Nur Afifah - (original) (raw)
Papers by Nur Afifah
el hisbah: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Artikel ini mengkaji konsep konsinyasi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk jalan tol ditinjau dari perspe... more Artikel ini mengkaji konsep konsinyasi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk jalan tol ditinjau dari perspektif hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan deskriptif analisis, yaitu pembahasan yang diperoleh dengan mengumpulkan data dari buku tentang konsep konsinyasi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk jalan tol dikomparasikan dengan teori mashlahah. Dari hasil penelitian ini, penulis menggambarkan bahwa sudah terdapat proses musyawarah dan penghormatan terhadap hak-hak yang ada. Pembangunan jalan tol mempunyai manfaat yang sangat luas bagi masyarakat sehingga telah sesuai dengan konsep mashlahah, yaitu mengambil manfaat dan meninggalkan madarat (bahaya).
el hisbah: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Al-Uqud Al-Murakkabah adalah kesepakatan dua pihak untuk melaksanakan suatu muamalah atau transak... more Al-Uqud Al-Murakkabah adalah kesepakatan dua pihak untuk melaksanakan suatu muamalah atau transaksi yang meliputi dua akad atau lebih, misalnya satu transaksi yang terdiri dari akad jual beli dan ijarah, akad jual beli dan hibah, dll sehingga semua akibat hukum dari akad-akad gabungan itu, serta semua hak dan kewajiban yang ditimbulkannya dianggap satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisah-pisahkan yang dimana kedudukannya dengan akibat-akibat hukum dari satu akad. Dalam suatu transaksi online dengan sistem Gofood adalah suatu layanan atau fitur yang dimana para pelanggan (customer) dapat menggunakan layanan jasa pesan antar makanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau keinginan customer. Dalam transaksi online ini terdapat al-uqud al-murakkabah (akad ganda) yaitu pertama akad wakalah antara customer dengan driver, karena customer mewakilkan ke pihak fitur layanan Gofood dalam aplikasi Gojek untuk membelikan makanan yang dipesan, kemudian mewakilkan ke driver, kedua akad ijarah antara customer ...
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi
In an application, a test is needed, to find out whether the application has errors or needs to b... more In an application, a test is needed, to find out whether the application has errors or needs to be developed to be better. The Black Box Testing technique has been widely applied by researchers to test an application program that is appropriate or not. The software that will be tested is the best employee selection system application, and consists of a menu that will be inputted about employee data, as well as employee performance while in the company. The best employee selection system application is tested by Black Box testing. The purpose of testing this application is to see if the program performs every function we expect without looking at the source code of the software. The type of black box testing method used in this research is Equivalence Partitions. The Equivalence Partitions method is a test based on filling out each form in the best employee selection system, on each input menu will be tested and made into groups based on whether its function is valid or invalid.
Penelitian populasi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fasicularis) dilakukan di kawasan Hutan Wisata Ki... more Penelitian populasi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fasicularis) dilakukan di kawasan Hutan Wisata Kilometer Nol Kota Sabang dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan populasi monyet ekor panjang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey eksploratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi monyet ekor panjang yang terdapat di kawasan Hutan Wisata Kilometer Nol Kota Sabang terdiri dari 15 individu, diantaranya 3 monyet muda dan 12 monyet dewasa (1 jantan dan 11 betina). Populasi monyet ekor panjang banyak ditemukan di kawasan hutan wisata disebabkan karena pada lokasi tersebut terdapat banyak sumber pakan dan pepohonan sebagai tempat aktivitasnya
Natural Science Education Research
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran video stop motion berbasis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yakni penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan Hannafin and Peck. Hasil penelitian dan analisis data menunjukkan bahwa video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel sangat layak digunakan jika ditinjau berdasarkan kelayakan materi dengan validitas sebesar 91,67% dan reliabilitas sebesar 90,78%, dan video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel sangat layak digunakan jika ditinjau berdasarkan kelayakan media dengan validitas sebesar 85,00% dan reliabilitas sebesar 88,57%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel sangat layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business
A trailer is a brief description of a film and provides a 1 to 3 minute cinematic experience that... more A trailer is a brief description of a film and provides a 1 to 3 minute cinematic experience that displays images from the film to influence consumer behavior. This research was conducted to propose a conceptual model regarding affective, cognitive, and environmental responses to viral marketing, which are moderated by audience behavior, for the movie trailer of “Spiderman: Far from Home.” The film was released in July 2019 by Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This study adopted the wheel of consumer analysis to bridge the research gap. An online survey was forwarded to 200 respondents using structured questionnaires through social media sites, such as Line, WhatsApp, Facebook, and e-mail. The data were then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that the audience’s affective, cognitive, and environmental responses significantly influenced viral marketing. The results further indicated that the audience’s behavior was not a moderating variable, as the s...
