Suyit Ratno - (original) (raw)

Papers by Suyit Ratno

Research paper thumbnail of APP.YET APK Assisted Thematic Learning Through The Case Method to Increase The Love of Local Wisdom for Elementary School Students

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science Education in The Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2022, November 24th, 2022, Medan, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on App. Yet apk through a val... more The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on App. Yet apk through a valid Case Method or the feasibility of cultural-based teaching materials, the practicality of teaching materials, and the effectiveness of teaching materials with a touch of local wisdom. This research and development is carried out using a 4D model (Define, Design, Development, Dissemination). With the research subject, the fourth grade students of SD IT Ashabul Kahfi Medan Tuntungan. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, scales, and tests. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, scales, and tests. Data analysis techniques are qualitative and quantitative. The results of the validation assessment of material experts I and II, Design and Technology experts, and practical experts obtained 85.25% and, 91.57%, 92.78% with qualifications very feasible and practical to use without any revision. Before conducting the pretest, the validity and reliability of the questions were tested, with the results of 20 valid questions from 35 questions and a reliable value of r.count > r.table, namely 0.7153 > 0.432. it can be concluded that the question as a whole is reliable. The results of the pre-test and post-test showed the results of the 22 students who took the pretest there were 18 students who had not completed and only 4 students completed with a percentage of 56.13%, while the results post-test there are 18 students who completed and 4 students who did not complete with a percentage of 84.54%. Based on the calculation of class completeness, the percentage of the effectiveness of teaching materials is 84.54% with 81%-100% completeness criteria categorized as very effective.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of E-Module Basic Skills for Elementary Education based on Local Wisdom

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture, ICIESC 2022, 11 October 2022, Medan, Indonesia, 2022

This study aims to develop an E-Module in the Elementary Elementary Education Skills course at th... more This study aims to develop an E-Module in the Elementary Elementary Education Skills course at the Faculty of Education, Medan State University. This is based on the following conditions: 1) The Elementary Education Skills Course Module is not in accordance with CPMK, 2) There is no teaching material that is in accordance with Hybrid Learning learning, 3) There has been no development of E-Modules based on local wisdom. The purpose of this study is to develop an E-Module for elementary basic education skills courses which are cross-study courses at FIP UNIMED. This research model uses a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages of the defining stage (Define), the planning stage (Design), the development stage (develop) and the deployment stage (Disseminate). The benefits of research as teaching materials that are in accordance with CPMK and online-based in the form of e-modules with ISBNs, articles on LPPM international prodising, articles published in accredited journals sinta 3, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) research report.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Chase Method and Team Base Project-Based Learning Models on Learning Outcomes in Basic Physics and Chemistry Concepts Courses PGSD Fip Unimed Students


This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the Chase method and Team Base P... more This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the Chase method and Team Base Project-based learning model on learning outcomes in the basic physics and chemistry concepts course of PGSD FIP UNIMED students. The research method used is a quantitative research method with a type of correlation research. The research population is all PGSD FIP UNIMED students in the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The sample taken was 42 students using purposive sampling data collection techniques. The data in this study were obtained through a learning outcomes test. The test results used have been tested for validity and reliability. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is correlation. From the calculation results obtained t count is 56.414, then the result is compared with t table at a significance level of 5% which is 2.018. This shows that t count > t table which means that there is an influence of the Chase method and Team Base Project-based learning m...

Research paper thumbnail of Three Tier Test in Analyzing the Misconceptions of Mathematics learning

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Using Interactive Digital Books to Analyze Students‘ Reading Literacy Skills

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Kreatif Guru Di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa


Mitra PKM yang akan dilaksanakan adalah guru di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa. Program pengab... more Mitra PKM yang akan dilaksanakan adalah guru di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendampingan kepada guru mengenai pembuatan dan penggunaan media pembelajaran dalam jaringan . Hal ini dilakukan berdasarkan analisis, mulai dari pembelajaran semester sebelumnya dimana pandemi COVID-19 menyerang negara, pembelajaran tidak berlangsung secara efektif dikarenakan kurangnya kesiapan guru dalam melakukan pembelajaran dalam jaringan. Sehingga sebahagian besar anak tidak melakukan pembelajaran dengan efektif. Penyebabnya adalah minimnya sumber dan referensi pendukung yang dapat digunakan guru sebagai media dalam pembelajaran daring. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan serius yang perlu dicarikan solusi sehingga anak di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa dapat melakukan pembelajaran dengan efektif. Solusi yang akan dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mitra antara lain: (1) Sosialisasi dan pendampingan media pembelajaran, (2) pendampingan pembuatan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Media Sosial Whatsapp Terhadap Kinerja Guru DI Masa Pandemi COVID-19


