Danilo Rubens Martins da Silva (original) (raw)
Papers by Danilo Rubens Martins da Silva
Agrarian, 2011
Foram alojadas oito colméias Langstroth com coletor de pólen modelo alvado, mantidas em uma área ... more Foram alojadas oito colméias Langstroth com coletor de pólen modelo alvado, mantidas em uma área de 5 ha de lavoura de girassol (Hellianthus annuus L.), distribuídas em dois tratamentos: alimento energético (açúcar invertido) ou alimento protéico (açúcar refinado+açúcar invertido+farinha láctea - 6:3:1). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a alimentação energética ou protéica e o desenvolvimento de colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera L., durante a produção de pólen em cultura de girassol. Foram avaliadas: área de cria, área de mel, área de pólen e produção de pólen das colmeias. O suplemento energético proporcionou maior (P
This study aimed to build economic indicators on the implementation of eucalyptus in the state of... more This study aimed to build economic indicators on the implementation of eucalyptus in the state of Goias. For this purpose, indicators such as net present value (NPV), benefit/cost ratio (BC), sensitivity analysis and application of the economic payback of invested capital were calculated and discussed. In order to evaluate the effect of crop viability in the face of unexpected situations, impacts on the crop were also estimated in four scenarios involving the project. The results indicated that for the discount rate of 6.5% p.a., NPV was R$ 14,298.93 for one hectare, showing that the investment is viable. The BC ratio was greater than 1 (BC > 1), demonstrating that the benefits of the implementation outweighed the costs, and the period of time that will be elapsed until the return on the initial investment has shown that the return for 1 ha and 6 ha will take place in the seventh year. Likewise, it was found that for all the estimated scenarios there was economic viability for th...
A coerencia entre o que o professor ensina e a forma como ele avalia a aprendizagem e o primeiro ... more A coerencia entre o que o professor ensina e a forma como ele avalia a aprendizagem e o primeiro fator para encaminhar um bom processo educativo. O aluno, em uma avaliacao, deve ser levado a pensar, a buscar novos recursos, com finalidade de chegar a um denominador comum e atingir o conhecimento, sendo que o professor e parte fundamental na avaliacao. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho e identificar e caracterizar os metodos avaliativos envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Um bom processo avaliativo depende dos tres principais tipos de avaliacao existentes, sendo elas: a diagnostica, que e feita quando o aluno chega a escola, geralmente no inicio de um curso, periodo letivo ou unidade de ensino, podendo ser feita de forma individual ou em conjunto; a formativa, que permite ajustar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, detectando os pontos frageis de cada estudante e respondendo as caracteristicas de cada um deles, podendo ser realizada periodicamente e diariamente, ao rever cad...
Communications in Algebra, 2016
In this paper we shall investigate further the connections between the postprojective partition o... more In this paper we shall investigate further the connections between the postprojective partition of an algebra and its Auslander-Reiten quiver. Auslander-Smalø introduced, in [3], the notion of postprojective partition and modules (under the name of preprojective). The connection between such a partition and the structure of the Auslander-Reiten quiver has been investigated in several papers such as [1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12]. The purpose of this paper is to follow such investigations. We introduce the notion of P-discrete component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ A as follows. Let {P i } of indA with i ∈ N ∞ = N ∪ {∞} be the postprojective partition of A (recall the definition below). A component Γ of Γ A is P-discrete if for each i ≥ 0 and each M ∈ Γ ∩ P i , we have that tr P i+1 (M) = tr P∞ (M), where tr C (M) denotes the trace of the set of modules C in M (see Section 1 below). Theorem 2.3. Let A be a representation-infinite Artin algebra. If Γ is a P-discrete connected component of Γ A then there is no arrow M → N in Γ with M ∈ P i and N ∈ P j such that i + 1 < j < ∞. Also, using the notion of left degree of a morphism (introduced by Liu in [10]), we prove the following result.
