Muhammad Imam Maruf - (original) (raw)
Papers by Muhammad Imam Maruf
Breaking Barriers: Socioeconomic Determinants of Household Consumption Under the Leadership of Wo... more Breaking Barriers: Socioeconomic Determinants of Household Consumption Under the Leadership of Woman Poverty in families led by women is a specific issue, with various limitations, including employment status that has the potential to influence consumption habits within the household in Makassar City. The novelty of this research is to provide a deeper understanding of the challenges, needs, and potential in seeking solutions to improve the economic conditions and well-being of single mothers, especially in the specific local context of Makassar city. The expected future impact of this research is that stakeholders can collaborate to create positive changes in the lives of single mothers. The research adopts a quantitative approach with a path analysis method, using primary data, namely direct research or direct observation of the research subjects to obtain relevant information.The results show that the direct relationship between education and employment type has a positive and significant impact on women's income in Makassar City, while age and the number of family members have a negative and insignificant effect on women's income in Makassar City. Additionally, it was found that the education variable has a negative and insignificant impact on household consumption in Makassar City; conversely, age, the number of family members, employment type, and women's income have a positive and insignificant effect on household consumption in Makassar City. The indirect relationships based on the research results indicate that the education variable has a negative and significant impact on household consumption through women's income, while age, the number of family members, and employment type have a Asrahmaulyana, Muhammad Imam Ma'ruf, Qarina, Sitti Aisyah, Breaking Barriers; Socioeconomic Determinants of Household Consumption Under the Leadership of Woman 161 positive and significant impact on household consumption through women's income. Thus, the overall study provides an overview that factors such as education, employment type, age, the number of family members, and women's income play different roles in influencing income and household consumption in Makassar City. Policy implications of these findings may include efforts to enhance access to education and employment opportunities for women to increase household income and consumption.
Jurnal Agribisnis
Enrekang merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang merupakan pusat pengemb... more Enrekang merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang merupakan pusat pengembangan sapi perah. Hasil produksi usaha peternakan di daerah ini adalah susu yang diolah menjadi makanan yang disebut dangke. Terdapat dua sumber energi yang digunakan oleh industri rumah tangga dalam mengolah susu menjadi dangke, yaitu biogas dan gas elpiji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji apakah ada perbedaan signifikan terhadap pendapatan yang diperoleh antara indutsri tangga yang menggunakan gas elpiji dan yang menggunakan biogas. Terdapat 88 industri rumah tangga yang memproduksi dangke di Kecamatan Cendana Kabupaten Enrekang. Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap pendapatan yang diterima oleh industri rumah tangga yang menggunakan gas elpiji dan industri rumah tangga yang menggunakan biogas, penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa industri tangga yang menggunakan biogas memperoleh pendapatan yang lebih ting...
E-Mabis: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sektor basis, pertumbuhan wilayah, subsektor ekonomi do... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sektor basis, pertumbuhan wilayah, subsektor ekonomi dominan dan klasifikasi potensi perekonomian sektor ekonomi kreatif Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2014-2016. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis location quotient (LQ), model rasio pertumbuhan (MRP), overlay dan tipologi klassen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang merupakan subsektor basis atau memiliki keunggulan komparatif adalah subsektor kriya dan kuliner. Subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang merupakan subsektor potensial berdasarkan pada kriteria pertumbuhan struktur ekonomi wilayah adalah subsektor arsitektur, kuliner dan periklanan. Subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang merupakan subsektor potensial atau dominan berdasarkan kriteria pertumbuhan dan kriteria kontribusi adalah subsektor kuliner. Subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang tergolong sebagai subsektor yang
Agro Ekonomi, 2010
Corn has a strategic role and economic value in Indonesia, and has to be developed due to its pos... more Corn has a strategic role and economic value in Indonesia, and has to be developed due to its position as the main source of carbohydrate and protein, raw material for food, feed, and biofuel industry. Aimed this research to determine the position of Indonesian com competitiveness in the international market in know the comparative advantage of Indonesian corn;factors that influence Indonesian com demand, and the integration between Indonesian corn market and the world com market. This research applys descriptive method The data used are time series data sourced from FAO, National Statistic Agency (BPS), and World Bank. Competitiveness is measured by the parameters of Revealed Comparative Advantage, Trade Specialist Ratio, Acceleration Ratio, and Market Penetration Index. The RCA, TSR, and AR analysis used data year 1988-2008, the MPI analysis used data year 1995-2008. Indonesian import corn demand is analyzed by OLS (ordinary least squares) multiple regression in the form of natura...
