Rachmi Kurnia Siregar - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Rachmi Kurnia Siregar
Perspektif Komunikasi/Perspektif komunikasi, Jun 30, 2024
Literatus, Oct 14, 2023
The existence Constitutional Court decision regarding the requirements for registering Candidates... more The existence Constitutional Court decision regarding the requirements for registering Candidates for President and Vice President Republic of Indonesia has caused a number of controversies in society today. An issue Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Mayor of Surakarta, will take part in the 2024 Presidential Election as Candidate Vice President. However, the age threshold criterian 40 years is an obstacle for the son of President Joko Widodo. So, this was done by suing the Constitutional Court to revise the criteria for presidential election participants, especially regarding minimum age. This raises big questions regarding President Jokowi's relationship with the political dynasty, which made the controversial phenomenon increasingly discussed by the media. For this reason, this research uses a qualitative descriptive research method using a critical discourse analysis approach modeled by Teun A.Van Dijk analyzing text in Najwa Shihab's podcast with the title "Putusan MK: Palu Hakim Patah Berkeping" with a duration of 27 minutes 36 seconds which was uploaded on October 18, 2023, on Najwa Shihab's Youtube channel. The podcast discussion criticized the judge's decision which was interfered with by political interests. The results of the research show that democratic order is now increasingly shifting to the power held by political elites who are in power so that power they have can change laws and slowly break the spirit of democracy in Indonesia.
Decentralization as regional autonomy aims to strengthen regional government to be independent an... more Decentralization as regional autonomy aims to strengthen regional government to be independent and develop. However, this has negative implications because it triggers corruption cases in the Regional Expenditure Budget (Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah-APBD) funds by regional leaders. This condition is caused by the weak implementation of budget transparency by the regional head. Batang regent period of 2012-2017, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo, anticipated by holding a Budget Festival (2014-2016). This research uses qualitative descriptive method and data triangulation to (1) Knowing the implementation of the Batang Budget Festival policy in 2014-2016 by the local Regency Government; 2) Knowing the obstacles in implementing the next Budget Festival. The results of study of the Batang Budget Festival in 2014-2016 received support from the public, government, Ombudsman, anti-corruption institutions such as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Transparency International Indonesia (TII) and won Hatta Hatta Anti Corruption Award 2015. Festival Anggaran was adopted by a number of local governments including the Government of Karanganyar Regency, Central Java and was also adopted at the ministerial level, namely by the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Budget. In addition, budget transparency is essentially part of the development of regional identity in the era of globalization.
WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung sejak lima tahun lalu. Asumsi... more WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung sejak lima tahun lalu. Asumsi penelitian ini adalah media siber bersaing dengan media arus utama, media social, news aggregator dan ribuan media online. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi penerapan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu (Integrated Marketing Communication/IMC) oleh WowBabel.com dalam membangun kesadaran merek agar mampu bersaing dengan kompetitor dan meningkatkan jumlah viewer. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori IMC dari Belch et al., (2020). Hasil penelitian ini adalah WowBabel.com mengimplementasikan sejumlah komponen dalam IMC yakni advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations dan personal selling. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah upaya WowBabel.com membangun kedekatan terhadap para pembaca dengan membentuk komunitas melalui WhatsApp Group (WAG) mampu membentuk kesadaran merek di level top of mind di benak audiens. Berita-berita di WowBabel.com juga 'dipasarkan' di sejumlah jejaring media sosial yang dikelola oleh akun media ini, antara lain di Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, dan Youtube. Sebagai pendanaan operasional media, tim marketing menggalang kerja sama dengan swasta dan instansi pemerintah untuk mendapatkan iklan maupun advertorial. WowBabel.com membuka ruang publik melalui wadah Jurnalisme Warga di website. Untuk memperkuat ruang bisnis, media ini mendirikan WowBabel Institute sebagai lembaga penelitian/survei dan pelatihan serta WowBabel Creative yang memproduksi infografis, videografi dan podcast. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan, WowBabel.com harus terus memperkuat kualitas dan kinerjanya melalui optimalisasi elemen IMC agar bisa menjadi top of mind bagi masyarakat Bangka Belitung sekaligus meningkatkan jumlah pembaca.
