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Papers by Onur Başar Özbozkurt


PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2022

This paper explores the impact of psychological ownership in an organizational plane on green org... more This paper explores the impact of psychological ownership in an organizational plane on green organizational behavior, which plays a significant role in creating a sustainable environment and helps mitigate ecological issues of the world. The present study aims at being fulfilled the research gap by exploring the impact of psychological ownership on green organizational behavior. To this end, the data was collected from 237 employees working at one of the leading fastener manufacturers in Turkey by using the convenience sampling method. The data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed via “SPSS 26.0”. Our findings suggest that psychological ownership has a statistically significant impact on green organizational behavior and contributes to theoretical and practical implications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Relationship Between the Level of Cognitive Dissonance Experienced and Customer Satisfaction: A Management and Marketing Perspective

Transnational Marketing Journal, 2022

Cognitive Dissonance" theory refers that a belief, knowledge, or attitude of the individual confl... more Cognitive Dissonance" theory refers that a belief, knowledge, or attitude of the individual conflict with the other belief, knowledge, or attitude of the individual. It has a crucial impact on many academic fields, especially in marketing, after being coined to the literature by Festinger (1957). Whilst many studies have been conducted in the literature on the theory that attracts attention all over the world, it has been limited to the examination of the subject with quantitative methods and to handling it from a managerial perspective. On the other hand, customer satisfaction has been exponentially drawn attention upon and signified a key point by service providers especially in the tourism businesses owing to the intensely competitive environment caused by changing new trends in consumer behavior. In this sense, the present study aims to complete this gap in the literature by examining the relationship between customer satisfaction and experienced cognitive dissonance of customers after purchasing accommodation services. In addition to that, it aims to mitigate the dissonance of customers by managers and contributing strategy development to carry out a more valuable accommodation experience. To this end, a questionnaire has been applied to 166 participants who had been accommodated in the tourism business in Mersin, Turkey, and the data has been analyzed by SPSS 26.0. As a result of the analysis, there is a statistically significant relationship between cognitive dissonance level and customer satisfaction.

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Üzerine Profesyonel Uygulamalar: Nitel Bir Araştırma

İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021

Human resource management (HRM) is a key management tool used primarily to increase efficiency an... more Human resource management (HRM) is a key management tool used primarily to increase efficiency and effectiveness, grow, improve services and cope with possible crises depending on the efforts of organizations to reach their goals. However, the fact that organizations are exposed to intense competition and environmental challenges, and the understanding of the importance of human capital in production and its fundamental role in organizational efficiency has necessitated the strategic management of human resources for almost every organization. Therefore, the current study suggests that it has a critical significance to manage human capital within the framework of strategic human resources management (strategic HRM), in contrast to the traditional human resources management (HRM) approach, to adapt to the changing business world caused by the intensely competitive environment. In this sense, since there are many quantitative studies on strategic HRM in the related literature and the limited number of qualitative studies, it was used the phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, in this study. In addition to that, an in-depth interview was held with an HR professional determined by the criterion sampling method. The data obtained from the interview were analyzed through the “NVivo 12” qualitative analysis program and the themes were determined via the content and descriptive analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that the HR professional emphasized the themes of strategic HRM, trust and engagement, internal communication, and neuro HRM, respectively. It was expected that the current study contributes to the literature and practitioners due to the limited number of qualitative studies on strategic HRM practices in the Turkish literature and sharing experiences and opinions of HR professionals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Psikolojik Sermayenin İşe Angaje Olma Üzerindeki Etkisinde Pozitif Ses Çıkartma Davranışının Aracılık Rolü

Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2022

Human capital is a rare and unique strategic resource for businesses to gain sustainable competit... more Human capital is a rare and unique strategic resource for businesses to gain sustainable competitive advantage. Thus, it is significant to improve and develop the psychological capacities of employees in showing their performance towards the goals of the businesses. In this sense, the concepts of psychological capital and work engagement, which allow the measurement of the psychological capacities of employees, stand out. The relationship between these two variables has been mostly examined in the relevant literature; however, it has been drawn attention to determine the deficiency of the mediator variable that affects the degree of the relationship. Moreover, it has been observed in the literature that these two variables are predicted by positive voice behavior. From this point of view, 375 participants were reached using the snowball sampling technique and the statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out. As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that psychological capital has a positive and significant effect on positive voice behavior and work engagement. Additionally, it has been determined that positive voice behavior has a positive and significant effect on work engagement. Finally, it has been concluded that positive voice behavior plays a partial mediating role in the effect of psychological capital on work engagement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Siyasetin Dijital Mimarisi: Sosyal Medya

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Research paper thumbnail of Çevrim İçi Eğitim Sürecinde Akademisyenlerin Mesleki Motivasyon Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi: Mersin İlinde Nitel Bir Araştırma

Covid-19 Araştırmaları, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected many sectors, especially health, and made it necessar... more The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected many sectors, especially health, and made it necessary to reevaluate the perspective on the education system. Due to the pandemic, higher education institutions carried face-to-face education to online education tools and created a virtual classroom platform on the internet. Universities and academicians have worked effectively to raise qualified individuals in the online education platform and to prevent interruptions in the education process. For this reason, it is important to identify the problem areas faced by academicians in this process and to examine the effects of these factors on their occupational motivation levels. In this sense, interviews were held with four academicians working at four universities in Mersin. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out through the qualitative analysis program “NVivo 12”. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the participants drew attention to the themes of occupational motivation, intrinsic motivation, student-based motivation, motivation originating from the university environment, motivation based on technology and motivation based on online exams.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the relationship between structural empowerment and perceived supervisor support*

Journal of Transnational Management

During the last decade, organizational and strategic management theories have exponentially conce... more During the last decade, organizational and strategic management theories have exponentially concentrated on the concept of structural empowerment and organizations have prioritized to work with the employees who take the initiative and respond creatively to the challenges of the job to struggle in an increasingly competitive external environment. In this sense, structural empowerment represents organizational policies, practices, and structures that grant employees greater latitude to make decisions and exert influence regarding their work and refers to a formal horizontal decentralization of authority that decisional power flows to employees from the formal structure. Additionally, it is assumed that structural empowerment helps to create a positive perception and has an impact on employees’ perceived supervisor’s support that denotes the degree to which employees’ shape impressions that their supervisor appreciates their contributions in work and is caring about their well-being. From this point of view, owing to intense competition within the private healthcare sector in Turkey, employees’ structural empowerment and perceptions related to their supervisor’s support play a vital role in providing high-quality services and care for patients. In this respect, the present study aimed at examining the relationship between structural empowerment and perceived supervisor’s support in the private healthcare sector’s employees who have especially close interactions with patients as customers. In this regard, the questionnaire has been applied to 240 employees working at the five private hospitals and the data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed through the “SPSS 26.0” program. As a result of the analysis, it has been signified that there is a strong positive correlation between structural empowerment and the perceived supervisor’s support. Also, it has been seen that the structural empowerment’s sub-dimensions that are opportunity, formal power, and informal power have a statistically significant relationship with the perceived supervisor support’s sub-dimensions, tangible and intangible.

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Research paper thumbnail of Çok Uluslu İşletmeler ve Tekelleşmenin Uluslararasılaşması

Social Sciences Studies Journal

Nowadays, states which have been assumed as the fundamental actor in the international system, ke... more Nowadays, states which have been assumed as the fundamental actor in the international system, keep in the background of multinational corporations (MNCs). In this frame, the desire of "high profit" owing to MNC's business activities as transnational and transcontinental ways reveals a monopoly cycle by MNCs that market and capital centralized in one hand or one group. In this sense, the monopoly cycle causes absolute poverty and it has been seen that poverty reaches in the global extent day by day. From this point of view, in this study, that has been carried out with the purpose of contributing the related literature, it has been respectively and conceptually examined the transition of power from states to MNC's, MNC's growth and monopoly strategies, and the negative impacts of MNC's growth and monopoly strategies in detail.