This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length o... more This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length of school and literacy rate on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province. This research is quantitative research. The research used secondary data in the form of the annual time-series data from 2008 to 2017 which are quantitative data. Data analysis using multiple linear regression statistical analysis. The findings show that life expectancy, consumption per capita, and literacy rate have a significant influence on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province
Jurnal Ad'ministrare, 2019
The purpose of this study is to analyze the flow of foreign capital into Indonesia with pull and ... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the flow of foreign capital into Indonesia with pull and push factors. Determinants used on Pull and Push factors are Domestic GDP. Global GDP, domestic interest rates, international interest rates and the country's political risks. The study uses a quantitative approach using time series data with a span of 20 years after the monetary crisis in Indonesia (1998-2017). Data analysis using multiple linear regression equations. The results of the study found that it turned out that the dominant factors influencing foreign capital flows were pull factors both the type of portfolio investment and foreign direct investment. The most dominant variable affecting the flow of foreign capital in Indonesia is the domestic political risk variable. Domestic political risk is closely related to the investment climate. On the other hand the influence of foreign capital flows is significant and positive in explaining economic growth in Indonesia.
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kepa... more Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan pekarangan dengan teknologi hidroponik kepada masyarakat di Kelurahan Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan kepada masyarakat di RW 04 Kelurahan Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar pada bulan Juli 2020. Metode penyuluhan yang digunakan, yaitu Metode pendidikan masyarakat dilakukan melalui kegiatan penyuluhan dan metode pelatihan dilakukan dengan cara demonstrasi secara langsung. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat telah memahami tentang teknik budidaya sayuran dengan sistem hidroponik mulai dari persiapan media semai, persemaian benih, pencampuran nutrisi AB mix, penanaman, pemeliharaan, dan panen, serta pentingnya pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan secara kontinu agar dapat meningkatkan produksi sayuran sebagai sumber pangan keluarga.
Proceedings of the First Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2018), 2018
The aim of this study to determine the effect of the socioeconomic and demography aspects which i... more The aim of this study to determine the effect of the socioeconomic and demography aspects which includes household heads' education level, business status, and household size to household consumption pattern of small businesses. The study population was the entire household of small businesses in the province of South Sulawesi spread in 24 districts / cities, while the sample in this study were household small businesses located in urban areas with a total sample of 4,520 households. Analysis of data using Regression Logistic Model with a model of the natural logarithm. Simultaneous hypothesis testing using Chi Square Test, whereas partial hypothesis testing using Wald Test. Odd Ratio Test was used to determine the pattern of household consumption of small businesses. The results showed three variables such as household heads' education level, business status and household size significant effect on household consumption patterns of urban small businesses simultaneously. However, only household heads' education level and household size were significant effect on household consumption patterns of small businesses partially.
Agricore: Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Unpad, 2020
AbstrakAlih fungsi lahan menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya luas areal tanam sehingga dibutuhkan so... more AbstrakAlih fungsi lahan menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya luas areal tanam sehingga dibutuhkan solusi mengenai hal ini. Salah satu solusi permasalahan tersebut adalah sistem budidaya dengan hidroponik, namun diperlukan analisis terkait keuntungan yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan sistem ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha hidroponik Delta Farm dengan pendekatan titik impas atau Break Even Point (BEP). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengusaha pertanian yang menggunakan sistem hidroponik dalam membudidayakan tanaman, yakni Delta Farm. Pemilihan lokasi ini didasarkan secara purposive sampling dilihat lama usaha yang dijalankan karena Delta Farm merupakan perintis usahatani sayuran secara hidroponik di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2020 di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah penelusuran pustaka, observasi dan wawancara. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer hasil wawancara dengan I...