Revista Do Medico Residente, Jun 23, 2014
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira
To analyze the validity of methods for assessing body fat in children and adolescents from a syst... more To analyze the validity of methods for assessing body fat in children and adolescents from a systematic review. A search was conducted by two independent researchers, the electronic databases MEDLINE, BioMed Central, SciELO and LILACS. For inclusion, the articles should be written in English or Portuguese language and to be used multicompartment models as the criterion measure model, with a body fat measurement of whole body in children and adolescents, non-athletes. A preliminary search resulted in 832 papers and after selection steps 12 composed this review. Selected papers were published between 1997 and 2010, with sample based in children and adolescents with levels of relative body fat from 20.7 to 41.4%. The methods used were: dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (58.3%), isotope dilution (41.6%), skinfold thickness (33.3%), hydrostatic weighing (25%), impedance bioelectrical (25%), air displacement plethysmography (16.6%), and total body electrical conductivity (8.3%). From the a...
ABSTRACT O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de homens... more ABSTRACT O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de homens e mu-lheres, estudantes do curso de Educação Física/Esporte. Para tanto, 257 voluntários do curso de Educação Física/Esporte de ambos os sexos (132 mulheres e 125 homens), de 17 a 26 anos, foram submetidos a medidas antropométricas e os seguintes testes motores: sentar e alcançar (SA), abdominal modificado (ABD) e corrida/caminhada de 12 minutos (12min). Os resultados demonstraram diferenças significantes (p<0,05) entre homens e mulheres para o teste de 12min (homens = 2479 ± 333 vs. mulheres = 1899 ± 230 m), ABD (homens = 45 ± 9 vs. mulheres = 34 ± 10 repetições) e SA (homens = 31 ± 8 vs. mulheres = 33 ± 7 cm). Os homens apresentaram uma maior taxa de atendimento aos critérios estabelecidos no teste de 12min (homens = 62% vs. mulheres = 11%; p<0,05) e ABD (homens = 95% vs. mulheres = 85%; p<0,05), sem diferença significante entre os sexos no SA (homens = 93% vs. mulheres = 96%; p>0,05).A grande maioria dos sujeitos investigados atenderam os critérios estabelecidos para dois ou três testes analisados (92% dos homens e 85% das mulheres). Assim, os resultados sugerem que estudantes do curso de graduação em Educação Física/Esporte tendem a apresentar elevados níveis de resistência de força abdominal e flexibilidade, independente do sexo, embora grande parte deles apresente níveis de aptidão cardiorrespiratória insatisfatórios.
Journal of Algebra, 2015
We answer affirmatively a recently asked question in [5] which relates the degree of an irreducib... more We answer affirmatively a recently asked question in [5] which relates the degree of an irreducible morphism to the composition of a path of irreducible morphisms between indecomposable modules. We introduce the notion of the degree of an irreducible morphism related to a subcategory D of indA and we study this notion in case D is an element of the postprojective partition {P 0 , • • • , P n , • • • , P ∞ } of indA. We also present a few connections between degrees of irreducible morphisms and the theory of postprojective partition.
2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, 2013
Comparison between two motor tests used for muscular strength/endurance analysis in young women C... more Comparison between two motor tests used for muscular strength/endurance analysis in young women Comparação entre dois testes motores utilizados para análise da força/resistência muscular em mulheres jovens
Implicit and Explicit Implementation of the Dynamic Relaxation Method for the Definition of Initi... more Implicit and Explicit Implementation of the Dynamic Relaxation Method for the Definition of Initial Equilibrium Configurations of Flexible Lines. [ASME Conference Proceedings 2006, 131 (2006)]. Danilo Machado Lawinscky da ...
Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde, 2013
This study aimed to evaluate health-related physical fitness in male and female undergraduate stu... more This study aimed to evaluate health-related physical fitness in male and female undergraduate students of Physical Education and Sports. Two hundred and fifty-seven 257 volunteer students aged 17 to 26 years (132 females and 125 males) underwent an antrhopometric assessment and motor fitness tests including sit-and-reach test (SRT), a modified abdominal fitness test (ABDT), and 12-minute run-walk test (12MRW). The results showed significant gender differences (p<0.05) in the 12MRW (males = 2,479 ± 333 vs. females = 1,899 ± 230 m), ABDT (males = 45 ± 9 vs. females = 34 ± 10 repetitions) and SRT (males = 31 ± 8 vs. females = 33 ± 7 cm). A higher proportion of males met the criteria in the 12MRW (males = 62% vs. females = 11%) and ABDT (males = 95% vs. females = 85%). Most subjects met the criteria in two or three tests (92% males and 85% females). These findings suggest that undergraduate students of Physical Education and Sports, either males or females, tend to have higher levels of abdominal strength and endurance and flexibility despite a low level of cardiorespiratory fitness.
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 2007
O propósito deste estudo foi analisar o impacto de 16 semanas de treinamento com pesos (TP) sobre... more O propósito deste estudo foi analisar o impacto de 16 semanas de treinamento com pesos (TP) sobre a pressão arterial (PA) em mulheres normotensas. Para tanto, participaram do estudo 21 mulheres jovens (20,5 ± 2,1 anos), não-treinadas, que foram separadas, aleatoriamente, em grupo treinamento (GT = 13) e grupo controle (GC = 8). O protocolo de TP foi estruturado de forma progressiva, em duas etapas, com duração de oito semanas cada, sendo executado com freqüência semanal de três sessões. Medidas de PA foram realizadas em repouso por meio do método auscultatório nos diferentes momentos do estudo (linha de base, após oito e 16 semanas). O teste de Shapiro-Wilk foi utilizado para análise da normalidade dos dados. ANOVA two-way para medidas repetidas foi utilizada para as comparações entre os grupos ao longo do tempo, seguida pelo teste post-hoc de Scheffé quando P < 0,05. Uma interação grupo vs. momento foi encontrada nos valores de PA sistólica, diastólica e média, com reduções sign...
Volume 3: Pipeline and Riser Technology; Ocean Space Utilization, 2008
The installation of pipelines is among the most challenging offshore operations. Conventional off... more The installation of pipelines is among the most challenging offshore operations. Conventional offshore pipeline installation operations in Brazil have been performed in an S-Lay procedure employing the BGL-1 barge, owned by Petrobras. The BGL-1 is a second generation lay barge and performs installation operations by moving forward using its own mooring lines. The objective of this work is to present the numerical simulation of a pipeline installation operation performed at a particular scenario, Negro river in the Amazon forest. The high current velocity, very irregular bathymetry and heterogeneous soil make this procedure a real challenge. The numerical simulations employ the SITUA-Prosim computational tool, which is able to incorporate the correct definition of the bottom from bathymetric curves. The two crucial points in the performed analyses are: (a) first, to verify if it is possible to move the barge using its own mooring lines in such environmental condition and (b) second, ...
Volume 3: Pipeline and Riser Technology; CFD and VIV, 2007
Conventional offshore pipeline installation operations in Brazil have been performed in an S-Lay ... more Conventional offshore pipeline installation operations in Brazil have been performed in an S-Lay procedure employing the BGL-1 barge, owned by Petrobras. However, this procedure has some limits, and may not be feasible in some particular scenarios. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present the numerical simulation of an alternative pipeline installation procedure. This procedure basically consists of performing the pipeline assembly on shore, and deflecting it to the sea using a tug boat. The numerical simulations employ the SITUA-Prosim computational tool, which is able to incorporate the correct definition of the seabed and shore from bathymetric curves. An actual pipeline installation by this lateral deflection procedure is analyzed and discussed. The characterization of the procedure passes through the determination of the better velocity and direction of the tug boat in order to minimize the efforts on the pipeline (especially due to the curvatures).
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira (1992)
To analyze the validity of methods to assess body fat in children and adolescents using a systema... more To analyze the validity of methods to assess body fat in children and adolescents using a systematic review. The search was conducted by two independent researchers using the MEDLINE, BioMed Central, SciELO and LILACS electronic databases. For inclusion, the articles should be written in English or Portuguese, and must have used multi-compartment models as the criterion measure of the model, with body fat measurement of whole body in non-athlete children and adolescents. A preliminary search resulted in 832 studies. After all selection steps were performed, 12 articles were included. The selected studies were published between 1997 and 2010, whose samples consisted of children and adolescents with levels of relative body fat ranging from 20.7% to 41.4%. The methods used were: dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (58.3%), isotope dilution (41.6%), skinfold thickness (33.3%), hydrostatic weighing (25%), bioelectrical impedance analysis (25%), air displacement plethysmography (16.6%), and ...