This research aims to determine whether the use of WhatsApp social media during the Covid19 pande... more This research aims to determine whether the use of WhatsApp social media during the Covid19 pandemic has an effect on teacher performance at UPT SPF SD Negeri 101877 Tanjung Morawa. The research method is a correlational research method. The subjects of this study were teachers at UPT SPF SD Negeri 101877 Tanjung Morawa in 2020/2021. The research sample was 20 teachers using the population research method. Data from this survey was collected through a questionnaire. The questionnaire used was tested for validity and reliability. While the data analysis method used is product moment correlation. Based on the calculation results obtained r count of 9.566, and these results are compared with r table at a significance level of 5% (2.086). This means that the use of WhatsApp social media affects the performance of teachers UPT SPF SD Negeri 101877 Tanjung Morawa during the covid19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the use of WhatsApp accounted for 69.1% of teacher performance, with the remaining 30.9...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Electronic Publication Book (EPUB) Based on Science Multi Representation in Basic Concepts of Physics and Chemistry Courses

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

This research purposed to develop a multi representation science based electronic publication boo... more This research purposed to develop a multi representation science based electronic publication book (EPUB) for elementary school teacher education students in the basic concepts of physics and chemistry. The subjects in this research were first semester students for the 2021/2022 academic year in elementary school teacher education department. The development of this electronic publication book (EPUB) is carried out using the four D (4-D) model, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. At the define stage, which is to determine the learning achievements of the basic concepts of physics and chemistry, then at the design stage, namely to design an Electronic Publication Book (EPUB) with the help of media experts, after the design is complete. Data analysis techniques to be carried out are data validity analysis and practicality data analysis. Validation is carried out by media and material experts to determine the success of the media that has been designed. The results of research from the questionnaire were obtained based on the results of the validation of the feasibility of the content and the feasibility of the media, it was found that the virtual science laboratory based on the mobile application was said to be valid. Based on the results of the validation of the feasibility of the content is 80% and the feasibility of the media is 82%, it is found that the media is said to be valid with a validity level

Research paper thumbnail of Science Literacy-Based E-Module Development in Elementary Students

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Interactive E-Modules Based on Google Docs in Basic Concepts of Biology Curriculum MBKM UNIMED FIP PGSD Study Program

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

Based on the objective conditions that occur in learning the Basic Concepts of Biology at PGSD FI... more Based on the objective conditions that occur in learning the Basic Concepts of Biology at PGSD FIP UNIMED, it is found that; 1) The Basic Biology Concept Course is a new course for developing the MBKM curriculum as a result of the recommendation for the 2020 HGPGSDI virtual meeting, 2) lectures during the COVID19 pandemic require student learning independence, 3) There has been no development of interactive E-modules that are in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. Merdeka Learns Merdeka Campus at this time, 4) the results of a tracer study which states that graduates of the PGSD study program still have inadequate skills in mastering IT or digital learning and mastery of subject practicums. The purpose of this study was to develop a product and conduct trials of the feasibility and effectiveness of the Development of an Interactive E-module Based on Google Docs in the Basic Biology Concept Course in the MBKM Curriculum for PGSD FIP UNIMED Study Program. This development research uses a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages of development, namely the definition stage, the design stage, the develop stage and the dissemination stage. In addition to producing interactive E-module products, it also provides students and lecturers with experience in conducting online lectures using the features in Google Docs so that lectures become more interactive, effective, and efficient. This research will produce interactive E-modules and will be disseminated in the form of ISBN modules, articles in indexed international proceedings, accredited international or national journals and will be registered as intellectual property rights (IPR).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kreativitas Dan Hasil Belajar Pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dan Advance Organizer Yang Diintegrasikan Dengan Media Berbasis Komputer Dan Media Benda Riil Pada Materi Larutan Penyangga

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil be... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kreativitas siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MAN 3 Medan dan MAN Tanjungmorawa Kabupaten Deliserdang. Sampel diambil 2 kelas dari MAN 3 Medan dan 2 kelas dari MAN Tanjungmorawa. Kelas eksperimen I diberi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah yang diintegrasikan dengan media berbasis komputer. Kelas eksperimen II diberi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah yang diintegrasikan dengan media benda riil. Kelas eksperimen III diberi Pembelajaran Advance Organizer yang diintegrasikan dengan media berbasis komputer. Kelas eksperimen IV diberi Pembelajaran Advance Organizer yang diintegrasikan dengan media benda riil. Hasil Belajar siswa diukur dengan instrumen test hasil belajar. Untuk mengukur pembentukan kreativitas siswa digunakan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Two Way Anova pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05. Uji Hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan General Linear Model Mult...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Course Learning Devices Integrated (SD Mathemathics Learning) MitApp-Based Local Wisdom

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture, ICIESC 2021, 31 August 2021, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of APP.YET APK Assisted Thematic Learning Through The Case Method to Increase The Love of Local Wisdom for Elementary School Students