PANTAREI, Jun 1, 2021
One of the magazines that has a caricature cover picture is Tempo magazine. On September 16, 2019... more One of the magazines that has a caricature cover picture is Tempo magazine. On September 16, 2019, Tempo performed a cover titled "Janji Tinggal Janji" about the shadow of President Joko Widodo who had a long nose like Pinocchio. This illustration is associated with the weakening of the Corruption Eradication Commission. Long-nose shadows pose the pros and cons of the community, including social media. Researchers were interested in researching the cover of " Janji Tinggal Janji" to know the use of the cover with the semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce. This theory emphasizes the Triangle Of Meaning Of sign, object, and Interpretant. Researchers also interviewed the Tempo editor. Research results based on the analysis of the semiotic theory of Peirce, the shadow mark of the long-nosed Pinocchio is associated with the appointment of the president who previously said would strengthen the KPK but the fact is not. Research conclusion, caricature picture reflects the content of the headline 16 issue of September 2019 concerning the revision of the KPK law and the election of the chairman of the KPK 2019-2023 period without absorbing the aspirations of the community is contradictory with the statement of the Tempo's moral message to the heart through a Pinocchio-like caricature on his nose, is a form of reminding one another among his fellow friends. As well as symbols with broad pursuits and free interpretation. Tempo Parties are advised to consider more in making caricatures so that not many contain contradictory, continue to maintain and enhance its trademark by displaying the uniqueness of the caricature magazine cover.
PANTAREI, Jun 1, 2021
This research discusses the struggle of a journalist in reporting, the actions of pirates in the ... more This research discusses the struggle of a journalist in reporting, the actions of pirates in the Somali conflict country in the film The Pirates of Somalia. It aims to see the reporting of journalists' struggles in films. This research uses qualitative methods with John Fiske's semiotic analysis and constructivism paradigm. Data collection was obtained by observing the 116-minute film The Pirates of Somalia. Documentation by collecting data related to objects, and literature studies by means of literature on semiotic theories, films, and journalists' struggles. The analysis of data using three levels of semiotics in John Fiske's theory, namely reality, representation, and ideology. The result of the research shows that journalists in the film The Pirates of Somalia can be seen by signs in the form of a dialogue between the main character, Jay Bahadur, who plays a journalist and the behavior of other characters. Conclusion: in the reality level, there are three categories which is behavior, how to speak and dress. In behavior, Jay character as the ideal figure of a journalist who does not give up. In the way of speaking, the main character by Jay is not organized and mingles with the local Somalis in his dress style. In the representation section, there are two categories, namely camera technique and character. In the category of camera technique, Jay Bahadur's behavior reflects the figure of perseverance, never giving up and being brave. In the character category, Jay has a rebellious nature. Meanwhile, in the ideology section, there is an embodiment of the ideology of individualism, liberalism, and class Marxism played by Jay.
International Conference on Community Development, Dec 12, 2018
Youth Groups Activities of Pesanggrahan village and Kebayoran Lama village, South Jakarta rarely ... more Youth Groups Activities of Pesanggrahan village and Kebayoran Lama village, South Jakarta rarely published the mass media. These youth groups crave their activities can be informed to public as their self-actualization. Likewise, people wanted to know their activity. This community service activity aimed to inflame their spirit to share information of issues and problems in the local level around them. Hopefully this can preventing the youths drowned to negatives activities. This training divided into three steps: First, delivering basic journalism, news and article writing technique, journalism photography, online journalism; Second, field practice of citizen journalism thereby this youth groups members can be citizen journalist beside news consumers; Third, to published their work in mass media and social blog. Output of this social partnership program are: First, to publish these youth groups activities in mass media and social blog; Second, youth of these groups have ability to make journalism work starting from news and features which supported with journalist photography to publish in social blog and mass media. Conclusion: These Youth Groups need sustainable assistance, monitoring and evaluation so that their journalism work to be able to published in social blog and mass media continuously. These partners also need idea development to stimulating their creativities in domain of citizen journalism.
