Alexander Novik - (original) (raw)

Papers by Alexander Novik

Research paper thumbnail of The Romani in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation

Folklore, Aug 1, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A Game with or without Rules: 15th Congress of Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF)

Antropologicheskij forum

The review of the 15th Congress of Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) dist... more The review of the 15th Congress of Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) distinguishes major trends in the development of anthropology, ethnology, and folklore which are characterized primarily by a bigger extent of interdisciplinarity, involvement of adjacent disciplines, politization, and socialization of the traditional spheres of scholarly interests. The SIEF Congress was meant to take place offline in Helsinki, Finland, June 19–24, 2021, but due to COVID-19 restrictions was transformed into an online event. Familiar SIEF Congress themes were grouped into 18 streams (Archives and Sources, Narratives, Food, Material Culture and Museums, etc.), and supplemented by emerging themes (Posthumanism, Intersectionality), with over 1000 papers in total. The panel organized by the SIEF working group Frankophone and the stream Mobility and Migration are discussed in detail. Many presentations covered COVID-19 Internet-memes—as well as folklore and the transformation of r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Christian Shrines as a Space of Ethnic and Religious Interrelations. Two Cases in Kosovo and Albania

Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of От платка к хиджабу: головные уборы албанок-мусульманок в ХХ — начале XXI в. From Headscarf to Hijab: Headdresses of Muslim Albanian Women in the 20th — Early 21st century

Вестник антропологии (Herald of Anthropology)

В работе анализируется трансформация бытования головных платков у балканских мусульманок на приме... more В работе анализируется трансформация бытования головных платков у балканских мусульманок на примере Албании, Косово, Северной Македонии и юга Черногории. На протяжении многих столетий головной убор был непременным элементом традиционного костюма всех без исключения народов Юго‑Восточной Европы. Распространение ислама, вызванное османским завоеванием значительных территорий региона, способствовало расширению влияния ориентальной моды, включая женские покрывала: фередже, чарчафы и др. Бурные события ХХ в. внесли существенные изменения в отношение балканцев к религии, традициям, стереотипам, моральным и прочим устоям общества: в Албании, строившей социализм «с опорой на собственные силы», данные трансформации были особенно очевидными. В последние годы, после демократических преобразований в Албании и дезинтеграции бывшей Югославии в начале 1990‑х, наблюдается «возрождение» многих религиозных практик, а также отмечается ревитализация правил ношения комплекса условно «традиционного» кост...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sorcerers and Witches: Magical Practices of the Albanians of Ukraine in the Paradigm of Anthropology

Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

The study tries to determine the status and ways of existence of magical practices among the desc... more The study tries to determine the status and ways of existence of magical practices among the descendants of the Balkan colonists in the contact zones of Ukraine. The most important issue of humanitarian research in recent decades is to identify the conditions and mechanisms for the preservation of archaic beliefs and the entry of innovations into the sacred sphere. In the conditions of globalization of information exchange, rules, value judgments and seemingly unshakable beliefs of people are rapidly changing. The Albanians of Budzhak and the Sea of Azov keep beliefs and practices, largely unchanged from the time they lived in the area of their origin, the analysis of which will help to understand the mechanism for preserving traditional ideas and transforming the cultural code under the influence of external factors — primarily the media, the Internet, etc. The study is based on many years of field observations of the author, conducted from 1998 to 2021 both on the territory of Ukr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Rules and Norms, Freedom, and Regulation: The 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF)

Folklore, Dec 1, 2022

The review of the 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), o... more The review of the 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), one of the first virtual events of such a scale, highlights modern tendencies in anthropology, ethnology, and folklore. The authors of the review observe the growing interdisciplinarity, the use of adjacent disciplines, and the politization and socialization of the traditional academic research. The Congress's eighteen streams included topics customary for the SIEF congresses ("Archives & Sources", "Narratives", "Food", "Material Culture and Museums", etc.) as well as new ones ("Posthumanism", "Intersectionality"), with over 1000 presentations in total. There is a detailed overview of several panels and streams, including those dedicated to the new folklore and changes in rituals due to the pandemic. The authors note the broadening geography of the participants and, as a result, the increasing number of academic traditions covered at the Congress, which was possible partly thanks to the virtual format.

