Olga Łabendowicz - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Thesis Chapters by Olga Łabendowicz
The theory of lacunas has been applied to various disciplines, nonetheless its application to aud... more The theory of lacunas has been applied to various disciplines, nonetheless its application to audiovisual translation (AVT) is still without precedent. This dissertation is an attempt to
define cultural lacunas anew for the needs of AVT but still on the basis of already existing, wellestablished definitions in order to present the data on the procedures applied to translating such “untranslatable” cultural elements. There are three main objectives of the presented case study: first of all, to define cultural lacunas in audiovisual translation, secondly, to distinguish and classify the types of cultural lacunas and finally to examine, whether it is possible to limit the procedures of translating lacunas to only two of them: omission and shift, the later subdivided into two subcategories: equivalence and explanation. The case study is based on the TV series How I Met Your Mother – an American sitcom premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005. The original English version (ST) is compared with the Polish translation (TT) produced by Jacek Mikina and Błażej Kubacki commissioned by Comedy Central Polska – Synthesis Media.
The aim of this research is to examine whether it is possible to limit the procedures of translat... more The aim of this research is to examine whether it is possible to limit the procedures of translating cultural aspects in dubbing only to five of them (direct transfer, omission, compensation, cultural substitute and periphrasis) and whether a few procedures can be applied at the same time. The analysis is based on Madagascar – an animated dubbed comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and released in cinemas on May 27, 2005. The original dubbed English version is compared with the Polish translation produced by Bartosz
Books by Olga Łabendowicz
The presented publication was created as a part of ThinkFilm – an international research project ... more The presented publication was created as a part of ThinkFilm – an international research project conducted at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz, as a part of Erasmus+ programme: Strategic Partnership for Youth. The study concerns local film education activities and exhibition strategies of selected museums collected in the process of international cooperation between the Film Studies Academic Society of the University of Lodz, students of the Charles University in Prague, the Middlesex University in London and Goethe University in Frankfurt. The key objective is the development of a new concept of a modern exhibition and educational facility in Prague: National Film Museum (Národnífilmové Muzeum – NaFilM).
Members of the Film Studies Academic Society visited several museums in Poland (and one abroad) and summarized their observations in a uniform manner, examining not only exhibition strategies, but also such aspects as accessibility for disabled visitors, promotion activities and financing of respective institutions. The accepted brief form of reports is to be seen as not exhaustive, but rather as a basis for further investigation. Moreover, the presented overview shall not be viewed as criticism, although some of the critical remarks may be useful in terms of improving the existing institutions and – as established by the research group – help the emerging initiatives. Apart from its academic value, the publication may be used as a guidebook of museums worth visiting.
Papers by Olga Łabendowicz
The presented PhD Thesis gives insight into preferences, expectations, and viewing styles of Poli... more The presented PhD Thesis gives insight into preferences, expectations, and viewing styles of Polish audience with regard to American humorous productions featuring culturespecific references in the form of cultural lacunas, when watched with various modes of AVT proper (dubbing, voice over, and subtitles, presented here in the form of fansubs) or in the original (unaided and with English subtitles). The study is based on two online surveys, which served as the basis for the analysis of a series of eye-tracking experiments conducted between May and September 2016 at the AVT Lab of the Institute of Applied Linguistics at Warsaw University. As the research was devised in such a manner as to focus solely on intertextual humor acts that constitute cultural lacunas and which appear both in the dialogue and on the screen, Polish viewers were exposed to the most challenging types of audiovisual materials, which require possessing a specific culture repertoire in the source culture (SC). The findings attempt to help identify multiple factors that may influence the reception and perception of the type of productions analyzed. The manifestations of Wundtian recognition, partial report advantage, short-term conceptual memory, attribute amnesia, expectancy-based binding, as well as the phenomena of change blindness, selective attention, false memories, and blinking inhibition occur in the conducted research. These, and other observations, have hopefully contributed to gaining “a better knowledge of viewers' needs (...) and reception capacity” (Gambier 2009: 51).Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska daje wgląd w preferencje, oczekiwania i style oglądania przejawiane przez polskich widzow w odniesieniu do amerykańskich produkcji humorystycznych, zawierających referencje do kultury źrodłowej w postaci lakun kulturowych, w sytuacji oglądania ich z rożnymi rodzajami tzw. „AVT proper”, czyli przekładu audiowizualnego właściwego (dubbingiem, wersją lektorską oraz napisami, analizowanymi w formie fansubow) oraz w oryginale (bez wspomagania oraz z napisami anglojęzycznymi). Badanie opiera się na dwoch ankietach internetowych, ktore zostały zestawione i porownane, a następnie posłużyły za punkt wyjścia do analizy cyklu eksperymentow okulograficznych z udziałem 35 badanych, zrealizowanych między majem a wrześniem 2016 r. w AVT Labie Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Badanie zostało zaprojektowane w taki sposob, aby umożliwić skupienie się wyłącznie na intertekstualnych aktach humoru, ktore stanowią lakuny kulturowe i występują zarowno w listach dialogowych, jak i na ekranie. Polskim widzom przedstawiono zatem materiały audiowizualne o najwyższym stopniu trudności, ktore wymagają wiedzy na temat konkretnego repertuaru kulturowego w kulturze źrodłowej. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wyrożnienie czynnikow, ktore mogą wywierać wpływ na recepcję i percepcję analizowanego rodzaju produkcji. W przeprowadzonym badaniu zaobserwowano przypadki Wundtiańskiego rozpoznania (recognition), przewagi częściowego raportu (partial report advantage), konceptualnej pamięci krotkotrwałej (short-term conceptual memory), amnezji atrybutowej (attribute amnesia), wiązaniu opartym na oczekiwaniach (expectancy-based binding), jak rownież przejawy nieumiejętności zauważania zmiany (change blindness), wybiorczej uwagi (selective attention), fałszywych wspomnień (false memories) oraz wstrzymywania mrugania (blinking inhibition). Na podstawie otrzymanych rezultatow można wyrożnić szereg obserwacji o charakterze globalnym oraz lokalnym. Te i inne obserwacje przyczyniły się, miejmy nadzieję, do uzyskania „szerszej wiedzy na temat potrzeb (…) oraz zdolności recepcyjnej widzow” (Gambier 2009: 51)
Benjamins translation library, Sep 24, 2018
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Dec 30, 2018
The Polish Press Act from 1984 states that “The task of a journalist is to serve society and the ... more The Polish Press Act from 1984 states that “The task of a journalist is to serve society and the state”. In theory, this act guarantees the pursuit of a particular kind of mission by journalists. However, in the face of ever-worsening public debate, the fulfillment of this task seems to be more and more challenging for Polish journalists. Błażej Lenkowski, the publisher of Liberté! – a socio-political quarterly magazine from Lodz – emphasizes that “Free media are the foundation of a free, democratic society. They provide an opportunity to control the government”. He claims also that “Media are (…) a natural platform for political and ideological debate thanks to which all citizens can find the political option closest to their heart. They have a choice. The media also provide information that is crucial during elections. They enable individuals to choose more rational options.” And this exact stance served as a lever for composing this article. The article presented here is an analy...
The main objective of the presented paper is to provide an overview of references to the term goo... more The main objective of the presented paper is to provide an overview of references to the term good change (Polish: dobra zmiana) in the context of its discoursive evolution. The expression was first introduced into the Polish discourse during the parliamentary campaign of the Law and Justice party (PiS) before the election of October 25, 2015. In the periods following its introduction — during the first year of the Law and Justice government (10.26.2015–10.26.2016), and after one year until now (10.27.2016–6.09.2017) — the phrase has gained new meaning. The analysis is based on fifty examples of the usage of the expression good change featured in various articles published online. Nevertheless, apart from online articles — which constitute the majority of the analyzed material — the paper includes also entries on TV channels’ or news agencies’ webportals, and anecdotal uses
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 2017
In the age of participatory culture and post-translation, the liberalization of the domain of aud... more In the age of participatory culture and post-translation, the liberalization of the domain of audiovisual translation (AVT) was only a matter of time. The key four factors which have contributed to this demotic turn include: Linguistic Competence, Availability, Immediacy, and Free-of-Chargeness. Amateur and fan-produced translations increasingly gain in popularity. Meanwhile, the expectations of the industry towards professional translators has become more challenging than ever. The aim of the presented paper is to explore whether these changes call for a more market-driven approach towards AVT in the age of the opening of the industry for other agents.
