Ahmad Saefudin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Ahmad Saefudin

Research paper thumbnail of Active Non-Violence Education in Rural Culture

Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman

This article aims to describe a portrait of peace education involving three religions (Islam, Chr... more This article aims to describe a portrait of peace education involving three religions (Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism) in Plajan Village, Jepara Regency, Central Java. Also, to explain the practice of religious moderation through non-violent education implemented by the religious leaders there. Through a qualitative approach, the researcher observed the interaction between religious leaders to obtain data on the practice of religious moderation. Researchers conducted interviews with Kiai, priests, Hindu religious leaders, and village heads to reveal a portrait of non-violent education. Documentation is a complement to research data, especially in the form of a profile of Plajan village which is already known as a multicultural village. In conclusion, there are two values ​​of religious moderation practiced by religious leaders in Plajan Village, namely tasamuh (tolerance) and syura (deliberation). These two values ​​are in line with the concept of religious moderation initiated b...

Research paper thumbnail of Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah An-Nahdliyyah di SMP Islam Pecangaan Jepara

JASNA : Journal For Aswaja Studies

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran guru PAI dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai p... more AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran guru PAI dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan ahlussunnah wal jamaah (Aswaja) di SMP Islam Pecangaan. Selain itu, juga untuk mengidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Penelitian kualitatif berjenis field research ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ahlussunah wal jamaah An-Nahdliyah yang ditanamkan oleh guru PAI kepada siswa meliputi tawassuth, tawazzun, tasamuh dan i'tidal. Sebagai konservator, guru PAI berperan memberikan arahan berupa materi terkait dengan moderasi Islam yang bisa dilaukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti toleransi, berbuat baik kepada sesama, dan menghormati pendapat orang lain. Guru PAI juga selaku inovator yang memiliki ide-ide baru dalam menanamkan nilai ahlussunah wal jamaah An-Nahdliyah. Selaku transmitor, guru PAI memanfaatkan metode ceramah dan dakwah untuk menanamkan nilai ahlussunah wal...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan pemanfaatan aplikasi Electronic Supply Chain Management bagi kelompok UMKM Kartini Mandiri di Kabupaten Jepara

Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Di era teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang, pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) perlu ... more Di era teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang, pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) perlu memanfaatkan aplikasi digital untuk membantu pemasaran dan pendistribusian produk bisnisnya. Masalah utama yang masih dihadapi pelaku UMKM adalah adanya penerapan model single agen sehingga pelaku usaha sangat bergantung kepada satu agen atau reseller dalam mendapatkan bahan baku produk. Proses pemasaran produk juga masih mengandalkan metode "dari mulut ke mulut" dan penyebaran google form. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bermitra dengan Paguyuban UMKM Kartini Mandiri Jepara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada mitra dalam proses produksi dan pemasaran produk melalui pendampingan pemanfaatan aplikasi Electronic Supply Chain Management (E-SCM). Pengabdian ini juga membekali pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam proses pemasaran komoditas dan pengelolaan keuangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Participation Action Research (PAR) melalui studi pendahuluan, sosialiasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi E-SCM mampu mengatasi masalah utama mitra di bidang bahan baku, pemasaran, dan manajemen. Program pengabdian ini membantu angota Paguyuban UMKM Kartini Mandiri Jepara dalam mendapatkan informasi secara langsung dari pihak pertama sebagai pemasok bahan baku tanpa perantara. Aplikasi E-SCM juga membantu proses sinkronisasi pelbagai platform marketplace populer seperti Facebook, Shopee, dan Tokopedia.

Research paper thumbnail of Korelasi Antara Perhatian Orang Tua Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an Siswa Madrasah Ibtida’iyah Negeri Bawu Jepara

Jurnal Riset Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (JURMIA)

Factors that affect students' ability to read the Koran can certainly come from within and fr... more Factors that affect students' ability to read the Koran can certainly come from within and from outside, factors that come from outside students include attention from parents. Meanwhile, internal factors can be influenced by the willingness to learn from the students themselves. Students who have a high enthusiasm for learning can improve their ability to read the Koran, but this can be encouraged by the attention of parents in the form of providing learning support facilities, learning motivation, learning assistance, and so on. This study aims to determine the relationship between parental attention to the ability to read the Koran of students at Madrasah Ibtida'iyah Negeri Bawu Jepara. This type of research is a field research with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The population in this study were all fourth grade students, totaling 167 students. With a sample of 50 students using stratified sampl...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Active Non-Violence Perspektif Al-Qurâ??An (Kajian Tematik Terhadap Ayat-Ayat Toleransi Dalam Al-Qurâ??An)

Tarbawi : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2015

This article is concern on spirit of active non violence education, which is based on Qur'anic ve... more This article is concern on spirit of active non violence education, which is based on Qur'anic verses. This article use thematic method in order to understanding content of Qur'an about this topic. That way, it may change negative strereotype and intolerance behaviour which were correlated with religion's doctrine. Qur'an as a holy book for moslems containing of education values active non violence. One of them is tolerance. Besides, it becomes way of life, and important thing for every moslem to realize tolerance in society. Based on Qur'anic verses, there are many teachings that related to tolerance in religion such as freedom of believing, allow of greeting to other believers, and say congratulation of great day to other believers religion. In social aspect, everyone can compete in this world to reach a success and do charity selflessly. In cultural aspect, Qur'an teaches the necessity of positive thinking, no condemn, and avoid suudhan or prejudice. In economic aspect, cooperation in trade is not restricted only between Muslims. However, anyone can be a business associate. There is no discrimination against people of other faiths or of certain groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Nilai: Upaya Mengatasi Konflik Identitas Dan Krisis Nilai

Intelegensia : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2015

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pentingnya pendidikan nilai sebagai upaya mengatasi konflik identi... more Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pentingnya pendidikan nilai sebagai upaya mengatasi konflik identitas pada diri peserta didik. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab beberapa pernyataan fundamental antara lain; (1) memahami terminologi nilai dan pendidikan nilai, (2) mengelaborasi strategi dan landasan pendidikan nilai, dan (3) mengetahui urgensi pendidikan nilai. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan: 1) Nilai adalah sesuatu yang dipandang baik, bermanfaat, dan paling benar menurut keyakinan seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Pendidikan nilai ialah penanaman dan pengembangan nilai-nilai dalam diri peserta didik, 2) strategi pendidikan nilai meliputi value identifications (identifikasi nilai), activity (kegiatan), learning aids (alat bantu belajar), unit interaction (interaksi kesatuan), dan evaluation segment (bagian penilaian). Adapun landasan yang digunakan adalah landasan filosofis, psikologis, sosial, dan estetik, dan 3) urgensi pendidikan nilai adalah untuk mengatasi konflik identitas dan krisis nilai dalam diri peserta didik.

Research paper thumbnail of Guru Progresif (Telaah Pemikiran Paulo Freire Tentang Pendidikan Yang Membebaskan)

Intelegensia : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2014

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang guru progresif yang di tawarkan oleh Paulo Freire terkait ... more Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang guru progresif yang di tawarkan oleh Paulo Freire terkait dengan pendidikan yang membebaskan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui guru progresif menurut Paulo Freire antara lain; (1) mengetahui bagaimana pandangan Paulo Freire tentang guru progresif, (2) mengetahui pemaknaan istilah progresif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian interpretatif. Hasil penelitian ini mencakup lima hal, antara lain: 1) progresivisme kurang sepakat dengan pendidikan yang bercorak otoriter, 2) konsentrasi perhatian progresivisme selalu bergerak maju (progres), 3) progresivisme menjunjung tinggi pengalaman sebagai ciri dinamika hidup, 4) progresivisme tidak saja mengakui ide-ide, teori-teori, atau cita-cita sebagai hal yang ada, tetapi yang ada itu harus dicari artinya bagi suatu kemajuan atau maksud-maksud baik lain, 5) progresivisme mengharuskan manusia dapat memfungsikan jiwanya untuk membina hidup di tengah persoalan yang menghimpit. Kata kunci: guru progresif, pendidikan membebaskan, Paulo Freire.

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Dikotomi Keilmuan dan Reorientasi Kurikulum Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars, May 14, 2017

Since the 19th century, Islamic educational institutions confronted to modern era full of challen... more Since the 19th century, Islamic educational institutions confronted to modern era full of challenges. If not ready, the Muslim community will be represented as a passive receptor secular paradigm of Western education. Even though, for most observers of Islamic education, secularism that puts sense in the highest position exceeds "naqli" aspect is a "curse" for the doctrine of monotheism in Islam. In addition to the problem of competency, fundamental issues encountered the Islamic educational institutions in the era of modernity is the problem of the dichotomy of science and disorientation institutional vision. Therefore, this article will attempt to answer the challenge of management of Islamic educational institutions and offers several alternative solutions to the problems faced.

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Pendidikan Islam Yang Terkandung Dalam Tri Satya Pramuka Tingkat Penggalang (Studi Analisis Buku Boyman Karya Andri Bob Sunardi)

al-Iltizam: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2021

This study aims to describe the content of the values of Islamic education contained in the Scout... more This study aims to describe the content of the values of Islamic education contained in the Scout Promise level of the Boys and Girls Scout in Andri Bob Sunardi's Boyman book and to analyze their implementation in the school environment. This study uses a qualitative approach and the type of research is literature research that focuses on content analysis. Researchers in this case collect and obtain data sourced from library research such as books, literature, and collections owned by libraries as well as scientific works relevant to the research. The results showed that there are values of Islamic education contained in the Scout Promise of the level Boys and Girls Scout and their implementation in the school environment. The values of Islamic education are contained in the obligations of the Scout Promise at the Boys and Girls Scout level which includes 3 things, namely values related to Allah (hablu min Allah), values related to humans (hablu min an-nas), and values related t...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Penelusuran Alumni dan Respons Stakeholders Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Unisnu Jepara Tahun 2015

Tarbawi, 2020

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjawab keterserapan lulusan jurusan PAI FTIK UNISNU Jepara tahun 20... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjawab keterserapan lulusan jurusan PAI FTIK UNISNU Jepara tahun 2015 dalam dunia kerja, relevansi kurikulum, dan respons stakeholder (pengguna lulusan) terhadap alumni PAI FTIK Unisnu Jepara. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif evaluatif dengan pendekatan survey.Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui sistem online (website), pemberitahuan by phone, dan penyebaran angket oleh volunteers kepada alumni prodi PAI 2015 yang berjumlah 448 mahasiswa dan stakeholders sebanyak 20 responden. Hasil analisis data menyimpulkan bahwa masa tunggu alumni Prodi PAI FTIK Unisnu Jepara dalam memperoleh pekerjaan tidak terlalu lama yaitu kurang dari enam bulan. Lulusan Prodi PAI sudah dianggap memiliki kemampuan yang cukup untuk menghadapi dunia kerja. Peranan prodi dalam menyiapkan alumni PAI menghadapi dunia kerja tampak pada pemberian bekal keilmuan di bidang keguruan. Selain itu, Prodi juga membekali alumni PAI dengan keterampilan khusus, utamanya di bidang public s...