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Research paper thumbnail of Liderlik Davranışlarının Algılanmasında Yeni Nesil Stratejik Yönetim: Bilişsel Okulu'ndan Nörostrateji ve Nöroliderliğe Doğru

Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021

Beyin, vücuttaki tüm sistemleri yöneten ana denetleyici olduğu gibi, liderler de organizasyonlard... more Beyin, vücuttaki tüm sistemleri yöneten ana denetleyici olduğu gibi, liderler de organizasyonlardaki ana denetleyicilerdir. Bu kapsamda, organizasyonun vizyon ve yönünü belirleyen ve organizasyonel kültürün yaratılması ve yönetilmesinde kilit bireyler olan liderlerin strateji oluşturma sürecinin araştırılmasında öncü ekol olan Bilişsel Okulu’nun yerini, günümüzde sinirbilimin organizasyonel amaçlarla strateji oluşturmada kullanılmasına olanak sağlayan nörostrateji ve liderliğin sinirbilim ile entegrasyonuna zemin hazırlayan nöroliderlik kavramlarına bıraktığı görülmektedir. Bu nedenle bu çalışma, Bilişsel Okulu perspektifinden strateji oluşturmada liderlerin zihinsel sürecinin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Ek olarak liderin zihninin günümüzün yeni ve çağdaş yöntemlerle analiz edilmesinde nörobilim tekniklerinden faydalanılmasının gereklilik arz ettiğini öne sürmektedir. Bu çalışma, nörobilimsel metotların liderler üzerinde uygulanmasına vurgu yapan nöroliderlik ve nöroliderlerin kaygı ve risk düzeyi yüksek durumlarda stratejik kararlar almasına odaklanan nörostrateji kavramlarına ilişkin kavramsal bir çerçeve sunarak Türkçe literatürde açıkça görülen boşluğu doldurmayı amaçlamaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası İşletmecilikte Finansal Risklerin Stratejik Yönetimi

European Journal of Educational & Social Sciences, 2021

International business activities encourage the cross-border transfer of goods, services, resourc... more International business activities encourage the cross-border transfer of goods, services, resources, individuals, ideas, and technologies. The activities are carried out exporting and importing which enable the movement of goods from one country to another. In addition to that, it is used with market entry strategies such as licensing and franchising that includes contractual agreements via allowing foreign firms to use goods, services, and processes from other nations. However, multinational companies (MNCs) are exposed to socio-cultural risks, political risks, commercial risks, and financial risks in the market during the internationalization process. In this sense, it has been observed in the relevant literature that MNCs are heavily exposed to exchange rate risk, one of the financial risk types, and they have difficulties in managing this type of risk. Therefore, the current study aims to contribute to the relevant literature by explaining the strategic management of exchange rate fluctuations frequently encountered in international business activities by MNCs and to guide the practitioners who continue their business activities in this field.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Contemporary Management Practice: Mindfulness in the Work Settings

European Journal of Educational and Social Sciences, 2020

In recent years, the concept of mindfulness has become more salient in organizations that concern... more In recent years, the concept of mindfulness has become more salient in organizations that concern about the impact of the constant unpredictable change on the well-being and performance of employees. Mindfulness in organizations refers to the degree to which employees are mindful and aware in their workplace and is a practicable strategy to encourage employee performance and noteworthy organizational efficiency. It occurs when promoting awareness of vision, goals, and values of the organizations, integrating organization vision with the executive team, interacting regardfully and mindfully with internal and external customers, identifying the fundamental problems facing the organization, and creating an environment where employees interconnected each other and their voice is equally valued. In this respect, for organizations, mindfulness has a myriad of benefits that contain empathy and greater acceptance of colleagues, resiliency (response flexibility), improved working memory and task performance, increased self-determination, and more accurate affective forecasting (gut feelings). Therefore, the current study was carried out to understand the contributions of mindfulness to help both employees and managers for improving their core competencies in accordance with organizational efficiency and effectiveness and aimed at exploring the necessity of integrating mindfulness in the work settings as a contemporary management practice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Üniversitelerin Stratejik Planlarında İnsan Kaynakları Yetkinlik Analizinin Yeri: Nitel Bir Araştırma

Turkish Studies-Social Sciences, 2020

In Turkey strategic planning of public administration, regulated by law 5018 in 2003 and began to... more In Turkey strategic planning of public administration, regulated by law 5018 in 2003 and began to be used in public institutions since 2006. Until that date, concepts such as performance, result orientation, strategic thinking and strategic decision making, which were generally in the field of business, started to be widely used in public administration since then. Today’s organizations have to make strategic planning and have qualified human resources (HR) to ensure sustainability, shape the future, and achieve advantages in competition. On the other hand, the widespread use of such tools -the competitive superiority struggle caused by the business world, the increasing number of foundation universities, performance, strategic thinking and decision making, result orientation, total quality management etc.- forced universities to run like companies and directed them to act within the framework of strategic management approach. As such, universities have to manage more based on performance and create human capital equipped with competencies than ever before. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the steps taken by universities related to the human resource competencies, which have gained importance as a strategic factor. Under the heading of internal analysis of universities, strategic plans were accessed in order to evaluate HR competency analyses. 128 public universities constitute the universe of the study and 104 universities with an active strategic plan constitute the study group. We investigated quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate whether the HR competency analysis had been carried out as stated in the Strategic Planning Guide. The data obtained were subjected to content analysis and evaluated under themes and categories. It has been revealed that 98% of the universities included quantitative data analyses and 7% qualitative data analyses in their strategic plans.

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Research paper thumbnail of İşe Bağlılığın İşte Kalma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisinde İş Gören Sesliliğinin Aracılık Rolü

Researcher: Social Science Studies, 2020

Employees, regardless of nature and type of business, are one of the key resources of the organiz... more Employees, regardless of nature and type of business, are one of the key resources of the organizations. Organizations that desire to run their business activities in a recent competition environment wish to successfully manage relationships with employees and tend to retain employees in a longer-term in the organization. In this line, organizations have started to be more interested in employee voice for obtaining a high level of performance and creating the work commitment and intention to stay of qualified employees. From this point of view, this study aims at analyzing the work commitment, intention to stay and employee voice in detail and being fulfilled the clear need of research in related literature via examining the effect between those variables and the mediating role of employee voice within the impact of work commitment on intention to stay. To this end, the data obtained from 368 employees that were reached by the snowball sampling method has been analyzed by using the quantitative analysis programs “SPSS 21.0” and “AMOS 24.0”. As a result of the analysis, work commitment has a positive and significant impact on both intention to stay and employee voice; employee voice has a positive and statistically significant impact on intention to stay, and the partial mediation role of employee voice within the impact of work commitment on intention to stay.

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Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası İşletmecilik Perspektifinden Politik Risk: Türleri, Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi

Turkish Studies- Economics, Finance and Politics, 2020

Local companies have exponentially initiated to run their business activities abroad within the e... more Local companies have exponentially initiated to run their business activities abroad within the effect of globalization. There are a few determinants that underlie at the background of these businesses' desire for internationalization. In this respect, political risk has been drawn attention due to having a crucial role in running business activities and selecting the most optimal location. From this point of view, the present study aimed at being fulfilled a clear the need of research specifically in Turkish literature in the scope of being identified the political risk phenomenon and its types which companies might be exposed in the process of international business activities and risk avoidance via carrying out risk assessment or turning the risk into an opportunity or minimizing the risk through appropriately managing it. It has been seen that the types of political risk consist of general instability risk, ownership and control risk, operational risk, and transfer risk within the frame of the study. Additionally, it has been determined that political risk assessments fundamentally include three steps such as the assessment of issues of relevance to the firm, potential political events, and probable impacts and responses. Moreover, integrative strategies, protective and defensive strategies, and combination strategies have been principally remarked in the sense of political risk management. In this regard, it has been signified that political risk insurance, gradually increasing business activities, joint venture with local company and providing local employment, developing closer relationships with the host country dynamics and using local financing, operational hedging (setting up multiple plants to spread risk), and addressing legal bodies have been drawn attention as sub-strategies.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mediating Role of Mushroom Management Within the Impact of Job Stress on Intention to Leave

İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020

Mushroom management style which refers to being kept of the employees in the dark like mushroom c... more Mushroom management style which refers to being kept of the employees in the dark like mushroom cultivation and given them inadequate information to increase their performance, has been considerably drawn attention as a rising metaphor in the few years for management science. Since there are limited mushroom management studies and none of them quantitatively being investigated, the present study aims at being fulfilled the research gap via exploring the mediating role played by mushroom management style within the impact of job stress on intention to leave which have a great impact on the management of organizations. Based on the purpose, the focus of this paper is on the private healthcare sector due to the centralized and hierarchical structure, and being intensely exposed to job stress. From this point of view, the questionnaire has been applied to 221 employees working at the four private hospitals and the data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed via “SPSS 22.0”. As a result of the analysis, it has been indicated that the job stress has a significant effect on intention to leave; the mushroom management has a statistically significant effect on both job stress and intention to leave, and the mushroom management has a mediating role on within the impact of job stress on intention to leave. It has been recommended that managers should pay more attention to encouraging effective and operative communication throughout the organization and regularly share more information with the employee since they have a significant role in achieving organizational goals; namely, effectiveness.

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Research paper thumbnail of Akademisyenlerin Mesleki Motivasyon Düzeyinin Demografik Değişkenler Bağlamında İncelenmesi

Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2020

The level of occupational motivation of academic staff is a significant resource as the pillars o... more The level of occupational motivation of academic staff is a significant resource as the pillars of an entire building and play a central role in the fulfillment of the organizational goals of their institutions. In this frame, this study has been carried out within the purpose of being guided for the practices of universities as desired benefits center and contributed to the literature via determining the level of occupational motivation of academicians who have a crucial role in the point of being provided benefit, conducted the activities of research and development, and produced science in addition to the educational activities expected from universities. For this purpose, the data obtained from the questionnaire has been applied on 175 academicians have been analyzed via the "SPSS 26.0" program. As a result of the analysis, it has been identified that the level of occupational motivation of academicians does not differ statistically significant in terms of age, gender, marital status, title, years in the profession, and field of the study. On the other hand, it has been determined that the level of occupational motivation of academicians differs statistically significant in terms of types of institution employed, years of employment at the current institution, and academic units.

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Research paper thumbnail of Siyah Kuğuyu Yönetmek

OPUS–Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020

“Black Swan”, which refers to unpredictable and unforeseen events despite analyzing risks, has ac... more “Black Swan”, which refers to unpredictable and unforeseen events despite analyzing risks, has academically become a remarkable metaphor worldwide that was brought to the literature by Taleb (2007). However, the topic has received little attention in Turkish literature so far and has not been scientifically studied. In this regard, this study has been carried out within the purpose of being fulfilled a clear need of research specifically in Turkish literature and offered a new perspective to managers via appropriately managing black swans that is a noteworthy point in the strategic management process. For this purpose, it has been seen in the study that the matters such as being avoided unrealistic expectations, developed strategies via clearly determining and understanding of the space of possibilities in the planning and managing risks, analyzed both internal and external environment via being aware of black swans for preventing black swan blindness, formulated strategies within the awareness of taking into account every possibilities via avoiding the creation of strategies with dogmatical perspective, and open for positive black swans and taken necessary measures via behaving proactive to negative black swans have been remarked.

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Research paper thumbnail of Achieving Business Excellence Within the Automotive Industry: A Qualitative Study on A Volkswagen Retailer

Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019

Recently, organizations have begun to improve their emphasis on service quality and organizationa... more Recently, organizations have begun to improve their emphasis on service quality and organizational sustainability owing to the hyper-competitive business processes and conditions. In this frame, organizations, regardless of its business orientation, strive for achieving organizational goals and exploring new and different ways to make a profit. Therefore, business excellence, which is appropriately described as simultaneous satisfaction of both customers, employers, business partners, and stakeholders, has been drawn attention to gain prestige and achieve success for organizations particularly actors within the automotive industry. From this point, considering the business excellence that concentrates on abilities, practices, and engaging with the customers within the automotive industry, the present study aims at contributing the related literature and examining the business excellence practices in Volkswagen's Mersin retailer and for this purpose, the in-depth interview has been conducted with retailer's sales manager. Besides, the data obtained from the in-depth interview, has been analyzed by using qualitative analysis programme "NVivo 12". As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that the fundamental themes respectively consist of leadership, customer focus, people (internal customer) focus, organizational learning, innovation and improvement, strategic alignment, partnership development, and fact-based processes management.

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Research paper thumbnail of İşe Bağlılık ile İş Performansı Arasındaki İlişkide İş Zanaatkârlığının Aracılık Rolü: Zanaatkârlar Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Crafts such as jewelry and silver design have been drawn attention as the sectors that have been ... more Crafts such as jewelry and silver design have been drawn attention as the sectors that have been identified as precious and developing components of art and craft via combining creativity and manual labor. It has been seen that there are a limited number of studies examining the mediating role of job crafting between job performance and level of work engagement of crafters who shape the work's extent, content and structure by their own ways, and execute a job that requires handicraft and craftsmanship, based on skilled labor. The questionnaire has been applied to 129 crafters within the purpose of contributing practices for the sector and scientific studies in the related field. As a result of the analysis, it has been identified that the dimensions of work engagement and job crafting have a significant effect on job performance and job crafting has a mediating role between work engagement and job performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of On The Business Strategies of Major Foreign-Owned Multinational Corporations in Turkey After July 15 Coup Attempt

Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019

This study aims to fulfill a clear need for researches in both Turkish and foreign literature, an... more This study aims to fulfill a clear need for researches in both Turkish and foreign literature, and examined the options related to the alternative strategies of multinational companies (MNCs) in case of a possible coup and similar attempts in the countries. From this point of view, business management strategies of major foreign-owned MNCs in Turkey during and after the July 15 failed coup attempt are at the core of this study. In this sense, it has been observed that the major foreign-owned MNCs have implemented resistance and adaptation strategies instead of withdrawal option that end up with an increase in sales volume and profitability in Turkey. It has been seen in this study that the coup and coup attempts, on the one hand, may create a risky business climate for the business world, but on the other hand, bring business opportunities for foreign-owned MNCs' higher profitability.

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PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2022

This paper explores the impact of psychological ownership in an organizational plane on green org... more This paper explores the impact of psychological ownership in an organizational plane on green organizational behavior, which plays a significant role in creating a sustainable environment and helps mitigate ecological issues of the world. The present study aims at being fulfilled the research gap by exploring the impact of psychological ownership on green organizational behavior. To this end, the data was collected from 237 employees working at one of the leading fastener manufacturers in Turkey by using the convenience sampling method. The data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed via “SPSS 26.0”. Our findings suggest that psychological ownership has a statistically significant impact on green organizational behavior and contributes to theoretical and practical implications.

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Research paper thumbnail of Examining the Relationship Between the Level of Cognitive Dissonance Experienced and Customer Satisfaction: A Management and Marketing Perspective

Transnational Marketing Journal, 2022

Cognitive Dissonance" theory refers that a belief, knowledge, or attitude of the individual confl... more Cognitive Dissonance" theory refers that a belief, knowledge, or attitude of the individual conflict with the other belief, knowledge, or attitude of the individual. It has a crucial impact on many academic fields, especially in marketing, after being coined to the literature by Festinger (1957). Whilst many studies have been conducted in the literature on the theory that attracts attention all over the world, it has been limited to the examination of the subject with quantitative methods and to handling it from a managerial perspective. On the other hand, customer satisfaction has been exponentially drawn attention upon and signified a key point by service providers especially in the tourism businesses owing to the intensely competitive environment caused by changing new trends in consumer behavior. In this sense, the present study aims to complete this gap in the literature by examining the relationship between customer satisfaction and experienced cognitive dissonance of customers after purchasing accommodation services. In addition to that, it aims to mitigate the dissonance of customers by managers and contributing strategy development to carry out a more valuable accommodation experience. To this end, a questionnaire has been applied to 166 participants who had been accommodated in the tourism business in Mersin, Turkey, and the data has been analyzed by SPSS 26.0. As a result of the analysis, there is a statistically significant relationship between cognitive dissonance level and customer satisfaction.

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Research paper thumbnail of Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Üzerine Profesyonel Uygulamalar: Nitel Bir Araştırma

İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021

Human resource management (HRM) is a key management tool used primarily to increase efficiency an... more Human resource management (HRM) is a key management tool used primarily to increase efficiency and effectiveness, grow, improve services and cope with possible crises depending on the efforts of organizations to reach their goals. However, the fact that organizations are exposed to intense competition and environmental challenges, and the understanding of the importance of human capital in production and its fundamental role in organizational efficiency has necessitated the strategic management of human resources for almost every organization. Therefore, the current study suggests that it has a critical significance to manage human capital within the framework of strategic human resources management (strategic HRM), in contrast to the traditional human resources management (HRM) approach, to adapt to the changing business world caused by the intensely competitive environment. In this sense, since there are many quantitative studies on strategic HRM in the related literature and the limited number of qualitative studies, it was used the phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, in this study. In addition to that, an in-depth interview was held with an HR professional determined by the criterion sampling method. The data obtained from the interview were analyzed through the “NVivo 12” qualitative analysis program and the themes were determined via the content and descriptive analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that the HR professional emphasized the themes of strategic HRM, trust and engagement, internal communication, and neuro HRM, respectively. It was expected that the current study contributes to the literature and practitioners due to the limited number of qualitative studies on strategic HRM practices in the Turkish literature and sharing experiences and opinions of HR professionals.

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Research paper thumbnail of Psikolojik Sermayenin İşe Angaje Olma Üzerindeki Etkisinde Pozitif Ses Çıkartma Davranışının Aracılık Rolü

Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2022

Human capital is a rare and unique strategic resource for businesses to gain sustainable competit... more Human capital is a rare and unique strategic resource for businesses to gain sustainable competitive advantage. Thus, it is significant to improve and develop the psychological capacities of employees in showing their performance towards the goals of the businesses. In this sense, the concepts of psychological capital and work engagement, which allow the measurement of the psychological capacities of employees, stand out. The relationship between these two variables has been mostly examined in the relevant literature; however, it has been drawn attention to determine the deficiency of the mediator variable that affects the degree of the relationship. Moreover, it has been observed in the literature that these two variables are predicted by positive voice behavior. From this point of view, 375 participants were reached using the snowball sampling technique and the statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out. As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that psychological capital has a positive and significant effect on positive voice behavior and work engagement. Additionally, it has been determined that positive voice behavior has a positive and significant effect on work engagement. Finally, it has been concluded that positive voice behavior plays a partial mediating role in the effect of psychological capital on work engagement.

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Research paper thumbnail of Siyasetin Dijital Mimarisi: Sosyal Medya

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Research paper thumbnail of Çevrim İçi Eğitim Sürecinde Akademisyenlerin Mesleki Motivasyon Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi: Mersin İlinde Nitel Bir Araştırma

Covid-19 Araştırmaları, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected many sectors, especially health, and made it necessar... more The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected many sectors, especially health, and made it necessary to reevaluate the perspective on the education system. Due to the pandemic, higher education institutions carried face-to-face education to online education tools and created a virtual classroom platform on the internet. Universities and academicians have worked effectively to raise qualified individuals in the online education platform and to prevent interruptions in the education process. For this reason, it is important to identify the problem areas faced by academicians in this process and to examine the effects of these factors on their occupational motivation levels. In this sense, interviews were held with four academicians working at four universities in Mersin. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out through the qualitative analysis program “NVivo 12”. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the participants drew attention to the themes of occupational motivation, intrinsic motivation, student-based motivation, motivation originating from the university environment, motivation based on technology and motivation based on online exams.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing the relationship between structural empowerment and perceived supervisor support*

Journal of Transnational Management

During the last decade, organizational and strategic management theories have exponentially conce... more During the last decade, organizational and strategic management theories have exponentially concentrated on the concept of structural empowerment and organizations have prioritized to work with the employees who take the initiative and respond creatively to the challenges of the job to struggle in an increasingly competitive external environment. In this sense, structural empowerment represents organizational policies, practices, and structures that grant employees greater latitude to make decisions and exert influence regarding their work and refers to a formal horizontal decentralization of authority that decisional power flows to employees from the formal structure. Additionally, it is assumed that structural empowerment helps to create a positive perception and has an impact on employees’ perceived supervisor’s support that denotes the degree to which employees’ shape impressions that their supervisor appreciates their contributions in work and is caring about their well-being. From this point of view, owing to intense competition within the private healthcare sector in Turkey, employees’ structural empowerment and perceptions related to their supervisor’s support play a vital role in providing high-quality services and care for patients. In this respect, the present study aimed at examining the relationship between structural empowerment and perceived supervisor’s support in the private healthcare sector’s employees who have especially close interactions with patients as customers. In this regard, the questionnaire has been applied to 240 employees working at the five private hospitals and the data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed through the “SPSS 26.0” program. As a result of the analysis, it has been signified that there is a strong positive correlation between structural empowerment and the perceived supervisor’s support. Also, it has been seen that the structural empowerment’s sub-dimensions that are opportunity, formal power, and informal power have a statistically significant relationship with the perceived supervisor support’s sub-dimensions, tangible and intangible.

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Research paper thumbnail of Çok Uluslu İşletmeler ve Tekelleşmenin Uluslararasılaşması

Social Sciences Studies Journal

Nowadays, states which have been assumed as the fundamental actor in the international system, ke... more Nowadays, states which have been assumed as the fundamental actor in the international system, keep in the background of multinational corporations (MNCs). In this frame, the desire of "high profit" owing to MNC's business activities as transnational and transcontinental ways reveals a monopoly cycle by MNCs that market and capital centralized in one hand or one group. In this sense, the monopoly cycle causes absolute poverty and it has been seen that poverty reaches in the global extent day by day. From this point of view, in this study, that has been carried out with the purpose of contributing the related literature, it has been respectively and conceptually examined the transition of power from states to MNC's, MNC's growth and monopoly strategies, and the negative impacts of MNC's growth and monopoly strategies in detail.

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Research paper thumbnail of Liderlik Davranışlarının Algılanmasında Yeni Nesil Stratejik Yönetim: Bilişsel Okulu'ndan Nörostrateji ve Nöroliderliğe Doğru

Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021

Beyin, vücuttaki tüm sistemleri yöneten ana denetleyici olduğu gibi, liderler de organizasyonlard... more Beyin, vücuttaki tüm sistemleri yöneten ana denetleyici olduğu gibi, liderler de organizasyonlardaki ana denetleyicilerdir. Bu kapsamda, organizasyonun vizyon ve yönünü belirleyen ve organizasyonel kültürün yaratılması ve yönetilmesinde kilit bireyler olan liderlerin strateji oluşturma sürecinin araştırılmasında öncü ekol olan Bilişsel Okulu’nun yerini, günümüzde sinirbilimin organizasyonel amaçlarla strateji oluşturmada kullanılmasına olanak sağlayan nörostrateji ve liderliğin sinirbilim ile entegrasyonuna zemin hazırlayan nöroliderlik kavramlarına bıraktığı görülmektedir. Bu nedenle bu çalışma, Bilişsel Okulu perspektifinden strateji oluşturmada liderlerin zihinsel sürecinin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Ek olarak liderin zihninin günümüzün yeni ve çağdaş yöntemlerle analiz edilmesinde nörobilim tekniklerinden faydalanılmasının gereklilik arz ettiğini öne sürmektedir. Bu çalışma, nörobilimsel metotların liderler üzerinde uygulanmasına vurgu yapan nöroliderlik ve nöroliderlerin kaygı ve risk düzeyi yüksek durumlarda stratejik kararlar almasına odaklanan nörostrateji kavramlarına ilişkin kavramsal bir çerçeve sunarak Türkçe literatürde açıkça görülen boşluğu doldurmayı amaçlamaktadır.

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Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası İşletmecilikte Finansal Risklerin Stratejik Yönetimi

European Journal of Educational & Social Sciences, 2021

International business activities encourage the cross-border transfer of goods, services, resourc... more International business activities encourage the cross-border transfer of goods, services, resources, individuals, ideas, and technologies. The activities are carried out exporting and importing which enable the movement of goods from one country to another. In addition to that, it is used with market entry strategies such as licensing and franchising that includes contractual agreements via allowing foreign firms to use goods, services, and processes from other nations. However, multinational companies (MNCs) are exposed to socio-cultural risks, political risks, commercial risks, and financial risks in the market during the internationalization process. In this sense, it has been observed in the relevant literature that MNCs are heavily exposed to exchange rate risk, one of the financial risk types, and they have difficulties in managing this type of risk. Therefore, the current study aims to contribute to the relevant literature by explaining the strategic management of exchange rate fluctuations frequently encountered in international business activities by MNCs and to guide the practitioners who continue their business activities in this field.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Contemporary Management Practice: Mindfulness in the Work Settings

European Journal of Educational and Social Sciences, 2020

In recent years, the concept of mindfulness has become more salient in organizations that concern... more In recent years, the concept of mindfulness has become more salient in organizations that concern about the impact of the constant unpredictable change on the well-being and performance of employees. Mindfulness in organizations refers to the degree to which employees are mindful and aware in their workplace and is a practicable strategy to encourage employee performance and noteworthy organizational efficiency. It occurs when promoting awareness of vision, goals, and values of the organizations, integrating organization vision with the executive team, interacting regardfully and mindfully with internal and external customers, identifying the fundamental problems facing the organization, and creating an environment where employees interconnected each other and their voice is equally valued. In this respect, for organizations, mindfulness has a myriad of benefits that contain empathy and greater acceptance of colleagues, resiliency (response flexibility), improved working memory and task performance, increased self-determination, and more accurate affective forecasting (gut feelings). Therefore, the current study was carried out to understand the contributions of mindfulness to help both employees and managers for improving their core competencies in accordance with organizational efficiency and effectiveness and aimed at exploring the necessity of integrating mindfulness in the work settings as a contemporary management practice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Üniversitelerin Stratejik Planlarında İnsan Kaynakları Yetkinlik Analizinin Yeri: Nitel Bir Araştırma

Turkish Studies-Social Sciences, 2020

In Turkey strategic planning of public administration, regulated by law 5018 in 2003 and began to... more In Turkey strategic planning of public administration, regulated by law 5018 in 2003 and began to be used in public institutions since 2006. Until that date, concepts such as performance, result orientation, strategic thinking and strategic decision making, which were generally in the field of business, started to be widely used in public administration since then. Today’s organizations have to make strategic planning and have qualified human resources (HR) to ensure sustainability, shape the future, and achieve advantages in competition. On the other hand, the widespread use of such tools -the competitive superiority struggle caused by the business world, the increasing number of foundation universities, performance, strategic thinking and decision making, result orientation, total quality management etc.- forced universities to run like companies and directed them to act within the framework of strategic management approach. As such, universities have to manage more based on performance and create human capital equipped with competencies than ever before. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the steps taken by universities related to the human resource competencies, which have gained importance as a strategic factor. Under the heading of internal analysis of universities, strategic plans were accessed in order to evaluate HR competency analyses. 128 public universities constitute the universe of the study and 104 universities with an active strategic plan constitute the study group. We investigated quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate whether the HR competency analysis had been carried out as stated in the Strategic Planning Guide. The data obtained were subjected to content analysis and evaluated under themes and categories. It has been revealed that 98% of the universities included quantitative data analyses and 7% qualitative data analyses in their strategic plans.

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Research paper thumbnail of İşe Bağlılığın İşte Kalma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisinde İş Gören Sesliliğinin Aracılık Rolü

Researcher: Social Science Studies, 2020

Employees, regardless of nature and type of business, are one of the key resources of the organiz... more Employees, regardless of nature and type of business, are one of the key resources of the organizations. Organizations that desire to run their business activities in a recent competition environment wish to successfully manage relationships with employees and tend to retain employees in a longer-term in the organization. In this line, organizations have started to be more interested in employee voice for obtaining a high level of performance and creating the work commitment and intention to stay of qualified employees. From this point of view, this study aims at analyzing the work commitment, intention to stay and employee voice in detail and being fulfilled the clear need of research in related literature via examining the effect between those variables and the mediating role of employee voice within the impact of work commitment on intention to stay. To this end, the data obtained from 368 employees that were reached by the snowball sampling method has been analyzed by using the quantitative analysis programs “SPSS 21.0” and “AMOS 24.0”. As a result of the analysis, work commitment has a positive and significant impact on both intention to stay and employee voice; employee voice has a positive and statistically significant impact on intention to stay, and the partial mediation role of employee voice within the impact of work commitment on intention to stay.

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Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası İşletmecilik Perspektifinden Politik Risk: Türleri, Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi

Turkish Studies- Economics, Finance and Politics, 2020

Local companies have exponentially initiated to run their business activities abroad within the e... more Local companies have exponentially initiated to run their business activities abroad within the effect of globalization. There are a few determinants that underlie at the background of these businesses' desire for internationalization. In this respect, political risk has been drawn attention due to having a crucial role in running business activities and selecting the most optimal location. From this point of view, the present study aimed at being fulfilled a clear the need of research specifically in Turkish literature in the scope of being identified the political risk phenomenon and its types which companies might be exposed in the process of international business activities and risk avoidance via carrying out risk assessment or turning the risk into an opportunity or minimizing the risk through appropriately managing it. It has been seen that the types of political risk consist of general instability risk, ownership and control risk, operational risk, and transfer risk within the frame of the study. Additionally, it has been determined that political risk assessments fundamentally include three steps such as the assessment of issues of relevance to the firm, potential political events, and probable impacts and responses. Moreover, integrative strategies, protective and defensive strategies, and combination strategies have been principally remarked in the sense of political risk management. In this regard, it has been signified that political risk insurance, gradually increasing business activities, joint venture with local company and providing local employment, developing closer relationships with the host country dynamics and using local financing, operational hedging (setting up multiple plants to spread risk), and addressing legal bodies have been drawn attention as sub-strategies.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Mediating Role of Mushroom Management Within the Impact of Job Stress on Intention to Leave

İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020

Mushroom management style which refers to being kept of the employees in the dark like mushroom c... more Mushroom management style which refers to being kept of the employees in the dark like mushroom cultivation and given them inadequate information to increase their performance, has been considerably drawn attention as a rising metaphor in the few years for management science. Since there are limited mushroom management studies and none of them quantitatively being investigated, the present study aims at being fulfilled the research gap via exploring the mediating role played by mushroom management style within the impact of job stress on intention to leave which have a great impact on the management of organizations. Based on the purpose, the focus of this paper is on the private healthcare sector due to the centralized and hierarchical structure, and being intensely exposed to job stress. From this point of view, the questionnaire has been applied to 221 employees working at the four private hospitals and the data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed via “SPSS 22.0”. As a result of the analysis, it has been indicated that the job stress has a significant effect on intention to leave; the mushroom management has a statistically significant effect on both job stress and intention to leave, and the mushroom management has a mediating role on within the impact of job stress on intention to leave. It has been recommended that managers should pay more attention to encouraging effective and operative communication throughout the organization and regularly share more information with the employee since they have a significant role in achieving organizational goals; namely, effectiveness.

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Research paper thumbnail of Akademisyenlerin Mesleki Motivasyon Düzeyinin Demografik Değişkenler Bağlamında İncelenmesi

Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 2020

The level of occupational motivation of academic staff is a significant resource as the pillars o... more The level of occupational motivation of academic staff is a significant resource as the pillars of an entire building and play a central role in the fulfillment of the organizational goals of their institutions. In this frame, this study has been carried out within the purpose of being guided for the practices of universities as desired benefits center and contributed to the literature via determining the level of occupational motivation of academicians who have a crucial role in the point of being provided benefit, conducted the activities of research and development, and produced science in addition to the educational activities expected from universities. For this purpose, the data obtained from the questionnaire has been applied on 175 academicians have been analyzed via the "SPSS 26.0" program. As a result of the analysis, it has been identified that the level of occupational motivation of academicians does not differ statistically significant in terms of age, gender, marital status, title, years in the profession, and field of the study. On the other hand, it has been determined that the level of occupational motivation of academicians differs statistically significant in terms of types of institution employed, years of employment at the current institution, and academic units.

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Research paper thumbnail of Siyah Kuğuyu Yönetmek

OPUS–Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020

“Black Swan”, which refers to unpredictable and unforeseen events despite analyzing risks, has ac... more “Black Swan”, which refers to unpredictable and unforeseen events despite analyzing risks, has academically become a remarkable metaphor worldwide that was brought to the literature by Taleb (2007). However, the topic has received little attention in Turkish literature so far and has not been scientifically studied. In this regard, this study has been carried out within the purpose of being fulfilled a clear need of research specifically in Turkish literature and offered a new perspective to managers via appropriately managing black swans that is a noteworthy point in the strategic management process. For this purpose, it has been seen in the study that the matters such as being avoided unrealistic expectations, developed strategies via clearly determining and understanding of the space of possibilities in the planning and managing risks, analyzed both internal and external environment via being aware of black swans for preventing black swan blindness, formulated strategies within the awareness of taking into account every possibilities via avoiding the creation of strategies with dogmatical perspective, and open for positive black swans and taken necessary measures via behaving proactive to negative black swans have been remarked.

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Research paper thumbnail of Achieving Business Excellence Within the Automotive Industry: A Qualitative Study on A Volkswagen Retailer

Avrasya Sosyal ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019

Recently, organizations have begun to improve their emphasis on service quality and organizationa... more Recently, organizations have begun to improve their emphasis on service quality and organizational sustainability owing to the hyper-competitive business processes and conditions. In this frame, organizations, regardless of its business orientation, strive for achieving organizational goals and exploring new and different ways to make a profit. Therefore, business excellence, which is appropriately described as simultaneous satisfaction of both customers, employers, business partners, and stakeholders, has been drawn attention to gain prestige and achieve success for organizations particularly actors within the automotive industry. From this point, considering the business excellence that concentrates on abilities, practices, and engaging with the customers within the automotive industry, the present study aims at contributing the related literature and examining the business excellence practices in Volkswagen's Mersin retailer and for this purpose, the in-depth interview has been conducted with retailer's sales manager. Besides, the data obtained from the in-depth interview, has been analyzed by using qualitative analysis programme "NVivo 12". As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that the fundamental themes respectively consist of leadership, customer focus, people (internal customer) focus, organizational learning, innovation and improvement, strategic alignment, partnership development, and fact-based processes management.

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Research paper thumbnail of İşe Bağlılık ile İş Performansı Arasındaki İlişkide İş Zanaatkârlığının Aracılık Rolü: Zanaatkârlar Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Crafts such as jewelry and silver design have been drawn attention as the sectors that have been ... more Crafts such as jewelry and silver design have been drawn attention as the sectors that have been identified as precious and developing components of art and craft via combining creativity and manual labor. It has been seen that there are a limited number of studies examining the mediating role of job crafting between job performance and level of work engagement of crafters who shape the work's extent, content and structure by their own ways, and execute a job that requires handicraft and craftsmanship, based on skilled labor. The questionnaire has been applied to 129 crafters within the purpose of contributing practices for the sector and scientific studies in the related field. As a result of the analysis, it has been identified that the dimensions of work engagement and job crafting have a significant effect on job performance and job crafting has a mediating role between work engagement and job performance.

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Research paper thumbnail of On The Business Strategies of Major Foreign-Owned Multinational Corporations in Turkey After July 15 Coup Attempt

Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019

This study aims to fulfill a clear need for researches in both Turkish and foreign literature, an... more This study aims to fulfill a clear need for researches in both Turkish and foreign literature, and examined the options related to the alternative strategies of multinational companies (MNCs) in case of a possible coup and similar attempts in the countries. From this point of view, business management strategies of major foreign-owned MNCs in Turkey during and after the July 15 failed coup attempt are at the core of this study. In this sense, it has been observed that the major foreign-owned MNCs have implemented resistance and adaptation strategies instead of withdrawal option that end up with an increase in sales volume and profitability in Turkey. It has been seen in this study that the coup and coup attempts, on the one hand, may create a risky business climate for the business world, but on the other hand, bring business opportunities for foreign-owned MNCs' higher profitability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Çevrim İçi Eğitim Sürecinde Akademisyenlerin Mesleki Motivasyon Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi: Mersin İlinde Nitel Bir Araştırma

Covid-19 Araştırmaları, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected many sectors, especially health, and made it necessar... more The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected many sectors, especially health, and made it necessary to reevaluate the perspective on the education system. Due to the pandemic, higher education institutions carried face-to-face education to online education tools and created a virtual classroom platform on the internet. Universities and academicians have worked effectively to raise qualified individuals in the online education platform and to prevent interruptions in the education process. For this reason, it is important to identify the problem areas faced by academicians in this process and to examine the effects of these factors on their occupational motivation levels. In this sense, interviews were held with four academicians working at four universities in Mersin. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out through the qualitative analysis program “NVivo 12”. As a result of the analysis, it was observed that the participants drew attention to the themes of occupational motivation, intrinsic motivation, student-based motivation, motivation originating from the university environment, motivation based on technology and motivation based on online exams.

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Research paper thumbnail of Paylaşımlı Ofislerin Stratejik Yönetimi: Paylaşımlı Ofis Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

İşletme ve Yönetim Araştırmaları 2, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Duygusal Emek ve İş Tatmini Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Özel Sağlık Kuruluşları Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Alanında Yeni Ufuklar, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Teknostres ve Verimlilik Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma


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Research paper thumbnail of Değişime Direnç ve İş Stresi Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi Üzerine Nicel Bir Araştırma

Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimlerde Akademik Çalışmalar 2019/2, 2019

Change stands out as a concept that increases its importance in the process of organizational man... more Change stands out as a concept that increases its importance in the process of organizational management day by day. On the other hand, resistance to change may occur due to several reasons by employees and the most notable effect may reveal as job stress that experienced by employees in the process of organizational change. In this sense, this study has been carried out with the purpose of contributing to related literature since there has been limited research and practices in the business life via identifying the relationship between resistance to change and job stress experienced by employees. Accordingly, the questionnaire has been carried out by involving 270 employees who work in the five organizations that changes arise frequently from different sectors via examining the relationship between resistance to change and job stress experienced by employees; the data obtained has been analyzed by the “SPSS 23.0” program. As a result of the analysis, it has been seen that there was a statistically significant difference between resistance to change and job stress.

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Research paper thumbnail of İşletmelerde Teknostres ve Motivasyonun Bazı Demografik Değişkenler Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi Üzerine Nicel Bir Araştırma

International Researches in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Premium Segment Otomotiv Sektöründe Stratejik Liderlik: Porsche, Mercedes-Benz ve Audi Bayi Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Sosyal Bilimlerde Güncel Tartışmalar İnsan Çalışmaları 2, 2019

Stratejik liderlik, işletmelerin yönetim sürecinde her geçen gün önemini artıran bir kavram olara... more Stratejik liderlik, işletmelerin yönetim sürecinde her geçen gün önemini artıran bir kavram olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Stratejik liderlik yetkinlikleri ise özel bir ürünü, özel müşterilerle, özel bir ortamda, özel hizmetlerle bir araya getirmesinin yanı sıra, sektörde lider ve öncü olmayı ifade eden premium segment otomotiv sektöründe özel bir öneme sahip olmaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışma, otomotiv sektöründeki premium markaların bayi yöneticilerinin stratejik liderlik yaklaşımlarının ortaya konulması ve premium segmentteki stratejik liderlik yaklaşımlarına ilişkin bir çalışmaya rastlanılamaması ve bu bağlamda alanyazında açıkça görülen eksikliğin giderilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çerçevede, otomotiv sektörünün Porsche, Mercedes-Benz ve Audi gibi premium segmentteki lider markalarının Mersin ilinde bulunan bayi yöneticileri ile yarı yapılandırılmış sorular sorulmak suretiyle derinlemesine mülakatlar yapılmıştır. Görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda, bilgisayar destekli “NVivo 12” nitel araştırma programından faydalanılarak içerik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda ise müşteri odaklılık bağlamında memnuniyetin sağlanması ve değerlendirilmesi; operasyonel etkililik bağlamında stratejik düşünme ve çevrenin analizi; işletmenin geliştirilmesi bağlamında müşteri potansiyelinin artırılması; organizasyonel yaratıcılık bağlamında ise proaktif davranılması bileşenleri ön plana çıkmıştır. Buna ek olarak, araştırma bulgularının zenginleştirilmesi adına, araştırmaya katılan yöneticilerin takım arkadaşlarından, farklı bir ifadeyle takipçilerinden, yöneticilerinin stratejik liderlik yetkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi istenmiş ve verilen puanların ortalaması hesaplanmıştır.

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Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Alanında Araştırma ve Değerlendirmeler, 2019

Bu çalışma, 2018 yılı içerisinde, KOSGEB destekli Uygulamalı Girişimcilik Eğitimi’ni alarak bu eğ... more Bu çalışma, 2018 yılı içerisinde, KOSGEB destekli Uygulamalı Girişimcilik Eğitimi’ni alarak bu eğitimleri başarıyla tamamlamış bireylerin girişimcilik eğilimlerinin incelenmesi, ilgili eğitimleri alan bireylerin girişimcilik eğilimlerindeki belirleyici değişkenlerin tespit edilmesi ve ilgili alanyazına katkı sağlanması amacıyla Mersin ilinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, girişimcilik eğitiminin girişimcilik eğilimi üzerindeki etkisini incelemek üzere toplamda iki ölçek kullanılmıştır. Buradan hareketle, araştırmaya 204 katılımcı dâhil edilerek anket uygulaması yoluyla veriler toplanmış olup; elde edilen verilerin, SPSS 23.0 programı vasıtasıyla analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda, girişimcilik eğitimi almış bireylerin girişimcilik eğilimlerinin genel olarak normal seviyede olduğu ve girişimcilik eğiliminin cinsiyete ve eğitim durumuna göre anlamlılık gösterdiği; yaş ve medeni duruma göre ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişkinin var olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023 Hedeflerine Giden Yolda Türk İlaç Sektörüne İlişkin İhracatta Karşılaşılan Problem Alanları: Mersin İlinde İlaç İhracatı Gerçekleştiren Bir İşletmenin Stratejik Yönetimi

Ekin, 2019

This study is carried out with the purpose of identifying determinants of export activities, prob... more This study is carried out with the purpose of identifying determinants of export activities, problems encountered during the export activities and the strategies that are concordantly being used together with generating situation analysis, and being fulfilled to clear the need of research in the pharmaceutical sector that has been strategically importance for ongoing 2023 export targets. In this sense, an in-depth interview is conducted with the chairman of the executive board who has the fundamental role in the sector and the highest export volume in Çukurova region owing to the exporting activities over 30 countries from Mersin and experience in many countries. In light of the data obtained, content analysis is used with the computer assisted "NVivo 12" qualitative analysis programme. As a result of analysis, it has been seen that the determinants of export activites respectively consist of external environmental factors, host-country related risk level, product-price compliance, the demand for a product and type of product demanded by the host country, parent country Ministry of Health and the procurement/availability of product demanded. The major encountered problems of pharmaceutical warehouse's exporting activities respectively include global pharma's lobbying, international country risk, custom clearance and logistic/transit risk, product procurement, foreign market entry and the lack of sectoral unity in pharmaceutical sector. Besides, strategies for managing problems respectively consists confronting/managing risk, selecting a suitable location, foreign market entry selection, designation of the payment receiving methods and optimizing type of shipping.

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Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası İşletmecilik Faaliyetlerinde Politik Risk Yönetim Stratejilerinin Oluşturulması: Türk Yatırımcıların Algısı Üzerine Nitel Bir Araştırma

Ekin, 2019

When companies initiate international business activities, they are typically exposed to four fun... more When companies initiate international business activities, they are typically exposed to four fundamental types of risks including political, financial, commercial and cross-cultural risk (Çavuşgil, Knight, Rammal, Riesenberger & Rose, 2014: 45). Among these, the riskiest and the most violent type in international business is, political risk. This study aimed to identify the fact of political risk which is a current and an essential matter and the study was conducted to define the effects of political risk and its management for the overseas Turkish investors and also to identify the regions that have political risks for providing a new perspective and to fulfill a clear need of researches about political risk in Turkish literature review. In light of the data obtained from Turkish investors who made investments abroad, content analysis was used with the computer assisted "NVIVO 10.0". As a result of analysis, it has been seen that the perceptions about regions, which have the highest level of political risks, are Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and the regions that have the lowest level of political risks concentrate on Europe, North America and Southeastern Asia. On the other hand, investors are closely exposed to political risk factors which are primarily war, civil disturbances, adverse regulatory changes, red tape, terrorism, non-honoring of sovereign financial obligations and tensions between the parent and host countries. Investors benefit from the internal/situation analysis and the method such as grand tour in terms of political risk analysis whereas strategies of engagement with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government in host countries are mostly undertaken by investors in political risk management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Yabancı Pazarlara Girişte Alternatif Stratejiler

11th Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences, 2021

The expansion through internationalization is the strategy used by businesses when it aims to ope... more The expansion through internationalization is the strategy used by businesses when it aims to operate beyond the national market. This strategy arises when the businesses have explored all the potential in the domestic market and look for expansion opportunities beyond the national boundaries. Since businesses operating across borders have to consider oodles of strategic decisions, identifying the best strategy of market entry is crucial in the first stage. Additionally, the future growth of international business units depends on the right strategies for entry into the foreign market. Thus, the selection of foreign market entry strategy is to be made very attentively as it has long-term implications and cannot be easily reversed. In this frame, the current study was carried out to examine the advantages and disadvantages of these strategies by revealing the unique nature of the various and multifaceted strategies that can be followed by businesses that internationalize while entering foreign markets.

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Research paper thumbnail of Making the Most of Neuroscience: Neurostrategic Management

Strategic management has undergone a radical transformation in the last decade with the introduct... more Strategic management has undergone a radical transformation in the last decade with the introduction of modern analytical methods in the decision-making process that is affected by neuroscience and allows to revolutionize the way to see the strategic decision-making from business models to an individual. Neurostrategy, which is combined with strategic management and neuroscience, relies on strategy's long-standing emphasis on executive managers and refers to the field concerned with the roles and problems of executive managers and those who manage multi-business firms or multifunctional business units. It craves to incorporate insights from neuroscience and especially cognitive neuroscience into strategic management to enhance a richer and simultaneously broader picture of the human side of the organizational dynamism. In this sense, the present study aims to examine the fundamental components of neurostrategic management and shed light on its importance in organizational research together with the management and business practice by scrutinizing the extended literature.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terörizm Uluslararası İşletmeciliği Nasıl Etkiler?

International Online Conference Economics and Social Sciences, 2020

Terrorist incidents, which refer to the threat or actual use of force or violence to attain a pol... more Terrorist incidents, which refer to the threat or actual use of force or violence to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation, appear as a high priority problem area at the global level due to the fact that it tends to increase exponentially day by day. Especially, the September 11 attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center had a profound impact economically in addition to the humanitarian dimension in particular at the global level. On the other hand, terrorist attacks that have taken place following this event reveals that in addition to strategic locations such as financial centers, airports, oil distribution channels; multinational corporations and international business activities are also primarily targeted by terrorists and are highly likely to be subject to terrorist attacks. Therefore, this study was carried out to reveal the devastating effect of terrorism on international business activities, since many different terrorist organizations targeted only businesses in their deadliest attacks. In this sense, it has been seen that terrorism creates an environmental uncertainty in the economy, shapes foreign market entry strategies of international businesses, and leads to a decrease in international business activities. Furthermore, it has been pointed out that terrorism occurs not only in risky regions but also in countries with low-risk levels and revealed the necessity of examining it in the line with “The New Generation Terrorism” phenomenon. In this frame, owing to the fact that the new generation terrorism takes place in a wide range from cyber-attacks to terrorism franchising, it is of great importance for international businesses to conduct country-based or sectoral analysis built on practical-based criteria and updated factors in risk assessment.

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Business Model: Co-Working Offices

11th International Congress on Contemporary Social Studies, 2019

As one of the most notable workplace trends of the last decade, the coworking business model of l... more As one of the most notable workplace trends of the last decade, the coworking business model of leasing offices have been exponentially growing and refer that firms and freelancers abandon their permanent office willingness, and helps to share knowledge and information independently among individuals. In this regard, coworking allows individuals from various backgrounds to work unitedly in a common space. In other words, coworking spaces represent an office atmosphere that has a heterogeneous group of worker or freelancer via creating networking opportunities by social interaction, and come up with myriad advantages such as cutting costs, gaining flexibility and new perspectives. From this point of view, the present study aims at examining the systematic literature review of the rising phenomenon of coworking spaces as a new business trend, and exploring and evaluating the evolution process of coworking spaces in detail by contributing the related literature and practices in the business environment. In this frame, it has been foreseen that coworking spaces as innovative business models will continue to be on the radar of entrepreneurs worldwide in the future.

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Research paper thumbnail of How to Manage E-Business: Design, Development and Future of the Concept

11. International Congress on Social Sciences, China to Adriatic, 2019

Modern-day digital transformation including the internet and global usage of websites and rapid s... more Modern-day digital transformation including the internet and global usage of websites and rapid structural changes in the economy enable for e-business in terms of coordinating and adapting these changes. In this regard, as a revolutionary paradigm of doing business, e-business is a brief way of describing "electronic business" that represents the method of using digital and online information and communication technologies (ICT) to strengthen business processes that notably include online stores or other internet-based firms. In other words, e-business contains a more comprehensive definition of e-commerce that includes not only buying and selling goods and services but also collaborating with stakeholders and business partners, leading electronic transactions within a company. In addition to that, e-business may comprise a crucial key of an organizational management strategy involving in the use of solutions desired and planned to increase organizations' competitiveness. In this sense, this present study aims at exploring the aspects of the main circumstances of the concept of e-business and focuses on the growth of e-business, formulation and implementation of e-business strategies, and looks at the future prospects for e-business in addition to identifying the distinctions of e-commerce. The study shows that the rapid technological developments combined with the growth of e-business contribute the tremendous opportunities and an appropriately developed e-business strategy and tools that are correspondingly used in the companies, positively affect organizations' success and sustainability.

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Research paper thumbnail of Political Participation on Twitter: An Empirical Survey on Journalists

Al Farabi, 6th International Conference on Social Sciences, 2019

It has been assumed that political participation, which is a significant component of democratic ... more It has been assumed that political participation, which is a significant component of democratic systems and formed by the active participation of individuals in the social system, carries out via online platforms in an alternative way within the effect of technological developments. In this sense, the present study aims at contributing the related literature and examining the usage of Twitter, which has become a part of daily life and impacts on facilitating political participation, by journalists who have a critical role in disseminating information and motivating political participation due to the fact that Twitter brings a marvelous opportunity for open interaction in democracies and greater means and impetus to participate. From this point of view, the data obtained from the questionnaire on 122 journalists who actively work in Mersin, has been analyzed by quantitative analysis program "SPSS 22.0". Consequently, the results have shown that although the scale does not have a significant effect on age, gender, marital and educational status, job experience and household income, gender has a significant effect on one of the dimensions of the scale that is "Political Expression"; marital status has a significant effect on "Political Expression" and "Policy Follow-up" dimensions, and household income has a significant effect on the dimension of "Policy Follow-up".

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Research paper thumbnail of Liderliğin Yeni Paradigması: Stratejik Liderlik


In the future, the concept of strategic leadership has been foreseen to be more effective in the ... more In the future, the concept of strategic leadership has been foreseen to be more effective in the process of business management and it has been considered that the leaders who manage the business need to have strategic leadership competencies, unlike the usual leadership concept, will play a key role in actualizing of organizations' vision for achieving success. From this point of view, although many studies have been carried out in foreign literature about strategic leadership, which stands out as a new paradigm of leadership, it has been seen that there are only a few studies in Turkish literature. Accordingly, within the scope of this study, which has been carried out in order to fulfill to clear the need of research in Turkish literature and to contribute to the related literature, the types of strategic leadership in addition to the strategic leadership process that consists of two interrelated major phases (the planning and implementation phase), and the competencies that a strategic leader should possess in this sense, have been conceptually examined in detail.

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Economic and Social Development (Book of Proceedings), 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social, 2018

A number of empirical and theoretical studies as well as real life experiences provide supportive... more A number of empirical and theoretical studies as well as real life experiences provide supportive evidence to the fact that political instability has an ability to harm the inflow of the Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). This study aims to explore the causal relationship between macro-level political stability and FDI while focusing on Turkey. The choice of Turkey as a subject of study is motivated by the fact that Turkish ruling party has ended the political and economic instability caused by the previous coalition governments. Despite of MTC (Multinational Terrorist Corporation)'s recent attacks and 15 July failed coup attempt which was completely different from the previous similar attempts, since it was a bloody-terrorist coup attempt targeting Turkish stability, Turkey continued to stand strong in the sense of political and economic conditions thanks to the political stability and national will. Political risk is studied since it has not received much attention in up-to-date studies treating the case of Turkey. For this purpose, the causal relationship between FDI and political stability is estimated using several econometric methods including Johansen cointegration test, the bounds testing (ARDL) approach, ECM-ARDL model as well as Granger causality test. Time series data are collected over the 15 years period ranging from 2002 to 2016. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies identified yet which give empirical evidence on the causal relationships between political stability and FDI inflow in Turkey. Our study aims to fill in this gap in literature and may be useful for the foreign investors and key decision makers. The results confirm a bidirectional long-run and short-run positive causal relationship between political stability, absence of violence and terrorism and FDI.

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Over the decades the tourism has experienced continued growth. It is considered to be one of the ... more Over the decades the tourism has experienced continued growth. It is considered to be one of the most important industries in both, developed and developing, countries. Despite these facts, the growth of tourism in many countries is negatively influenced by political instability, violence or terrorism. A quantitative analysis on the matter is lacking. Therefore, there is a need to take into account these factors and explore potential causal relationship between tourism (TOUR) and political stability and absence of violence/terrorism (PS). This is why this paper aims to feel in the gap in literature by using panel causality analysis and the most recent data to give quantitative evidence on the matter. This paper explores the relevance of political stability and absence of violence/terrorism on tourism in three balanced panels. The first panel contains 98 economies including both developed and developing; the second contains 35 developed economies, while the third panel contains 63 developing economies over the period 2002-2015. A Granger causality test that implements a vector autoregressive (VAR) framework within the panel setting is employed. Besides this, cointegration test is applied. In order to test the sensitivity of the results, to avoid robust errors and to estimate short-and long-run coefficients, we employ a panel ARDL framework. The findings of ARDL model indicate the long-run relationship between PS and TOUR for the panel of 98 economies as well as for developing countries. However, the results on developed countries provide mixed results. A unidirectional relationship running from TOUR to PS is reported. There is strong evidence on the long-run relationship between TOUR and PS while there is no evidence on the short-run relationship.

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