Nurtati Soewarno - (original) (raw)

Papers by Nurtati Soewarno

Research paper thumbnail of The transformation of Shophouse as an effort to continue the trading tradition in Pasar Baru area, Bandung

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur

The development of cities in Indonesia must be connected to the role of the Dutch colonial govern... more The development of cities in Indonesia must be connected to the role of the Dutch colonial government. Cities were built from an indigenous village by creating a grid pattern to divide the village into residential blocks with the traditional market as the center. The Chinese, as immigrants, had no choice of work other than being traders. Currently, in Pasar Baru, the first commercial area in Bandung, Chinese-style shophouses are still recognizable, and some have been designated cultural heritage buildings. Unfortunately, some more are no longer intact, split into several units, or transformed into other shophouses. This study aims to show how Chinese society has continued to trade as tradition and how the shophouse as a legacy has adapted. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using several case studies. From survey observations, it can be seen that the transformation of shophouses begins with the division of shophouses in a transverse direction so that each un...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of lots dimension to sustain the pattern of blocks at the city centre of Bandung

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

The goal of this research is to find how transformation occurs in a residential environments in t... more The goal of this research is to find how transformation occurs in a residential environments in the city centre of Bandung. At the beginning the area was a habitation for the indigenous people. The semi grid pattern which applied by the Dutch colonial government divided indigenous villages into city blocks. The government also placed a market that made this area become commercial. The commercial function were placed on the outer side of the block, in the form of row shop houses, while the inside of the block is the indigenous people houses or kampong. The difference of function between the allotments is reflected on the difference between the building material, style and ownership status. The economic development pushes some changes. At this moment irregular vertical buildings dominate the outer and inner block, leads to density. With the survey and observation method to several studied object, the present condition could be recognised, whilst to observe the transformation that occu...

Research paper thumbnail of Resiliensi Bangunan Cagar Budaya Dengan Konsep Adaptive Reuse Studi Kasus: Hotel Ibis Styles Braga Bandung

STORAGE: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

Jalan Braga merupakan salah satu jalan populer di kota Bandung. Pada awalnya jalan ini digunakan ... more Jalan Braga merupakan salah satu jalan populer di kota Bandung. Pada awalnya jalan ini digunakan untuk mengangkut kopi dari gudang ke jalan Raya Pos. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kondisi perekonomian kota, jalan ini kemudian berubah menjadi sebuah kawasan komersial. Bangunan-bangunan di sepanjang jalan bertransformasi menjadi restaurant, hotel, rumah-toko, theater dengan gaya art deco yang menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat Belanda. Pada awal abad ke 20 jalan ini menjadi shopping street terpenting di Hindia Belanda sehingga Bandung dijuluki Parijs van Java. Sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi, sosial dan pergeseran gaya hidup dibangunlah beberapa Department Store dan Mall di kota Bandung yang berdampak terhadap kemunduran jalan Braga. Berkurangnya jumlah pengunjung menjadikan koridor Braga kusam dan bangunan-bangunannya dibiarkan kosong dan terbengkalai, salah satunya adalah Hotel Braga. Hotel Braga yang semula bernama Hotel Wilhelmina didirikan tahun 1928-1931 dan telah dinyata...

Research paper thumbnail of KONTEKSTUAL DALAM ARSITEKTUR: Adaptasi Bangunan di Komplek Gedung Negara Cirebon

Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE

Indonesia has various of cultural heritages, both from local and immigrant culture. Gedung Negara... more Indonesia has various of cultural heritages, both from local and immigrant culture. Gedung Negara, which previous called Residency Building, is one of the Dutch colonial government legacies in Cirebon city. Since its founding in 1865 until now this building has several times changed its name and function. This encourages various changes, additions, demolitions and transformations as an effort to adapt to new functions. The problem occurs if there is no context between new buildings and Gedung Negara as a cultural heritage building. This paper aims to determine the adaptation of architectural style of new buildings to Gedung Negara. By observing, a description of the function, form and architectural style of the new buildings around the Gedung Negara is obtained. Is there any architectural context betweem new buildings and Gedung Negara? How will the adaptation of these new buildings be? The architectural style context between new buildings and heritage buildings is highly recommended so that the new building can coexist in harmony with the cultural heritage building. It is hoped that the change of functions will not eliminate the uniqueness of the Indische Empire style and the Gedung Negara as a cultural heritage building in Cirebon city should be preserved well.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Flight Direction Methods of Photogrammetry in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive Reuse as an Effort to Preserve an Historical District: A Case Study of the Braga Corridor in the City Centre of Bandung, Indonesia

WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment

Cities are constantly evolving from time to time which can be identified from the development of ... more Cities are constantly evolving from time to time which can be identified from the development of the buildings. In city centres as the embryo of the city there are still many old buildings which is part of the history and inheritance. In big cities in developing countries such as Indonesia, old building are considered old fashioned, incompatible with time, and destroying them is preferred. Generally, the buildings will be left uninhabited, not well maintained until it becomes obsolete and dangerous. Thus, for security reasons dismantling them will eventually be allowed. This paper describes the development of old buildings in the Braga corridor, an old commercial district in the city centre of Bandung. By applying adaptive reuse method, the style and shape of the shop houses are maintained, while there are some changes and additions in the inside of the shops adjusted to the new functions. Similarly, on the corridor are some changes and additions of the elements that create unique characters of the district, old buildings with modern atmosphere. Since there are many activities can be carried out in Braga corridor, the new appearance of the corridor has attracted many people and become one of the tourist destinations. By exploiting the potency of the city, adaptive reuse can be proposed as a form of technology in development while maintaining old buildings as a cultural heritage. It is expected that the intervention of the local government in the supervision and implementation of the conservation laws can preserve the authenticity and existence of heritage building as cultural heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Ta: Implementasi Konsep International Style Pada Hotel Bintang Empat DI Kawasan Sudirman Bandung

Research paper thumbnail of Building Transformation at Kampong Mahmud, A Traditional Village at Citarum River’s Bank

Change is something inevitable. From the architectural point of view, change could be identified ... more Change is something inevitable. From the architectural point of view, change could be identified by observing the physical building shape. Observing cities in Indonesia nowdays, building physical changes could be seen almost in every part, at the city, sub urban even in traditional villages. This study observed Mahmud’s traditional village located at the suburbs of Bandung city, Indonesia. The village is located in the downstream region of the Citarum River and was built on piles on a small island in a swamp. Un like buildings on island bounded by water which commonly facing the water, in this island buildings were built at the center of the island not facing the water and covered by trees because this place was set up for meditated and could also be used as a hiding place from the Colonial army and then it turned into a place to deepen Islam. The access to get there was not easy; this small island could only be reached by rafts when the river was calm. Since the Local Government es...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Revitalisasi Bangunan Cagar Budaya oleh Pasar Baru Square melalui Penggabungan Kavling

Pembangunan yang pesat di Kota Bandung telah menjadikan beberapa bangunan cagar budaya terancam e... more Pembangunan yang pesat di Kota Bandung telah menjadikan beberapa bangunan cagar budaya terancam eksistensinya. Untuk mempertahankan warisan budaya kota, maka pemberdayaan bangunan cagar budaya merupakan hal yang mutlak dilakukan. Dalam fenomena seperti inilah revitalisasi terhadap bangunan cagar budaya penting dilakukan agar bangunan lama tersebut tidak mengalami penurunan baik dari segi eksistensi maupun sebagai objek vital di kawasan tersebut. Mengacu kepada Perda Kota Bandung Nomor: 19 Tahun 2009 tentang pengelolaan kawasaan dan bangunan cagar budaya pada bagian keempat tentang pemugaran, maka bangunan cagar budaya ini wajib dilindungi keberadaannya melalui tindakan konservasi atau yang lebih tepatnya dengan melakukan tindakan revitalisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya revitalisasi yang dilakukan bangunan baru Pasar Baru Square terhadap bangunan cagar budaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan cara menganalisis objek berdasarkan hasil sur...

Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan Langgam Arsitektur Pada Bangunan Konservasi

ABSTRAK Kondisi kota yang terus berkembang menjadi lebih modern memberi pengaruh terhadap langgam... more ABSTRAK Kondisi kota yang terus berkembang menjadi lebih modern memberi pengaruh terhadap langgam arsitektur bangunan. Di kawasan pusat kota yang relatif masih banyak terdapat bangunan lama saat ini banyak ditemukan bangunan baru dengan langgam yang berbeda. Perbedaan tersebut dipicu oleh kemajuan teknologi dan tuntutan kebutuhan yang bukan menjadi masalah besar karena dengan metoda yang tepat hal ini dapat dipecahkan, seperti yang terjadi pada bangunan ex. Hotel Surabaya.Bangunan ex. Hotel Surabaya termasuk salah satu bangunan konservasi golongan A di kawasan pusat kota Bandung yang telah menjadi bagian dari Hotel Carrcadin, sebuah hotel baru bergaya modern, tanpa merubah langgam arsitektur bangunannya. Oleh karenanya sangat menarik untuk mengkaji bagaimana konteks bangunan baru terhadap bangunan lama khususnya dalam penerapan langgam arsitektur bangunannya.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Penerapan Prinsip Konektivitas Sustainable Design dengan Analisis SWOT, Studi Kasus: Koridor Pecinan, Bandung

Modernisasi dapat menjadi peluang dan tantangan dalam keberlanjutan kawasan konservasi. Bandung m... more Modernisasi dapat menjadi peluang dan tantangan dalam keberlanjutan kawasan konservasi. Bandung memiliki beberapa kawasan konservasi, salah satunya adalah kawasan Pecinan/Perdagangan. Penelitian ini merupakan rangkaian dari penelitian sebelumnya dengan studi kasus koridor kawasan konservasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang rekomendasi strategi green design untuk optimalisasi sustainable design. Tiga faktor yang menjadi dasar parameter penelitian yaitu: (1) Lingkungan (2) Sosial, (3) Ekonomi. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan mix method dengan pengambilan data melalui observasi, pemetaan dan kuesioner. Obyek penelitian adalah koridor Pecinan kota Bandung yang merupakan kawasan cagar budaya dengan tipe bangunan rumah-toko. Rekomendasi strategi menggunakan analisis SWOTdan hasil penelitian berupa rekomendasi arsitektural yang dititik beratkan pada visual appropriate dengan penerapan elemen arsitektur Cina pada eksterior bangunan atau ruang jalan di koridor Pecinan kota Bandung. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Perkembangan Tatanan Massa Bangunan Pada Kampung Vernakular “Kampung Mahmud”

Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki berbagai macam suku. Masing-masing suku mempunya... more Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki berbagai macam suku. Masing-masing suku mempunyai adat budaya yang berbeda, salah satunya tercermin dari bentuk sebuah kampung. Kampung yang dimaksud dalam makalah ini adalah kampung vernakular, yaitu sebuah kampung yang didirikan berdasarkan keadaan alam, tradisi, memiliki citra arsitektur tradisional dan orientasi massa bangunannya disusun berdasarkan hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungan dan budaya berdasarkan kemampuan dan kecerdasan masyarakat setempat . Kemajuan teknologi meningkatnya kondisi ekonomi mempunyai peran dalam mendorong terjadinya suatu perubahan, demikian pula yang terjadi pada sebuah kampung vernakular. Dengan metoda kualitatif, penelitian ini akan melihat langsung ke lokasi mengenai perubahan tatanan massa bangunan yang terjadi di kampung Mahmud, sebuah kampung vernakular yang terletak di Desa Mekar Rahayu, Kecamatan Marga Asih, Kabupaten Bandung. Dengan mempelajari latar belakang sejarah berdirinya kampung, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Aksesibilitas Dan Sirkulasi Pada Hunian Vertikal Apartemen Braga City Walk Bandung

AKSESIBILITAS DAN SIRKULASI PADA HUNIAN VERTIKAL APARTEMEN BRAGA CITY WALK BANDUNG satriyo hadi ... more AKSESIBILITAS DAN SIRKULASI PADA HUNIAN VERTIKAL APARTEMEN BRAGA CITY WALK BANDUNG satriyo hadi mulyono, nanda yudhi permana, riesta sakinah, NURTATI SOEWARNO Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : Abstrak Meningkatnya kebutuhan tempat tinggal di kota, tidak selaras dengan tersedianya lahan. Kondisi ini terlihat dari fenomena pembangunan hunian vertikal. Hunian vertikal tersebut umumnya dibangun di kawasan eks kampung kota, yang lebih mudah “dikuasai” seperti yang terjadi di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia. Melalui pendekatan observasi, penelitian ini mengambil kasus apartemen Braga City Walk. Lokasinya yang hanya dapat dilalui dari sebuah pintu masuk di jalan Braga yang tidak begitu luas, karena lahan yang dimiliki cukup terbatas. Pengaturan arah masuk dan sirkulasi kendaraan tidak ditemukan kendala dalam mencapai unit hunian, meskipun dengan pencapaian tidak langsung. Desain yang kreatif diperlu...

Research paper thumbnail of Revitalization of the Chinese Residential at Lasem, Indonesia

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Architectural and Environmental Engineering, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability Pada Bangunan Kolonial Bersejarah Museum Negeri Mulawarman Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur

ABSTRAK Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pembangunan maka meningkat pula luas lahan terbangun. Salah s... more ABSTRAK Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pembangunan maka meningkat pula luas lahan terbangun. Salah satu solusi untuk meminimalkan luas lahan terbangun adalah dengan memanfaatkan bangunan yang telah ada ( reuse ). Adaptive reuse kerap diberlakukan pada bangunan bersejarah yang dilestarikan. Bangunan ini telah melalui rentan waktu lebih dari 50 tahun sehingga telah terbukti tahan terhadap berbagai hal, salah satunya adalah terhadap iklim. Dengan pendekatan sustainable building dan grounded research penelitian ini melihat langsung ke lokasi bangunan eks-Kedaton Kutai Kartanegara di kota Tenggarong Kalimantan Timur yang kini telah beralih fungsi menjadi Museum Negeri Mulawarman. Bangunan ini termasuk ke dalam bangunan konservasi yang didirikan pada masa penjajahan Kolonial dengan mengadopsi gaya arsitektur Eropa yang disesuaikan dengan iklim tropis. Penelitian ini akan menguji keberlangsungan bangunan eks Kedaton setelah dialih fungsikan menjadi museum. Selain itu dengan pendekatan greensh...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Komponen Material Panel Beton Precast Pada Fasad Bangunan Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani Bandung

Aplikasi Komponen Material Panel Beton Precast Pada Fasad Bangunan Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani B... more Aplikasi Komponen Material Panel Beton Precast Pada Fasad Bangunan Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani Bandung Saepuloh Hidayat , Cecep Yoga Satria, Mochamad Rizky Noor , Nurtati Soewarno Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan – Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung Email : ABSTRAK Fasad merupakan bagian terluar dari bangunan yang dapat dinikmati langsung oleh publik. Fasad direncanakan sesuai kebutuhan ruang dalam dan dibentuk oleh berbagai elemen, diantaranya permukaan dinding, tipe dan jenis struktur, pengaturan letak bukaan dan penggunaan ornamen. Fasad harus terlihat menarik sehingga material pembentuk elemen-elemen tersebut memegang peran penting dalam pembentukan fasad. Seiring perkembangan teknologi untuk mempercepat proses pembangunan, material fabrikasi sudah banyak diaplikasikan terhadap bangunan-bangunan tinggi. Makalah ini akan memaparkan hasil penelitian pada Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani yang menggunakan material panel beton ...

Research paper thumbnail of Akulturasi Gaya Bangunan Pada Kompleks Keraton Kacirebonan

Keraton sebagai istana raja masih dapat dijumpai di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Saat ini keraton ... more Keraton sebagai istana raja masih dapat dijumpai di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Saat ini keraton telah digolongkan sebagai salah satu warisan budaya yang wajib dilindungi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya arsitektur yang diterapkan pada bangunan-bangunan di Keraton Kacirebonan, salah satu dari tiga Keraton yang terdapat di kota Cirebon. Mengingat umur keraton dan massa pemerintahan yang dilalui cukup panjang, maka perubahan, penggantian dan penambahan bangunan baru dimungkinkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kelancaran pemerintahan. Apakah perubahan, penggantian atau penambahan bangunan baru pada Keraton Kacirebonan berpegang pada gaya bangunan yang telah ada sebelumnya? Observasi dilakukan dengan mendatangi objek penelitian secara berkala dan melakukan pengukuran, pendataan dan penggambaran. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif objek dianalisis dan dikaitkan dengan literature dan data-data yang ada. Diharapkan perubahan, pergantian dan penambahan bangunan baru dapat selaras...


Journal of Architectural Research and Education, 2020

Abstact – Indonesia is an archipelago that is located between two continents, Asia and Australia,... more Abstact – Indonesia is an archipelago that is located between two continents, Asia and Australia, also between two oceans, the Pasific and the Indian ocean. This prospers in the commercial activity. Because of the location, costal cities are more easy to reach, foreigner that drop in have significant impact to these cities, for example Cirebon, a costal city that lies in the north east part of West Jawa. Various foreigners that drop in and also stay in Cirebon could be seen by the heritage, one of them is the Vihara Dewi Welas Asih. The temple as a house of worship for Konghucu religion is easy to be known by the colour and Chinese specific architectural style. The city development pushes to changes, as to the Vihara Dewi Welas Asih, renovation and additional buildings is inevitable. This paper is to study the architectural style applied to the additional buildings surrounding the temple. By observation the architectural style of the new building is recognised, also how the context ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Transformation of Heritage Buildings as Tourist Attraction : Adaptive Re-use of Colonial Buildings at a Bandung Conservation Area

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (SENVAR 2018), 2019

The strategic geographic position with extensive land and sea areas makes Indonesia rich in cultu... more The strategic geographic position with extensive land and sea areas makes Indonesia rich in cultural heritages. Other than that, Dutch Colonial Government which ruled for a relatively long time in Indonesia also left some cultural heritages. Those cultural heritages are believed to have a potential to attract tourists, and one of the cultural heritages is the buildings. By using grounded research and taking some cases this paper will describe the potential of the buildings in one cultural heritage area in Bandung city that attracts many tourists. The buildings discussed are the residential buildings built during the Dutch colonial government era. After the independence, those buildings were acquisitioned by the Indonesian government and its army to be used as dwelling houses. The diversity of activities offered in this area is one of the supporting factors that attract the tourists, presented with artistic style as a reflection of the cultural diversity in the form of hotels, restaurants and factory outlets. The results of the research showed that uniqueness of architecture style and location potential have created specific recreation experiences as the attractiveness that change the area into one of the tourist destinations in Bandung city. Adaptive re-use concept which is implemented to the buildings is believed optimizing the built-in area more effectively than building new buildings. The research questions addressed in this study are: Does the adaptive re-use concept have impact to the buildings and surroundings?;What kind of building transformation is the right one as an effort to adapt to the new function? Adaptive re-use is expected to be one of the conservation efforts to revive buildings and the conserved area by maintaining the existing built environment in the city.

Research paper thumbnail of The Symbolic Meaning of Mosque Architecture as Adaptation to the Residential Environment, in the Social, Economic and Cultural Contexts in Lombok

International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications, 2019

The island of Lombok in Central Indonesia is native to Muslim Sasak ethnicity, but before 1400 th... more The island of Lombok in Central Indonesia is native to Muslim Sasak ethnicity, but before 1400 there was still animism with a natural object-oriented housing environment as a symbol of 'the mother of all places'. After becoming Islam, it was adapted as 'the mother of waiting space' with a symbol of mosque architecture. The architecture of the mosque reflects the social, cultural and economic aspects of the people of Lombok. The large number of mosques shows that Islam is dominant in the lives of Sasak people. Its architecture in the early roofs was tile-roofed like a house, changed into a dome to show the identity of Islamic architecture. Intersubjectively the dome is accepted because it matches the shape of the food hood in Sasak culture. Many mosques adapt to high domes and towers, prominently in modest residential environments. This research is to understand the transformation that makes the number of mosques very large in Lombok. Using descriptive-analyticalqualitative methods based on environmental culture analyzes the symbolic meaning of mosque architecture in the Social, Economic and Sasak Cultural contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of The transformation of Shophouse as an effort to continue the trading tradition in Pasar Baru area, Bandung

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur

The development of cities in Indonesia must be connected to the role of the Dutch colonial govern... more The development of cities in Indonesia must be connected to the role of the Dutch colonial government. Cities were built from an indigenous village by creating a grid pattern to divide the village into residential blocks with the traditional market as the center. The Chinese, as immigrants, had no choice of work other than being traders. Currently, in Pasar Baru, the first commercial area in Bandung, Chinese-style shophouses are still recognizable, and some have been designated cultural heritage buildings. Unfortunately, some more are no longer intact, split into several units, or transformed into other shophouses. This study aims to show how Chinese society has continued to trade as tradition and how the shophouse as a legacy has adapted. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using several case studies. From survey observations, it can be seen that the transformation of shophouses begins with the division of shophouses in a transverse direction so that each un...

Research paper thumbnail of Transformation of lots dimension to sustain the pattern of blocks at the city centre of Bandung

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

The goal of this research is to find how transformation occurs in a residential environments in t... more The goal of this research is to find how transformation occurs in a residential environments in the city centre of Bandung. At the beginning the area was a habitation for the indigenous people. The semi grid pattern which applied by the Dutch colonial government divided indigenous villages into city blocks. The government also placed a market that made this area become commercial. The commercial function were placed on the outer side of the block, in the form of row shop houses, while the inside of the block is the indigenous people houses or kampong. The difference of function between the allotments is reflected on the difference between the building material, style and ownership status. The economic development pushes some changes. At this moment irregular vertical buildings dominate the outer and inner block, leads to density. With the survey and observation method to several studied object, the present condition could be recognised, whilst to observe the transformation that occu...

Research paper thumbnail of Resiliensi Bangunan Cagar Budaya Dengan Konsep Adaptive Reuse Studi Kasus: Hotel Ibis Styles Braga Bandung

STORAGE: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

Jalan Braga merupakan salah satu jalan populer di kota Bandung. Pada awalnya jalan ini digunakan ... more Jalan Braga merupakan salah satu jalan populer di kota Bandung. Pada awalnya jalan ini digunakan untuk mengangkut kopi dari gudang ke jalan Raya Pos. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kondisi perekonomian kota, jalan ini kemudian berubah menjadi sebuah kawasan komersial. Bangunan-bangunan di sepanjang jalan bertransformasi menjadi restaurant, hotel, rumah-toko, theater dengan gaya art deco yang menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan masyarakat Belanda. Pada awal abad ke 20 jalan ini menjadi shopping street terpenting di Hindia Belanda sehingga Bandung dijuluki Parijs van Java. Sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi, sosial dan pergeseran gaya hidup dibangunlah beberapa Department Store dan Mall di kota Bandung yang berdampak terhadap kemunduran jalan Braga. Berkurangnya jumlah pengunjung menjadikan koridor Braga kusam dan bangunan-bangunannya dibiarkan kosong dan terbengkalai, salah satunya adalah Hotel Braga. Hotel Braga yang semula bernama Hotel Wilhelmina didirikan tahun 1928-1931 dan telah dinyata...

Research paper thumbnail of KONTEKSTUAL DALAM ARSITEKTUR: Adaptasi Bangunan di Komplek Gedung Negara Cirebon

Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE

Indonesia has various of cultural heritages, both from local and immigrant culture. Gedung Negara... more Indonesia has various of cultural heritages, both from local and immigrant culture. Gedung Negara, which previous called Residency Building, is one of the Dutch colonial government legacies in Cirebon city. Since its founding in 1865 until now this building has several times changed its name and function. This encourages various changes, additions, demolitions and transformations as an effort to adapt to new functions. The problem occurs if there is no context between new buildings and Gedung Negara as a cultural heritage building. This paper aims to determine the adaptation of architectural style of new buildings to Gedung Negara. By observing, a description of the function, form and architectural style of the new buildings around the Gedung Negara is obtained. Is there any architectural context betweem new buildings and Gedung Negara? How will the adaptation of these new buildings be? The architectural style context between new buildings and heritage buildings is highly recommended so that the new building can coexist in harmony with the cultural heritage building. It is hoped that the change of functions will not eliminate the uniqueness of the Indische Empire style and the Gedung Negara as a cultural heritage building in Cirebon city should be preserved well.

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Flight Direction Methods of Photogrammetry in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptive Reuse as an Effort to Preserve an Historical District: A Case Study of the Braga Corridor in the City Centre of Bandung, Indonesia

WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment

Cities are constantly evolving from time to time which can be identified from the development of ... more Cities are constantly evolving from time to time which can be identified from the development of the buildings. In city centres as the embryo of the city there are still many old buildings which is part of the history and inheritance. In big cities in developing countries such as Indonesia, old building are considered old fashioned, incompatible with time, and destroying them is preferred. Generally, the buildings will be left uninhabited, not well maintained until it becomes obsolete and dangerous. Thus, for security reasons dismantling them will eventually be allowed. This paper describes the development of old buildings in the Braga corridor, an old commercial district in the city centre of Bandung. By applying adaptive reuse method, the style and shape of the shop houses are maintained, while there are some changes and additions in the inside of the shops adjusted to the new functions. Similarly, on the corridor are some changes and additions of the elements that create unique characters of the district, old buildings with modern atmosphere. Since there are many activities can be carried out in Braga corridor, the new appearance of the corridor has attracted many people and become one of the tourist destinations. By exploiting the potency of the city, adaptive reuse can be proposed as a form of technology in development while maintaining old buildings as a cultural heritage. It is expected that the intervention of the local government in the supervision and implementation of the conservation laws can preserve the authenticity and existence of heritage building as cultural heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Ta: Implementasi Konsep International Style Pada Hotel Bintang Empat DI Kawasan Sudirman Bandung