2008 7th International Pipeline Conference, Volume 4, 2008
The Floating Spiral pipeline installation method consists basically in winding the pipeline into ... more The Floating Spiral pipeline installation method consists basically in winding the pipeline into a huge floating spiral, and towing this assembly to the installation site, where the spiral is then unwound and lowered to the seabed. In this method the pipeline is fabricated ...
Volume 3: Pipeline and Riser Technology; Ocean Space Utilization, 2008
The most common method of pipeline installation in shallow water is the S-Lay method. In this met... more The most common method of pipeline installation in shallow water is the S-Lay method. In this method, the welded pipeline is supported by rollers on the vessel and the stinger, forming the over-bend. Then it is suspended in the water all the way to seabed, forming the sag-bend. The over-bend and sag-bend form the shape of an “S”. This work focus in modeling the interaction between pipeline and lay barge on the over-bend region, considering not only the contact between the pipeline and the launching structure, but also the tensioner behavior. Two numerical models are proposed: (a) a rigorous contact model that provides important information related to the consequences of impact between pipeline and rollers. These consequences can be dents to the pipe or tearing of the coatings; and (b) a model for the simulation of the tensioner behavior. This latter includes a delay between the instant that the tensioner is activated until it effectively starts working. It also considers how fast th...
2008 7th International Pipeline Conference, Volume 4, 2008
Currently, Petrobras (the Brazilian state oil company) performs numerical simulations of pipelayi... more Currently, Petrobras (the Brazilian state oil company) performs numerical simulations of pipelaying operations employing commercial software, such as OffPipe [1]. However, such tools presents restrictions/limitations related to the user interface, model generation and analysis formulations. These limitations hinder its efficient use for analyses of installation procedures for the scenarios considered by Petrobras, using the BGL-1 barge (owned by Petrobras) or other vessels, considering for instance particular types of stingers depending on depth and pipeline, with different lengths and geometries adapted to certain laying conditions in S-Lay procedures. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present the development and application of a tailored, in-house non-commercial computational tool in which the modules follow Petrobras users’ specifications, in order to overcome the limitations for specific needs and particular scenarios in the simulation of several types of pipeline proc...
Agrarian, 2011
Foram alojadas oito colméias Langstroth com coletor de pólen modelo alvado, mantidas em uma área ... more Foram alojadas oito colméias Langstroth com coletor de pólen modelo alvado, mantidas em uma área de 5 ha de lavoura de girassol (Hellianthus annuus L.), distribuídas em dois tratamentos: alimento energético (açúcar invertido) ou alimento protéico (açúcar refinado+açúcar invertido+farinha láctea - 6:3:1). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a alimentação energética ou protéica e o desenvolvimento de colônias de abelhas Apis mellifera L., durante a produção de pólen em cultura de girassol. Foram avaliadas: área de cria, área de mel, área de pólen e produção de pólen das colmeias. O suplemento energético proporcionou maior (P
This study aimed to build economic indicators on the implementation of eucalyptus in the state of... more This study aimed to build economic indicators on the implementation of eucalyptus in the state of Goias. For this purpose, indicators such as net present value (NPV), benefit/cost ratio (BC), sensitivity analysis and application of the economic payback of invested capital were calculated and discussed. In order to evaluate the effect of crop viability in the face of unexpected situations, impacts on the crop were also estimated in four scenarios involving the project. The results indicated that for the discount rate of 6.5% p.a., NPV was R$ 14,298.93 for one hectare, showing that the investment is viable. The BC ratio was greater than 1 (BC > 1), demonstrating that the benefits of the implementation outweighed the costs, and the period of time that will be elapsed until the return on the initial investment has shown that the return for 1 ha and 6 ha will take place in the seventh year. Likewise, it was found that for all the estimated scenarios there was economic viability for th...