Research paper thumbnail of The Socio-Cultural Resilience of Islamic Boarding School: Supporting and Inhibiting Factors

Proceedings of the International Conference on Madrasah Reform 2021 (ICMR 2021), 2022

This study aims to explain the level of resilience of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School (pesantre... more This study aims to explain the level of resilience of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) in implementing the function of Islamic education in the era of society 5.0. and to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors. The research used a case study in a qualitative approach that consist of some techniques in data collection such as interviews, observations, and documentation. The conclusions of the research are the resilience of Salaf Islamic boarding schools in implementing the function of Islamic education in the era of Society 5.0 relied on the social capital of Kiai, the existence of Kitab Kuning study, the attachment of pesantren to NU organizations, a sense of attachment to the community, the affiliation of the pesantren with the government, and the participation of students in the community. These components were the factors that support the resilience of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School from the negative effects of the disruption era. Unfortunately, there were still inhibiting factors, such as the misuse of utilization in technical communication and social media that were used by the students. However, Gus Dur's thesis described that pesantren as a subculture was still relevant because pesantren was not easily influenced by the dominant culture that came from the outside.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Guru Ngaji di Era Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Studi Kasus di Desa Semat Tahunan Jepara)


The phenomenon of globalization has entered people's lives, including in Semat Village, Tahun... more The phenomenon of globalization has entered people's lives, including in Semat Village, Tahunan District, Jepara Regency. The indicator is the development of information technology tools and changes in people's attitudes and lifestyles that tend to follow modern styles. Even though, globalization has not discouraged people from participating in several activities that are in line with the SDGs target in the economic and education sectors, especially in efforts to end poverty and ensure inclusively and quality education. This study aims to emphasize the role of guru ngaji in promoting sustainable global development (SDGs) in the economic and educational domains. A crucial research question that will be answered is whether it is true that global phenomena can cause the younger generation to become increasingly dependent on technological tools and the gradual fading of the sense of solidarity among fellow communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Memperkuat Kearifan Lokal Islam Melalui Perang Obor

Local wisdom is owned by each region as a part of community culture inherited from generation to ... more Local wisdom is owned by each region as a part of community culture inherited from generation to generation. The Torch War, as a part of Jepara community culture, is a traditional ceremony that is routinely held every Monday Pahing, at Dzulhijjah month in Tegalsambi village, Tahunan, Jepara. It is called Torch War because the torch is used as a tool to attack each other so that it sparks very large. Sparks from torches are believed to be repellent reinforcements and are able to bring health. In addition, this celebration is a form of gratitude for the abundant harvest that is realized through the alms earth. In the development of tradition, this torch war undergoes a change from pre-Islamic that was originally functioned to repel the forces of evil spirits that bring disease outbreaks to the Islamic period in which the ceremony is used as a venue for syiar Islam that can be seen from the symbols used are two wooden swords and a drum as a relic of Sunan Kalijaga which presented symbo...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Multikultural DI Pondok Pesantren Syi’Ah (Studi Kasus DI Pondok Pesantren Darut Taqrib Jepara)

Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika: Media Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, 2019

Shi’ah as a minority sect in Islam tends to be perceived negatively by majority group. However, s... more Shi’ah as a minority sect in Islam tends to be perceived negatively by majority group. However, sign of enmity between Sunnis and Shiites are never seen in Jepara. As one of the territory in Indonesia, Jepara is different from other areas that have been attacked by conflicts such as Sampang, Bangil, or Pekalongan. Sunni-Syhiites harmony in Jepara is certaintly not separated from the important role of da'wah and Islamic education conducted by Darut Taqrib Islamic Boarding School, Krapyak Jepara. This research intends to deepen the multicultural education practices conducted by the minority of Shiites in Jepara by taking the background in Shiites Boarding School Darut Taqrib. As the only institution of Shiite boarding school, Darut Taqrib always instills tolerance and multicultural values. Research data collection uses qualitative descriptive method with case study approach. The researcher attempt to collect data on the content of multicultural education, take the meaning, and un...

Research paper thumbnail of The Anatomy of Ingrid Mattson’s Interpretation of the Qur’an: History, Authority, and Translation Problems

Many contemporary thinkers have introduced various theories in Quranic studies. For example, Fazl... more Many contemporary thinkers have introduced various theories in Quranic studies. For example, Fazlur Rahman with double movement theory, Gadamer through a fusion of the horizon, and Abdullah Saeed with contextual interpretation. Meanwhile, Ingrid Mattson’s thoughts on the interpretation of the Koran have not been widely studied by scholars. Mattson has placed the historical context, the personal context of the reader, and the context of the reader's understanding as an integral part of the theory of interpretation. This article wishes to dissect the anatomy of Mattson's interpretation of the Koran. With the historical textual criticism approach popularized by Muhammad Mustafa Azami, this study concludes that apart from historical aspects, the interpretation of the Koran is also strongly influenced by the authority of the rulers at that time, individual charisma (ulama), and the consensus of religious experts. The reduction of God’s message is also very vulnerable to the rampa...

Research paper thumbnail of English Ecotourism Training in Tanjung Village Pakis Aji Jepara

Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2020

In the industrial revolution 4.0 era, it is easier for people to communicate through social media... more In the industrial revolution 4.0 era, it is easier for people to communicate through social media such as Facebook, Whats App, Twitter and other similar applications. Similarly, in tracking tourist destinations. Tourists no longer need to laboriously search for information. With a device, everything is finished. Tanjung Village has beautiful ecotourism destinations such as Kali Bening, Jurang Nganten Waterfall, Kalen Wates Waterfall, and Kedung Plumpang. Geographical support in the form of mountainous areas adds a special attraction for visitors. Unfortunately, tourism management is still centralized based on the Village Government through the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). In addition, tourism managers are also faced with the low Human Resources (HR) managers in receiving foreign tourists. The ability to communicate in English is still low. So, this dedication focuses on equipping the ability of natural tourism managers in Tanjung Village to communicate in English. They are e...

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural Dalam Penyampaian Materi Buku Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam (Pai) Kelas X (Studi Kasus DI Sma Negeri 1 Bawang Batang)

Multikulturalisme meniscayakan dua wajah bagi kekuatan sebuah bangsa, satu sisi berpotensi konstr... more Multikulturalisme meniscayakan dua wajah bagi kekuatan sebuah bangsa, satu sisi berpotensi konstruktif dan pada sisi lain menyimpan energi destruktif. Dikatakan konstruktif manakala multikulturalisme terkelola apik oleh setiap warga negara dengan mengutamakan sikap toleransi, gotong royong, musyawarah mufakat, dan saling menghormati perbedaan keyakinan. Sedangkan multikulturalisme destruktif terjadi jika tidak disikapi dengan arif, misalnya watak mengedepankan orientasi etnisitas, prejudise, diskriminatif terhadap minoritas, dan mengangkangi prinsip kesetaraan. Lembaga sekolah dipandang sangat powerfull untuk mengintrodusir nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural di kalangan siswa sebagai perekat kesatuan dalam perbedaan (unity in diversity). Sayangnya, berbagai hasil riset dari Lembaga Survey menguatkan indikasi bahwa sekolah telah gagal menanamkan nilai-nilai multikulturalisme. Padahal, pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di institusi pendidikan formal secara teoritis memperken...

Research paper thumbnail of Tracer Study Alumni Pendidikan Agama Islam Ftik Unisnu Jepara Lulus Tahun 2013

Tracer study is an effort to trace alumni of PAIFTIK UNISNU Jeparawho had graduated in 2013. The ... more Tracer study is an effort to trace alumni of PAIFTIK UNISNU Jeparawho had graduated in 2013. The purpose of tracer study is to know the output of graduates covering a mastery of competency, evaluation the learning process and the contribution of higher education to the acquisition of competence. The formulations of the problem are: 1) How the readiness of graduates of PAI department, 2) How graduates majoring in PAI netted in the work place, 3) How the relevance of the curriculum of PAI department with the workplace. This research is quantitative descriptive. The subjects of this study are from regular 1 and regular 2. The procedure of research implementation includes: 1) Pre-research stage / field: 2) Stage in the field;and 3): Data analysis. The results of this study are: 1) the readiness of graduates in the work placeis about 57.6%. 2) The absorption of PAI graduates in the work place is 89.3%, 3) the results of graduates who are in accordance with their educational qualification...

Research paper thumbnail of Internalization of Multicultural-Based Islamic Education: Sunni-Shia Synergy in Banjaran Bangsri Village, Jepara

Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2021

This research aims to reveal the role of Sunni-Shia Islamic educational institutions in building ... more This research aims to reveal the role of Sunni-Shia Islamic educational institutions in building multiculturalism in a pluralistic society. So far, the Sunni-Shia relationship has been depicted in a conflictual scheme. The research method was qualitative from the sociology of education perspective. Through in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation techniques, this study showed that the atmosphere of peace between Sunni-Shia in Banjaran is reflected in the social works of humanity, organizations and Islamic educational institutions. Multicultural education cannot be separated from the role of formal and non-formal Islamic education institutions such as TPQ Al-Husainiah (Shia), TPQ Ma'arif 17 KH. Muhammad Arif (Sunni) and MI Mabadil Huda (Sunni). The kinship also has a contribution to maintaining Sunni-Shia harmony in Banjaran. Theoretically, this research contributes to the development of multicultural Islamic education models in rural. Practically, it is b...

Research paper thumbnail of Kekerasan Anak Pada Keluarga Buruh di Jepara Perspektif Pendidikan Islam


Child abuse within the family sphere is often a hidden crime phenomenon because it is kept secret... more Child abuse within the family sphere is often a hidden crime phenomenon because it is kept secret by both the perpetrator and the victim. This article seeks to uncover the practice of child abuse in labor families in Geneng, Jepara, identify the causes, and offer solutions. The data collection used interview, observation, and documentation. The key informants are children, parents who work as laborers, and the Head of Geneng Village. The collected data is then analyzed using descriptive qualitative research from the perspective of Islamic education theory. Doctrinaire, Islam never allows parents to behave rudely to children. Unfortunately, not a few of those who fail to understand and become perpetrators of child abuse. The forms are varied, ranging from psychological violence such as insults, insults, and shouting. The main causes are family economic poverty factors and poor understanding of parents' religion. The way out for parents who are busy working is to get their childre...

Research paper thumbnail of Active Non-Violence Education in Rural Culture

Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman

This article aims to describe a portrait of peace education involving three religions (Islam, Chr... more This article aims to describe a portrait of peace education involving three religions (Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism) in Plajan Village, Jepara Regency, Central Java. Also, to explain the practice of religious moderation through non-violent education implemented by the religious leaders there. Through a qualitative approach, the researcher observed the interaction between religious leaders to obtain data on the practice of religious moderation. Researchers conducted interviews with Kiai, priests, Hindu religious leaders, and village heads to reveal a portrait of non-violent education. Documentation is a complement to research data, especially in the form of a profile of Plajan village which is already known as a multicultural village. In conclusion, there are two values ​​of religious moderation practiced by religious leaders in Plajan Village, namely tasamuh (tolerance) and syura (deliberation). These two values ​​are in line with the concept of religious moderation initiated b...

Research paper thumbnail of Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah An-Nahdliyyah di SMP Islam Pecangaan Jepara

JASNA : Journal For Aswaja Studies

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran guru PAI dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai p... more AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran guru PAI dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai pendidikan ahlussunnah wal jamaah (Aswaja) di SMP Islam Pecangaan. Selain itu, juga untuk mengidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Penelitian kualitatif berjenis field research ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dalam pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai ahlussunah wal jamaah An-Nahdliyah yang ditanamkan oleh guru PAI kepada siswa meliputi tawassuth, tawazzun, tasamuh dan i'tidal. Sebagai konservator, guru PAI berperan memberikan arahan berupa materi terkait dengan moderasi Islam yang bisa dilaukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti toleransi, berbuat baik kepada sesama, dan menghormati pendapat orang lain. Guru PAI juga selaku inovator yang memiliki ide-ide baru dalam menanamkan nilai ahlussunah wal jamaah An-Nahdliyah. Selaku transmitor, guru PAI memanfaatkan metode ceramah dan dakwah untuk menanamkan nilai ahlussunah wal...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan pemanfaatan aplikasi Electronic Supply Chain Management bagi kelompok UMKM Kartini Mandiri di Kabupaten Jepara

Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Di era teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang, pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) perlu ... more Di era teknologi informasi yang terus berkembang, pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) perlu memanfaatkan aplikasi digital untuk membantu pemasaran dan pendistribusian produk bisnisnya. Masalah utama yang masih dihadapi pelaku UMKM adalah adanya penerapan model single agen sehingga pelaku usaha sangat bergantung kepada satu agen atau reseller dalam mendapatkan bahan baku produk. Proses pemasaran produk juga masih mengandalkan metode "dari mulut ke mulut" dan penyebaran google form. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bermitra dengan Paguyuban UMKM Kartini Mandiri Jepara ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada mitra dalam proses produksi dan pemasaran produk melalui pendampingan pemanfaatan aplikasi Electronic Supply Chain Management (E-SCM). Pengabdian ini juga membekali pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam proses pemasaran komoditas dan pengelolaan keuangan. Metode yang digunakan dalam program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Participation Action Research (PAR) melalui studi pendahuluan, sosialiasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi E-SCM mampu mengatasi masalah utama mitra di bidang bahan baku, pemasaran, dan manajemen. Program pengabdian ini membantu angota Paguyuban UMKM Kartini Mandiri Jepara dalam mendapatkan informasi secara langsung dari pihak pertama sebagai pemasok bahan baku tanpa perantara. Aplikasi E-SCM juga membantu proses sinkronisasi pelbagai platform marketplace populer seperti Facebook, Shopee, dan Tokopedia.

Research paper thumbnail of Korelasi Antara Perhatian Orang Tua Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an Siswa Madrasah Ibtida’iyah Negeri Bawu Jepara

Jurnal Riset Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (JURMIA)

Factors that affect students' ability to read the Koran can certainly come from within and fr... more Factors that affect students' ability to read the Koran can certainly come from within and from outside, factors that come from outside students include attention from parents. Meanwhile, internal factors can be influenced by the willingness to learn from the students themselves. Students who have a high enthusiasm for learning can improve their ability to read the Koran, but this can be encouraged by the attention of parents in the form of providing learning support facilities, learning motivation, learning assistance, and so on. This study aims to determine the relationship between parental attention to the ability to read the Koran of students at Madrasah Ibtida'iyah Negeri Bawu Jepara. This type of research is a field research with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The population in this study were all fourth grade students, totaling 167 students. With a sample of 50 students using stratified sampl...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Active Non-Violence Perspektif Al-Qurâ??An (Kajian Tematik Terhadap Ayat-Ayat Toleransi Dalam Al-Qurâ??An)

Tarbawi : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2015

This article is concern on spirit of active non violence education, which is based on Qur'anic ve... more This article is concern on spirit of active non violence education, which is based on Qur'anic verses. This article use thematic method in order to understanding content of Qur'an about this topic. That way, it may change negative strereotype and intolerance behaviour which were correlated with religion's doctrine. Qur'an as a holy book for moslems containing of education values active non violence. One of them is tolerance. Besides, it becomes way of life, and important thing for every moslem to realize tolerance in society. Based on Qur'anic verses, there are many teachings that related to tolerance in religion such as freedom of believing, allow of greeting to other believers, and say congratulation of great day to other believers religion. In social aspect, everyone can compete in this world to reach a success and do charity selflessly. In cultural aspect, Qur'an teaches the necessity of positive thinking, no condemn, and avoid suudhan or prejudice. In economic aspect, cooperation in trade is not restricted only between Muslims. However, anyone can be a business associate. There is no discrimination against people of other faiths or of certain groups.

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Nilai: Upaya Mengatasi Konflik Identitas Dan Krisis Nilai

Intelegensia : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2015

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pentingnya pendidikan nilai sebagai upaya mengatasi konflik identi... more Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pentingnya pendidikan nilai sebagai upaya mengatasi konflik identitas pada diri peserta didik. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawab beberapa pernyataan fundamental antara lain; (1) memahami terminologi nilai dan pendidikan nilai, (2) mengelaborasi strategi dan landasan pendidikan nilai, dan (3) mengetahui urgensi pendidikan nilai. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan: 1) Nilai adalah sesuatu yang dipandang baik, bermanfaat, dan paling benar menurut keyakinan seseorang atau sekelompok orang. Pendidikan nilai ialah penanaman dan pengembangan nilai-nilai dalam diri peserta didik, 2) strategi pendidikan nilai meliputi value identifications (identifikasi nilai), activity (kegiatan), learning aids (alat bantu belajar), unit interaction (interaksi kesatuan), dan evaluation segment (bagian penilaian). Adapun landasan yang digunakan adalah landasan filosofis, psikologis, sosial, dan estetik, dan 3) urgensi pendidikan nilai adalah untuk mengatasi konflik identitas dan krisis nilai dalam diri peserta didik.

Research paper thumbnail of Guru Progresif (Telaah Pemikiran Paulo Freire Tentang Pendidikan Yang Membebaskan)

Intelegensia : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2014

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang guru progresif yang di tawarkan oleh Paulo Freire terkait ... more Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang guru progresif yang di tawarkan oleh Paulo Freire terkait dengan pendidikan yang membebaskan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui guru progresif menurut Paulo Freire antara lain; (1) mengetahui bagaimana pandangan Paulo Freire tentang guru progresif, (2) mengetahui pemaknaan istilah progresif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian interpretatif. Hasil penelitian ini mencakup lima hal, antara lain: 1) progresivisme kurang sepakat dengan pendidikan yang bercorak otoriter, 2) konsentrasi perhatian progresivisme selalu bergerak maju (progres), 3) progresivisme menjunjung tinggi pengalaman sebagai ciri dinamika hidup, 4) progresivisme tidak saja mengakui ide-ide, teori-teori, atau cita-cita sebagai hal yang ada, tetapi yang ada itu harus dicari artinya bagi suatu kemajuan atau maksud-maksud baik lain, 5) progresivisme mengharuskan manusia dapat memfungsikan jiwanya untuk membina hidup di tengah persoalan yang menghimpit. Kata kunci: guru progresif, pendidikan membebaskan, Paulo Freire.

Research paper thumbnail of Problem Dikotomi Keilmuan dan Reorientasi Kurikulum Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars, May 14, 2017

Since the 19th century, Islamic educational institutions confronted to modern era full of challen... more Since the 19th century, Islamic educational institutions confronted to modern era full of challenges. If not ready, the Muslim community will be represented as a passive receptor secular paradigm of Western education. Even though, for most observers of Islamic education, secularism that puts sense in the highest position exceeds "naqli" aspect is a "curse" for the doctrine of monotheism in Islam. In addition to the problem of competency, fundamental issues encountered the Islamic educational institutions in the era of modernity is the problem of the dichotomy of science and disorientation institutional vision. Therefore, this article will attempt to answer the challenge of management of Islamic educational institutions and offers several alternative solutions to the problems faced.

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai Pendidikan Islam Yang Terkandung Dalam Tri Satya Pramuka Tingkat Penggalang (Studi Analisis Buku Boyman Karya Andri Bob Sunardi)

al-Iltizam: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2021

This study aims to describe the content of the values of Islamic education contained in the Scout... more This study aims to describe the content of the values of Islamic education contained in the Scout Promise level of the Boys and Girls Scout in Andri Bob Sunardi's Boyman book and to analyze their implementation in the school environment. This study uses a qualitative approach and the type of research is literature research that focuses on content analysis. Researchers in this case collect and obtain data sourced from library research such as books, literature, and collections owned by libraries as well as scientific works relevant to the research. The results showed that there are values of Islamic education contained in the Scout Promise of the level Boys and Girls Scout and their implementation in the school environment. The values of Islamic education are contained in the obligations of the Scout Promise at the Boys and Girls Scout level which includes 3 things, namely values related to Allah (hablu min Allah), values related to humans (hablu min an-nas), and values related t...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Penelusuran Alumni dan Respons Stakeholders Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Unisnu Jepara Tahun 2015

Tarbawi, 2020

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjawab keterserapan lulusan jurusan PAI FTIK UNISNU Jepara tahun 20... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjawab keterserapan lulusan jurusan PAI FTIK UNISNU Jepara tahun 2015 dalam dunia kerja, relevansi kurikulum, dan respons stakeholder (pengguna lulusan) terhadap alumni PAI FTIK Unisnu Jepara. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif evaluatif dengan pendekatan survey.Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui sistem online (website), pemberitahuan by phone, dan penyebaran angket oleh volunteers kepada alumni prodi PAI 2015 yang berjumlah 448 mahasiswa dan stakeholders sebanyak 20 responden. Hasil analisis data menyimpulkan bahwa masa tunggu alumni Prodi PAI FTIK Unisnu Jepara dalam memperoleh pekerjaan tidak terlalu lama yaitu kurang dari enam bulan. Lulusan Prodi PAI sudah dianggap memiliki kemampuan yang cukup untuk menghadapi dunia kerja. Peranan prodi dalam menyiapkan alumni PAI menghadapi dunia kerja tampak pada pemberian bekal keilmuan di bidang keguruan. Selain itu, Prodi juga membekali alumni PAI dengan keterampilan khusus, utamanya di bidang public s...

Research paper thumbnail of The Socio-Cultural Resilience of Islamic Boarding School: Supporting and Inhibiting Factors

Proceedings of the International Conference on Madrasah Reform 2021 (ICMR 2021), 2022

This study aims to explain the level of resilience of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School (pesantre... more This study aims to explain the level of resilience of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School (pesantren) in implementing the function of Islamic education in the era of society 5.0. and to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors. The research used a case study in a qualitative approach that consist of some techniques in data collection such as interviews, observations, and documentation. The conclusions of the research are the resilience of Salaf Islamic boarding schools in implementing the function of Islamic education in the era of Society 5.0 relied on the social capital of Kiai, the existence of Kitab Kuning study, the attachment of pesantren to NU organizations, a sense of attachment to the community, the affiliation of the pesantren with the government, and the participation of students in the community. These components were the factors that support the resilience of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School from the negative effects of the disruption era. Unfortunately, there were still inhibiting factors, such as the misuse of utilization in technical communication and social media that were used by the students. However, Gus Dur's thesis described that pesantren as a subculture was still relevant because pesantren was not easily influenced by the dominant culture that came from the outside.

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Guru Ngaji di Era Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Studi Kasus di Desa Semat Tahunan Jepara)


The phenomenon of globalization has entered people's lives, including in Semat Village, Tahun... more The phenomenon of globalization has entered people's lives, including in Semat Village, Tahunan District, Jepara Regency. The indicator is the development of information technology tools and changes in people's attitudes and lifestyles that tend to follow modern styles. Even though, globalization has not discouraged people from participating in several activities that are in line with the SDGs target in the economic and education sectors, especially in efforts to end poverty and ensure inclusively and quality education. This study aims to emphasize the role of guru ngaji in promoting sustainable global development (SDGs) in the economic and educational domains. A crucial research question that will be answered is whether it is true that global phenomena can cause the younger generation to become increasingly dependent on technological tools and the gradual fading of the sense of solidarity among fellow communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Memperkuat Kearifan Lokal Islam Melalui Perang Obor

Local wisdom is owned by each region as a part of community culture inherited from generation to ... more Local wisdom is owned by each region as a part of community culture inherited from generation to generation. The Torch War, as a part of Jepara community culture, is a traditional ceremony that is routinely held every Monday Pahing, at Dzulhijjah month in Tegalsambi village, Tahunan, Jepara. It is called Torch War because the torch is used as a tool to attack each other so that it sparks very large. Sparks from torches are believed to be repellent reinforcements and are able to bring health. In addition, this celebration is a form of gratitude for the abundant harvest that is realized through the alms earth. In the development of tradition, this torch war undergoes a change from pre-Islamic that was originally functioned to repel the forces of evil spirits that bring disease outbreaks to the Islamic period in which the ceremony is used as a venue for syiar Islam that can be seen from the symbols used are two wooden swords and a drum as a relic of Sunan Kalijaga which presented symbo...

Research paper thumbnail of Pendidikan Multikultural DI Pondok Pesantren Syi’Ah (Studi Kasus DI Pondok Pesantren Darut Taqrib Jepara)

Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika: Media Ilmiah Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, 2019

Shi’ah as a minority sect in Islam tends to be perceived negatively by majority group. However, s... more Shi’ah as a minority sect in Islam tends to be perceived negatively by majority group. However, sign of enmity between Sunnis and Shiites are never seen in Jepara. As one of the territory in Indonesia, Jepara is different from other areas that have been attacked by conflicts such as Sampang, Bangil, or Pekalongan. Sunni-Syhiites harmony in Jepara is certaintly not separated from the important role of da'wah and Islamic education conducted by Darut Taqrib Islamic Boarding School, Krapyak Jepara. This research intends to deepen the multicultural education practices conducted by the minority of Shiites in Jepara by taking the background in Shiites Boarding School Darut Taqrib. As the only institution of Shiite boarding school, Darut Taqrib always instills tolerance and multicultural values. Research data collection uses qualitative descriptive method with case study approach. The researcher attempt to collect data on the content of multicultural education, take the meaning, and un...

Research paper thumbnail of The Anatomy of Ingrid Mattson’s Interpretation of the Qur’an: History, Authority, and Translation Problems

Many contemporary thinkers have introduced various theories in Quranic studies. For example, Fazl... more Many contemporary thinkers have introduced various theories in Quranic studies. For example, Fazlur Rahman with double movement theory, Gadamer through a fusion of the horizon, and Abdullah Saeed with contextual interpretation. Meanwhile, Ingrid Mattson’s thoughts on the interpretation of the Koran have not been widely studied by scholars. Mattson has placed the historical context, the personal context of the reader, and the context of the reader's understanding as an integral part of the theory of interpretation. This article wishes to dissect the anatomy of Mattson's interpretation of the Koran. With the historical textual criticism approach popularized by Muhammad Mustafa Azami, this study concludes that apart from historical aspects, the interpretation of the Koran is also strongly influenced by the authority of the rulers at that time, individual charisma (ulama), and the consensus of religious experts. The reduction of God’s message is also very vulnerable to the rampa...