KATA PENGANTAR Pandemi virus corona telah menciptakan tatanan kehidupan baru, baik dalam bentuk i... more KATA PENGANTAR Pandemi virus corona telah menciptakan tatanan kehidupan baru, baik dalam bentuk interaksi sosial, aktivitas bisnis, belajar mengajar, dan lainnya yang menciptakan kerumunan orang atau halhal yang menyebabkan terjadinya penularan virus Corona. Kehidupan baru tersebut kemudian dikenal dengan istilah kenormalan baru (new normal), dimana setiap orang dituntut melakukan perubahan perilaku dalam melakukan aktivitas normal, namun harus mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Anjuran mematuhi protokol kesehatan dilakukan secara sistemik, mulai dari pemerintah pusat sampai dengan pemerintah daerah. Adapun protokol kesehatan tersebut diantaranya menjaga kesehatan, taat memakai masker, mencuci tangan dengan sabun, menjaga kesehatan, menjaga jarak aman, dan lainnya. Protokol kesehatan tersebut merupakan salah satu cara dalam melakukan pencegahan penularan virus Corona di tengah belum ditemukannya vaksin atas virus Corona. Salah satu dampak kebijakan dalam pencegahan penularan virus Corona adalah mendorong para siswa/mahasiswa untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran secara daring. Sebuah proses pembelajaran yang tidak semua guru, dosen, murid, dan mahasiswa terbiasa melakukan proses pembelajaran daring. Beragam kendala pun ditemui, mulai terbatasnya perangkat pembelajaran, sulitnya memahami media pembelajaran, jaringan internet yang berbatas, tidak memiliki gawai, tidak memiliki kuota internet, dan kendala lainnya. Di sisi lain peranan orang tua dalam pembelajaran daring pun dituntut agar mampu beradaptasi dengan beragam perangkat digital, membantu proses belajar, mengawasi proses pembelajaran, dan berbagai kegiatan belajar mengajar lainnya dimana orang tua semacam dituntut menjadi seorang guru. vi Kuat Melawan Corona Buku ini menyajikan pengalaman para penulis dalam menjalani hidup dan interaksi dalam suasana pandemi virus Corona. Latar belakang profesi penulis yang beragam menjadikan buku ini sangat menarik untuk dibaca dan direfleksikan, sebab bisa jadi apa yang ditulis oleh para penulis buku ini memiliki persamaan pengalaman, perspektif, dan ruang refleksi bersama, sehingga harapannya mampu memberikan dampak gelombang penuh optimis dalam menjalani masa-masa sulit di tengah pagebluk virus Corona ini. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh penulis dalam buku ini yang telah dengan ikhlas berbagi pengalaman dalam ajakan menulis pengalaman yang diselenggarakan oleh Litera. Kumpulan tulisan ajakan menulis tersebut diterbitkan dalam dua bentuk, yakni daring dan cetak. Buku yang diterbitkan dalam bentuk daring dengan judul “Berjuang Melawan Corona”, sementara naskah yang diterbitkan dalam bentuk cetak berjudul “Kuat Melawan Corona” sebagaimana telah berada di tangan pembaca yang budiman. Semoga pagebluk Corona ini segera berakhir..
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Economic learning at the tertiary level, especially in the introductory economics course at the F... more Economic learning at the tertiary level, especially in the introductory economics course at the Faculty of Economics, is still limited to textbooks or foreign translations. They are structurally difficult for students to understand because they use case studies that do not follow local reality conditions in Indonesia, especially those which are related to data and economic phenomena. Therefore, we need a book that is interesting, innovative, concise, and easy to learn. This study focused on developing a handbook as learning media based on mind mapping on the introductory economics course and assessing the feasibility of the mind mapping-based learning media book for use in an introductory course to economics, primarily on necessary economic concept study contents. This research used Research and Development (R & D) model in developing a mind mapping-based economics pocketbook as learning media. The development of a mind mapping-based pocketbook will make students easier to study in ...