Jurnal Abdimas, Dec 1, 2020
publikasinya terkesan termarjinalkan di media massa. Kelompok sosial kepemudaan ini menginginkan ... more publikasinya terkesan termarjinalkan di media massa. Kelompok sosial kepemudaan ini menginginkan aktivitas dan prestasinya dapat diketahui khalayak sebagai bagian dari pengembangan dan aktualisasi diri. Di sisi lain masyarakat juga ingin mengetahui kiprah yang dilakukan kelompok remaja Karang Taruna sebagai generasi muda penerus bangsa. Pelatihan jurnalisme warga dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan menggelorakan semangat berbagi informasi terhadap peristiwa, isu-isu maupun permasalahan di tingkat lokal oleh Mitra. Hal terpenting penerapan Jurnalisme Warga tetap mengacu pada unsur objektifitas, fakta, dan verifikasi. Tidak menyebarkan berita bohong, berita palsu maupun berita-berita yang menyerang SARA hingga pornografi. Materi pelatihan menggunakan metode dengan tiga tahapan: 1) Dasar-dasar jurnalistik, teknik penulisan artikel/feature, fotografi jurnalistik dan jurnalistik online; 2) Praktek dan evaluasi karya Mitra; 3) Publikasi karya Mitra di media massa dan blog sosial. Luaran dari hasil program kemitraan masyarakat ini Mitra dapat membuat karya jurnalistik berita dan feature didukung fotografi jurnalistik sehingga dipublikasikan di blog sosial dan media massa. Kesimpulan: Pelatihan Jurnalisme Warga Bagi remaja Karang Taruna bermanfaat untuk pengembangan, aktualisasi serta menambah kepercayaan diri. Namun Mitra tetap membutuhkan bimbingan dan pembinaan sehingga mampu menjadi pewarta warga yang berkualitas dan mengedukasi masyarakat dalam lingkup permasalahan local. Kata kunci : jurnalisme warga; media; karang taruna.
PANTAREI, Mar 1, 2021
This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on v... more This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on vlogs in episode #IndonesiaBubar. This research method is qualitative using Stuart Hall Reception Analysis. The subjects and objects of this research were selected audiences through Merry Riana video footage on the #IndonesiaBubar vlog on Whatsapp. Data collection was obtained through indepth interviews with eight speakers who watched the video #IndonesiaBubar on the Merry Riana vlog as an informant. Additional data were also obtained through the journal and previous research manuals. The results showed that the elements in Stuart Hall's theory produced different meanings in interpreting the Merry Riana #IndonesiaBubar communication style on Youtube, including the appropriateness of word choice and the way messages were conveyed. The resulting meanings are dominant, negotiations, and opposition meanings. Differences in meaning occur because of differences in the background and communication style of informants. The conclusions of this study are from eight informants and five questions get the results of forty dominant meanings, one meaning of negotiation, and one meaning of opposition. This means that the meaning in this study is dominated by the dominant meaning, where the informant communication style influences this research so that there are differences in the meaning of each informant.
Nyimak, Mar 13, 2022
This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East J... more This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East Java regarding the management of the Village Fund. This research method uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. The results showed that the Dasok Village Head violated the authority given by the state by not involving the Village Consultative Body (BPD) as a representation of the community, thus causing the Village Fund to be prone to corruption. The communication carried out by the Village Head takes place in a linear (one-way) manner. On that basis, the government should encourage village heads to build intensive communication and dialogue with the BPD and village communities. As a solution to minimize cases of corruption in the Village Fund, the application of local wisdom values and a cultural value system is a necessity that is carried out by the government so that the objectives of the Undang-Undang Desa No. 6 Tahun 2014 namely villages to become advanced, independent, democratic, and have prosperous citizens can be achieved.
Communication, Feb 10, 2015
Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs... more Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs and desires of consumers who crave quality products at low prices. One of them was intense Giant Ekstra offers a variety of private label products are oriented to customers. Related to this phenomenon, the study aims to examine the marketing communication strategy Giant Ekstra Central Business District (CBD) Bintaro, South Tangerang in building awareness of private label brands in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). This study used a retail communication mix of Levy & Weitz Retail (2009) includes communication tapmouth (WOM), advertising, sales promotion and store atmosphere. Methods of research used a qualitative approach and case studies based on the conceptual framework of private label, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), brand awareness and retail communications mix. The results of the study, the use of retail communications mix of Levy by Giant Ekstra indicated not make private label as a FMCG Giant Ekstra on top of brands and top of mind. Giant Ekstra advised continuously improve the quality of private label products with intense enhance performance such as WOM marketing communications, sales promotion, advertising and store atmosphere. And more aggressive in communicating private label products in the FMCG by activating the function of personal selling and direct marketing. Also create a database of customers, establish membership and customer communities.
Perspektif Komunikasi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Politik dan Komunikasi Bisnis
WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung yang sudah ada sejak 5 (lima)... more WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung yang sudah ada sejak 5 (lima) tahun lalu. Asumsi penelitian ini selain bersaing dengan media mainstream, media siber harus bersaing dengan media social, news aggregator dan ribuan media online di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebijakan WowBabel.com agar dapat bersaing di era digital dan membangun merek kesadaran dengan menggunakan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu ( Integrated Marketing Communication) ./IMC). Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi, serta menggunakan metode studi kasus dan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori IMC dari Belch et al., (2020). Hasil penelitian ini adalah WowBabel.com mengimplementasikan sejumlah komponen dalam IMC yakni advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations dan personal selling . Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah upaya...
The Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) is an autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)based... more The Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) is an autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)based on students, students, and santri, as a forum for fostering the next generation of scholars andsuccessors of the nation's struggle. IPNU is an organization whose members are millennials (generation Y)and generation Z. The organization certainly has problems faced, one of which is related to the ethics ofcommunicating on social media by the younger generation of IPNU Ciledug. From one of the problemsfaced by IPNU, a Community Service activity was designed by Communication Studies Lecturers at BudiLuhur University with the title Online Media Literacy among Adolescents as an Effort to ImproveUnderstanding of Communication Ethics in Social Media. This activity can be useful as a means of learningfor the younger generation at IPNU Ciledug to be able to apply communication ethics in online media after understanding online media literacy in accordance with the planned program and in accord...
Jurnal Abdimas, Dec 1, 2020
PANTAREI, Mar 1, 2021
This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on v... more This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on vlogs in episode #IndonesiaBubar. This research method is qualitative using Stuart Hall Reception Analysis. The subjects and objects of this research were selected audiences through Merry Riana video footage on the #IndonesiaBubar vlog on Whatsapp. Data collection was obtained through indepth interviews with eight speakers who watched the video #IndonesiaBubar on the Merry Riana vlog as an informant. Additional data were also obtained through the journal and previous research manuals. The results showed that the elements in Stuart Hall's theory produced different meanings in interpreting the Merry Riana #IndonesiaBubar communication style on Youtube, including the appropriateness of word choice and the way messages were conveyed. The resulting meanings are dominant, negotiations, and opposition meanings. Differences in meaning occur because of differences in the background and communication style of informants. The conclusions of this study are from eight informants and five questions get the results of forty dominant meanings, one meaning of negotiation, and one meaning of opposition. This means that the meaning in this study is dominated by the dominant meaning, where the informant communication style influences this research so that there are differences in the meaning of each informant.
Communication, 2015
Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs... more Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs and desires of consumers who crave quality products at low prices. One of them was intense Giant Ekstra offers a variety of private label products are oriented to customers. Related to this phenomenon, the study aims to examine the marketing communication strategy Giant Ekstra Central Business District (CBD) Bintaro, South Tangerang in building awareness of private label brands in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). This study used a retail communication mix of Levy & Weitz Retail (2009) includes communication tapmouth (WOM), advertising, sales promotion and store atmosphere. Methods of research used a qualitative approach and case studies based on the conceptual framework of private label, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), brand awareness and retail communications mix. The results of the study, the use of retail communications mix of Levy by Giant Ekstra indicated not make private label as a FMCG Giant Ekstra on top of brands and top of mind. Giant Ekstra advised continuously improve the quality of private label products with intense enhance performance such as WOM marketing communications, sales promotion, advertising and store atmosphere. And more aggressive in communicating private label products in the FMCG by activating the function of personal selling and direct marketing. Also create a database of customers, establish membership and customer communities.
Nyimak: Journal of Communication, 2022
This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East J... more This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East Java regarding the management of the Village Fund. This research method uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. The results showed that the Dasok Village Head violated the authority given by the state by not involving the Village Consultative Body (BPD) as a representation of the community, thus causing the Village Fund to be prone to corruption. The communication carried out by the Village Head takes place in a linear (one-way) manner. On that basis, the government should encourage village heads to build intensive communication and dialogue with the BPD and village communities. As a solution to minimize cases of corruption in the Village Fund, the application of local wisdom values and a cultural value system is a necessity that is carried out by the government so that the objectives of the Undang-Undang Desa No. 6 Tahun 2014 namely villages to become advanced, independent, democratic, and have prosperous citizens can be achieved.
Perspektif Komunikasi/Perspektif komunikasi, Jun 30, 2024
Literatus, Oct 14, 2023
The existence Constitutional Court decision regarding the requirements for registering Candidates... more The existence Constitutional Court decision regarding the requirements for registering Candidates for President and Vice President Republic of Indonesia has caused a number of controversies in society today. An issue Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Mayor of Surakarta, will take part in the 2024 Presidential Election as Candidate Vice President. However, the age threshold criterian 40 years is an obstacle for the son of President Joko Widodo. So, this was done by suing the Constitutional Court to revise the criteria for presidential election participants, especially regarding minimum age. This raises big questions regarding President Jokowi's relationship with the political dynasty, which made the controversial phenomenon increasingly discussed by the media. For this reason, this research uses a qualitative descriptive research method using a critical discourse analysis approach modeled by Teun A.Van Dijk analyzing text in Najwa Shihab's podcast with the title "Putusan MK: Palu Hakim Patah Berkeping" with a duration of 27 minutes 36 seconds which was uploaded on October 18, 2023, on Najwa Shihab's Youtube channel. The podcast discussion criticized the judge's decision which was interfered with by political interests. The results of the research show that democratic order is now increasingly shifting to the power held by political elites who are in power so that power they have can change laws and slowly break the spirit of democracy in Indonesia.
Decentralization as regional autonomy aims to strengthen regional government to be independent an... more Decentralization as regional autonomy aims to strengthen regional government to be independent and develop. However, this has negative implications because it triggers corruption cases in the Regional Expenditure Budget (Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah-APBD) funds by regional leaders. This condition is caused by the weak implementation of budget transparency by the regional head. Batang regent period of 2012-2017, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo, anticipated by holding a Budget Festival (2014-2016). This research uses qualitative descriptive method and data triangulation to (1) Knowing the implementation of the Batang Budget Festival policy in 2014-2016 by the local Regency Government; 2) Knowing the obstacles in implementing the next Budget Festival. The results of study of the Batang Budget Festival in 2014-2016 received support from the public, government, Ombudsman, anti-corruption institutions such as the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Transparency International Indonesia (TII) and won Hatta Hatta Anti Corruption Award 2015. Festival Anggaran was adopted by a number of local governments including the Government of Karanganyar Regency, Central Java and was also adopted at the ministerial level, namely by the Ministry of Finance's Directorate General of Budget. In addition, budget transparency is essentially part of the development of regional identity in the era of globalization.
WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung sejak lima tahun lalu. Asumsi... more WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung sejak lima tahun lalu. Asumsi penelitian ini adalah media siber bersaing dengan media arus utama, media social, news aggregator dan ribuan media online. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi penerapan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu (Integrated Marketing Communication/IMC) oleh WowBabel.com dalam membangun kesadaran merek agar mampu bersaing dengan kompetitor dan meningkatkan jumlah viewer. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori IMC dari Belch et al., (2020). Hasil penelitian ini adalah WowBabel.com mengimplementasikan sejumlah komponen dalam IMC yakni advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations dan personal selling. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah upaya WowBabel.com membangun kedekatan terhadap para pembaca dengan membentuk komunitas melalui WhatsApp Group (WAG) mampu membentuk kesadaran merek di level top of mind di benak audiens. Berita-berita di WowBabel.com juga 'dipasarkan' di sejumlah jejaring media sosial yang dikelola oleh akun media ini, antara lain di Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, dan Youtube. Sebagai pendanaan operasional media, tim marketing menggalang kerja sama dengan swasta dan instansi pemerintah untuk mendapatkan iklan maupun advertorial. WowBabel.com membuka ruang publik melalui wadah Jurnalisme Warga di website. Untuk memperkuat ruang bisnis, media ini mendirikan WowBabel Institute sebagai lembaga penelitian/survei dan pelatihan serta WowBabel Creative yang memproduksi infografis, videografi dan podcast. Akhirnya dapat disimpulkan, WowBabel.com harus terus memperkuat kualitas dan kinerjanya melalui optimalisasi elemen IMC agar bisa menjadi top of mind bagi masyarakat Bangka Belitung sekaligus meningkatkan jumlah pembaca.
PANTAREI, Jun 1, 2021
One of the magazines that has a caricature cover picture is Tempo magazine. On September 16, 2019... more One of the magazines that has a caricature cover picture is Tempo magazine. On September 16, 2019, Tempo performed a cover titled "Janji Tinggal Janji" about the shadow of President Joko Widodo who had a long nose like Pinocchio. This illustration is associated with the weakening of the Corruption Eradication Commission. Long-nose shadows pose the pros and cons of the community, including social media. Researchers were interested in researching the cover of " Janji Tinggal Janji" to know the use of the cover with the semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce. This theory emphasizes the Triangle Of Meaning Of sign, object, and Interpretant. Researchers also interviewed the Tempo editor. Research results based on the analysis of the semiotic theory of Peirce, the shadow mark of the long-nosed Pinocchio is associated with the appointment of the president who previously said would strengthen the KPK but the fact is not. Research conclusion, caricature picture reflects the content of the headline 16 issue of September 2019 concerning the revision of the KPK law and the election of the chairman of the KPK 2019-2023 period without absorbing the aspirations of the community is contradictory with the statement of the Tempo's moral message to the heart through a Pinocchio-like caricature on his nose, is a form of reminding one another among his fellow friends. As well as symbols with broad pursuits and free interpretation. Tempo Parties are advised to consider more in making caricatures so that not many contain contradictory, continue to maintain and enhance its trademark by displaying the uniqueness of the caricature magazine cover.
PANTAREI, Jun 1, 2021
This research discusses the struggle of a journalist in reporting, the actions of pirates in the ... more This research discusses the struggle of a journalist in reporting, the actions of pirates in the Somali conflict country in the film The Pirates of Somalia. It aims to see the reporting of journalists' struggles in films. This research uses qualitative methods with John Fiske's semiotic analysis and constructivism paradigm. Data collection was obtained by observing the 116-minute film The Pirates of Somalia. Documentation by collecting data related to objects, and literature studies by means of literature on semiotic theories, films, and journalists' struggles. The analysis of data using three levels of semiotics in John Fiske's theory, namely reality, representation, and ideology. The result of the research shows that journalists in the film The Pirates of Somalia can be seen by signs in the form of a dialogue between the main character, Jay Bahadur, who plays a journalist and the behavior of other characters. Conclusion: in the reality level, there are three categories which is behavior, how to speak and dress. In behavior, Jay character as the ideal figure of a journalist who does not give up. In the way of speaking, the main character by Jay is not organized and mingles with the local Somalis in his dress style. In the representation section, there are two categories, namely camera technique and character. In the category of camera technique, Jay Bahadur's behavior reflects the figure of perseverance, never giving up and being brave. In the character category, Jay has a rebellious nature. Meanwhile, in the ideology section, there is an embodiment of the ideology of individualism, liberalism, and class Marxism played by Jay.
International Conference on Community Development, Dec 12, 2018
Youth Groups Activities of Pesanggrahan village and Kebayoran Lama village, South Jakarta rarely ... more Youth Groups Activities of Pesanggrahan village and Kebayoran Lama village, South Jakarta rarely published the mass media. These youth groups crave their activities can be informed to public as their self-actualization. Likewise, people wanted to know their activity. This community service activity aimed to inflame their spirit to share information of issues and problems in the local level around them. Hopefully this can preventing the youths drowned to negatives activities. This training divided into three steps: First, delivering basic journalism, news and article writing technique, journalism photography, online journalism; Second, field practice of citizen journalism thereby this youth groups members can be citizen journalist beside news consumers; Third, to published their work in mass media and social blog. Output of this social partnership program are: First, to publish these youth groups activities in mass media and social blog; Second, youth of these groups have ability to make journalism work starting from news and features which supported with journalist photography to publish in social blog and mass media. Conclusion: These Youth Groups need sustainable assistance, monitoring and evaluation so that their journalism work to be able to published in social blog and mass media continuously. These partners also need idea development to stimulating their creativities in domain of citizen journalism.
Jurnal Abdimas, Dec 1, 2020
publikasinya terkesan termarjinalkan di media massa. Kelompok sosial kepemudaan ini menginginkan ... more publikasinya terkesan termarjinalkan di media massa. Kelompok sosial kepemudaan ini menginginkan aktivitas dan prestasinya dapat diketahui khalayak sebagai bagian dari pengembangan dan aktualisasi diri. Di sisi lain masyarakat juga ingin mengetahui kiprah yang dilakukan kelompok remaja Karang Taruna sebagai generasi muda penerus bangsa. Pelatihan jurnalisme warga dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan menggelorakan semangat berbagi informasi terhadap peristiwa, isu-isu maupun permasalahan di tingkat lokal oleh Mitra. Hal terpenting penerapan Jurnalisme Warga tetap mengacu pada unsur objektifitas, fakta, dan verifikasi. Tidak menyebarkan berita bohong, berita palsu maupun berita-berita yang menyerang SARA hingga pornografi. Materi pelatihan menggunakan metode dengan tiga tahapan: 1) Dasar-dasar jurnalistik, teknik penulisan artikel/feature, fotografi jurnalistik dan jurnalistik online; 2) Praktek dan evaluasi karya Mitra; 3) Publikasi karya Mitra di media massa dan blog sosial. Luaran dari hasil program kemitraan masyarakat ini Mitra dapat membuat karya jurnalistik berita dan feature didukung fotografi jurnalistik sehingga dipublikasikan di blog sosial dan media massa. Kesimpulan: Pelatihan Jurnalisme Warga Bagi remaja Karang Taruna bermanfaat untuk pengembangan, aktualisasi serta menambah kepercayaan diri. Namun Mitra tetap membutuhkan bimbingan dan pembinaan sehingga mampu menjadi pewarta warga yang berkualitas dan mengedukasi masyarakat dalam lingkup permasalahan local. Kata kunci : jurnalisme warga; media; karang taruna.
PANTAREI, Mar 1, 2021
This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on v... more This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on vlogs in episode #IndonesiaBubar. This research method is qualitative using Stuart Hall Reception Analysis. The subjects and objects of this research were selected audiences through Merry Riana video footage on the #IndonesiaBubar vlog on Whatsapp. Data collection was obtained through indepth interviews with eight speakers who watched the video #IndonesiaBubar on the Merry Riana vlog as an informant. Additional data were also obtained through the journal and previous research manuals. The results showed that the elements in Stuart Hall's theory produced different meanings in interpreting the Merry Riana #IndonesiaBubar communication style on Youtube, including the appropriateness of word choice and the way messages were conveyed. The resulting meanings are dominant, negotiations, and opposition meanings. Differences in meaning occur because of differences in the background and communication style of informants. The conclusions of this study are from eight informants and five questions get the results of forty dominant meanings, one meaning of negotiation, and one meaning of opposition. This means that the meaning in this study is dominated by the dominant meaning, where the informant communication style influences this research so that there are differences in the meaning of each informant.
Nyimak, Mar 13, 2022
This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East J... more This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East Java regarding the management of the Village Fund. This research method uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. The results showed that the Dasok Village Head violated the authority given by the state by not involving the Village Consultative Body (BPD) as a representation of the community, thus causing the Village Fund to be prone to corruption. The communication carried out by the Village Head takes place in a linear (one-way) manner. On that basis, the government should encourage village heads to build intensive communication and dialogue with the BPD and village communities. As a solution to minimize cases of corruption in the Village Fund, the application of local wisdom values and a cultural value system is a necessity that is carried out by the government so that the objectives of the Undang-Undang Desa No. 6 Tahun 2014 namely villages to become advanced, independent, democratic, and have prosperous citizens can be achieved.
Communication, Feb 10, 2015
Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs... more Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs and desires of consumers who crave quality products at low prices. One of them was intense Giant Ekstra offers a variety of private label products are oriented to customers. Related to this phenomenon, the study aims to examine the marketing communication strategy Giant Ekstra Central Business District (CBD) Bintaro, South Tangerang in building awareness of private label brands in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). This study used a retail communication mix of Levy & Weitz Retail (2009) includes communication tapmouth (WOM), advertising, sales promotion and store atmosphere. Methods of research used a qualitative approach and case studies based on the conceptual framework of private label, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), brand awareness and retail communications mix. The results of the study, the use of retail communications mix of Levy by Giant Ekstra indicated not make private label as a FMCG Giant Ekstra on top of brands and top of mind. Giant Ekstra advised continuously improve the quality of private label products with intense enhance performance such as WOM marketing communications, sales promotion, advertising and store atmosphere. And more aggressive in communicating private label products in the FMCG by activating the function of personal selling and direct marketing. Also create a database of customers, establish membership and customer communities.
