Rudy susanto - (original) (raw)
Papers by Rudy susanto
Jurnal Teknik Industri
The paper discusses optimation integrated production scheduling model which is included deciding ... more The paper discusses optimation integrated production scheduling model which is included deciding production allocation, operations regulating for job shop process and capacity planning as integrated activity. The criteria is to complete the amount of order that is needed at some period during a planning horizon to minimize total cost. in Bahasa Indonesia : Makalah ini membahas model optimasi penjadwalan produksi yang terintegrasi meliputi penentuan alokasi kegiatan produksi, pengaturan operasi-operasi dari proses job shop dan perencanaan kapasitas sebagai suatu kegiatan yang terintegrasi. Kriteria yang digunakan adalah memenuhi pesanan sejumlah produk yang terjadi pada sejumlah periode dari suatu horizon perencanaan dengan tujuan untuk meminimalkan total biaya. Kata kunci: alokasi produksi, penjadwalan job shop, perencanaan kapasitas, struktur produk multi-level.
International Journal of Arts and Technology
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking - ICCBN '17, 2017
With the emergence of many children's playground located in a closed area as Kidzania in Jaka... more With the emergence of many children's playground located in a closed area as Kidzania in Jakarta, and Trans Studio in Bandung, we need a system that can help parents or a nanny to know the position / location of the children when they are playing at the venue. The location that is in the closed area and consists of lots of room to play therein will have many challenges when it is developed by using the Global Positioning System (GPS). In the developed system is also necessary to know the location of the children monitored in real time. The use of Radio Frequency ID (RFID) is expected to answer the needs mentioned above. The system developed consists of RFID readers that is installed at the entrance or exit, RFID tags that is carried by the child, a database server that is used to upload data from RFID readers and also an application that is installed on a smart phone that is used to upload the registration data to the database server and download data from the database server to be displayed on the smartphone. Application that is developed to build this system is also equipped with other features such as user info and add friend. User info is used to determine the time of the last tapping did by the child. Add Friend is used to add a child that is to be monitored into the system. In this application, the number of children that can be monitored is limited to 5 children. With accuracy up to 100% at the time of tapping and mapping, systems and applications are developed is reliable to answer the needs.
Persaingan dalam industri minuman isotonik sekarang ini dapat dikatakan berlangsung dengan ketat.... more Persaingan dalam industri minuman isotonik sekarang ini dapat dikatakan berlangsung dengan ketat. Potensi pasar minuman isotonik di Indonesia sangat besar bila dibandingkan dengan negara di kawasan Asean lain. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah penduduk yang mencapai 200 juta pada tahun 2007. Salah satu cara yang ditempuh oleh pelaku bisnis minuman isotonik adalah mengkomunikasikan produk melalui iklan. Strategi dengan menggunakan iklan dalam mengkomunikasikan produk ke masyarakat juga dilakukan PT. Tirta Investama yang bekerjasama dengan Danone Aqua selaku produsen Mizone. sikap atas iklan yaitu perasaan suka atau tidak suka konsumen terhadap rangsangan iklan tertentu selama penayangan iklan tertentu. sikap atas merek merupakan keseluruhan preferensi pelanggan terhadap suatu merek yang ditunjukkan dari (1) kepercayaan terhadap merek, (2) evaluasi terhadap merek, (3) kecenderungan untuk bertindak. Pada umumnya konsumen akan langsung memiliki sikap atas iklan begitu melihat iklan ditayangkan...