Jurnal Social Economic of Agriculture
The purpose of this research is to analyze the marketing margin of rice that generated by farmers... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the marketing margin of rice that generated by farmers on Belawa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research used cross-section data based on the time dimension. This research used snowball sampling to determine the sample. There are 25 people as respondent sample. This study used in-depth interview method, and analysis tools such as marketing’s margin function, classic assumption test, F-test, and t-test. Public Corporation Logistics Agency (Bulog) acts as a provider of rice in the form of realization to meet food. Bulog is expected to control the supply and distribution of grain and rice in region IV of Wajo sub-division. There are four grain/rice marketing channels on Belawa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Bulog has not played a sufficient role in the grain/rice marketing channel on Belawa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province; even though the highest marketing margin is Rp 4,167/kg with a 52.75% farmer share.Keywords:...
Agro Ekonomi
The obectives of this research were: (1) to analyse the business feasibility of strawberry farmin... more The obectives of this research were: (1) to analyse the business feasibility of strawberry farming and (2) to determine the contribution of strawberry farming to the farmer household income. This research used description basic method. Purposive sampling was use to determine the location (the village) and simple random sampling was use to choose the respondents. The primary data were collected from 30 farmer households. The location of this research was in Alamendah village, Rancabali subdistrict, Bandung district. The result of analysis show that strawberry farming feasible to be expanded. Business feasibility were figure by average revenue cost ratio was 2,25; average income was Rp 68.731.640,88; average capital productivity was 1,25; average labour productivity was Rp 77.548,00Iman days; average BEP based on yield was 718,94 kg; average BEP based on sales was Rp 9.928.947,69; and average BEP based on output price was 6. 132, 48/kg. Average income contribution of strawberry farm t...
This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length o... more This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length of school and literacy rate on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province. This research is quantitative research. The research used secondary data in the form of the annual time-series data from 2008 to 2017 which are quantitative data. Data analysis using multiple linear regression statistical analysis. The findings show that life expectancy, consumption per capita, and literacy rate have a significant influence on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province.
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
This study examines the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning on the formation ... more This study examines the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning on the formation of positive psychology capital, and explains the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning and positive psychological capital on student entrepreneurial competencies in Makassar City. This research is included in the type of explanatory research, which is non-experimental. The population in this study were 345 students who had participated in entrepreneurship education and training at state and private universities in South Sulawesi Province, while the sample size was 201 students who already had and were running a business. The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on the formation of positive psychology capital of students of entrepreneurship, and positive psychology capital has a significant influence on student entrepreneurial competence in South Sulawesi Province. The results of path analysis show that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on student entrepreneurial competence through mediation of positive psychology capital.
JEKPEND: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Jul 25, 2018
Sulawesi can be devided into two categories, they are marine culture and fisheries, include wild ... more Sulawesi can be devided into two categories, they are marine culture and fisheries, include wild fishery and aquaculture. One of aquaculture is brackish water pond. There are several kinds of fish that can grow in brackish water pond, such as milkfish. Milkfish is a potential commodity which is not only for consume but also for export to abroad. The aim of this research is to knowing the factors which affects the production of milkfish in fishpond. The basic research which used is Explanatory Research. This research takes place in Ma'rang subdistrict Pangkep District. The population is all fisherman which total there are 804 fishermen. Simple random sampling is used to get 80 fishermen as samples. They are consist 57 fishermen in Talaka Village and 23 fishermen in Pitue Village. Primary data is gathered by doing interview with the fishermen. This research is used Cobb-Douglas function for analysis. The results of this research show variable of area of fish raising place, young milkfish, fertilizer, burden and region dummy are have significant effect toward production of milkfish in brackish water pond, while labour, feed, age and experience have no effect toeard production pf milkfish in brackish water pond.
