Manuela Rossini - (original) (raw)

Call for participation by Manuela Rossini

Research paper thumbnail of GENEALOGY OF THE POSTHUMAN (ISSN 2632-500) - Call for Entries (ongoing, no fixed deadline)

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Research paper thumbnail of EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS - Download: Membership (2022/2023)

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Monographs by Manuela Rossini

Research paper thumbnail of SCIENCE/FICTION: Imagineering the Future of the Human

This monograph ('second book') began more than 20 years ago, after I listed to Katherine Hayles s... more This monograph ('second book') began more than 20 years ago, after I listed to Katherine Hayles speaking on 'how we became posthuman' in 1999. I then received a postdoc grant by the Swiss National Science Foundations to work on this 'habilitation' project in the Netherlands from 2003-2006, first at the Gender Centre of the University of Nijmegen, then at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis.

Below is the abstract I wrote back then which caused a lot of frowning at the time - especially when I talked about taking the human-animal relation seriously as a topic in critical theory and literary/cultural studies; meanwhile, the posthuman has turned into a new paradigm for the 21st century in a number of academic fields and creative practices, and animals/animots have been followed in many wonderful books.

The plan is to finally get the book out there soon, with most of the chapters being elaboration of published articles and unpublished talks and conversations with colleagues of the Critical Posthumanism Network and the international as well as European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.

In the wake of the postmodernist challenge to the humanist values of the Enlightenment and, more effectively perhaps, due to the extraordinary advances in computer technology and biomedical engineering, the category of the human and its analogues – humanism, humanity, humane – are undergoing profound transformations. These changes raise the greatest hopes and deepest fears within contemporary human beings with regard to their individual identity as well as with regard to the future of the human species. With the growing intersections between human, animal and technology, there are no longer any clear answers - if ever there were - to questions such as what it means to be 'human' and where 'humanness' or 'human nature' is to be found. Instead, 'we' witness the death of the liberal-humanist subject as a coherent and autonomous being and the concomitant artificial birth of what has been referred to as 'the posthuman' or 'cyborg', an amalgam of various organic and non-organic components, an entity whose boundaries undergo continuous (de)construction and reconstruction. The project focuses on the category of the post/human as constructed primarily in contemporary science fiction written in English but also as 'imagineered' in theoretical and philosophical writings as well as in (popular) scientific texts on reproduction in a wide sense. The research starts from the premise that the popular genre of science fiction is an important cultural resource for dealing with those changes and, in turn, shapes developments in information and biomedical technology in crucial ways. Because of my contention that the hitherto separate spheres of science fiction, science and social reality are collapsing and in order to emphasise the narrative nature of scientific writings, I consider all the selected types of text as 'science/fiction' to be subjected to a careful narratological analysis which is theoretically and methodologically informed by gender studies, bioethics, deconstruction and the cultural studies of technoscience. My main research interests lie in the investigation of how human beings are 'built' textually and how 'human' is differentiated from other organic and non-organic entities. Special emphasis is given to the relationship between different 'imagineerings' of the post/human and prevailing structures of inequality and discrimination: what/who does the term 'human' include or exclude, and in whose advantage or disadvantage are such inclusions or exclusions?

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Research paper thumbnail of FROM HOUSE TO HOME: Family Matters in Early Modern English Drama and Culture (2004/2009) - Download: PhD version of 2004 (17.5 MB)

This feminist-materialist study contributes towards a critique of the modern nuclear family in We... more This feminist-materialist study contributes towards a critique of the modern nuclear family in Western Europe by looking back at its cultural constructions and negotiations in early modern England. Connecting the traces of the past to the politics of today, the book offers further bricks to the building of a cultural history of the meanings and practices of family life in their continuity as well as discontinuity. The family is here defined as a discursive field that provides the framework for the analysis of the following interrelated concepts and categories, each being itself constituted by an ensemble of discourses: subjectivity, sex, gender, sexuality, love, marriage, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the public and the private, and the nation. While participating in postmodernity's deconstruction of these narratives, the author also dialectically links them to the non-discursive or material reality at the time of their initial production; i.e., to the historical specificity of the socio- economic and political fabric, in particular to the rise of possessive individualism, capitalism and the nation-state.

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Edited books and journals by Manuela Rossini


Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism, 2022

Handbook of Critical Posthumanism is a major reference work on the paradigm emerging from the cha... more Handbook of Critical Posthumanism is a major reference work on the paradigm emerging from the challenges to humanism, humanity, and the human posed by the erosion of the traditional demarcations between the human and nonhuman. This handbook surveys and speculates on the ways in which the posthumanist paradigm emerged, transformed, and might further develop across the humanities. With its focus on the posthuman as a figure, on posthumanism as a social discourse, and on posthumanisation as an ongoing historical and ontological process, the volume highlights the relationship between the humanities and sciences. The essays engage with posthumanism in connection with subfields like the environmental humanities, health humanities, animal studies, and disability studies. The book also traces the historical representations and understanding of posthumanism across time. Additionally, the contributions address genre and forms such as autobiography, games, art, film, museums, and topics such as climate change, speciesism, anthropocentrism, and biopolitics to name a few. This handbook considers posthumanism's impact across disciplines and areas of study.