Perspektif Komunikasi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Politik dan Komunikasi Bisnis
WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung yang sudah ada sejak 5 (lima)... more WowBabel.com adalah salah satu media siber lokal di Bangka Belitung yang sudah ada sejak 5 (lima) tahun lalu. Asumsi penelitian ini selain bersaing dengan media mainstream, media siber harus bersaing dengan media social, news aggregator dan ribuan media online di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebijakan WowBabel.com agar dapat bersaing di era digital dan membangun merek kesadaran dengan menggunakan komunikasi pemasaran terpadu ( Integrated Marketing Communication) ./IMC). Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi, serta menggunakan metode studi kasus dan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori IMC dari Belch et al., (2020). Hasil penelitian ini adalah WowBabel.com mengimplementasikan sejumlah komponen dalam IMC yakni advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations dan personal selling . Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah upaya...
The Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) is an autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)based... more The Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) is an autonomous body of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)based on students, students, and santri, as a forum for fostering the next generation of scholars andsuccessors of the nation's struggle. IPNU is an organization whose members are millennials (generation Y)and generation Z. The organization certainly has problems faced, one of which is related to the ethics ofcommunicating on social media by the younger generation of IPNU Ciledug. From one of the problemsfaced by IPNU, a Community Service activity was designed by Communication Studies Lecturers at BudiLuhur University with the title Online Media Literacy among Adolescents as an Effort to ImproveUnderstanding of Communication Ethics in Social Media. This activity can be useful as a means of learningfor the younger generation at IPNU Ciledug to be able to apply communication ethics in online media after understanding online media literacy in accordance with the planned program and in accord...
Jurnal Abdimas, Dec 1, 2020
PANTAREI, Mar 1, 2021
This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on v... more This research presents the meaning of audiences related to Merry Riana's communication style on vlogs in episode #IndonesiaBubar. This research method is qualitative using Stuart Hall Reception Analysis. The subjects and objects of this research were selected audiences through Merry Riana video footage on the #IndonesiaBubar vlog on Whatsapp. Data collection was obtained through indepth interviews with eight speakers who watched the video #IndonesiaBubar on the Merry Riana vlog as an informant. Additional data were also obtained through the journal and previous research manuals. The results showed that the elements in Stuart Hall's theory produced different meanings in interpreting the Merry Riana #IndonesiaBubar communication style on Youtube, including the appropriateness of word choice and the way messages were conveyed. The resulting meanings are dominant, negotiations, and opposition meanings. Differences in meaning occur because of differences in the background and communication style of informants. The conclusions of this study are from eight informants and five questions get the results of forty dominant meanings, one meaning of negotiation, and one meaning of opposition. This means that the meaning in this study is dominated by the dominant meaning, where the informant communication style influences this research so that there are differences in the meaning of each informant.
Communication, 2015
Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs... more Retail business related private label products in Indonesia continue racing with increasing needs and desires of consumers who crave quality products at low prices. One of them was intense Giant Ekstra offers a variety of private label products are oriented to customers. Related to this phenomenon, the study aims to examine the marketing communication strategy Giant Ekstra Central Business District (CBD) Bintaro, South Tangerang in building awareness of private label brands in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). This study used a retail communication mix of Levy & Weitz Retail (2009) includes communication tapmouth (WOM), advertising, sales promotion and store atmosphere. Methods of research used a qualitative approach and case studies based on the conceptual framework of private label, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), brand awareness and retail communications mix. The results of the study, the use of retail communications mix of Levy by Giant Ekstra indicated not make private label as a FMCG Giant Ekstra on top of brands and top of mind. Giant Ekstra advised continuously improve the quality of private label products with intense enhance performance such as WOM marketing communications, sales promotion, advertising and store atmosphere. And more aggressive in communicating private label products in the FMCG by activating the function of personal selling and direct marketing. Also create a database of customers, establish membership and customer communities.
Nyimak: Journal of Communication, 2022
This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East J... more This study aims to determine the organizational communication of the Dasok Village Head in East Java regarding the management of the Village Fund. This research method uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. The results showed that the Dasok Village Head violated the authority given by the state by not involving the Village Consultative Body (BPD) as a representation of the community, thus causing the Village Fund to be prone to corruption. The communication carried out by the Village Head takes place in a linear (one-way) manner. On that basis, the government should encourage village heads to build intensive communication and dialogue with the BPD and village communities. As a solution to minimize cases of corruption in the Village Fund, the application of local wisdom values and a cultural value system is a necessity that is carried out by the government so that the objectives of the Undang-Undang Desa No. 6 Tahun 2014 namely villages to become advanced, independent, democratic, and have prosperous citizens can be achieved.