Breaking Barriers: Socioeconomic Determinants of Household Consumption Under the Leadership of Wo... more Breaking Barriers: Socioeconomic Determinants of Household Consumption Under the Leadership of Woman Poverty in families led by women is a specific issue, with various limitations, including employment status that has the potential to influence consumption habits within the household in Makassar City. The novelty of this research is to provide a deeper understanding of the challenges, needs, and potential in seeking solutions to improve the economic conditions and well-being of single mothers, especially in the specific local context of Makassar city. The expected future impact of this research is that stakeholders can collaborate to create positive changes in the lives of single mothers. The research adopts a quantitative approach with a path analysis method, using primary data, namely direct research or direct observation of the research subjects to obtain relevant information.The results show that the direct relationship between education and employment type has a positive and significant impact on women's income in Makassar City, while age and the number of family members have a negative and insignificant effect on women's income in Makassar City. Additionally, it was found that the education variable has a negative and insignificant impact on household consumption in Makassar City; conversely, age, the number of family members, employment type, and women's income have a positive and insignificant effect on household consumption in Makassar City. The indirect relationships based on the research results indicate that the education variable has a negative and significant impact on household consumption through women's income, while age, the number of family members, and employment type have a Asrahmaulyana, Muhammad Imam Ma'ruf, Qarina, Sitti Aisyah, Breaking Barriers; Socioeconomic Determinants of Household Consumption Under the Leadership of Woman 161 positive and significant impact on household consumption through women's income. Thus, the overall study provides an overview that factors such as education, employment type, age, the number of family members, and women's income play different roles in influencing income and household consumption in Makassar City. Policy implications of these findings may include efforts to enhance access to education and employment opportunities for women to increase household income and consumption.
Jurnal Agribisnis
Enrekang merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang merupakan pusat pengemb... more Enrekang merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang merupakan pusat pengembangan sapi perah. Hasil produksi usaha peternakan di daerah ini adalah susu yang diolah menjadi makanan yang disebut dangke. Terdapat dua sumber energi yang digunakan oleh industri rumah tangga dalam mengolah susu menjadi dangke, yaitu biogas dan gas elpiji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji apakah ada perbedaan signifikan terhadap pendapatan yang diperoleh antara indutsri tangga yang menggunakan gas elpiji dan yang menggunakan biogas. Terdapat 88 industri rumah tangga yang memproduksi dangke di Kecamatan Cendana Kabupaten Enrekang. Untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap pendapatan yang diterima oleh industri rumah tangga yang menggunakan gas elpiji dan industri rumah tangga yang menggunakan biogas, penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa industri tangga yang menggunakan biogas memperoleh pendapatan yang lebih ting...
E-Mabis: Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Bisnis
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sektor basis, pertumbuhan wilayah, subsektor ekonomi do... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sektor basis, pertumbuhan wilayah, subsektor ekonomi dominan dan klasifikasi potensi perekonomian sektor ekonomi kreatif Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2014-2016. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis location quotient (LQ), model rasio pertumbuhan (MRP), overlay dan tipologi klassen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang merupakan subsektor basis atau memiliki keunggulan komparatif adalah subsektor kriya dan kuliner. Subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang merupakan subsektor potensial berdasarkan pada kriteria pertumbuhan struktur ekonomi wilayah adalah subsektor arsitektur, kuliner dan periklanan. Subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang merupakan subsektor potensial atau dominan berdasarkan kriteria pertumbuhan dan kriteria kontribusi adalah subsektor kuliner. Subsektor ekonomi kreatif yang tergolong sebagai subsektor yang
Agro Ekonomi, 2010
Corn has a strategic role and economic value in Indonesia, and has to be developed due to its pos... more Corn has a strategic role and economic value in Indonesia, and has to be developed due to its position as the main source of carbohydrate and protein, raw material for food, feed, and biofuel industry. Aimed this research to determine the position of Indonesian com competitiveness in the international market in know the comparative advantage of Indonesian corn;factors that influence Indonesian com demand, and the integration between Indonesian corn market and the world com market. This research applys descriptive method The data used are time series data sourced from FAO, National Statistic Agency (BPS), and World Bank. Competitiveness is measured by the parameters of Revealed Comparative Advantage, Trade Specialist Ratio, Acceleration Ratio, and Market Penetration Index. The RCA, TSR, and AR analysis used data year 1988-2008, the MPI analysis used data year 1995-2008. Indonesian import corn demand is analyzed by OLS (ordinary least squares) multiple regression in the form of natura...
This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length o... more This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length of school and literacy rate on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province. This research is quantitative research. The research used secondary data in the form of the annual time-series data from 2008 to 2017 which are quantitative data. Data analysis using multiple linear regression statistical analysis. The findings show that life expectancy, consumption per capita, and literacy rate have a significant influence on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province
Jurnal Ad'ministrare, 2019
The purpose of this study is to analyze the flow of foreign capital into Indonesia with pull and ... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the flow of foreign capital into Indonesia with pull and push factors. Determinants used on Pull and Push factors are Domestic GDP. Global GDP, domestic interest rates, international interest rates and the country's political risks. The study uses a quantitative approach using time series data with a span of 20 years after the monetary crisis in Indonesia (1998-2017). Data analysis using multiple linear regression equations. The results of the study found that it turned out that the dominant factors influencing foreign capital flows were pull factors both the type of portfolio investment and foreign direct investment. The most dominant variable affecting the flow of foreign capital in Indonesia is the domestic political risk variable. Domestic political risk is closely related to the investment climate. On the other hand the influence of foreign capital flows is significant and positive in explaining economic growth in Indonesia.
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kepa... more Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan pekarangan dengan teknologi hidroponik kepada masyarakat di Kelurahan Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan kepada masyarakat di RW 04 Kelurahan Tidung Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar pada bulan Juli 2020. Metode penyuluhan yang digunakan, yaitu Metode pendidikan masyarakat dilakukan melalui kegiatan penyuluhan dan metode pelatihan dilakukan dengan cara demonstrasi secara langsung. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat telah memahami tentang teknik budidaya sayuran dengan sistem hidroponik mulai dari persiapan media semai, persemaian benih, pencampuran nutrisi AB mix, penanaman, pemeliharaan, dan panen, serta pentingnya pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan secara kontinu agar dapat meningkatkan produksi sayuran sebagai sumber pangan keluarga.
Proceedings of the First Padang International Conference On Economics Education, Economics, Business and Management, Accounting and Entrepreneurship (PICEEBA 2018), 2018
The aim of this study to determine the effect of the socioeconomic and demography aspects which i... more The aim of this study to determine the effect of the socioeconomic and demography aspects which includes household heads' education level, business status, and household size to household consumption pattern of small businesses. The study population was the entire household of small businesses in the province of South Sulawesi spread in 24 districts / cities, while the sample in this study were household small businesses located in urban areas with a total sample of 4,520 households. Analysis of data using Regression Logistic Model with a model of the natural logarithm. Simultaneous hypothesis testing using Chi Square Test, whereas partial hypothesis testing using Wald Test. Odd Ratio Test was used to determine the pattern of household consumption of small businesses. The results showed three variables such as household heads' education level, business status and household size significant effect on household consumption patterns of urban small businesses simultaneously. However, only household heads' education level and household size were significant effect on household consumption patterns of small businesses partially.
Agricore: Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Unpad, 2020
AbstrakAlih fungsi lahan menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya luas areal tanam sehingga dibutuhkan so... more AbstrakAlih fungsi lahan menyebabkan semakin berkurangnya luas areal tanam sehingga dibutuhkan solusi mengenai hal ini. Salah satu solusi permasalahan tersebut adalah sistem budidaya dengan hidroponik, namun diperlukan analisis terkait keuntungan yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan sistem ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha hidroponik Delta Farm dengan pendekatan titik impas atau Break Even Point (BEP). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengusaha pertanian yang menggunakan sistem hidroponik dalam membudidayakan tanaman, yakni Delta Farm. Pemilihan lokasi ini didasarkan secara purposive sampling dilihat lama usaha yang dijalankan karena Delta Farm merupakan perintis usahatani sayuran secara hidroponik di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2020 di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah penelusuran pustaka, observasi dan wawancara. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer hasil wawancara dengan I...
