning point. It suggested the reduction of price support and the compensation of induced income losses through direct aids, founded on the land (cereals and oleo-proteaginous) and livestock (beef) factors of production. The 1999 reform was a further step in the same direction, with new falls ininstitutional prices and partial compensation for income losses through direct aid, still founded on primary production factors. The 2003 reform goes farther by suppressing the link between direct aid and product choices. In other words, the 2003 reform goes even farther by "decoupling" the direct support aids from agricultural incomes. This paper presents the main provisions of both 1999 and...

Research paper thumbnail of Re-orientating direct support for agriculture

Within the framework of the reflections on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), th... more Within the framework of the reflections on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the method used to distribute direct aid to European farms occupies a prime position. This subject is currently arousing very lively debate for three main reasons. i) Member states have to agree on the future budget of the European Union (EU) for 2014-2020, in a delicate economic context. ii) The increased volatility in the prices of agricultural produce tends to weaken the legitimacy of a support system essentially based on decoupled payments, and therefore, independent of actual prices. iii) The community authorities wish to redirect, through new statutory texts (October, 2011), a portion of the direct aid towards better remuneration for the environmental responsibilities placed on farmers. In this paper we will cover the three main subjects which have fed our reflection since 2008: the analysis of the redistributive effects of the measures taken within the framework of the health check-...

Research paper thumbnail of Sortir du régime des quotas laitiers ? Paramètres clés à considérer et illustration dans le cas français

Dans le cad re de la préparation des négociations agricoles multilatérales du Cycle du Millénaire... more Dans le cad re de la préparation des négociations agricoles multilatérales du Cycle du Millénaire (CM) à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), plusieurs recherches visent à évaluer les impacts potentiels de réformes des politiques laitières dans les pays développés. Il s'agit notamment d'examiner les conséquences d'une suppression des politiques de gestion de l'offre. L'Organisation de coopératio n e t de développement économiq ue (OCDE, 1999) a ainsi examiné les effets d'une suppression simultanée des quotas laitie rs au Canada, a u Japon e t dans l'Un ion européenne (UE). Le prix du lait à la ferme baisserait dans les trois pays. Le maintien de la protectio n à l'importation permettrait toutefois de limiter cette baisse en continuant d'isoler les marchés domestiques du marché mondia l de sorte que les prix intérieurs resteraient largement plus élevés que le cours mondial. En 2004, horizon de simulation , les prix intérieurs du lai t seraient supérieurs au cours mondi al de 23 % dans l'UE, de 90 % au Canada el de 180 % au Japon. A celte date, le pri x e uropéen d u lait serait inférieur de 25 % environ au prix qui prévaudrait dans un scéna rio de poursuite du régime des quotas laitiers. Les travaux du Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI-UMC, 1998) aboutissent à une conclusion quali tativement identique. A l'horizon 2007, une suppression unilatérale des quotas laitiers, du mécanisme de l'intervention el des aides à la consommation domestique, les subventions à l'exportation et la protection à l'importation é tant mai ntenues, conduirait à un prix européen du lait inférieur de 18 % environ au prix qui prévaudrait dans un scénario Agenda 2000. Ces pre1~1iers travaux d'analyse des effets d'une suppression du régime e uropéen des quotas laitiers aboutissent à une vision plutôt "rose", no tamment en termes d'impacts sur l'éq' uilibre en vol ume et en pri x du marché du lai t dans l'UE. L'objectif principal de nos travaux consiste alors à évalue r la robustesse/sensibilité des effets d'une sortie du régime des quotas laitiers à différents paramètres, techniques (coûts marginaux de production et élasticités d'offre de lait à la ferme) e t politiques (protection à

Research paper thumbnail of The legislative proposals of the CAP reform (October 2011): first analysis

On October 12th 2011, the European Commission (EC) has presented a set of legislative proposals i... more On October 12th 2011, the European Commission (EC) has presented a set of legislative proposals intended for a new reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), theoretically on January 1st 2014. Besides simplification and efficacy, the stated objectives are to favour a competitive and sustainable European agricultural sector and to give a boost to rural zones. As innovative as they may be, these proposals are however in continuity with those adopted in the context of the continuous process of CAP reform started in 1992 (the McSharry reform), and continued in 1999 (Agenda 2000), 2003 and 2008 (CAP Health Check). The new proposals, in which the subsidiarity principle features prominently, might lead to a significant reorientation of direct aids between regions and categories of farms, within a given Member State (MS), notably in a country like France where the historical reference model is used for allocating the Single Farm Payment (SFP). By contrast, the allocation of CAP funds b...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobilité des droits à produire dans l'Union européenne : Conséquences d'un marché des quotas laitiers à l'échelle régionale, nationale ou communautaire

Prodtction ights mobilitl in the Etropean Union. ImPlications of a milh qrota market defined at r... more Prodtction ights mobilitl in the Etropean Union. ImPlications of a milh qrota market defined at regiorr, coxntry or Commrnity leael Kelt-utordt: qrota, quota narhet, nilk, Etropeaa Cotnunitl Mobilité des droits à produire dans I'IJnion européenne. Conséquences d'un marcbé des quotas laitiers à l'échelle régionale, nationale ou communauaaire Mots-clés: quoras de production, marché de quotas, laic, Union Summatl Tbe duality theory fratmuorh and tbc concept ofaiûual price astociated uith a rationed good an used to analyte producer behaoiotr under ottput qrcta and to dtriae a formal nodel of tradabh qaata rightt The enpirial applkation it bard on a vnple of dairl farnt fton the Europun RICA for the yar 1991. Tbe quota narket is defined at tariots geograpbical lweb coraponding ta tlte /e8i0n, lhe caûtry or the Conmunity. Poliq ntplicauons dre rhen ditculred. ln partic ar, ue thou tbdt traûraûioû cat} afl lhe q4ota narket and. positiw 0r negdttve externaliti$ dle lo fantting are im\oltant conlidzratioflt la taÉe ir1l0 acclth, for deliaing an efficient quta trantfer poliry. Résumé-La théorie de la dualré e! le concepr de prrx virruel associé à un bien donr Ia quaorité esr fixée sont ici urilisés pour décrire le comporremenr du producreur sous raoonnemenr et définir un cadre d'analyse d'un marché des droirs à produrre. Lapplicarron esr basée sur un échancillon d exploirarioos laitières du RICA européen pour lannée l!!l Le marché des quoras es! mis en ceuv.e à différentes échelles géographiques cor.espondanr à la région, à I'Erar membre ou à I Unron européenne. Nous discurons ensuire de I'efficaciré du marché des droirs à produire par rapporr à d'aucres modes de gesrion des rransfercs, norâmmenr quand les coûrs de transacrion sur le marché des quoras et les exrernalirés, posicives ou négarives, liées à I'acriviré agricole sonr pns en comple + INRA, Station d'ûononie x nciologie rualet, 14, ** INRA, Station d'écanotnie u nciolagie rurales, 65, Rennet cedex rae Cirardet, 54042 Nanry rue de Saint Brieuc, 35042 Les auteurs remercienc les deux lecreurs de cer artrcle Dour leurs remaroues ec suSSesoons conscructlves,

Research paper thumbnail of The Agenda 2000 CAP Reform in the WTO Context: Distortion Effects of Compensatory Payments and Area Set-aside Requirements

Research paper thumbnail of Producer Behaviour Under Strict Rationing and Quai-Fixed Factors

The paper examines the effect of rationing outputs and inputs on producer behaviour. Full represe... more The paper examines the effect of rationing outputs and inputs on producer behaviour. Full representation of the modified supply-demand system after rationing, including shadow prices for the constrained netputs, is derived from the unrestricted profit function before rationing, and vice-versa. Attention is focused on cross-price effects which have been less explored than own-price effects which obey to the Le Chatelier principle. The theoretical framework is applied to the EC agricultural sector in order to analyse the effects of output and input rationing on the production structure of the EC agricultural sector, with emphasis on the impact of the milk quota constraint on unrestricted output supplies and input demands.

Research paper thumbnail of Multilateral Agricultural Negotiations and Multifunctionality: Some Research Issues

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges in Modelling and Evaluating Effects of Agricultural Policy Reforms and Trade Agreements

Research paper thumbnail of Scenarios for Modelling Trade Policy Effects on the Multifunctionality of European Agriculture

The ENARPRI partners agreed in February 2004 to prepare a precise specification for the scenarios... more The ENARPRI partners agreed in February 2004 to prepare a precise specification for the scenarios that partners would attempt to model in their own national contexts, to examine the impacts of trade-related changes upon the multifunctionality of EU agriculture. This paper outlines a suite of five scenarios covering anticipated domestic (EU) policy under different possible outcomes from the Doha round, broadly based upon the status quo (with mid-term review), full decoupling of domestic support and full decoupling plus reductions in (decoupled) domestic support, with variants in relation to export subsidies and the scale of pillar 2 measures. In all cases it is recognised that national or sub-national models will require an additional level of national or regional specification before they can be run, and that each national team will be required to do this drawing upon their own domestic knowledge and discussion with relevant experts. Each of the models that will be used to undertake...

Research paper thumbnail of The CAP Reform and E.C.-U.S. Relations: The GATT as a Cap on the CAP

Agricultural Trade Conflicts and GATT, 2019

Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy has entailed the substitution of new income support inst... more Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy has entailed the substitution of new income support instruments for the former price based instruments, mainly in the cash crop sector. Our first point is that the domestic political balance was unable to generate such a large change in policy design, in spite of inefficiencies and inbalances. The pressure of the US has been a major factor in the design of the reform. We argue that trade interests have been crucial to catalyze international collective action in order to countervail domestic pressure groups. The pursuit of an agreement in the GATT is therefore a means to place a cap on the CAP and foster some reform and control over sectors such as sugar and dairy in other countries. We do not foresee the disappearance of sources of tensions between the two countries, as EC animal products become more competitive and as the working of the CAP in the vicinity of world prices will make trade flows sensitive to world macroeconomic and agricultural shocks. The Uruguay Round, should not be considered as fully satisfactory, and the long-run objective of further decoupling of payments from production incentives should be pursued.

Research paper thumbnail of L'Organisation Commune de Marché de la banane dans l'Union européenne : impact de la taille du contingent tarifaire appliqué aux bananes dollar et non traditionnelles ACP

Le 1er juillet 1993, l'Union europeenne (UE) a finalement instaure un marche commun de la ban... more Le 1er juillet 1993, l'Union europeenne (UE) a finalement instaure un marche commun de la banane. L'Organisation commune de marche (OCM) mise en place remplace un ensemble de politiques nationales complexes et heterogenes, incompatibles avec le Marche Unique. La nouvelle reglementation repose essentiellement sur la fixation d'un contingent tarifaire dans l'UE pour les bananes d'Amerique latine et non traditionnelles ACP (Afrique, Caraibes et Pacifique). L'objet de cet article est en premier lieu de proposer un cadre simplifie d'analyse du fonctionnement du marche mondial de la banane en regime d'OCM dans l'UE. Il s'agit en second lieu d'analyser la sensibilite des equilibres de marche a la taille du contingent tarifaire impose par l'UE aux bananes d'Amerique latine et des pays ACP sur la base de simulations realisees a l'aide d'un modele d'equilibre partiel du marche mondial de la banane.

Research paper thumbnail of How the EU Single Farm Payment should be modelled: lump-sum transfers, area payments or… what else?

The 2003 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform radically changes the way the European Union (EU... more The 2003 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform radically changes the way the European Union (EU) supports its agricultural sector by decoupling direct payments. Production is no longer required to get the payment attached to Single Farm Payment (SFP) entitlements. However, the new scheme maintains a specific link between payments and hectares; in addition, SFP entitlements can be exchanged among farmers. These features question the way SFP entitlements should be regarded, hence modelled, i.e., as lump-sum transfers, area payments or… something else. We develop a microeconomic analytical framework which shows that the answer crucially depends on the total number of entitlements which are initially made available relative to the number of hectares, more specifically the number of cultivated hectares in a zero support regime, the number of cultivated hectares in a policy support regime trough per-hectare direct aids, and the number of cultivated or idled hectares in a policy regime w...

Research paper thumbnail of La réforme de la PAC et négociations du GATT : quelle compatibilité ?

Research paper thumbnail of Changing Agricultural Systems and Food Diets to Prevent and Mitigate Global Health Shocks

Sustainability, 2020

No one would dispute that agricultural systems and food diets are not sustainable from an environ... more No one would dispute that agricultural systems and food diets are not sustainable from an environmental and health point of view, and that increasing their sustainability must be a major objective of farm and food policies. Simultaneously, climatic, environmental, and health shocks are likely to increase in the coming years. This note defends the idea of an additional double benefit of public policies, aiming at favoring environmentally friendly food systems and healthy diets through two channels: by reducing the risks of developing shocks and by limiting their negative impacts on populations when they occur. As a result, public policies should address, simultaneously and consistently, supply and demand issues. This is illustrated in the case of the European Union. Supply measures should favor the agro-ecological transition of agricultural systems through a more rigorous application of the polluter pays principle, implying notably the taxation of the main determinants of agricultura...

Research paper thumbnail of Trade in feed grains, animals, and animal products: Current trends, future prospects, and main issues

Research paper thumbnail of Une politique agricole commune au service de l'emploi ? Analyse économique du modèle de l'agriculture paysanne de la Confédération paysanne1

Le présent document présente une analyse économique du modèle de l'Agriculture paysanne (AP) prop... more Le présent document présente une analyse économique du modèle de l'Agriculture paysanne (AP) proposé par la Confédération paysanne (CP). Le texte est structuré en trois sections. Dans la section 1, nous présentons les mécanismes économiques et politiques qui sous-tendent le processus d'intensification de l'agriculture française et européenne, ainsi que ceux de l'agrandissement des exploitations et de diminution de leur nombre. Dans la section 2, nous analysons le modèle de l'AP, sa logique, ses caractéristiques et les principales interrogations qu'il suscite. Les principaux enseignements de l'analyse sont résumés dans la section 3. En outre, nous comparons, en termes d'objectifs et de solutions proposées pour leur satisfaction, le modèle de l'AP et le modèle agricole européen défendu par la Commission européenne (CE) dans le cadre de la révision à mi-parcours (RMP) de la Politique agricole commune (PAC).

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling a Siphon on quota transfers: An application to milk in France

Oxford Agrarian Studies, 1995

We develop an analylical framework which pennits ta analyse the consequences of imposing a siphon... more We develop an analylical framework which pennits ta analyse the consequences of imposing a siphon on quota transfers for general quota supply and demand functions. A siphon is a tax in kind levied on quota exchanges sa as to generate quantities which could be transferred to deserving some specifie producers and new entrants. The analylical framework is based on a microeconomic model of producer behaviour in a tradable quota regime from which we derive supply and demand functions for quota rights at the industry level. We then analyse the three options for the siphon defined by Burrell (1989) in tenns of priee, quantity and welfare effects. We finally applied this theoretical framework to the case of milk quotas in France using a sample of dairy fanners for the year 1991. The analysis developed in this note extends that of Burrell, and Swinbank and Peters (1990).

Research paper thumbnail of Le bilan de santé de la PAC et le rééquilibrage des soutiens à l’agriculture française

Research paper thumbnail of Public Policy in Vertically Related Markets: A Cournot Oligopoly-Oligopsony Model

We use a partial equilibrium two-country model, with two vertically related markets, with perfect... more We use a partial equilibrium two-country model, with two vertically related markets, with perfect competition in the primary good sector and with a fixed number of processing firms in each country, characterized by a Cournot behavior upstream and downstream. In the first stage of the game, the government of the exporting country chooses the level of price instruments on both goods. The targeting principle is used to characterize optimal intervention in presence of a minimum revenue constraint towards primary producers. Keywords: vertically related markets, imperfect

Research paper thumbnail of The March 1999 and June 2003 CAP reforms: Main provisions

The CAP reforms of March 1999 (2000 Agenda reform) and June 2003 (Luxemburg compromise) are part ... more The CAP reforms of March 1999 (2000 Agenda reform) and June 2003 (Luxemburg compromise) are part of a process started a few years earlier with the 1992 Mac Sharry reform. Although it did not come close to suppressing intervention and wholly liberalizing markets, the 1992 reform did represent a turning point. It suggested the reduction of price support and the compensation of induced income losses through direct aids, founded on the land (cereals and oleo-proteaginous) and livestock (beef) factors of production. The 1999 reform was a further step in the same direction, with new falls ininstitutional prices and partial compensation for income losses through direct aid, still founded on primary production factors. The 2003 reform goes farther by suppressing the link between direct aid and product choices. In other words, the 2003 reform goes even farther by "decoupling" the direct support aids from agricultural incomes. This paper presents the main provisions of both 1999 and...

Research paper thumbnail of Re-orientating direct support for agriculture

Within the framework of the reflections on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), th... more Within the framework of the reflections on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the method used to distribute direct aid to European farms occupies a prime position. This subject is currently arousing very lively debate for three main reasons. i) Member states have to agree on the future budget of the European Union (EU) for 2014-2020, in a delicate economic context. ii) The increased volatility in the prices of agricultural produce tends to weaken the legitimacy of a support system essentially based on decoupled payments, and therefore, independent of actual prices. iii) The community authorities wish to redirect, through new statutory texts (October, 2011), a portion of the direct aid towards better remuneration for the environmental responsibilities placed on farmers. In this paper we will cover the three main subjects which have fed our reflection since 2008: the analysis of the redistributive effects of the measures taken within the framework of the health check-...

Research paper thumbnail of Sortir du régime des quotas laitiers ? Paramètres clés à considérer et illustration dans le cas français

Dans le cad re de la préparation des négociations agricoles multilatérales du Cycle du Millénaire... more Dans le cad re de la préparation des négociations agricoles multilatérales du Cycle du Millénaire (CM) à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), plusieurs recherches visent à évaluer les impacts potentiels de réformes des politiques laitières dans les pays développés. Il s'agit notamment d'examiner les conséquences d'une suppression des politiques de gestion de l'offre. L'Organisation de coopératio n e t de développement économiq ue (OCDE, 1999) a ainsi examiné les effets d'une suppression simultanée des quotas laitie rs au Canada, a u Japon e t dans l'Un ion européenne (UE). Le prix du lait à la ferme baisserait dans les trois pays. Le maintien de la protectio n à l'importation permettrait toutefois de limiter cette baisse en continuant d'isoler les marchés domestiques du marché mondia l de sorte que les prix intérieurs resteraient largement plus élevés que le cours mondial. En 2004, horizon de simulation , les prix intérieurs du lai t seraient supérieurs au cours mondi al de 23 % dans l'UE, de 90 % au Canada el de 180 % au Japon. A celte date, le pri x e uropéen d u lait serait inférieur de 25 % environ au prix qui prévaudrait dans un scéna rio de poursuite du régime des quotas laitiers. Les travaux du Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI-UMC, 1998) aboutissent à une conclusion quali tativement identique. A l'horizon 2007, une suppression unilatérale des quotas laitiers, du mécanisme de l'intervention el des aides à la consommation domestique, les subventions à l'exportation et la protection à l'importation é tant mai ntenues, conduirait à un prix européen du lait inférieur de 18 % environ au prix qui prévaudrait dans un scénario Agenda 2000. Ces pre1~1iers travaux d'analyse des effets d'une suppression du régime e uropéen des quotas laitiers aboutissent à une vision plutôt "rose", no tamment en termes d'impacts sur l'éq' uilibre en vol ume et en pri x du marché du lai t dans l'UE. L'objectif principal de nos travaux consiste alors à évalue r la robustesse/sensibilité des effets d'une sortie du régime des quotas laitiers à différents paramètres, techniques (coûts marginaux de production et élasticités d'offre de lait à la ferme) e t politiques (protection à

Research paper thumbnail of The legislative proposals of the CAP reform (October 2011): first analysis

On October 12th 2011, the European Commission (EC) has presented a set of legislative proposals i... more On October 12th 2011, the European Commission (EC) has presented a set of legislative proposals intended for a new reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), theoretically on January 1st 2014. Besides simplification and efficacy, the stated objectives are to favour a competitive and sustainable European agricultural sector and to give a boost to rural zones. As innovative as they may be, these proposals are however in continuity with those adopted in the context of the continuous process of CAP reform started in 1992 (the McSharry reform), and continued in 1999 (Agenda 2000), 2003 and 2008 (CAP Health Check). The new proposals, in which the subsidiarity principle features prominently, might lead to a significant reorientation of direct aids between regions and categories of farms, within a given Member State (MS), notably in a country like France where the historical reference model is used for allocating the Single Farm Payment (SFP). By contrast, the allocation of CAP funds b...

Research paper thumbnail of Mobilité des droits à produire dans l'Union européenne : Conséquences d'un marché des quotas laitiers à l'échelle régionale, nationale ou communautaire

Prodtction ights mobilitl in the Etropean Union. ImPlications of a milh qrota market defined at r... more Prodtction ights mobilitl in the Etropean Union. ImPlications of a milh qrota market defined at regiorr, coxntry or Commrnity leael Kelt-utordt: qrota, quota narhet, nilk, Etropeaa Cotnunitl Mobilité des droits à produire dans I'IJnion européenne. Conséquences d'un marcbé des quotas laitiers à l'échelle régionale, nationale ou communauaaire Mots-clés: quoras de production, marché de quotas, laic, Union Summatl Tbe duality theory fratmuorh and tbc concept ofaiûual price astociated uith a rationed good an used to analyte producer behaoiotr under ottput qrcta and to dtriae a formal nodel of tradabh qaata rightt The enpirial applkation it bard on a vnple of dairl farnt fton the Europun RICA for the yar 1991. Tbe quota narket is defined at tariots geograpbical lweb coraponding ta tlte /e8i0n, lhe caûtry or the Conmunity. Poliq ntplicauons dre rhen ditculred. ln partic ar, ue thou tbdt traûraûioû cat} afl lhe q4ota narket and. positiw 0r negdttve externaliti$ dle lo fantting are im\oltant conlidzratioflt la taÉe ir1l0 acclth, for deliaing an efficient quta trantfer poliry. Résumé-La théorie de la dualré e! le concepr de prrx virruel associé à un bien donr Ia quaorité esr fixée sont ici urilisés pour décrire le comporremenr du producreur sous raoonnemenr et définir un cadre d'analyse d'un marché des droirs à produrre. Lapplicarron esr basée sur un échancillon d exploirarioos laitières du RICA européen pour lannée l!!l Le marché des quoras es! mis en ceuv.e à différentes échelles géographiques cor.espondanr à la région, à I'Erar membre ou à I Unron européenne. Nous discurons ensuire de I'efficaciré du marché des droirs à produire par rapporr à d'aucres modes de gesrion des rransfercs, norâmmenr quand les coûrs de transacrion sur le marché des quoras et les exrernalirés, posicives ou négarives, liées à I'acriviré agricole sonr pns en comple + INRA, Station d'ûononie x nciologie rualet, 14, ** INRA, Station d'écanotnie u nciolagie rurales, 65, Rennet cedex rae Cirardet, 54042 Nanry rue de Saint Brieuc, 35042 Les auteurs remercienc les deux lecreurs de cer artrcle Dour leurs remaroues ec suSSesoons conscructlves,

Research paper thumbnail of The Agenda 2000 CAP Reform in the WTO Context: Distortion Effects of Compensatory Payments and Area Set-aside Requirements

Research paper thumbnail of Producer Behaviour Under Strict Rationing and Quai-Fixed Factors

The paper examines the effect of rationing outputs and inputs on producer behaviour. Full represe... more The paper examines the effect of rationing outputs and inputs on producer behaviour. Full representation of the modified supply-demand system after rationing, including shadow prices for the constrained netputs, is derived from the unrestricted profit function before rationing, and vice-versa. Attention is focused on cross-price effects which have been less explored than own-price effects which obey to the Le Chatelier principle. The theoretical framework is applied to the EC agricultural sector in order to analyse the effects of output and input rationing on the production structure of the EC agricultural sector, with emphasis on the impact of the milk quota constraint on unrestricted output supplies and input demands.

Research paper thumbnail of Multilateral Agricultural Negotiations and Multifunctionality: Some Research Issues

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges in Modelling and Evaluating Effects of Agricultural Policy Reforms and Trade Agreements

Research paper thumbnail of Scenarios for Modelling Trade Policy Effects on the Multifunctionality of European Agriculture

The ENARPRI partners agreed in February 2004 to prepare a precise specification for the scenarios... more The ENARPRI partners agreed in February 2004 to prepare a precise specification for the scenarios that partners would attempt to model in their own national contexts, to examine the impacts of trade-related changes upon the multifunctionality of EU agriculture. This paper outlines a suite of five scenarios covering anticipated domestic (EU) policy under different possible outcomes from the Doha round, broadly based upon the status quo (with mid-term review), full decoupling of domestic support and full decoupling plus reductions in (decoupled) domestic support, with variants in relation to export subsidies and the scale of pillar 2 measures. In all cases it is recognised that national or sub-national models will require an additional level of national or regional specification before they can be run, and that each national team will be required to do this drawing upon their own domestic knowledge and discussion with relevant experts. Each of the models that will be used to undertake...

Research paper thumbnail of The CAP Reform and E.C.-U.S. Relations: The GATT as a Cap on the CAP

Agricultural Trade Conflicts and GATT, 2019

Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy has entailed the substitution of new income support inst... more Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy has entailed the substitution of new income support instruments for the former price based instruments, mainly in the cash crop sector. Our first point is that the domestic political balance was unable to generate such a large change in policy design, in spite of inefficiencies and inbalances. The pressure of the US has been a major factor in the design of the reform. We argue that trade interests have been crucial to catalyze international collective action in order to countervail domestic pressure groups. The pursuit of an agreement in the GATT is therefore a means to place a cap on the CAP and foster some reform and control over sectors such as sugar and dairy in other countries. We do not foresee the disappearance of sources of tensions between the two countries, as EC animal products become more competitive and as the working of the CAP in the vicinity of world prices will make trade flows sensitive to world macroeconomic and agricultural shocks. The Uruguay Round, should not be considered as fully satisfactory, and the long-run objective of further decoupling of payments from production incentives should be pursued.

Research paper thumbnail of L'Organisation Commune de Marché de la banane dans l'Union européenne : impact de la taille du contingent tarifaire appliqué aux bananes dollar et non traditionnelles ACP

Le 1er juillet 1993, l'Union europeenne (UE) a finalement instaure un marche commun de la ban... more Le 1er juillet 1993, l'Union europeenne (UE) a finalement instaure un marche commun de la banane. L'Organisation commune de marche (OCM) mise en place remplace un ensemble de politiques nationales complexes et heterogenes, incompatibles avec le Marche Unique. La nouvelle reglementation repose essentiellement sur la fixation d'un contingent tarifaire dans l'UE pour les bananes d'Amerique latine et non traditionnelles ACP (Afrique, Caraibes et Pacifique). L'objet de cet article est en premier lieu de proposer un cadre simplifie d'analyse du fonctionnement du marche mondial de la banane en regime d'OCM dans l'UE. Il s'agit en second lieu d'analyser la sensibilite des equilibres de marche a la taille du contingent tarifaire impose par l'UE aux bananes d'Amerique latine et des pays ACP sur la base de simulations realisees a l'aide d'un modele d'equilibre partiel du marche mondial de la banane.

Research paper thumbnail of How the EU Single Farm Payment should be modelled: lump-sum transfers, area payments or… what else?

The 2003 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform radically changes the way the European Union (EU... more The 2003 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform radically changes the way the European Union (EU) supports its agricultural sector by decoupling direct payments. Production is no longer required to get the payment attached to Single Farm Payment (SFP) entitlements. However, the new scheme maintains a specific link between payments and hectares; in addition, SFP entitlements can be exchanged among farmers. These features question the way SFP entitlements should be regarded, hence modelled, i.e., as lump-sum transfers, area payments or… something else. We develop a microeconomic analytical framework which shows that the answer crucially depends on the total number of entitlements which are initially made available relative to the number of hectares, more specifically the number of cultivated hectares in a zero support regime, the number of cultivated hectares in a policy support regime trough per-hectare direct aids, and the number of cultivated or idled hectares in a policy regime w...

Research paper thumbnail of La réforme de la PAC et négociations du GATT : quelle compatibilité ?

Research paper thumbnail of Changing Agricultural Systems and Food Diets to Prevent and Mitigate Global Health Shocks

Sustainability, 2020

No one would dispute that agricultural systems and food diets are not sustainable from an environ... more No one would dispute that agricultural systems and food diets are not sustainable from an environmental and health point of view, and that increasing their sustainability must be a major objective of farm and food policies. Simultaneously, climatic, environmental, and health shocks are likely to increase in the coming years. This note defends the idea of an additional double benefit of public policies, aiming at favoring environmentally friendly food systems and healthy diets through two channels: by reducing the risks of developing shocks and by limiting their negative impacts on populations when they occur. As a result, public policies should address, simultaneously and consistently, supply and demand issues. This is illustrated in the case of the European Union. Supply measures should favor the agro-ecological transition of agricultural systems through a more rigorous application of the polluter pays principle, implying notably the taxation of the main determinants of agricultura...

Research paper thumbnail of Trade in feed grains, animals, and animal products: Current trends, future prospects, and main issues

Research paper thumbnail of Une politique agricole commune au service de l'emploi ? Analyse économique du modèle de l'agriculture paysanne de la Confédération paysanne1

Le présent document présente une analyse économique du modèle de l'Agriculture paysanne (AP) prop... more Le présent document présente une analyse économique du modèle de l'Agriculture paysanne (AP) proposé par la Confédération paysanne (CP). Le texte est structuré en trois sections. Dans la section 1, nous présentons les mécanismes économiques et politiques qui sous-tendent le processus d'intensification de l'agriculture française et européenne, ainsi que ceux de l'agrandissement des exploitations et de diminution de leur nombre. Dans la section 2, nous analysons le modèle de l'AP, sa logique, ses caractéristiques et les principales interrogations qu'il suscite. Les principaux enseignements de l'analyse sont résumés dans la section 3. En outre, nous comparons, en termes d'objectifs et de solutions proposées pour leur satisfaction, le modèle de l'AP et le modèle agricole européen défendu par la Commission européenne (CE) dans le cadre de la révision à mi-parcours (RMP) de la Politique agricole commune (PAC).

Research paper thumbnail of Modelling a Siphon on quota transfers: An application to milk in France

Oxford Agrarian Studies, 1995

We develop an analylical framework which pennits ta analyse the consequences of imposing a siphon... more We develop an analylical framework which pennits ta analyse the consequences of imposing a siphon on quota transfers for general quota supply and demand functions. A siphon is a tax in kind levied on quota exchanges sa as to generate quantities which could be transferred to deserving some specifie producers and new entrants. The analylical framework is based on a microeconomic model of producer behaviour in a tradable quota regime from which we derive supply and demand functions for quota rights at the industry level. We then analyse the three options for the siphon defined by Burrell (1989) in tenns of priee, quantity and welfare effects. We finally applied this theoretical framework to the case of milk quotas in France using a sample of dairy fanners for the year 1991. The analysis developed in this note extends that of Burrell, and Swinbank and Peters (1990).

Research paper thumbnail of Le bilan de santé de la PAC et le rééquilibrage des soutiens à l’agriculture française