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science Education in The Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2022, November 24th, 2022, Medan, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on App. Yet apk through a val... more The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on App. Yet apk through a valid Case Method or the feasibility of cultural-based teaching materials, the practicality of teaching materials, and the effectiveness of teaching materials with a touch of local wisdom. This research and development is carried out using a 4D model (Define, Design, Development, Dissemination). With the research subject, the fourth grade students of SD IT Ashabul Kahfi Medan Tuntungan. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, scales, and tests. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, scales, and tests. Data analysis techniques are qualitative and quantitative. The results of the validation assessment of material experts I and II, Design and Technology experts, and practical experts obtained 85.25% and, 91.57%, 92.78% with qualifications very feasible and practical to use without any revision. Before conducting the pretest, the validity and reliability of the questions were tested, with the results of 20 valid questions from 35 questions and a reliable value of r.count > r.table, namely 0.7153 > 0.432. it can be concluded that the question as a whole is reliable. The results of the pre-test and post-test showed the results of the 22 students who took the pretest there were 18 students who had not completed and only 4 students completed with a percentage of 56.13%, while the results post-test there are 18 students who completed and 4 students who did not complete with a percentage of 84.54%. Based on the calculation of class completeness, the percentage of the effectiveness of teaching materials is 84.54% with 81%-100% completeness criteria categorized as very effective.

Research paper thumbnail of Development of E-Module Basic Skills for Elementary Education based on Local Wisdom

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture, ICIESC 2022, 11 October 2022, Medan, Indonesia, 2022

This study aims to develop an E-Module in the Elementary Elementary Education Skills course at th... more This study aims to develop an E-Module in the Elementary Elementary Education Skills course at the Faculty of Education, Medan State University. This is based on the following conditions: 1) The Elementary Education Skills Course Module is not in accordance with CPMK, 2) There is no teaching material that is in accordance with Hybrid Learning learning, 3) There has been no development of E-Modules based on local wisdom. The purpose of this study is to develop an E-Module for elementary basic education skills courses which are cross-study courses at FIP UNIMED. This research model uses a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages of the defining stage (Define), the planning stage (Design), the development stage (develop) and the deployment stage (Disseminate). The benefits of research as teaching materials that are in accordance with CPMK and online-based in the form of e-modules with ISBNs, articles on LPPM international prodising, articles published in accredited journals sinta 3, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) research report.

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Chase Method and Team Base Project-Based Learning Models on Learning Outcomes in Basic Physics and Chemistry Concepts Courses PGSD Fip Unimed Students


This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the Chase method and Team Base P... more This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the Chase method and Team Base Project-based learning model on learning outcomes in the basic physics and chemistry concepts course of PGSD FIP UNIMED students. The research method used is a quantitative research method with a type of correlation research. The research population is all PGSD FIP UNIMED students in the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The sample taken was 42 students using purposive sampling data collection techniques. The data in this study were obtained through a learning outcomes test. The test results used have been tested for validity and reliability. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is correlation. From the calculation results obtained t count is 56.414, then the result is compared with t table at a significance level of 5% which is 2.018. This shows that t count > t table which means that there is an influence of the Chase method and Team Base Project-based learning m...

Research paper thumbnail of Three Tier Test in Analyzing the Misconceptions of Mathematics learning

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Using Interactive Digital Books to Analyze Students‘ Reading Literacy Skills

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Pendampingan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Dalam Jaringan Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Kreatif Guru Di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa


Mitra PKM yang akan dilaksanakan adalah guru di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa. Program pengab... more Mitra PKM yang akan dilaksanakan adalah guru di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa. Program pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendampingan kepada guru mengenai pembuatan dan penggunaan media pembelajaran dalam jaringan . Hal ini dilakukan berdasarkan analisis, mulai dari pembelajaran semester sebelumnya dimana pandemi COVID-19 menyerang negara, pembelajaran tidak berlangsung secara efektif dikarenakan kurangnya kesiapan guru dalam melakukan pembelajaran dalam jaringan. Sehingga sebahagian besar anak tidak melakukan pembelajaran dengan efektif. Penyebabnya adalah minimnya sumber dan referensi pendukung yang dapat digunakan guru sebagai media dalam pembelajaran daring. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan serius yang perlu dicarikan solusi sehingga anak di UPT SPF SDN 101877 Tanjung Morawa dapat melakukan pembelajaran dengan efektif. Solusi yang akan dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan mitra antara lain: (1) Sosialisasi dan pendampingan media pembelajaran, (2) pendampingan pembuatan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Media Sosial Whatsapp Terhadap Kinerja Guru DI Masa Pandemi COVID-19


This research aims to determine whether the use of WhatsApp social media during the Covid19 pande... more This research aims to determine whether the use of WhatsApp social media during the Covid19 pandemic has an effect on teacher performance at UPT SPF SD Negeri 101877 Tanjung Morawa. The research method is a correlational research method. The subjects of this study were teachers at UPT SPF SD Negeri 101877 Tanjung Morawa in 2020/2021. The research sample was 20 teachers using the population research method. Data from this survey was collected through a questionnaire. The questionnaire used was tested for validity and reliability. While the data analysis method used is product moment correlation. Based on the calculation results obtained r count of 9.566, and these results are compared with r table at a significance level of 5% (2.086). This means that the use of WhatsApp social media affects the performance of teachers UPT SPF SD Negeri 101877 Tanjung Morawa during the covid19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the use of WhatsApp accounted for 69.1% of teacher performance, with the remaining 30.9...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Electronic Publication Book (EPUB) Based on Science Multi Representation in Basic Concepts of Physics and Chemistry Courses

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

This research purposed to develop a multi representation science based electronic publication boo... more This research purposed to develop a multi representation science based electronic publication book (EPUB) for elementary school teacher education students in the basic concepts of physics and chemistry. The subjects in this research were first semester students for the 2021/2022 academic year in elementary school teacher education department. The development of this electronic publication book (EPUB) is carried out using the four D (4-D) model, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. At the define stage, which is to determine the learning achievements of the basic concepts of physics and chemistry, then at the design stage, namely to design an Electronic Publication Book (EPUB) with the help of media experts, after the design is complete. Data analysis techniques to be carried out are data validity analysis and practicality data analysis. Validation is carried out by media and material experts to determine the success of the media that has been designed. The results of research from the questionnaire were obtained based on the results of the validation of the feasibility of the content and the feasibility of the media, it was found that the virtual science laboratory based on the mobile application was said to be valid. Based on the results of the validation of the feasibility of the content is 80% and the feasibility of the media is 82%, it is found that the media is said to be valid with a validity level

Research paper thumbnail of Science Literacy-Based E-Module Development in Elementary Students

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Science Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2021, December 21st, 2021, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Interactive E-Modules Based on Google Docs in Basic Concepts of Biology Curriculum MBKM UNIMED FIP PGSD Study Program

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021

Based on the objective conditions that occur in learning the Basic Concepts of Biology at PGSD FI... more Based on the objective conditions that occur in learning the Basic Concepts of Biology at PGSD FIP UNIMED, it is found that; 1) The Basic Biology Concept Course is a new course for developing the MBKM curriculum as a result of the recommendation for the 2020 HGPGSDI virtual meeting, 2) lectures during the COVID19 pandemic require student learning independence, 3) There has been no development of interactive E-modules that are in accordance with the demands of the curriculum. Merdeka Learns Merdeka Campus at this time, 4) the results of a tracer study which states that graduates of the PGSD study program still have inadequate skills in mastering IT or digital learning and mastery of subject practicums. The purpose of this study was to develop a product and conduct trials of the feasibility and effectiveness of the Development of an Interactive E-module Based on Google Docs in the Basic Biology Concept Course in the MBKM Curriculum for PGSD FIP UNIMED Study Program. This development research uses a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages of development, namely the definition stage, the design stage, the develop stage and the dissemination stage. In addition to producing interactive E-module products, it also provides students and lecturers with experience in conducting online lectures using the features in Google Docs so that lectures become more interactive, effective, and efficient. This research will produce interactive E-modules and will be disseminated in the form of ISBN modules, articles in indexed international proceedings, accredited international or national journals and will be registered as intellectual property rights (IPR).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kreativitas Dan Hasil Belajar Pada Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dan Advance Organizer Yang Diintegrasikan Dengan Media Berbasis Komputer Dan Media Benda Riil Pada Materi Larutan Penyangga

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil be... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kreativitas siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MAN 3 Medan dan MAN Tanjungmorawa Kabupaten Deliserdang. Sampel diambil 2 kelas dari MAN 3 Medan dan 2 kelas dari MAN Tanjungmorawa. Kelas eksperimen I diberi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah yang diintegrasikan dengan media berbasis komputer. Kelas eksperimen II diberi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah yang diintegrasikan dengan media benda riil. Kelas eksperimen III diberi Pembelajaran Advance Organizer yang diintegrasikan dengan media berbasis komputer. Kelas eksperimen IV diberi Pembelajaran Advance Organizer yang diintegrasikan dengan media benda riil. Hasil Belajar siswa diukur dengan instrumen test hasil belajar. Untuk mengukur pembentukan kreativitas siswa digunakan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Two Way Anova pada taraf signifikansi α = 0,05. Uji Hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan General Linear Model Mult...

Research paper thumbnail of Development of Course Learning Devices Integrated (SD Mathemathics Learning) MitApp-Based Local Wisdom

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture, ICIESC 2021, 31 August 2021, Medan, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia