Valentin Vydrin | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research (original) (raw)

Papers by Valentin Vydrin

Research paper thumbnail of Le TAM en maninka de Guinée : la zone du futur

Mandenkan, 2023

There are three constructions in Guinean Maninka with basic meanings belonging to the future-pros... more There are three constructions in Guinean Maninka with basic meanings belonging to the future-prospective area: the First Future, the Second Future, and the Prospective. This paper, based on elicitation and natural text data, analyzes the semantics and distribution of these constructions. Specifically, it demonstrates the following: the First Future construction (marked by dí) has a broad range of future meanings and can be regarded as the default future construction, it also has a habitual meaning; the less frequent Second Future (marked by dínà) expresses the distant future; the Prospective construction (marked by the verbal suffix ‑tɔ), apart from prospective meaning, can also have future-tense or modal semantics. Additionally, it establishes that the First Future and Prospective constructions are sensitive to the presence of an argument focus in the clause. Finally, it advances hypotheses on the etymology and the evolution paths of each construction and its marker: the Prospective construction may originate from the simultaneity converb (marked by suffix ‑tɔ); the First Future marker, from the qualitative verb dí ‘be pleasant; be easy’; the Second Future marker results from combination of the First Future marker with the verb nà ‘to come’.

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Research paper thumbnail of Focalization bambara

Focalization in Bambara, in comparison with Kakabe, 2023

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Язык как он есть: Сборник статей к 60-летию Андрея Александровича Кибрика, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Vers un dictionnaire orthographique bambara

Mandenkan, 68, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Genitival constructions in Eastern Dan

Genitival constructions in Eastern Dan, 2022

In Eastern Dan (< Southern Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo), the common Mande strategies of marking g... more In Eastern Dan (< Southern Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo), the common Mande strategies of marking genitival relations are available, namely head-marking by means of tone, and dependent-marking (by a specialized postposition) in the alienable possession construction. However, against this common background, some important modifications have evolved. The opposition between the head-marked and the head-unmarked constructions, although retained, has become semantically blurred: in the proto-language, the head-marked genitival construction had the semantics of "modification-by-noun", while in the Eastern Dan, this meaning has undergone erosion. In the dependent-marked constructions, a case-like opposition has emerged in the alienable possession constructions: different possessive markers (postpositions) are used depending on whether the head noun of an NP containing the possessive construction stands in the locative case or not. Other postpositions can also serve as markers of genitival relations. In addition, morphological case can sometimes serve to mark genitival relations.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Kakabe dialectal continuum: A lexicostatistical study

Language in Afric, 2022

Kakabe, an understudied language in Guinea (Mokole < Western Mande < < Mande < Niger-Congo), is s... more Kakabe, an understudied language in Guinea (Mokole < Western Mande < < Mande < Niger-Congo), is spoken by several ethnic groups, mainly of inferior social status, most of which are bilingual in Pular. There are four dialects of Kakabe: Northern (the Kankalabe area), Central (villages to the northwest , east and southeast of Timbo), Kuru-Maninka and Wure-Kaba Maninka. The Northern and Central dialects are close to each other linguistically, their speakers refer to themselves as "Kakabe", and these dialects can be regarded as comprising "nuclear Kakabe"; meanwhile, the speakers of Kuru-Maninka and Wure-Kaba Maninka reject being identified as "Kakabe", and their varieties have far fewer loans from Pular. A lexicostatistical study based on the Swadesh 100-item wordlist has been carried out. It confirmed the preliminary hypothesis of a particular affinity between the "core dialects" and showed that the other two dialects are further removed from them, but not as distant as the Mogofin (Mixifore) language spoken to the south of Boke (extreme NW part of the Republic of Guinea). Therefore, from a linguistic viewpoint, the Wure-Kaba Maninka and Kuru-Maninka varieties can be regarded Kakabe dialects despite the fact that their speakers do not consider themselves Kakabe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Греческие заимствования в языках манде

Verus convictor, verus academicus. К 70-летию Николая Николаевича Казанского, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Number in Eastern Dan

Number in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Предварительные наброски к диалектологии какабе