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Research paper thumbnail of Meeting under the Plane Tree: Violation or Upholding of Tradition? The Ritual Year among the Himara Greeks

Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic Studies

This study is dedicated to analysing the Himariot tradition of villagers meeting for coffee in th... more This study is dedicated to analysing the Himariot tradition of villagers meeting for coffee in the main square for the celebration of important feasts or family occasions. The cultural code of the population of Himara, which consists mostly of Orthodox Greeks and Orthodox and Muslim Albanians, has undergone major transformation in the twentieth century due to social and political reasons, including the persecution of religious institutions which reached its peak in the 1960s. Churches, formerly the main place for celebrating main feasts and family ceremonies as well as exchanging local news, were closed or destroyed. Instead, the café/kafenio/lokal in the center of the village (usually near the closed-down church) became the sacred meeting place for the villagers, while the barman/waiter/cook became the gatekeeper (according to the gatekeeping theory supported by the author), who allowed or refused to grant community members entrance to the inner circle (those who make the decision ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Medicinal Herbs in Folk Medicine of the Aromyns in Malovishta (North Macedonia): Ethnolinguistic Studies

Балканско езикознание / Linguistique balkanique, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of “Where do I Find the Words to Describe”: Plant Phenomena and Phytonyms in Himara

Materialy kruglogo stola CLI Balcanica, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology of Nutrition as a Meta- and Mega-Discipline: Food Practices, Global Challenges, and Image Construction

Antropologicheskij forum

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Research paper thumbnail of Praktikat mjekësore popullore si burim i sigurimit të jetës në fshatrat Arnaute të detit Azov në fillim të shekulit XXI

Seminari Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Круглый стол «Троица. Rusalii. Πεντηκοστή. Rrëshajët… к мотиву зеленого в балканском спектре»

The review dwells upon the reports presented at the Round Table Troitsa, which was organized by t... more The review dwells upon the reports presented at the Round Table Troitsa, which was organized by the centre for linguo-cultural studies BALCANICA at the Institute of Slavonic Studies, RAS. The event was aimed at considering and discussing the celebration of Pentecost in the Balkan cultural area. The papers presented focused on an analysis of Pentecost traditions, structural elements, festival events, folklore and their symbolic meanings. Special attention was paid to the symbolism of green in all areas (especially in language, culture and art). The papers were able to demonstrate a wide variety of common as well as unique traits in the Balkan local cultures, to unveil and explain the mechanism of their development, whether it be in coexisting contact or in isolation.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Taste Like in a Village”: From Slogan to Bio Concept


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Research paper thumbnail of A Tsarist General and Passionate Ethnographer: The Polish Collections of Valentin A. Moshkov in the Storages of the MAE RAS


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Research paper thumbnail of Greek and Albanian in Palasa and Environs: A Report from the Field

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Research paper thumbnail of Spanish Broom (Spartium junceum L.) in the Traditional Culture of the Contact Zones of the Adriatic and Ionian Coasts in the Balkans

Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

The paper deals with the special status of broom in the Balkans and its practice in different con... more The paper deals with the special status of broom in the Balkans and its practice in different contact areas of the peninsula. It is a symbolic plant on the Adriatic coast of Croatia (Zadar), with a sacred status for the local Albanians (Arbënesh). It plays an extremely great role as a ritual plant during the celebration of Holy Virgin from Loreto. That’s what separates Arbnesh from their neighbor Croatians, who take it only for pragmatic use — weaving and manufacturing rough textile. On the Ionic coast (in Labёria, Albania) broom is used for weaving and spinning of coarse fabric. But ideal local conditions helped the Albanians to produce specific thin broom fabric. And finally, in the Albanian-Greek contact zone of Himara which is situated in the best enabling climate environment, there is lack of serious attention to broom — its role is quite insignificant. The authors analyze the mechanisms of the introduction of the plant, which is important for the traditions, into the cultural ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytonym and phenomenon: Difficulties of translation in the Albanian-Greek borderlands (Himara, Southern Albania)

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Research paper thumbnail of Albanians in Ukraine: Albanian “standard” language vs Albanian lect and identity in the 21st century

Centre of Linguocultural Research Balcanica. Proceedings of Round Tables

The author analyzes ethno-cultural processes among the Albanians in Ukraine during the last two d... more The author analyzes ethno-cultural processes among the Albanians in Ukraine during the last two decades. He especially focuses on the attempts to save the Albanian dialect that the community undertakes. The study pays attention to the revitalization of traditional culture what is perceived by the locals as a continuation of Albanian cultural code in the Western Balkans. The research is focused on the transformation of identity and positionality of the Albanians of Budjak and the Azov Sea region surrounded by poly-ethnic settlements in the globalizing word.

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Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Wedding Costume of the Mrkovići in Montenegro: Between Real Heritage and Folk Construction (Materials of the Russian Expeditions in 2012–2014)

Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore

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Research paper thumbnail of Jewelry Workshops in the Frame of Modern Town Life in the Western Balkans: Cases of Shkodёr (Albania), Ulcinj (Montenegro) and Prizren (Kosovo)

Palaver, Mar 21, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of The Romani in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation

Folklore, Aug 1, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of A Game with or without Rules: 15th Congress of Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF)

Antropologicheskij forum

The review of the 15th Congress of Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) dist... more The review of the 15th Congress of Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (SIEF) distinguishes major trends in the development of anthropology, ethnology, and folklore which are characterized primarily by a bigger extent of interdisciplinarity, involvement of adjacent disciplines, politization, and socialization of the traditional spheres of scholarly interests. The SIEF Congress was meant to take place offline in Helsinki, Finland, June 19–24, 2021, but due to COVID-19 restrictions was transformed into an online event. Familiar SIEF Congress themes were grouped into 18 streams (Archives and Sources, Narratives, Food, Material Culture and Museums, etc.), and supplemented by emerging themes (Posthumanism, Intersectionality), with over 1000 papers in total. The panel organized by the SIEF working group Frankophone and the stream Mobility and Migration are discussed in detail. Many presentations covered COVID-19 Internet-memes—as well as folklore and the transformation of r...

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Research paper thumbnail of Christian Shrines as a Space of Ethnic and Religious Interrelations. Two Cases in Kosovo and Albania

Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of От платка к хиджабу: головные уборы албанок-мусульманок в ХХ — начале XXI в. From Headscarf to Hijab: Headdresses of Muslim Albanian Women in the 20th — Early 21st century

Вестник антропологии (Herald of Anthropology)

В работе анализируется трансформация бытования головных платков у балканских мусульманок на приме... more В работе анализируется трансформация бытования головных платков у балканских мусульманок на примере Албании, Косово, Северной Македонии и юга Черногории. На протяжении многих столетий головной убор был непременным элементом традиционного костюма всех без исключения народов Юго‑Восточной Европы. Распространение ислама, вызванное османским завоеванием значительных территорий региона, способствовало расширению влияния ориентальной моды, включая женские покрывала: фередже, чарчафы и др. Бурные события ХХ в. внесли существенные изменения в отношение балканцев к религии, традициям, стереотипам, моральным и прочим устоям общества: в Албании, строившей социализм «с опорой на собственные силы», данные трансформации были особенно очевидными. В последние годы, после демократических преобразований в Албании и дезинтеграции бывшей Югославии в начале 1990‑х, наблюдается «возрождение» многих религиозных практик, а также отмечается ревитализация правил ношения комплекса условно «традиционного» кост...

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Research paper thumbnail of Sorcerers and Witches: Magical Practices of the Albanians of Ukraine in the Paradigm of Anthropology

Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

The study tries to determine the status and ways of existence of magical practices among the desc... more The study tries to determine the status and ways of existence of magical practices among the descendants of the Balkan colonists in the contact zones of Ukraine. The most important issue of humanitarian research in recent decades is to identify the conditions and mechanisms for the preservation of archaic beliefs and the entry of innovations into the sacred sphere. In the conditions of globalization of information exchange, rules, value judgments and seemingly unshakable beliefs of people are rapidly changing. The Albanians of Budzhak and the Sea of Azov keep beliefs and practices, largely unchanged from the time they lived in the area of their origin, the analysis of which will help to understand the mechanism for preserving traditional ideas and transforming the cultural code under the influence of external factors — primarily the media, the Internet, etc. The study is based on many years of field observations of the author, conducted from 1998 to 2021 both on the territory of Ukr...

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Research paper thumbnail of Rules and Norms, Freedom, and Regulation: The 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF)

Folklore, Dec 1, 2022

The review of the 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), o... more The review of the 15th Congress of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), one of the first virtual events of such a scale, highlights modern tendencies in anthropology, ethnology, and folklore. The authors of the review observe the growing interdisciplinarity, the use of adjacent disciplines, and the politization and socialization of the traditional academic research. The Congress's eighteen streams included topics customary for the SIEF congresses ("Archives & Sources", "Narratives", "Food", "Material Culture and Museums", etc.) as well as new ones ("Posthumanism", "Intersectionality"), with over 1000 presentations in total. There is a detailed overview of several panels and streams, including those dedicated to the new folklore and changes in rituals due to the pandemic. The authors note the broadening geography of the participants and, as a result, the increasing number of academic traditions covered at the Congress, which was possible partly thanks to the virtual format.

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Research paper thumbnail of Meeting under the Plane Tree: Violation or Upholding of Tradition? The Ritual Year among the Himara Greeks

Yearbook of Balkan and Baltic Studies

This study is dedicated to analysing the Himariot tradition of villagers meeting for coffee in th... more This study is dedicated to analysing the Himariot tradition of villagers meeting for coffee in the main square for the celebration of important feasts or family occasions. The cultural code of the population of Himara, which consists mostly of Orthodox Greeks and Orthodox and Muslim Albanians, has undergone major transformation in the twentieth century due to social and political reasons, including the persecution of religious institutions which reached its peak in the 1960s. Churches, formerly the main place for celebrating main feasts and family ceremonies as well as exchanging local news, were closed or destroyed. Instead, the café/kafenio/lokal in the center of the village (usually near the closed-down church) became the sacred meeting place for the villagers, while the barman/waiter/cook became the gatekeeper (according to the gatekeeping theory supported by the author), who allowed or refused to grant community members entrance to the inner circle (those who make the decision ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Medicinal Herbs in Folk Medicine of the Aromyns in Malovishta (North Macedonia): Ethnolinguistic Studies

Балканско езикознание / Linguistique balkanique, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of “Where do I Find the Words to Describe”: Plant Phenomena and Phytonyms in Himara

Materialy kruglogo stola CLI Balcanica, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology of Nutrition as a Meta- and Mega-Discipline: Food Practices, Global Challenges, and Image Construction

Antropologicheskij forum

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Research paper thumbnail of Praktikat mjekësore popullore si burim i sigurimit të jetës në fshatrat Arnaute të detit Azov në fillim të shekulit XXI

Seminari Ndërkombëtar për Gjuhën, Letërsinë dhe Kulturën Shqiptare, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Круглый стол «Троица. Rusalii. Πεντηκοστή. Rrëshajët… к мотиву зеленого в балканском спектре»

The review dwells upon the reports presented at the Round Table Troitsa, which was organized by t... more The review dwells upon the reports presented at the Round Table Troitsa, which was organized by the centre for linguo-cultural studies BALCANICA at the Institute of Slavonic Studies, RAS. The event was aimed at considering and discussing the celebration of Pentecost in the Balkan cultural area. The papers presented focused on an analysis of Pentecost traditions, structural elements, festival events, folklore and their symbolic meanings. Special attention was paid to the symbolism of green in all areas (especially in language, culture and art). The papers were able to demonstrate a wide variety of common as well as unique traits in the Balkan local cultures, to unveil and explain the mechanism of their development, whether it be in coexisting contact or in isolation.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Taste Like in a Village”: From Slogan to Bio Concept