A coerencia entre o que o professor ensina e a forma como ele avalia a aprendizagem e o primeiro ... more A coerencia entre o que o professor ensina e a forma como ele avalia a aprendizagem e o primeiro fator para encaminhar um bom processo educativo. O aluno, em uma avaliacao, deve ser levado a pensar, a buscar novos recursos, com finalidade de chegar a um denominador comum e atingir o conhecimento, sendo que o professor e parte fundamental na avaliacao. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho e identificar e caracterizar os metodos avaliativos envolvidos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Um bom processo avaliativo depende dos tres principais tipos de avaliacao existentes, sendo elas: a diagnostica, que e feita quando o aluno chega a escola, geralmente no inicio de um curso, periodo letivo ou unidade de ensino, podendo ser feita de forma individual ou em conjunto; a formativa, que permite ajustar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, detectando os pontos frageis de cada estudante e respondendo as caracteristicas de cada um deles, podendo ser realizada periodicamente e diariamente, ao rever cad...
Communications in Algebra, 2016
In this paper we shall investigate further the connections between the postprojective partition o... more In this paper we shall investigate further the connections between the postprojective partition of an algebra and its Auslander-Reiten quiver. Auslander-Smalø introduced, in [3], the notion of postprojective partition and modules (under the name of preprojective). The connection between such a partition and the structure of the Auslander-Reiten quiver has been investigated in several papers such as [1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12]. The purpose of this paper is to follow such investigations. We introduce the notion of P-discrete component of the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ A as follows. Let {P i } of indA with i ∈ N ∞ = N ∪ {∞} be the postprojective partition of A (recall the definition below). A component Γ of Γ A is P-discrete if for each i ≥ 0 and each M ∈ Γ ∩ P i , we have that tr P i+1 (M) = tr P∞ (M), where tr C (M) denotes the trace of the set of modules C in M (see Section 1 below). Theorem 2.3. Let A be a representation-infinite Artin algebra. If Γ is a P-discrete connected component of Γ A then there is no arrow M → N in Γ with M ∈ P i and N ∈ P j such that i + 1 < j < ∞. Also, using the notion of left degree of a morphism (introduced by Liu in [10]), we prove the following result.
Revista Do Medico Residente, Jun 23, 2014
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira
To analyze the validity of methods for assessing body fat in children and adolescents from a syst... more To analyze the validity of methods for assessing body fat in children and adolescents from a systematic review. A search was conducted by two independent researchers, the electronic databases MEDLINE, BioMed Central, SciELO and LILACS. For inclusion, the articles should be written in English or Portuguese language and to be used multicompartment models as the criterion measure model, with a body fat measurement of whole body in children and adolescents, non-athletes. A preliminary search resulted in 832 papers and after selection steps 12 composed this review. Selected papers were published between 1997 and 2010, with sample based in children and adolescents with levels of relative body fat from 20.7 to 41.4%. The methods used were: dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (58.3%), isotope dilution (41.6%), skinfold thickness (33.3%), hydrostatic weighing (25%), impedance bioelectrical (25%), air displacement plethysmography (16.6%), and total body electrical conductivity (8.3%). From the a...
ABSTRACT O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de homens... more ABSTRACT O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a aptidão física relacionada à saúde de homens e mu-lheres, estudantes do curso de Educação Física/Esporte. Para tanto, 257 voluntários do curso de Educação Física/Esporte de ambos os sexos (132 mulheres e 125 homens), de 17 a 26 anos, foram submetidos a medidas antropométricas e os seguintes testes motores: sentar e alcançar (SA), abdominal modificado (ABD) e corrida/caminhada de 12 minutos (12min). Os resultados demonstraram diferenças significantes (p<0,05) entre homens e mulheres para o teste de 12min (homens = 2479 ± 333 vs. mulheres = 1899 ± 230 m), ABD (homens = 45 ± 9 vs. mulheres = 34 ± 10 repetições) e SA (homens = 31 ± 8 vs. mulheres = 33 ± 7 cm). Os homens apresentaram uma maior taxa de atendimento aos critérios estabelecidos no teste de 12min (homens = 62% vs. mulheres = 11%; p<0,05) e ABD (homens = 95% vs. mulheres = 85%; p<0,05), sem diferença significante entre os sexos no SA (homens = 93% vs. mulheres = 96%; p>0,05).A grande maioria dos sujeitos investigados atenderam os critérios estabelecidos para dois ou três testes analisados (92% dos homens e 85% das mulheres). Assim, os resultados sugerem que estudantes do curso de graduação em Educação Física/Esporte tendem a apresentar elevados níveis de resistência de força abdominal e flexibilidade, independente do sexo, embora grande parte deles apresente níveis de aptidão cardiorrespiratória insatisfatórios.