Какабе - малоизученный язык Гвинеи (моколе < зап. манде < манде < нигер-конго) нескольки... more Какабе - малоизученный язык Гвинеи (моколе < зап. манде < манде < нигер-конго) нескольких небольших этнических групп на Фута-Джаллоне, в большинстве своём двуязычных на пулар. Могут быть выделены четыре диалекта какабе: северозападный (зона Канкалабе), центральный (деревни к востоку и югу от Тимбо), куру-манинка (западный), вурекаба-манинка (южный). Два первых близки друг к другу, их носители называют себя "какабе"; они могут рассматриваться как "ядерный какабе". Носители куру-манинка и вурекаба-манинка отвергают этноним "какабе", их диалекты гораздо менее подвержены заимствованиям из пулар. Бало проведено лексикостатистическое исследование на основе 100-словного списка Сводеша. Оно подтвердило предварительную гипотезу об особой близости между собой диалектов "ядерного какабе" и дистанцированности от них двух других диалектов - которые при этом оказываются всё же ближе к "ядерному какабе", чем язык могофин (микифоре), на кот...

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Research paper thumbnail of Выражение предикации качества в гвинейском манинка

В гвинейском манинка дважды нарушается "принцип прилагательного", сформулированный Леон... more В гвинейском манинка дважды нарушается "принцип прилагательного", сформулированный Леоном Стасеном, с соответствии с которым предикативное прилагательное не может иметь собственной стратегии кодирования, а должно следовать или именной, или глагольной стратегии. Исследование осуществлено на основе Справочного корпуса манинка.

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Research paper thumbnail of Тон и акцент в бамана: отсутствие корреляции как теоретический вызов

Излагаются базовые сведения о тональной системе языка бамана: два уровневых тона; деление слогов ... more Излагаются базовые сведения о тональной системе языка бамана: два уровневых тона; деление слогов на тонально-доминантные (которым приписывается лексический тон) и рецессивные (не имеющие своего лексического тона). Выделяются три типа двусложных стоп: нейтральные (оба слога равноправны), хореические (первый слог имеет долгий гласный, второй - краткий), ямбические (гласный первого слога обычно редуцируется, второго - реализуется без редукции). В ямбических стопах можно говорить об ударности второго слога и безударности первого, при этом такое противопоставление нельзя свести к долготному контрасту. Такое стопное ударение не проявляет никакой корреляции с делением слогов на тонально-доминантные и рецессивные.

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Research paper thumbnail of N-initial nouns in Landuma and their counterparts in Mande

Вопросы языкового родства — Journal of language relationship 18 (3-4), 2021

This paper describes a group of kin terms in Landuma (a Mel language spoken in northwestern Guine... more This paper describes a group of kin terms in Landuma (a Mel language spoken in northwestern Guinea) which have a non-standard phonological structure: they begin with the consonant cluster NC. It is shown that the anomalous properties of these nouns can be explained via their origin: all of them are borrowed from Mande. In Western Mande languages, nouns for elder kin are also anomalous in that they are often unable to adjoin a definite or referential article. It has been suggested previously that this anomaly could be explained by the presence of an archaic nasal prefix, a grammatical marker of elder kin. At the same time, such a nasal prefix is not attested in any modern Mande language. Two hypotheses can be advanced on the origin of the initial nasal element in the anomalous Landuma nouns. According to the first, this element goes back to a nasal prefix reconstructed for nouns referring to elder kin in Mande. If so, the Landuma data can be regarded as an argument for the relatively recent disappearance of this prefix in Mande (i.e., subsequent to the start of close contact between speakers of Proto-Landuma and speakers of Proto-Manding and Proto-Susu). Alternatively, the nasal element can be regarded as a reinterpreted Mande 1SG pronoun ń which, in its possessive function, appears frequently with kin terms. It cannot be excluded that both sources may have been relevant.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deverbal and deadjectival nominalization in Dan: Not as different as one might think. A reply to Baker & Gondo (2020

Deverbal and deadjectival nominalization in Dan: Not as different as one might think. A reply to Baker & Gondo (2020), 2021

The paper (Baker & Gondo 2020) studies several issues in Dan morphosyntax: the formal differences... more The paper (Baker & Gondo 2020) studies several issues in Dan morphosyntax: the formal differences between verbs, nouns and adjectives; two types of possessive constructions (with alienable and inalienable head nouns) and their syntactic structures; the derivation of nouns from verbs and adjectives; low and high nominalization; and possessive constructions with deverbal and deadjectival nouns. As it turns out, Baker & Gondo's analyses are incorrect in some major points: the key formal differences between verbs, adjectives and nouns have been left unnoticed due to disregard for Dan tonal morphology, and for the same reason, the tonal marking of the high nominalization has also been ignored. Baker & Gondo's syntactic analysis of the possessive construction with alienable nouns as analogous to the Saxon genitive (king's house) cannot be accepted; in fact, it can be compared with the genitive construction seen in English the house of the king. Possessive constructions with deverbal and deadjectival nouns are not as radically opposed as one may think after reading Baker & Gondo's paper; in fact, a noun derived from an intransitive verb can sometimes appear as an alienable noun with respect to its theme, and, conversely, a deadjectival noun can appear as a relational noun with respect to the modified noun.

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Research paper thumbnail of Roberts, David, JeDene Reeder & Valentin Vydrin. 2021. Eastern Dan. In David Roberts & Stephen L. Walter (eds.), Tone orthography and literacy. The voice of evidence in ten Niger-Congo languages (Studies in Written Language and Literacy 18), 85–106

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Research paper thumbnail of Dictionnaire dan de l'Est-français suivi d'un index français-dan (2e édition)

Mandenkan, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Esquisse de grammaire du dan de l'Est (dialecte de Gouèta)

Mandenkan, 2021

L'esquisse de grammaire comporte les informations de base sur la phonologie et le morphosyntaxe d... more L'esquisse de grammaire comporte les informations de base sur la phonologie et le morphosyntaxe du dan de l'Est. Dans la partie phonologique, les systèmes cosonantiques et vocaliques sont analysés, de même que le système tonal et les pieds caractéristiques. Les parties de discours du dan sont inventoriées, et chaque classe de lexèmes est analysé du point de vue de ses particularités morphosyntaxiques : les noms, les noms locatifs (avec leur système de déclinaison), les pronoms personnels, les marques prédicatives, les adjectifs, les verbes, les adverbes, les numéros, les déterminants, les pospositions. Les constructions nominales et les types d'énoncés non-verbaux sont traités dans la section syntaxique (la syntaxe de la proposition complexe n'est pas abordée)

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Research paper thumbnail of Clause chaining in Bambara

West African languages: Linguistic theory and communication, 2020

Bambara (Manding < West Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo) has a specialized clause chaining (cosubordi... more Bambara (Manding < West Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo) has a specialized clause chaining (cosubordinative) construction where the fi rst clause has a verb full-fl edged for TAM and polarity, and verbs of subsequent clauses are in infi nitive; non-initial clauses are not embedded into the initial one and cannot be therefore regarded as subordinate. Characteristics of the Bambara clause chaining are analyzed: scope of operators (illocutionary force, negation), TAM characteristics, same-and different -subjectness. From the evidence of peripheral Manding varieties, a hypothesis concerning the origin of infi nitive from an archaic preposition is advanced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vydrin, Valentin. 2020. Featural foot in Bambara. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 41(2). 265–300.

Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 2020

The Bambara foot is represented as a rhythmic category which can be disyllabic or monosyllabic. F... more The Bambara foot is represented as a rhythmic category which can be disyllabic or monosyllabic. Foot-parsing is both segmentally and morphologically conditioned. A foot can coincide with a morpheme or be smaller than a morpheme, but it cannot include more than one morpheme. The main factors for foot-parsing are: types of initial consonants, types of internal consonants and vocalic combinations; directionality (left to right) is a secondary factor. Segmentation into feet is relevant for the realization of tone. Disyllabic feet are subdivided into two types, heavy and light; heavy feet have a long vowel in the initial syllable, while light feet have a short vowel in this position which is susceptible to elision (depending on phonotactics). It seems unnecessary to postulate stress in Bambara. The views of previous researchers on the Bambara foot are critically analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Экономия экспонентов: странное обращение языка дан со своими служебными морфемами

Звегинцевские чтения -2020, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Vydrin, Valentin & Jean-Jacques Méric. 2020. Corpus-driven Bambara spelling dictionary.

Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2020), vol. 19, 1180–1187. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2020

A model for the development of a corpus-driven spelling dictionary for the Bambara language is de... more A model for the development of a corpus-driven spelling dictionary for the Bambara language is described. First, a list of about 4000 lexemes characterized by spelling variability is extracted from an electronic Bambara-French dictionary. At the next stage, a script is applied to determine the number of occurrences of each spelling variant in the Bambara Reference Corpus, separately for the entire Corpus (more than 11 million words) and for its disambiguated subcorpus (about 1.5 million words). Statistics on the diversity of sources and authors are also obtained automatically. The statistical data are then sorted manually into two lists of lexemes: those whose standard spelling can be established statistically, and those requiring evaluation by expert linguists. Some difficult cases are discussed in the paper. At the final stage, a representative expert commission will discuss all those lexemes for which statistical data alone do not suffice to define a standard spelling variant, before taking a final decision on each. The resulting Bambara spelling dictionary will be published electronically and on paper.

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Research paper thumbnail of Le TAM en maninka de Guinée : la zone du futur

Mandenkan, 2023

There are three constructions in Guinean Maninka with basic meanings belonging to the future-pros... more There are three constructions in Guinean Maninka with basic meanings belonging to the future-prospective area: the First Future, the Second Future, and the Prospective. This paper, based on elicitation and natural text data, analyzes the semantics and distribution of these constructions. Specifically, it demonstrates the following: the First Future construction (marked by dí) has a broad range of future meanings and can be regarded as the default future construction, it also has a habitual meaning; the less frequent Second Future (marked by dínà) expresses the distant future; the Prospective construction (marked by the verbal suffix ‑tɔ), apart from prospective meaning, can also have future-tense or modal semantics. Additionally, it establishes that the First Future and Prospective constructions are sensitive to the presence of an argument focus in the clause. Finally, it advances hypotheses on the etymology and the evolution paths of each construction and its marker: the Prospective construction may originate from the simultaneity converb (marked by suffix ‑tɔ); the First Future marker, from the qualitative verb dí ‘be pleasant; be easy’; the Second Future marker results from combination of the First Future marker with the verb nà ‘to come’.

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Research paper thumbnail of Focalization bambara

Focalization in Bambara, in comparison with Kakabe, 2023

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Язык как он есть: Сборник статей к 60-летию Андрея Александровича Кибрика, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Vers un dictionnaire orthographique bambara

Mandenkan, 68, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Genitival constructions in Eastern Dan

Genitival constructions in Eastern Dan, 2022

In Eastern Dan (< Southern Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo), the common Mande strategies of marking g... more In Eastern Dan (< Southern Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo), the common Mande strategies of marking genitival relations are available, namely head-marking by means of tone, and dependent-marking (by a specialized postposition) in the alienable possession construction. However, against this common background, some important modifications have evolved. The opposition between the head-marked and the head-unmarked constructions, although retained, has become semantically blurred: in the proto-language, the head-marked genitival construction had the semantics of "modification-by-noun", while in the Eastern Dan, this meaning has undergone erosion. In the dependent-marked constructions, a case-like opposition has emerged in the alienable possession constructions: different possessive markers (postpositions) are used depending on whether the head noun of an NP containing the possessive construction stands in the locative case or not. Other postpositions can also serve as markers of genitival relations. In addition, morphological case can sometimes serve to mark genitival relations.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Kakabe dialectal continuum: A lexicostatistical study

Language in Afric, 2022

Kakabe, an understudied language in Guinea (Mokole < Western Mande < < Mande < Niger-Congo), is s... more Kakabe, an understudied language in Guinea (Mokole < Western Mande < < Mande < Niger-Congo), is spoken by several ethnic groups, mainly of inferior social status, most of which are bilingual in Pular. There are four dialects of Kakabe: Northern (the Kankalabe area), Central (villages to the northwest , east and southeast of Timbo), Kuru-Maninka and Wure-Kaba Maninka. The Northern and Central dialects are close to each other linguistically, their speakers refer to themselves as "Kakabe", and these dialects can be regarded as comprising "nuclear Kakabe"; meanwhile, the speakers of Kuru-Maninka and Wure-Kaba Maninka reject being identified as "Kakabe", and their varieties have far fewer loans from Pular. A lexicostatistical study based on the Swadesh 100-item wordlist has been carried out. It confirmed the preliminary hypothesis of a particular affinity between the "core dialects" and showed that the other two dialects are further removed from them, but not as distant as the Mogofin (Mixifore) language spoken to the south of Boke (extreme NW part of the Republic of Guinea). Therefore, from a linguistic viewpoint, the Wure-Kaba Maninka and Kuru-Maninka varieties can be regarded Kakabe dialects despite the fact that their speakers do not consider themselves Kakabe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Греческие заимствования в языках манде

Verus convictor, verus academicus. К 70-летию Николая Николаевича Казанского, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Number in Eastern Dan

Number in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Предварительные наброски к диалектологии какабе

Какабе - малоизученный язык Гвинеи (моколе < зап. манде < манде < нигер-конго) нескольки... more Какабе - малоизученный язык Гвинеи (моколе < зап. манде < манде < нигер-конго) нескольких небольших этнических групп на Фута-Джаллоне, в большинстве своём двуязычных на пулар. Могут быть выделены четыре диалекта какабе: северозападный (зона Канкалабе), центральный (деревни к востоку и югу от Тимбо), куру-манинка (западный), вурекаба-манинка (южный). Два первых близки друг к другу, их носители называют себя "какабе"; они могут рассматриваться как "ядерный какабе". Носители куру-манинка и вурекаба-манинка отвергают этноним "какабе", их диалекты гораздо менее подвержены заимствованиям из пулар. Бало проведено лексикостатистическое исследование на основе 100-словного списка Сводеша. Оно подтвердило предварительную гипотезу об особой близости между собой диалектов "ядерного какабе" и дистанцированности от них двух других диалектов - которые при этом оказываются всё же ближе к "ядерному какабе", чем язык могофин (микифоре), на кот...

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Research paper thumbnail of Выражение предикации качества в гвинейском манинка

В гвинейском манинка дважды нарушается "принцип прилагательного", сформулированный Леон... more В гвинейском манинка дважды нарушается "принцип прилагательного", сформулированный Леоном Стасеном, с соответствии с которым предикативное прилагательное не может иметь собственной стратегии кодирования, а должно следовать или именной, или глагольной стратегии. Исследование осуществлено на основе Справочного корпуса манинка.

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Research paper thumbnail of Тон и акцент в бамана: отсутствие корреляции как теоретический вызов

Излагаются базовые сведения о тональной системе языка бамана: два уровневых тона; деление слогов ... more Излагаются базовые сведения о тональной системе языка бамана: два уровневых тона; деление слогов на тонально-доминантные (которым приписывается лексический тон) и рецессивные (не имеющие своего лексического тона). Выделяются три типа двусложных стоп: нейтральные (оба слога равноправны), хореические (первый слог имеет долгий гласный, второй - краткий), ямбические (гласный первого слога обычно редуцируется, второго - реализуется без редукции). В ямбических стопах можно говорить об ударности второго слога и безударности первого, при этом такое противопоставление нельзя свести к долготному контрасту. Такое стопное ударение не проявляет никакой корреляции с делением слогов на тонально-доминантные и рецессивные.

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Research paper thumbnail of N-initial nouns in Landuma and their counterparts in Mande

Вопросы языкового родства — Journal of language relationship 18 (3-4), 2021

This paper describes a group of kin terms in Landuma (a Mel language spoken in northwestern Guine... more This paper describes a group of kin terms in Landuma (a Mel language spoken in northwestern Guinea) which have a non-standard phonological structure: they begin with the consonant cluster NC. It is shown that the anomalous properties of these nouns can be explained via their origin: all of them are borrowed from Mande. In Western Mande languages, nouns for elder kin are also anomalous in that they are often unable to adjoin a definite or referential article. It has been suggested previously that this anomaly could be explained by the presence of an archaic nasal prefix, a grammatical marker of elder kin. At the same time, such a nasal prefix is not attested in any modern Mande language. Two hypotheses can be advanced on the origin of the initial nasal element in the anomalous Landuma nouns. According to the first, this element goes back to a nasal prefix reconstructed for nouns referring to elder kin in Mande. If so, the Landuma data can be regarded as an argument for the relatively recent disappearance of this prefix in Mande (i.e., subsequent to the start of close contact between speakers of Proto-Landuma and speakers of Proto-Manding and Proto-Susu). Alternatively, the nasal element can be regarded as a reinterpreted Mande 1SG pronoun ń which, in its possessive function, appears frequently with kin terms. It cannot be excluded that both sources may have been relevant.