KATA PENGANTAR Pandemi virus corona telah menciptakan tatanan kehidupan baru, baik dalam bentuk i... more KATA PENGANTAR Pandemi virus corona telah menciptakan tatanan kehidupan baru, baik dalam bentuk interaksi sosial, aktivitas bisnis, belajar mengajar, dan lainnya yang menciptakan kerumunan orang atau halhal yang menyebabkan terjadinya penularan virus Corona. Kehidupan baru tersebut kemudian dikenal dengan istilah kenormalan baru (new normal), dimana setiap orang dituntut melakukan perubahan perilaku dalam melakukan aktivitas normal, namun harus mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Anjuran mematuhi protokol kesehatan dilakukan secara sistemik, mulai dari pemerintah pusat sampai dengan pemerintah daerah. Adapun protokol kesehatan tersebut diantaranya menjaga kesehatan, taat memakai masker, mencuci tangan dengan sabun, menjaga kesehatan, menjaga jarak aman, dan lainnya. Protokol kesehatan tersebut merupakan salah satu cara dalam melakukan pencegahan penularan virus Corona di tengah belum ditemukannya vaksin atas virus Corona. Salah satu dampak kebijakan dalam pencegahan penularan virus Corona adalah mendorong para siswa/mahasiswa untuk melakukan proses pembelajaran secara daring. Sebuah proses pembelajaran yang tidak semua guru, dosen, murid, dan mahasiswa terbiasa melakukan proses pembelajaran daring. Beragam kendala pun ditemui, mulai terbatasnya perangkat pembelajaran, sulitnya memahami media pembelajaran, jaringan internet yang berbatas, tidak memiliki gawai, tidak memiliki kuota internet, dan kendala lainnya. Di sisi lain peranan orang tua dalam pembelajaran daring pun dituntut agar mampu beradaptasi dengan beragam perangkat digital, membantu proses belajar, mengawasi proses pembelajaran, dan berbagai kegiatan belajar mengajar lainnya dimana orang tua semacam dituntut menjadi seorang guru. vi Kuat Melawan Corona Buku ini menyajikan pengalaman para penulis dalam menjalani hidup dan interaksi dalam suasana pandemi virus Corona. Latar belakang profesi penulis yang beragam menjadikan buku ini sangat menarik untuk dibaca dan direfleksikan, sebab bisa jadi apa yang ditulis oleh para penulis buku ini memiliki persamaan pengalaman, perspektif, dan ruang refleksi bersama, sehingga harapannya mampu memberikan dampak gelombang penuh optimis dalam menjalani masa-masa sulit di tengah pagebluk virus Corona ini. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh penulis dalam buku ini yang telah dengan ikhlas berbagi pengalaman dalam ajakan menulis pengalaman yang diselenggarakan oleh Litera. Kumpulan tulisan ajakan menulis tersebut diterbitkan dalam dua bentuk, yakni daring dan cetak. Buku yang diterbitkan dalam bentuk daring dengan judul “Berjuang Melawan Corona”, sementara naskah yang diterbitkan dalam bentuk cetak berjudul “Kuat Melawan Corona” sebagaimana telah berada di tangan pembaca yang budiman. Semoga pagebluk Corona ini segera berakhir..
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Economic learning at the tertiary level, especially in the introductory economics course at the F... more Economic learning at the tertiary level, especially in the introductory economics course at the Faculty of Economics, is still limited to textbooks or foreign translations. They are structurally difficult for students to understand because they use case studies that do not follow local reality conditions in Indonesia, especially those which are related to data and economic phenomena. Therefore, we need a book that is interesting, innovative, concise, and easy to learn. This study focused on developing a handbook as learning media based on mind mapping on the introductory economics course and assessing the feasibility of the mind mapping-based learning media book for use in an introductory course to economics, primarily on necessary economic concept study contents. This research used Research and Development (R & D) model in developing a mind mapping-based economics pocketbook as learning media. The development of a mind mapping-based pocketbook will make students easier to study in ...