Journal of Algebra, 2015
We answer affirmatively a recently asked question in [5] which relates the degree of an irreducib... more We answer affirmatively a recently asked question in [5] which relates the degree of an irreducible morphism to the composition of a path of irreducible morphisms between indecomposable modules. We introduce the notion of the degree of an irreducible morphism related to a subcategory D of indA and we study this notion in case D is an element of the postprojective partition {P 0 , • • • , P n , • • • , P ∞ } of indA. We also present a few connections between degrees of irreducible morphisms and the theory of postprojective partition.
2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 2014
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, 2013
Comparison between two motor tests used for muscular strength/endurance analysis in young women C... more Comparison between two motor tests used for muscular strength/endurance analysis in young women Comparação entre dois testes motores utilizados para análise da força/resistência muscular em mulheres jovens
Implicit and Explicit Implementation of the Dynamic Relaxation Method for the Definition of Initi... more Implicit and Explicit Implementation of the Dynamic Relaxation Method for the Definition of Initial Equilibrium Configurations of Flexible Lines. [ASME Conference Proceedings 2006, 131 (2006)]. Danilo Machado Lawinscky da ...
Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física & Saúde, 2013
This study aimed to evaluate health-related physical fitness in male and female undergraduate stu... more This study aimed to evaluate health-related physical fitness in male and female undergraduate students of Physical Education and Sports. Two hundred and fifty-seven 257 volunteer students aged 17 to 26 years (132 females and 125 males) underwent an antrhopometric assessment and motor fitness tests including sit-and-reach test (SRT), a modified abdominal fitness test (ABDT), and 12-minute run-walk test (12MRW). The results showed significant gender differences (p<0.05) in the 12MRW (males = 2,479 ± 333 vs. females = 1,899 ± 230 m), ABDT (males = 45 ± 9 vs. females = 34 ± 10 repetitions) and SRT (males = 31 ± 8 vs. females = 33 ± 7 cm). A higher proportion of males met the criteria in the 12MRW (males = 62% vs. females = 11%) and ABDT (males = 95% vs. females = 85%). Most subjects met the criteria in two or three tests (92% males and 85% females). These findings suggest that undergraduate students of Physical Education and Sports, either males or females, tend to have higher levels of abdominal strength and endurance and flexibility despite a low level of cardiorespiratory fitness.
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 2007
O propósito deste estudo foi analisar o impacto de 16 semanas de treinamento com pesos (TP) sobre... more O propósito deste estudo foi analisar o impacto de 16 semanas de treinamento com pesos (TP) sobre a pressão arterial (PA) em mulheres normotensas. Para tanto, participaram do estudo 21 mulheres jovens (20,5 ± 2,1 anos), não-treinadas, que foram separadas, aleatoriamente, em grupo treinamento (GT = 13) e grupo controle (GC = 8). O protocolo de TP foi estruturado de forma progressiva, em duas etapas, com duração de oito semanas cada, sendo executado com freqüência semanal de três sessões. Medidas de PA foram realizadas em repouso por meio do método auscultatório nos diferentes momentos do estudo (linha de base, após oito e 16 semanas). O teste de Shapiro-Wilk foi utilizado para análise da normalidade dos dados. ANOVA two-way para medidas repetidas foi utilizada para as comparações entre os grupos ao longo do tempo, seguida pelo teste post-hoc de Scheffé quando P < 0,05. Uma interação grupo vs. momento foi encontrada nos valores de PA sistólica, diastólica e média, com reduções sign...
Volume 3: Pipeline and Riser Technology; Ocean Space Utilization, 2008
The installation of pipelines is among the most challenging offshore operations. Conventional off... more The installation of pipelines is among the most challenging offshore operations. Conventional offshore pipeline installation operations in Brazil have been performed in an S-Lay procedure employing the BGL-1 barge, owned by Petrobras. The BGL-1 is a second generation lay barge and performs installation operations by moving forward using its own mooring lines. The objective of this work is to present the numerical simulation of a pipeline installation operation performed at a particular scenario, Negro river in the Amazon forest. The high current velocity, very irregular bathymetry and heterogeneous soil make this procedure a real challenge. The numerical simulations employ the SITUA-Prosim computational tool, which is able to incorporate the correct definition of the bottom from bathymetric curves. The two crucial points in the performed analyses are: (a) first, to verify if it is possible to move the barge using its own mooring lines in such environmental condition and (b) second, ...