Research paper thumbnail of Building Transformation at Kampong Mahmud, A Traditional Village at Citarum River’s Bank

Change is something inevitable. From the architectural point of view, change could be identified ... more Change is something inevitable. From the architectural point of view, change could be identified by observing the physical building shape. Observing cities in Indonesia nowdays, building physical changes could be seen almost in every part, at the city, sub urban even in traditional villages. This study observed Mahmud’s traditional village located at the suburbs of Bandung city, Indonesia. The village is located in the downstream region of the Citarum River and was built on piles on a small island in a swamp. Un like buildings on island bounded by water which commonly facing the water, in this island buildings were built at the center of the island not facing the water and covered by trees because this place was set up for meditated and could also be used as a hiding place from the Colonial army and then it turned into a place to deepen Islam. The access to get there was not easy; this small island could only be reached by rafts when the river was calm. Since the Local Government es...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Revitalisasi Bangunan Cagar Budaya oleh Pasar Baru Square melalui Penggabungan Kavling

Pembangunan yang pesat di Kota Bandung telah menjadikan beberapa bangunan cagar budaya terancam e... more Pembangunan yang pesat di Kota Bandung telah menjadikan beberapa bangunan cagar budaya terancam eksistensinya. Untuk mempertahankan warisan budaya kota, maka pemberdayaan bangunan cagar budaya merupakan hal yang mutlak dilakukan. Dalam fenomena seperti inilah revitalisasi terhadap bangunan cagar budaya penting dilakukan agar bangunan lama tersebut tidak mengalami penurunan baik dari segi eksistensi maupun sebagai objek vital di kawasan tersebut. Mengacu kepada Perda Kota Bandung Nomor: 19 Tahun 2009 tentang pengelolaan kawasaan dan bangunan cagar budaya pada bagian keempat tentang pemugaran, maka bangunan cagar budaya ini wajib dilindungi keberadaannya melalui tindakan konservasi atau yang lebih tepatnya dengan melakukan tindakan revitalisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya revitalisasi yang dilakukan bangunan baru Pasar Baru Square terhadap bangunan cagar budaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan cara menganalisis objek berdasarkan hasil sur...

Research paper thumbnail of Perkembangan Langgam Arsitektur Pada Bangunan Konservasi

ABSTRAK Kondisi kota yang terus berkembang menjadi lebih modern memberi pengaruh terhadap langgam... more ABSTRAK Kondisi kota yang terus berkembang menjadi lebih modern memberi pengaruh terhadap langgam arsitektur bangunan. Di kawasan pusat kota yang relatif masih banyak terdapat bangunan lama saat ini banyak ditemukan bangunan baru dengan langgam yang berbeda. Perbedaan tersebut dipicu oleh kemajuan teknologi dan tuntutan kebutuhan yang bukan menjadi masalah besar karena dengan metoda yang tepat hal ini dapat dipecahkan, seperti yang terjadi pada bangunan ex. Hotel Surabaya.Bangunan ex. Hotel Surabaya termasuk salah satu bangunan konservasi golongan A di kawasan pusat kota Bandung yang telah menjadi bagian dari Hotel Carrcadin, sebuah hotel baru bergaya modern, tanpa merubah langgam arsitektur bangunannya. Oleh karenanya sangat menarik untuk mengkaji bagaimana konteks bangunan baru terhadap bangunan lama khususnya dalam penerapan langgam arsitektur bangunannya.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Penerapan Prinsip Konektivitas Sustainable Design dengan Analisis SWOT, Studi Kasus: Koridor Pecinan, Bandung

Modernisasi dapat menjadi peluang dan tantangan dalam keberlanjutan kawasan konservasi. Bandung m... more Modernisasi dapat menjadi peluang dan tantangan dalam keberlanjutan kawasan konservasi. Bandung memiliki beberapa kawasan konservasi, salah satunya adalah kawasan Pecinan/Perdagangan. Penelitian ini merupakan rangkaian dari penelitian sebelumnya dengan studi kasus koridor kawasan konservasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah merancang rekomendasi strategi green design untuk optimalisasi sustainable design. Tiga faktor yang menjadi dasar parameter penelitian yaitu: (1) Lingkungan (2) Sosial, (3) Ekonomi. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan mix method dengan pengambilan data melalui observasi, pemetaan dan kuesioner. Obyek penelitian adalah koridor Pecinan kota Bandung yang merupakan kawasan cagar budaya dengan tipe bangunan rumah-toko. Rekomendasi strategi menggunakan analisis SWOTdan hasil penelitian berupa rekomendasi arsitektural yang dititik beratkan pada visual appropriate dengan penerapan elemen arsitektur Cina pada eksterior bangunan atau ruang jalan di koridor Pecinan kota Bandung. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Perkembangan Tatanan Massa Bangunan Pada Kampung Vernakular “Kampung Mahmud”

Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki berbagai macam suku. Masing-masing suku mempunya... more Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki berbagai macam suku. Masing-masing suku mempunyai adat budaya yang berbeda, salah satunya tercermin dari bentuk sebuah kampung. Kampung yang dimaksud dalam makalah ini adalah kampung vernakular, yaitu sebuah kampung yang didirikan berdasarkan keadaan alam, tradisi, memiliki citra arsitektur tradisional dan orientasi massa bangunannya disusun berdasarkan hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungan dan budaya berdasarkan kemampuan dan kecerdasan masyarakat setempat . Kemajuan teknologi meningkatnya kondisi ekonomi mempunyai peran dalam mendorong terjadinya suatu perubahan, demikian pula yang terjadi pada sebuah kampung vernakular. Dengan metoda kualitatif, penelitian ini akan melihat langsung ke lokasi mengenai perubahan tatanan massa bangunan yang terjadi di kampung Mahmud, sebuah kampung vernakular yang terletak di Desa Mekar Rahayu, Kecamatan Marga Asih, Kabupaten Bandung. Dengan mempelajari latar belakang sejarah berdirinya kampung, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Aksesibilitas Dan Sirkulasi Pada Hunian Vertikal Apartemen Braga City Walk Bandung

AKSESIBILITAS DAN SIRKULASI PADA HUNIAN VERTIKAL APARTEMEN BRAGA CITY WALK BANDUNG satriyo hadi ... more AKSESIBILITAS DAN SIRKULASI PADA HUNIAN VERTIKAL APARTEMEN BRAGA CITY WALK BANDUNG satriyo hadi mulyono, nanda yudhi permana, riesta sakinah, NURTATI SOEWARNO Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Institut Teknologi Nasional Email : Abstrak Meningkatnya kebutuhan tempat tinggal di kota, tidak selaras dengan tersedianya lahan. Kondisi ini terlihat dari fenomena pembangunan hunian vertikal. Hunian vertikal tersebut umumnya dibangun di kawasan eks kampung kota, yang lebih mudah “dikuasai” seperti yang terjadi di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia. Melalui pendekatan observasi, penelitian ini mengambil kasus apartemen Braga City Walk. Lokasinya yang hanya dapat dilalui dari sebuah pintu masuk di jalan Braga yang tidak begitu luas, karena lahan yang dimiliki cukup terbatas. Pengaturan arah masuk dan sirkulasi kendaraan tidak ditemukan kendala dalam mencapai unit hunian, meskipun dengan pencapaian tidak langsung. Desain yang kreatif diperlu...

Research paper thumbnail of Revitalization of the Chinese Residential at Lasem, Indonesia

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Architectural and Environmental Engineering, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainability Pada Bangunan Kolonial Bersejarah Museum Negeri Mulawarman Tenggarong, Kalimantan Timur

ABSTRAK Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pembangunan maka meningkat pula luas lahan terbangun. Salah s... more ABSTRAK Sejalan dengan meningkatnya pembangunan maka meningkat pula luas lahan terbangun. Salah satu solusi untuk meminimalkan luas lahan terbangun adalah dengan memanfaatkan bangunan yang telah ada ( reuse ). Adaptive reuse kerap diberlakukan pada bangunan bersejarah yang dilestarikan. Bangunan ini telah melalui rentan waktu lebih dari 50 tahun sehingga telah terbukti tahan terhadap berbagai hal, salah satunya adalah terhadap iklim. Dengan pendekatan sustainable building dan grounded research penelitian ini melihat langsung ke lokasi bangunan eks-Kedaton Kutai Kartanegara di kota Tenggarong Kalimantan Timur yang kini telah beralih fungsi menjadi Museum Negeri Mulawarman. Bangunan ini termasuk ke dalam bangunan konservasi yang didirikan pada masa penjajahan Kolonial dengan mengadopsi gaya arsitektur Eropa yang disesuaikan dengan iklim tropis. Penelitian ini akan menguji keberlangsungan bangunan eks Kedaton setelah dialih fungsikan menjadi museum. Selain itu dengan pendekatan greensh...

Research paper thumbnail of Aplikasi Komponen Material Panel Beton Precast Pada Fasad Bangunan Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani Bandung

Aplikasi Komponen Material Panel Beton Precast Pada Fasad Bangunan Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani B... more Aplikasi Komponen Material Panel Beton Precast Pada Fasad Bangunan Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani Bandung Saepuloh Hidayat , Cecep Yoga Satria, Mochamad Rizky Noor , Nurtati Soewarno Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan – Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung Email : ABSTRAK Fasad merupakan bagian terluar dari bangunan yang dapat dinikmati langsung oleh publik. Fasad direncanakan sesuai kebutuhan ruang dalam dan dibentuk oleh berbagai elemen, diantaranya permukaan dinding, tipe dan jenis struktur, pengaturan letak bukaan dan penggunaan ornamen. Fasad harus terlihat menarik sehingga material pembentuk elemen-elemen tersebut memegang peran penting dalam pembentukan fasad. Seiring perkembangan teknologi untuk mempercepat proses pembangunan, material fabrikasi sudah banyak diaplikasikan terhadap bangunan-bangunan tinggi. Makalah ini akan memaparkan hasil penelitian pada Apartemen Gateway Ahmad Yani yang menggunakan material panel beton ...

Research paper thumbnail of Akulturasi Gaya Bangunan Pada Kompleks Keraton Kacirebonan

Keraton sebagai istana raja masih dapat dijumpai di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Saat ini keraton ... more Keraton sebagai istana raja masih dapat dijumpai di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Saat ini keraton telah digolongkan sebagai salah satu warisan budaya yang wajib dilindungi. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya arsitektur yang diterapkan pada bangunan-bangunan di Keraton Kacirebonan, salah satu dari tiga Keraton yang terdapat di kota Cirebon. Mengingat umur keraton dan massa pemerintahan yang dilalui cukup panjang, maka perubahan, penggantian dan penambahan bangunan baru dimungkinkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan kelancaran pemerintahan. Apakah perubahan, penggantian atau penambahan bangunan baru pada Keraton Kacirebonan berpegang pada gaya bangunan yang telah ada sebelumnya? Observasi dilakukan dengan mendatangi objek penelitian secara berkala dan melakukan pengukuran, pendataan dan penggambaran. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif objek dianalisis dan dikaitkan dengan literature dan data-data yang ada. Diharapkan perubahan, pergantian dan penambahan bangunan baru dapat selaras...


Journal of Architectural Research and Education, 2020

Abstact – Indonesia is an archipelago that is located between two continents, Asia and Australia,... more Abstact – Indonesia is an archipelago that is located between two continents, Asia and Australia, also between two oceans, the Pasific and the Indian ocean. This prospers in the commercial activity. Because of the location, costal cities are more easy to reach, foreigner that drop in have significant impact to these cities, for example Cirebon, a costal city that lies in the north east part of West Jawa. Various foreigners that drop in and also stay in Cirebon could be seen by the heritage, one of them is the Vihara Dewi Welas Asih. The temple as a house of worship for Konghucu religion is easy to be known by the colour and Chinese specific architectural style. The city development pushes to changes, as to the Vihara Dewi Welas Asih, renovation and additional buildings is inevitable. This paper is to study the architectural style applied to the additional buildings surrounding the temple. By observation the architectural style of the new building is recognised, also how the context ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Transformation of Heritage Buildings as Tourist Attraction : Adaptive Re-use of Colonial Buildings at a Bandung Conservation Area

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (SENVAR 2018), 2019

The strategic geographic position with extensive land and sea areas makes Indonesia rich in cultu... more The strategic geographic position with extensive land and sea areas makes Indonesia rich in cultural heritages. Other than that, Dutch Colonial Government which ruled for a relatively long time in Indonesia also left some cultural heritages. Those cultural heritages are believed to have a potential to attract tourists, and one of the cultural heritages is the buildings. By using grounded research and taking some cases this paper will describe the potential of the buildings in one cultural heritage area in Bandung city that attracts many tourists. The buildings discussed are the residential buildings built during the Dutch colonial government era. After the independence, those buildings were acquisitioned by the Indonesian government and its army to be used as dwelling houses. The diversity of activities offered in this area is one of the supporting factors that attract the tourists, presented with artistic style as a reflection of the cultural diversity in the form of hotels, restaurants and factory outlets. The results of the research showed that uniqueness of architecture style and location potential have created specific recreation experiences as the attractiveness that change the area into one of the tourist destinations in Bandung city. Adaptive re-use concept which is implemented to the buildings is believed optimizing the built-in area more effectively than building new buildings. The research questions addressed in this study are: Does the adaptive re-use concept have impact to the buildings and surroundings?;What kind of building transformation is the right one as an effort to adapt to the new function? Adaptive re-use is expected to be one of the conservation efforts to revive buildings and the conserved area by maintaining the existing built environment in the city.

Research paper thumbnail of The Symbolic Meaning of Mosque Architecture as Adaptation to the Residential Environment, in the Social, Economic and Cultural Contexts in Lombok

International Journal of Architecture, Arts and Applications, 2019

The island of Lombok in Central Indonesia is native to Muslim Sasak ethnicity, but before 1400 th... more The island of Lombok in Central Indonesia is native to Muslim Sasak ethnicity, but before 1400 there was still animism with a natural object-oriented housing environment as a symbol of 'the mother of all places'. After becoming Islam, it was adapted as 'the mother of waiting space' with a symbol of mosque architecture. The architecture of the mosque reflects the social, cultural and economic aspects of the people of Lombok. The large number of mosques shows that Islam is dominant in the lives of Sasak people. Its architecture in the early roofs was tile-roofed like a house, changed into a dome to show the identity of Islamic architecture. Intersubjectively the dome is accepted because it matches the shape of the food hood in Sasak culture. Many mosques adapt to high domes and towers, prominently in modest residential environments. This research is to understand the transformation that makes the number of mosques very large in Lombok. Using descriptive-analyticalqualitative methods based on environmental culture analyzes the symbolic meaning of mosque architecture in the Social, Economic and Sasak Cultural contexts.