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Research paper thumbnail of POSTHUMAN TEMPORALITIES

New Formations, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of EUROPEAN POSTHUMANISM (2016; reprint of the EJES volume 18.2 - see below for open access to the journal essays)

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Research paper thumbnail of THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO LITERATURE AND THE POSTHUMAN (2017) - Download: Cover, table of contents, contributors

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Research paper thumbnail of CULTURAL TRANSFER (Word & Text, 2014, No.2)

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Research paper thumbnail of ANIMAL TRACES | TIERSPUREN | TRACES ANIMALES (2014) - Download: Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis

figurationen: gender - literatur - kultur, Jun 16, 2014

In French: Hélène Cixous, Animalmessie (introduced by Marta Segarra) In English: two book review... more In French: Hélène Cixous, Animalmessie (introduced by Marta Segarra)
In English: two book reviews and images of the animal sculptures by Kate Clarke:
In German: all the rest, see attachment for table of contents and direct link where the essays by Jessica Ullrich and Heike Endter can be downloaded for free:

Das Tier dient seit jeher der Identitätsstiftung des Menschen. Als ein bedeutungstragendes »Anderes« des Menschen sorgt es für die notwendige Differenz und eröffnet Möglichkeiten der Fremdwahrnehmung zwischen Mensch und Tier, aber auch zwischen menschlichen Individuen und Gruppen. Bei anthropozentrischen und anthropomorphen Prozessen dieser Art hinterlässt die Figur des Tieres regelmäßig eindrückliche Fährten, die auf animalische Präsenz verweisen: Als unvollständige Indizes sind diese Spuren Wegzeichen, die es kritisch und genau zu lesen gilt. In interdisziplinären Beiträgen spüren die Autorinnen und Autoren Tieren nach, die ihnen in der Literatur, der Kunst, der Philosophie sowie ihrem privaten und beruflichen Alltag begegnen und sie auf vielfältigste Denk- und Schreibpfade geführt haben.""

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Research paper thumbnail of ENERGY CONNECTIONS: Living Forces in Inter/Intra-Action

Energy as a nomadic concepts - traveling in many forms, flowing, mattering.

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Research paper thumbnail of THE ROUTLEDGE COMPANION TO LITERATURE AND SCIENCE (2011 hb / 2012 pb) - Download: Discount Flyer

With forty-four newly commissioned articles from an international cast of leading scholars,The Ro... more With forty-four newly commissioned articles from an international cast of leading scholars,The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science traces the network of connections among literature, science, technology, mathematics, and medicine. Divided into three main sections, this volume:

- Links diverse literatures to scientific disciplines from Artificial Intelligence to Thermodynamics
- Surveys current theoretical and disciplinary approaches from Animal Studies to Semiotics
- Traces the history and culture of literature and science from Greece and Rome to Postmodernism

Ranging from classical origins and modern revolutions to current developments in cultural science studies and the posthumanities, this indispensible volume offers a comprehensive resource for undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers.

Part One: Literatures and Sciences Introduction 1. AI and ALife - John Johnston 2. Alchemy - Mark S. Morrisson 3. Biology - Sabine Sielke 4. Chaos and Complexity Theory - Ira Livingston 5. Chemistry - Jay Labinger 6. Climate Science - Robert Markley 7. Cognitive Science - Joseph Tabbi 8. Cybernetics - Søren Brier 9. Ecology - Stacy Alaimo 10. Evolution - David Amigoni 11. Genetics - Judith Roof 12. Geology - Stephen A. Norwick 13. Information Theory - Philipp Schweighauser 14. Mathematics - Brain Rotman 15. Medicine - George Rousseau 16. Nanotechnology - Colin Milburn 17. Physics - Dirk Vanderbeke 18. Psychoanalysis - Arkady Plotnitsky 19. Systems Theory - Bruce Clarke 20. Thermodynamics - John Bruni Part Two: Disciplinary and Theoretical Approaches Introduction 21. Agricultural Studies - Susan Squier 22. Animal Studies - Richard Nash 23. Art Connections - Robert Pepperell 24. Cultural Science Studies - Maureen McNeil 25. Deconstruction - Vicky Kirby 26. E-Literature - Joseph Tabbi 27. Feminist Science Studies - Susan Squier and Melissa Littlefield 28. Game Studies - Ivan Callus and Gordon Calleja 29. History of Science - Henning Schmidgen 30. Media Studies - Mark B. N. Hansen 31. Philosophy of Science - Alfred Nordmann 32. Posthumanism - Neil Badmington 33. Science Fiction - Lisa Yaszek 34. Semiotics - Paul Cobley Part Three: Periods and Cultures Introduction 35. Greece and Rome - Emma Gee 36. Middle Ages and Early Renaissance - Arielle Saiber 37. Scientific "Revolution" I: Copernicus to Boyle - Alvin Snider 38. Scientific "Revolution" II: Newton to Laplace - Lucinda Cole 39. Romanticism - Noah Heringman 40. Industrialism - Virginia Richter 41. Russia - Kenneth Knoespel 42. Japan - Thomas Lamarre 43. Modernism - Hugh Crawford 44. Postmodernism - Stefan Herbrechter

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Research paper thumbnail of ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS (2009) - Download: Intro by Tom Tyler

The fast-growing field of Animal Studies is a varied and much contested domain. Engagement with a... more The fast-growing field of Animal Studies is a varied and much contested domain. Engagement with animals has encouraged both collaboration and conflict between researchers within the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Animal Encounters comprises a series of meetings not only between diverse beasts, but also between distinct disciplinary methods, theoretical approaches, and ethical positions. The essays here collected come together from literary and cultural studies, sociology and anthropology, ecocriticism and art history, philosophy and feminism, science and technology studies, history and posthumanism, to study that most familiar and most foreign of creatures, ‘the animal’. These encounters between leading practitioners in the field highlight the promise and potential of interspecies exchange and mutual provocation.
Contributors include: Carol J. Adams, Steve Baker, Monika Bakke, Pamela Banting, Jonathan Burt, Donna Haraway, Randy Malamud, Manuela Rossini, Laurie Shannon, Robyn Smith, Susan Squier and Tom Tyler.
My contribution, "ComingTogether …" can be downloaded from the paper section below.