Volume 3: Pipeline and Riser Technology; CFD and VIV, 2007
Conventional offshore pipeline installation operations in Brazil have been performed in an S-Lay ... more Conventional offshore pipeline installation operations in Brazil have been performed in an S-Lay procedure employing the BGL-1 barge, owned by Petrobras. However, this procedure has some limits, and may not be feasible in some particular scenarios. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present the numerical simulation of an alternative pipeline installation procedure. This procedure basically consists of performing the pipeline assembly on shore, and deflecting it to the sea using a tug boat. The numerical simulations employ the SITUA-Prosim computational tool, which is able to incorporate the correct definition of the seabed and shore from bathymetric curves. An actual pipeline installation by this lateral deflection procedure is analyzed and discussed. The characterization of the procedure passes through the determination of the better velocity and direction of the tug boat in order to minimize the efforts on the pipeline (especially due to the curvatures).
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira (1992)
To analyze the validity of methods to assess body fat in children and adolescents using a systema... more To analyze the validity of methods to assess body fat in children and adolescents using a systematic review. The search was conducted by two independent researchers using the MEDLINE, BioMed Central, SciELO and LILACS electronic databases. For inclusion, the articles should be written in English or Portuguese, and must have used multi-compartment models as the criterion measure of the model, with body fat measurement of whole body in non-athlete children and adolescents. A preliminary search resulted in 832 studies. After all selection steps were performed, 12 articles were included. The selected studies were published between 1997 and 2010, whose samples consisted of children and adolescents with levels of relative body fat ranging from 20.7% to 41.4%. The methods used were: dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (58.3%), isotope dilution (41.6%), skinfold thickness (33.3%), hydrostatic weighing (25%), bioelectrical impedance analysis (25%), air displacement plethysmography (16.6%), and ...
2008 7th International Pipeline Conference, Volume 4, 2008
The Floating Spiral pipeline installation method consists basically in winding the pipeline into ... more The Floating Spiral pipeline installation method consists basically in winding the pipeline into a huge floating spiral, and towing this assembly to the installation site, where the spiral is then unwound and lowered to the seabed. In this method the pipeline is fabricated ...
Volume 3: Pipeline and Riser Technology; Ocean Space Utilization, 2008
The most common method of pipeline installation in shallow water is the S-Lay method. In this met... more The most common method of pipeline installation in shallow water is the S-Lay method. In this method, the welded pipeline is supported by rollers on the vessel and the stinger, forming the over-bend. Then it is suspended in the water all the way to seabed, forming the sag-bend. The over-bend and sag-bend form the shape of an “S”. This work focus in modeling the interaction between pipeline and lay barge on the over-bend region, considering not only the contact between the pipeline and the launching structure, but also the tensioner behavior. Two numerical models are proposed: (a) a rigorous contact model that provides important information related to the consequences of impact between pipeline and rollers. These consequences can be dents to the pipe or tearing of the coatings; and (b) a model for the simulation of the tensioner behavior. This latter includes a delay between the instant that the tensioner is activated until it effectively starts working. It also considers how fast th...
2008 7th International Pipeline Conference, Volume 4, 2008
Currently, Petrobras (the Brazilian state oil company) performs numerical simulations of pipelayi... more Currently, Petrobras (the Brazilian state oil company) performs numerical simulations of pipelaying operations employing commercial software, such as OffPipe [1]. However, such tools presents restrictions/limitations related to the user interface, model generation and analysis formulations. These limitations hinder its efficient use for analyses of installation procedures for the scenarios considered by Petrobras, using the BGL-1 barge (owned by Petrobras) or other vessels, considering for instance particular types of stingers depending on depth and pipeline, with different lengths and geometries adapted to certain laying conditions in S-Lay procedures. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present the development and application of a tailored, in-house non-commercial computational tool in which the modules follow Petrobras users’ specifications, in order to overcome the limitations for specific needs and particular scenarios in the simulation of several types of pipeline proc...