Acta Univeristatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica
The theory of lacunas has been applied to various disciplines, nonetheless its application to aud... more The theory of lacunas has been applied to various disciplines, nonetheless its application to audiovisual translation (AVT) is still without precedent. This dissertation is an attempt to
define cultural lacunas anew for the needs of AVT but still on the basis of already existing, wellestablished definitions in order to present the data on the procedures applied to translating such “untranslatable” cultural elements. There are three main objectives of the presented case study: first of all, to define cultural lacunas in audiovisual translation, secondly, to distinguish and classify the types of cultural lacunas and finally to examine, whether it is possible to limit the procedures of translating lacunas to only two of them: omission and shift, the later subdivided into two subcategories: equivalence and explanation. The case study is based on the TV series How I Met Your Mother – an American sitcom premiered on CBS on September 19, 2005. The original English version (ST) is compared with the Polish translation (TT) produced by Jacek Mikina and Błażej Kubacki commissioned by Comedy Central Polska – Synthesis Media.
The aim of this research is to examine whether it is possible to limit the procedures of translat... more The aim of this research is to examine whether it is possible to limit the procedures of translating cultural aspects in dubbing only to five of them (direct transfer, omission, compensation, cultural substitute and periphrasis) and whether a few procedures can be applied at the same time. The analysis is based on Madagascar – an animated dubbed comedy film produced by DreamWorks Animation and released in cinemas on May 27, 2005. The original dubbed English version is compared with the Polish translation produced by Bartosz
The presented publication was created as a part of ThinkFilm – an international research project ... more The presented publication was created as a part of ThinkFilm – an international research project conducted at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Lodz, as a part of Erasmus+ programme: Strategic Partnership for Youth. The study concerns local film education activities and exhibition strategies of selected museums collected in the process of international cooperation between the Film Studies Academic Society of the University of Lodz, students of the Charles University in Prague, the Middlesex University in London and Goethe University in Frankfurt. The key objective is the development of a new concept of a modern exhibition and educational facility in Prague: National Film Museum (Národnífilmové Muzeum – NaFilM).
Members of the Film Studies Academic Society visited several museums in Poland (and one abroad) and summarized their observations in a uniform manner, examining not only exhibition strategies, but also such aspects as accessibility for disabled visitors, promotion activities and financing of respective institutions. The accepted brief form of reports is to be seen as not exhaustive, but rather as a basis for further investigation. Moreover, the presented overview shall not be viewed as criticism, although some of the critical remarks may be useful in terms of improving the existing institutions and – as established by the research group – help the emerging initiatives. Apart from its academic value, the publication may be used as a guidebook of museums worth visiting.
The presented PhD Thesis gives insight into preferences, expectations, and viewing styles of Poli... more The presented PhD Thesis gives insight into preferences, expectations, and viewing styles of Polish audience with regard to American humorous productions featuring culturespecific references in the form of cultural lacunas, when watched with various modes of AVT proper (dubbing, voice over, and subtitles, presented here in the form of fansubs) or in the original (unaided and with English subtitles). The study is based on two online surveys, which served as the basis for the analysis of a series of eye-tracking experiments conducted between May and September 2016 at the AVT Lab of the Institute of Applied Linguistics at Warsaw University. As the research was devised in such a manner as to focus solely on intertextual humor acts that constitute cultural lacunas and which appear both in the dialogue and on the screen, Polish viewers were exposed to the most challenging types of audiovisual materials, which require possessing a specific culture repertoire in the source culture (SC). The findings attempt to help identify multiple factors that may influence the reception and perception of the type of productions analyzed. The manifestations of Wundtian recognition, partial report advantage, short-term conceptual memory, attribute amnesia, expectancy-based binding, as well as the phenomena of change blindness, selective attention, false memories, and blinking inhibition occur in the conducted research. These, and other observations, have hopefully contributed to gaining “a better knowledge of viewers' needs (...) and reception capacity” (Gambier 2009: 51).Niniejsza rozprawa doktorska daje wgląd w preferencje, oczekiwania i style oglądania przejawiane przez polskich widzow w odniesieniu do amerykańskich produkcji humorystycznych, zawierających referencje do kultury źrodłowej w postaci lakun kulturowych, w sytuacji oglądania ich z rożnymi rodzajami tzw. „AVT proper”, czyli przekładu audiowizualnego właściwego (dubbingiem, wersją lektorską oraz napisami, analizowanymi w formie fansubow) oraz w oryginale (bez wspomagania oraz z napisami anglojęzycznymi). Badanie opiera się na dwoch ankietach internetowych, ktore zostały zestawione i porownane, a następnie posłużyły za punkt wyjścia do analizy cyklu eksperymentow okulograficznych z udziałem 35 badanych, zrealizowanych między majem a wrześniem 2016 r. w AVT Labie Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Badanie zostało zaprojektowane w taki sposob, aby umożliwić skupienie się wyłącznie na intertekstualnych aktach humoru, ktore stanowią lakuny kulturowe i występują zarowno w listach dialogowych, jak i na ekranie. Polskim widzom przedstawiono zatem materiały audiowizualne o najwyższym stopniu trudności, ktore wymagają wiedzy na temat konkretnego repertuaru kulturowego w kulturze źrodłowej. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na wyrożnienie czynnikow, ktore mogą wywierać wpływ na recepcję i percepcję analizowanego rodzaju produkcji. W przeprowadzonym badaniu zaobserwowano przypadki Wundtiańskiego rozpoznania (recognition), przewagi częściowego raportu (partial report advantage), konceptualnej pamięci krotkotrwałej (short-term conceptual memory), amnezji atrybutowej (attribute amnesia), wiązaniu opartym na oczekiwaniach (expectancy-based binding), jak rownież przejawy nieumiejętności zauważania zmiany (change blindness), wybiorczej uwagi (selective attention), fałszywych wspomnień (false memories) oraz wstrzymywania mrugania (blinking inhibition). Na podstawie otrzymanych rezultatow można wyrożnić szereg obserwacji o charakterze globalnym oraz lokalnym. Te i inne obserwacje przyczyniły się, miejmy nadzieję, do uzyskania „szerszej wiedzy na temat potrzeb (…) oraz zdolności recepcyjnej widzow” (Gambier 2009: 51)
Benjamins translation library, Sep 24, 2018
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Dec 30, 2018
The Polish Press Act from 1984 states that “The task of a journalist is to serve society and the ... more The Polish Press Act from 1984 states that “The task of a journalist is to serve society and the state”. In theory, this act guarantees the pursuit of a particular kind of mission by journalists. However, in the face of ever-worsening public debate, the fulfillment of this task seems to be more and more challenging for Polish journalists. Błażej Lenkowski, the publisher of Liberté! – a socio-political quarterly magazine from Lodz – emphasizes that “Free media are the foundation of a free, democratic society. They provide an opportunity to control the government”. He claims also that “Media are (…) a natural platform for political and ideological debate thanks to which all citizens can find the political option closest to their heart. They have a choice. The media also provide information that is crucial during elections. They enable individuals to choose more rational options.” And this exact stance served as a lever for composing this article. The article presented here is an analy...
The main objective of the presented paper is to provide an overview of references to the term goo... more The main objective of the presented paper is to provide an overview of references to the term good change (Polish: dobra zmiana) in the context of its discoursive evolution. The expression was first introduced into the Polish discourse during the parliamentary campaign of the Law and Justice party (PiS) before the election of October 25, 2015. In the periods following its introduction — during the first year of the Law and Justice government (10.26.2015–10.26.2016), and after one year until now (10.27.2016–6.09.2017) — the phrase has gained new meaning. The analysis is based on fifty examples of the usage of the expression good change featured in various articles published online. Nevertheless, apart from online articles — which constitute the majority of the analyzed material — the paper includes also entries on TV channels’ or news agencies’ webportals, and anecdotal uses
Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 2017
In the age of participatory culture and post-translation, the liberalization of the domain of aud... more In the age of participatory culture and post-translation, the liberalization of the domain of audiovisual translation (AVT) was only a matter of time. The key four factors which have contributed to this demotic turn include: Linguistic Competence, Availability, Immediacy, and Free-of-Chargeness. Amateur and fan-produced translations increasingly gain in popularity. Meanwhile, the expectations of the industry towards professional translators has become more challenging than ever. The aim of the presented paper is to explore whether these changes call for a more market-driven approach towards AVT in the age of the opening of the industry for other agents.
Acta Univeristatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica