Sabrina Lei - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sabrina Lei

Research paper thumbnail of Arte ed architettura islamica: un'introduzione storica

Research paper thumbnail of Tradition of Tafsir (Qur'ānic Exegesis)  in the Indian Subcontinent

Abdul Kader Choughley, an erudite South African scholar, specialising in South Asian Muslim contr... more Abdul Kader Choughley, an erudite South African scholar, specialising in South Asian Muslim contribution to Islamic studies, in his classic study, Tradition of Tafsir (Qur’ānic Exegesis) in the Indian Subcontinent, offers an insightful appraisal of Urdu tafsir traditions, by closely examining the contributions of almost all major schools of tafsir in the field. Truly encyclopaedic in its scope, Choughley’s study covers both classical and modern approaches to the tafsir traditions such as Shah Waliullahi school, Deobandi, Barelwi, Ahl-e-Hadith, Nadwatul `Ulama, Islāhi, Jamā`at-i-Islami and Aligarh traditions. The work also examines the Shi`ah contribution to Qur’ānic studies and the approaches of twentieth and twenty first century scholars like Abdul Majid Daryabadi, Abul Kalam Azad, Wahiduddin Khan, etc. in the tafsir genre. In addition to these, the study, in its first chapter, offers an informative and analytical reflection on the discipline of tafsir and various other topics related to the Qur’ānic studies. All these features make the study indispensable for anyone interested in the evolution and nature of tafsir tradition among the major section of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent.

Over the past decade or so, Choughley has contributed substantially to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, with several valuable studies focusing on Islamic contemporary thought. Some of the noted works of Choughley are Islamic Resurgence: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi and His Contemporaries (2011), Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy (Rome, 2024), and the edited version of Nadwi’s two classics: Rise and Fall of Muslims and Its Impact on the World and Towards Salvaging Humanity (Rome, 2024). One of his latest work, How to Study the Qurʾān: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi‘s Approach (Rome, 2024), is an expanded version of his lecture delivered at the K.A. Nizami Centre for Qur’ānic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University.
An upcoming work of the Tawasul series is the translation of Nadwi’s multivolume autobiography in Urdu titled Kārwān-i-Zindagi (Caravan of My Life).

Research paper thumbnail of Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933 – 1947

Abdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African Muslim scholar, has contributed enormously to... more Abdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African Muslim scholar, has contributed enormously to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. And he deserves accolades for his yet another insightful, analytical work on Fazlur Rahman Ansari (1914-1974), an original Islamic scholar and activist of South Asian origin.

While Choughley’s earlier work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari: Life and Thought (2012) provides a helpful overview of Ansari’s illustrious accomplishments in serving the cause of Islam, the present study focuses on his formative years, 1933-1947, especially his intellectual development as a student of philosophy at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. The book offers the readers insights into Ansari’s worth-emulating oeuvre. And, for this remarkable feat, Choughley is to be complimented. One of Ansari’s works, Islam: An Introduction (2019), edited by Choughley, has been recently translated into Portuguese. An upcoming work, The Qur’ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari’s comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies.

Some other important works of Choughley’s contribution to the Islamic revivalism discourse are: Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission and Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024). Of notable mention is How to Study the Qurʾān: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi‘s Approach (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024),which is an expanded version of his lecture delivered at the K.A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University (India).

Research paper thumbnail of Alla ricerca della verita': il viaggio verso l'Islam. Testimonianze biografiche

Quest’opera riporta le esperienze biografiche di ventiquattro persone ben conosciute nel mondo mu... more Quest’opera riporta le esperienze biografiche di ventiquattro persone ben conosciute nel mondo musulmano e non, che le hanno condotte ad abbracciare l’Islam in un momento della loro esistenza. Il loro viaggio esistenziale caratterizzato da vuoto interiore, un profondo senso di mancanza e desiderio di fondare la propria vita su basi ferme ed insegnamenti morali probanti li ha condotti alla riscoperta della fede. La loro ricerca spirituale ha avuto come risultato la conversione all’Islam.

Khalid Al Sayed, scrittore originario di Doha, ricopre il ruolo di Direttore degli eventi culturali presso il Katara Cultural Village Foundation in Qatar. Precedentemente ha rivestito il ruolo di capo editore presso il quotidiano Peninsula. Con una specializzazione in media, cultura e sviluppo dei progetti, è stato anche l’autore di GCC and Arab Spring and Media in a Turbulent World.

Research paper thumbnail of Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its Impact on the World by Sayyid Abu Hasan Ali Nadwi, edited by Abdel Kader Choughley

The present work Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its impact on the World, written over seventy years ag... more The present work Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its impact on the World, written over seventy years ago has contemporary relevance for Muslims working towards Islamic renewal. It is a bold attempt that departs from a conventional understanding of Islamic history,Muslim predicament and challenges. Rather, it interrogates the question on a broader level: What has the world lost to the changing fortunes of Muslim collective identity? Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi does not make sweeping generalisations but frames global dilemmas through the lens of Islamic teachings. As a traditional 'ālim he brings insightful thought on the challenges faced by the ummah. As an eminent scholar of history and intellectual trends in the West and Islamic world, his in-depth knowledge has important bearing on critical issues facing Muslims.

Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1913-1999) was indisputably one of the greatest exponents of Islam in the second half of the twentieth century. He was Rector of Nadwat al-Ulama (Lucknow, India) and executive member of international Islamic organizations. He received the King Faisal Award and numerous other awards from national and international bodies for his service to the cause of Islam. Shaykh Nadwi was a powerful, eloquent orator and writer in Arabic and Urdu. Many of his publications have been translated into English and other major languages.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattāb, Introduzione

Una biografia completa dalla conversione al termine del suo califfato, 2023

‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb, il secondo califfo ben guidato (Al-Khulafāʾ Al-Rāshidūn) è stato il più ris... more ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb, il secondo califfo ben guidato (Al-Khulafāʾ Al-Rāshidūn) è stato il più rispettato compagno del Profeta (pbsl) dopo Abū Bakr Ibn ʿAbī Quḥāfa. Primo califfo ad assumere il titolo di Amīr Al-Muʾminīn, ossia comandante dei credenti, ‘Umar (che Dio si compiaccia di lui) ha elaborato e realizzato un governo fondato sulla giustizia sociale, sulla tolleranza, il rispetto della legge, ed il benessere pubblico. ‘Umar, attraverso l’esempio della sua vita e del suo governo, è riuscito a mettere in atto concretamente ed in modo impressionante gli insegnamenti contenuti nel Corano ed attualizzati nella Sunna del Profeta (pbsl).

Research paper thumbnail of Journey to Truth

Recently, a friend told me about a Westerner converting to Islam. Conversion is no unearthly affa... more Recently, a friend told me about a Westerner converting to Islam. Conversion is no unearthly affair that should surprise us. Throughout the history of this religion, its ranks have swelled through conversions in varying degrees. This age is no different; there are often stories of people embracing Islam, and some of them create headlines due to their celebrity status. Social media, especially YouTube, has a steady stream of videos of people narrating their stories of conversion or reversion, depending on how we choose to describe it, and platforms like Twitter are home to people announcing their conversions.
But said conversion, I was told, was triggered by the person listening to
adhan, the call to prayer from mosques, which touched off a spiritual nerve. That’s indeed interesting. Living in Qatar, an Islamic country, adhan is stitched into our daily existence; its sonorous sounds emanating from mosques five times a day are not only woven into our social and religious fabric, they govern our daily routine, serving as an invisible and invaluable clock – a gentle, piety-laden reminder of the passage of time.

Research paper thumbnail of Arte ed architettura islamica (Autori Vari)

L’arte islamica è un tema che purtroppo non ha ricevuto dagli studiosi musulmani e non l’attenzio... more L’arte islamica è un tema che purtroppo non ha ricevuto
dagli studiosi musulmani e non l’attenzione che merita.
Spesso, infatti, è stata interpretata in maniera monolitica
senza considerare le sue modalità espressive nei diversi
paesi e nelle diverse epoche storiche, e secondo i paradigmi
propri dell’arte figurativa occidentale. Per questa ragione è
stata spesso descritta e considerata come una forma di arte
religiosa minore. Questo giudizio è ricondotto al divieto di
rappresentare gli esseri animati- animali ed esseri umani- e
la stessa divinità. Questa proibizione è considerata infatti la
causa della mancanza nell’arte islamica di originalità e sviluppo storico.

Research paper thumbnail of L' essenza delle Upanishad

Le Upanishad, che costituiscono le parti conclusive dei Veda, rappresentano l’antico idealismo i... more Le Upanishad, che costituiscono le parti conclusive dei Veda,
rappresentano l’antico idealismo indiano in tutta la sua
bellezza e maestosità. Estremamente mistici ed inclusivi nel
loro tono, mostrano la via mediana per raggiungere il
Brahman, ossia l’imperscrutabile realtà che giace nel cuore di
ogni cosa, offrendo la salvezza attraverso la liberazione degli
esseri umani da tutte le molteplicità e contraddizioni della loro
esistenza e del mondo in cui vivono. Le Upanishad cercano di
conseguire questo scopo ponendo l’accento su un’illuminante
visione fondata su di un punto di vista universalistico, al di là
di tutte le divisioni religiose ed etniche. L’insegnamento delle
Upanishad sottolinea la nostra comune essenza umana e la
conoscenza della realtà ultima che si pone al di sopra del
ritualismo fariseo e delle pratiche devozionali dei diversi culti.
Il presente volume, L’Essenza delle Upanishad, comprende la
traduzione italiana accompagnata da un ricco apparato di note
della Kena, Katha, Īsā, Māndūkya ed Aitareyah Upanishad.

Research paper thumbnail of Atmopadesa Satakam

100 versi per la crescita spirituale, 2021

Sree Narayana Guru (1856-1928), uno dei più prominenti maestri spirituali del Kerala (India) in ... more Sree Narayana Guru (1856-1928), uno dei più prominenti maestri spirituali del Kerala (India) in epoca moderna, nel suo Atmopadesa Śatakam (100 versi per la crescita spirituale) propone delle riflessioni illuminanti sulla natura del Sé basandosi sulla corrente filosofica indiana della Advaita Vedānda. In cento brevi versi, la brillante mente del Guru riassume l’intera essenza della filosofia monistica della Advaita offrendo delle sottili meditazioni su alcuni dei suoi concetti e problematiche
principali quali la relazione metafisica tra il Paramatma (l’anima suprema) e la Jivatma (l’anima individuale), il ruolo del Bhakti (devozione), il Karma (azione), Jana (conoscenza) nella finale liberazione, la questione del Maya (illusione) e della Avidya (ignoranza). Le sue meditazioni non si caratterizzano come impersonali ma sono
intensamente personali ed immeditate, e possono essere di grande beneficio a chiunque sia interessato ad avere un profondo insight nell’ambito della relazione tra Dio ed il mondo.

Research paper thumbnail of International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2021

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2021

IRJIC, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of On the New Philosophical Perspective Proposed by Muhammad Iqbal in  The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam: A Brief Inquiry

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, Issue 2, 2021, 2021

Muhammad Iqbal is widely known in the East and the West as a poet, though he was a finest philoso... more Muhammad Iqbal is widely known in the East and the
West as a poet, though he was a finest philosopher, his role
in the field is generally assumed to be marginal in relation
to his intellectual life. Iqbal’s thought, as it has been expressed in the seven lectures published under the title The
Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, represents
the mature reflections of a thinker who, in the course of
his scholarly life, was deeply engaged in the dialogue between the Western intellectual and philosophical experience and the religious and philosophical premises of Islamic thought. Although in his philosophical masterpiece,
Iqbal discusses several issues and subjects belonging to both
Western and Eastern thought, the central topic of his reflections, however, seems to be related to the possibility of
a new philosophical approach based on the Quranic revelation that could represent a starting point not only of a
new phase in the Islamic thought but also in the history
of Western philosophy as well. As Iqbal states in several
passages of the Reconstruction, the attempt to interpret
the Quran in the light of the Greek philosophy not only
prevented Muslim thinkers from understanding the core of
the Quranic message but also resulted in a complete refutation of philosophy by some of the most brilliant Muslim thinkers. It is due to this reason that the relation between
Islamic thought and philosophy is until now appears as
quite problematic. The new approach delineated by Iqbal
could actually help Muslim thinkers, who are interested in
overcoming the problematic role of philosophy in Islamic
worldview, to formulate a new philosophical language and
grammar based on the Quranic text.

Research paper thumbnail of The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization- Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan. 2021

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of Iqbal: The Hakeem of Umma- Online seminar

Full video available at:

Research paper thumbnail of La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell'Islam, Muhammad Iqbal

La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell'Islam, 2018

Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) nell’opera intitolata La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell’Is... more Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) nell’opera intitolata La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell’Islam propone una brillante discussione relativa al ruolo dell’Islam nel mondo moderno e ai fondamenti di un dialogo costruttivo tra il mondo islamico e quello occidentale. I temi affrontati da Iqbal sono i seguenti: il significato dell’esperienza religiosa, il rapporto tra la ragione e la rivelazione, il concetto di Dio e il significato della preghiera, le problematiche relative al secolarismo e alla riforma religiosa, la libertà e l’immortalità dell’uomo e la natura dello spazio e del tempo, così come si presentano nella rivelazione coranica. Quest’opera, che riassume il pensiero filosofico di Iqbal, è stata tradotta nelle maggiori lingue europee ed asiatiche ed ora per la prima volta è
presentata in lingua italiana. Il contenuto di queste lezioni è rilevante per il mondo contemporaneo, dove l’Islam e l’Occidente s’incontrano e interagiscono in un mondo interculturale.

Research paper thumbnail of L’ etica islamica nel paradigma di responsabilità di Taha Abderrahmane

L’ etica islamica nel paradigma di responsabilità di Taha Abderrahmane, 2021

In questo scritto viene introdotta la nozione di paradigma di responsabilità formulato dall’ esim... more In questo scritto viene introdotta la nozione di paradigma di responsabilità formulato dall’ esimio pensatore marocchio Taha Abderrahmane, esperto in filosofia del linguaggio, metafisica, logica ed etica. Secondo la prospettiva di questo pensatore, la rivelazione, la ragione, l’etica e la pratica non intrattengono una relazione di reciproco
antagonismo, ma possono essere armonizzate intorno ad un asse etico nell’ambito della filosofia islamica, in quanto prettamente etica. Secondo il pensatore marocchino, solo la forza etica è in grado di promuovere il risveglio politico-filosofico nel mondo arabo-islamico in particolare, contribuendo in generale alla formazione di una società
etica pluralista. Abderrahmane promuove una rivoluzione ontologico-epistemologica all’interno della tradizione arabo-islamica al fine di superare quello che definisce ‘il pensiero dicotomico classico’, che sembra dominare il pensiero arabo ed occidentale contemporaneo. Questa rivoluzione etica si riassume nella nozione di paradigma di
responsabilità, all’interno del quale una teoria etica supera le dicotomie quali religione versus politica, divino versus secolare e fisico versus metafisico

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers Tawasul Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of The notion of Islam as "Heresy" in Peter the Venerable's Writings

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document... more Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document, as some scholars seem to suggest, related to a new style of approach to the Muslim world intended both as separate and opposite to the strictly military one, but could be instead interpreted as an ideological justification of a kind of “intellectual crusade” conducted by the clergy and rooted, according to the intention of the Abbot of Cluny, on a supposed “objective” knowledge of Islam. The composition of these texts is situated in the general frame of the Reconquista (722-1492) of the territories under the Islamic power by the Christian armies, having been written at the core of this historical process. Although some passages seem to manifest a wider pastoral interest, as addressed to the Muslim world as such, however a careful reading of the texts suggests a different interpretation. Actually, the writings of Peter the Venerable should be understood as a programmatic intellectual project aiming at the conversion of Muslims living in the territories reconquered by the Christian monarchs and, at the same time, at preserving the Christian populations from converting to Islam. The texts’ ideological frame is rooted in the notion of Islam as an “heresy” which, beyond a strict theological perspective, define the ideological asset of the Catholic Church in the midst of the struggle for the spiritual and consequentially political supremacy of the Christian world after the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the idea of Latinitas Cristiana, at the core of the notion of Europe as a singular political reality, as intended and promoted by the Papacy.

Research paper thumbnail of The notion of Islam as "Heresy" in Peter the Venerable's  writings

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document... more Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document, as some scholars seem to suggest, related to a new style of approach to the Muslim world intended both as separate and opposite to the strictly military one, but could be instead interpreted as an ideological justification of a kind of “intellectual crusade” conducted by the clergy and rooted, according to the intention of the Abbot of Cluny, on a supposed “objective” knowledge of Islam. The composition of these texts is situated in the general frame of the Reconquista (722-1492) of the territories under the Islamic power by the Christian armies, having been written at the core of this historical process. Although some passages seem to manifest a wider pastoral interest, as addressed to the Muslim world as such, however a careful reading of the texts suggests a different interpretation. Actually, the writings of Peter the Venerable should be understood as a programmatic intellectual project aiming at the conversion of Muslims living in the territories reconquered by the Christian monarchs and, at the same time, at preserving the Christian populations from converting to Islam. The texts’ ideological frame is rooted in the notion of Islam as an “heresy” which, beyond a strict theological perspective, define the ideological asset of the Catholic Church in the midst of the struggle for the spiritual and consequentially political supremacy of the Christian world after the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the idea of Latinitas Cristiana, at the core of the notion of Europe as a singular political reality, as intended and promoted by the Papacy.

Research paper thumbnail of Arte ed architettura islamica: un'introduzione storica

Research paper thumbnail of Tradition of Tafsir (Qur'ānic Exegesis)  in the Indian Subcontinent

Abdul Kader Choughley, an erudite South African scholar, specialising in South Asian Muslim contr... more Abdul Kader Choughley, an erudite South African scholar, specialising in South Asian Muslim contribution to Islamic studies, in his classic study, Tradition of Tafsir (Qur’ānic Exegesis) in the Indian Subcontinent, offers an insightful appraisal of Urdu tafsir traditions, by closely examining the contributions of almost all major schools of tafsir in the field. Truly encyclopaedic in its scope, Choughley’s study covers both classical and modern approaches to the tafsir traditions such as Shah Waliullahi school, Deobandi, Barelwi, Ahl-e-Hadith, Nadwatul `Ulama, Islāhi, Jamā`at-i-Islami and Aligarh traditions. The work also examines the Shi`ah contribution to Qur’ānic studies and the approaches of twentieth and twenty first century scholars like Abdul Majid Daryabadi, Abul Kalam Azad, Wahiduddin Khan, etc. in the tafsir genre. In addition to these, the study, in its first chapter, offers an informative and analytical reflection on the discipline of tafsir and various other topics related to the Qur’ānic studies. All these features make the study indispensable for anyone interested in the evolution and nature of tafsir tradition among the major section of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent.

Over the past decade or so, Choughley has contributed substantially to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, with several valuable studies focusing on Islamic contemporary thought. Some of the noted works of Choughley are Islamic Resurgence: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi and His Contemporaries (2011), Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy (Rome, 2024), and the edited version of Nadwi’s two classics: Rise and Fall of Muslims and Its Impact on the World and Towards Salvaging Humanity (Rome, 2024). One of his latest work, How to Study the Qurʾān: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi‘s Approach (Rome, 2024), is an expanded version of his lecture delivered at the K.A. Nizami Centre for Qur’ānic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University.
An upcoming work of the Tawasul series is the translation of Nadwi’s multivolume autobiography in Urdu titled Kārwān-i-Zindagi (Caravan of My Life).

Research paper thumbnail of Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933 – 1947

Abdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African Muslim scholar, has contributed enormously to... more Abdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African Muslim scholar, has contributed enormously to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. And he deserves accolades for his yet another insightful, analytical work on Fazlur Rahman Ansari (1914-1974), an original Islamic scholar and activist of South Asian origin.

While Choughley’s earlier work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari: Life and Thought (2012) provides a helpful overview of Ansari’s illustrious accomplishments in serving the cause of Islam, the present study focuses on his formative years, 1933-1947, especially his intellectual development as a student of philosophy at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. The book offers the readers insights into Ansari’s worth-emulating oeuvre. And, for this remarkable feat, Choughley is to be complimented. One of Ansari’s works, Islam: An Introduction (2019), edited by Choughley, has been recently translated into Portuguese. An upcoming work, The Qur’ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari’s comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies.

Some other important works of Choughley’s contribution to the Islamic revivalism discourse are: Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission and Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024). Of notable mention is How to Study the Qurʾān: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi‘s Approach (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024),which is an expanded version of his lecture delivered at the K.A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University (India).

Research paper thumbnail of Alla ricerca della verita': il viaggio verso l'Islam. Testimonianze biografiche

Quest’opera riporta le esperienze biografiche di ventiquattro persone ben conosciute nel mondo mu... more Quest’opera riporta le esperienze biografiche di ventiquattro persone ben conosciute nel mondo musulmano e non, che le hanno condotte ad abbracciare l’Islam in un momento della loro esistenza. Il loro viaggio esistenziale caratterizzato da vuoto interiore, un profondo senso di mancanza e desiderio di fondare la propria vita su basi ferme ed insegnamenti morali probanti li ha condotti alla riscoperta della fede. La loro ricerca spirituale ha avuto come risultato la conversione all’Islam.

Khalid Al Sayed, scrittore originario di Doha, ricopre il ruolo di Direttore degli eventi culturali presso il Katara Cultural Village Foundation in Qatar. Precedentemente ha rivestito il ruolo di capo editore presso il quotidiano Peninsula. Con una specializzazione in media, cultura e sviluppo dei progetti, è stato anche l’autore di GCC and Arab Spring and Media in a Turbulent World.

Research paper thumbnail of Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its Impact on the World by Sayyid Abu Hasan Ali Nadwi, edited by Abdel Kader Choughley

The present work Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its impact on the World, written over seventy years ag... more The present work Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its impact on the World, written over seventy years ago has contemporary relevance for Muslims working towards Islamic renewal. It is a bold attempt that departs from a conventional understanding of Islamic history,Muslim predicament and challenges. Rather, it interrogates the question on a broader level: What has the world lost to the changing fortunes of Muslim collective identity? Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi does not make sweeping generalisations but frames global dilemmas through the lens of Islamic teachings. As a traditional 'ālim he brings insightful thought on the challenges faced by the ummah. As an eminent scholar of history and intellectual trends in the West and Islamic world, his in-depth knowledge has important bearing on critical issues facing Muslims.

Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1913-1999) was indisputably one of the greatest exponents of Islam in the second half of the twentieth century. He was Rector of Nadwat al-Ulama (Lucknow, India) and executive member of international Islamic organizations. He received the King Faisal Award and numerous other awards from national and international bodies for his service to the cause of Islam. Shaykh Nadwi was a powerful, eloquent orator and writer in Arabic and Urdu. Many of his publications have been translated into English and other major languages.

Research paper thumbnail of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattāb, Introduzione

Una biografia completa dalla conversione al termine del suo califfato, 2023

‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb, il secondo califfo ben guidato (Al-Khulafāʾ Al-Rāshidūn) è stato il più ris... more ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb, il secondo califfo ben guidato (Al-Khulafāʾ Al-Rāshidūn) è stato il più rispettato compagno del Profeta (pbsl) dopo Abū Bakr Ibn ʿAbī Quḥāfa. Primo califfo ad assumere il titolo di Amīr Al-Muʾminīn, ossia comandante dei credenti, ‘Umar (che Dio si compiaccia di lui) ha elaborato e realizzato un governo fondato sulla giustizia sociale, sulla tolleranza, il rispetto della legge, ed il benessere pubblico. ‘Umar, attraverso l’esempio della sua vita e del suo governo, è riuscito a mettere in atto concretamente ed in modo impressionante gli insegnamenti contenuti nel Corano ed attualizzati nella Sunna del Profeta (pbsl).

Research paper thumbnail of Journey to Truth

Recently, a friend told me about a Westerner converting to Islam. Conversion is no unearthly affa... more Recently, a friend told me about a Westerner converting to Islam. Conversion is no unearthly affair that should surprise us. Throughout the history of this religion, its ranks have swelled through conversions in varying degrees. This age is no different; there are often stories of people embracing Islam, and some of them create headlines due to their celebrity status. Social media, especially YouTube, has a steady stream of videos of people narrating their stories of conversion or reversion, depending on how we choose to describe it, and platforms like Twitter are home to people announcing their conversions.
But said conversion, I was told, was triggered by the person listening to
adhan, the call to prayer from mosques, which touched off a spiritual nerve. That’s indeed interesting. Living in Qatar, an Islamic country, adhan is stitched into our daily existence; its sonorous sounds emanating from mosques five times a day are not only woven into our social and religious fabric, they govern our daily routine, serving as an invisible and invaluable clock – a gentle, piety-laden reminder of the passage of time.

Research paper thumbnail of Arte ed architettura islamica (Autori Vari)

L’arte islamica è un tema che purtroppo non ha ricevuto dagli studiosi musulmani e non l’attenzio... more L’arte islamica è un tema che purtroppo non ha ricevuto
dagli studiosi musulmani e non l’attenzione che merita.
Spesso, infatti, è stata interpretata in maniera monolitica
senza considerare le sue modalità espressive nei diversi
paesi e nelle diverse epoche storiche, e secondo i paradigmi
propri dell’arte figurativa occidentale. Per questa ragione è
stata spesso descritta e considerata come una forma di arte
religiosa minore. Questo giudizio è ricondotto al divieto di
rappresentare gli esseri animati- animali ed esseri umani- e
la stessa divinità. Questa proibizione è considerata infatti la
causa della mancanza nell’arte islamica di originalità e sviluppo storico.

Research paper thumbnail of L' essenza delle Upanishad

Le Upanishad, che costituiscono le parti conclusive dei Veda, rappresentano l’antico idealismo i... more Le Upanishad, che costituiscono le parti conclusive dei Veda,
rappresentano l’antico idealismo indiano in tutta la sua
bellezza e maestosità. Estremamente mistici ed inclusivi nel
loro tono, mostrano la via mediana per raggiungere il
Brahman, ossia l’imperscrutabile realtà che giace nel cuore di
ogni cosa, offrendo la salvezza attraverso la liberazione degli
esseri umani da tutte le molteplicità e contraddizioni della loro
esistenza e del mondo in cui vivono. Le Upanishad cercano di
conseguire questo scopo ponendo l’accento su un’illuminante
visione fondata su di un punto di vista universalistico, al di là
di tutte le divisioni religiose ed etniche. L’insegnamento delle
Upanishad sottolinea la nostra comune essenza umana e la
conoscenza della realtà ultima che si pone al di sopra del
ritualismo fariseo e delle pratiche devozionali dei diversi culti.
Il presente volume, L’Essenza delle Upanishad, comprende la
traduzione italiana accompagnata da un ricco apparato di note
della Kena, Katha, Īsā, Māndūkya ed Aitareyah Upanishad.

Research paper thumbnail of Atmopadesa Satakam

100 versi per la crescita spirituale, 2021

Sree Narayana Guru (1856-1928), uno dei più prominenti maestri spirituali del Kerala (India) in ... more Sree Narayana Guru (1856-1928), uno dei più prominenti maestri spirituali del Kerala (India) in epoca moderna, nel suo Atmopadesa Śatakam (100 versi per la crescita spirituale) propone delle riflessioni illuminanti sulla natura del Sé basandosi sulla corrente filosofica indiana della Advaita Vedānda. In cento brevi versi, la brillante mente del Guru riassume l’intera essenza della filosofia monistica della Advaita offrendo delle sottili meditazioni su alcuni dei suoi concetti e problematiche
principali quali la relazione metafisica tra il Paramatma (l’anima suprema) e la Jivatma (l’anima individuale), il ruolo del Bhakti (devozione), il Karma (azione), Jana (conoscenza) nella finale liberazione, la questione del Maya (illusione) e della Avidya (ignoranza). Le sue meditazioni non si caratterizzano come impersonali ma sono
intensamente personali ed immeditate, e possono essere di grande beneficio a chiunque sia interessato ad avere un profondo insight nell’ambito della relazione tra Dio ed il mondo.

Research paper thumbnail of International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2021

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, Volume 1, Issue 2, May 2021

IRJIC, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of On the New Philosophical Perspective Proposed by Muhammad Iqbal in  The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam: A Brief Inquiry

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, Issue 2, 2021, 2021

Muhammad Iqbal is widely known in the East and the West as a poet, though he was a finest philoso... more Muhammad Iqbal is widely known in the East and the
West as a poet, though he was a finest philosopher, his role
in the field is generally assumed to be marginal in relation
to his intellectual life. Iqbal’s thought, as it has been expressed in the seven lectures published under the title The
Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, represents
the mature reflections of a thinker who, in the course of
his scholarly life, was deeply engaged in the dialogue between the Western intellectual and philosophical experience and the religious and philosophical premises of Islamic thought. Although in his philosophical masterpiece,
Iqbal discusses several issues and subjects belonging to both
Western and Eastern thought, the central topic of his reflections, however, seems to be related to the possibility of
a new philosophical approach based on the Quranic revelation that could represent a starting point not only of a
new phase in the Islamic thought but also in the history
of Western philosophy as well. As Iqbal states in several
passages of the Reconstruction, the attempt to interpret
the Quran in the light of the Greek philosophy not only
prevented Muslim thinkers from understanding the core of
the Quranic message but also resulted in a complete refutation of philosophy by some of the most brilliant Muslim thinkers. It is due to this reason that the relation between
Islamic thought and philosophy is until now appears as
quite problematic. The new approach delineated by Iqbal
could actually help Muslim thinkers, who are interested in
overcoming the problematic role of philosophy in Islamic
worldview, to formulate a new philosophical language and
grammar based on the Quranic text.

Research paper thumbnail of The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization- Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan. 2021

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of Iqbal: The Hakeem of Umma- Online seminar

Full video available at:

Research paper thumbnail of La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell'Islam, Muhammad Iqbal

La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell'Islam, 2018

Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) nell’opera intitolata La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell’Is... more Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) nell’opera intitolata La ricostruzione del pensiero religioso nell’Islam propone una brillante discussione relativa al ruolo dell’Islam nel mondo moderno e ai fondamenti di un dialogo costruttivo tra il mondo islamico e quello occidentale. I temi affrontati da Iqbal sono i seguenti: il significato dell’esperienza religiosa, il rapporto tra la ragione e la rivelazione, il concetto di Dio e il significato della preghiera, le problematiche relative al secolarismo e alla riforma religiosa, la libertà e l’immortalità dell’uomo e la natura dello spazio e del tempo, così come si presentano nella rivelazione coranica. Quest’opera, che riassume il pensiero filosofico di Iqbal, è stata tradotta nelle maggiori lingue europee ed asiatiche ed ora per la prima volta è
presentata in lingua italiana. Il contenuto di queste lezioni è rilevante per il mondo contemporaneo, dove l’Islam e l’Occidente s’incontrano e interagiscono in un mondo interculturale.

Research paper thumbnail of L’ etica islamica nel paradigma di responsabilità di Taha Abderrahmane

L’ etica islamica nel paradigma di responsabilità di Taha Abderrahmane, 2021

In questo scritto viene introdotta la nozione di paradigma di responsabilità formulato dall’ esim... more In questo scritto viene introdotta la nozione di paradigma di responsabilità formulato dall’ esimio pensatore marocchio Taha Abderrahmane, esperto in filosofia del linguaggio, metafisica, logica ed etica. Secondo la prospettiva di questo pensatore, la rivelazione, la ragione, l’etica e la pratica non intrattengono una relazione di reciproco
antagonismo, ma possono essere armonizzate intorno ad un asse etico nell’ambito della filosofia islamica, in quanto prettamente etica. Secondo il pensatore marocchino, solo la forza etica è in grado di promuovere il risveglio politico-filosofico nel mondo arabo-islamico in particolare, contribuendo in generale alla formazione di una società
etica pluralista. Abderrahmane promuove una rivoluzione ontologico-epistemologica all’interno della tradizione arabo-islamica al fine di superare quello che definisce ‘il pensiero dicotomico classico’, che sembra dominare il pensiero arabo ed occidentale contemporaneo. Questa rivoluzione etica si riassume nella nozione di paradigma di
responsabilità, all’interno del quale una teoria etica supera le dicotomie quali religione versus politica, divino versus secolare e fisico versus metafisico

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers Tawasul Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue

International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations. One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of The notion of Islam as "Heresy" in Peter the Venerable's Writings

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document... more Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document, as some scholars seem to suggest, related to a new style of approach to the Muslim world intended both as separate and opposite to the strictly military one, but could be instead interpreted as an ideological justification of a kind of “intellectual crusade” conducted by the clergy and rooted, according to the intention of the Abbot of Cluny, on a supposed “objective” knowledge of Islam. The composition of these texts is situated in the general frame of the Reconquista (722-1492) of the territories under the Islamic power by the Christian armies, having been written at the core of this historical process. Although some passages seem to manifest a wider pastoral interest, as addressed to the Muslim world as such, however a careful reading of the texts suggests a different interpretation. Actually, the writings of Peter the Venerable should be understood as a programmatic intellectual project aiming at the conversion of Muslims living in the territories reconquered by the Christian monarchs and, at the same time, at preserving the Christian populations from converting to Islam. The texts’ ideological frame is rooted in the notion of Islam as an “heresy” which, beyond a strict theological perspective, define the ideological asset of the Catholic Church in the midst of the struggle for the spiritual and consequentially political supremacy of the Christian world after the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the idea of Latinitas Cristiana, at the core of the notion of Europe as a singular political reality, as intended and promoted by the Papacy.

Research paper thumbnail of The notion of Islam as "Heresy" in Peter the Venerable's  writings

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2021

Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document... more Peter the Venerable’s apologetic writings against Islam did not constitute a problematic document, as some scholars seem to suggest, related to a new style of approach to the Muslim world intended both as separate and opposite to the strictly military one, but could be instead interpreted as an ideological justification of a kind of “intellectual crusade” conducted by the clergy and rooted, according to the intention of the Abbot of Cluny, on a supposed “objective” knowledge of Islam. The composition of these texts is situated in the general frame of the Reconquista (722-1492) of the territories under the Islamic power by the Christian armies, having been written at the core of this historical process. Although some passages seem to manifest a wider pastoral interest, as addressed to the Muslim world as such, however a careful reading of the texts suggests a different interpretation. Actually, the writings of Peter the Venerable should be understood as a programmatic intellectual project aiming at the conversion of Muslims living in the territories reconquered by the Christian monarchs and, at the same time, at preserving the Christian populations from converting to Islam. The texts’ ideological frame is rooted in the notion of Islam as an “heresy” which, beyond a strict theological perspective, define the ideological asset of the Catholic Church in the midst of the struggle for the spiritual and consequentially political supremacy of the Christian world after the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the idea of Latinitas Cristiana, at the core of the notion of Europe as a singular political reality, as intended and promoted by the Papacy.

Research paper thumbnail of The Constitutional and Legal Framework in Italy and the Question of Religious Freedom and Human Rights in Relation to the Italian Muslim Minority

Paper discussed on the occasion of 13th Doha International Conference Qatar, 2018

In this paper, The Constitutional and Legal Framework in Italy and the Question of Religious Free... more In this paper, The Constitutional and Legal Framework in Italy and the Question of Religious Freedom and Human Rights in Relation to the Italian Muslim Minority, I will examine the very complex question of religious freedom of Muslims and the current constitutional status of Islam in Italy.