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Essays by Manuela Rossini

Research paper thumbnail of "Posthuman Temporalities" - Editorial to New Formations 92 / Autumn 2017

The history and politics of Western modernity is to a large extent clocked by formations and tran... more The history and politics of Western modernity is to a large extent clocked by formations and transformations of time. For centuries, dominant human/ist and technoscientific notions of teleology, progress and innovation have been used to structure developments and classify human and nonhuman life.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Io non sono un animale! Io sono un essere umano! Io… sono… un uomo!" L’Animale sta all’Umano come la Femmina sta al Maschio? (2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of “I am not an animal! I am a human being! I … am … a man!“: Is Animal to Human as Female to Male? (2014) = correct title, the printed essay has the wrong one

Exploring the Animal Turn: Human-Animal Relations in Science, Society and Culture, Dec 2014

Taking its cue from the humanist moment in David Lynch’s film The Elephant Man (1980), when the p... more Taking its cue from the humanist moment in David Lynch’s film The Elephant Man (1980), when the protagonist emphatically insists on being a (hu)man, my talk riffs on the well-known essay “Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture?” (1974) by anthropologist Sherry B. Ortner. In this influential text, the feminist argues that women’s universal status as second-order human beings is predicated upon an equally universal devaluation of ‘nature’ while ‘culture’ is elevated as the product of conscious thought and rational action associated more closely with the male of the human species.

It is thus perfectly understandable that second-wave feminism privileged the paradigm of social and cultural constructionism in order to denaturalize ontological and epistemological categories. In the process, feminists preferred to deny any continuity with the animal ‘Other’. Such a (di)stance, however, left the nature-culture hierarchy in place and did not prevent women – certainly not non-white and non-Western women and minorities of all colours –, from being subjugated to the same sexist and racist logic of domination that underwrites the discourse of speciesism. At the same time, as the recent Hypatia issue “Animal Others” (2012) reminds us, animal studies are very much indebted to feminist theorizing, even though more inclusive intersectional analyses are rare.

Under the umbrella of new materialism and, even more broadly, critical posthumanism, I would like to offer for discussion some points of similarity and difference between animals studies, gender studies and other approaches informed by an emancipatory politics before zooming in on more specific debates around issues of rights and the agency of nonhuman animals to promote an ethics of care based on our mutual dependency and shared situatedness in a world in which technology encroaches on ‘the living in general’ – regardless of species membership.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Transfer: An Introduction (2014)

Cultural Transfer, Dec 15, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Dis/Locating Posthumanism in European Literary and Critical Traditions (2014)

European Posthumanism, Aug 31, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Submarine Spielformen menschlicher Ex-sistenz von Christoph Ransmayr – ein Wassermann erzählt (2013) - Download: Inhaltsverzeichnis und Editorial

Tierstudien 04 (2013)

"Fischfunkerzählungen" nennt Christoph Ransmayr die Geschichten seiner Damen & Herren unter Wasse... more "Fischfunkerzählungen" nennt Christoph Ransmayr die Geschichten seiner Damen & Herren unter Wasser, die er zu Farbtafeln von Manfred Wakolbinger aufgezeichnet hat. Mit den Tentakeln des Riffkalmars Herr Blueher (ein Ex-Museumswärter) saugen wir uns an sechs weitere ehemals menschliche Meerestiere heran, die sich eines Tages plötzlich in schwimmende Wesen verwandelt haben. In Tierkörper verhüllte Menschen werden in der Literatur meisten als über- oder unnatürliche Metamorphosen beschrieben und am Ende wird der ursprüngliche Zustand wieder hergestellt. In Ransmayrs Text dagegen ist der Ursprung das Ende und Mutationen erscheinen am Schluss als die natürlichste Sache der Welt, wie sie Charles Darwin in Origin of Species figuriert hat. Damit fällt auch die Illusion einer festen Identität und die Vorstellung einer linearen Entwicklung primitiver Lebewesen hin zum Menschen als Vollendung und Krone der Schöpfungsgeschichte buchstäblich ins Wasser; Ursprung und Ende der Menschheit liegen auf dem Meeresboden, zusammen mit weiteren durch Wasserstoff entstandene Spielformen der Evolution.
Als Spielformen des Erzählens betitelt der Verlag S. Fischer die Reihe der in die Tiefe gehenden Prosa von Ransmayr, wodurch die hier diskutierte Unterweltgeschichte zu einer Allegorie über das Schreiben als transformative Technik wird. Damen & Herren unter Wasser zeigt die Macht der Imagination, passendere Bilder unserer conditio humana im Zeitalter zunehmender Hybridisierung und ständiger Transformationen zu entwerfen. Wenn der Ich-Erzähler schlussendlich hofft, sein Fisch-Werden möge nur Anfang einer Rückentwicklung vorwärts in eine Zukunft sein,„wo alle Formen und Gestalten wieder blosseMöglichkeit“ sind und Wesen entstehen, die sich als „grotesker und bösartiger ..., vielleicht aber auch liebevoller und gütiger, als wir es je waren“ erweisen, dann ist uns mit dieser Verwandlungsgeschichte eine posthumanistische Kosmopoetik jenseits der anthropologischen Differenzmaschine gegeben.

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Research paper thumbnail of Imagineure möglicher Zukünfte: Science/Fiction und die Posthumanisierung von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (2013)

Future Reloaded: Zukunftsvisionen in Wissenschaft und Science Fiction. Ed. Rainer Egloff. , 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of GENEALOGY OF THE POSTHUMAN (ISSN 2632-500) - Call for Entries (ongoing, no fixed deadline)

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Research paper thumbnail of EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS - Download: Membership (2022/2023)

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Research paper thumbnail of SCIENCE/FICTION: Imagineering the Future of the Human

This monograph ('second book') began more than 20 years ago, after I listed to Katherine Hayles s... more This monograph ('second book') began more than 20 years ago, after I listed to Katherine Hayles speaking on 'how we became posthuman' in 1999. I then received a postdoc grant by the Swiss National Science Foundations to work on this 'habilitation' project in the Netherlands from 2003-2006, first at the Gender Centre of the University of Nijmegen, then at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis.

Below is the abstract I wrote back then which caused a lot of frowning at the time - especially when I talked about taking the human-animal relation seriously as a topic in critical theory and literary/cultural studies; meanwhile, the posthuman has turned into a new paradigm for the 21st century in a number of academic fields and creative practices, and animals/animots have been followed in many wonderful books.

The plan is to finally get the book out there soon, with most of the chapters being elaboration of published articles and unpublished talks and conversations with colleagues of the Critical Posthumanism Network and the international as well as European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts.

In the wake of the postmodernist challenge to the humanist values of the Enlightenment and, more effectively perhaps, due to the extraordinary advances in computer technology and biomedical engineering, the category of the human and its analogues – humanism, humanity, humane – are undergoing profound transformations. These changes raise the greatest hopes and deepest fears within contemporary human beings with regard to their individual identity as well as with regard to the future of the human species. With the growing intersections between human, animal and technology, there are no longer any clear answers - if ever there were - to questions such as what it means to be 'human' and where 'humanness' or 'human nature' is to be found. Instead, 'we' witness the death of the liberal-humanist subject as a coherent and autonomous being and the concomitant artificial birth of what has been referred to as 'the posthuman' or 'cyborg', an amalgam of various organic and non-organic components, an entity whose boundaries undergo continuous (de)construction and reconstruction. The project focuses on the category of the post/human as constructed primarily in contemporary science fiction written in English but also as 'imagineered' in theoretical and philosophical writings as well as in (popular) scientific texts on reproduction in a wide sense. The research starts from the premise that the popular genre of science fiction is an important cultural resource for dealing with those changes and, in turn, shapes developments in information and biomedical technology in crucial ways. Because of my contention that the hitherto separate spheres of science fiction, science and social reality are collapsing and in order to emphasise the narrative nature of scientific writings, I consider all the selected types of text as 'science/fiction' to be subjected to a careful narratological analysis which is theoretically and methodologically informed by gender studies, bioethics, deconstruction and the cultural studies of technoscience. My main research interests lie in the investigation of how human beings are 'built' textually and how 'human' is differentiated from other organic and non-organic entities. Special emphasis is given to the relationship between different 'imagineerings' of the post/human and prevailing structures of inequality and discrimination: what/who does the term 'human' include or exclude, and in whose advantage or disadvantage are such inclusions or exclusions?

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Research paper thumbnail of FROM HOUSE TO HOME: Family Matters in Early Modern English Drama and Culture (2004/2009) - Download: PhD version of 2004 (17.5 MB)

This feminist-materialist study contributes towards a critique of the modern nuclear family in We... more This feminist-materialist study contributes towards a critique of the modern nuclear family in Western Europe by looking back at its cultural constructions and negotiations in early modern England. Connecting the traces of the past to the politics of today, the book offers further bricks to the building of a cultural history of the meanings and practices of family life in their continuity as well as discontinuity. The family is here defined as a discursive field that provides the framework for the analysis of the following interrelated concepts and categories, each being itself constituted by an ensemble of discourses: subjectivity, sex, gender, sexuality, love, marriage, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the public and the private, and the nation. While participating in postmodernity's deconstruction of these narratives, the author also dialectically links them to the non-discursive or material reality at the time of their initial production; i.e., to the historical specificity of the socio- economic and political fabric, in particular to the rise of possessive individualism, capitalism and the nation-state.

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Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism, 2022

Handbook of Critical Posthumanism is a major reference work on the paradigm emerging from the cha... more Handbook of Critical Posthumanism is a major reference work on the paradigm emerging from the challenges to humanism, humanity, and the human posed by the erosion of the traditional demarcations between the human and nonhuman. This handbook surveys and speculates on the ways in which the posthumanist paradigm emerged, transformed, and might further develop across the humanities. With its focus on the posthuman as a figure, on posthumanism as a social discourse, and on posthumanisation as an ongoing historical and ontological process, the volume highlights the relationship between the humanities and sciences. The essays engage with posthumanism in connection with subfields like the environmental humanities, health humanities, animal studies, and disability studies. The book also traces the historical representations and understanding of posthumanism across time. Additionally, the contributions address genre and forms such as autobiography, games, art, film, museums, and topics such as climate change, speciesism, anthropocentrism, and biopolitics to name a few. This handbook considers posthumanism's impact across disciplines and areas of study.

