Marija Magdinceva-Sopova - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marija Magdinceva-Sopova
SAR Journal - Science and Research
The new condition and the changes in the working environment due to the long duration of the pand... more The new condition and the changes in the working environment due to the long duration of the pandemic caused substantial insecurity among the employees. Employees and managers face difficult challenges in performing their job responsibilities. This paper aims to point out the role of the management in gathering the preconditions for the implementation of the organizational changes as well as timely recognition and detection of the employee’s necessities for the introduction of the changes. The results of the research confirm the hypothesis that the impact of the COVID-19 caused the implementation of these organizational changes, which are dependent on accomplishing the preconditions for the introduction of organizational changes.
Faculty of Law *Iustinianus Primus*, Jun 1, 2021
2020 marked the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The UN have marked its 75... more 2020 marked the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The UN have marked its 75th anniversary at a time of great disruption for the world, compounded by an unprecedented global health crisis with severe economic and social impacts. The article aims to give a theoretical descriptive overview of the available data about the 75th anniversary of its founding and on the importance of the United Nations for the world. Also, the paper underlines that new issues are increasingly gaining attention in the multilateralism system, such as the pandemic, digital technologies, environmental challenges, a melting arctic region and geopolitical shifts, for which in the near future the global community must find answers at a multilateral level. The article will conclude that the United Nations system is facing provocations and defiance from some States, and its functioning sometimes reveals a lack of efficiency. Emerging powers are rising in different regions of the world, aiming at counterbalancing the existing global order.
The aim is to present the significance of state sovereignty trough a theoretical overview and ana... more The aim is to present the significance of state sovereignty trough a theoretical overview and analysis of the important concept in the realm of political theory-the notion of sovereignty. Also the paper will seek to create a comprehensive but easily understandable definition of sovereignty and its importance in international relations, especially in recognition of states. In this respect, the paper will clarify the concept of sovereignty, taking into consideration the transformations and challenges of the international security environment at the beginning of the 21st century. The paper presents the issue of state sovereignty in the field of international relations, where states, although theoretically equal among themselves, are hierarchically ranked according to their national performances which are eventually converted into power at the international level. It is analyzed, based on exploring the existing literature in the area of interest and with the help of direct observation, how the independent and sovereign states are able to integrate themselves into the international political context.
Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Dec 27, 2016
Operation of a company can not do without adequate production resources, and people with their ab... more Operation of a company can not do without adequate production resources, and people with their abilities, are one of those resources, which are called human resource. Human resources are very important for the company for two reasons. Humans affect the economic viability of the firm. They create and produce goods and services, quality control, place the products, manage finances and determine the overall strategy and objectives of the firm. Key words:entrepreneurship, tourism area, human resource, motivation
The study and development of modern-corporate entrepreneurship is related to the meaning, the pla... more The study and development of modern-corporate entrepreneurship is related to the meaning, the place and role of the concept of modern entrepreneurship in the operation of such enterprises that need to face the challenges imposed by the new conditions of operations. Global working conditions are forcing enterprises to act flexibly and constantly look for new ways of working and the concept of corporate entrepreneurship is a condition where enterprises apply new ways of working and relating enterprising. Enterprises are located in the new development phase which is characterized by discovering new job opportunities, introducing innovations, scientific discoveries, using modern technology in operation and change in the approach to employees. In the applied part of the paper where a practical research was conducted through the method of a questionnaire which actually contains the elements of the model of corporate entrepreneurship such as autonomy, innovation, proactive, competitive agg...
Успешните прептријатија се оние што како најважен ресурс во своето функционирање ги имаат вработе... more Успешните прептријатија се оние што како најважен ресурс во своето функционирање ги имаат вработените односно човечките ресурси.Грижата за своите вработени е клучен фактор за успехот на секое претпријатие.
Организациската култура претставена како збир на карактеристики на претпријатието,вредностите,ста... more Организациската култура претставена како збир на карактеристики на претпријатието,вредностите,ставовите, навиките и обичаите кои се застапени во претпријатиетo многу влијае на претприемничко менаџерската функција.КОнцептот на организациска култура многу се поврзува со менаџментот на претпријатијата.