Research paper thumbnail of English Ecotourism Training in Tanjung Village Pakis Aji Jepara

Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2020

In the industrial revolution 4.0 era, it is easier for people to communicate through social media... more In the industrial revolution 4.0 era, it is easier for people to communicate through social media such as Facebook, Whats App, Twitter and other similar applications. Similarly, in tracking tourist destinations. Tourists no longer need to laboriously search for information. With a device, everything is finished. Tanjung Village has beautiful ecotourism destinations such as Kali Bening, Jurang Nganten Waterfall, Kalen Wates Waterfall, and Kedung Plumpang. Geographical support in the form of mountainous areas adds a special attraction for visitors. Unfortunately, tourism management is still centralized based on the Village Government through the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). In addition, tourism managers are also faced with the low Human Resources (HR) managers in receiving foreign tourists. The ability to communicate in English is still low. So, this dedication focuses on equipping the ability of natural tourism managers in Tanjung Village to communicate in English. They are e...

Research paper thumbnail of Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural Dalam Penyampaian Materi Buku Ajar Pendidikan Agama Islam (Pai) Kelas X (Studi Kasus DI Sma Negeri 1 Bawang Batang)

Multikulturalisme meniscayakan dua wajah bagi kekuatan sebuah bangsa, satu sisi berpotensi konstr... more Multikulturalisme meniscayakan dua wajah bagi kekuatan sebuah bangsa, satu sisi berpotensi konstruktif dan pada sisi lain menyimpan energi destruktif. Dikatakan konstruktif manakala multikulturalisme terkelola apik oleh setiap warga negara dengan mengutamakan sikap toleransi, gotong royong, musyawarah mufakat, dan saling menghormati perbedaan keyakinan. Sedangkan multikulturalisme destruktif terjadi jika tidak disikapi dengan arif, misalnya watak mengedepankan orientasi etnisitas, prejudise, diskriminatif terhadap minoritas, dan mengangkangi prinsip kesetaraan. Lembaga sekolah dipandang sangat powerfull untuk mengintrodusir nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural di kalangan siswa sebagai perekat kesatuan dalam perbedaan (unity in diversity). Sayangnya, berbagai hasil riset dari Lembaga Survey menguatkan indikasi bahwa sekolah telah gagal menanamkan nilai-nilai multikulturalisme. Padahal, pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di institusi pendidikan formal secara teoritis memperken...

Research paper thumbnail of Tracer Study Alumni Pendidikan Agama Islam Ftik Unisnu Jepara Lulus Tahun 2013

Tracer study is an effort to trace alumni of PAIFTIK UNISNU Jeparawho had graduated in 2013. The ... more Tracer study is an effort to trace alumni of PAIFTIK UNISNU Jeparawho had graduated in 2013. The purpose of tracer study is to know the output of graduates covering a mastery of competency, evaluation the learning process and the contribution of higher education to the acquisition of competence. The formulations of the problem are: 1) How the readiness of graduates of PAI department, 2) How graduates majoring in PAI netted in the work place, 3) How the relevance of the curriculum of PAI department with the workplace. This research is quantitative descriptive. The subjects of this study are from regular 1 and regular 2. The procedure of research implementation includes: 1) Pre-research stage / field: 2) Stage in the field;and 3): Data analysis. The results of this study are: 1) the readiness of graduates in the work placeis about 57.6%. 2) The absorption of PAI graduates in the work place is 89.3%, 3) the results of graduates who are in accordance with their educational qualification...

Research paper thumbnail of Internalization of Multicultural-Based Islamic Education: Sunni-Shia Synergy in Banjaran Bangsri Village, Jepara

Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2021

This research aims to reveal the role of Sunni-Shia Islamic educational institutions in building ... more This research aims to reveal the role of Sunni-Shia Islamic educational institutions in building multiculturalism in a pluralistic society. So far, the Sunni-Shia relationship has been depicted in a conflictual scheme. The research method was qualitative from the sociology of education perspective. Through in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation techniques, this study showed that the atmosphere of peace between Sunni-Shia in Banjaran is reflected in the social works of humanity, organizations and Islamic educational institutions. Multicultural education cannot be separated from the role of formal and non-formal Islamic education institutions such as TPQ Al-Husainiah (Shia), TPQ Ma'arif 17 KH. Muhammad Arif (Sunni) and MI Mabadil Huda (Sunni). The kinship also has a contribution to maintaining Sunni-Shia harmony in Banjaran. Theoretically, this research contributes to the development of multicultural Islamic education models in rural. Practically, it is b...

Research paper thumbnail of Kekerasan Anak Pada Keluarga Buruh di Jepara Perspektif Pendidikan Islam


Child abuse within the family sphere is often a hidden crime phenomenon because it is kept secret... more Child abuse within the family sphere is often a hidden crime phenomenon because it is kept secret by both the perpetrator and the victim. This article seeks to uncover the practice of child abuse in labor families in Geneng, Jepara, identify the causes, and offer solutions. The data collection used interview, observation, and documentation. The key informants are children, parents who work as laborers, and the Head of Geneng Village. The collected data is then analyzed using descriptive qualitative research from the perspective of Islamic education theory. Doctrinaire, Islam never allows parents to behave rudely to children. Unfortunately, not a few of those who fail to understand and become perpetrators of child abuse. The forms are varied, ranging from psychological violence such as insults, insults, and shouting. The main causes are family economic poverty factors and poor understanding of parents' religion. The way out for parents who are busy working is to get their childre...