Research paper thumbnail of Iqbal’s thought and the open challenge to both Islamic and Western Philosophy

Today I would like to talk about the original vision of Iqbal's philosophical thought in relation... more Today I would like to talk about the original vision of Iqbal's philosophical thought in relation to both Muslim and Western thoughts, in other words, my talk is about Iqbal's open challenge to the premises of western philosophy or, more precisely, Western metaphysics, which also deeply influenced Islamic philosophy. Iqbal's direct references to the Western Philosophy, in his in the Reconstruction, don't indented to justify the validity of some of the Islamic truths; also they are not presented as an interpretative key to Quranic verses cited by him in the book; they, on the other hand, constitute a prelude to a wider discourse, aimed at both the reconstruction of religious thought in Islam on entirely Islamic premises and a simultaneous questioning of Western philosophical notions in order to open up new horizons of philosophical reflections. However, we must note that as Jahiz of Basra (d. A.D.869), quoted Prof Thomas Arnold, Iqbal's Western mentor, in his Legacy of Islam (pp. 239-40), and makes it clear Muslim civilisation benefited considerably from the intellectual achievement of the Greeks, though, Iqbal has his own critical way approaching the influence of the Greek thoughts among the Muslim philosophers. Jahiz in clear terms observes the following: " Did we not possess the books of the ancients in which their wonderful wisdom is immortalized and in which the manifold lessons of history are so dealt with that the past lives before our eyes, did we not have access to the riches of their experience which should otherwise have been barred to us, our share in Wisdom would be immeasurably smaller and our means of attaining a true perspective most meagre ". More than 10 centuries after Jahiz, living in a totally different civilisational and political milieu, Iqbal invites the new generation of Muslim thinkers to engage with the Western thought, without losing their own religious and cultural heritage. The dialogue is in fact interpreted by Iqbal as an opportunity to revalue and think again the internal possibilities of Islamic thought in the light of the modern experience, since, as Iqbal says, in a passage of his famous six lectures, the movement towards the West is a development of some of the most important phases of the culture of Islam. However it is very important to underline that this movement, in order to remain healthy and fruitful, should not end in an uncritical acceptance of the Western way of thought and values. " The most remarkable phenomenon of modern history, however, is the enormous rapidity with which the world of Islam is spiritually moving towards the West. There is nothing wrong in this movement, for European culture, on its intellectual side, is only a further development of some of the most important phases of the culture of Islam. Our only fear is that the dazzling exterior of European culture may arrest our movement and we may fail to reach the true inwardness of that culture " .

Research paper thumbnail of Prof. Vito Salierno’s contribution to the study and diffusion of the knowledge of Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s work in Italy and Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Islam: An Introduction , Selected Writings, Fazlur Rahman Ansari

In Islam: An Introduction (Selected Writings), comprising his three articles, namely, A Fundament... more In Islam: An Introduction (Selected Writings), comprising his three articles, namely, A Fundamental View of Islam; Islam: A Guide; and Philosophy of Worship in Islam, Fazlur Rahman Ansari (1914-1974), one of the brilliant South Asian Muslim scholars of the last century and the foremost disciples of the noted South Asian spiritual master Mawlānā Abdul Aleem Siddiqui, offers an illuminating picture of Islam. Away from the apologia of Muslim modernists and the demeaning Orientalist projections of Islam, Shaykh Ansari’s meditations are inclusive, refined and authentic, informed by his deep insights into both the classical sources of Islam and modern philosophical sciences.
Tawhīd and other core institutions of Islam form part of Ansari’s meditation in the first chapter of the book. The Qurʾān states unambiguously that Tawhid permeates every facet of human endeavour; therefore, the dualistic vision embraced by other world religions and subsequently advanced by Western civilisation defeats the integrated philosophy of Islam. Tawhid, Ansari believes, is interlinked to the development of the integrated worldview about humanity’s success in this world. Moreover, it expands the horizon of ‘Ibādah (worship) by investing values that have far-reaching implications for a balanced outlook on life. In the second chapter, Ansari presents a synopsis of Islamic faith and practice. The salient features of Islam are supported by an array of opinions and impressions from the writings of Western critics of Islam; however, his references to Western sources in no way betray an apologetic mindset. In the final chapter, Ansari elucidates the rationale behind the pillars of Islam (Arkān) and also outlines the wisdom that informs the Prophetic practices in this regard. The thematic significance of Shaykh Ansari’s meditation is aimed at rediscovering the message of Islam in our today’s multi-cultural world.
Abdul Kader Choughley, the editor of the volume, has contributed enormously to the revival of contemporary South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. And he deserves accolades for his insightful work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947 (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024). An upcoming work, The Qur’ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari’s comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies. Some of the other important works of Choughley, related to the legacy Fazlur Rahman Ansari are Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947, Dr Ansari Series: Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Selected Writings and Lectures, Vol.1), Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari’s Lectures in South Africa: Reflections, Vol. 2), published by Tawasul International, Rome, 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its Impact on the World- Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

First published in 1950, titled Madha Khasira Al-'alam Bi-inhitat Al-Muslimin, in its original Ar... more First published in 1950, titled Madha Khasira Al-'alam Bi-inhitat Al-Muslimin, in its original Arabic version, Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi’s (1914-1999) magnum opus Rise and Fall of Muslims: Its Impact on the World is one of the most insightful post-war Islamic texts expounding the theme of Muslim renaissance by recounting, analytically and objectively, the story of many of the world’s civilisations in relation to the rise and fall of Islamic civilisation and its impact on the humanity in general. In the book Sayyid Nadwi makes a bold attempt that departs from a conventional understanding of Islamic history, Muslims’ predicaments and challenges that they encounter.
By connecting the fall of the glorious classical Muslim civlisation that once enlightened Europe and rest of the world, Sayyid Nadwi asks an important question: what has the world lost due to the changing fortunes of the collective Muslim identity? Shaykh Nadwi does not make sweeping generalisations but frames global dilemmas through the lens of Islamic teachings, rooted in Islam’s universal vision, embracing people of all cultures and civilisations. As a preeminent scholar of history and the intellectual trends in the West and Islamic world, Shaykh Nadwi’s in-depth knowledge marks a new approach in understanding the relations between Islam and the West.
And the republication of this timeless modern Muslim classic, superbly edited by Abdul Kader Choughley, the South African scholar, with a very significant contribution to the contemporary South Muslim scholarship, is very timely, as Islam’s relation with West is currently debated and contested. Choughley’s multivolume series on the life and legacy of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (Tawasul, Rome, 2024) has been widely acclaimed in the academic world. Another work of Choughley is a comprehensive study of the tafsir tradition in South Asia. Two upcoming multivolume publications of Choughley are: Caravan of My Life (Shaykh Nadwi’s autobiography) and Meaning and Message of the Qur’ān.

Research paper thumbnail of Shaykh Abdul Qādir Jilāni : Life and Teachings

• In Shaykh Abdul Qādir Jilāni: Life and Teachings, Abdul Kader Choughley, a reputed South Africa... more • In Shaykh Abdul Qādir Jilāni: Life and Teachings, Abdul Kader Choughley, a reputed South African scholar, with over a dozen classics published in various fields of Islamic studies, delves deep into the life and teachings of the medieval Sufi master par excellence, Abdul Qādir Jilāni (1077-1166). The Shaykh is widely known in the Muslim world as Muhiyuddin (reviver of the religion), denoting his enormous contribution to the revival of the true spirit of Islam and its teachings in the crucial post-classical age of Islam, by freeing Sufism from superstitious and syncretic practices, thus making it in accordance with the teachings of the Qur'ān and the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). The eponym of the Qādiriyya, one of the oldest Sufi orders, Shaykh Jilāni was also an insightful jurist, author, deeply involved himself in the quest for justice and building of social and political system based on the principles of Islam. Choughley’s study, deeply analytical and objective, covers all these multifaceted aspects of the Shaykh’s life, along with introductory analyses of his works such as Futuh Al-Ghaib (Secrets of the Unseen), Al-Fatḥ ar-Rabbānī (The Sublime Revelation), Ghunyat al-Ṭālibin (Treasure for Seekers) and Jila' Al-Khatir (The Purification of heart). A very unique feature of the volume is a detailed study of Tafsir Jilāni, the manuscript of which was found approximately eight hundred years after the Shaykh's death.

Research paper thumbnail of The Philosophy of Unity in the Writings of Fazlur Rahman Ansari

In The Philosophy of Unity in the Writings of Fazlur Rahman Ansari, the first part of Tawasul’s M... more In The Philosophy of Unity in the Writings of Fazlur Rahman Ansari, the first part of Tawasul’s Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari Series, Abdul Kader Choughley, a foremost scholar of South Asian Muslim intellectual heritage, examines the concept of Tawhid in Ansari’s oeuvres. Tawhid, the inimitable oneness and uniqueness of God, though beyond any likeness to anything conceivable or inconceivable, in the Quranic parlance, according to Ansari, must be reflected in the unity of God’s creation. Tawhid, Ansari argues, is interlinked to the development of the integrated worldview about humanity’s success in this world. Moreover, it expands the horizon of 'Ibadah (worship) by investing values that have far-reaching implications for a balanced outlook on life. It is this vision that cuts across the barriers of bigotry, irrationality and superstition. In its essence, the thematic significance of Tawhid is framed from the lens of Divine guidance (Wahy). Fazlur Rahman Ansari (1914-1974), one the brilliant South Asian Muslim scholars of the last century, contributed enormously to the revival Islamic thought through his many insightful books and lectures. Apart from the Tawhid, some of the recurring themes of Ansari’s works are the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) life and the meaning of his Sunnah, the true significance of Shari'ah, the meaning of Tasawwuf, the remembrance of God (Dhikr), the role of women in Islam, Islam relations with the West, Christianity, secularism and other modern ideologies.
Abdul Kader Choughley has contributed enormously to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. And he deserves accolades for his insightful work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947 (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024), that focuses on Ansari’s formative years, especially his intellectual development as a student of philosophy at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. One of Ansari’s works, Islam: An Introduction (2019), edited by Choughley, has been recently translated into Portuguese. An upcoming work, The Qur’ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari’s comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies. Some of the other important works of Choughley, related to the legacy Fazlur Rahman Ansari are Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947, Dr Ansari Series: Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Selected Writings and Lectures, Vol.1), Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari’s Lectures in South Africa: Reflections, Vol. 2), published by Tawasul International, Rome, 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of The Codification of Islamic Law

In The Codification of Islamic Law, a collection of lectures delivered during his extended stay ... more In The Codification of Islamic Law, a collection of lectures delivered during his extended stay in Trinidad in 1949-50, Mawlānā Abdul Aleem Siddiqui (1892-1954), an accomplished Islamic spiritual master, writer and visionary of the twentieth century, presents an insightful discourse on the evolution and codification of Islamic Law. Informed by his many decades of study of the Quran and the Sunna of the Prophet (pbuh), the two divinely inspired perennial Islamic sources of law, Mawlana Siddiqui, after delving deep into the inner unity of the Quranic message and the systematisation of the Hadith, offers an analytical account on the formation of the four classical schools of Muslim Law, along with the scholarly pre-requisites for Ijtihad (the independent legal reasoning based on the Quran and the Sunna) and its relation with Taqlid (adherence to authoritative guidance by the Imams). Mawlana Siddiqui’s approach to the Islamic Law is dynamic, scholarly, both timely and timeless, thus assisting us to understand its nature and importance even now, as the question of Sharia is hotly debated.
Deeply trained in classical Islam and the authentic form of Sufism, in accordance with the principles of the Shari’ah, during the early decades of the last century, Mawlana Siddiqui travelled across the globe, visiting the interior regions of Africa and many metropolises in Europe, America and Asia, sharing Islam’s message of peace, spiritual refinement, besides stressing the inner Muslim unity. He also equally stressed the importance of building interfaith relations among Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists, as fellow human beings, honoured by God. Mawlana Siddiqui was noted for his epistle to Pope Pious XII, written in 1950, exploring the common human fraternity, and his interactions with the noted twentieth century intellectual giants such as the philosopher Muhammad Iqbal, Bernard Shaw, Shaikh Mustafa Al-Maraghi and Shaikh Abdullah Draz. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari, one of the insightful South Asian Muslim scholars of the last century and Justice M.T. Akbar, an eminent Sri Lankan Muslim jurist, were some of the noted disciples of Mawlana Siddiqui.
Abdul Kader Choughley, the author of the appendix, given at the end of the volume, traces a brief life history of the Mawlana in his reflection. Some of the important works of Choughley, related to the legacy Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and his spiritual disciple Fazlur Rahman Ansari are Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission, Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947, Dr Ansari Series: Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Selected Writings and Lectures, Vol.1), Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari’s Lectures in South Africa: Reflections, Vol. 2), published by Tawasul International, Rome, 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission

In Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission, Abdul Kader Choughley beautifully and analytically narra... more In Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission, Abdul Kader Choughley beautifully and analytically narrates the inspiring life story of Mawlānā Abdul Aleem Siddiqui (1892-1954). The Roving Ambassador of Peace, as fondly called by his admirers across the globe, Mawlānā Siddiqui was a brilliant Islamic spiritual master, writer, orator and visionary of South Asian origin. Deeply trained in classical Islam and the authentic form of Sufism, in accordance with the principles of the Shari’ah, during the early decades of the last century, Mawlānā Siddiqui travelled across the globe, visiting the interior regions of Africa and many metropolises in Europe, America and Asia, sharing Islam’s message of peace, spiritual refinement, besides stressing the inner Muslim unity, beyond all sectarian divisions. He also equally stressed the importance of building interfaith relations among Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists, as fellow human beings, honoured by God. Mawlānā Siddiqui was noted for his epistle to Pope Pious XII, written in 1950, exploring the common human fraternity, and his interactions with the noted twentieth century intellectual giants such as the philosopher Muhammad Iqbal, Bernard Shaw, Shaikh Mustafa Al-Maraghi and Shaikh Abdullah Draz. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari, one of the insightful South Asian Muslim scholars of the last century and Justice M.T. Akbar, an eminent Sri Lankan Muslim jurist, were some of the noted disciples of Mawlānā Siddiqui.
Abdul Kader Choughley, the author of the volume, has contributed enormously to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. And he deserves accolades for his insightful works such as Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947, Tradition of Tafsir (Qur’ānic Exegesis) in the Indian Subcontinent and the two-volume Dr Ansari Series: Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Selected Writings and Lectures, Vol.1), Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari’s Lectures in South Africa: Reflections, Vol. 2), published by Tawasul International, Rome, 2024. One of Ansari’s works, Islam: An Introduction (2019), edited by Choughley, has been recently translated into Portuguese. An upcoming work, The Qur’ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari’s comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Saggio sui costumi dei Turchi

In questo volume presentiamo la prima traduzione in lingua italiana dello scritto latino di Barth... more In questo volume presentiamo la prima traduzione in lingua italiana
dello scritto latino di Bartholomeo Georgievitz intitolato De
Turcorum moribus epitome, reso con
“Saggio sui costumi dei
”. Questo scritto, la cui redazione risale alla prima metà del
XVI secolo, rappresenta un documento storico importante sotto
diversi punti di vista. Il suo autore in gioventù era stato al servizio
del principe ungherese Ladislao Szalkai come attendente e, in
occasione della battaglia di Mohács (1526), era stato fatto
prigioniero dagli ottomani. Venduto come schiavo, venne condotto
in Asia Minore dove trascorse dieci anni, cambiando diversi padroni
e tentando per ben sette volte la fuga. Nel 1536 riuscì nel suo intento
e, dopo aver attraversato il deserto siriano, giunse nel 1537 a
Gerusalemme, dove trascorse un periodo ospite dei padri
francescani. Dopo essere tornato in Europa, si trasferì nella città di
Antwerp in Belgio, dove iniziò a scrivere le sue memorie che vennero
pubblicate in diverse versioni ed edizioni nel 1544. Trasferitosi a
Roma nel 1551, morì nove anni dopo, nel 1560.

Research paper thumbnail of Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam, Muhammad Fazlur Rahman’ Ansari's Lectures in South Africa: Reflections)

In the second volume of Dr Ansari Series, Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Muhammad F... more In the second volume of Dr Ansari Series, Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam (Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari’s Lectures in South Africa: Reflections), Abdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African scholar, offers deeply original insights into the seminal lectures of Fazlur Rahman Ansari (1914-1974), one the brilliant South Asian Muslim scholars of the last century, delivered in various cities in South Africa during his visits in 1970 and 1972. Ansari’s South Africa lectures, though delivered over half a century ago, are both timely and timeless, as they offer us illuminating perspectives on crucially important Islamic topics such as the meaning of Tawhīd (the principle of unity), the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) life and the meaning of his Sunnah, the true significance of Shari'ah, the meaning of Tasawwuf, the remembrance of God (Dhikr) and the role of women in Islam. In addition to these topics, the lectures also offer us Ansari’s analytical meditations on Islam’s relations with the West, Christianity, Communism, Capitalism and Secularism. As Muslim presence in the West and many other issues related to interfaith and cross-cultural relations are currently debated, very passionately, in today’s public space, Choughley’s analysis of Ansari’s lectures assumes a very special significance, contributing immensely to the better understanding of our pluralistic world.
Abdul Kader Choughley has contributed enormously to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. And he deserves accolades for his insightful work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933-1947 (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024), that focuses on Ansari’s formative years, especially his intellectual development as a student of philosophy at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. One of Ansari’s works, Islam: An Introduction (2019), edited by Choughley, has been recently translated into Portuguese. An upcoming work, The Qur’ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari’s comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies. Mr Choughley’s some other works include Islamic Resurgence: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi and His Contemporaries (2011), Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy (Rome, 2024), Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission (2013) and the edited version of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi’s two classics: Rise and Fall of Muslims and Its Impact on the World and Towards Salvaging Humanity (Rome, 2024).

Research paper thumbnail of Tradition of Tafsir (Qur'ānic Exegesis) in the Indian Subcontinent

Abder Kader Choughley, an erudite South African scholar, specialising in South Asian Muslim contr... more Abder Kader Choughley, an erudite South African scholar, specialising in South Asian Muslim contribution to Islamic studies, in his classic study, Tradition of Tafsir (Qur'ānic Exegesis) in the Indian Subcontinent, offers an insightful appraisal of Urdu tafsir traditions, by closely examining the contributions of almost all major schools of tafsir in the field. Truly encyclopaedic in its scope, Choughley's study covers both classical and modern approaches to the tafsir traditions such as Shah Waliullahi school, Deobandi, Barelwi, Ahl-e-Hadith, Nadwatul `Ulama, Islāhi, Jamā`at-i-Islami and Aligarh traditions. The work also examines the Shi`ah contribution to Qur'ānic studies and the approaches of twentieth and twenty first century scholars like Abdul Majid Daryabadi, Abul Kalam Azad, Wahiduddin Khan, etc. in the tafsir genre. In addition to these, the study, in its first chapter, offers an informative and analytical reflection on the discipline of tafsir and various other topics related to the Qur'ānic studies. All these features make the study indispensable for anyone interested in the evolution and nature of tafsir tradition among the major section of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent.

Research paper thumbnail of Arte ed architettura islamica

Questo testo costituisce un tentativo d’introdurre il tema dell’arte e dell’architettura islamica... more Questo testo costituisce un tentativo d’introdurre il tema dell’arte e dell’architettura islamica presso un pubblico non specialistico attraverso una serie di articoli scritti da autori diversi e concernenti prevalentemente i seguenti argomenti: l’ evoluzione storica del concetto di moschea, il motivo della proibizione delle raffigurazioni di esseri animati, il significato ed il ruolo della lingua araba e del testo coranico nell’evoluzione dell’ arte islamica. La natura dell’ arte islamica ed il ruolo che riveste nella vita sociale e culturale dei musulmani è un tema che purtroppo non ha ricevuto una grande attenzione sia all’esterno che all’interno della stessa comunità. Speriamo che questo contributo possa essere di aiuto al lettore interessato a comprendere questo aspetto affascinante ma poco conosciuto della cultura islamica.

Research paper thumbnail of Moral and Spiritual Transformation in Islam -Fazlur Rahman Ansari

While Choughley's earlier work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari: Life and Thought (2012) provides a helpful ... more While Choughley's earlier work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari: Life and Thought (2012) provides a helpful overview of Ansari's illustrious accomplishments in serving the cause of Islam, the present study focuses on his formative years, 1933-1947, especially his intellectual development as a student of philosophy at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. The book offers the readers insights into Ansari's worth-emulating oeuvre. And, for this remarkable feat, Choughley is to be complimented. One of Ansari's works, Islam: An Introduction (2019), edited by Choughley, has been recently translated into Portuguese. An upcoming work, The Qur'ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari's comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Encounter between Faith and Materialism: An Analytical Study of Surah Al-Kahf

In the present analytical study of Surah Al-Kahf, edited by Abdul Kader Choughley, Sayyid Abul Ha... more In the present analytical study of Surah Al-Kahf, edited by Abdul Kader Choughley, Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1913-1999), one of the foremost Muslim scholars of modern era, offers a deeply illuminating reflection on the nature, message and meaning of the Surah. Surah Al-Kahf, with its 110 verses, revealed in the last phase of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) mission in Makkah, presents an account of the clash between two doctrines, two ideologies and two mindsets. One of these stands for materialism and reliance on material factors whereas the other one signifies faith in Allah, the most merciful God, and the things that lie beyond our perception (Al-Ghayb). The Surah, as it unfolds through the stories such as the People of the Cave, the Owners of Two Gardens, Prophet Moses and Al-Khidr (peace be upon them) and Dhū l Qarnayn, takes us beyond the outer-reality of our earthly life to its inner-reality (Al-Ākhirah), by succinctly spelling out the belief systems, the moral consequences of our beliefs and actions, etc. Abdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African Muslim scholar, has contributed enormously to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. Some other important works of Choughley's contribution to the Islamic revivalism discourse are: Sayyid Abul

Research paper thumbnail of Alla ricerca della verita': Il viaggio verso l'Islam, testimonianze biografiche

Quest’opera riporta le esperienze biografiche di ventiquattro persone ben conosciute nel mondo mu... more Quest’opera riporta le esperienze biografiche di ventiquattro persone ben conosciute nel mondo musulmano e non, che le hanno condotte ad abbracciare l’Islam in un momento della loro esistenza. Il loro viaggio esistenziale caratterizzato da vuoto interiore, un profondo senso di mancanza e desiderio di fondare la propria vita su basi ferme ed insegnamenti morali probanti li ha condotti alla riscoperta della fede. La loro ricerca spirituale ha avuto come risultato la conversione all’Islam.

Khalid Al Sayed, scrittore originario di Doha, ricopre il ruolo di Direttore degli eventi culturali presso il Katara Cultural Village Foundation in Qatar. Precedentemente ha rivestito il ruolo di capo editore presso il quotidiano Peninsula. Con una specializzazione in media, cultura e sviluppo dei progetti, è stato anche l’autore di GCC and Arab Spring and Media in a Turbulent World.

Research paper thumbnail of Fazlur Rahman Ansari Aligarh Years: 1933 – 1947

bdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African Muslim scholar, has contributed enormously to ... more bdul Kader Choughley, an independent South African Muslim scholar, has contributed enormously to the revival of South Asian Muslim scholarship, during the past decade or so, with several valuable studies on Islam in South Asia, focusing on Islamic revivalism. And he deserves accolades for his yet another insightful, analytical work on Fazlur Rahman Ansari (1914-1974), an original Islamic scholar and activist of South Asian origin.

While Choughley’s earlier work, Fazlur Rahman Ansari: Life and Thought (2012) provides a helpful overview of Ansari’s illustrious accomplishments in serving the cause of Islam, the present study focuses on his formative years, 1933-1947, especially his intellectual development as a student of philosophy at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. The book offers the readers insights into Ansari’s worth-emulating oeuvre. And, for this remarkable feat, Choughley is to be complimented. One of Ansari’s works, Islam: An Introduction (2019), edited by Choughley, has been recently translated into Portuguese. An upcoming work, The Qur’ānic Revelation, is an overview of Dr Ansari’s comprehensive study in the genre of Quranic studies.

Some other important works of Choughley’s contribution to the Islamic revivalism discourse are: Abdul Aleem Siddiqui and His Mission and Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024). Of notable mention is How to Study the Qurʾān: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi‘s Approach (Tawasul International Publishing, Rome, 2024),which is an expanded version of his lecture delivered at the K.A. Nizami Centre for Quranic Studies, Aligarh Muslim University (India).

Research paper thumbnail of How to Study the Quran: Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi's Approach by Abul Kader Choughley

Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi’s (1914-1999) main contribution to the Qur’ānic studies through his ... more Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi’s (1914-1999) main contribution to the Qur’ānic studies through his many writings and lectures consist in his brilliant exposition of the message and wisdom of the Qur’ān for 20th century man lost in the morass of materialism.

Dr Abdul Kader Choughley, an insightful South African scholar, has contributed enormously to the analysis of Sayyid Nadwi’s enriching scholarship in the field of the Quranic studies, especially delving deep into his approach to introducing the universal message of the Quran in the West. Furthermore, Dr Choughley’s writings bring into sharper focus the Quranic epistemology. His tribute to Sayyid Nadwi’s genius represents his enduring, robust scholarship. His recent work, Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy, has been translated into Italian.

Research paper thumbnail of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi: Life and Legacy By Abdel Kader Choughley

The Volume presents a comprehensive study of the life and works of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1... more The Volume presents a comprehensive study of the life and works of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1913-1999). Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi is seen as an important scholar in the modern Islamic resurgence who has made significant contributions to contemporary Islamic thought. He was one of the few Indian ‘ulema to have taken seriously the dynamic role of Islam in a multireligious society. The book discusses the early life, family and education of the scholar and his major writings that are concerned with the themes of the primacy of the Qur’ān and the sunnah as harbingers of world civilisation, islāh (reform) and tajdīd (revival) as anchors of Islamic resurgence, the methodological approach of da’wah, Islam and the West, and Islamic order in an Indian setting. With quotations and references from published translations of his Urdu and Arabic works including his autobiography, it details the importance of his coherent approach to the diversity of issues in the twentieth century and the importance of his autobiography Kārwān in this context. It deals with his participative role in the Indian mainstream activities by examining the social and spiritual crises facing Muslims. With an overview of contemporary Islamic movements it illustrates Sayyid Nadwi’s major contribution towards the dynamic of the revivalist trends.

Research paper thumbnail of Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

Il volume presenta uno studio completo della vita e dell’opera di Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (19... more Il volume presenta uno studio completo della vita e dell’opera di Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (1913-1999). Sayyid Abul Hasan Nadwi è considerato uno studioso eminente nell’ambito della moderna rinascita islamica in ragione dei suoi contributi significativi al pensiero islamico contemporaneo. È stato inoltre uno dei pochi ulama indiani a considerare seriamente il ruolo dinamico dell’Islam all’interno di una società multireligiosa. Il presente libro prende in esame i suoi primi anni di vita, la famiglia, l’educazione e le sue opere maggiori che hanno come tema il Corano e la Sunna intesi come messaggeri di civiltà, l’islāh (riforma) ed il tajdid (rinascita) interpretati come ancore della rinascita islamica, l’approccio metodologico della da’wah, il rapporto tra Islam ed Occidente ed infine l’ordine islamico in un ambiente indiano. Con citazioni e riferimenti tratti dalle traduzioni delle sue opere in urdu ed arabo inclusa la sua autobiografia, quest’opera discute nel dettaglio l’importanza di un approccio coerente alla diversità delle questioni nel XX secolo e l’importanza della sua autobiografia Kārawān in questo contesto. Inoltre tratta del suo ruolo nelle principali attività indiane esaminando le crisi sociali e spirituali che concernevano i musulmani. Attraverso una panoramica dei movimenti islamici contemporanei, illustra i maggiori contributi dello Shaykh Nadwi verso le dinamiche delle tendenze revivaliste. Il libro è rivolto agli studiosi ed agli studenti di studi islamici.

Research paper thumbnail of SAGGIO SUI COSTUMI DEI TURCHI

Saggio sui costumi dei turchi, 2024

In questo volume presentiamo la prima traduzione in lingua italiana dello scritto latino di Barth... more In questo volume presentiamo la prima traduzione in lingua italiana dello scritto latino di Bartholomeo Georgievitz intitolato De Turcorum moribus epitome, reso con "Saggio sui costumi dei Turchi". Questo scritto, la cui redazione risale alla prima metà del XVI secolo, rappresenta un documento storico importante sotto diversi punti di vista. Il suo autore in gioventù era stato al servizio del principe ungherese Ladislao Szalkai come attendente e, in occasione della battaglia di Mohács (1526), era stato fatto prigioniero dagli ottomani. Venduto come schiavo, venne condotto in Asia Minore dove trascorse dieci anni, cambiando diversi padroni e tentando per ben sette volte la fuga. Nel 1536 riuscì nel suo intento e, dopo aver attraversato il deserto siriano, giunse nel 1537 a Gerusalemme, dove trascorse un periodo ospite dei padri francescani. Dopo essere tornato in Europa, si trasferì nella città di Antwerp in Belgio, dove iniziò a scrivere le sue memorie che vennero pubblicate in diverse versioni ed edizioni nel 1544. Trasferitosi a Roma nel 1551, morì nove anni dopo, nel 1560.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb, il secondo califfo ben guidato (Al-Khulafāʾ Al-Rāshidūn) è stato il più rispettato compagno del Profeta (pbsl) dopo Abū Bakr Ibn ʿAbī Quḥāfa. Primo califfo ad assumere il titolo di Amīr Al-Muʾminīn, ossia comandante dei credenti

''Umar ibn al-Khattāb, il secondo califfo ben guidato (Al-Khulafāʾ Al-Rāshidūn) è stato il più ri... more ''Umar ibn al-Khattāb, il secondo califfo ben guidato (Al-Khulafāʾ Al-Rāshidūn) è stato il più rispettato compagno del Profeta (pbsl) dopo Abū Bakr Ibn ʿAbī Quḥāfa. Primo califfo ad assumere il titolo di Amīr Al-Muʾminīn, ossia comandante dei credenti, 'Umar (che Dio si compiaccia di lui) ha elaborato e realizzato un governo fondato sulla giustizia sociale, sulla tolleranza, il rispetto della legge, ed il benessere pubblico. 'Umar, attraverso l'esempio della sua vita e del suo governo, è riuscito a mettere in atto concretamente ed in modo impressionante gli insegnamenti contenuti nel Corano ed attualizzati nella Sunna del Profeta (pbsl).

Research paper thumbnail of Un dono per i credenti in un solo Dio (Tuhfat ul Muwahhidin

Traduzione ed edizione a cura di Sabrina Lei Tawasul Europe Centro per la ricerca ed il dialogo P... more Traduzione ed edizione a cura di Sabrina Lei Tawasul Europe Centro per la ricerca ed il dialogo Profondo conoscitore del sanscrito, dell'arabo e del persiano, Raja Rammohun Roy, considerato da molti il padre dell'India moderna, è stato non solo il precursore del moderno dialogo interreligioso, ma si è impegnato strenuamente per la riforma sociale e religiosa dell'Induismo, consacrando la sua intera vita alla riscoperta dei valori morali e religiosi presenti negli Inni Vedici e negli Upanishad, contro l'introduzione progressiva dell'adorazione degli idoli e delle pratiche superstiziose. Il Tuhfat ul Muwahhidin, tradotto in italiano come "Un dono per i credenti in un solo Dio" costituisce un'opera propedeutica e programmatica del pensiero di Raja Rammohun Roy, in quanto in essa sono presenti tutti quei temi che saranno approfonditi nelle opere successive dedicate prevalentemente a tematiche specifiche e non di ampio respiro come quelle discusse nel presente testo. Tawasul Europe centro per la ricerca ed il dialogo è un'associazione nata al fine di promuovere una conoscenza della religione e della cultura islamica non distorta ed equilibrata. Le attività dell'associazione sono tese a diffondere la conoscenza della cultura islamica nelle sue diverse sfumature attraverso pubblicazioni, conferenze e scambi interculturali, al fine di poter aiutare gli appartenenti alle comunità religiose diverse da quella musulmana ed i musulmani stessi a distinguere i genuini insegnamenti islamici nell'interesse della pace e del reciproco rispetto tra popoli, culture e religioni diverse. Tawasul Europe Centro per la ricerca ed il dialogo Serie dedicata al dialogo interreligioso

Research paper thumbnail of International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization

The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic a... more The International Research Journal of Islamic Civilization (IRJIC) is visualised as an academic and scientific publication devoted to articles and other informed studies on Islamic civilization. The comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach of IRJIC is aimed at formulating new theories and proposing new discourses in relation to the study of Islamic civilization in its diverse features, in the form of its historical, intellectual and cultural manifestations.

One of the aims of IRJIC is to create an intellectual space shareable by scholars of different orientations, traditions and historical and cultural backgrounds, in order to promote the exchange of ideas, innovative research methodologies and theories. IRJIC is an Open Access Journal and consequentially the users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, or link the full texts of the articles, but not to reproduce them in any way without contacting and asking permission of the publisher.

Research paper thumbnail of Kitab al-Sawm (IL LIBRO DEL DIGIUNO)

Il Kitab al-Sawm, tradotto in italiano come il Libro del Digiuno, riporta una serie di Tradizioni... more Il Kitab al-Sawm, tradotto in italiano come il Libro del Digiuno, riporta una serie di Tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad (pace e benedizioni su di lui)‬ relative alla pratica cultuale del digiuno così come era praticato dal Profeta e dai Compagni con riferimenti non solo al sacro mese del Ramadan ma anche ad altre occasioni quali il Giorno di Arafah o di Ashura ed alla pratica del digiuno volontario. Gli Hadith contenuti in questa raccolta tratta dal Sahih Bukhari costituiscono un riferimento fondamentale per il musulmano che intenda conformare le proprie pratiche cultuali sia alla forma che allo spirito della Sunna del Profeta Muhammad ‫.)ﷺ(‬ Il testo è poi accompagnato da un apparato di note chiarificatrici di alcune espressioni arabe e di spiegazioni tratte dalle diverse scuole di giurisprudenza islamica. Tawasul International Centre for Publishing, Research and Dialogue è un'associazione nata al fine di promuovere una conoscenza della religione e della cultura islamica non distorta ed equilibrata. Le attività dell'associazione sono tese a diffondere la conoscenza della cultura islamica nelle sue diverse sfumature attraverso pubblicazioni, conferenze e scambi interculturali, al fine di poter aiutare gli appartenenti alle comunità religiose diverse da quella musulmana ed i musulmani stessi a distinguere i genuini insegnamenti islamici nell'interesse della pace e del reciproco rispetto tra popoli, culture e religioni diverse.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduzione generale alla storia islamica

Introduzione generale alla storia islamica dalla morte del Profeta Muhammad alla dissoluzione del... more Introduzione generale alla storia islamica dalla morte del Profeta Muhammad alla dissoluzione dell'Impero ottomano con conseguente abolizione dell'istituzione del califfato

Research paper thumbnail of Islam and Muslim Civilization in the Pluralistic World

Research paper thumbnail of The Ethics of Otherness and the Construction of Specific Identities in a Democratic Space

Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Criticism, Social Structure and Identity

Research paper thumbnail of Reading and Reflection: Humanity Beyond Pandemics

Research paper thumbnail of Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him): The Message of His Life and Teachings

Research paper thumbnail of Towards the Reconstruction of a 21-Century Muslim Epistemology: A Conversation with Dr 1

An interview with Noorudeen Noorani, Risala Magazine