This book is about establishment of the new entrepreneurial enterprises. It is divided in three c... more This book is about establishment of the new entrepreneurial enterprises. It is divided in three chapters. First chapter is about key forms of organization of entrepreneurial firms, second is about the establishment of the new enterprise,and the third chapter is about characteristics of the new forms of enterprise. The book is written in 51 pages in English language. The book is per use for pedagogical and practical uses.
Глобализациските процеси претставуваат доминантен општествен феномен кој има влијание на сите асп... more Глобализациските процеси претставуваат доминантен општествен феномен кој има влијание на сите аспекти од општествениот живот вклучително и претприемништвото и малите претпријатија како значаен економски сегмент. Истражувањето на конкурентноста на малите претпријатија преку анализа на заканите и можностите кои се јавуваат како резултат на феноменот глобализација, карактеристиките на претприемачот на 21-ви век, промената на претприемничнкиот модел и појавата на нови трендови во економијата и претприемништвото, само го потврдуваат фактот дека глобализацијата претставува неминовен процес кој бара малите претпријатија суштински и институционално да се прилагодат. Конкурентноста подразбира збир на активности преку кои континуирано се врши проверка на сопствените предности и меѓусебни односи со конкурентните претпријатија во окружувањето заради откривање на можностите кои претставуваат предност. Малите претпријатија постигнуваат состојба на конкурентско позиционирање преку постојано унапре...
Re-engineering is a relativity young art that examines the change and reorganization existing bus... more Re-engineering is a relativity young art that examines the change and reorganization existing business processes in the organization to change the present, be desired situation and the achievement of radical approvement process organization.For very important significance to have these processes in the overall work of the organization, in this paper first define reengineering process.Then explains the process of implementation the BPR by explaining the link between BPR and managers, employees, consumers and application of information technology. On the other side, the re-engineering processes helping them to managers in the selection process and the decision about what actually needs to introduced to the organization.
Agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism as an integral part of alternative tourism represents a majo... more Agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism as an integral part of alternative tourism represents a major opportunity to improve the performance of agricultural holdings and the economic prosperity of rural areas in the country. The paper starts from the standpoint that global changes in the world's main development directions initiate new trends in the field of tourism needs, it sets new challenges for the tourism offer , and the trends indicate increasing demand for alternative forms of tourism. In this context, the paper stresses the role of agro-tourism as a form of alternative tourism which contributes farmers to increase their income through various forms of activities. Particular attention is paid to labor contribution, agrotourism to the creation of new or to the generation of added value to the traditional production of food and wine, rural culture, as well as certain activities related to farming. Alternatively, agro-tourism can contribute to the initiation of new businesses ...
У н и в е р з и т е т " Г о ц е Д е л ч е в "-Ш т и п Ф а к у л т е т з а т у р и з а м и б и з н... more У н и в е р з и т е т " Г о ц е Д е л ч е в "-Ш т и п Ф а к у л т е т з а т у р и з а м и б и з н и с л о г и с т и к а G o c e D e l c h e v U n i v e r s i t y S h t i p F a c u l t y o f T o u r i s m a n d B u s i n e s s L o g i s t i c s
Knowledge International Journal, 2019
As the United Nations General Assembly affirmed when announcing the adoption of 2017 as the Inter... more As the United Nations General Assembly affirmed when announcing the adoption of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, tourism can contribute to all the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental – and each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Not only does the sector spearhead growth, it also improves the quality of people’s lives. It can bolster environmental protection, champion diverse cultural heritage, and strengthen peace in the world. In this spirit, World Tourism Day 2017 presents a unique opportunity to raise awareness on the contribution of sustainable tourism for development among public and private sector decision-makers and the international community, while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst for positive change. Accounting for 7% of worldwide exports, one in eleven jobs and 10% of the world’s GDP, the tourism sector if well managed can foster inclusive econ...
Ekonomski pogledi, 2019
The relevance of career development and management is more prevalent in the theory and practice o... more The relevance of career development and management is more prevalent in the theory and practice of the organization's functioning. Therefore, it attracts the interest of different scientific disciplines and becomes a subject of research of multiple authors. During the career development process, people are faced with a number of problems and challenges related to the work-life aspects. The work-life balance is a key factor leading to greater organizational productivity. Finding the right job is the philosophy of the process of career management. Starting from the fact that the Republic of North Macedonia faces a lack of opportunities for finding a job, or insufficient employment opportunities by profession, this paper aims to identify certain suggestions for improving it. Unless an appropriate strategy is created and no serious measures are taken, there is frustration, nepotism, brain drain from the country.