JIES : Journal of Islamic Economics Studies
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakikat peran intermediasi bank syariah bagi masyarakat... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakikat peran intermediasi bank syariah bagi masyarakat pada PT BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang, apakah sudah berjalan sebagaimana hakikatnya (intermediasi keuangan dan sosial) serta yang menjadi faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam penerapannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan jenis penelitian field research dan menekankan pada uji triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) peran intermediasi BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang sudah berjalan sebagaimana hakikatnya yaitu menerapkan peran intermediasi keuangan dan intermediasi sosial. Dalam menjalankan perannya sebagai intermediasi keuangan telah diterapkan dengan baik, namun perannya sebagai intermediasi sosial kurang berjalan dengan baik. Adapun (2) faktor pendukung peran intermediasi BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang yaitu adanya hukum positif, hukum Al-Qur’an, motto dan visi misi BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang, serta bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Sosial ...
Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) Vol. 3(2) 2015
Objective - The purpose of this study is developing a conceptual model for service experience in ... more Objective - The purpose of this study is developing a conceptual model for service experience in the public sector. Methodology/Technique - The technique analysis in this study is Repertory Grid Technique. Findings - The results of this study show that the model concept of service experience is developed by five dimensions are: 1. process or procedure, 2. employee service, 3. core service, 4. physical facility, and 5. other customers experience. Novelty - Service experience is not the same as service quality, studies on the service experience is still much to do, especially in the public sector. Therefore, in this study emphasized the importance of exploration customer of service experience because very important for service providers to deliver an excellent service experience to customers due to creating value-in-use for customers although as a monopolist. Type of Paper - Conceptual Keywords: Customer experience, service experience, service experience model, repertory grid techniqu...
GATR Journal of Business and Economics Review
Objective - Configuration of organizational capability plays a very important role in creating se... more Objective - Configuration of organizational capability plays a very important role in creating service performance, and superior and sustainable company performance. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual to explain the role between configuration of organizational capability to service performance and its impact on sustainable local enterprise water services in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Methodology/Technique - The data was collected from 100 managers at the local enterprise water service in West Kalimantan Indonesia using a purposive sampling method. The analysis tool used was structural equation modeling partial least square (SEMPLS). Findings - The model in this study was confirmed by the data collected which shows the importance of configuring organizational capability to improve both service performance and sustainability of the local enterprise water services in West Kalimantan. The classification of configuration organizational capability in local enterprise wa...
This paper was exploratory research, with the aim to describe the Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA) pr... more This paper was exploratory research, with the aim to describe the Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA) profile of Senior High School students who have of Field Dependent (FD) and Field Independent (FI) cognitive style in solving statistics Problem. Aspects an OSA used in this study are the language, concepts, computational, procedures, arguments and propositions in a matter of statistics. Selection of subjects using GEFT tests to determine students' FI and FD cognitive style. The data collection technique used was a task based interviews. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively based on aspects of OSA. Finally, purpose of this paper was to describe the theory about differences OSA in the characteristic of students FI and FD cognitive style in solving statistics problem.
This study is to describe the interaction of students in cooperative learning when constructing t... more This study is to describe the interaction of students in cooperative learning when constructing to relational and instrumental understanding. This research is to produce a theory of interaction of students in cooperative learning when constructing to relational and instrumental understanding. This study to analyzed the interaction of student learning that occurs in cooperative learning which aims to describe the results of students understanding of construction. The study subjects were students of class V DONO 1 Primary school because at that school teachers use cooperative learning and fifth-grade students have been able to communicate well to facilitate the interview process. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, test, interview and documentation. Mechanical testing of the validity of this data triangulation. Results of this study are highly capable students are exploring questioning types of interactions and exploring expounding produce relational understan...
GATR Journal of Management and Marketing Review, 2017
Objective - This study sets out to examine the conceptual framework and empirical test of CCI tow... more Objective - This study sets out to examine the conceptual framework and empirical test of CCI toward on the PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa Pontianak, West Kalimantan Indonesia. It is also keen to explore how customers identify the company and what the antecedents and consequences of the identification which will give impact on customer relationships. This study contributes to the practical and scientific marketing that the identification of customers to the company can be used by company to make products that match customer expectations. Furthermore, the presence of CCI can be used by the company to establish marketing relationships with the customers. Methodology/Technique - This study is explanatory approach, 210 customers from three service areas were recruited as participants. The study used SEM inferential statistical approach where Smart PLS program was used as the analysis technique. Findings – Results of this study showed that: Customers of PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa identify companie...
GATR Journal of Management and Marketing Review (JMMR) Vol. 3 (3) Jul-Sep 2018, 2018
Objective - This study explores and examines the theoretical framework regarding the influence of... more Objective - This study explores and examines the theoretical framework regarding the influence of strategic leadership styles that include transformational leadership style and transactional leadership styles as well as their influence on commitment to service quality and how leadership style influences service innovation in local enterprise water services. Methodology/Technique - The number of respondents in this study were 120 employees who were selected using a purposive sampling method and were represented by each section relating to the task of serving customers. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the research data. Findings - The results show that transformational leadership style has an influence on commitment to services quality and service innovation. Novelty - Likewise, the transactional leadership style affects commitment to services quality, but it does not affect service innovation. Type of Paper: Empirical. Keywords: Transformational and Transactiona...
Jurnal Berita Ilmu Keperawatan, 2019
Patient loyalty can affect hospital development, so it is necessary to control the influencing fa... more Patient loyalty can affect hospital development, so it is necessary to control the influencing factors, one of them is by improving the quality of nursing services through a caring approach. The purpose of this study was to identify nurse’s caring at Palembang XX Hospital. Quantitative research methods with a correlative descriptive design and cross sectional approach was used in this research. The sampling technique was accidental sampling with 38 respondents. Data collection tools using questionnaires as many as 25 items caring nurse statements and 18 items of patient loyalty statements. Data analysis used the chi square test. The results of the research are caring nurses good 30 respondents (78.9%), contractual aspects are good 23 respondents (60.5%), ethical aspects are good 28 respondents (73.3%), spiritual aspects are good 24 respondents (63.2%) and good loyalty 24 respondents (63.2%). Research results show that there is a nurse caring relationship with loyalty (p value = 0.03...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa mel... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran Penemuan berbasis masalah berbantuan Cabri 3D lebih tinggi daripada peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa yang tidak memperoleh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah tanpa Cabri 3D yang dilakukan dengan pembelajaran daring selama pandemic covid 19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas prodi pendidikan matematika semester lima yang berjumlah kurang lebih 82 orang, Kemudian dipilih 2 kelas secara acak. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah berbantuan Software Cabri 3D dan kelas control hanya diberi model pembelajaran berbasis masalah tanpa bantuan software Cabri 3D. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis varians (ANAVA) dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran berbasis...
Keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo masih tergolon... more Keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo masih tergolong rendah karena guru masih menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga siswa merasa bosan dan kurang aktif di kelas dan hasil belajar siswa juga tergolong kurang baik. Guru memerlukan media pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa, salah satunya dengan media kartu Kuartet Geografi. Penelitian pengembangan ini memiliki tujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang layak untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa pada sub materi pokok kegiatan pertanian, kegiatan pertambangan, serta kegiatan industri dan jasa. Pengembangan menggunakan model ADDIE dengan desain penelitian Control Group Pretest Posttest Design yang dilakukan dengan uji validasi oleh ahli media, ahli materi, dan ahli pembelajaran. Analisis data hasil belajar dihitung menggunakan ketuntasan klasikal dan uji statistik untuk menguji perbedaan hasil belajar yaitu Uji Independent Sample t Test serta untuk menganalisis keaktifan siswa menggunakan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa pada subyek penelitian siswa kelas XI IIS 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI IIS 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan adanya kenaikkan dimana nilai pretest kelas eksperimen sebesar 57,30% menjadi 83,33% dengan nilai posttest ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 87,87%. Hasil Uji independent sample t test pada kelas eksperimen untuk nilai posttest, nilai t hitung sebesar 0,236 dengan menggunakan signifikasi 0,05 (5%) maka p (0,002) < α (0,05) berasumsi H 0 ditolak dan H 1 diterima yang artinya ada perbedaan rata-rata nilai posttest antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Keaktifan siswa pada pertemuan pertama respon positif siswa terhadap media kartu Kuartet Geografi sebesar 75 dan respon negatif sebesar 25. Hal ini terjadi karena siswa masih pertama kali menerima materi pembelajaran menggunakan media kartu Kuartet Geografi. Pertemuan kedua respon positif siswa terhadap media kartu Kuartet Geografi sebesar 91 dan respon negatif sebesar 9. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan aktivitas siswa pada pertemuan kedua karena siswa sudah pernah menerima proses pembelajaran menggunakan media kartu Kuartet Geografi pada pertemuan pertama sehingga lebih memudahkan siswa dalam menggunakan media kartu Kuartet Geografi.
This research is entitled Increasing the Ability to Solve Problems in Students Through the Use of... more This research is entitled Increasing the Ability to Solve Problems in Students Through the Use of Group Investigation Learning Models. This title was taken based on the lack of students' ability to solve business planning lessons. The main objective of this study was to obtain an overview of the improvement of problem solving skills with the Group Investigation learning model compared to varied lecture learning. Based on the results of the study, the teacher's activities during learning with the extremely expensive Group Investigation model. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively Quantitative analysis was carried out on the results of the pretest and posttest to see the difference in the mean of generalized gain between the two groups of samples and tested the nominity, homogeneity, and t test to see the difference solves the problem of the two sample groups. As well as increasing the ability to solve in the experimental class students who use the Group Investigation ...
Market orientation has an important role for organizations to create superior and sustainable per... more Market orientation has an important role for organizations to create superior and sustainable performance and to generate innovative services. The present study aims to propose a conceptual model regarding the relationships between market orientation and performance of the Indonesian service company, known as local enterprises water services (LEWS), located in the west Kalimantan province, with innovative services as a mediating role. Purposive sampling method was used for data collection from 120 employees employed in several departments, including production, distribution, water loss control and costumer service. Data were further analyzed using structural equation modeling partial least square (SEMPLS). The model used in this study was confirmed by the collected data. Our findings suggested that market orientation positively affects service innovation and company performance. Key-Words: Market orientation, service innovation, company performance, company, organization, Indonesia
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk mengemban... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa modul berbasis pendekatan investigasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika mahasiswa prodi pendidikan matematika dan untuk mengetahui bahan ajar berupa modul ditinjau dari aspek Kevalidan dan Kepraktisan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan ADDIE, yaitu analisis, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 32 orang mahasiswa semester 2 prodi pendidikan matematika FKIP UMSU. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas bahan ajar berupa modul yang dikembangkan meliputi angket validasi ahli dan angket respon mahasiswa. Angket validasi ahli digunakan untuk mengukur kevalidan bahan ajar berupa modul sedangkan angket respon mahasiswa digunakan untuk mengukur kepraktisan modul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas bahan ajar berupa modul diliha...
el hisbah: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Artikel ini mengkaji konsep konsinyasi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk jalan tol ditinjau dari perspe... more Artikel ini mengkaji konsep konsinyasi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk jalan tol ditinjau dari perspektif hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan deskriptif analisis, yaitu pembahasan yang diperoleh dengan mengumpulkan data dari buku tentang konsep konsinyasi dalam pengadaan tanah untuk jalan tol dikomparasikan dengan teori mashlahah. Dari hasil penelitian ini, penulis menggambarkan bahwa sudah terdapat proses musyawarah dan penghormatan terhadap hak-hak yang ada. Pembangunan jalan tol mempunyai manfaat yang sangat luas bagi masyarakat sehingga telah sesuai dengan konsep mashlahah, yaitu mengambil manfaat dan meninggalkan madarat (bahaya).
el hisbah: Journal of Islamic Economic Law
Al-Uqud Al-Murakkabah adalah kesepakatan dua pihak untuk melaksanakan suatu muamalah atau transak... more Al-Uqud Al-Murakkabah adalah kesepakatan dua pihak untuk melaksanakan suatu muamalah atau transaksi yang meliputi dua akad atau lebih, misalnya satu transaksi yang terdiri dari akad jual beli dan ijarah, akad jual beli dan hibah, dll sehingga semua akibat hukum dari akad-akad gabungan itu, serta semua hak dan kewajiban yang ditimbulkannya dianggap satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisah-pisahkan yang dimana kedudukannya dengan akibat-akibat hukum dari satu akad. Dalam suatu transaksi online dengan sistem Gofood adalah suatu layanan atau fitur yang dimana para pelanggan (customer) dapat menggunakan layanan jasa pesan antar makanan sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau keinginan customer. Dalam transaksi online ini terdapat al-uqud al-murakkabah (akad ganda) yaitu pertama akad wakalah antara customer dengan driver, karena customer mewakilkan ke pihak fitur layanan Gofood dalam aplikasi Gojek untuk membelikan makanan yang dipesan, kemudian mewakilkan ke driver, kedua akad ijarah antara customer ...
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Aplikasi
In an application, a test is needed, to find out whether the application has errors or needs to b... more In an application, a test is needed, to find out whether the application has errors or needs to be developed to be better. The Black Box Testing technique has been widely applied by researchers to test an application program that is appropriate or not. The software that will be tested is the best employee selection system application, and consists of a menu that will be inputted about employee data, as well as employee performance while in the company. The best employee selection system application is tested by Black Box testing. The purpose of testing this application is to see if the program performs every function we expect without looking at the source code of the software. The type of black box testing method used in this research is Equivalence Partitions. The Equivalence Partitions method is a test based on filling out each form in the best employee selection system, on each input menu will be tested and made into groups based on whether its function is valid or invalid.
Penelitian populasi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fasicularis) dilakukan di kawasan Hutan Wisata Ki... more Penelitian populasi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca fasicularis) dilakukan di kawasan Hutan Wisata Kilometer Nol Kota Sabang dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keberadaan populasi monyet ekor panjang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey eksploratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi monyet ekor panjang yang terdapat di kawasan Hutan Wisata Kilometer Nol Kota Sabang terdiri dari 15 individu, diantaranya 3 monyet muda dan 12 monyet dewasa (1 jantan dan 11 betina). Populasi monyet ekor panjang banyak ditemukan di kawasan hutan wisata disebabkan karena pada lokasi tersebut terdapat banyak sumber pakan dan pepohonan sebagai tempat aktivitasnya
Natural Science Education Research
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran video stop motion berbasis... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yakni penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan Hannafin and Peck. Hasil penelitian dan analisis data menunjukkan bahwa video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel sangat layak digunakan jika ditinjau berdasarkan kelayakan materi dengan validitas sebesar 91,67% dan reliabilitas sebesar 90,78%, dan video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel sangat layak digunakan jika ditinjau berdasarkan kelayakan media dengan validitas sebesar 85,00% dan reliabilitas sebesar 88,57%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa video stop motion berbasis cerita fabel sangat layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business
A trailer is a brief description of a film and provides a 1 to 3 minute cinematic experience that... more A trailer is a brief description of a film and provides a 1 to 3 minute cinematic experience that displays images from the film to influence consumer behavior. This research was conducted to propose a conceptual model regarding affective, cognitive, and environmental responses to viral marketing, which are moderated by audience behavior, for the movie trailer of “Spiderman: Far from Home.” The film was released in July 2019 by Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This study adopted the wheel of consumer analysis to bridge the research gap. An online survey was forwarded to 200 respondents using structured questionnaires through social media sites, such as Line, WhatsApp, Facebook, and e-mail. The data were then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that the audience’s affective, cognitive, and environmental responses significantly influenced viral marketing. The results further indicated that the audience’s behavior was not a moderating variable, as the s...
JIES : Journal of Islamic Economics Studies
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakikat peran intermediasi bank syariah bagi masyarakat... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakikat peran intermediasi bank syariah bagi masyarakat pada PT BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang, apakah sudah berjalan sebagaimana hakikatnya (intermediasi keuangan dan sosial) serta yang menjadi faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam penerapannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan jenis penelitian field research dan menekankan pada uji triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) peran intermediasi BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang sudah berjalan sebagaimana hakikatnya yaitu menerapkan peran intermediasi keuangan dan intermediasi sosial. Dalam menjalankan perannya sebagai intermediasi keuangan telah diterapkan dengan baik, namun perannya sebagai intermediasi sosial kurang berjalan dengan baik. Adapun (2) faktor pendukung peran intermediasi BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang yaitu adanya hukum positif, hukum Al-Qur’an, motto dan visi misi BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Jombang, serta bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Sosial ...
Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR) Vol. 3(2) 2015
Objective - The purpose of this study is developing a conceptual model for service experience in ... more Objective - The purpose of this study is developing a conceptual model for service experience in the public sector. Methodology/Technique - The technique analysis in this study is Repertory Grid Technique. Findings - The results of this study show that the model concept of service experience is developed by five dimensions are: 1. process or procedure, 2. employee service, 3. core service, 4. physical facility, and 5. other customers experience. Novelty - Service experience is not the same as service quality, studies on the service experience is still much to do, especially in the public sector. Therefore, in this study emphasized the importance of exploration customer of service experience because very important for service providers to deliver an excellent service experience to customers due to creating value-in-use for customers although as a monopolist. Type of Paper - Conceptual Keywords: Customer experience, service experience, service experience model, repertory grid techniqu...
GATR Journal of Business and Economics Review
Objective - Configuration of organizational capability plays a very important role in creating se... more Objective - Configuration of organizational capability plays a very important role in creating service performance, and superior and sustainable company performance. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual to explain the role between configuration of organizational capability to service performance and its impact on sustainable local enterprise water services in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Methodology/Technique - The data was collected from 100 managers at the local enterprise water service in West Kalimantan Indonesia using a purposive sampling method. The analysis tool used was structural equation modeling partial least square (SEMPLS). Findings - The model in this study was confirmed by the data collected which shows the importance of configuring organizational capability to improve both service performance and sustainability of the local enterprise water services in West Kalimantan. The classification of configuration organizational capability in local enterprise wa...
This paper was exploratory research, with the aim to describe the Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA) pr... more This paper was exploratory research, with the aim to describe the Onto-Semiotic Approach (OSA) profile of Senior High School students who have of Field Dependent (FD) and Field Independent (FI) cognitive style in solving statistics Problem. Aspects an OSA used in this study are the language, concepts, computational, procedures, arguments and propositions in a matter of statistics. Selection of subjects using GEFT tests to determine students' FI and FD cognitive style. The data collection technique used was a task based interviews. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively based on aspects of OSA. Finally, purpose of this paper was to describe the theory about differences OSA in the characteristic of students FI and FD cognitive style in solving statistics problem.
This study is to describe the interaction of students in cooperative learning when constructing t... more This study is to describe the interaction of students in cooperative learning when constructing to relational and instrumental understanding. This research is to produce a theory of interaction of students in cooperative learning when constructing to relational and instrumental understanding. This study to analyzed the interaction of student learning that occurs in cooperative learning which aims to describe the results of students understanding of construction. The study subjects were students of class V DONO 1 Primary school because at that school teachers use cooperative learning and fifth-grade students have been able to communicate well to facilitate the interview process. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, test, interview and documentation. Mechanical testing of the validity of this data triangulation. Results of this study are highly capable students are exploring questioning types of interactions and exploring expounding produce relational understan...
GATR Journal of Management and Marketing Review, 2017
Objective - This study sets out to examine the conceptual framework and empirical test of CCI tow... more Objective - This study sets out to examine the conceptual framework and empirical test of CCI toward on the PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa Pontianak, West Kalimantan Indonesia. It is also keen to explore how customers identify the company and what the antecedents and consequences of the identification which will give impact on customer relationships. This study contributes to the practical and scientific marketing that the identification of customers to the company can be used by company to make products that match customer expectations. Furthermore, the presence of CCI can be used by the company to establish marketing relationships with the customers. Methodology/Technique - This study is explanatory approach, 210 customers from three service areas were recruited as participants. The study used SEM inferential statistical approach where Smart PLS program was used as the analysis technique. Findings – Results of this study showed that: Customers of PDAM Tirta Khatulistiwa identify companie...
GATR Journal of Management and Marketing Review (JMMR) Vol. 3 (3) Jul-Sep 2018, 2018
Objective - This study explores and examines the theoretical framework regarding the influence of... more Objective - This study explores and examines the theoretical framework regarding the influence of strategic leadership styles that include transformational leadership style and transactional leadership styles as well as their influence on commitment to service quality and how leadership style influences service innovation in local enterprise water services. Methodology/Technique - The number of respondents in this study were 120 employees who were selected using a purposive sampling method and were represented by each section relating to the task of serving customers. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the research data. Findings - The results show that transformational leadership style has an influence on commitment to services quality and service innovation. Novelty - Likewise, the transactional leadership style affects commitment to services quality, but it does not affect service innovation. Type of Paper: Empirical. Keywords: Transformational and Transactiona...
Jurnal Berita Ilmu Keperawatan, 2019
Patient loyalty can affect hospital development, so it is necessary to control the influencing fa... more Patient loyalty can affect hospital development, so it is necessary to control the influencing factors, one of them is by improving the quality of nursing services through a caring approach. The purpose of this study was to identify nurse’s caring at Palembang XX Hospital. Quantitative research methods with a correlative descriptive design and cross sectional approach was used in this research. The sampling technique was accidental sampling with 38 respondents. Data collection tools using questionnaires as many as 25 items caring nurse statements and 18 items of patient loyalty statements. Data analysis used the chi square test. The results of the research are caring nurses good 30 respondents (78.9%), contractual aspects are good 23 respondents (60.5%), ethical aspects are good 28 respondents (73.3%), spiritual aspects are good 24 respondents (63.2%) and good loyalty 24 respondents (63.2%). Research results show that there is a nurse caring relationship with loyalty (p value = 0.03...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa mel... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran Penemuan berbasis masalah berbantuan Cabri 3D lebih tinggi daripada peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa yang tidak memperoleh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah tanpa Cabri 3D yang dilakukan dengan pembelajaran daring selama pandemic covid 19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas prodi pendidikan matematika semester lima yang berjumlah kurang lebih 82 orang, Kemudian dipilih 2 kelas secara acak. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah berbantuan Software Cabri 3D dan kelas control hanya diberi model pembelajaran berbasis masalah tanpa bantuan software Cabri 3D. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis varians (ANAVA) dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajar mahasiswa melalui model pembelajaran berbasis...
Keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo masih tergolon... more Keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 1 Taman Sidoarjo masih tergolong rendah karena guru masih menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga siswa merasa bosan dan kurang aktif di kelas dan hasil belajar siswa juga tergolong kurang baik. Guru memerlukan media pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa, salah satunya dengan media kartu Kuartet Geografi. Penelitian pengembangan ini memiliki tujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran yang layak untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa pada sub materi pokok kegiatan pertanian, kegiatan pertambangan, serta kegiatan industri dan jasa. Pengembangan menggunakan model ADDIE dengan desain penelitian Control Group Pretest Posttest Design yang dilakukan dengan uji validasi oleh ahli media, ahli materi, dan ahli pembelajaran. Analisis data hasil belajar dihitung menggunakan ketuntasan klasikal dan uji statistik untuk menguji perbedaan hasil belajar yaitu Uji Independent Sample t Test serta untuk menganalisis keaktifan siswa menggunakan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa pada subyek penelitian siswa kelas XI IIS 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas XI IIS 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan adanya kenaikkan dimana nilai pretest kelas eksperimen sebesar 57,30% menjadi 83,33% dengan nilai posttest ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 87,87%. Hasil Uji independent sample t test pada kelas eksperimen untuk nilai posttest, nilai t hitung sebesar 0,236 dengan menggunakan signifikasi 0,05 (5%) maka p (0,002) < α (0,05) berasumsi H 0 ditolak dan H 1 diterima yang artinya ada perbedaan rata-rata nilai posttest antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Keaktifan siswa pada pertemuan pertama respon positif siswa terhadap media kartu Kuartet Geografi sebesar 75 dan respon negatif sebesar 25. Hal ini terjadi karena siswa masih pertama kali menerima materi pembelajaran menggunakan media kartu Kuartet Geografi. Pertemuan kedua respon positif siswa terhadap media kartu Kuartet Geografi sebesar 91 dan respon negatif sebesar 9. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan aktivitas siswa pada pertemuan kedua karena siswa sudah pernah menerima proses pembelajaran menggunakan media kartu Kuartet Geografi pada pertemuan pertama sehingga lebih memudahkan siswa dalam menggunakan media kartu Kuartet Geografi.
This research is entitled Increasing the Ability to Solve Problems in Students Through the Use of... more This research is entitled Increasing the Ability to Solve Problems in Students Through the Use of Group Investigation Learning Models. This title was taken based on the lack of students' ability to solve business planning lessons. The main objective of this study was to obtain an overview of the improvement of problem solving skills with the Group Investigation learning model compared to varied lecture learning. Based on the results of the study, the teacher's activities during learning with the extremely expensive Group Investigation model. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively Quantitative analysis was carried out on the results of the pretest and posttest to see the difference in the mean of generalized gain between the two groups of samples and tested the nominity, homogeneity, and t test to see the difference solves the problem of the two sample groups. As well as increasing the ability to solve in the experimental class students who use the Group Investigation ...
Market orientation has an important role for organizations to create superior and sustainable per... more Market orientation has an important role for organizations to create superior and sustainable performance and to generate innovative services. The present study aims to propose a conceptual model regarding the relationships between market orientation and performance of the Indonesian service company, known as local enterprises water services (LEWS), located in the west Kalimantan province, with innovative services as a mediating role. Purposive sampling method was used for data collection from 120 employees employed in several departments, including production, distribution, water loss control and costumer service. Data were further analyzed using structural equation modeling partial least square (SEMPLS). The model used in this study was confirmed by the collected data. Our findings suggested that market orientation positively affects service innovation and company performance. Key-Words: Market orientation, service innovation, company performance, company, organization, Indonesia
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk mengemban... more Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa modul berbasis pendekatan investigasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika mahasiswa prodi pendidikan matematika dan untuk mengetahui bahan ajar berupa modul ditinjau dari aspek Kevalidan dan Kepraktisan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan ADDIE, yaitu analisis, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 32 orang mahasiswa semester 2 prodi pendidikan matematika FKIP UMSU. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas bahan ajar berupa modul yang dikembangkan meliputi angket validasi ahli dan angket respon mahasiswa. Angket validasi ahli digunakan untuk mengukur kevalidan bahan ajar berupa modul sedangkan angket respon mahasiswa digunakan untuk mengukur kepraktisan modul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas bahan ajar berupa modul diliha...