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Research paper thumbnail of A Tsarist General and Passionate Ethnographer: The Polish Collections of Valentin A. Moshkov in the Storages of the MAE RAS


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Research paper thumbnail of Greek and Albanian in Palasa and Environs: A Report from the Field

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Research paper thumbnail of Spanish Broom (Spartium junceum L.) in the Traditional Culture of the Contact Zones of the Adriatic and Ionian Coasts in the Balkans

Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

The paper deals with the special status of broom in the Balkans and its practice in different con... more The paper deals with the special status of broom in the Balkans and its practice in different contact areas of the peninsula. It is a symbolic plant on the Adriatic coast of Croatia (Zadar), with a sacred status for the local Albanians (Arbënesh). It plays an extremely great role as a ritual plant during the celebration of Holy Virgin from Loreto. That’s what separates Arbnesh from their neighbor Croatians, who take it only for pragmatic use — weaving and manufacturing rough textile. On the Ionic coast (in Labёria, Albania) broom is used for weaving and spinning of coarse fabric. But ideal local conditions helped the Albanians to produce specific thin broom fabric. And finally, in the Albanian-Greek contact zone of Himara which is situated in the best enabling climate environment, there is lack of serious attention to broom — its role is quite insignificant. The authors analyze the mechanisms of the introduction of the plant, which is important for the traditions, into the cultural ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Phytonym and phenomenon: Difficulties of translation in the Albanian-Greek borderlands (Himara, Southern Albania)

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Research paper thumbnail of Albanians in Ukraine: Albanian “standard” language vs Albanian lect and identity in the 21st century

Centre of Linguocultural Research Balcanica. Proceedings of Round Tables

The author analyzes ethno-cultural processes among the Albanians in Ukraine during the last two d... more The author analyzes ethno-cultural processes among the Albanians in Ukraine during the last two decades. He especially focuses on the attempts to save the Albanian dialect that the community undertakes. The study pays attention to the revitalization of traditional culture what is perceived by the locals as a continuation of Albanian cultural code in the Western Balkans. The research is focused on the transformation of identity and positionality of the Albanians of Budjak and the Azov Sea region surrounded by poly-ethnic settlements in the globalizing word.

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Research paper thumbnail of Traditional Wedding Costume of the Mrkovići in Montenegro: Between Real Heritage and Folk Construction (Materials of the Russian Expeditions in 2012–2014)

Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore

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Research paper thumbnail of Jewelry Workshops in the Frame of Modern Town Life in the Western Balkans: Cases of Shkodёr (Albania), Ulcinj (Montenegro) and Prizren (Kosovo)

Palaver, Mar 21, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of От Бикина до Бамбалюмы, из варяг в греки. Экспедиционные этюды в честь Елены Всеволодовны Перехвальской

by Natalia Kuznetsova, Sergey Say, Valentin Vydrin, Maxim Kisilier, Maria Kholodilova, Maria Konoshenko, Liza Kushnir, Мехмед Муслимов, Alexander Novik, Tatiana Nikitina, and Maksim Fedotov

В. Ф. Выдрин, Н. В. Кузнецова (отв. ред.). СПб.: ИЛИ РАН, Греческий институт Филологического факультета СПбГУ. 486 c., 2014

"From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of E... more "From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of Elena V. Perekhvalskaya / Ed. by Valentin F. Vydrin and Natalia V. Kuznetsova. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2014, 486 p." A volume in Russian with English abstracts is dedicated to E. Perekhvalskaya’s 60th anniversary and contains papers on Altaic, Greek, Balkan, African, Finnic languages, as well as on language contacts and general theoretical problems.

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