Подрачјето на малите и средни претпријатија а посебно подрачјето на т.н.мал сектор е предмет на п... more Подрачјето на малите и средни претпријатија а посебно подрачјето на т.н.мал сектор е предмет на постојано изучување и истражување. Секторот на мали претпријатија во светски рамки има значајна улога во развојот на секоја национална економија. Малите претпријатија претставуваат важен сегмент во вкупната економска активност. Тоа е оној сегмент кој постојано ги менува работите, ги движи и развива. Појавата и развојот на малите претпријатија во изминатите дваесетина години е тесно поврзана со изразените економско-развојни димензии и демократските општествени процеси. Малите претпријатија, претприемништвото и претприемачите се основа на современото пазарно стопанство. Развиените пазарни односи, промените во начинот на економско размислување, преземањето на иницијатива и развојот на претприемништвото придонесуваат за промена на односите во националната економија и локалната заедница. Малите претпријатија стануваат клучен фактор од аспект на создавањето на поголеми можности за сопствениците...
Stress is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of overload in personal and professional life.Stre... more Stress is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of overload in personal and professional life.Stress exists in all people, whether it's a manager, an entrepreneur, an owner of an enterprise, or for employees in the enterprise.There is no enterprise or work where there is no certain level of stress. Usually unknown and unpredictable situations, unpleasant or pleasant, can cause stress. Occasions that adversely affect employeesmake stress to be a daily occurrence for employees. Professional stress is one of the risk factors for the employers’ health and for the performance of each enterprise. Effective and efficient management of enterprises implies implementing a strategy for managing stress among employees which consists of recognizing stress, detecting the triggers of stress and removing their influence. This paper aims to point out the role and influence of the entrepreneur in the hiding and implementation of a strategy for managing stress at work, identifying and discovering t...
Во оваа дисертација се обработува темата на општите приоди за започнување со мал бизнис со цел до... more Во оваа дисертација се обработува темата на општите приоди за започнување со мал бизнис со цел добивање на основните информации за следните организациони форми:ново претпријатие,купување постојно претпријатие, фамилијарен бизнис и франшиза.
SAR Journal - Science and Research
The new condition and the changes in the working environment due to the long duration of the pand... more The new condition and the changes in the working environment due to the long duration of the pandemic caused substantial insecurity among the employees. Employees and managers face difficult challenges in performing their job responsibilities. This paper aims to point out the role of the management in gathering the preconditions for the implementation of the organizational changes as well as timely recognition and detection of the employee’s necessities for the introduction of the changes. The results of the research confirm the hypothesis that the impact of the COVID-19 caused the implementation of these organizational changes, which are dependent on accomplishing the preconditions for the introduction of organizational changes.
Faculty of Law *Iustinianus Primus*, Jun 1, 2021
2020 marked the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The UN have marked its 75... more 2020 marked the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. The UN have marked its 75th anniversary at a time of great disruption for the world, compounded by an unprecedented global health crisis with severe economic and social impacts. The article aims to give a theoretical descriptive overview of the available data about the 75th anniversary of its founding and on the importance of the United Nations for the world. Also, the paper underlines that new issues are increasingly gaining attention in the multilateralism system, such as the pandemic, digital technologies, environmental challenges, a melting arctic region and geopolitical shifts, for which in the near future the global community must find answers at a multilateral level. The article will conclude that the United Nations system is facing provocations and defiance from some States, and its functioning sometimes reveals a lack of efficiency. Emerging powers are rising in different regions of the world, aiming at counterbalancing the existing global order.
The aim is to present the significance of state sovereignty trough a theoretical overview and ana... more The aim is to present the significance of state sovereignty trough a theoretical overview and analysis of the important concept in the realm of political theory-the notion of sovereignty. Also the paper will seek to create a comprehensive but easily understandable definition of sovereignty and its importance in international relations, especially in recognition of states. In this respect, the paper will clarify the concept of sovereignty, taking into consideration the transformations and challenges of the international security environment at the beginning of the 21st century. The paper presents the issue of state sovereignty in the field of international relations, where states, although theoretically equal among themselves, are hierarchically ranked according to their national performances which are eventually converted into power at the international level. It is analyzed, based on exploring the existing literature in the area of interest and with the help of direct observation, how the independent and sovereign states are able to integrate themselves into the international political context.
Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Dec 27, 2016
Operation of a company can not do without adequate production resources, and people with their ab... more Operation of a company can not do without adequate production resources, and people with their abilities, are one of those resources, which are called human resource. Human resources are very important for the company for two reasons. Humans affect the economic viability of the firm. They create and produce goods and services, quality control, place the products, manage finances and determine the overall strategy and objectives of the firm. Key words:entrepreneurship, tourism area, human resource, motivation
The study and development of modern-corporate entrepreneurship is related to the meaning, the pla... more The study and development of modern-corporate entrepreneurship is related to the meaning, the place and role of the concept of modern entrepreneurship in the operation of such enterprises that need to face the challenges imposed by the new conditions of operations. Global working conditions are forcing enterprises to act flexibly and constantly look for new ways of working and the concept of corporate entrepreneurship is a condition where enterprises apply new ways of working and relating enterprising. Enterprises are located in the new development phase which is characterized by discovering new job opportunities, introducing innovations, scientific discoveries, using modern technology in operation and change in the approach to employees. In the applied part of the paper where a practical research was conducted through the method of a questionnaire which actually contains the elements of the model of corporate entrepreneurship such as autonomy, innovation, proactive, competitive agg...
Успешните прептријатија се оние што како најважен ресурс во своето функционирање ги имаат вработе... more Успешните прептријатија се оние што како најважен ресурс во своето функционирање ги имаат вработените односно човечките ресурси.Грижата за своите вработени е клучен фактор за успехот на секое претпријатие.
Организациската култура претставена како збир на карактеристики на претпријатието,вредностите,ста... more Организациската култура претставена како збир на карактеристики на претпријатието,вредностите,ставовите, навиките и обичаите кои се застапени во претпријатиетo многу влијае на претприемничко менаџерската функција.КОнцептот на организациска култура многу се поврзува со менаџментот на претпријатијата.
This book is about establishment of the new entrepreneurial enterprises. It is divided in three c... more This book is about establishment of the new entrepreneurial enterprises. It is divided in three chapters. First chapter is about key forms of organization of entrepreneurial firms, second is about the establishment of the new enterprise,and the third chapter is about characteristics of the new forms of enterprise. The book is written in 51 pages in English language. The book is per use for pedagogical and practical uses.
Глобализациските процеси претставуваат доминантен општествен феномен кој има влијание на сите асп... more Глобализациските процеси претставуваат доминантен општествен феномен кој има влијание на сите аспекти од општествениот живот вклучително и претприемништвото и малите претпријатија како значаен економски сегмент. Истражувањето на конкурентноста на малите претпријатија преку анализа на заканите и можностите кои се јавуваат како резултат на феноменот глобализација, карактеристиките на претприемачот на 21-ви век, промената на претприемничнкиот модел и појавата на нови трендови во економијата и претприемништвото, само го потврдуваат фактот дека глобализацијата претставува неминовен процес кој бара малите претпријатија суштински и институционално да се прилагодат. Конкурентноста подразбира збир на активности преку кои континуирано се врши проверка на сопствените предности и меѓусебни односи со конкурентните претпријатија во окружувањето заради откривање на можностите кои претставуваат предност. Малите претпријатија постигнуваат состојба на конкурентско позиционирање преку постојано унапре...
Re-engineering is a relativity young art that examines the change and reorganization existing bus... more Re-engineering is a relativity young art that examines the change and reorganization existing business processes in the organization to change the present, be desired situation and the achievement of radical approvement process organization.For very important significance to have these processes in the overall work of the organization, in this paper first define reengineering process.Then explains the process of implementation the BPR by explaining the link between BPR and managers, employees, consumers and application of information technology. On the other side, the re-engineering processes helping them to managers in the selection process and the decision about what actually needs to introduced to the organization.
Agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism as an integral part of alternative tourism represents a majo... more Agro-tourism and gastronomic tourism as an integral part of alternative tourism represents a major opportunity to improve the performance of agricultural holdings and the economic prosperity of rural areas in the country. The paper starts from the standpoint that global changes in the world's main development directions initiate new trends in the field of tourism needs, it sets new challenges for the tourism offer , and the trends indicate increasing demand for alternative forms of tourism. In this context, the paper stresses the role of agro-tourism as a form of alternative tourism which contributes farmers to increase their income through various forms of activities. Particular attention is paid to labor contribution, agrotourism to the creation of new or to the generation of added value to the traditional production of food and wine, rural culture, as well as certain activities related to farming. Alternatively, agro-tourism can contribute to the initiation of new businesses ...
У н и в е р з и т е т " Г о ц е Д е л ч е в "-Ш т и п Ф а к у л т е т з а т у р и з а м и б и з н... more У н и в е р з и т е т " Г о ц е Д е л ч е в "-Ш т и п Ф а к у л т е т з а т у р и з а м и б и з н и с л о г и с т и к а G o c e D e l c h e v U n i v e r s i t y S h t i p F a c u l t y o f T o u r i s m a n d B u s i n e s s L o g i s t i c s
Knowledge International Journal, 2019
As the United Nations General Assembly affirmed when announcing the adoption of 2017 as the Inter... more As the United Nations General Assembly affirmed when announcing the adoption of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, tourism can contribute to all the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental – and each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Not only does the sector spearhead growth, it also improves the quality of people’s lives. It can bolster environmental protection, champion diverse cultural heritage, and strengthen peace in the world. In this spirit, World Tourism Day 2017 presents a unique opportunity to raise awareness on the contribution of sustainable tourism for development among public and private sector decision-makers and the international community, while mobilizing all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst for positive change. Accounting for 7% of worldwide exports, one in eleven jobs and 10% of the world’s GDP, the tourism sector if well managed can foster inclusive econ...
Ekonomski pogledi, 2019
The relevance of career development and management is more prevalent in the theory and practice o... more The relevance of career development and management is more prevalent in the theory and practice of the organization's functioning. Therefore, it attracts the interest of different scientific disciplines and becomes a subject of research of multiple authors. During the career development process, people are faced with a number of problems and challenges related to the work-life aspects. The work-life balance is a key factor leading to greater organizational productivity. Finding the right job is the philosophy of the process of career management. Starting from the fact that the Republic of North Macedonia faces a lack of opportunities for finding a job, or insufficient employment opportunities by profession, this paper aims to identify certain suggestions for improving it. Unless an appropriate strategy is created and no serious measures are taken, there is frustration, nepotism, brain drain from the country.
Подрачјето на малите и средни претпријатија а посебно подрачјето на т.н.мал сектор е предмет на п... more Подрачјето на малите и средни претпријатија а посебно подрачјето на т.н.мал сектор е предмет на постојано изучување и истражување. Секторот на мали претпријатија во светски рамки има значајна улога во развојот на секоја национална економија. Малите претпријатија претставуваат важен сегмент во вкупната економска активност. Тоа е оној сегмент кој постојано ги менува работите, ги движи и развива. Појавата и развојот на малите претпријатија во изминатите дваесетина години е тесно поврзана со изразените економско-развојни димензии и демократските општествени процеси. Малите претпријатија, претприемништвото и претприемачите се основа на современото пазарно стопанство. Развиените пазарни односи, промените во начинот на економско размислување, преземањето на иницијатива и развојот на претприемништвото придонесуваат за промена на односите во националната економија и локалната заедница. Малите претпријатија стануваат клучен фактор од аспект на создавањето на поголеми можности за сопствениците...
Stress is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of overload in personal and professional life.Stre... more Stress is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of overload in personal and professional life.Stress exists in all people, whether it's a manager, an entrepreneur, an owner of an enterprise, or for employees in the enterprise.There is no enterprise or work where there is no certain level of stress. Usually unknown and unpredictable situations, unpleasant or pleasant, can cause stress. Occasions that adversely affect employeesmake stress to be a daily occurrence for employees. Professional stress is one of the risk factors for the employers’ health and for the performance of each enterprise. Effective and efficient management of enterprises implies implementing a strategy for managing stress among employees which consists of recognizing stress, detecting the triggers of stress and removing their influence. This paper aims to point out the role and influence of the entrepreneur in the hiding and implementation of a strategy for managing stress at work, identifying and discovering t...
Во оваа дисертација се обработува темата на општите приоди за започнување со мал бизнис со цел до... more Во оваа дисертација се обработува темата на општите приоди за започнување со мал бизнис со цел добивање на основните информации за следните организациони форми:ново претпријатие,купување постојно претпријатие, фамилијарен бизнис и франшиза.