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Research paper thumbnail of POSTHUMAN TEMPORALITIES

New Formations, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of EUROPEAN POSTHUMANISM (2016; reprint of the EJES volume 18.2 - see below for open access to the journal essays)

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Research paper thumbnail of THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO LITERATURE AND THE POSTHUMAN (2017) - Download: Cover, table of contents, contributors

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Research paper thumbnail of CULTURAL TRANSFER (Word & Text, 2014, No.2)

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Research paper thumbnail of ANIMAL TRACES | TIERSPUREN | TRACES ANIMALES (2014) - Download: Contents / Inhaltsverzeichnis

figurationen: gender - literatur - kultur, Jun 16, 2014

In French: Hélène Cixous, Animalmessie (introduced by Marta Segarra) In English: two book review... more In French: Hélène Cixous, Animalmessie (introduced by Marta Segarra)
In English: two book reviews and images of the animal sculptures by Kate Clarke:
In German: all the rest, see attachment for table of contents and direct link where the essays by Jessica Ullrich and Heike Endter can be downloaded for free:

Das Tier dient seit jeher der Identitätsstiftung des Menschen. Als ein bedeutungstragendes »Anderes« des Menschen sorgt es für die notwendige Differenz und eröffnet Möglichkeiten der Fremdwahrnehmung zwischen Mensch und Tier, aber auch zwischen menschlichen Individuen und Gruppen. Bei anthropozentrischen und anthropomorphen Prozessen dieser Art hinterlässt die Figur des Tieres regelmäßig eindrückliche Fährten, die auf animalische Präsenz verweisen: Als unvollständige Indizes sind diese Spuren Wegzeichen, die es kritisch und genau zu lesen gilt. In interdisziplinären Beiträgen spüren die Autorinnen und Autoren Tieren nach, die ihnen in der Literatur, der Kunst, der Philosophie sowie ihrem privaten und beruflichen Alltag begegnen und sie auf vielfältigste Denk- und Schreibpfade geführt haben.""

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Research paper thumbnail of ENERGY CONNECTIONS: Living Forces in Inter/Intra-Action

Energy as a nomadic concepts - traveling in many forms, flowing, mattering.

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Research paper thumbnail of THE ROUTLEDGE COMPANION TO LITERATURE AND SCIENCE (2011 hb / 2012 pb) - Download: Discount Flyer

With forty-four newly commissioned articles from an international cast of leading scholars,The Ro... more With forty-four newly commissioned articles from an international cast of leading scholars,The Routledge Companion to Literature and Science traces the network of connections among literature, science, technology, mathematics, and medicine. Divided into three main sections, this volume:

- Links diverse literatures to scientific disciplines from Artificial Intelligence to Thermodynamics
- Surveys current theoretical and disciplinary approaches from Animal Studies to Semiotics
- Traces the history and culture of literature and science from Greece and Rome to Postmodernism

Ranging from classical origins and modern revolutions to current developments in cultural science studies and the posthumanities, this indispensible volume offers a comprehensive resource for undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers.

Part One: Literatures and Sciences Introduction 1. AI and ALife - John Johnston 2. Alchemy - Mark S. Morrisson 3. Biology - Sabine Sielke 4. Chaos and Complexity Theory - Ira Livingston 5. Chemistry - Jay Labinger 6. Climate Science - Robert Markley 7. Cognitive Science - Joseph Tabbi 8. Cybernetics - Søren Brier 9. Ecology - Stacy Alaimo 10. Evolution - David Amigoni 11. Genetics - Judith Roof 12. Geology - Stephen A. Norwick 13. Information Theory - Philipp Schweighauser 14. Mathematics - Brain Rotman 15. Medicine - George Rousseau 16. Nanotechnology - Colin Milburn 17. Physics - Dirk Vanderbeke 18. Psychoanalysis - Arkady Plotnitsky 19. Systems Theory - Bruce Clarke 20. Thermodynamics - John Bruni Part Two: Disciplinary and Theoretical Approaches Introduction 21. Agricultural Studies - Susan Squier 22. Animal Studies - Richard Nash 23. Art Connections - Robert Pepperell 24. Cultural Science Studies - Maureen McNeil 25. Deconstruction - Vicky Kirby 26. E-Literature - Joseph Tabbi 27. Feminist Science Studies - Susan Squier and Melissa Littlefield 28. Game Studies - Ivan Callus and Gordon Calleja 29. History of Science - Henning Schmidgen 30. Media Studies - Mark B. N. Hansen 31. Philosophy of Science - Alfred Nordmann 32. Posthumanism - Neil Badmington 33. Science Fiction - Lisa Yaszek 34. Semiotics - Paul Cobley Part Three: Periods and Cultures Introduction 35. Greece and Rome - Emma Gee 36. Middle Ages and Early Renaissance - Arielle Saiber 37. Scientific "Revolution" I: Copernicus to Boyle - Alvin Snider 38. Scientific "Revolution" II: Newton to Laplace - Lucinda Cole 39. Romanticism - Noah Heringman 40. Industrialism - Virginia Richter 41. Russia - Kenneth Knoespel 42. Japan - Thomas Lamarre 43. Modernism - Hugh Crawford 44. Postmodernism - Stefan Herbrechter

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Research paper thumbnail of ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS (2009) - Download: Intro by Tom Tyler