Penjadwalan proses merupakan kebijaksanaan dalam mekanisme sebuah sistem operasi. Mekanisme dalam... more Penjadwalan proses merupakan kebijaksanaan dalam mekanisme sebuah sistem operasi. Mekanisme dalam sistem operasi sendiri berkaitan dengan urutan kerja yang dilakukan suatu sistem komputer. Sedangkan proses penjadwalan dapat memutuskan proses mana dahulu yang harus berjalan serta kapan dan berapa lama proses tersebut berjalan. Visualisasi ini dirancang untuk menggambarkan secara simbolis bagaimana jalannya penjadwalan proses pada CPU yang dilakukan oleh sistem operasi. Visualisasi akan dirancang dengan menggunakan Flash MX sebagai salah satu program aplikasi untuk membuat animasi, dan Visual Basic.NET sebagai program untuk membuat menu utama dan tombol-tombol kontrol untuk mendukung visualisasi ini. Dari perancangan ini diharapkan kemudahan dalam mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana sebenarnya penjadwalan proses pada CPU dilakukan oleh sistem operasi. Kata Kunci: visualisasi, penjadwalan, antrian, FIFO
Potensi biomassa yang berupa sekam padi di NTB tersebar di kabupaten dan kota meliputi Lombok Bar... more Potensi biomassa yang berupa sekam padi di NTB tersebar di kabupaten dan kota meliputi Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Timur, Sumbawa, Dompu, Bima, Sumbawa Barat, Kota Mataram, Kota Bima dan Lombok Utara. Bahan baku sekam padi merupakan hasil limbah dari penggilingan padi yang dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan baku alternatif untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga biomassa. Pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi menjadi listrik ini akan sangat berdampak pada kesejahteraan masyarakat di NTB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan keberlanjutan ketersediaan bahan baku dan biaya transportasi limbah sekam padi untuk memastikan pasokan energi yang kontinyu, menyusun sistem desain pembangkit listrik biomasa (biomass power plant) dari bahan baku sekam padi dengan teknologi yang tersedia dan proven, serta menghitung kelayakan finansial proyek dari analisa IRR, NPV, PI, PP, serta analisa sensitivitas terhadap batas-batas kelayakan investasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk ketersedian bahan...
This study aims to know the influence of interactive physics-based multimedia learning media usin... more This study aims to know the influence of interactive physics-based multimedia learning media using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software on the results of students' study of class X in SMA PGRI Pangkalan Kersik Tungkal Jaya. Variable of research is dependent variable that is result of student learning and independent variable that is learning media physics based on interactive multimedia using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software. The population in this study is all students of class X MIA in SMA PGRI Pangkalan Kersik Tungkal Jaya which amounted to 104 students. The sample in this study was taken by random sampling technique with the number of samples of 70 students divided into two classes namely class X MIA 2 as an experimental class who received learning treatment using interactive multimedia with the number of 35 students and students of class X MIA 1 as a control class treated conventional approach with 35 students. Techniques of collecting data using tests and documentati...
KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2020
Kehadiran internet sebagai sarana atau media informasi online memberikan manfaat yang sangat besa... more Kehadiran internet sebagai sarana atau media informasi online memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar bagi setiap aspek kehidupan yang ada. Baik di bidang pendidikan, sarana komunikasi, maupun dalam hal pengembangan usaha. Pemanfaatan media online memang menjadi pilihan tepat bagi para pelaku usaha untuk mengembangkan bisnis. Tanpa didukung strategi pemasaran yang tepat, usaha di bidang pendidikan tidak akan berkembang dengan baik, bahkan bisa mengalami kebangkrutan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat diterapkan untuk mendukung pengelolaan institusi pendidikan adalah dengan menerapkan media online terutama dalam hal promosi atau pemasaran. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan meningkatkan kompetensi dan keterampilan pihak manajemen dan guru-guru SMK Nusa Bhakti dalam menentukan strategi dan media online sebagai media promosi, maka kegiatan promosi sekolah dapat berjalan dengan baik, efektif dan efisien.
The purpose of the study is to find out: (1) The purpose of financial system stability; (2) Indic... more The purpose of the study is to find out: (1) The purpose of financial system stability; (2) Indicators used to declare financial system instability; (3) The work mechanism of the financial system stability committee; (4) Role and function of the IDIC in participating in managing financial system stability; (5) The maximum value of deposits guaranteed by LPS; (6) Many banks are included in the LPS oversight and actions taken by the LPS. This research uses the case study method with qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study: (1) There is no standard definition of financial system stability that is accepted by the international world, but at least a stable, healthy and strong financial system is able to allocate sources of funds, perform intermediary functions, carry out payments, spread risk well, prevent and resistant to disruption to the real sector and financial system; (2) There are 2 indicators, namely prudential microeconomic and macroeconomic; (3) KSSK has the ...
Dinamika Teknik Mesin, Jan 30, 2013
Biogas is one of the alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly, inexpensive, e... more Biogas is one of the alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly, inexpensive, easily available, renewable, and can be used as a substitute for gasoline for motor gasoline. For the use of biogas in the motor gasoline is necessary to improve the quality of biogas that is more optimal use of biogas when used as fuel. This study aims to determine the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO 2) during the purification of biogas by using absorber Ca (OH) 2 to the elevated levels of CH 4 in biogas and its effect when testing the performance of the motor fuel, which indicate the performance of the motor fuel is the torque, power and effective specific Fuel Consumption effective. In this study, the biogas will be purified by varying the flow rate is var I (5 liters / min), var II (10 ltr / min) and var III (15 ltr / min), and biogas purification degan best quality results will be compared with biogas before purification by way of testing the motor performance in round 1500 rpm, 2500 rpm,3500rpm and 4500 rpm. The result showed that the purification of biogas menggunan Ca (OH) 2 at a rate var II (10 ltr / min) produced the best biogas CH 4 content of 91.0%, better than the variations I and III variations, and the results of performance testing of the motor fuel showed improvement menghasillkan better quality. Judging from rotation 4500 rpm for prior purification 5.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
People with low vision usually use stick to find their way or to face an obstacle in front of the... more People with low vision usually use stick to find their way or to face an obstacle in front of them. However, this detection only can be felt as long as the length of the stick from its handle is as far as the reach of the hand. Seeing this limitation, a set of sonar vision was made using sonar sensor, which equipped as a wristwatch and a buckle of a belt. The sonar vision was designed to detect an obstacle for up to 3 meters away. A hundred low vision people already got the benefit of this system, which 84% of them felt that the sonar vision helped them in the navigation. The new design based on the feedback is presented in this paper, which is equipped with GPS for positioning information.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Speed in serving consumers is one of the top priorities in restaurants. To provide fast and preci... more Speed in serving consumers is one of the top priorities in restaurants. To provide fast and precise service, it needed a device that is able to help the operational system at restaurant. This research focus on creating a device that can help operational system at restaurant that can be controlled using the smartphone. The device is designed to combine several components that were merged into a wearable device. The result is wearable devices that can last 7 hours 34 minutes with 2 hours charging time, average operating distance 35.3 m, and 5% error glitch.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The purpose of this research is to build artificial grow light using LED for growing leafy vegeta... more The purpose of this research is to build artificial grow light using LED for growing leafy vegetables from germination to harvesting (vegetative growth). Plants need to capture photons as energy for photosynthesis in 400nm – 780nm spectrum. Different plant species will respond differently to specific light spectrum. Many studies have been done to find optimal light spectrum for plant growth, but there are still many researches to be done because there are still many combinations of light and plants species to be discovered. Specific light spectra combination is called light recipe. This research will help botanist to discover new light recipe for plant species by mixing 6 light spectra with individual intensity and time control. The developed grow light system has graphical user interface that run in Android tablet, and uses MQTT protocol for communication between android application and grow light system. Light recipe and setting are stored in database and the system also has light...
JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic), 2018
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of inflation levels to ward Human Development... more This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of inflation levels to ward Human Development Index (HDI) in Indonesia, and the magnitude of the elasticity of the level of Human Development Index (HDI) in Indonesia. The method used is quantitative descriptive using secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics from the years 2000-2015. Methods of data analysis used correlation analysis, determination analysis, simple linear regression analysis, t-test, and test of elasticity. The results showed: there is a negative relationship between inflation and the human development index (HDI) in the category of moderately correlation coefficient of-0.42 and the contributions made by the inflation of the human development index (HDI) of 17.64% ; if inflation rose by 1%, the human development index (HDI) will decrease by 0.36% with a constant value of 73.33 ; inflation have not a significant effect on the human development index (HDI) and its elasticity is not eslatis (inelastic).
JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic), 2017
Laba perusahaan adalah pendapatan usaha yang diperoleh dalam satu tahun buku dikurangi dengan bia... more Laba perusahaan adalah pendapatan usaha yang diperoleh dalam satu tahun buku dikurangi dengan biaya, penyusutan dan kewajiban lain dalam tahun buku yang bersangkutan. Harga pasar (market price) merupakan harga pada pasar riil. Harga pasar merupakan harga yang paling mudah ditentukan karena merupakan harga dari suatu saham pada pasar yang sedang berlangsung atau, jika pasar sudah tutup, maka harga pasar adalah harga penutup (closing price) dari suatu saham. Pergerakan Harga saham dapat diamati pada indeks harga saham. Indeks harga saham merupakan indikator yang menggambarkan kondisi pasar saham. Dengan adanya indeks harga saham investor dapat mengetahui trend pergerakan harga saham saat ini, apakah sedang aktif atau sedang lesu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh laba perusahaan terhadap pergerakan harga saham perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini dibatasi hanya pada perusahaanperusahaan yang masuk dalam indeks harga saham LQ 45. Data yang dibutuhkan adalah laba perusahaan yang masuk dalam indek harga saham LQ 45 dan indeks harga saham LQ 45. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif, antara lain : analisis korelasi, analisis determinasi, analisis regresi linear sederhana dan t-test.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa laba perusahaan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap harga saham indeks LQ 45, hal ini ditunjukkan nilai t hitung < t tabel (0,4164 <1,671).
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
In this research, a quardrotor copter like a flying robot is developed with its capability to sta... more In this research, a quardrotor copter like a flying robot is developed with its capability to stabilize itself during the steady flying in a determined position. In order to gain its stability, intentionally a simple filter with a low error rate of 1.67% during its full operation was placed. The time consumed during its steady flying in the air took approximately one second with the height of flying around 1 to 5 meters above the earth.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
This paper discusses implementation of Long Range (LoRa) networks as an Internet of Things (IoT) ... more This paper discusses implementation of Long Range (LoRa) networks as an Internet of Things (IoT) objects especially on street light monitoring. Low Powered Wide Area Network (LPWAN) is used as a communication network. LoRa devices are configured with a frequency of 470 MHz, spread factor 9, bandwidth of 31.25 KHz, and code rate of 4/5. The study found that the UM402 LoRa module has the farthest network range, up to 1 Km. By focusing on a range of up to 250 m, the LoRa Dragino shield has the fastest data packet delivery time at 0.77 s. UM402 LoRa module has the largest Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value at 50m, it is-34. All LoRa devices used in this research can operate well at the ideal distance of street lights (35 m).
The purpose of this research is to design a billing system at game centre using RFID card for the... more The purpose of this research is to design a billing system at game centre using RFID card for the payment method. Beside as a billing system, this system also manipulates signal of television remote to switch on or switch off the television. Microcontroller controls the timer using GUI on PC as well as the position of television to be be turned on using I2C communication. The result of this research shows 100% success rate to display the serial number of RFID card while the maximum length between the microcontroller and the television is 140cm.
Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa D3 Teknik Informatika, May 2, 2012
Menurut bahasa sehari-hari : Kompas merupakan pupuk yang berasal dari berbagai bahan berupa daun,... more Menurut bahasa sehari-hari : Kompas merupakan pupuk yang berasal dari berbagai bahan berupa daun, rumput, kotoran hewan dan sampah yang melapuk. Menurut Ilmiah : Kompas adalah bentuk akhir dari bahan Organik setelah mengalami proses pembusukan oleh Mikroorganisme dan yang didukung oleh suhu dan udara yang memenuhi syarat proses pembusukan. Dialam terbuka pembentukan kompos seperti pembentukan humus, yaitu melalui proses pelapukan dengan pertolongan bakteri dan cuaca. Masalahnya, dialam, pelapukan itu berlangsung. Oleh karena itu orang berupaya untuk mempercepat proses pelapukan. Upaya mendaur ulang sampah Organik sehingga bermanfaat untuk menyuburkan tanah sangat diperlukan khususnya dikota-kota besar. Masalahnya komposisi unsur hara yang dikandung kompos tidak tetap, karena sangat bergantung pada bahan yang dikomposkan. Biarpun demikian, ciri khas dari kompos adalah mengandung zat Organik dengan kadar yang cukup tinggi.
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, 2007
A car driver often had trouble to park his car a narrow location, caused by a narrow parking area... more A car driver often had trouble to park his car a narrow location, caused by a narrow parking area on the wane.Also, cars had often crashed the electric pillar or scratched the car on the wall while retreat. The problem was the driverdidn’t know condition behind vehicle because of limited of view. The research aimed to make a system that can easily helpdriver in parking his car, by using of ultrasonic parking sensor. The method used in sensor scheme parks is ultrasonicisensor to detect and measure car and balk distance by utilising of 851 family microcontroller as the main system. Theresult indicates that ultrasonic censor effective deep measurement was on distance of 2 cm – 30 m. It is that enoughultrasonic censor is effective to be implemented on censor parks.
Jurnal Teknik Industri
The paper discusses optimation integrated production scheduling model which is included deciding ... more The paper discusses optimation integrated production scheduling model which is included deciding production allocation, operations regulating for job shop process and capacity planning as integrated activity. The criteria is to complete the amount of order that is needed at some period during a planning horizon to minimize total cost. in Bahasa Indonesia : Makalah ini membahas model optimasi penjadwalan produksi yang terintegrasi meliputi penentuan alokasi kegiatan produksi, pengaturan operasi-operasi dari proses job shop dan perencanaan kapasitas sebagai suatu kegiatan yang terintegrasi. Kriteria yang digunakan adalah memenuhi pesanan sejumlah produk yang terjadi pada sejumlah periode dari suatu horizon perencanaan dengan tujuan untuk meminimalkan total biaya. Kata kunci: alokasi produksi, penjadwalan job shop, perencanaan kapasitas, struktur produk multi-level.
International Journal of Arts and Technology
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking - ICCBN '17, 2017
With the emergence of many children's playground located in a closed area as Kidzania in Jaka... more With the emergence of many children's playground located in a closed area as Kidzania in Jakarta, and Trans Studio in Bandung, we need a system that can help parents or a nanny to know the position / location of the children when they are playing at the venue. The location that is in the closed area and consists of lots of room to play therein will have many challenges when it is developed by using the Global Positioning System (GPS). In the developed system is also necessary to know the location of the children monitored in real time. The use of Radio Frequency ID (RFID) is expected to answer the needs mentioned above. The system developed consists of RFID readers that is installed at the entrance or exit, RFID tags that is carried by the child, a database server that is used to upload data from RFID readers and also an application that is installed on a smart phone that is used to upload the registration data to the database server and download data from the database server to be displayed on the smartphone. Application that is developed to build this system is also equipped with other features such as user info and add friend. User info is used to determine the time of the last tapping did by the child. Add Friend is used to add a child that is to be monitored into the system. In this application, the number of children that can be monitored is limited to 5 children. With accuracy up to 100% at the time of tapping and mapping, systems and applications are developed is reliable to answer the needs.
Persaingan dalam industri minuman isotonik sekarang ini dapat dikatakan berlangsung dengan ketat.... more Persaingan dalam industri minuman isotonik sekarang ini dapat dikatakan berlangsung dengan ketat. Potensi pasar minuman isotonik di Indonesia sangat besar bila dibandingkan dengan negara di kawasan Asean lain. Hal ini dikarenakan jumlah penduduk yang mencapai 200 juta pada tahun 2007. Salah satu cara yang ditempuh oleh pelaku bisnis minuman isotonik adalah mengkomunikasikan produk melalui iklan. Strategi dengan menggunakan iklan dalam mengkomunikasikan produk ke masyarakat juga dilakukan PT. Tirta Investama yang bekerjasama dengan Danone Aqua selaku produsen Mizone. sikap atas iklan yaitu perasaan suka atau tidak suka konsumen terhadap rangsangan iklan tertentu selama penayangan iklan tertentu. sikap atas merek merupakan keseluruhan preferensi pelanggan terhadap suatu merek yang ditunjukkan dari (1) kepercayaan terhadap merek, (2) evaluasi terhadap merek, (3) kecenderungan untuk bertindak. Pada umumnya konsumen akan langsung memiliki sikap atas iklan begitu melihat iklan ditayangkan...
Penjadwalan proses merupakan kebijaksanaan dalam mekanisme sebuah sistem operasi. Mekanisme dalam... more Penjadwalan proses merupakan kebijaksanaan dalam mekanisme sebuah sistem operasi. Mekanisme dalam sistem operasi sendiri berkaitan dengan urutan kerja yang dilakukan suatu sistem komputer. Sedangkan proses penjadwalan dapat memutuskan proses mana dahulu yang harus berjalan serta kapan dan berapa lama proses tersebut berjalan. Visualisasi ini dirancang untuk menggambarkan secara simbolis bagaimana jalannya penjadwalan proses pada CPU yang dilakukan oleh sistem operasi. Visualisasi akan dirancang dengan menggunakan Flash MX sebagai salah satu program aplikasi untuk membuat animasi, dan Visual Basic.NET sebagai program untuk membuat menu utama dan tombol-tombol kontrol untuk mendukung visualisasi ini. Dari perancangan ini diharapkan kemudahan dalam mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana sebenarnya penjadwalan proses pada CPU dilakukan oleh sistem operasi. Kata Kunci: visualisasi, penjadwalan, antrian, FIFO
Potensi biomassa yang berupa sekam padi di NTB tersebar di kabupaten dan kota meliputi Lombok Bar... more Potensi biomassa yang berupa sekam padi di NTB tersebar di kabupaten dan kota meliputi Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Timur, Sumbawa, Dompu, Bima, Sumbawa Barat, Kota Mataram, Kota Bima dan Lombok Utara. Bahan baku sekam padi merupakan hasil limbah dari penggilingan padi yang dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan baku alternatif untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga biomassa. Pemanfaatan limbah sekam padi menjadi listrik ini akan sangat berdampak pada kesejahteraan masyarakat di NTB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan keberlanjutan ketersediaan bahan baku dan biaya transportasi limbah sekam padi untuk memastikan pasokan energi yang kontinyu, menyusun sistem desain pembangkit listrik biomasa (biomass power plant) dari bahan baku sekam padi dengan teknologi yang tersedia dan proven, serta menghitung kelayakan finansial proyek dari analisa IRR, NPV, PI, PP, serta analisa sensitivitas terhadap batas-batas kelayakan investasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk ketersedian bahan...
This study aims to know the influence of interactive physics-based multimedia learning media usin... more This study aims to know the influence of interactive physics-based multimedia learning media using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software on the results of students' study of class X in SMA PGRI Pangkalan Kersik Tungkal Jaya. Variable of research is dependent variable that is result of student learning and independent variable that is learning media physics based on interactive multimedia using Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software. The population in this study is all students of class X MIA in SMA PGRI Pangkalan Kersik Tungkal Jaya which amounted to 104 students. The sample in this study was taken by random sampling technique with the number of samples of 70 students divided into two classes namely class X MIA 2 as an experimental class who received learning treatment using interactive multimedia with the number of 35 students and students of class X MIA 1 as a control class treated conventional approach with 35 students. Techniques of collecting data using tests and documentati...
KANGMAS: Karya Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2020
Kehadiran internet sebagai sarana atau media informasi online memberikan manfaat yang sangat besa... more Kehadiran internet sebagai sarana atau media informasi online memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar bagi setiap aspek kehidupan yang ada. Baik di bidang pendidikan, sarana komunikasi, maupun dalam hal pengembangan usaha. Pemanfaatan media online memang menjadi pilihan tepat bagi para pelaku usaha untuk mengembangkan bisnis. Tanpa didukung strategi pemasaran yang tepat, usaha di bidang pendidikan tidak akan berkembang dengan baik, bahkan bisa mengalami kebangkrutan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat diterapkan untuk mendukung pengelolaan institusi pendidikan adalah dengan menerapkan media online terutama dalam hal promosi atau pemasaran. Hasil dari kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan meningkatkan kompetensi dan keterampilan pihak manajemen dan guru-guru SMK Nusa Bhakti dalam menentukan strategi dan media online sebagai media promosi, maka kegiatan promosi sekolah dapat berjalan dengan baik, efektif dan efisien.
The purpose of the study is to find out: (1) The purpose of financial system stability; (2) Indic... more The purpose of the study is to find out: (1) The purpose of financial system stability; (2) Indicators used to declare financial system instability; (3) The work mechanism of the financial system stability committee; (4) Role and function of the IDIC in participating in managing financial system stability; (5) The maximum value of deposits guaranteed by LPS; (6) Many banks are included in the LPS oversight and actions taken by the LPS. This research uses the case study method with qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study: (1) There is no standard definition of financial system stability that is accepted by the international world, but at least a stable, healthy and strong financial system is able to allocate sources of funds, perform intermediary functions, carry out payments, spread risk well, prevent and resistant to disruption to the real sector and financial system; (2) There are 2 indicators, namely prudential microeconomic and macroeconomic; (3) KSSK has the ...
Dinamika Teknik Mesin, Jan 30, 2013
Biogas is one of the alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly, inexpensive, e... more Biogas is one of the alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly, inexpensive, easily available, renewable, and can be used as a substitute for gasoline for motor gasoline. For the use of biogas in the motor gasoline is necessary to improve the quality of biogas that is more optimal use of biogas when used as fuel. This study aims to determine the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO 2) during the purification of biogas by using absorber Ca (OH) 2 to the elevated levels of CH 4 in biogas and its effect when testing the performance of the motor fuel, which indicate the performance of the motor fuel is the torque, power and effective specific Fuel Consumption effective. In this study, the biogas will be purified by varying the flow rate is var I (5 liters / min), var II (10 ltr / min) and var III (15 ltr / min), and biogas purification degan best quality results will be compared with biogas before purification by way of testing the motor performance in round 1500 rpm, 2500 rpm,3500rpm and 4500 rpm. The result showed that the purification of biogas menggunan Ca (OH) 2 at a rate var II (10 ltr / min) produced the best biogas CH 4 content of 91.0%, better than the variations I and III variations, and the results of performance testing of the motor fuel showed improvement menghasillkan better quality. Judging from rotation 4500 rpm for prior purification 5.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
People with low vision usually use stick to find their way or to face an obstacle in front of the... more People with low vision usually use stick to find their way or to face an obstacle in front of them. However, this detection only can be felt as long as the length of the stick from its handle is as far as the reach of the hand. Seeing this limitation, a set of sonar vision was made using sonar sensor, which equipped as a wristwatch and a buckle of a belt. The sonar vision was designed to detect an obstacle for up to 3 meters away. A hundred low vision people already got the benefit of this system, which 84% of them felt that the sonar vision helped them in the navigation. The new design based on the feedback is presented in this paper, which is equipped with GPS for positioning information.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Speed in serving consumers is one of the top priorities in restaurants. To provide fast and preci... more Speed in serving consumers is one of the top priorities in restaurants. To provide fast and precise service, it needed a device that is able to help the operational system at restaurant. This research focus on creating a device that can help operational system at restaurant that can be controlled using the smartphone. The device is designed to combine several components that were merged into a wearable device. The result is wearable devices that can last 7 hours 34 minutes with 2 hours charging time, average operating distance 35.3 m, and 5% error glitch.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The purpose of this research is to build artificial grow light using LED for growing leafy vegeta... more The purpose of this research is to build artificial grow light using LED for growing leafy vegetables from germination to harvesting (vegetative growth). Plants need to capture photons as energy for photosynthesis in 400nm – 780nm spectrum. Different plant species will respond differently to specific light spectrum. Many studies have been done to find optimal light spectrum for plant growth, but there are still many researches to be done because there are still many combinations of light and plants species to be discovered. Specific light spectra combination is called light recipe. This research will help botanist to discover new light recipe for plant species by mixing 6 light spectra with individual intensity and time control. The developed grow light system has graphical user interface that run in Android tablet, and uses MQTT protocol for communication between android application and grow light system. Light recipe and setting are stored in database and the system also has light...
JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic), 2018
This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of inflation levels to ward Human Development... more This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of inflation levels to ward Human Development Index (HDI) in Indonesia, and the magnitude of the elasticity of the level of Human Development Index (HDI) in Indonesia. The method used is quantitative descriptive using secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics from the years 2000-2015. Methods of data analysis used correlation analysis, determination analysis, simple linear regression analysis, t-test, and test of elasticity. The results showed: there is a negative relationship between inflation and the human development index (HDI) in the category of moderately correlation coefficient of-0.42 and the contributions made by the inflation of the human development index (HDI) of 17.64% ; if inflation rose by 1%, the human development index (HDI) will decrease by 0.36% with a constant value of 73.33 ; inflation have not a significant effect on the human development index (HDI) and its elasticity is not eslatis (inelastic).
JABE (Journal of Applied Business and Economic), 2017
Laba perusahaan adalah pendapatan usaha yang diperoleh dalam satu tahun buku dikurangi dengan bia... more Laba perusahaan adalah pendapatan usaha yang diperoleh dalam satu tahun buku dikurangi dengan biaya, penyusutan dan kewajiban lain dalam tahun buku yang bersangkutan. Harga pasar (market price) merupakan harga pada pasar riil. Harga pasar merupakan harga yang paling mudah ditentukan karena merupakan harga dari suatu saham pada pasar yang sedang berlangsung atau, jika pasar sudah tutup, maka harga pasar adalah harga penutup (closing price) dari suatu saham. Pergerakan Harga saham dapat diamati pada indeks harga saham. Indeks harga saham merupakan indikator yang menggambarkan kondisi pasar saham. Dengan adanya indeks harga saham investor dapat mengetahui trend pergerakan harga saham saat ini, apakah sedang aktif atau sedang lesu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh laba perusahaan terhadap pergerakan harga saham perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Penelitian ini dibatasi hanya pada perusahaanperusahaan yang masuk dalam indeks harga saham LQ 45. Data yang dibutuhkan adalah laba perusahaan yang masuk dalam indek harga saham LQ 45 dan indeks harga saham LQ 45. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif, antara lain : analisis korelasi, analisis determinasi, analisis regresi linear sederhana dan t-test.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa laba perusahaan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap harga saham indeks LQ 45, hal ini ditunjukkan nilai t hitung < t tabel (0,4164 <1,671).
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
In this research, a quardrotor copter like a flying robot is developed with its capability to sta... more In this research, a quardrotor copter like a flying robot is developed with its capability to stabilize itself during the steady flying in a determined position. In order to gain its stability, intentionally a simple filter with a low error rate of 1.67% during its full operation was placed. The time consumed during its steady flying in the air took approximately one second with the height of flying around 1 to 5 meters above the earth.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
This paper discusses implementation of Long Range (LoRa) networks as an Internet of Things (IoT) ... more This paper discusses implementation of Long Range (LoRa) networks as an Internet of Things (IoT) objects especially on street light monitoring. Low Powered Wide Area Network (LPWAN) is used as a communication network. LoRa devices are configured with a frequency of 470 MHz, spread factor 9, bandwidth of 31.25 KHz, and code rate of 4/5. The study found that the UM402 LoRa module has the farthest network range, up to 1 Km. By focusing on a range of up to 250 m, the LoRa Dragino shield has the fastest data packet delivery time at 0.77 s. UM402 LoRa module has the largest Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value at 50m, it is-34. All LoRa devices used in this research can operate well at the ideal distance of street lights (35 m).
The purpose of this research is to design a billing system at game centre using RFID card for the... more The purpose of this research is to design a billing system at game centre using RFID card for the payment method. Beside as a billing system, this system also manipulates signal of television remote to switch on or switch off the television. Microcontroller controls the timer using GUI on PC as well as the position of television to be be turned on using I2C communication. The result of this research shows 100% success rate to display the serial number of RFID card while the maximum length between the microcontroller and the television is 140cm.
Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa D3 Teknik Informatika, May 2, 2012
Menurut bahasa sehari-hari : Kompas merupakan pupuk yang berasal dari berbagai bahan berupa daun,... more Menurut bahasa sehari-hari : Kompas merupakan pupuk yang berasal dari berbagai bahan berupa daun, rumput, kotoran hewan dan sampah yang melapuk. Menurut Ilmiah : Kompas adalah bentuk akhir dari bahan Organik setelah mengalami proses pembusukan oleh Mikroorganisme dan yang didukung oleh suhu dan udara yang memenuhi syarat proses pembusukan. Dialam terbuka pembentukan kompos seperti pembentukan humus, yaitu melalui proses pelapukan dengan pertolongan bakteri dan cuaca. Masalahnya, dialam, pelapukan itu berlangsung. Oleh karena itu orang berupaya untuk mempercepat proses pelapukan. Upaya mendaur ulang sampah Organik sehingga bermanfaat untuk menyuburkan tanah sangat diperlukan khususnya dikota-kota besar. Masalahnya komposisi unsur hara yang dikandung kompos tidak tetap, karena sangat bergantung pada bahan yang dikomposkan. Biarpun demikian, ciri khas dari kompos adalah mengandung zat Organik dengan kadar yang cukup tinggi.
CommIT (Communication and Information Technology) Journal, 2007
A car driver often had trouble to park his car a narrow location, caused by a narrow parking area... more A car driver often had trouble to park his car a narrow location, caused by a narrow parking area on the wane.Also, cars had often crashed the electric pillar or scratched the car on the wall while retreat. The problem was the driverdidn’t know condition behind vehicle because of limited of view. The research aimed to make a system that can easily helpdriver in parking his car, by using of ultrasonic parking sensor. The method used in sensor scheme parks is ultrasonicisensor to detect and measure car and balk distance by utilising of 851 family microcontroller as the main system. Theresult indicates that ultrasonic censor effective deep measurement was on distance of 2 cm – 30 m. It is that enoughultrasonic censor is effective to be implemented on censor parks.