Jurnal Social Economic of Agriculture
The purpose of this research is to analyze the marketing margin of rice that generated by farmers... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the marketing margin of rice that generated by farmers on Belawa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research used cross-section data based on the time dimension. This research used snowball sampling to determine the sample. There are 25 people as respondent sample. This study used in-depth interview method, and analysis tools such as marketing’s margin function, classic assumption test, F-test, and t-test. Public Corporation Logistics Agency (Bulog) acts as a provider of rice in the form of realization to meet food. Bulog is expected to control the supply and distribution of grain and rice in region IV of Wajo sub-division. There are four grain/rice marketing channels on Belawa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Bulog has not played a sufficient role in the grain/rice marketing channel on Belawa, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province; even though the highest marketing margin is Rp 4,167/kg with a 52.75% farmer share.Keywords:...
Agro Ekonomi
The obectives of this research were: (1) to analyse the business feasibility of strawberry farmin... more The obectives of this research were: (1) to analyse the business feasibility of strawberry farming and (2) to determine the contribution of strawberry farming to the farmer household income. This research used description basic method. Purposive sampling was use to determine the location (the village) and simple random sampling was use to choose the respondents. The primary data were collected from 30 farmer households. The location of this research was in Alamendah village, Rancabali subdistrict, Bandung district. The result of analysis show that strawberry farming feasible to be expanded. Business feasibility were figure by average revenue cost ratio was 2,25; average income was Rp 68.731.640,88; average capital productivity was 1,25; average labour productivity was Rp 77.548,00Iman days; average BEP based on yield was 718,94 kg; average BEP based on sales was Rp 9.928.947,69; and average BEP based on output price was 6. 132, 48/kg. Average income contribution of strawberry farm t...
This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length o... more This research analyzed the influence of life expectancy, consumption per capita, average length of school and literacy rate on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province. This research is quantitative research. The research used secondary data in the form of the annual time-series data from 2008 to 2017 which are quantitative data. Data analysis using multiple linear regression statistical analysis. The findings show that life expectancy, consumption per capita, and literacy rate have a significant influence on economic growth in South Sulawesi Province.
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
This study examines the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning on the formation ... more This study examines the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning on the formation of positive psychology capital, and explains the direct and indirect effects of entrepreneurial learning and positive psychological capital on student entrepreneurial competencies in Makassar City. This research is included in the type of explanatory research, which is non-experimental. The population in this study were 345 students who had participated in entrepreneurship education and training at state and private universities in South Sulawesi Province, while the sample size was 201 students who already had and were running a business. The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on the formation of positive psychology capital of students of entrepreneurship, and positive psychology capital has a significant influence on student entrepreneurial competence in South Sulawesi Province. The results of path analysis show that entrepreneurial learning has a significant effect on student entrepreneurial competence through mediation of positive psychology capital.
JEKPEND: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pendidikan, Jul 25, 2018
Sulawesi can be devided into two categories, they are marine culture and fisheries, include wild ... more Sulawesi can be devided into two categories, they are marine culture and fisheries, include wild fishery and aquaculture. One of aquaculture is brackish water pond. There are several kinds of fish that can grow in brackish water pond, such as milkfish. Milkfish is a potential commodity which is not only for consume but also for export to abroad. The aim of this research is to knowing the factors which affects the production of milkfish in fishpond. The basic research which used is Explanatory Research. This research takes place in Ma'rang subdistrict Pangkep District. The population is all fisherman which total there are 804 fishermen. Simple random sampling is used to get 80 fishermen as samples. They are consist 57 fishermen in Talaka Village and 23 fishermen in Pitue Village. Primary data is gathered by doing interview with the fishermen. This research is used Cobb-Douglas function for analysis. The results of this research show variable of area of fish raising place, young milkfish, fertilizer, burden and region dummy are have significant effect toward production of milkfish in brackish water pond, while labour, feed, age and experience have no effect toeard production pf milkfish in brackish water pond.