The fast-growing field of Animal Studies is a varied and much contested domain. Engagement with a... more The fast-growing field of Animal Studies is a varied and much contested domain. Engagement with animals has encouraged both collaboration and conflict between researchers within the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Animal Encounters comprises a series of meetings not only between diverse beasts, but also between distinct disciplinary methods, theoretical approaches, and ethical positions. The essays here collected come together from literary and cultural studies, sociology and anthropology, ecocriticism and art history, philosophy and feminism, science and technology studies, history and posthumanism, to study that most familiar and most foreign of creatures, ‘the animal’. These encounters between leading practitioners in the field highlight the promise and potential of interspecies exchange and mutual provocation.
Contributors include: Carol J. Adams, Steve Baker, Monika Bakke, Pamela Banting, Jonathan Burt, Donna Haraway, Randy Malamud, Manuela Rossini, Laurie Shannon, Robyn Smith, Susan Squier and Tom Tyler.
My contribution, "ComingTogether …" can be downloaded from the paper section below.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Posthuman Temporalities" - Editorial to New Formations 92 / Autumn 2017

The history and politics of Western modernity is to a large extent clocked by formations and tran... more The history and politics of Western modernity is to a large extent clocked by formations and transformations of time. For centuries, dominant human/ist and technoscientific notions of teleology, progress and innovation have been used to structure developments and classify human and nonhuman life.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Io non sono un animale! Io sono un essere umano! Io… sono… un uomo!" L’Animale sta all’Umano come la Femmina sta al Maschio? (2016)

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Research paper thumbnail of “I am not an animal! I am a human being! I … am … a man!“: Is Animal to Human as Female to Male? (2014) = correct title, the printed essay has the wrong one

Exploring the Animal Turn: Human-Animal Relations in Science, Society and Culture, Dec 2014

Taking its cue from the humanist moment in David Lynch’s film The Elephant Man (1980), when the p... more Taking its cue from the humanist moment in David Lynch’s film The Elephant Man (1980), when the protagonist emphatically insists on being a (hu)man, my talk riffs on the well-known essay “Is Female to Male as Nature Is to Culture?” (1974) by anthropologist Sherry B. Ortner. In this influential text, the feminist argues that women’s universal status as second-order human beings is predicated upon an equally universal devaluation of ‘nature’ while ‘culture’ is elevated as the product of conscious thought and rational action associated more closely with the male of the human species.

It is thus perfectly understandable that second-wave feminism privileged the paradigm of social and cultural constructionism in order to denaturalize ontological and epistemological categories. In the process, feminists preferred to deny any continuity with the animal ‘Other’. Such a (di)stance, however, left the nature-culture hierarchy in place and did not prevent women – certainly not non-white and non-Western women and minorities of all colours –, from being subjugated to the same sexist and racist logic of domination that underwrites the discourse of speciesism. At the same time, as the recent Hypatia issue “Animal Others” (2012) reminds us, animal studies are very much indebted to feminist theorizing, even though more inclusive intersectional analyses are rare.

Under the umbrella of new materialism and, even more broadly, critical posthumanism, I would like to offer for discussion some points of similarity and difference between animals studies, gender studies and other approaches informed by an emancipatory politics before zooming in on more specific debates around issues of rights and the agency of nonhuman animals to promote an ethics of care based on our mutual dependency and shared situatedness in a world in which technology encroaches on ‘the living in general’ – regardless of species membership.

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Transfer: An Introduction (2014)

Cultural Transfer, Dec 15, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Dis/Locating Posthumanism in European Literary and Critical Traditions (2014)

European Posthumanism, Aug 31, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Submarine Spielformen menschlicher Ex-sistenz von Christoph Ransmayr – ein Wassermann erzählt (2013) - Download: Inhaltsverzeichnis und Editorial

Tierstudien 04 (2013)

"Fischfunkerzählungen" nennt Christoph Ransmayr die Geschichten seiner Damen & Herren unter Wasse... more "Fischfunkerzählungen" nennt Christoph Ransmayr die Geschichten seiner Damen & Herren unter Wasser, die er zu Farbtafeln von Manfred Wakolbinger aufgezeichnet hat. Mit den Tentakeln des Riffkalmars Herr Blueher (ein Ex-Museumswärter) saugen wir uns an sechs weitere ehemals menschliche Meerestiere heran, die sich eines Tages plötzlich in schwimmende Wesen verwandelt haben. In Tierkörper verhüllte Menschen werden in der Literatur meisten als über- oder unnatürliche Metamorphosen beschrieben und am Ende wird der ursprüngliche Zustand wieder hergestellt. In Ransmayrs Text dagegen ist der Ursprung das Ende und Mutationen erscheinen am Schluss als die natürlichste Sache der Welt, wie sie Charles Darwin in Origin of Species figuriert hat. Damit fällt auch die Illusion einer festen Identität und die Vorstellung einer linearen Entwicklung primitiver Lebewesen hin zum Menschen als Vollendung und Krone der Schöpfungsgeschichte buchstäblich ins Wasser; Ursprung und Ende der Menschheit liegen auf dem Meeresboden, zusammen mit weiteren durch Wasserstoff entstandene Spielformen der Evolution.
Als Spielformen des Erzählens betitelt der Verlag S. Fischer die Reihe der in die Tiefe gehenden Prosa von Ransmayr, wodurch die hier diskutierte Unterweltgeschichte zu einer Allegorie über das Schreiben als transformative Technik wird. Damen & Herren unter Wasser zeigt die Macht der Imagination, passendere Bilder unserer conditio humana im Zeitalter zunehmender Hybridisierung und ständiger Transformationen zu entwerfen. Wenn der Ich-Erzähler schlussendlich hofft, sein Fisch-Werden möge nur Anfang einer Rückentwicklung vorwärts in eine Zukunft sein,„wo alle Formen und Gestalten wieder blosseMöglichkeit“ sind und Wesen entstehen, die sich als „grotesker und bösartiger ..., vielleicht aber auch liebevoller und gütiger, als wir es je waren“ erweisen, dann ist uns mit dieser Verwandlungsgeschichte eine posthumanistische Kosmopoetik jenseits der anthropologischen Differenzmaschine gegeben.

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Research paper thumbnail of Imagineure möglicher Zukünfte: Science/Fiction und die Posthumanisierung von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (2013)

Future Reloaded: Zukunftsvisionen in Wissenschaft und Science Fiction. Ed. Rainer Egloff. , 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of ComingTogether: Symbiogenesis and Metamorphosis in Paul di Filippo’s A Mouthful of Tongues (2009)

Animal Encounters, eds. Manuela Rossini and Tom Tyler, 2009

Keywords: critical posthumanism, new materialism, feminism, science fiction

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Research paper thumbnail of To the Dogs: Companion Speciesism and the New Feminist Materialism (2006)

Kritikos, Jan 1, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Science/Fiction: Gendering the Posthuman (2005)

Raffia, 2005

Posthuman all to human and huMAN.

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Research paper thumbnail of Figurations of Posthumanity in Contemporary Science/Fiction – all too human(ist)? (2005)

Revista canaria de estudios ingleses , Apr 2005

Introducing the terms "science/fiction" and "imagineering", the essay aims to move beyond the "tw... more Introducing the terms "science/fiction" and "imagineering", the essay aims to move beyond the "two cultures" divide and emphasises instead the interdependency between science and literature or, more specifically, between "real science" and "science fiction". It argues that technoscientific visions are indebted to narrative imaginings and that the promises of technoscience, in turn, influence individual and collective fantasies. The analytical focus is on imagineerings of the posthuman body or subject in various types of science/fiction. In order to challenge the orthodoxy of posthumanism's progressive
trajectory, these figurations will be scrutinised in view of underlying liberal-humanist and, hence, androcentric, ethnocentric and anthropocentric assumptions.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Gendered Spatiology of Middleton's 'A Chaste Maid in Cheapside' (2004)

SPELL, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Künstliche Reproduktion (in) der Science/Fiction: Neue Technologien – alte Geschichten? (2003)

figurationen, 2003

Im Versuch, die künstliche Grenze zwischen den " zwei Kulturen " zu überschreiten, soll hier die ... more Im Versuch, die künstliche Grenze zwischen den " zwei Kulturen " zu überschreiten, soll hier die Bezeichnung Science/Fiction in einem umfassenderen Sinn verstanden werden. Filmische und literarische Zukunftsentwürfe sind mit diesem Begriff ebenso gemeint wie (populär)wissenschaftliche Visionen, theoretische Schriften und Werbekampagnen. Diese unterschiedlichen Textsorten, so eine These des vorliegenden Aufsatzes, bilden Entwicklungen in der Reprogenetik nicht nur ab, sondern beteiligen sich entscheidend an deren materiell-semiotischer Gestaltung und Anwendung. Zudem können die besprochenen kulturellen Artefakte auch selber als " reproduktiv " charakterisiert werden, da sie einerseits uralte Narrative und Denkmuster fort-und festschreiben (Replikation des Gegebenen), andererseits aber auch neue Körper-und Identitätskonzepte jenseits naturalisierter hegemonialer Ordnungen figurieren (Generation des Neuen und Möglichen).

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Research paper thumbnail of Crossing Sexual Boundaries in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (1997)

The essay looks at the reconfiguration of identity beyond the two culturally intelligible genders... more The essay looks at the reconfiguration of identity beyond the two culturally intelligible genders and compulsory heterosexuality through the less of the renaissance stage convention of the transvestite boy actor.

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Research paper thumbnail of WHEN SPECIES MEET by Donna Haraway (2008)

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Research paper thumbnail of In:  FRAME 25.1 (2012) - Issue title: Narrating Posthumanism

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Research paper thumbnail of Science/Fiction: Imagineering Posthuman Bodies (2003)

Gender and Power in the New Europe

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Research paper thumbnail of EXPLORING THE ANIMAL TURN - Download: PDF of book (2.3 MB)

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Research paper thumbnail of SLSAeu Conference 2017 on EMPATHIES - Download: Conference booklet (PDF)

Abstracts; bionotes of main speakers.

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Research paper thumbnail of THE DIVERSITY OF EMPATHY (2017)  - on youtube

Youtube video by RedMorpheus (Jeanine and Tim Reutemann) to document and communicate the manifold... more Youtube video by RedMorpheus (Jeanine and Tim Reutemann) to document and communicate the manifold aspects of empathy presented at the 11th conference of the SLSAeu, the European Sciety for Literature, Science and the Arts, which took place at the University of Basel in June 2017.

On youtube:

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Research paper thumbnail of Animal Encounters

Animal Encounters, 2009

Animal Encounters presents a multidisciplinary selection of essays in which nonhuman animals meet... more Animal Encounters presents a multidisciplinary selection of essays in which nonhuman animals meet with philosophers, literary scholars and cultural theorists, scientists and historians, feminists and environmentalists, artists and activists, who are interested in the productive potential of interspecies exchange and collaboration. Brought together under six strategic headings, the collection constitutes a series of encounters not only between animals, human and otherwise, but also between different disciplinary methods, theoretical approaches, and ethical positions. Animal Encounters includes essays by Carol J. Adams, Steve Baker, Monika Bakke, Pamela Banting, Jonathan Burt, Donna Haraway, Randy Malamud, Manuela Rossini, Laurie Shannon, Robyn Smith, Susan Squier and Tom Tyler.

Attached is the introduction, 'The Case of the Camel', which includes summaries of the book's sections and chapters.

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Research paper thumbnail of PROGRAM SLSAeu Athens

13th Conference of SLSAeu, 2019

The program of the 13th Conference of the SLSAeu in Athens, 25-28 June 2019!

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Research paper thumbnail of Nomadic concepts

This publication describes the nomadic concepts tool and is part of a series of tools and methods... more This publication describes the nomadic concepts tool and is part of a series of tools and methods compiled in the td-net toolbox for co-producing knowledge ( <br> Nomadic concepts is a heuristic tool for exchanging understandings of concepts across disciplinary, professional and cultural boundaries.

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Research paper thumbnail of The gendered spatiology of Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside

The Gendered Spatiology of Middleton&#x27;s A Chaste Maid in Cheapside Manuela Rossini A succ... more The Gendered Spatiology of Middleton&#x27;s A Chaste Maid in Cheapside Manuela Rossini A successful revolution must effect changes in space Henri Lefebvre This reading of Thomas Middleton&#x27;s city comedy is informed by an un-derstanding of space which combines a static, ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Figurations of posthumanity in contemporary science/fiction - all too human(ist)?

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Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Dis/Locating Posthumanism In European Literary And Critical Traditions

European Journal of English Studies, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Comingtogether: Symbiogenesis and metamorphosis in Paul di Filippo’s A Mouthful of Tongues

Animal Encounters

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Research paper thumbnail of Figurations of Posthumanity in Contemporary Science/Fiction

Revista canaria de estudios ingleses, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman

Machine generated contents note: Preface: literature, posthumanism, and the posthuman Bruce Clark... more Machine generated contents note: Preface: literature, posthumanism, and the posthuman Bruce Clarke and Manuela Rossini; Part I. Literary Periods: 1. Medieval Karl Tobias Steel; 2. Early modern Kevin LaGrandeur; 3. Romantic Ron Broglio; 4. Modern Jeff Wallace; 5. Postmodern Stefan Herbrechter; Part II. Posthuman Literary Modes: 6. Science fiction Lisa Yaszek and Jason W. Ellis; 7. Autobiography Kari Weil; 8. Comics and graphic novels Lisa Diedrich; 9. Film Anneke Smelik; 10. E-literature Ivan Callus and Mario Aquilina; Part III. Posthuman Themes: 11. The nonhuman Bruce Clarke; 12. Bodies Manuela Rossini; 13. Objects Ridvan Askin; 14. Technologies R. L. Rutsky; 15. Futures Claire Colebrook.

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Research paper thumbnail of To the dogs: Companion speciesism and the new feminist materialism

Kritikos, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Von begleitender zu integrierter ELSI- Forschung am Beispiel der Nanowissen- schaften und Nanotechnologien (NuN)

Der vorliegende Bericht beschŠftigt sich mit der Zusammenarbeit von Medizin, Natur - und Ingenieu... more Der vorliegende Bericht beschŠftigt sich mit der Zusammenarbeit von Medizin, Natur - und Ingenieurwissen -schaften sowie Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften im Bereich neuer T echnologien am Beispiel der Nanowissenschaften und Nanotechnologien (NuN). International besteht die T endenz, dass in Forschungs -programmen zu neuen T echnologien rund 1 % der Mittel in die geistes-, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche ELSI- und Governance-Projekte siessen. Diese Entwicklun g ist in der Schweiz bisher nicht feststellbar . All -gemein und nicht nur auf den Bereich der NuN bezogen ist die ELSI-Forschung in der Schweiz zwar vorhan -den, allerdings nicht als langfristig bestehender Forschungsansatz verankert, sondern lediglich Ÿber Projekt -gelder Þnanziert.In den letzten Jahren zeigt sich international ein W echsel von einer begleitenden hin zu einer integrierten ELSI-Forschung. In integrierten Projekten arbeiten ELSI-Forschende von Anfang an mit Forschenden aus medizinischen, naturwisse...

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Research paper thumbnail of Peer Review Processes for Transdisciplinary Articles: A Reflection on Journals' Practices

Publishing is an essential means of validation and communication of research. This is no differen... more Publishing is an essential means of validation and communication of research. This is no different in transdisciplinary research, where publishing also aims at contributing to the development of society through sharing of knowledge. In the scientific world, authors need to disseminate and validate results, reflect on issues, and participate in debates. On the other hand, institutions and individuals are assessed according to their publication record – as probably the most influential of all current evaluation criteria. Occupying the space between article production and counting impact factors, journal editors and reviewers play an important role in defining and using rules to assess and improve the work submitted to them. Publishing transdisciplinary research poses specific challenges, in particular with regard to peer-review processes, as it addresses different knowledge communities with different value systems and purposes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Auf dem Weg zu einer integrierten Nanotechnologieforschung?

Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Was ist das Problem? Problemstrukturierung in der inter- und transdisziplinären Forschung

TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis

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Research paper thumbnail of Bodies

The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Submarine Experiments with Human Lives by Christoph Ransmayr – A Waterman Narrates

Narrating Life – Experiments with Human and Animal Bodies in Literature, Science and Art, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of Zoontologien: Companion Species und Ribofunk als theoretische und literarische Beiträge zu einem kritisch-posthumanistischen Feminismus

Die Lebenswissenschaften als Herausforderung für die Gender Studies, 2000

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