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Research paper thumbnail of Deverbal and deadjectival nominalization in Dan: Not as different as one might think. A reply to Baker & Gondo (2020

Deverbal and deadjectival nominalization in Dan: Not as different as one might think. A reply to Baker & Gondo (2020), 2021

The paper (Baker & Gondo 2020) studies several issues in Dan morphosyntax: the formal differences... more The paper (Baker & Gondo 2020) studies several issues in Dan morphosyntax: the formal differences between verbs, nouns and adjectives; two types of possessive constructions (with alienable and inalienable head nouns) and their syntactic structures; the derivation of nouns from verbs and adjectives; low and high nominalization; and possessive constructions with deverbal and deadjectival nouns. As it turns out, Baker & Gondo's analyses are incorrect in some major points: the key formal differences between verbs, adjectives and nouns have been left unnoticed due to disregard for Dan tonal morphology, and for the same reason, the tonal marking of the high nominalization has also been ignored. Baker & Gondo's syntactic analysis of the possessive construction with alienable nouns as analogous to the Saxon genitive (king's house) cannot be accepted; in fact, it can be compared with the genitive construction seen in English the house of the king. Possessive constructions with deverbal and deadjectival nouns are not as radically opposed as one may think after reading Baker & Gondo's paper; in fact, a noun derived from an intransitive verb can sometimes appear as an alienable noun with respect to its theme, and, conversely, a deadjectival noun can appear as a relational noun with respect to the modified noun.

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Research paper thumbnail of Roberts, David, JeDene Reeder & Valentin Vydrin. 2021. Eastern Dan. In David Roberts & Stephen L. Walter (eds.), Tone orthography and literacy. The voice of evidence in ten Niger-Congo languages (Studies in Written Language and Literacy 18), 85–106

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Research paper thumbnail of Dictionnaire dan de l'Est-français suivi d'un index français-dan (2e édition)

Mandenkan, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Esquisse de grammaire du dan de l'Est (dialecte de Gouèta)

Mandenkan, 2021

L'esquisse de grammaire comporte les informations de base sur la phonologie et le morphosyntaxe d... more L'esquisse de grammaire comporte les informations de base sur la phonologie et le morphosyntaxe du dan de l'Est. Dans la partie phonologique, les systèmes cosonantiques et vocaliques sont analysés, de même que le système tonal et les pieds caractéristiques. Les parties de discours du dan sont inventoriées, et chaque classe de lexèmes est analysé du point de vue de ses particularités morphosyntaxiques : les noms, les noms locatifs (avec leur système de déclinaison), les pronoms personnels, les marques prédicatives, les adjectifs, les verbes, les adverbes, les numéros, les déterminants, les pospositions. Les constructions nominales et les types d'énoncés non-verbaux sont traités dans la section syntaxique (la syntaxe de la proposition complexe n'est pas abordée)

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Research paper thumbnail of Clause chaining in Bambara

West African languages: Linguistic theory and communication, 2020

Bambara (Manding < West Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo) has a specialized clause chaining (cosubordi... more Bambara (Manding < West Mande < Mande < Niger-Congo) has a specialized clause chaining (cosubordinative) construction where the fi rst clause has a verb full-fl edged for TAM and polarity, and verbs of subsequent clauses are in infi nitive; non-initial clauses are not embedded into the initial one and cannot be therefore regarded as subordinate. Characteristics of the Bambara clause chaining are analyzed: scope of operators (illocutionary force, negation), TAM characteristics, same-and different -subjectness. From the evidence of peripheral Manding varieties, a hypothesis concerning the origin of infi nitive from an archaic preposition is advanced.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vydrin, Valentin. 2020. Featural foot in Bambara. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 41(2). 265–300.

Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 2020

The Bambara foot is represented as a rhythmic category which can be disyllabic or monosyllabic. F... more The Bambara foot is represented as a rhythmic category which can be disyllabic or monosyllabic. Foot-parsing is both segmentally and morphologically conditioned. A foot can coincide with a morpheme or be smaller than a morpheme, but it cannot include more than one morpheme. The main factors for foot-parsing are: types of initial consonants, types of internal consonants and vocalic combinations; directionality (left to right) is a secondary factor. Segmentation into feet is relevant for the realization of tone. Disyllabic feet are subdivided into two types, heavy and light; heavy feet have a long vowel in the initial syllable, while light feet have a short vowel in this position which is susceptible to elision (depending on phonotactics). It seems unnecessary to postulate stress in Bambara. The views of previous researchers on the Bambara foot are critically analyzed.

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Research paper thumbnail of Экономия экспонентов: странное обращение языка дан со своими служебными морфемами

Звегинцевские чтения -2020, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Vydrin, Valentin & Jean-Jacques Méric. 2020. Corpus-driven Bambara spelling dictionary.

Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2020), vol. 19, 1180–1187. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities, 2020

A model for the development of a corpus-driven spelling dictionary for the Bambara language is de... more A model for the development of a corpus-driven spelling dictionary for the Bambara language is described. First, a list of about 4000 lexemes characterized by spelling variability is extracted from an electronic Bambara-French dictionary. At the next stage, a script is applied to determine the number of occurrences of each spelling variant in the Bambara Reference Corpus, separately for the entire Corpus (more than 11 million words) and for its disambiguated subcorpus (about 1.5 million words). Statistics on the diversity of sources and authors are also obtained automatically. The statistical data are then sorted manually into two lists of lexemes: those whose standard spelling can be established statistically, and those requiring evaluation by expert linguists. Some difficult cases are discussed in the paper. At the final stage, a representative expert commission will discuss all those lexemes for which statistical data alone do not suffice to define a standard spelling variant, before taking a final decision on each. The resulting Bambara spelling dictionary will be published electronically and on paper.

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Research paper thumbnail of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Gblɯ̏dʌ̄gbɤ̄-dhʌ́n (Le Petit Prince, dans la langue dan de l'Est). Traduit par Gué Nestor, Vydrin Valentin, Zeh Enmanuel. Man: Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n — EDILIS, 2019

Gblɯ̏dʌ̄gbɤ̄-dhʌ́n , 2019

Translation of the "Little Prince" in Eastern Dan language (Côte d'Ivoire, South Mande language g... more Translation of the "Little Prince" in Eastern Dan language (Côte d'Ivoire, South Mande language group).

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Research paper thumbnail of Cours de grammaire bambara

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Research paper thumbnail of Valentin Vydrin, avec la collaboration de Zeh Emmanuel et Gué Nestor. Guide de nouvelle orthographe, dan de l'Est, pour les apprenants familiers avec l'ancienne orthographe. Man: Pȁbhɛ̄nbhȁbhɛ̏n — EDILIS, 2019, 16 p.

Guide de nouvelle orthographe, dan de l'Est, pour les apprenants familiers avec l'ancienne orthographe, 2019

Présentation de la nouvelle orthographe du dan de l'est (en comparaison avec l'ancienne orthograp... more Présentation de la nouvelle orthographe du dan de l'est (en comparaison avec l'ancienne orthographe).

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[Research paper thumbnail of Bulman, Stephen P. D.; Vydrin, Valentin. The epic of Sumanguru Kante, narrated by Abdulaye Sako. [African Sources for African History, Vol. 15.] Leiden — Boston: Brill, 2017. (Note on the transcriptio; Text and translation.)](

The Sumanguru Kante epic song narrated by Abdulaye Sako in Bamana, enregistred by Staphan Bulman.... more The Sumanguru Kante epic song narrated by Abdulaye Sako in Bamana, enregistred by Staphan Bulman. The original Bamana text is provided by discoursive marking and translated into English.

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Research paper thumbnail of In the hot yellow Africa... In honor of Alexander Zheltov on the occasion of his 50th birthday.  Valentin F. Vydrin, Anastasia V. Lyakhovic (eds.). St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2017

Collection of papers (3 are in English, and 14 are in Russian), mainly on African languages, but ... more Collection of papers (3 are in English, and 14 are in Russian), mainly on African languages, but also some other languages of the world, and on cultural anthropology.

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Research paper thumbnail of От Бикина до Бамбалюмы, из варяг в греки. Экспедиционные этюды в честь Елены Всеволодовны Перехвальской

by Natalia Kuznetsova, Sergey Say, Valentin Vydrin, Maxim Kisilier, Maria Kholodilova, Maria Konoshenko, Liza Kushnir, Мехмед Муслимов, Alexander Novik, Tatiana Nikitina, and Maksim Fedotov

В. Ф. Выдрин, Н. В. Кузнецова (отв. ред.). СПб.: ИЛИ РАН, Греческий институт Филологического факультета СПбГУ. 486 c., 2014

"From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of E... more "From Bikin to Banbaluma, from the Varangians to the Greeks. Field-inspired essays in honour of Elena V. Perekhvalskaya / Ed. by Valentin F. Vydrin and Natalia V. Kuznetsova. St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoria, 2014, 486 p." A volume in Russian with English abstracts is dedicated to E. Perekhvalskaya’s 60th anniversary and contains papers on Altaic, Greek, Balkan, African, Finnic languages, as well as on language contacts and general theoretical problems.

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Research paper thumbnail of Глаголы движения в воде: лексическая типология (2007).pdf

М.: «Индрик», 2007. — 752 с., 2007

В сборнике представлены результаты системного лексико-типологического исследования, выполненного ... more В сборнике представлены результаты системного лексико-типологического исследования, выполненного на широком языковом материале: на основе единой анкеты описана семантическая зона движения и нахождения в воде (зона плавания, или aquamotion) для более чем сорока языков, представляющих самые разные языковые семьи и ареалы — славянские, балтийские, романские, германские, уральские, тюркские, семитские, кавказские, африканские и др. Статьи написаны специалистами по соответствующим языкам на материале полевых и корпусных исследований. Выделены семантические параметры, типологически значимые для зоны плавания, установлены основные типы метафорических переходов в данной области.
Описаны общие принципы построения семантической типологии, которые могут быть применены к любому лексическому материалу. Книга адресована широкому кругу лингвистов, в первую очередь специалистам по семантике и типологии.

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Research paper thumbnail of Типология перфекта / Perfect cross-linguistically

Т. А. Майсак, В. А. Плунгян, Кс. П. Семёнова (ред.). Исследования по теории грамматики. Выпуск 7: Типология перфекта. СПб.: Наука (Acta Linguistiica Petropolitana XII: 2), 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Roberts, David, Basnight-Brown, Dana, & Vydrin, Valentin. (2018). Marking tone with punctuation: An orthography experiment in Eastern Dan.

Paper presented at the Grafematik: Graphemics in the 21st century from graphemes to knowledge, Brest, France., 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Roberts, David, Valentin Vydrin & Dana Basnight-Brown (2018). Marking tone with punctuation: an orthography experiment in Eastern Dan.

Paper presented at the Grafematik: Graphemics in the 21st century conference Brest, France, 14 June 2018., 2018

Eastern Dan has five tones, six contours and is largely monosyllabic, so the functional load of t... more Eastern Dan has five tones, six contours and is largely monosyllabic, so the functional load of tone is exceptionally heavy. The orthography responds to this by employing the distinctive Ivoirian tradition of marking tone fully by means of punctuation in word-initial and -final position. In addition, the segmental orthography has considerable over-representation and makes extensive use of umlauts to symbolize vowels. In a quantitative classroom experiment, we tested a recent proposal for radical orthography reform that advocates superscript diacritics for marking tone, biunique correspondence for consonants and vowels, and special characters in place of umlauts. Sixty-eight participants with no previous exposure to written Eastern Dan were taught various combinations of tones and segments in parallel groups and their acquired skills were tested in dictation and oral reading tasks. The results of writing, reading speed (list and text), and reading errors (list) all point to an advantage for the experimental orthography that maintains the existing tone marking strategy, but ensures biunique segmental correspondence and uses special characters for marking vowels. This experiment provides some initial evidence that marking tone with punctuation can be effective, especially for writers, in a language with an exceptionally heavy functional load of tone.

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