Lavinia Prosdocimi - (original) (raw)

Papers by Lavinia Prosdocimi

Research paper thumbnail of The Incunabula Collection of the Benedictine Library of S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Formation, Use, and Dispersal according to Documentary and Material Evidence (from MEI)

Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Rivista di Storia della Miniatura 25/2021

by L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER, Publisher, François Avril, Eva Ponzi, Elena De Laurentiis, Khachik Harutyunyan, Federica Toniolo, Silvia Gianolio, Giulia Simeoni, Lavinia Prosdocimi, Agata Gazzillo, and Chiara Paniccia

Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 2021

Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 25 2021, 250 pp., 13 ill. col., 51 ill. b/n, 13 tav. Paperback... more Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 25
2021, 250 pp., 13 ill. col., 51 ill. b/n, 13 tav.
Paperback, 21,5 x 28,5 cm
ANVUR Classe A / Double Blind Peer-Review
ISBN Print: 9788891321992
ISBN PDF: 9788891322036
ISSN Print: 1126-4772
ISSN Online: 2785-4019
The Rivista di Storia della Miniatura was established in 1996 by Maria Grazia Ciardi Dupré Dal Poggetto and is the official voice of the Società internazionale di Storia della Miniatura (International Society for the History of the Miniature)

It welcomes essays and research papers which investigate the illustration and decoration in manuscripts, the relationship between text, images and support, the comparison with other cultural and artistic manifestations, also in a multidisciplinary perspective. It has columns dedicated to reviews, electronic resources, restorations, and exhibitions.

Binding-size: Paperback 21,5 x 28,5 cm
Frequency: Yearly
Peer-review: Double-blind
Indexing: ANVUR (Class A-area 10. Starting with issue 25 the journal will be available on the following online platforms: Torrossa, CNPIEC, CNKI, EBSCO, ProQuest with meDra/Crossref registered DOIs

Article proposals (author's name, title, abstract) should be sent to the editorial office:

For review proposals, please contact the column's editor:

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Research paper thumbnail of The Incunabula Collection of the Benedictine Library of S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice. Formation, Use, and Dispersal according to Documentary and Material Evidence (from MEI)

Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Rivista di Storia della Miniatura 25/2021

by L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER, Publisher, François Avril, Eva Ponzi, Elena De Laurentiis, Khachik Harutyunyan, Federica Toniolo, Silvia Gianolio, Giulia Simeoni, Lavinia Prosdocimi, Agata Gazzillo, and Chiara Paniccia

Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 2021

Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 25 2021, 250 pp., 13 ill. col., 51 ill. b/n, 13 tav. Paperback... more Rivista di Storia della Miniatura, 25
2021, 250 pp., 13 ill. col., 51 ill. b/n, 13 tav.
Paperback, 21,5 x 28,5 cm
ANVUR Classe A / Double Blind Peer-Review
ISBN Print: 9788891321992
ISBN PDF: 9788891322036
ISSN Print: 1126-4772
ISSN Online: 2785-4019
The Rivista di Storia della Miniatura was established in 1996 by Maria Grazia Ciardi Dupré Dal Poggetto and is the official voice of the Società internazionale di Storia della Miniatura (International Society for the History of the Miniature)

It welcomes essays and research papers which investigate the illustration and decoration in manuscripts, the relationship between text, images and support, the comparison with other cultural and artistic manifestations, also in a multidisciplinary perspective. It has columns dedicated to reviews, electronic resources, restorations, and exhibitions.

Binding-size: Paperback 21,5 x 28,5 cm
Frequency: Yearly
Peer-review: Double-blind
Indexing: ANVUR (Class A-area 10. Starting with issue 25 the journal will be available on the following online platforms: Torrossa, CNPIEC, CNKI, EBSCO, ProQuest with meDra/Crossref registered DOIs

Article proposals (author's name, title, abstract) should be sent to the editorial office:

For review proposals, please contact the column's editor:

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