John Smith - (original) (raw)
Papers by John Smith
A photographic record of the Sheffield Delegation to Iraq in November 2000. Meet the wonderful pe... more A photographic record of the Sheffield Delegation to Iraq in November 2000. Meet the wonderful people we meet in that country thirty months before the illegal, genocidal invasion of that country! The slide-show also explains the background and reasons for the war, and features the brutal 'U.N.' sanctions that killed up to a million children in the decade before the bombs starting falling.
Written in the weeks before the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, this article asks 'Why is th... more Written in the weeks before the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, this article asks
'Why is the British government so determined to join with the US in war on Iraq? Why is Tony Blair joined at the hip to George Bush? These questions are the source of a great deal of perplexity, including among supporters and activists in the Stop the War Coalition – yet how can we know what course of action to follow unless we can find some answers to these questions?
'This article attempts to look for clues in two particular areas. First, we shall survey the past century of Britain’s entanglement in Iraq. We’ll soon see a pattern emerging, and we’ll also see, in this historical panorama, the origins of the “special relationship” between Washington and London now being tested to breaking point. Second, we’ll look at the economic imperatives which compel Britain to join in Bush’s “coalition of the willing”. '
This article, written in the weeks following the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, criticises t... more This article, written in the weeks following the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, criticises the notion that the anti-war movement came close to forcing the UK government to retreat from going to war alongside the USA. It also critically reviews the leadership role played by the national Stop the War Coalition (STWC) in the months leading up to the first air attack.
The following is an elaboration of the presentation made by John Smith to session 1: North Americ... more The following is an elaboration of the presentation made by John Smith to session 1: North American imperialism and the new world geopolitical configuration
OpenDemocracy, 2022
Aggressive interest rate hikes portend a global recession. The question is, how bad will it be? W... more Aggressive interest rate hikes portend a global recession. The question is, how bad will it be? Will the coming crash take the form of a brief recession, or a long and deep depression (as in the 1930s) or something many magnitudes worse? 'A supernova looms: world debt reaches critical mass' was published on July 5, 2022 by OpenDemocracy at It is intended as the first of a series of short articles; future instalments will look at the debt crisis in so-called developing countries, the debt crisis in imperialist countries, the corporate debt crisis, household debt, the debt death-star in China.
Open Democracy, 2021
The UK, US, EU response to the catastrophic economic impact of COVID on Africa, Asia & Latin Amer... more The UK, US, EU response to the catastrophic economic impact of COVID on Africa, Asia & Latin America is A KICK IN THE TEETH—and this is to put it mildly! The poorest countries, who account <3% of private and public debt owed by so-called developing countries, can request postponement (!!!) of interest payments on debt owed to G7 governments until June 2021 - the so-called 'Debt Service Suspension Initiative'. And that’s it!!! Private lenders, i.e. the super-rich loan-sharks, are refusing to participate, demanding every penny be paid on time, whatever the cost to public health.
The biggest scandal of all is that there’s no scandal!
Pourquoi la supernova – l’explosion et la mort d’une étoile – est-elle une métaphore appropriée à... more Pourquoi la supernova – l’explosion et la mort d’une étoile – est-elle une métaphore appropriée à ce qui pourrait maintenant être sur le point de se produire ?
Pourquoi le coronavirus, un organisme dont le diamètre est le millième d’un cheveu humain, pourrait-il être le catalyseur d’un tel cataclysme ?
Et que peuvent faire les travailleurs, les jeunes et les dépossédés du monde pour se défendre et « faire naître un nouveau monde des cendres de l’ancien », pour reprendre les mots de l’hymne du travail américain, Solidarity Forever [Solidarité pour toujours] ?
為何超新星(即恆星的爆炸和死亡)是對接下來要發生的事的貼切隱喻?為什麼冠狀病毒(只有人類頭髮直徑約千分之一有機體)會催化劇變?用美國工人歌曲《永遠團結》(Solidarity Forever)的... more 為何超新星(即恆星的爆炸和死亡)是對接下來要發生的事的貼切隱喻?為什麼冠狀病毒(只有人類頭髮直徑約千分之一有機體)會催化劇變?用美國工人歌曲《永遠團結》(Solidarity Forever)的話來說,工人、青年和世界上的受剝奪者該怎麼做才能保衛自己,並「從舊世界的灰燼中產生一個新世界」?
Почему сверхновая — взрыв и гибель звезды — подходящая метафора для того, что может произойти сей... more Почему сверхновая — взрыв и гибель звезды — подходящая метафора для того, что может произойти сейчас? Почему коронавирус, организм в тысячу раз тоньше человеческого волоса, способен вызвать такой катаклизм? Что же могут сделать рабочие, молодежь и обездоленные всего мира, чтобы защитить себя и «создать новый мир из пепла старого», как говорится в американском гимне трудящихся «Солидарность навсегда»?
Nuestra America XXI, 2020
En los nueve meses previos a noviembre de 2020, las naciones ricas inyectaron casi $12 billones, ... more En los nueve meses previos a noviembre de
2020, las naciones ricas inyectaron casi $12 billones,
alrededor del 20% de su producto interno
bruto, en sus economías para evitar el colapso
económico y amortiguar el golpe a sus ciudadanos.
En contraste, su respuesta a los efectos
económicos catastróficos en los llamados países
en desarrollo de África, Asia y América Latina,
descritos por el presidente del Banco Mundial,
David Malpass, como “peor que la crisis financiera
de 2008 y para América Latina peor que la
crisis de la deuda de la década de 1980 ”, (Larry
Elliott, in The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.
wake-of-covid-19) ha sido una patada en los
Sihirli para ağacı yoktur - 'kurtarma paketleri' çürümüş bir sistemi kurtarmayı amaçlar ve çalışmaz
Open Democracy, 2020
English version: Why coronavirus could spark a capitalist supernova[ more ](;)English version: Why coronavirus could spark a capitalist supernova
¿Por qué la supernova -la explosión y muerte de una estrella- es una metáfora adecuada de lo que ahora podría estar a punto de desarrollarse? ¿Por qué podría el coronavirus, un organismo con un diámetro del milésimo de tamaño de un cabello humano, ser el catalizador de tal cataclismo? ¿Y qué podemos hacer los trabajadores, los jóvenes y los desposeídos del mundo para defendernos y "dar a luz un mundo nuevo de las cenizas del viejo", en palabras del himno laboral de Estados Unidos, Solidaridad para Siempre?, 2020
A global slump has now begun that is already devastating the lives of hundreds of millions of wor... more A global slump has now begun that is already devastating the lives of hundreds of millions of working people on all continents.
The consequences for workers and poor people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America will be even more extreme than for those living in Europe and North America, both with respect to lives lost to coronavirus and to the existential threats to the billions of people already living in extreme poverty.
Capitalism, an economic system based on selfishness, greed and dog-eat-dog competition, will more clearly than ever reveal itself to be incompatible with civilisation.
Why is supernova—the explosion and death of a star—an apt metaphor for what could now be about to unfold?
Why could the coronavirus, an organism 1000th the diameter of a human hair, be the catalyst for such a cataclysm?
And what can workers, youth and the dispossessed of the world do to defend ourselves and to ‘bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old’, in the words of the US labour hymn, Solidarity Forever?
Britain’s exit from the imperialist bloc known as the European Union (EU) is now irreversible. Th... more Britain’s exit from the imperialist bloc known as the European Union (EU) is now irreversible. The crushing electoral defeat of the Labour Party has dismayed many workers and youth who had placed their hopes in Jeremy Corbyn, its left-wing leader. This article assesses these historic events, neither of which can be understood in isolation from the other.
Resumen: La globalización de la producción y su traslado hacia países de bajos salarios es la tra... more Resumen: La globalización de la producción y su traslado hacia países de bajos salarios es la transformación más significativa de la era neoliberal. Su fuerza motriz es el esfuerzo de las empresas en Europa, Norteaméri-ca y Japón para recortar costos e incrementar sus ganancias, reemplazan-do la fuerza de trabajo doméstica relativamente bien pagada por fuerza de trabajo extranjera más barata. Las diferencias salariales globales, en gran medida como resultado de la supresión de la libre circulación del trabajo, proporcionan un ref lejo distorsionado de las divergencias glo-bales en la tasa de explotación (simplemente, la disimilitud entre el valor generado por los trabajadores y lo que se les paga) de la que dependen cada vez más las ganancias, la prosperidad y la paz social en Europa, Norteamérica y Japón. Así, la globalización neoliberal debe ser recono-cida como una nueva etapa imperialista del desarrollo capitalista, donde el «imperialismo» se define por su esencia económica: la explotación del trabajo del Sur por los capitalistas del Norte. Palabras clave: imperialismo, neocolonialismo, teoría del valor, marxismo, explotación.
OpenDemocracy, 2019
Why is it that just 1p of a £2.50 cup of coffee goes to the farmer who cultivated and harvested t... more Why is it that just 1p of a £2.50 cup of coffee goes to the farmer who cultivated and harvested the coffee beans?
MROnline, 2019
"In capitalist society… democracy is curtailed, wretched, false, a democracy only for the rich, f... more "In capitalist society… democracy is curtailed, wretched, false, a democracy only for the rich, for the minority"-V.I. Lenin.
Westminster, the so-called 'Mother of Parliaments', perfectly illustrates the truth of this. Parliament is paralysed because the ruling class is hopelessly divided.
The result-an hilarious farce; the whole world is laughing, and slapping its forehead in astonishment. A toxic brew of humiliation, seething factionalism and panic incites politicians to increasingly irrational behaviour and fuels civil wars within the two functionally capitalist and imperialist parties that have dominated British politics for more than a century: the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.
This article briefly examines three aspects of the Brexit crisis: why it threatens to accelerate Britain's decline; why it portends the demise of the 'social contract' that binds workers in Britain into an alliance with their imperialist rulers; why it hastens the reunification of Ireland and the breakup of Britain.
In 1400 words... a key building block for a value theory of imperialism.
A photographic record of the Sheffield Delegation to Iraq in November 2000. Meet the wonderful pe... more A photographic record of the Sheffield Delegation to Iraq in November 2000. Meet the wonderful people we meet in that country thirty months before the illegal, genocidal invasion of that country! The slide-show also explains the background and reasons for the war, and features the brutal 'U.N.' sanctions that killed up to a million children in the decade before the bombs starting falling.
Written in the weeks before the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, this article asks 'Why is th... more Written in the weeks before the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, this article asks
'Why is the British government so determined to join with the US in war on Iraq? Why is Tony Blair joined at the hip to George Bush? These questions are the source of a great deal of perplexity, including among supporters and activists in the Stop the War Coalition – yet how can we know what course of action to follow unless we can find some answers to these questions?
'This article attempts to look for clues in two particular areas. First, we shall survey the past century of Britain’s entanglement in Iraq. We’ll soon see a pattern emerging, and we’ll also see, in this historical panorama, the origins of the “special relationship” between Washington and London now being tested to breaking point. Second, we’ll look at the economic imperatives which compel Britain to join in Bush’s “coalition of the willing”. '
This article, written in the weeks following the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, criticises t... more This article, written in the weeks following the US/UK-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, criticises the notion that the anti-war movement came close to forcing the UK government to retreat from going to war alongside the USA. It also critically reviews the leadership role played by the national Stop the War Coalition (STWC) in the months leading up to the first air attack.
The following is an elaboration of the presentation made by John Smith to session 1: North Americ... more The following is an elaboration of the presentation made by John Smith to session 1: North American imperialism and the new world geopolitical configuration
OpenDemocracy, 2022
Aggressive interest rate hikes portend a global recession. The question is, how bad will it be? W... more Aggressive interest rate hikes portend a global recession. The question is, how bad will it be? Will the coming crash take the form of a brief recession, or a long and deep depression (as in the 1930s) or something many magnitudes worse? 'A supernova looms: world debt reaches critical mass' was published on July 5, 2022 by OpenDemocracy at It is intended as the first of a series of short articles; future instalments will look at the debt crisis in so-called developing countries, the debt crisis in imperialist countries, the corporate debt crisis, household debt, the debt death-star in China.
Open Democracy, 2021
The UK, US, EU response to the catastrophic economic impact of COVID on Africa, Asia & Latin Amer... more The UK, US, EU response to the catastrophic economic impact of COVID on Africa, Asia & Latin America is A KICK IN THE TEETH—and this is to put it mildly! The poorest countries, who account <3% of private and public debt owed by so-called developing countries, can request postponement (!!!) of interest payments on debt owed to G7 governments until June 2021 - the so-called 'Debt Service Suspension Initiative'. And that’s it!!! Private lenders, i.e. the super-rich loan-sharks, are refusing to participate, demanding every penny be paid on time, whatever the cost to public health.
The biggest scandal of all is that there’s no scandal!
Pourquoi la supernova – l’explosion et la mort d’une étoile – est-elle une métaphore appropriée à... more Pourquoi la supernova – l’explosion et la mort d’une étoile – est-elle une métaphore appropriée à ce qui pourrait maintenant être sur le point de se produire ?
Pourquoi le coronavirus, un organisme dont le diamètre est le millième d’un cheveu humain, pourrait-il être le catalyseur d’un tel cataclysme ?
Et que peuvent faire les travailleurs, les jeunes et les dépossédés du monde pour se défendre et « faire naître un nouveau monde des cendres de l’ancien », pour reprendre les mots de l’hymne du travail américain, Solidarity Forever [Solidarité pour toujours] ?
為何超新星(即恆星的爆炸和死亡)是對接下來要發生的事的貼切隱喻?為什麼冠狀病毒(只有人類頭髮直徑約千分之一有機體)會催化劇變?用美國工人歌曲《永遠團結》(Solidarity Forever)的... more 為何超新星(即恆星的爆炸和死亡)是對接下來要發生的事的貼切隱喻?為什麼冠狀病毒(只有人類頭髮直徑約千分之一有機體)會催化劇變?用美國工人歌曲《永遠團結》(Solidarity Forever)的話來說,工人、青年和世界上的受剝奪者該怎麼做才能保衛自己,並「從舊世界的灰燼中產生一個新世界」?
Почему сверхновая — взрыв и гибель звезды — подходящая метафора для того, что может произойти сей... more Почему сверхновая — взрыв и гибель звезды — подходящая метафора для того, что может произойти сейчас? Почему коронавирус, организм в тысячу раз тоньше человеческого волоса, способен вызвать такой катаклизм? Что же могут сделать рабочие, молодежь и обездоленные всего мира, чтобы защитить себя и «создать новый мир из пепла старого», как говорится в американском гимне трудящихся «Солидарность навсегда»?
Nuestra America XXI, 2020
En los nueve meses previos a noviembre de 2020, las naciones ricas inyectaron casi $12 billones, ... more En los nueve meses previos a noviembre de
2020, las naciones ricas inyectaron casi $12 billones,
alrededor del 20% de su producto interno
bruto, en sus economías para evitar el colapso
económico y amortiguar el golpe a sus ciudadanos.
En contraste, su respuesta a los efectos
económicos catastróficos en los llamados países
en desarrollo de África, Asia y América Latina,
descritos por el presidente del Banco Mundial,
David Malpass, como “peor que la crisis financiera
de 2008 y para América Latina peor que la
crisis de la deuda de la década de 1980 ”, (Larry
Elliott, in The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.
wake-of-covid-19) ha sido una patada en los
Sihirli para ağacı yoktur - 'kurtarma paketleri' çürümüş bir sistemi kurtarmayı amaçlar ve çalışmaz
Open Democracy, 2020
English version: Why coronavirus could spark a capitalist supernova[ more ](;)English version: Why coronavirus could spark a capitalist supernova
¿Por qué la supernova -la explosión y muerte de una estrella- es una metáfora adecuada de lo que ahora podría estar a punto de desarrollarse? ¿Por qué podría el coronavirus, un organismo con un diámetro del milésimo de tamaño de un cabello humano, ser el catalizador de tal cataclismo? ¿Y qué podemos hacer los trabajadores, los jóvenes y los desposeídos del mundo para defendernos y "dar a luz un mundo nuevo de las cenizas del viejo", en palabras del himno laboral de Estados Unidos, Solidaridad para Siempre?, 2020
A global slump has now begun that is already devastating the lives of hundreds of millions of wor... more A global slump has now begun that is already devastating the lives of hundreds of millions of working people on all continents.
The consequences for workers and poor people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America will be even more extreme than for those living in Europe and North America, both with respect to lives lost to coronavirus and to the existential threats to the billions of people already living in extreme poverty.
Capitalism, an economic system based on selfishness, greed and dog-eat-dog competition, will more clearly than ever reveal itself to be incompatible with civilisation.
Why is supernova—the explosion and death of a star—an apt metaphor for what could now be about to unfold?
Why could the coronavirus, an organism 1000th the diameter of a human hair, be the catalyst for such a cataclysm?
And what can workers, youth and the dispossessed of the world do to defend ourselves and to ‘bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old’, in the words of the US labour hymn, Solidarity Forever?
Britain’s exit from the imperialist bloc known as the European Union (EU) is now irreversible. Th... more Britain’s exit from the imperialist bloc known as the European Union (EU) is now irreversible. The crushing electoral defeat of the Labour Party has dismayed many workers and youth who had placed their hopes in Jeremy Corbyn, its left-wing leader. This article assesses these historic events, neither of which can be understood in isolation from the other.
Resumen: La globalización de la producción y su traslado hacia países de bajos salarios es la tra... more Resumen: La globalización de la producción y su traslado hacia países de bajos salarios es la transformación más significativa de la era neoliberal. Su fuerza motriz es el esfuerzo de las empresas en Europa, Norteaméri-ca y Japón para recortar costos e incrementar sus ganancias, reemplazan-do la fuerza de trabajo doméstica relativamente bien pagada por fuerza de trabajo extranjera más barata. Las diferencias salariales globales, en gran medida como resultado de la supresión de la libre circulación del trabajo, proporcionan un ref lejo distorsionado de las divergencias glo-bales en la tasa de explotación (simplemente, la disimilitud entre el valor generado por los trabajadores y lo que se les paga) de la que dependen cada vez más las ganancias, la prosperidad y la paz social en Europa, Norteamérica y Japón. Así, la globalización neoliberal debe ser recono-cida como una nueva etapa imperialista del desarrollo capitalista, donde el «imperialismo» se define por su esencia económica: la explotación del trabajo del Sur por los capitalistas del Norte. Palabras clave: imperialismo, neocolonialismo, teoría del valor, marxismo, explotación.
OpenDemocracy, 2019
Why is it that just 1p of a £2.50 cup of coffee goes to the farmer who cultivated and harvested t... more Why is it that just 1p of a £2.50 cup of coffee goes to the farmer who cultivated and harvested the coffee beans?
MROnline, 2019
"In capitalist society… democracy is curtailed, wretched, false, a democracy only for the rich, f... more "In capitalist society… democracy is curtailed, wretched, false, a democracy only for the rich, for the minority"-V.I. Lenin.
Westminster, the so-called 'Mother of Parliaments', perfectly illustrates the truth of this. Parliament is paralysed because the ruling class is hopelessly divided.
The result-an hilarious farce; the whole world is laughing, and slapping its forehead in astonishment. A toxic brew of humiliation, seething factionalism and panic incites politicians to increasingly irrational behaviour and fuels civil wars within the two functionally capitalist and imperialist parties that have dominated British politics for more than a century: the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.
This article briefly examines three aspects of the Brexit crisis: why it threatens to accelerate Britain's decline; why it portends the demise of the 'social contract' that binds workers in Britain into an alliance with their imperialist rulers; why it hastens the reunification of Ireland and the breakup of Britain.
In 1400 words... a key building block for a value theory of imperialism.
Awareness of the hideousness and mind-boggling scope of the Nazi Holocaust is widespread. Much l... more Awareness of the hideousness and mind-boggling scope of the Nazi Holocaust is widespread.
Much less known is the Holocaust’s roots in European imperialism’s 19th century genocides in Africa (and elsewhere); and how, before and during WWII, the rest of the world—in particular the US & UK, its dominant powers—responded (or rather, didn’t respond) to the developing catastrophe.
These and other crucial gaps in our memory mean we are unable to answer two questions: Why did the Holocaust happen? And, how can we ensure it never happens again?
This slideshow aims to help fill these gaps.
[This slideshow is a reformatted and slightly edited version of Why the Holocaust?', previously published on]
Here's a resource I've put together on the global production crisis (a.k.a. global financial cris... more Here's a resource I've put together on the global production crisis (a.k.a. global financial crisis). It dissects ‘Secular stagnation or financial cycle drag?’, a recent speech by Claudio Borio, a senior economist at the Bank for International Settlements, testing his argument against observable facts rather than from any particular ideological perspective.
I'd appreciate any critical comments/suggestions for improvement.
Boletín del Grupo de trabajo de Clacso. Edición Diciembre 2017
The capitalists’ monopoly impulse, i.e. their desire to capture surplus value at the expense of o... more The capitalists’ monopoly impulse, i.e. their desire to capture surplus value at the expense of other capitalists, along with their insatiable lust for super-exploitable labour, combine together to define capitalism’s innate, inexorable imperialist trajectory. Imperialism and super-exploitation are therefore inseparably connected. A theory of 21st century imperialism must explain how super-exploitation modifies the value relation. A theory of imperialism which does not is useless, void, and is, necessarily, imperialism-denial, even if those in denial continue to use ‘imperialism’ as a descriptive term.
This paper, presented to the ‘Economics of Imperialism’ panel at the 2019 Historical Materialism conference in London, is the more-or-less final version of a chapter in an anthology on imperialism to be published in Spanish by the Tricontinental Institute.
The GDP Illusion (Chapter 9 of Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century), 2016
In the neoliberal era, GDP has departed further than ever from being a measure of domestic produc... more In the neoliberal era, GDP has departed further than ever from being a measure of domestic production, magnifying the “GDP illusion.” This illusion occurs not so much in the data themselves, but in their interpretation, which, in line with the fallacious premises of the ruling economic doctrine, assumes that economic actors (individual citizens, or individual countries in the global community) consume only what they produce and produce only what they consume—as in a Financial Times editorial which stated that “the richest fifth of the world’s population generates—and enjoys—85 percent of world output. The poorest fifth produces—and struggles to survive on¬—just 1.4%.”
Correcting for the GDP illusion gives us a more accurate and more objective picture of the global economy, in which capitalists and consumers in Europe, North America and Japan are revealed to be appropriators and consumers of wealth produced by workers and small producers in the nations of the Global South. A picture, in other words, of the emergent, fully evolved form of capitalism’s imperialist stage of development.
At 10.05 p.m., 13 February 1945, the first waves of bombers under the command of Air Marshall Art... more At 10.05 p.m., 13 February 1945, the first waves of bombers under the command of Air Marshall Arthur "Bomber" Harris hit Dresden. By 2.15 a.m. 800 bombers dropping high explosives and a mindboggling 650,000 incendiaries had created a "sea of fire covering ... some 40 square miles" (to quote one of the last pilots to leave the scene). The British Government's "Official History" suggests 30,000 dead; other estimates range between 100,000 and 300,000. 400,000 people were left homeless: in the most affected working class districts 24,866 out of 28,410 houses were destroyed. "How many died? Who knows the number?" is the inscription over the mass grave in Dresden's main cemetery.
Presentación al Primer encuentro internacional de publicaciones teóricas de partidos y movimiento... more Presentación al Primer encuentro internacional de publicaciones teóricas de partidos y movimientos de izquierda, realizado con el auspicio de Cuba Socialista, revista teórica del comité central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, febrero de 2023
Presentación al Primer encuentro internacional de publicaciones teóricas de partidos y movimiento... more Presentación al Primer encuentro internacional de publicaciones teóricas de partidos y movimientos de izquierda, realizado con el auspicio de Cuba Socialista, revista teórica del comité central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, febrero de 2023
The following is an elaboration of the presentation made by John Smith to the First international... more The following is an elaboration of the presentation made by John Smith to the First international meeting of theoretical publications of parties and movements of the left, held under the auspices of Cuba Socialista, theoretical journal of the central committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, February 2023